Proctor, Mark A. "If Christ Has Not Been Raised": 1 Corinthians 15:17 and the Hamartiological Inefficacy of a Compromised Gospel" CBQ (83.3) pp. 2021 619-637

Dyer, Bryan R. ""All of These Died in Faith": Hebrews 11 and Faith in the Face of Death" CBQ (83.3) pp. 2021 638-654

Breichner, William M. "The AJP Best Article Prize for 2020 has been Presented by the American Journal of Philology to James Uden Boston University" AJPh (142.3) pp. 2021 v

Laemmle, Rebecca "Courtship and its Discontents in Greek Literature" AJPh (142.3) pp. 2021 343-386

Machado, Dominic "Deconstructing Disciplina:: Disentangling Ancient and Modern Ideologies of Military Discipline in the Middle Republic" AJPh (142.3) pp. 2021 387-424

Zainaldin, James L. ""We Fortunate Souls": Timely Death and Philosophical Therapy in Seneca's Consolation to Marcia" AJPh (142.3) pp. 2021 425-460

D'Alconzo, Nicolo "Decoding the Erotes: Reception of Achilles Tatius and the Modernity of the Greek Novel" AJPh (142.3) pp. 2021 461-492

Valdivieso, Erika "Dissecting a Forgery: Petronius, Dante, and the Incas" AJPh (142.3) pp. 2021 493-533

Burley, Mikel "A Shuddering Awareness of Death and Life Together": Doing Justice to Ambivalence in the Philosophy of Religion" JR (101.4) pp. 2021 433--454

Mayse, Ariel Evan "Renewal and Redemption: Spirituality, Law, and Religious Praxis in the Writings of Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi" JR (101.4) pp. 2021 455--504

Shonkoff, Sam S.B. ""Corporeality, Not Spirituality": Martin Buber's Resistance at Eranos in 1934" JR (101.4) pp. 2021 505--523

Collett, Alice "An Uneven Landscape: A Review of Cabezon's Sexuality in Classical South Asian Buddhism" JR (101.4) pp. 2021 524--534

Viano, Maurizio "Babylonian Hermeneutics and Heraclitus" JNES (80.2) pp. 2021 231--244

Vergnieux, Arlette David And Robert "Akhenaten and Nefertiti's Morning Toilette in Karnak" JNES (80.2) pp. 2021 245--274

Hinson, Benjamin "Send Them to Me by This Little One: Child Letter-carriers in Coptic Texts from Late Antique and Early Islamic Egypt" JNES (80.2) pp. 2021 275--289

Overmann, Karenleigh A. "A New Look at Old Numbers, and What It Reveals about Numeration" JNES (80.2) pp. 2021 291--321

Aster, Shawn Zelig "Ashdod in the Assyrian Period: Territorial Extent and Political History" JNES (80.2) pp. 2021 323--340

Garr, W. Randall "Reflexivity: The Cases of the Niphal and Hithpael" JNES (80.2) pp. 2021 341--356

Harland, Philip A. ""Syrians call you Astarte ... Lycian peoples call you Leto": Ethnic Relations and Circulating Legends in the Villages of Egypt" JNES (80.2) pp. 2021 357--376

Gilibert, Alessandra "Urban Squares in Late Bronze Age Ugarit: a Street View on Ancient Near Eastern Governance" JNES (80.2) pp. 2021 377--414

Klausen, Susanne M "Do You Call Yourself a White Man?": Nationalism, Criminalization of Interracial Sex, and the Policing of White Male (Hetero)sexuality in South Africa during Apartheid" AHR (127.1) pp. 2022 159--193

Herzig, Tamar "Slavery and Interethnic Sexual Violence: A Multiple Perpetrator Rape in Seventeenth-Century Livorno" AHR (127.1) pp. 2022 194--222

Connolly, Emilie "Fiduciary Colonialism: Annuities and Native Dispossession in the Early United States" AHR (127.1) pp. 2022 223--253

Bradley, Mark Philip "Inside the History Lab" AHR (127.1) pp. 2022 255--259

Tullett, William; Leemans, Inger; Hsu, Hsuan; Weismann, Stephanie; ..., Cecilia Bembibre "Smell, History, and Heritage" AHR (127.1) pp. 2022 261--309

Aydin, Cemil; Ballor, Grace; Conrad, Sebastian; Cooper, Frederick; ..., Nicole Cuunjieng Aboitiz "Rethinking Nationalism" AHR (127.1) pp. 2022 311--371

Hidalgo, Alex "The Book as Archive" AHR (127.1) pp. 2022 373--384

Lambe, Jennifer "Christine Jorgensen in Cuba: On Dormant Leads and Archival Dead Ends" AHR (127.1) pp. 2022 387--398

Wang, Fei-Hsien "Reviewing History: A Note from the AHR Associate Editor" AHR (127.1) pp. 2022 401--402

Sears, Clare "Transing Husbands, Transing Histories" AHR (127.1) pp. 2022 426--428

Garrett-Scott, Shennette "The Promises and Perils of Black Capitalism" AHR (127.1) pp. 2022 429--432

Kennedy, Dane "Slavery, Settlers, and the Anglo-American Nexus" AHR (127.1) pp. 2022 433--435

Schaefer, Timo "Latin America's Intellectual Independence" AHR (127.1) pp. 2022 436--438

Schneider, Robert A "A Storied History" AHR (127.1) pp. 2022 439--441

Ruggiero, Guido "Looking for Virtue in the Italian Renaissance" AHR (127.1) pp. 2022 442--444

Scott, James C "The "Business Plan" of Hunter-Gatherers" AHR (127.1) pp. 2022 445--447

Wildenthal, Lora "The History of Nation-States as the History of Human Rights?" AHR (127.1) pp. 2022 448--450

Satia, Priya "How Memory of Empire Drove the Postwar Resurrection of Empire" AHR (127.1) pp. 2022 451--454

Thurman, Kira "Afro-Germans and the Remaking of Twentieth-Century German History" AHR (127.1) pp. 2022 455--458

Milligan, Ian "Taking Quantitative Social Science History Out of the Silo" AHR (127.1) pp. 2022 459--461

Kozlova, Ekaterina E "Acedia, 'Bourgeois Ennui', and Kingship in the Hebrew Bible and The Epic of Gilgamesh" JThS (72.2) pp. 2021 539--579

Viezel, Eran; Avieli, Nir "Why are Jews Forbidden to Eat Meat and Milk Together? the Function of Eating Restrictions in Human Societies" JThS (72.2) pp. 2021 580--619

Quine, Cat "Victory as Defeat: Narrative Subversion of Omride Strength in 1 Kings 20" JThS (72.2) pp. 2021 620--633

Clackson, Ben "G. R. Driver's Contribution to Neb's Translation of Psalms 51--100" JThS (72.2) pp. 2021 634--675

Montgomery, Eric R "'He Gave to Adam Knowledge': A Competing Creation Tradition in Early Judaism and Early Christianity" JThS (72.2) pp. 2021 676--708

Mackie, Scott D "'God has had Mercy on Me': Theology and Soteriology in Philo of Alexandria's de Sacrificiis Abelis et Caini" JThS (72.2) pp. 2021 709--737

Smith, David Andrew "The Jewishness of Luke--Acts: Locating Lukan Christianity Amidst the Parting of The Ways" JThS (72.2) pp. 2021 738--768

Joseph, Simon J "'Blessed is the One who Stands in the Beginning' (L. 18): Revisiting Protological Eschatology in the Gospel of Thomas" JThS (72.2) pp. 2021 769--794

Pigott, Justin M "'Heaven-Bound Dung Beetles': Gregory of Nazianzus and the Ordination of Slaves in the Early Church" JThS (72.2) pp. 2021 795--831

Gassman, Mattias "Arnobius' Scythians and the Dating of Adversus Nationes" JThS (72.2) pp. 2021 832--842

Herskowitz, Daniel M "Karl Barth and Nostra Aetate: New Evidence from the Second Vatican Council" JThS (72.2) pp. 2021 843--874

Evans, Linda "The mystery of the bee's fifth leg" BACE 26 (2016-2018) pp. 11-18

Ilin-Tomich, Alexander "Female titles specific to southern Upper Egypt in the late Middle Kingdom and the Second Intermediate Period" BACE 26 (2016-2018) pp. 19-36

Kanawati, Naguib "Wekhhotep III of Meir: the first advocate of gender equality?" BACE 26 (2016-2018) pp. 37-46

Nauerth, Claudia "Theban Tomb 34: Paint-decorated shroud fragments from the time of Hadrian" BACE 26 (2016-2018) pp. 47-52

Ockinga, Boyo; Binder, Susanne "The Tomb of Amenmose (TT 149) and the title ss wdhw: preliminary results of current work in Dra Abu el-Naga " BACE 26 (2016-2018) pp. 53-70

Sowada, Karin "Hidden exports: a likely early Bronze Age exchange in Egyptian cattle to the Levant" BACE 26 (2016-2018) pp. 71-78

Tristant, Yann "Dendera in the shadow of the temple: results of the new excavations in the necropolis (2014-2015)" BACE 26 (2016-2018) pp. 79-90

Tristant, Yann "First Dynasty stone granary models from Abu Rawash" BACE 26 (2016-2018) pp. 91-102

Woods, Alexandra "Drawing the bow: a re-examination of the desert hunt scene in the tomb of Khnumhotep II at Beni Hassan" BACE 26 (2016-2018) pp. 103-126

Soutet, Olivier "Proposition d'une description semantique du verbe etre dans le cadre de la psychomecanique du langage" BAGB 2016.2 (2016) pp. 33-63

Glenisson, Marine "Empedocle dans l'Icaromenippe : menteur invetere ou plaisant demon lunaire ?" BAGB 2016.2 (2016) pp. 64-78

Muller, F. "Une etymologie grecque d'excalibur" BAGB 2016.2 (2016) pp. 79-95

Ve, Karlis "Les liens entre les Lupercales et Romulus dans la tradition romaine" BAGB 2016.2 (2016) pp. 96-113

Turcan, Robert "Encore le rameau d'or" BAGB 2016.2 (2016) pp. 114-123

Levy, Carlos "Entre la periode hellenistique et le moyen platonisme. A propos d'un ouvrage recent" BAGB 2016.2 (2016) pp. 124-139

Laurens, Pierre "Avez-vous lu Maxime de Tyr ?" BAGB 2016.2 (2016) pp. 140-152

Valentino, Claudia "Editor's Letter: No place like Home " Archaeology 70.4 (2017) pp. 4

Magness, Jodi "From the President: A Sobering Moment for Public Outreach " Archaeology 70.4 (2017) pp. 6

Phillips, Doris; Came, Harry E.; Gay, Parker; Brauer, Dave "Letters from Our Readers " Archaeology 70.4 (2017) pp. 8

Weiss, Daniel; Grunberg-Banyasz, Malin; Lorenzi, Rossella; Urbanus, Jason; Brown, Marley; Powell, Eric A. " From the Trenches " Archaeology 70.4 (2017) pp. 9-10, 12, 14-16, 18, 20-22

Urbanus, Jason "World Roundup " Archaeology 70.4 (2017) pp. 24-25

Atwood, Roger "Egypt's Final Redoubt in Canaan " Archaeology 70.4 (2017) pp. 26-33

Watson, Traci "A Residence Fit for a President " Archaeology 70.4 (2017) pp. 34-37

Urbanus, Jason "Looking Beyond the Hillforts " Archaeology 70.4 (2017) pp. 38-43

Powell, Eric A. " Set in Stone " Archaeology 70.4 (2017) pp. 44-48

Ravilious, Kate "The First Australians " Archaeology 70.4 (2017) pp. 49-53

Atwood, Roger "Letter from Peru: Connecting Two Realms " Archaeology 70.4 (2017) pp. 55-56, 58, 62, 64

* "Dispatches from the AIA " Archaeology 70.4 (2017) pp. 65-66

Lobell, Jarrett A. " Artifact [Rosary bead] " Archaeology 70.4 (2017) pp. 68

Valentino, Claudia "Editor's Letter: No Longer Lost" Archaeology 70.5 (2017) pp. 4

Magness, Jodi "From the President: Our Human Story" Archaeology 70.5 (2017) pp. 6

Walsh, Jane M. "Letters from Our Readers: A Steady Reminder" Archaeology 70.5 (2017) pp. 8

Berteau, Winbon "Letters from Our Readers: An Open Question" Archaeology 70.5 (2017) pp. 8

Weber, J. Cynthia "Letters from Our Readers: State of Preservation" Archaeology 70.5 (2017) pp. 8

Powell, Eric A.; Grunberg-Banyasz, Malin; Kim, Hyung-Eun; Brown, Marley; Weiss, Daniel; Rio, Octavio Del; Zorich, Zach; Urbanus, Jason; Lorenzi, Rossella "From the Trenches" Archaeology 70.5 (2017) pp. 9-10, 12, 14-16, 18, 20, 22

Urbanus, Jason "World Roundup" Archaeology 70.5 (2017) pp. 24-25

Lobell, Jarrett A. "Painted Worlds" Archaeology 70.5 (2017) pp. 26-31

Weiss, Daniel "Lost Kingdom of the Britons" Archaeology 70.5 (2017) pp. 32-37

Coates, Karen "The Heights We Go To" Archaeology 70.5 (2017) pp. 38-43

Brown, Marley "To Die like An Egyptian" Archaeology 70.5 (2017) pp. 44-47

Patel, Samir S. "Landscape of Secrets" Archaeology 70.5 (2017) pp. 48-53

Pierucci, Antone "Letter from California: The Ancient Ecology of Fire" Archaeology 70.5 (2017) pp. 55-56, 58, 62, 64

Lobell, Jarrett A. "Artifact [US collar disk]" Archaeology 70.5 (2017) pp. 68

Valentino, Claudia "Editor's Letter: Translating the Past" Archaeology 70.6 (2017) pp. 4

Magness, Jodi "From the President: Furthering Our Mission" Archaeology 70.6 (2017) pp. 6

Meltzer, Edmund S. "Letters from Our Readers: Crowning Glory" Archaeology 70.6 (2017) pp. 8

Hellyer, Constance "Letters from Our Readers: Painful Past" Archaeology 70.6 (2017) pp. 8

Lacerte, Dominique R. "Letters from Our Readers: Fate of the Moche" Archaeology 70.6 (2017) pp. 8

Davis, Joshua "Letters from Our Readers: Personal Connection" Archaeology 70.6 (2017) pp. 8

King, Larry B. "Letters from Our Readers: The Right Tool?" Archaeology 70.6 (2017) pp. 8

Zorich, Zach; Brown, Marley; Powell, Eric A.; Urbanus, Jason; Weiss, Daniel; Lobell, Jarrett A. "From the Trenches" Archaeology 70.6 (2017) pp. 9-10, 12, 14-16, 24, 26, 27-28

Urbanus, Jason "World Roundup" Archaeology 70.6 (2017) pp. 30-31

Powell, Eric A. "Reading the White Shaman Mural" Archaeology 70.6 (2017) pp. 32-39

Brown, Marley "Evolution of a Town" Archaeology 70.6 (2017) pp. 40-43

Weiss, Daniel "Marooned in Russian America" Archaeology 70.6 (2017) pp. 44-50

Urbanus, Jason "In the Time of the Rosetta Stone" Archaeology 70.6 (2017) pp. 50-55

Kim, Hyung-Eun "Fortress above the City" Archaeology 70.6 (2017) pp. 56-59

Chandrashekhar, Vaishnavi "Letter from Singapore: The Lion City's Glorious Past" Archaeology 70.6 (2017) pp. 61-63, 66, 68

Lobell, Jarrett A. "Artifact [mask mould]" Archaeology 70.6 (2017) pp. 72

Chrysikou, Styliani "Euripide entre tradition et innovation: l'emploi de phren-phrenes" BAGB 2017.1 (2017) pp. 45-68

Dumont, Isabelle "L'apparence dans les discours 21, 28 et 72 de Dion Chrysostome: approche lexicale et thematique" BAGB 2017.1 (2017) pp. 69-79

Moser, Marianne "Ovide lecteur d'Empedocle: pour une reintepretation du FR. 6 DK" BAGB 2017.1 (2017) pp. 80-96

Wellebrouck, Gurvane "Claudia Acte: le destin d'une affranchie" BAGB 2017.1 (2017) pp. 97-122

Otto, Claude "Horreum miscellanea etymologica" BAGB 2017.1 (2017) pp. 123-128

Ropars, Jean-Michel "L'aurore et la nuit, Nausikaa et Caplypso: un exemple de transposition epique de la mythologie dans l'Odyssee" BAGB 2017.1 (2017) pp. 129-193

Duroisin, Pierre "Sophocle entre Emile Clermont et Beary de Montherlant" BAGB 2017.1 (2017) pp. 194-202

Laurens, Pierre "In memorian: Alain Michel" BAGB 2017.2 (2017) pp. 1-5Articulo

Chiron, Pierre "Societe digitale, humanisme et humanites: le point de vue d'un philologue" BAGB 2017.2 (2017) pp. 23-42Articulo

Foucher, Antoine "Petite histoire de la metrique latine en France au XXeme siecle" BAGB 2017.2 (2017) pp. 43-57Articulo

Blanchard, Alain "Pour une lecture vraiment moderne de menandre" BAGB 2017.2 (2017) pp. 58-75Articulo

Noel, Anne Sophie; Remond, Myrtille "Des femmes tres materielles? Objets, feminite et performance dans l'Idylle XV de Theocrite" BAGB 2017.2 (2017) pp. 76-113Articulo

Pare-Rey, Pascale; Goldlust, Benjamin "Le role de la lecture des auteurs dans l'aprentissage de l'elocutio par le futur orateur: Quintilien, Institution Oratoire, 10, 1, 46-131" BAGB 2017.2 (2017) pp. 114-160Articulo

Hebert, Selena "Milon ou l'avarice dans les "Metamorphoses" d'Apulee" BAGB 2017.2 (2017) pp. 161-185Articulo

Pomadere, Maia "Classes d'age et rites de passage : des categories problematiques pour le monde egeen a l'Age du Bronze" BCH 141.1 (2017) pp. 1-39

Orgeolet, Raphael; Skorda, Despoina; Zurbach, Julien; Barbarin, Lou De; Berard, Reine Marie; Chevaux, Brice; Hubert, Jonhatan; Krapf, Tobias; Lagia, Anna; Lattard, Alexia; Lefebvre, Raphaelle; Maestracci, Jeremy; Mahe, Alexandre; Moutafi, Ioanna; Sedlbauer, Simon "Kirrha 2008-2015 : un bilan d'etape. La fouille et les structures archeologiques" BCH 141.1 (2017) pp. 41-116

Christophe Flament "Etude sur la chronologie des archontats de Damasias a Athenes et de la premiere guerre sacree a Delphes" BCH 141.1 (2017) pp. 117-139

Fachard, Sylvian; Theurillat, Thierry; Psalti, Athanasia; Knoepfler, Delphine Ackermann Et Denis "La Necropole du Canal a Eretrie : topographie et inscriptions" BCH 141.1 (2017) pp. 141-226

Guimier-Sorbets, Anne-Marie "Des emblemata -- pinakes deliens : iconographie, technique, usage" BCH 141.1 (2017) pp. 227-243

Hamon, Patrice "Etudes d'epigraphie thasienne, V. Theores et archontes thasiens de l'epoque hellenistique et imperiale : du simple au double" BCH 141.1 (2017) pp. 245-286

Jaupaj, Lavdosh "Une tombe hellenistique de Gjerbes (Albanie) : un marqueur culturel ?" BCH 141.1 (2017) pp. 287-311

Cayla, Jean-Baptiste "Antoine, Cleopatre, et les technites dionysiaques a Chypre" BCH 141.1 (2017) pp. 313-336

Ernst, Paul "Le logement des particuliers romains dans la Grece egeenne aux IIe et Ier siecles av. J.-C., d'apres les sources textuelles" BCH 141.1 (2017) pp. 337-352

Francois, Veronique "Fragments d'histoire II : la vaisselle de table et du quotidien a Nicosie au lendemain de la conquete ottomane" BCH 141.1 (2017) pp. 353-387

Eldem, Edhem "Et si Diane n'etait pas lesbienne ? Biographie critique d'une statue(tte) d'Artemis du Musee archeologique d'Istanbul" BCH 141.1 (2017) pp. 389-448

Devolder, Maud "L'assise de nivellement en calcaire de la facade Ouest protopalatiale du palais de Malia" BCH 141.2 (2017) pp. 447-484

Knappett, Carl; Pomadwre, Maia; Gardeisen, Armelle; Gomrwe, Thibaut; Theodoropoulou, Tatiana; Westlake, Polly "Deux depots MM II A dans le secteur Pi de Malia" BCH 141.2 (2017) pp. 485-552

Coulie, Anne; Frere, Dominique; Garnier, Nicolas; Marton, Andras "Le tombeau A de Camiros : les vases archaiques et leurs contenus. L'apport de l'etude chronologique et des analyses chimiques des residus" BCH 141.2 (2017) pp. 553-621

Valavanis, Panos "Topographical indications for the site of the hippodrome of Delphi. A preliminary presentation" BCH 141.2 (2017) pp. 623-644

Picard, Olivier "Monnaies et timbres amphoriques a Thasos : quelques points de convergence" BCH 141.2 (2017) pp. 645-658

Bravo, Benedetto "Encore sur le katadesmos du banquier Pasion : un post-scriptum" BCH 141.2 (2017) pp. 659-667

Kalliontzis, Yannis "Akraiphia et la guerre entre Demetrios Poliorcete et les Beotiens" BCH 141.2 (2017) pp. 669-696

Biard, Guillaume; Kalliontzis, Yannis; Charami, Alexandra "La base des Muses au sanctuaire de l'Helicon" BCH 141.2 (2017) pp. 697-752

Seve, Michel; Weber, Patrick "Varia Philippica" BCH 141.2 (2017) pp. 753-767

Capelle, Jeanne "Les epures du theatre de Milet : pratiques de chantiers antiques" BCH 141.2 (2017) pp. 769-820

Francois, Veronique "Poteries des fosses depotoirs du site de l'Archiepiskopi a Nicosie (fin XIIe-XIVe siecles). Les vestiges d'une production locale sous les Lusignan" BCH 141.2 (2017) pp. 821-895

Mayer, Werner R. "Zum akkadischen Worterbuch : M-S" Orientalia 86.1 (2017) pp. 1-41

Johannes Hack; Joachim Oelsner "Additions to the Late Achaemenid textual record Part I: texts from Uruk (Tab. I-IV)" Orientalia 86.1 (2017) pp. 42-96

Abudraham, Ohad "A new Christian Palestinian Aramaic amulet (Tab. V-VII)" Orientalia 86.1 (2017) pp. 97-106

Jansen-Winkeln, Karl "Zur Datierung der mittelagyptischen Literatur" Orientalia 86.1 (2017) pp. 107-134

Karl, Jansen-Winkeln "Eine Schwester Psametiks I. in Theben" Orientalia 86.1 (2017) pp. 221-226

Spalinger, Anthony "Niuserre's festival calendar and new details" Orientalia 86.2 (2017) pp. 141-163

Bogdanov, Ivan V. "Relief of wnwj (tomb G 2465): from Giza for sale (Tab. VIII-IX)" Orientalia 86.2 (2017) pp. 164-180

Archi, Alfonso "The Two Calendars of Elba" Orientalia 86.2 (2017) pp. 181-201

Mayer, Werner R. "Zum akkadischen Worterbuch: S-Z" Orientalia 86.2 (2017) pp. 202-252

Morgenstern, Matthew "Neo-Mandaic in 19th Century Colophons" Orientalia 86.2 (2017) pp. 253-273

Hsu, Shih-Wei "The Pharaoh lives forever: Royal Eternal Life in Ancient Egyptian Royal Inscriptions" Orientalia 86.2 (2017) pp. 274-285

Zaccagnini, Carlo "Two Old Assyrian letters (Tab. X-XI)" Orientalia 86.3 (2017) pp. 297-303

Schmitt, Rudiger "Zu einigen griechischen Namen in keilschriftlicher Uberlieferung" Orientalia 86.3 (2017) pp. 304-310

Van Wijngaarden, Gert Jan; Merkouri, Christina; Ligkovanlis, Stefanos; Spegi, Myrsini; Van Puijenbroek, Florens; Versloot, Anne; Waagen, Jitte; Avramidis, Pavlos "Zakynthos Archaeology Project. The 2015 Survey at Skoulikado-Kalimachos" Pharos 23.2 (2017) pp. 1-31

Van Wijngaarden, Gert Jan; Merkouri, Christina; Ligkovanlis, Stefanos; Spegi, Myrsini; Van Puijenbroek, Florens; Versloot, Anne; Waagen, Jitte; Avramidis, Pavlos "Zakynthos Archaeology Project. The 2015 Survey at Skoulikado-Kalimachos" Pharos 23.2 (2017) pp. 1-31

Harder, Annette; Van Nijf, Onno; Nikolaou, Elsa; Dijkstra, Tamara; Kamphorst, Sjoukje "Inscriptions from Halos" Pharos 23.2 (2017) pp. 33-65

Harder, Annette; Van Nijf, Onno; Nikolaou, Elsa; Dijkstra, Tamara; Kamphorst, Sjoukje "Inscriptions from Halos" Pharos 23.2 (2017) pp. 33-65

Crielaard, Jan Paul; Charalambidou, Xenia; Chidiroglou, Maria; Groot, Maaike; Kluiving, Sjoerd; Songu, Filiz; Troelstra, Simon "The Plakari Archaeological Project. Preliminary Report on the Sixth Field Season (2015)" Pharos 23.2 (2017) pp. 67-90

Crielaard, Jan Paul; Charalambidou, Xenia; Chidiroglou, Maria; Groot, Maaike; Kluiving, Sjoerd; Songu, Filiz; Troelstra, Simon "The Plakari Archaeological Project. Preliminary Report on the Sixth Field Season (2015)" Pharos 23.2 (2017) pp. 67-90

Meulder, Marcel "DELLOI / DELLI : etymologies indo-europeennes et nouvelles significations possibles d'un toponyme de Sicile" RBPh 95.1 (2017) pp. 5-38 texts for issue

Corre, Nicolas "La priere secrete du pontife ou Silence et murmure, des gestes vocaux signifiants dans la tradition religieuse romaine" RBPh 95.1 (2017) pp. 39-58 texts for issue

Solonakis, Nicolas "On the lexical diversity of grain-supply systems in the Roman East" RBPh 95.1 (2017) pp. 59-79 texts for issue

Vandevoorde, Lindsey "Roman Citizenship of Italian *Augustales. Evidence, Problems, Competitive Advantages" RBPh 95.1 (2017) pp. 81-108 texts for issue

Menten-Plesters, Ruben "Weaving tunics and beyond. Rural-Urban interactions in Roman Egypt" RBPh 95.1 (2017) pp. 109-130 texts for issue

Fontana, Federica "Isis and Mater Magna in Aquileia" RBPh 95.1 (2017) pp. 131-144 texts for issue

Schachner, Andreas; Beckmann, Carina; Guzzo, Natalia Bolatti; Kruger, Dominique; Kuhn, Sven; Marazzi, Massimiliano; Pepe, Carla; Repola, Leopoldo; Schwemer, Daniel; Ubben, Mareke "The Excavations at Bogazkoy-Hattusa in 2019" AA 2020.1 (2018) pp. 10--66

Kay, Stephen; Trumper, Monika; Heinzelmann, Michael; Pomar, Elena "Geophysical Survey at Morgantina" AA 2020.1 (2018) pp. 68--91

Steinmann, Lisa "Finds from Miletus XXXII. Clay Rings from the Sanctuary of Dionysos in Miletus" AA 2020.1 (2018) pp. 92--119

Kansteiner, Sascha "Lysipps Statuen des Herakles" AA 2020.1 (2018) pp. 120--137

Reinhardt, Arne "Der schlaffe Thyrsos. Zur Plinthe des Farnesischen Stiers und zur Frage der expliziten kunstlerischen Selbstreferenz in kaiserzeitlichen Marmorbildwerken" AA 2020.1 (2018) pp. 138--161

Heijnen, Sam; Moormann, Eric M. "A Portrait Head of Severus Alexander in Delft" AA 2020.1 (2018) pp. 162--170

Lembke, Katja; Caputo, Clementina; Erkul, Ercan; Haberland, Rex; Mecking, Rebekka; Rabbel, Wolfgang; Schlehofer, Jenny H.; StUMpel, Harald; Westphalen, Katharina "Von der Nekropole zum Siedlungsplatz. Bericht uber die Grabungskampagnen 2018 und 2019 in der Petosiris-Nekropole von Tuna el-Gebel" AA 2020.1 (2018) pp. 172--223

NiewOHner, Philipp; Berns, Christof; Giese, Stefan; Huy, Sabine; Izdebski, Adam; Vacek, Alexander "Arbeiten in Milet in den Jahren 2012 bis 2016. Chronik, neue Befunde aus antiker, byzantinischer und turkischer Zeit sowie Denkmalpflege" AA 2020.1 (2018) pp. 224--267

Vieweger, Dieter; Zimni, Jennifer; SchOPf, Friederike; WURz, Michael "DEI Excavations on the Southwestern Slope of Mount Zion (2015--2019)" AA 2020.1 (2018) pp. 268--292

Biernacki, A.B.; Sharankov, N. "A Hitherto Unknown Aspect of the Military Activity of the Legio I Italica in the Light of a Recently Discovered Pedestal with a Greek Inscription from Novae" ArchBulg 22.3 (2018) pp. 1-19

Grozdanova, G. "Relative Chronology of the Pottery of the Early Medieval Lower Danube Popina-Garvan Archaeological Group" ArchBulg 22.3 (2018) pp. 21-38

Komar, O. "Archaeological and Archaeomagnetic Dating of Early Medieval Kantsyrka Type Pottery" ArchBulg 22.3 (2018) pp. 39-70

Khamaiko, N. "The Late Medieval Sites of the Yatseva Balka Type in the Dnieper Rapids Region: Problems of Dating and Interpretation" ArchBulg 22.3 (2018) pp. 71-92

Komatarova-Balinova, E.; Penkova, P. "The 'Horse Amulets' from the Collections of Vidin and Vratsa Museums -- a Modest Contribution to a Continuous Discussion" ArchBulg 22.3 (2018) pp. 93-109

Valentino, Claudia "Editor's Letter: Happy 70th, Archaeology!" Archaeology 71.1 (2018) pp. 4

Magness, Jodi "From the President: Protecting Our Past" Archaeology 71.1 (2018) pp. 6

Peck, Brian "Letters from Our Readers: Family Story" Archaeology 71.1 (2018) pp. 8

Dupler, Craig "Letters from Our Readers: Myths of the Americas" Archaeology 71.1 (2018) pp. 8

Cole, Rob "Letters from Our Readers: Artisanal Honey" Archaeology 71.1 (2018) pp. 8

Lemay, Dan "Letters from Our Readers: A Fire Plan" Archaeology 71.1 (2018) pp. 8

Lobell, Jarrett A.; Brown, Marley; Weiss, Daniel; Urbanus, Jason; Zorich, Zach; Powell, Eric A. "From the Trenches" Archaeology 71.1 (2018) pp. 9-10, 12, 14-18, 20, 22

Urbanus, Jason "World Roundup" Archaeology 71.1 (2018) pp. 24-25

Urbanus, Jason; Lobell, Jarrett A.; Weiss, Daniel; Atwood, Roger; Powell, Eric A.; Brown, Marley; Lorenzi, Rossella; Zorich, Zach "Top 10 Discoveries of 2017" Archaeology 71.1 (2018) pp. 26-33

Daley, Jason "Where the Ice Age Caribou Ranged" Archaeology 71.1 (2018) pp. 34-37

Ravilious, Kate "New Zealand's First City, Uncovered" Archaeology 71.1 (2018) pp. 38-43

Urbanus, Jason "A View from the Birthplace of Zeus" Archaeology 71.1 (2018) pp. 44-49

Brown, Marley "Angkor Thom's Divine Medicine" Archaeology 71.1 (2018) pp. 50-53

Brunwasser, Matthew "Letter from Albania: A Road Trip through Time" Archaeology 71.1 (2018) pp. 54-56, 58-59, 61-64

Lobell, Jarrett A. "Artifact [dog statue]" Archaeology 71.1 (2018) pp. 68

Valentino, Claudia "Editor's Letter: Hands to Work" Archaeology 71.2 (2018) pp. 4-5

Magness, Jodi "From the President: Discovery at Its Own Pace" Archaeology 71.2 (2018) pp. 6-7

Boggs, Ron "Letters from Our Readers: Reindeer vs. Caribou" Archaeology 71.2 (2018) pp. 8

Palmer, Mark J. "Letters from Our Readers: A Special Species" Archaeology 71.2 (2018) pp. 8

Weston, Steve; Bedore, Mary Wackerle And Kurt "Letters from Our Readers: No One Likes Fruitcake" Archaeology 71.2 (2018) pp. 8

Powell, Eric A.; Brown, Marley; Lobell, Jarrett A.; Zorich, Zach; Urbanus, Jason; Weiss, Daniel "From the Trenches" Archaeology 71.2 (2018) pp. 9-23

Urbanus, Jason "World Roundup" Archaeology 71.2 (2018) pp. 24-25

Wade, Lizzie "How to Survive Climate Change" Archaeology 71.2 (2018) pp. 26-31

Urbanus, Jason; Weiss, Daniel; Brown, Marley; Lobell, Jarrett A.; Kim, Hyung-Eun "The Archaeology of Gardens" Archaeology 71.2 (2018) pp. 32-41

Curry, Andrew "Imaging the Past" Archaeology 71.2 (2018) pp. 42-45

Gannon, Megan "Entombed in Asphalt" Archaeology 71.2 (2018) pp. 46-49

Weiss, Daniel "The Viking Great Army" Archaeology 71.2 (2018) pp. 50-56

Stub, Sara Toth "Letter from Hungary: The Search for the Sultan's Tomb" Archaeology 71.2 (2018) pp. 57-67

Lobell, Jarrett A. "Artifact [sgrafitto slip-decorated plate]" Archaeology 71.2 (2018) pp. 68

Valentino, Claudia "Editor's Letter: Encounters with the Natural World" Archaeology 71.3 (2018) pp. 4-5

Magness, Jodi "From the President: Our Shared Humanity" Archaeology 71.3 (2018) pp. 6-7

Kalinski, Frank "A Toolmaker's Insights" Archaeology 71.3 (2018) pp. 8

Amarkhel, Waheed "DANGEROUS PASSAGE" Archaeology 71.3 (2018) pp. 8

Oftedahl, Arlan "SHARED SPEECH" Archaeology 71.3 (2018) pp. 8

Brown, Marley; Zorich, Zach; Weiss, Daniel; Robey, Tracy E.; Singh, Gurvinder; Lobell, Eric A. Powell And Jarrett A. "FROM THE TRENCHES" Archaeology 71.3 (2018) pp. 9-23

Urbanus, Jason "WORLD ROUNDUP" Archaeology 71.3 (2018) pp. 24-25

Stub, Sara Toth "CULTIVATING AN ARID LANDSCAPE" Archaeology 71.3 (2018) pp. 26-31

Robey, Tracy E. "Global Cargo" Archaeology 71.3 (2018) pp. 32-37

Urbanus, Jason "A Sanctuary's Final Farewell" Archaeology 71.3 (2018) pp. 38-41

Weiss, Daniel "Desert Orca" Archaeology 71.3 (2018) pp. 42-43

Powell, Eric A. "Exploring a Prehistoric Borderland" Archaeology 71.3 (2018) pp. 44-47

Brown, Marley "Emblems for the Afterlife" Archaeology 71.3 (2018) pp. 48-53

Coates, Karen "One Grain at a Time" Archaeology 71.3 (2018) pp. 54-64

Lobell, Jarrett A. "Artifact [Roman sundial]" Archaeology 71.3 (2018) pp. 68

Valentino, Claudia "Editor's Letter: Our Ancestral Attics" Archaeology 71.4 (2018) pp. 4-5

Magness, Jodi "From the President: Our National Monuments in Peril" Archaeology 71.4 (2018) pp. 6-7

Quinlan, Kevin "To our readers: An open letter about subscription fraud" Archaeology 71.4 (2018) pp. 8

Atwood, Roger; Brown, Marley; Weiss, Daniel; Urbanus, Jason; Lobell, Eric A. Powell And Jarrett A. "From the Trenches" Archaeology 71.4 (2018) pp. 9-23

Urbanus, Jason "World Roundup" Archaeology 71.4 (2018) pp. 24-25

Wade, Lizzie "The City at the Beginning of the World" Archaeology 71.4 (2018) pp. 26-31

Urbanus, Jason "Westminster Abbey's Hidden History" Archaeology 71.4 (2018) pp. 32-35

Weiss, Daniel "Haiti's Royal Past" Archaeology 71.4 (2018) pp. 36-41

Atwood, Roger "Paradise Changed" Archaeology 71.4 (2018) pp. 42-43

Merola, Marco "An Etruscan Family Story" Archaeology 71.4 (2018) pp. 44-47

Lobell, Jarrett A. "Ancient Athens' Other Cemetery" Archaeology 71.4 (2018) pp. 48-54

Ravilious, Kate "Inside the Anarchy" Archaeology 71.4 (2018) pp. 55-63

Lobell, Jarrett A. "Artifact [Roman boxing gloves]" Archaeology 71.4 (2018) pp. 68

Valentino, Claudia "Editor's Letter: Behind the Scenes" Archaeology 71.5 (2018) pp. 4-5

Magness, Jodi "From the President: Lessons from the Past" Archaeology 71.5 (2018) pp. 6-7

Wilcox, Lindsay "A Different Story" Archaeology 71.5 (2018) pp. 8

Sheets, Payson "Farming the Desert" Archaeology 71.5 (2018) pp. 8

Sheffer, John "Archaeology and History" Archaeology 71.5 (2018) pp. 8

Schultz, Lillian "Happy Memories" Archaeology 71.5 (2018) pp. 8

Vlcek, David "What Makes a City?" Archaeology 71.5 (2018) pp. 8

Pyne, Lydia; Brown, Marley; Powell, Eric A.; Singh, Gurvinder; Weiss, Daniel; Urbanus, Jason; Lobell, Zach Zorich And Jarrett A. "From the Trenches" Archaeology 71.5 (2018) pp. 9-25

Urbanus, Jason "World Roundup" Archaeology 71.5 (2018) pp. 26-27

Curry, Andrew "The Rulers of Foreign Lands" Archaeology 71.5 (2018) pp. 28-33

Brown, Marley "A Local Institution" Archaeology 71.5 (2018) pp. 34-37

Weiss, Daniel "When the Inuit Met the Basques" Archaeology 71.5 (2018) pp. 38-43

Powell, Eric A. "Fragments of Ancestral Memory" Archaeology 71.5 (2018) pp. 44-49

Zion, Ilan Ben "Shipping Stone" Archaeology 71.5 (2018) pp. 50-55

Urbanus, Jason "New York City's Dirtiest Beach" Archaeology 71.5 (2018) pp. 56-63

Lobell, Jarrett A. "Artifact [Chinese 12c qingbai-glazed molded box]" Archaeology 71.5 (2018) pp. 68

Lobell, Jarrett A. "Editor's Letter: New Beginnings" Archaeology 71.6 (2018) pp. 4-5

Magness, Jodi "From the President: Food for Thought" Archaeology 71.6 (2018) pp. 6-7

Dopp, Bob "A Choice Weapon" Archaeology 71.6 (2018) pp. 8

Young, Georgia L. "Tea Time" Archaeology 71.6 (2018) pp. 8

Cauchon, Darryl "Unknown Brooklyn" Archaeology 71.6 (2018) pp. 8

Milbrath, Susan "Setting Sun" Archaeology 71.6 (2018) pp. 8

Zorich, Zach; Brown, Marley; Weiss, Daniel; Atwood, Roger; Powell, Eric A.; Urbanus, Jason; Singh, Lydia Pyne And Gurvinder "From the Trenches" Archaeology 71.6 (2018) pp. 9-23

Urbanus, Jason "World Roundup" Archaeology 71.6 (2018) pp. 24-25

Lawler, Andrew "Reimagining the Crusades" Archaeology 71.6 (2018) pp. 26-35

Weiss, Daniel "People of the White Tiger" Archaeology 71.6 (2018) pp. 36-39

Brown, Marley "At the Edge of the New World" Archaeology 71.6 (2018) pp. 40-43

Weiss, Daniel; Lobell, Jarrett A.; Brown, Eric A. Powell And Marley "The Marks of Time" Archaeology 71.6 (2018) pp. 44-47

Atwood, Roger "All Roads, Eventually, Lead to Rome" Archaeology 71.6 (2018) pp. 48-54

Smith, Julian "Inside a Native Stronghold" Archaeology 71.6 (2018) pp. 55-64

Lobell, Jarrett A. "Artifact [rUSSIAN 20C CANTEEN]" Archaeology 71.6 (2018) pp. 68

Jouanno, Corinne "Themistocle, nouvel Ulysse?" BAGB 2018.1 (2018) pp. 51-71Articulo

Billault, Alain "L'optique de Lucien" BAGB 2018.1 (2018) pp. 72-88Articulo

Jouteur, Isabelle "Le monstre du Detroit, ou la lecture erotique du mythe de Scylla dans les Metamorphoses d'Ovide (Met. XIII, 728-XVI, 74)" BAGB 2018.1 (2018) pp. 89-114Articulo

Levy, Carlos "Du politique a la perfection morale. A propos de deux ouvrages recents" BAGB 2018.1 (2018) pp. 115-138Articulo

Casellato, Nicolas "'Amor puellae, Amor patriae': Une "Composante affective" des amores de Conrad Celtis" BAGB 2018.1 (2018) pp. 139-169Articulo

Lobbes, Louis "Le sabre et le Goupillon: l'edition tridentine de l'"Apophthegmathum Opus" d'Erasme" BAGB 2018.1 (2018) pp. 170-182Articulo

Loicq, Jean "125 ans d'etudes classiques et orientales a l'Universite de Liege" BAGB 2018.1 (2018) pp. 183-201Articulo

Hauchecorne, Bertrand "Les racines grecques et latines dans le vocabulaire mathematique" BAGB 2018.2 (2018) pp. 51-62

Briquel, Dominique "Les guerres d'Ancus Marcius:: comment mener les guerres en accord avec la religion" BAGB 2018.2 (2018) pp. 63-81

Briquel, Dominique "Le debat sur l'origine du camp romain" BAGB 2018.2 (2018) pp. 82-96

Chrysikou, Styliani "Femmes en etat de guerre:: nature et condition des esclaves troyennes dans l'Hecube d'Euripide" BAGB 2018.2 (2018) pp. 97-115

Stratiki, K. "La grenade de Menecee" BAGB 2018.2 (2018) pp. 116-125

Stoehr-Monjou, Annick "La preface dans l'Antiquite romaine" BAGB 2018.2 (2018) pp. 126-137

Pecere, O. "Pratiche e formule di dedica del libro latino dall'antichita al medioevo" BollClass 39-40 (2018-2019) pp. na

Fioretti, P. "Una biblioteca in scatola. Grammatici, e non solo, nel codice Neapol. Lat. 2 (ex Vindob. Lat. 16)" BollClass 39-40 (2018-2019) pp. na

Costantini, L. "The spiritual corruption of Sicinius Aemilianus (A platonic lambasting in Apuleius' Apologia 52)" BollClass 39-40 (2018-2019) pp. na

Santorelli, B. "Il matrimonio di Gracco (Iuv. 2, 117-120)" BollClass 39-40 (2018-2019) pp. na

Todisco, E. "Su un frammento del De vita populi Romani di Varrone" BollClass 39-40 (2018-2019) pp. na

Cugusi, P. Sblendorio Cugusi, M.T. "Carmina Latina Epigraphica Provinciae Raetiae. Carmina Latina Epigraphica Provinciae Norici" BollClass 39-40 (2018-2019) pp. na

Caroli, M. "I 'sali' di Menandro (addendum a test. 103 Kassel-Austin)" BollClass 39-40 (2018-2019) pp. na

Lucarini, C.M. "Per il testo e il ritmo di Elio Aristide" BollClass 39-40 (2018-2019) pp. na

Ivan V. Bogdanov "New Relief Fragments from the Tomb of the Seafarer jnj" CE 93.186 (2018) pp. 227

Lodomez, Guy "Ioufaa, un vizir saite du debut de la XXVIe dynastie" CE 93.186 (2018) pp. 248-261

Llanos, Lucia Diaz-Iglesias "Re-joining Scattered Pieces: a New Fragment of the Mummy Bandage of Tjaihorpata in Madrid" CE 93.186 (2018) pp. 262-280

Baetens, Gert; Angles, Pierre-Luc "A Demotic Memorandum to the Village Epistates with a Greek Subscription (P. dem. mon. 5)" CE 93.186 (2018) pp. 281-294

Emery, Virginia L. "Before the Palace, the Palace Facade" CE 93.186 (2018) pp. 295-316

Lenaerts, Jean "Eloge de la tablette a ecrire (PSI VII 744) : progymnasma et ... modele pedagogique (?)" CE 93.186 (2018) pp. 331-339

Diethart, Johannes; Voigt, Werner "Kleine Korrekturen zu Worterbuchern der griechischen und lateinischen Sprache so wie Textkorrekturen" CE 93.186 (2018) pp. 340-351

Marcotte, Didier "Les Lagides en Ethiopie et dans la Corne de l'Afrique. Sur un passage de Geminos" CE 93.186 (2018) pp. 352-375

Lanciers, Eddy "Lochos: A Career in the Service of Ptolemy VIII" CE 93.186 (2018) pp. 376-394

Madkour, Haitham "Reconsidering the Chronology of Athribis in the Light of Stamped Amphora Handles" CE 93.186 (2018) pp. 395-408

Berkes, Lajos "On Arabisation and Islamisation in Early Islamic Egypt. I. Prosopographic Notes on Muslim Officials" CE 93.186 (2018) pp. 415-420

Tillier, Mathieu; Vanthieghem, Naim "Un recu de paiement pour une vente immobiliere a terme" CE 93.186 (2018) pp. 421-431

Berkes, Lajos; Martin, Alain; Vanthieghem, Naim "Papyrologica. VIII" CE 93.186 (2018) pp. 437-445

Kunzer, Isabelle "Neros letzter Auftritt. Der Tod eines Kaisers als literarische Inszenierung" Gymnasium 125.6 (2018) pp. 521 - 536

Stroh, Wilfried "Jacobus Balde SJ als Erotiker. Zum 350. Todestag von Bayerns grosstem Dichter" Gymnasium 125.6 (2018) pp. 537 - 585

Bell, Sinclair W. "PREFACE" MAAR 63-64 (2018-2019) pp. vii

Buckingham, Emma; Antonaccio, Carla M. "Incised and Stamped Ceramics from Morgantina: Taking the Long View" MAAR 63-64 (2018-2019) pp. 1-33

Fulminante, Francesca "Early Iron Age and Orientalizing Mediterranean Networks from Funerary Contexts in Latium Vetus: Identifying Gender and Spatial Patterns of Interaction" MAAR 63-64 (2018-2019) pp. 35-83

Bundrick, Sheramy D. "Herakles on the Move: A Greek Hydria's Journey from Athens to Vulci" MAAR 63-64 (2018-2019) pp. 85-135

Burrell, Barbara "A Hemicycle with a View" MAAR 63-64 (2018-2019) pp. 137-167

Elkins, Nathan T. "Coinage Programs and Panegyric in the Reign of Trajan: Imagery, Audience, and Agency" MAAR 63-64 (2018-2019) pp. 169-201

Woodhull, Margaret L. "Matidia Minor and the Rebuilding of Suessa Aurunca" MAAR 63-64 (2018-2019) pp. 203-236

Forichon, Sylvain "Sesostris' Chariot in a Roman Circus? A New Interpretation of a Scene Depicted on an Imperial Oil Lamp" MAAR 63-64 (2018-2019) pp. 237-252

Leoni, Tommaso "The Sylloge Einsidlensis, Poggio Bracciolini's De varietate fortunae, the Turris de arcu, and the Disappearance of the Arch of Titus in the Circus Maximus" MAAR 63-64 (2018-2019) pp. 253-290

Brunetti, Marco "Three Drawings of the Domus Aurea and the Colosseum at the Uffizi: Disiecta Membra from a Drawing-Book after the Antique?" MAAR 63-64 (2018-2019) pp. 291-322

Berenfeld, Michelle L.; Bonesho, Catherine E.; Ginsberg, Lauren Donovan; Moch, Kevin E.; Crawford-Brown, Sophie; Pentcheva, Bissera V.; Williams, Joseph H.; Carlson, Raymond; Fromont, Cecile; Cozzi, Leslie; Garvin, Diana; Peritz, Jessica Gabriel; Copello, Veronica "Research in the Humanities at the American Academy in Rome (2017--2018)" MAAR 63-64 (2018-2019) pp. 323-331

Brent, Liana; Emmerson, Allison L.C.; Kondratieff, Eric J.; Letteney, Mark; Moses, Victoria C.; Tandy, Sean; Majeski, Anna; Powell, Austin; Romano, John F.; Baldasso, Franco; Carter, Jim; Ciucci, Alessandra; Di Manno, Talia; Robichaud, Denis J.-J.; Lovino, Francesco; Belmonte, Carmen "Research in the Humanities at the American Academy in Rome (2018--2019)" MAAR 63-64 (2018-2019) pp. 332-349

Muss, Martin "Gold fur die Mutigen? Neue Uberlegungen zu den Legionsmunzen des Septimius Severus" MBAH 36 (2018) pp. 1

Schubert, Katharina "Die visuelle Inszenierung und offentliche Wahrnehmung wirtschaftspolitischer Herrscherrollen im kaiserzeitlichen Ephesos" MBAH 36 (2018) pp. 49

Kritzinger, Peter "Das romische Steuersystem in der Kaiserzeit: Uberlegungen zur Begrifflichkeit und zum Einzug" MBAH 36 (2018) pp. 89

Zimmer, Karl-Heinz "Moselschifffahrt in der Antike" MBAH 36 (2018) pp. 145

Ayllon-Martin, Ruth; Gonzalez, Jordi Perez; Rodriguez, Jose Remesal "Olive Oil at the Border of the Roman Empire. Stamps on Baetican Dressel 20 Found on the Tyne-Solway Isthmus" MBAH 36 (2018) pp. 167

Jordens, Andrea "Festbetrieb als Wirtschaftsfaktor" MBAH 36 (2018) pp. 217

Piazzi, Lisa "Un marchio di stile virgiliano: il dicolon abundans" MD 81 (2018) pp. 9-62

Merli, Elena "Il poeta e il senatore. Il Messalla tibulliano fra identita e integrazione" MD 81 (2018) pp. 63-81

D'Alessio, Giovan Battista "Poeta, personaggio e testo nell'epistola di Saffo a Faone" MD 81 (2018) pp. 83-101

Papadimitropoulos, Loukas "Beauty and political power in Chariton's Callirhoe" MD 81 (2018) pp. 103-129

Cugusi, Paolo "Relazione tra autore e luogo di produzione nella poesia epigrafica. Originalita dei 'poeti epigrafici'?" MD 81 (2018) pp. 131-187

Laterza, Giovanna "Pectora fenestrata et aperta (Vitr. da III pr.): analisi di un'immagine epistemica" MD 81 (2018) pp. 191-200

Conte, Gian Biagio "Una discussione aporetica. A proposito di Aen. 4, 436" MD 81 (2018) pp. 201-205

Stockinger, Martin; Winter, Kathrin; Zanker, Andreas T. "Lucretian echoes in Sen. Med. 301-379, 579-669" MD 81 (2018) pp. 207-213

Vannini, Giulio "Tre note a Petronio (22, 3 v. 3 ; 61, 4 ; 64, 13)" MD 81 (2018) pp. 215-219

Ammannati, Giulia "L'Hadrianus del P.Monts.Roca III" MD 81 (2018) pp. 221-240

Stagni, Ernesto "Un 'Codex (Iustinianus) rescriptus'" MD 81 (2018) pp. 241-251

Lorenzatti, Sandro; D'Ammassa, Cristian; De Laurenzi, Angelina "Ritrovamenti archeologici nel corso delle opere di sistemazione del canale Bagnolo (via Ostiense Km 22,700). Fase I (2016)" MEFRA 130.2 (2018) pp. 195-301 all issues open access

Laubry, Nicolas; Zevi, Fausto "Premessa. Studi ostiensi. Quarto seminario" MEFRA 130.2 (2018) pp. 267-268 all issues open access

Pellegrino, Angelo; Carbonara, Andrea; Arnoldus-Huyzendveld+, Antonia "Un ritrovamento nel c.d. Fiume Morto. Nuove riflessioni su Ostia arcaica" MEFRA 130.2 (2018) pp. 269-271 all issues open access

Tata, Margherita Bedello; Lucidi, Maria Rosa "La necropoli di Ficana tra le prime e le ultime campagne di scavo: brevi cenni sulle novita emerse" MEFRA 130.2 (2018) pp. 273-276 all issues open access

Bedini, Alessandro "Il rituale funerario aristocratico di eta orientalizzante: nuovi dati da Ficana" MEFRA 130.2 (2018) pp. 277-281 all issues open access

Coarelli, Filippo "Solonium" MEFRA 130.2 (2018) pp. 283-287 all issues open access

Caldarini, Carla; Catalano, Paola; D'Alessio, Alessandro; D'Ammassa, Cristian; Luciani, Nicola; Manna, Antonio; Sebastiani, Renato; Zavaroni, Federica "Mezzo millennio di storia romana a Casal Bernocchi-Malafede. I risultati degli scavi 2015" MEFRA 130.2 (2018) pp. 289-294 all issues open access

Pannuzi, Simona; Carbonara, Andrea; Catalano, Paola; Mosticone, Romina; Pantano, Walter B.; Persiani, Carlo; Rosa, Carlo; Zavaroni, Federica "Recenti indagini archeologiche nell'area dello svincolo stradale di Ostia Antica sulla via del Mare" MEFRA 130.2 (2018) pp. 303-307 all issues open access

Carbonara, Andrea; Pannuzi, Simona; Panariti, Flora; Rosa, Carlo; Pellegrino, Angelo; D'Alessandro, Lucilla; Grazia, Paolo "Sistemazioni di anfore per usi diversi nel Suburbio di Ostia" MEFRA 130.2 (2018) pp. 309-313 all issues open access

Buccellato, Anna; Coletti, Fulvio; Giannini, Emanuele "Sistematizzazione dei dati archeologici nel suburbio ostiense tra la valle di Malafede e i lembi dello Stagno" MEFRA 130.2 (2018) pp. 315-320 all issues open access

D'Ammassa, Cristian; Manna, Antonio; Sebastiani, Renato "Indagini archeologiche tra il Canale Trasverso e l'Episcopio. Osservazioni preliminari sulle fasi post-classiche di Porto" MEFRA 130.2 (2018) pp. 321-324 all issues open access

Olcese, Gloria; Muro, Xabier Gonzalez; Pellegrino, Angelo; Razza, Andrea; Surace, Domenico Michele "La villa A di Dragoncello (Acilia). Alcuni dati dello scavo e dallo studio dei reperti" MEFRA 130.2 (2018) pp. 325-340 all issues open access

Caldelli, Maria Letizia "Ostia dispersa" MEFRA 130.2 (2018) pp. 341-350 all issues open access

Benedetti, Lucio "Epigrafi ostiensi nelle vendite all'asta o dagli antiquari" MEFRA 130.2 (2018) pp. 351-359 all issues open access

Licordari, Antonio "Due iscrizioni ostiensi nello Schloss Glienicke di Berlino" MEFRA 130.2 (2018) pp. 361-366 all issues open access

Zevi, Fausto "Nuova iscrizione di Publio Claudio Abascanto, liberto delle Tre Gallie" MEFRA 130.2 (2018) pp. 367-374 all issues open access

Christol, Michel "Procurator annonae et procurator utriusque portus au IIIe siecle : l'evolution vers une seule fonction ?" MEFRA 130.2 (2018) pp. 375-386 all issues open access

Bruun, Christer "Le donne di Ostia come proprietarie di immobili e schiavi" MEFRA 130.2 (2018) pp. 387-393 all issues open access

Taglietti, Franca "Un nuovo rilievo fittile con scena di mestiere dalla Necropoli dell'Isola Sacra" MEFRA 130.2 (2018) pp. 395-398 all issues open access

Lepri, Barbara; Sagui, Lucia "Vetri e indicatori di produzione vetraria a Ostia e a Porto" MEFRA 130.2 (2018) pp. 399-409 all issues open access

Bruno, Matthias; Carbonara, Andrea; Morelli, Cinzia "Un accumulo di marmi di spoglio rinvenuti lungo la via Portuense antica in localita Tenuta di Ponte Galeria" MEFRA 130.2 (2018) pp. 411-425 all issues open access

Scatozza Horicht, Lucia A. "Dioniso e Arianna in un ipogeo dei Cristallini: la religiosita dionisiaca dei chariestatoi di Neapolis" MEFRA 130.2 (2018) pp. 427-450 all issues open access

Augier, Bertrand "Sextus Pompee, un imperator (il)legitime a plus d'un titre : nouvelles interpretations autour de la titulature praef. clas. et orae marit. ex s. c." MEFRA 130.2 (2018) pp. 451-466 all issues open access

Rizzo, Giorgio "L'Heliogabalium del Palatino, i suoi giardini e la cultura materiale a Roma nell'eta dei Severi" MEFRA 130.2 (2018) pp. 467-508 all issues open access

Naddari, Lotfi "Municipium Mactaritanum" MEFRA 130.2 (2018) pp. 509-521 all issues open access

Rescigno, Carlo "Un suonatore di cetra venduto all'asta e due bronzetti dall'acropoli di Cuma. Amare riflessioni" MEFRA 130.2 (2018) pp. 523-526 all issues open access

Isetta, Sandra "Dalla fondazione della rivista al presente (1948-2018)" Maia 70.3 (2018) pp. 421-426

Schiesaro, Alessandro "Una grande tradizione e una sfida per il futuro" Maia 70.3 (2018) pp. 427-434

Petrone, Gianna "Dal nome di Maia allo specifico letterario di Plauto: divagazioni sulla filologia" Maia 70.3 (2018) pp. 435-443

Grilli, Alessandro "Filologia VS ermeneutica: paradigmi epistemici a confronto" Maia 70.3 (2018) pp. 444-460

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Manzano, Jose Luis Zamora "Habeas Corpus como instrumento de proteccion de la libertad: perspectiva romanistica a traves del interdicto de homine libero exhibendo" RIDA 65 (2018) pp. 369-396

De Jong, Hylkje "Fullness of Koustodia/Fulake (Custodia) in Early Byzantine Law" RIDA 65 (2018) pp. 397-416

Chorus, Jeroen M.J. "Hommage a Berthold Kupisch: In Integrum Restitutio under Classical Roman Law, Particularly on the Ground of Metus, and Berthold Kupisch" RIDA 65 (2018) pp. 417-430

Gerkens, Jean Francois "La SIHDA a Cracovie" RIDA 65 (2018) pp. 431-473

Curbera, Jaime "Lexical Notes on Greek Prisons and Imprisonment" RPh 92.1 (2018) pp. 7-37

Lachenaud, Guy "Le monde selon Cassius Dion : autopsis, savoirs empruntes et representations" RPh 92.1 (2018) pp. 39-61

Spevak, Olga "La construction a participe dominant vs. le nom verbal chez Ciceron" RPh 92.1 (2018) pp. 63-84

Taormina, Daniela P. "Les sensations ne resultent pas d'une impression dans l'ame. Une difficulte textuelle chez Plotin, Sur la sensation et la memoire (Enn. IV 6 [41] 1, 19-21)" RPh 92.1 (2018) pp. 85-99

Moreau, Philippe "Notes et discussions: A la recherche des acteurs meconnus de l'administration romaine" RPh 92.1 (2018) pp. 101-113

Deniz, Alcorac Alonso; Santin, Eleonora (eds) "Langue poetique et formes dialectales dans les inscriptions versifiees grecques" RPh 92.2 (2018) pp. 7-10

Santin, Eleonora "Les " langues " de la poesie epigraphique" RPh 92.2 (2018) pp. 11-25

Kaczko, Sara "Faraway So Close: Epichoric Features and "International" Aspirations in Archaic Greek Epigram" RPh 92.2 (2018) pp. 27-56

Cassio, Albio Cesare "L'epigramme pour Theotimos d'Atrax, CEG 637 (457 av. J.-C.) : mise en page, dialecte, ambiguites" RPh 92.2 (2018) pp. 57-72

Dell'Oro, Francesca "Epigramme et identite etrangere en Eubee : entre disparition des traits locaux et developpement de langues de genre" RPh 92.2 (2018) pp. 73-101

Ruano, Paloma Guijarro "A la recherche d'une langue poetique : les epigrammes prehellenistiques du Peloponnese" RPh 92.2 (2018) pp. 103-135

Deniz, Alcorac Alonso "Petrokolapton epos : dialecte et langue poetique dans les inscriptions versifiees cretoises" RPh 92.2 (2018) pp. 137-187

Dobias-Lalou, Catherine "Langue poetique et formes dialectales dans les inscriptions versifiees grecques : le cas de la Cyrenaique" RPh 92.2 (2018) pp. 189-212

Tribulato, Olga "Archaic and Classical Inscribed Epigrams from Sicily: Language and Archaeological Context" RPh 92.2 (2018) pp. 213-238

Roncaglia, Alessandro "L'eredita di Giulio Cesare: alcune ipotesi di lavoro" RSA 48 (2018) pp. 13-39

Rigato, Daniela "Le iscrizioni a matrice religiosa dei vilici (II parte): la documentazione della penisola italica escluse Roma e Ostia" RSA 48 (2018) pp. 41-77

Mainardis, Fulvia "A proposito dell'ethnos dei Carni tra Italia e Pannonia in eta imperiale" RSA 48 (2018) pp. 79-101

Cassia, Margherita "Schiavi e liberti cappadoci nella prima eta imperiale: fra echi letterari e documentazione epigrafica" RSA 48 (2018) pp. 103-138

Boragno, Lorenzo "A Damsel in Distress: A Dacian princess in a wrong place at the wrong time. Notes on Decebalus' policy" RSA 48 (2018) pp. 139-181

Espana Chamorro, Sergio "La frontera occidental de la Baetica con la Lusitania: (Ad) Fines, Serpa, Moura y la invencion historiografica de Arucci Nova" RSA 48 (2018) pp. 183-205

Arena, Gaetano "Olimpiade, non del tutto libera ne per sempre schiava: diritto greco nella Pisidia romana" RSA 48 (2018) pp. 207-232

Girotti, Beatrice "Sul lessico tardoantico nella strategia della comunicazione politica: equilibri nell'uso di clementia, di misericordia e di sapientia" RSA 48 (2018) pp. 233-245

Santagati, Elena "Reggio tra Pirro, Roma e Cartagine" RSA 48 (2018) pp. 247-259

Guzzo Pier Giovanni "Enzo Lippolis in memoriam" RSP 29 (2018) pp. 7-8

Gallo, Alessandro "Un Rilievo marmoreo inedito dalla Regio I di Pompei" RSP 29 (2018) pp. 9-20

Eristov, Helene; Parzysz, Bernard "Une intrigante lame d'ivoire pompeienne" RSP 29 (2018) pp. 21-30

Russo, Domenico "La Palestra Sannitica di Pompei nelle vedute del XIX secolo" RSP 29 (2018) pp. 31-44

Pensabene, Patrizio "Villa A di Oplontis: Elementi della decorazione architettonica in marmo" RSP 29 (2018) pp. 45-86

Bruni, Valerio "La Cass VII 16 1, 12-14. Un caso di studio sulle trasformazioni delle case a terrazza dell'Insula Occidentalis a Pompei" RSP 29 (2018) pp. 87-108

Scarano Ussani, Vincenzo "Cibo e meretricio. Osterie e panifici del I secolo d.C." RSP 29 (2018) pp. 109-114

Di Gerio, Michele "Studio sulla figura di Iapige dell'affresco 'Enea ferit': dal Pater familias al medicus militare" RSP 29 (2018) pp. 115-126

De Decker, Klara "Kaiserzeitliche Bronzekruge mit reliefierten Schlangenkorper s Pompeji und Herculaneum" RSP 29 (2018) pp. 127-142

De Carolis, Ernesto; Pardi, Roberta "Indagini archeologiche nel territorio del Comune di Pompei (anni 2013-2016)" RSP 29 (2018) pp. 143-160

De Carolis, Ernesto; Esposito, Francesco; Ferrara, Diego "Appunti sull'uso delle grappe a Pompei: storia di un metodo e documentazione fotografica ottocentesca" RSP 29 (2018) pp. 161-170

De Rosa, Lavinia "Il mosaico dei filosofi tra 'Napoli nobilissima' e documentazione d'archivio" RSP 29 (2018) pp. 171-182

Formola, Simona "Strategie decorative in ambienti di rappresentanza in posizione planimetrica inusuale: l'esempio ercolanese" RSP 29 (2018) pp. 183-196

Stefani, G. "Ufficio Scavi di Pompei. Attivita 2017" RSP 29 (2018) pp. 197

Bergamasco, I. "Pompei scavi, Arredamento, design e grafica per gli ambienti dell'ingresso di piazza Esedra" RSP 29 (2018) pp. 198-202

Oliva, G. "Studio archeozoologico e isolamento di DNA 'antico' sui reperti ossei di cani pompeiani" RSP 29 (2018) pp. 203

Bergamasco, I. "Ufficio Scavi di Oplontis. Attivita 2017" RSP 29 (2018) pp. 203-204

Sodo, A.M. "Ufficio Scavi di Boscoreale. Notiziario 2017" RSP 29 (2018) pp. 204

Sirano, F. "Il nuovo Parco Archeologico di Ercolano. Introduzione" RSP 29 (2018) pp. 204-205

Santaniello, A.; Caso, M. "Le attivita del 2017 del Parco Archeologico di Ercolano" RSP 29 (2018) pp. 205-206

Camardo, D.; Court, S.; D'Andrea, A.; Laino, A.; Pesaresi, P.; Thompson, J. "L'Herculaneum Conservation Project nell'anno 2017. L'Herculaneum Conservtion Project e il nuovo Parco Archeologico d Ercolano" RSP 29 (2018) pp. 206-207

Camardo, D.; Notomista, M. "I rinvenimenti nell'area dell'antica spiaggia di Ercolano e le dinamiche dell'eruzione del 79 d.C." RSP 29 (2018) pp. 207-211

Bonifacio, G. "Ufficio Scavi de Staba. Attivita anno 2017" RSP 29 (2018) pp. 212-213

Chmielewski, K.; Burdajewicz, J. "Conservation works on wall paintings in Villa Arianna at Stabiae carried out by the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw in 2017" RSP 29 (2018) pp. 213-215

Gardelli P.; Butyagin, A. "Villa Arianna, Stabiae: interventi di pulitura, scavo e restauro nell'ambiente 71 e nell'area estern 73 condotti dal Museo Ermitage di San Pietroburgo" RSP 29 (2018) pp. 215-221

Ariano, C. "Il progretto catalogazione Tess Stabiae. Dati acquistiti e prospettive di recerca" RSP 29 (2018) pp. 221-222

Penn Th.M. "Post-AD 79. Roman Glass from Campania: the assemblage from the villa baths at Masseria De Carolis (Pollena Trocchia). A preliminary report" RSP 29 (2018) pp. 222-228

Johannowsky, W. "Note sull'agro di Cicciano nell'antichita" RSP 29 (2018) pp. 229-230

De Moraes, Alexandre Santos "Ver para contar: Odisseu, as Sereias e o flerte com a morte" Synthesis 25.2 (2018) pp. e037 full text

Zamperetti Martin, Deidamia Sofia "Iliada VI (407-439): la auto-configuracion femenina de Andromaca" Synthesis 25.2 (2018) pp. e038 full text

De Fatima Silva, Maria "Hector, un "heroe" controvertido en Reso de Pseudo-Euripides" Synthesis 25.2 (2018) pp. e039 full text

Carrizo, Sebastian Eduardo "'Persona yambica' en Hiponacte: el caso de la mascara de suplicante" Synthesis 25.2 (2018) pp. e040 full text

Fornieles Sanchez, Raquel "El adverbio nun como marcador discursivo en el Corpus Lysiacum" Synthesis 25.2 (2018) pp. e041 full text

Dourado Lopes, Antonio Orlando "Agotamiento fisico y apoteosis de Heracles en el arte clasico griego" Synthesis 25.2 (2018) pp. e042 full text

Shaw, Julia; Sykes, Naomi "New directions in the archaeology of medicine: deep-time approaches to human-animal-environmental care" WorldArch 50.3 (2018) pp. 365-383

Spikins, Penny; Needham, Andy; Tilley, Lorna; Hitchens, Gail "Calculated or caring? Neanderthal healthcare in social context" WorldArch 50.3 (2018) pp. 384-403

Baker, Patricia "Identifying the connection between Roman conceptions of 'Pure Air' and physical and mental health in Pompeian gardens (c.150 BC--AD 79): a multi-sensory approach to ancient medicine" WorldArch 50.3 (2018) pp. 404-417

Photos-Jones, Effie "From mine to apothecary: an archaeo-biomedical approach to the study of the Greco-Roman lithotherapeutics industry" WorldArch 50.3 (2018) pp. 418-433

Matczak, Magdalena Domicela; Chudziak, Wojciech "Medical therapeutics and the place of healing in early medieval Culmen in Poland" WorldArch 50.3 (2018) pp. 434-460

Currie, Elizabeth; Schofield, John; Perez, Fernando Ortega; Quiroga, Diego "Health beliefs, healing practices and medico-ritual frameworks in the Ecuadorian Andes: the continuity of an ancient tradition" WorldArch 50.3 (2018) pp. 461-479

Rice, Prudence M. "Medicine in colonial Moquegua, Peru: plants, wine and Belen de Locumbilla" WorldArch 50.3 (2018) pp. 480-493

Reifschneider, Meredith "Enslavement and institutionalized care: the politics of health in nineteenth-century St Croix, Danish West Indies" WorldArch 50.3 (2018) pp. 494-511

Longhurst, Peta "Contagious objects: artefacts of disease transmission and control at North Head Quarantine Station, Australia" WorldArch 50.3 (2018) pp. 512-529

Camp, Stacey Lynn "Vision and ocular health at a World War II internment camp" WorldArch 50.3 (2018) pp. 530-546

Conolly, James; Lane, Paul J. "Vulnerability, risk, resilience: an introduction" WorldArch 50.4 (2018) pp. 547-553

Brewer, Joe; Riede, Felix "Cultural heritage and climate adaptation: a cultural evolutionary perspective for the Anthropocene" WorldArch 50.4 (2018) pp. 554-569

Mclaughlin, T. Rowan; Stoddart, Simon; Malone, Caroline "Island risks and the resilience of a prehistoric civilization" WorldArch 50.4 (2018) pp. 570-600

Weiberg, Erika; Finne, Martin "Resilience and persistence of ancient societies in the face of climate change: a case study from Late Bronze Age Peloponnese" WorldArch 50.4 (2018) pp. 584-602

Forsythe, Wes; Mcconkey, Rosemary; Breen, Colin "Persistence and risk: salt production in post-medieval Ireland" WorldArch 50.4 (2018) pp. 603-619

O'Rourke, Michael J.E. "Risk and value: grounded visualization methods and the assessment of cultural landscape vulnerability in the Canadian Arctic" WorldArch 50.4 (2018) pp. 620-638

Holtorf, Cornelius "Embracing change: how cultural resilience is increased through cultural heritage" WorldArch 50.4 (2018) pp. 639-650

Hanna, Jonathan A. "Grenada and the Guianas: mainland connections and cultural resilience during the Caribbean Late Ceramic Age" WorldArch 50.4 (2018) pp. 651-675

Foxhall, Lin "Introduction: rethinking protohistories: texts, material culture and new methodologies" WorldArch 50.5 (2018) pp. 677-689

Papadopoulos, John K. "Greek protohistories" WorldArch 50.5 (2018) pp. 690-705

Osborne, James F. "History and temporality in Bronze Age Anatolia: the King of Battle narrative in archaeological and historical tradition" WorldArch 50.5 (2018) pp. 706-722

Matthews, Roger; Richardson, Amy "Cultic resilience and inter-city engagement at the dawn of urban history: protohistoric Mesopotamia and the 'city seals', 3200--2750 BC" WorldArch 50.5 (2018) pp. 723-747

Macfarland, Kathryn "Cycles of historical inquiry: evaluating the historical paradigm of nomadism in Iron Age north central Eurasia" WorldArch 50.5 (2018) pp. 748-763

Gomes, Francisco B.; Arruda, Ana Margarida "On the edge of history? The Early Iron Age of southern Portugal, between texts and archaeology" WorldArch 50.5 (2018) pp. 764-780

Mainland, Ingrid; Batey, Colleen "The nature of the feast: commensality and the politics of consumption in Viking Age and Early Medieval Northern Europe" WorldArch 50.5 (2018) pp. 781-803

Ambrosino, Gordon "Painted origins: inscribed landscape histories in the Fortaleza pictograph style during the Andean, late pre-Hispanic period" WorldArch 50.5 (2018) pp. 804-819

Trabert, Sarah "Reframing the Protohistoric Period and the (Peri)Colonial Process for the North American Central Plains" WorldArch 50.5 (2018) pp. 820-834

Fedeli, Paolo "Orazio, Carm. 4, 12 : l'importanza di chiamarsi Virgilio" A&R 13.1-2 (2019) pp. 1-12

Lelli, Emanuele "Folklorica. 6, (Theocr. id. 5 : 65, 96-97, 104-5)" A&R 13.1-2 (2019) pp. 41-48

Tibiletti, Antonio "'Wilamowitziana': Maria Cardini a Berlino e di ritorno a Napoli (1913-1915)" A&R 13.1-2 (2019) pp. 49-63

Caruso, Valentina "Sulle 'Peliadi' di Euripide" A&R 13.1-2 (2019) pp. 64-83

Schembra, Rocco "La tradizione manoscritta dell' 'Homilia in mulieres unguentiferas' di Gregorio di Antiochia (PG 88, cc. 1848-1866)" A&R 13.1-2 (2019) pp. 84-108

Simeone, Eduardo "Esistenzialismo e teomorfismo in Omero" A&R 13.1-2 (2019) pp. 109-116

Bruschi, Anatol "Alcune note critiche sugli scoli Bembini dell' 'Eunuco'" A&R 13.1-2 (2019) pp. 117-127

Cergol, Jadranka "Il popolo etrusco e i poeti augustei : i casi di Properzio e Orazio" A&R 13.1-2 (2019) pp. 128-148

Celato, Gennaro "Sulla condizione degli studi classici nel Seicento: appunti dall'epistolario di N. Heinsius" A&R 13.1-2 (2019) pp. 149-159

Ugolini, Gherardo "Ricordo di Diego Lanza" A&R 13.1-2 (2019) pp. 160-169

Schembra, Rocco "Lucifero di Cagliari e la cultura classica: il caso di Lucif. Non parc. XXV 22-25 Diercks" A&R 13.3-4 (2019) pp. 394-405

Ferrara, Bianca "Il simposio alla greca raccontato nelle immagini dipinte su un vaso dalla Cuma sannitica" A&R 13.3-4 (2019) pp. 406-428

D'Auria, Isabella "La violenza nella letteratura martiriale cristiana dei secoli III-V" A&R 13.3-4 (2019) pp. 429-445

* "Per Luigi Lehnus" A&R 13.3-4 (2019) pp. 446-449

Benedetto, Giovanni Antonio "Uno sguardo attraverso 'Maasiana & Callimachea'" A&R 13.3-4 (2019) pp. 450-467

Rummel, Philipp von; Fless, Friederike "Editorial" AA 2019.1 (2019) pp. 1-13?

Kleitsas, Chrestos "The hoard of Rodotopi in Ioannina (Epirus, NW Greece) and the copper single-edged shaft-hole axes of the Early Bronze Age in the Helladic Area" AA 2019.1 (2019) pp. 14-41

Schachner, Andreas "Die Ausgrabungen in Bogazkoy-Hattusa 2018" AA 2019.1 (2019) pp. 42-117

Graeve, Volkmar von; Blum, Irene "Die Arbeiten in Milet in den Jahren 2006--2011" AA 2019.1 (2019) pp. 118-227

Fiedler, Manuel; Shehi, Eduard; Szilamer-Peter, Panczel; Dohner, Gregor "Die Kleinsiedlung Babunje, neue Forschungen zur territorialen Siedlungsstruktur zwischen Apollonia und Epidamnos/Dyrrhachion (Albanien)" AA 2019.1 (2019) pp. 228-251

Rinaldi, Elia "Museruole di cavallo in bronzo dalle stoai dell'Epiro" AA 2019.1 (2019) pp. 253-275

Ardeleanu, Stefan; Chaouali, Moheddine; Eck, Werner; Rummel, Philipp von "Die fruhkaiserzeitlichen Grabsteine aus Simitthus (Chimtou), Stilistisch-epigraphische Analyse und urbaner Kontext" AA 2019.1 (2019) pp. 277-323

Kansteiner, Sascha "Geschlechtswechsel in der antiken Skulptur" AA 2019.1 (2019) pp. 324-345

Franken, Norbert "Praktische Erfindung, zur Geschichte des Bajonettverschlusses im Altertum" AA 2019.2 (2019) pp. 11-20

Hesberg, Henner von; Fiedler, Manuel "Ein Marmorsarkophag klassischer Zeit aus Apollonia (Albanien) und seine Wiederverwendung in der romischen Kaiserzeit" AA 2019.2 (2019) pp. 30-35

Scheibler, Ingeborg "Bildzeugnisse zum Werk des Apelles?" AA 2019.2 (2019) pp. 54-69

Lichtenberger, Achim; Meyer, Cornelius; Zardaryan, Mkrtich H. "Report on the 2018 Magnetic Prospection at Artaxata/Artashat in Armenia" AA 2019.2 (2019) pp. 70-89

Pirson, Felix "Pergamon, Bericht uber die Arbeiten in der Kampagne 2018" AA 2019.2 (2019) pp. 90-147

Corsten, Thomas, Hopken, Constanze "Ennia Fortuna: eine romische Glasmacherin aus Rom?" AA 2019.2 (2019) pp. 148-157

Wartburg, Marie-Louise von "Ausgrabungen in Alt-Paphos, 18. Vorlaufiger Bericht: Grabungskampagnen 2007--2008" AA 2019.2 (2019) pp. 158-193

Eck, Werner "Hadrian mit dem Titel 'proconsul' als Bauherr in Rom, zur Neuinterpretation von CIL VI 40518, einer stadtromischen Bauinschrift" AA 2019.2 (2019) pp. 194-205

Russell, Ben "Sculpture New and Old from the Antonine Basilica at Utica" AA 2019.2 (2019) pp. 206-235

von Prittwitz und Gaffron, Hans-Hoyer "Der Knabe aus Chimtou" AA 2019.2 (2019) pp. 236-245

Balzer, Marjorie Mandelstam "Editor's Introduction: Urgent Anthropology: Gender, Ethnic Conflict, Migration, and Anti-Americanism" AAEur 58.3 (2019) pp. 117-122

Sirazhudinova, Saida V. "Attitudes Toward Female Circumcision in Dagestani Society: 'Not to be Mentioned!'" AAEur 58.3 (2019) pp. 123-133

Ismailbekova, Aksana "From Endogamous Marriage to Ethnicity: Uzbek Community Survival Strategy After the 2010 Conflict in Osh" AAEur 58.3 (2019) pp. 134-154

Abashin, Sergei N. "Returning Home and Circular Mobility: How Crises Change the Anthropological View of Migration" AAEur 58.3 (2019) pp. 155-168

Arkhipova, Alexandra S.; Titkov, Daria A. Radchenko & Alexey S. "'Our Answer for Obama': The Logic of Symbolic Aggression" AAEur 58.3 (2019) pp. 169-204

Balzer, Marjorie Mandelstam "Editor's Introduction: Arctic Issues and Identities" AAEur 58.4 (2019) pp. 205-214

Magomedov, Arbakhan "How the Indigenous Peoples of the Russian Arctic Defend Their Interests: The Social, Economic, and Political Foundations of Indigenous Resistance" AAEur 58.4 (2019) pp. 215-245

Erokhina, Elena A. "Indigenous Numerically Small Peoples and Extraction Companies in the Ob North: Cooperation or Conflict?" AAEur 58.4 (2019) pp. 246-258

Oparin, Dmitriy "Radio and WhatsApp. Public Space among the Eastern Khanty and the Asiatic Yupik" AAEur 58.4 (2019) pp. 259-270

Burnasheva, Daria "Arctic Identity: Between Frontier and Homeland" AAEur 58.4 (2019) pp. 271-307

Balzer, Marjorie Mandelstam "Editor's Introduction: Cross-Cultural Influences in the Far East and Central Asia" AAEur 58.1-2 (2019) pp. 1-5

Kuz'min, Yaroslav V. "Emergence of Ancient Ceramics in East Asia (the Geoarcheological Aspect)" AAEur 58.1-2 (2019) pp. 6-22

Zhushchikhovskaya, Irina S.; Nikitin, Yuri G. "The Oldest Ceramics Kiln in the Russian Far East" AAEur 58.1-2 (2019) pp. 23-44

Krutykh, Evgeniy B.; Batarshev, Sergey V. "Late Neolithic Zaisan Archeological Culture in Primor'e (the South of Russia's Far East): A History of Ideas and Conceptions" AAEur 58.1-2 (2019) pp. 45-71

Gasilin, Viacheslav Vladimirovich; Gorbunov, Sergey Viacheslavovich "Bear and Dog Remains From an Agnevo River Sacred Site (Central Sakhalin)" AAEur 58.1-2 (2019) pp. 72-94

Korol, Galina G. "Cultural Influences in Central Asia and Contiguous Territories at the Turn of the First and Second Millennia C.E. (Based on the Materials of Small-Form Toreutics)" AAEur 58.1-2 (2019) pp. 95-116

Adamik, Bela "13th International Colloquium on Vulgar and Late Latin. Latin vulgaire -- latin tardif XIII (LVLT13). September 3--7, 2018, Faculty of Humanities of the Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest, Hungary" AAntHung 59.1-4 (2019) pp. 1-3

Calboli, Gualtiero "Josepho Herman amico dicatum" AAntHung 59.1-4 (2019) pp. 5-8

Gulyas, Adrienn "How Do New Languages Arise? A Comparison of Romanization and Gallicization" AAntHung 59.1-4 (2019) pp. 9-18

Kiss, Sandor "La transition latino-romane : problemes de la reconstruction" AAntHung 59.1-4 (2019) pp. 19-25

Wolff, ETienne "Traits de langue tardive et/ou vulgaire dans la poesie d'Ausone" AAntHung 59.1-4 (2019) pp. 27-34

Barchi, Serena "On the Graphemic Alternance E ~ I and O ~ U in Latin Papyri and Ostraca: Some New Remarks" AAntHung 59.1-4 (2019) pp. 35-44

Dascalu, Ioana-Rucsandra "Les consonnes aspirees dans les textes latins tardifs" AAntHung 59.1-4 (2019) pp. 45-51

Gonda, Attila "Dialects of Vulgar Latin and the Dialectal Classification of the Alps-Danube-Adria Region" AAntHung 59.1-4 (2019) pp. 53-69

Tamponi, Lucia "On Back and Front Vowels in Latin Inscriptions from Sardinia" AAntHung 59.1-4 (2019) pp. 71-83

Tarsi, Matteo "Towards a Phonology of Scandinavian Latin Runic Inscriptions: A Corpus-Based Analysis" AAntHung 59.1-4 (2019) pp. 85-96

Adamik, Bela "On the Loss of Final -m: Phonological or Morphosyntactic Change?" AAntHung 59.1-4 (2019) pp. 97-108

Abellan, Carmen Arias "Observaciones sobre la sintaxis de la toponimia en el itinerario del Pseudo Antonino de Placentia" AAntHung 59.1-4 (2019) pp. 109-118

Greco, Paolo; Ferrari, Valentina "Aspetti della Subordinazione a verbo non finito nella Vulgata" AAntHung 59.1-4 (2019) pp. 119-131

Ferrari, Valentina "Aspetti della subordinazione completiva nel De consolatione philosophiae di Boezio" AAntHung 59.1-4 (2019) pp. 133-144

Galdi, Giovanbattista "Verbi a supporto nel latino tardo: il caso di facio" AAntHung 59.1-4 (2019) pp. 145-160

Leal, Alfonso Garcia "De la Historia Gothorum isidoriana a la Cronica de Alfonso III: Sobre la evolucion de los demostrativos latinos" AAntHung 59.1-4 (2019) pp. 161-179

Garnier, Romain "On the Origin of Gerund and Gerundive in Latin: A New Reassessment" AAntHung 59.1-4 (2019) pp. 181-187

Gaspar, Catarina; Tantimonaco, Silvia "Relative Pronouns in Light of Epigraphic Evidence:The Province of Lusitania" AAntHung 59.1-4 (2019) pp. 189-198

Gianollo, Chiara; Magni, Elisabetta "Variation and Change in Latin Close Appositions" AAntHung 59.1-4 (2019) pp. 199-211

Hoffmann, Roland "On Word Order in the Vulgate 3: Discontinuities in the Order of Noun and Modifier" AAntHung 59.1-4 (2019) pp. 213-226

Joffre, Marie-Dominique "La distribution et la signification de is, ille et ipse dans les Sermons de Saint Cesaire d'Arles Concordance et discordance avec la norme ' classique '" AAntHung 59.1-4 (2019) pp. 227-239

Paulus, Nora "Libertae isdem coniugi T. Licinius Il problema della fossilizzazione del pronome idem" AAntHung 59.1-4 (2019) pp. 241-251

Entrialgo, Clara Elena Prieto "In termino unde primiter dixi. Los relativos de lugar en el latin iberico de los siglos IX--X" AAntHung 59.1-4 (2019) pp. 253-265

Schaller, Gaetan "Le datif et le genitif prepositionnels dans le latin merovingien a travers l'etude des chartes des 7eme et 8eme siecles" AAntHung 59.1-4 (2019) pp. 267-279

Sornicola, Rosanna "Dal partitivo latino al partitivo romanzo: Alcuni problemi di analisi diacronica e storica nelle trasformazioni delle strutture partitive" AAntHung 59.1-4 (2019) pp. 281-293

Spieralska, Beata "Coreferentiality in Absolute Constructions in Late Latin" AAntHung 59.1-4 (2019) pp. 295-304

Valente, Simona "le desinenze personali nella morfologia verbale delle carte cavensi (IX secolo)" AAntHung 59.1-4 (2019) pp. 305-315

Adamik, Tamas "Vocabulary of Catullus' Poems Hapax Legomena as Vulgar Words" AAntHung 59.1-4 (2019) pp. 317-325

Aerts, Simon "A Three-dimensional, Systemic Functional Analysis of Tense Usage in Gregory of Tours' Decem libri Historiarum" AAntHung 59.1-4 (2019) pp. 327-339

Andokova, Marcela "'ut nos simus codex ipsorum' The Interpretation of verba dubitationis in St. Augustine's Homiletic OEuvre" AAntHung 59.1-4 (2019) pp. 341-351

D'Argenio, Elisa "Sui tecnicismi giuridici delle leggi longobarde: tra rideterminazioni semantiche e polisemia" AAntHung 59.1-4 (2019) pp. 353-365

Di Marco, Michele "Su alcune peculiarita lessicali di ambito liturgico nella Regula monachorum di isidoro di Siviglia" AAntHung 59.1-4 (2019) pp. 367-376

Jekl, Agnes "I prefissi verbali dal latino classico all'italiano: problemi di classificazione su base etimologica Il prefisso ad-" AAntHung 59.1-4 (2019) pp. 377-386

Panagl, Oswald "Wortbildung und Textsorte Verbalabstrakta in der spat(er)en Latinitat" AAntHung 59.1-4 (2019) pp. 387-397

Plocharz, Piotr "Latinophonie altimedievale en italie meridionale Etude des demonstratifs dans les chartes. Le cas de IPSE" AAntHung 59.1-4 (2019) pp. 399-411

Schrickx, Josine "Bricht Der Thesaurus Linguae Latinae mit dem Jahr 600 n. Chr. ab? Der ThLL als spatlateinisches Worterbuch" AAntHung 59.1-4 (2019) pp. 413-423

Simon, Zsolt "Zur Herkunft von leuga" AAntHung 59.1-4 (2019) pp. 425-433

Urbanova, Daniela "Intensifying Strategies in Curse Texts" AAntHung 59.1-4 (2019) pp. 435-444

Zilverberg, Kevin "Cultic Verbs in Vetus Latina Daniel and in Jerome's Translations of the Greek Additions to Daniel" AAntHung 59.1-4 (2019) pp. 445-452

Cafiero, Florian; Verdo, Remy "Modeliser le continuum latino-roman aux alentours de l'an 800 : de la sociolinguistique a l'intelligence artificielle" AAntHung 59.1-4 (2019) pp. 453-466

Callebat, Louis "Une theorie resurgente : l'africitas" AAntHung 59.1-4 (2019) pp. 467-476

Fedriani, Chiara "Costruzioni ipotetiche parentetiche usate come marcatori di cortesia in latino tardo: il tipo si placet, si videtur, si molestum non est" AAntHung 59.1-4 (2019) pp. 477-488

Mikulova, Jana "Introduccion del discurso directo en el latin tardio" AAntHung 59.1-4 (2019) pp. 489-503

Molinelli, Piera "Mutamenti pragmatici dall'alto e dal basso in latino tardo" AAntHung 59.1-4 (2019) pp. 505-518

MuLler, Roman "Color dicendi: Zwischen Rhetorik, Stil und Varietaten" AAntHung 59.1-4 (2019) pp. 519-526

Peterson, David "The Languages of the Invaders of 711, Invasion and Language Contact in Eighth--Century Northwestern Iberia" AAntHung 59.1-4 (2019) pp. 527-535

Vagasi, Tunde "The Sociolinguistic Research of the Cult of Jupiter Dolichenus" AAntHung 59.1-4 (2019) pp. 537-546

Zheltova, Elena V. "Evidentiality and Mirativity in the Language of Roman Comedy" AAntHung 59.1-4 (2019) pp. 547-559

Barta, Andrea "Some Remarks on the Latin Curse Tablets from Pannonia" AAntHung 59.1-4 (2019) pp. 561-574

Biville, FreDeRique "Latinite d'occident, latinite d'orient: Le 'latin' du Livre des ceremonies de Constantin Porphyrogenete" AAntHung 59.1-4 (2019) pp. 575-585

Calboli, Gualtiero "The Vindolanda Tablets again, and Now More" AAntHung 59.1-4 (2019) pp. 587-599

Costa, Ioana "Avsonivs: vt doceam docendvs ipse" AAntHung 59.1-4 (2019) pp. 601-610

Horvathy, Sara "Themes et variations Reflexions stylistiques sur l'itineraire d'Egerie" AAntHung 59.1-4 (2019) pp. 611-621

Mari, Tommaso "The Grammarian Consentius on Errors Concerning the Accent in Spoken Latin" AAntHung 59.1-4 (2019) pp. 623-633

Solin, Heikki "Pompeios defer Zum Studium des Lateins der pompejanischen Inschriften" AAntHung 59.1-4 (2019) pp. 635-650

Willms, Lothar "Augusta Treverorum Vulgaris: Linguistic Change and Cultural Integration in the Vulgar Latin Inscriptions of Trier (Germany)" AAntHung 59.1-4 (2019) pp. 651-661

Adamik, Bela "The transformation of the case system in African Latin as evidenced in inscriptions" ACD 55 (2019) pp. 13-36

Barta, Andrea "'Mala bestia foras dato': spelling mistakes and loan phrases as means of interpretation of a Latin magical text" ACD 55 (2019) pp. 37-48

Cotugno, Francesca "Latinization of the north-western provinces: sociolinguistics, epigraphy and bilingualism: a preliminary study on the area of Nijmegen" ACD 55 (2019) pp. 49-58

Gaspar, Catarina "The Endovellicus sanctuary in Portugal: an example of language variation through votive inscriptions in Latin" ACD 55 (2019) pp. 59-74

Gonda, Attila "Phonetic changes in the Latin of Noricum" ACD 55 (2019) pp. 75-96

Gellerfi, Gergo "Epic meals: Who should read epic poetry in Rome?" ACD 55 (2019) pp. 95-202

Papini, Alessandro "Some preliminary remarks concerning sociolinguistic variation within the 'Vulgar' Latin vowel system: as evidenced by the inscriptional data" ACD 55 (2019) pp. 97-112

Paulus, Nora "The 'vivo suo' formula, as a possible manifestation of the interconnection of the Greek and Latin languages in Moesia Inferior" ACD 55 (2019) pp. 113-126

Tamponi, Lucia "The confusion between 'B' and 'V' in Latin inscriptions from Sardinia" ACD 55 (2019) pp. 127-146

Tantimonaco, Silvia "The role of archaisms in the Latin inscriptions of the Roman Empire: some new considerations in light of computerized dialectology" ACD 55 (2019) pp. 147-172

Kantaras, Anastasios "Byzantime epigrams on the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ: the case of Georgios Pisides" ACD 55 (2019) pp. 175-194

Markelov, Andrei Y. "Augustus as Princeps Senatus" ACD 55 (2019) pp. 203-218

Martorana, Simona "Myth and philosophy: the Great Sinner's 'topos' in Ovid, Lucretius and Seneca" ACD 55 (2019) pp. 219-232

Santa, Sara "Chronicle of the first planned excavation in Hungary: Istvan Schonvisner and 'De ruderibus'" ACD 55 (2019) pp. 233-246

Somfai, Peter "'Commune sepulcrum': the 'Catullan' memory of troy in Vergil's 'Aeneid'" ACD 55 (2019) pp. 247-260

Szilagyi, Laura Menta "Some notes on the literature on ancient didactic poetry" ACD 55 (2019) pp. 261-280

Kuznetsov, Vladimir D.; Nikitin, Alexander B. "An Old Persian Inscription from Phanagoria" ACSS 25.1 (2019) pp. 1-7

Kuznetsov, Vladimir D. "The Cimmerian Bosporus in the 5th Century BC (an Old Persian Inscription from Phanagoria)" ACSS 25.1 (2019) pp. 8-43

Smekalova, Authors: Edgar A. Terekhintatiana N. "Study of Ancient Land Boundaries at Tauric Chersonesos Using Satellite Images" ACSS 25.1 (2019) pp. 44-58

Monakhov, Sergei Yu. "Once More on the Subject of Herakleian Amphorae with Stamps of the Manufacturer Etymos" ACSS 25.1 (2019) pp. 59-78

Treister, Authors: Leonid T. Yablonsky+Mikhail Yu. "New Archaeological Data on Achaemenid Influences in the Southern Urals" ACSS 25.1 (2019) pp. 79-161

Mordvintseva, Authors: Alexander A. Trufanovvalentina I. "A Female Burial with Gold Jewellery from the Ust'-Al'ma Necropolis (Crimea) Dating from the 1st Century AD" ACSS 25.1 (2019) pp. 162-179

Makarov, Igor A. "On the Epitaph for Argotas from Neapolis Scythica" ACSS 25.2 (2019) pp. 205-219

Ivantchik, Askold I. "The Scythian Kingdom in the Crimea in the 2nd Century BC and Its Relations with the Greek States in the North Pontic Region" ACSS 25.2 (2019) pp. 220-254

Lysenko, Aleksandr V.; Mordvintseva, Valentina I. "Metal Jewellery in the Context of a Sanctuary: Interpretation Potential A Case Study of Eklizi-Burun (Crimean Mountains)" ACSS 25.2 (2019) pp. 255-307

Abramzon, Mikhail G.; Kuznetsov, Vladimir D. "A Hoard of 3rd-4th Centuries AD Bosporan Staters from Phanagoria (2011)" ACSS 25.2 (2019) pp. 308-356

Tishkin, Alexey A.; Seregin, Nikolay N. "Metal Mirrors from Altai Sites of the Xiongnu Time Results of a Complex Analysis" ACSS 25.2 (2019) pp. 357-375

Waterfield, Kathryn "Penteconters and the Fleet of Polycrates" AHB 33.1-2 (2019) pp. 1-18

Hyland, John O. "The Aftermath of Aigospotamoi and the Decline of Sparten Naval Power" AHB 33.1-2 (2019) pp. 19-41

Richardson, W.P. "Dual Leadership in the League of Corinth and Antipater's Phantom Hegemony" AHB 33.1-2 (2019) pp. 42-59

Gatzke, Andre F. "Mithridates VI Eupator and Persian Kingship" AHB 33.1-2 (2019) pp. 60-80

Degen, Julian "Xenophon and the Light from Heaven" AHB 33.3-4 (2019) pp. 81-107

Wrenhaven, Kelly L. "Laughing at Slaves: the Greek Comic Slave and the American Blackface Minstrel" AHB 33.3-4 (2019) pp. 108-126

Cameron, Hamish "Founder of Babylon and Master of Asia: Semiramis and the Parthians in Strabo's Geography" AHB 33.3-4 (2019) pp. 127-141

Grosse Beilage, Mareile "Four Observations on Mark Antony and the Triumviral Narrative" AHB 33.3-4 (2019) pp. 142-

Gamma, Claudia; Schlick-Nolte, Birgit "Ein Glaserner Krateriskos aus dem Tal der Konige" AK 62 (2019) pp. 3-12

Bolder-Boos, Marion "Den Griechen Ein Vorbild? Konstruktion und Bewertung phonizischer Kunst von Winckelmann bis zum Ersten Weltkrieg" AK 62 (2019) pp. 13-34

Mistireki, Aleksandra "Die Lopades von Spina -- Griechische Kochgefasse in Etrurien?" AK 62 (2019) pp. 35-57

Girard, Thibault "Eros a la lanterne: style, iconographie et litterature. A propos d'une intaille inedite du Musee d'Art et d'Histoire de Geneve" AK 62 (2019) pp. 58-70

Badoud, Nathan "Le Laocoon et les sculptures de Sperlonga: chronologie et signification" AK 62 (2019) pp. 71-95

Guggisberg, Martin A.; Imbach, Marta; Spichtig, Norbert "Basler Ausgrabungen in Francavilla Marittima (Kalabrien). Bericht uber die Kampagne 2018" AK 62 (2019) pp. 96-108

Gubler, Brigitte; Guggisberg, Martin A. "Die Frau aus Gab Est 5 von Francavilla Marittima: Eine Rekonstruktion" AK 62 (2019) pp. 109-120

Mohr, Martin "Forschungen auf dem Monte Iato 2018" AK 62 (2019) pp. 121-134

Mango, Elena; Boglione, Marcella; Mistireki, Aleksandra "Siebter Vorbericht zu den Forschungen in Himera (2018)" AK 62 (2019) pp. 135-143

Reber, Karl; Knoepfler, Denis; Karapaschalidou, Amalia; Krapf, Tobias; Theurillat, Thierry; Luisoni, Geoffroy; Ackermann, Guy "Les activites de l'Ecole suisse d'archeologie en Grece en 2018. L'Artemision d'Amarynthos et la Palestre Sud d'Eretrie" AK 62 (2019) pp. 144-157

Beck, Julien; Koutsoumba, Despina "Baie de Kiladha 2018" AK 62 (2019) pp. 158-162

Caloi, Ilaria "Breaking with tradition? The adoption of the wheel-throwing technique at Protopalatial Phaistos: combining macroscopic analysis, experimental archaeology and contextual information" ASAA 97 (2019) pp. 9-25

Borgna, Elisabetta "Ordinary people in the flow of history. Tomb 6 from the Trapeza cemetery, Aigion, and the Mycenaeans in Eastern Achaea." ASAA 97 (2019) pp. 26-57

Stefanakis, Manolis I. "Evidence and some speculations on Bronze Age presence at wider area of Kymissala, Rhodes." ASAA 97 (2019) pp. 58-71

Sarcone, Germano "Statue arcaiche in terracotta da Efestia (Lemno)." ASAA 97 (2019) pp. 72-92

Persano, Paolo "L'amazzone tardo-arcaica dagli Horti Sallustiani: riesame di una scultura greca a Roma." ASAA 97 (2019) pp. 93-113

Figura, Federico "Il destino di un vaso. La lekanis del Pittore di Berlino, dalla bottega al Persephoneion locrese." ASAA 97 (2019) pp. 114-129

Serafini, Tommaso "Telesterion: contributo alla definizione di una tipologia architettonica e funzionale" ASAA 97 (2019) pp. 130-156

Care, Barbara "Bones of bronze: new observations on the astragalus bone metal replicas." ASAA 97 (2019) pp. 157-170

Storchi, Paolo "Ricerche sull'urbanistica dell'antica Calcide" ASAA 97 (2019) pp. 171-181

Carafa, Paolo "Paesaggi di Magna Grecia" ASAA 97 (2019) pp. 182-198

Anguissola, Anna; Lenzi, Sara "La policromia degli elementi non figurati nella scultura greca e romana. Proposte per uno studio del colore di puntelli, sfondi, basi" ASAA 97 (2019) pp. 199-215

Coarelli, Filippo "Tessalonica, Segni e il culto isiaco" ASAA 97 (2019) pp. 216-220

Piccinini, Jessica "The Roman Agora of Apollonia in Illyria: a space for the imperial cult." ASAA 97 (2019) pp. 221-230

Merletto, Antonella P. "The forica of Kos in the peristyle typology of Roman public toilets" ASAA 97 (2019) pp. 231-259

Cecconi, Niccolo "L'edificio di od. Misaraliotou ad Atene e il suo contesto urbano" ASAA 97 (2019) pp. 260-294

Antolini, S. "La prima attestazione del culto dei santi Cosma e Damiano nell'Epirus Vetus dagli scavi della fortificazione di Palokastra (Valle del Drino, Albania)" ASAA 97 (2019) pp. 295-310

D'Ercole, Maria Cecilia "Measures, prices and values of salt in ancient societies" ASAA 97 (2019) pp. 311-320

Santi, Massimiliano "La Scuola e il Possedimento" ASAA 97 (2019) pp. 321-346

Fadelli, Giacomo "L'esplorazione dell'isola di Gavdos di Antonio Maria Colini e Doro Levi (agosto 1925)." ASAA 97 (2019) pp. 347-378

Marginesu, Giovanni "Segreti di bottega e trasparenza amministrativa. Il caso della fusione del bronzo nell'Attica classica" ASAA 97 (2019) pp. 381-386

Marchiandi, Daniela "Ancora sul peribolo di Menyllos ovvero la microstoria di una famiglia di Halai Aixonides" ASAA 97 (2019) pp. 387-409

Culasso Gastaldi, E. "Kabirion di Lemnos: le iscrizioni rinvenute nell'Esedra e nel quartiere tardo-romano" ASAA 97 (2019) pp. 410-427

Mari, Manuela "Un regno e le sue 'capitali'. Frammenti della storia di Anfipoli in eta ellenistica." ASAA 97 (2019) pp. 428-434

Magnelli, Adalberto "Per una ipotesi di rilettura dell'accordo fra Gortina e Festo, ICr IV 165 (240-222 a.C.)" ASAA 97 (2019) pp. 435-440

Camia, Francesco "Sacrificare agli imperatori: una dedica su altare a Settimio Severo da Filippi (CIPh II.1, N.24)." ASAA 97 (2019) pp. 441-447

Pappalardo, Eleonora "Urne figurate da Prinias (Creta). Il 'Protogeometrico B' tra Dark Age e alto arcaismo" ASAA 97 (2019) pp. 451-472

Di Cesare, Riccardo "Il santuario arcaico dell'acropoli di Efestia (Lemno): l'Edificio con stipe. Seconda relazione preliminare (scavi 2019)" ASAA 97 (2019) pp. 473-493

De Domenico, Carlo; Anelli, Dario; Valente, Rossana "La basilica del porto orientale di Efestia (Lemno). Relazione preliminare delle ricerche del 2019" ASAA 97 (2019) pp. 494-515

Pansini, Rossella; Passalacqua, Luca "Le cave orientali di Efestia (Lemno). Relazione delle attivita del 2019." ASAA 97 (2019) pp. 516-519

Trafficante, Ilaria "Il teatro di Efestia (Lemno): scavi 1937 e 1939." ASAA 97 (2019) pp. 520-542

Davidde, B. "The submerged 'Villa of the dolia' near ancient Epidaurus. The preliminary results of the first excavation and conservation campaign" ASAA 97 (2019) pp. 543-564

Galiatsatou, Panagiota; Tsompanidis, Angelos; Davidde, B. "The 2018 underwater survey in Hormos Agiou Vlassi (ancient Epidaurus): preliminary results" ASAA 97 (2019) pp. 565-569

Farinetti, Emeri; Avgerinou, Panagiota "Ricerche nella Megaride occidentale." ASAA 97 (2019) pp. 570-581

Mocci, Davide; Pontillo, Tiziana "Predication in Astadhyayi 2.1.56. Syntactic analysis of a karmadharaya compound" Aevum 93.1 (2019) pp. 3-38

Antela-Bernardez, Borja "El tercer hombre. Leocrates, Macedonia y el oscuro Amintas" Aevum 93.1 (2019) pp. 39-48

Raimondi, Milena "L. Cecilio Metello e l'incendio del 241 a.C.: memoria gentilizia o memoria civica?" Aevum 93.1 (2019) pp. 49-73

Raimondi, Milena "Il tribunato della plebe di Mario e la storia dei Cecilii Metelli" Aevum 93.1 (2019) pp. 75-95

Urso, Gianpaolo "Popularitas" Aevum 93.1 (2019) pp. 97-109

Morales, Isaias Arrayas "Reflexiones sobre la integracion y el arraigo de romano-italicos en Anatolia en el siglo I a.C." Aevum 93.1 (2019) pp. 111-141

Keaveney, Arthur "The Two Magnesias in the First Mithridatic War" Aevum 93.1 (2019) pp. 143-154

Chimeno, Carlos Heredia "Apiano, el Cinnanum Tempus y el nuevo regimen" Aevum 93.1 (2019) pp. 155-174

Berdowski, Piotr "Was Carthago Nova captured by Gnaeus Pompeius in 46 B.C.E. and Sextus Pompeius in 44 B.C.E.?" Aevum 93.1 (2019) pp. 175-190

Cossu, Angela "Rivalutazione di una variante in Ovidio, Fast. I 310, alla luce di un verso tramandato dal florilegio prosodico Exempla diversorum auctorum" Aevum 93.1 (2019) pp. 191-201

Mazzucchi, Carlo Maria "Paulus, Lucas, Epimenides, Damaris (Actus Apostolorum 17, 19-34)" Aevum 93.1 (2019) pp. 203-206

Bonzano, Francesca "I cosiddetti 'templi romano-africani a tre celle': note sull'origine e la diffusione di una tipologia architettonica nell'Africa romana" Aevum 93.1 (2019) pp. 207-254

Pizzolato, Luigi Franco "Ancora sul padre di Ambrogio: Uranio o Marcellino?" Aevum 93.1 (2019) pp. 255-260

Von Buren, Veronika "Nonius Marcellus, De compendiosa doctrina: une entreprise carolingienne" Aevum 93.2 (2019) pp. 287-351

Sampietro, Marco "Il De natura hominis di Melezio in un frammento del X secolo conservato nella Biblioteca Storica Parrocchiale San Martino a Tirano" Aevum 93.2 (2019) pp. 353-362

Sackville, Lucy J. "The Ordo processus Narbonensis: the Earliest Inquisitor's Handbook, Lost and Refound" Aevum 93.2 (2019) pp. 363-395

Bonifacio, Carlo Alessandro "La Visio et prophetia Norsei viri Dei: un testo profetico armeno nell'Occidente medievale latino" Aevum 93.2 (2019) pp. 397-440

Mazzucchi, Carlo Maria "L'ex libris di Giovanni Camatero e versi inediti di Tzetzes nel codice Ambrosiano M 66 sup." Aevum 93.2 (2019) pp. 441-447

Avila, Josep Antoni Aguilar "'Et si.m demanats qui eren ne de quals gents, yo us ho dire'. Notas sobre el arte literario de Ramon Muntaner" Aevum 93.2 (2019) pp. 449-479

Monti, Carla Maria "Petrarca finxit. La miniatura del Virgilio Ambrosiano e il disegno di Valchiusa nel Plinio Parigino" Aevum 93.2 (2019) pp. 481-494

Manzano, Teresa Martinez "Malaquias Monaco, alias Anonymus Aristotelicus: filosofia, ciencias y exegesis biblica en la Constantinopla de la controversia palamita" Aevum 93.2 (2019) pp. 495-558

Arzalluz, Inigo Ruiz "Epitome = Compilatio: Paolino Veneto, Lombardo Della Seta, Sicco Polenton" Aevum 93.2 (2019) pp. 559-574

Rossetti, Federica "Satyra e comoedia nella teoria umanistica dei generi letterari: i Prolegomena Tzetzae nel De satyra di Giovanni Britannico" Aevum 93.3 (2019) pp. 603-627

Puig, Xavier Renedo "Uva, ciliegie, noccioli e 'qualita femminili': da un exemplum di Bernardino da Siena alla Comparacio de la vinya del Tirant lo Blanc" Aevum 93.3 (2019) pp. 629-667

Laneri, Maria Teresa "Inediti poetici nella raccolta di un ecclesiastico di primo Cinquecento: Perfetto Corazzini (ms. Berkeley, Bancroft Library, UCB 77)" Aevum 93.3 (2019) pp. 669-692

Sacchini, Lorenzo "Sul commento inedito a Petrarca di Gregorio Anastagi (1536/1539-1601)" Aevum 93.3 (2019) pp. 693-722

Nieto, Herendira Tellez "Los Colloquios de la paz y tranquilidad christiana de fray Juan de Gaona: el primer tratado teologico-filosofico del siglo XVI en lengua nahuatl (y otomi)" Aevum 93.3 (2019) pp. 723-748

Tanturri, Alberto "Il dottore all'opera. Figure di medici e guaritori nel melodramma fra Sette e Novecento" Aevum 93.3 (2019) pp. 749-772

Berti, Lucia "An international master key to the languages of trade: Ph.A. Nemnich's Universal European Dictionary of Merchandise" Aevum 93.3 (2019) pp. 773-797

Sutter, Nicholas De "Nuntius poeta miles. The Figure of Gabriele d'Annunzio in Neo-Latin Poetry" Aevum 93.3 (2019) pp. 799-845

Reynolds, Paul; Ripoll, Gisela; Dugast, Fabienne; D'Annoville, Caroline Michel "L'alimentation dans l'Antiquite tardive: une introduction" AntTard 27 (2019) pp. 17-24

Carlig, Nathan; Ricciardetto, Antonio "La terminologie relative a l'alimentation dans les glossaires greco-coptes" AntTard 27 (2019) pp. 35-55

Marganne, Marie-Helene "Recommandations dietetiques et therapeutiques dans l'Egypte byzantine (284-641) : l'apport de la papyrologie" AntTard 27 (2019) pp. 57-68

Minov, Sergey "Food and social boundaries in late antique Syria-Mesopotamia. Syriac Christians and Jewish dietary laws and alimentary practices" AntTard 27 (2019) pp. 69-82

Gautier, Alban "Le regime des boissons dans l'oeuvre de Jonas de Bobbio" AntTard 27 (2019) pp. 83-93

Arce, Javier "Les textes sur l'alimentation a l'epoque tardive et a l'epoque wisigothique (ive-vie siecles)" AntTard 27 (2019) pp. 95-102

Melis, Antoni Riera "El comercio y el consumo de especias en Occidente, desde la creacion de la republica romana hasta la restauracion imperial carolingia" AntTard 27 (2019) pp. 103-134

McKinnon, Michael "Consistency and change: zooarchaeological investigation of Late Antique diets and husbandry techniques in the Mediterranean region" AntTard 27 (2019) pp. 135-148

Medrano, Sonia Madrid "La alimentacion monastica en la antiguedad tardia a partir de las regulae monachorum" AntTard 27 (2019) pp. 149-157

Augenti, Andrea "I magazzini del Porto di Classe" AntTard 27 (2019) pp. 159-175

Huitorel, Guillaume "Stocker et conserver son alimentation dans les campagnes. Le cas du nord-est de la Gaule a la fin de l'Antiquite (iiie-ve siecle de notre ere)" AntTard 27 (2019) pp. 177-191

Morvillez, Eric "A propos du fonctionnement des installations de banquet en sigma. Nouvelles observations, entre Orient et Occident" AntTard 27 (2019) pp. 193-221

Baratte, Francois "Vaisselle d'argent, nourriture et service de table" AntTard 27 (2019) pp. 223-239

Dresken-Weiland, Jutta "Darstellungen neutestamentlicher Mahlszenen auf den Ciboriumsaulen von San Marco in Venedig" AntTard 27 (2019) pp. 241-253

Milinovic, Dino "'So Great an Empire'. Military valor and the decline and fall of the Roman Empire" AntTard 27 (2019) pp. 255-278

Noce, Esteban "En torno a la independencia semantica de los terminos gentilitas y paganismus en los Sermones de Maximo de Turin. Verificacion de una hipotesis" AntTard 27 (2019) pp. 279-301

Bonnet, Charles; Gaillard, Michele "Les amenagements liturgiques des cathedrales de Geneve, du ve au ixe siecle. Etude chronologique comparative" AntTard 27 (2019) pp. 303-320

Kiilerich, Bente; Torp, Hjalmar "Les tentures fleuries peintes a Baouit. Remarques iconographiques et iconologiques" AntTard 27 (2019) pp. 321-332

Lohr, Winrich "Les controverses doctrinales de l'eglise antique. Un cas de la ' democratisation de la culture ' dans l'Antiquite tardive ? A propos d'un nouveau livre de M.-Y. Perrin" AntTard 27 (2019) pp. 333-338

Pargeter, Justin; Hampson, Jamie "Quartz crystal materiality in Terminal Pleistocene Lesotho" Antiquity 93.367 (2019) pp. 11-27

Pitulko, Vladimir V.; Kuzmin, Yaroslav V.; Glascock, Michael D.; Pavlova, Elena Yu.; Grebennikov, Andrei V. "'They came from the ends of the earth': long-distance exchange of obsidian in the High Arctic during the Early Holocene" Antiquity 93.367 (2019) pp. 28-44

Pearson, Mike Parker; Pollard, Josh; Richards, Colin; Welham, Kate; Casswell, Chris; French, Charles; Schlee, Duncan; Shaw, Dave; Simmons, Ellen; Stanford, Adam; Bevins, Richard; Ixer, Rob "Megalith quarries for Stonehenge's bluestones" Antiquity 93.367 (2019) pp. 45-62

Duffy, Paul R.; Parditka, Gyorgyi M.; Giblin, Julia I.; Paja, Laszlo "The problem with tells: lessons learned from absolute dating of Bronze Age mortuary ceramics in Hungary" Antiquity 93.367 (2019) pp. 63-79

Zazzo, Antoine; Lepetz, Sebastien; Magail, Jerome; Gantulga, Jamyian-Ombo "High-precision dating of ceremonial activity around a large ritual complex in Late Bronze Age Mongolia" Antiquity 93.367 (2019) pp. 80-98

Price, Neil; Hedenstierna-Jonson, Charlotte; Zachrisson, Torun; Kjellstrom, Anna; Stora, Jan; Krzewinska, Maja; Gunther, Torsten; Sobrado, Veronica; Jakobsson, Mattias; Gotherstrom, Anders "Viking warrior women? Reassessing Birka chamber grave Bj.581. Part of: Bioarchaeology The Vikings" Antiquity 93.367 (2019) pp. 81-198

Mcaneney, Jonny; Baillie, Mike "Absolute tree-ring dates for the Late Bronze Age eruptions of Aniakchak and Thera in light of a proposed revision of ice-core chronologies" Antiquity 93.367 (2019) pp. 99-112

Zavodny, Emily; Culleton, Brendan J.; Mcclure, Sarah B.; Kennett, Douglas J.; Balen, Jacqueline "Recalibrating grave-good chronologies: new AMS radiocarbon dates from Late Bronze Age burials in Lika, Croatia" Antiquity 93.367 (2019) pp. 113-127

Atherton-Woolham, Stephanie; Mcknight, Lidija; Price, Campbell; Adams, Judith "Imaging the gods: animal mummies from Tomb 3508, North Saqqara, Egypt" Antiquity 93.367 (2019) pp. 128-143

Vranic, Ivan "A barrel-vaulted reservoir at Kale-Krsevica: hydraulic technology and Iron Age 'Hellenisation' in Serbia" Antiquity 93.367 (2019) pp. 144-162

Oliveira, Nuno Vasco; O'Connor, Sue; Bellwood, Peter "Dong Son drums from Timor-Leste: prehistoric bronze artefacts in Island Southeast Asia" Antiquity 93.367 (2019) pp. 163-180

Amichay, Oriya; Ben-Ami, Doron; Tchekhanovets, Yana; Shahack-Gross, Ruth; Fuks, Daniel; Weiss, Ehud "A bazaar assemblage: reconstructing consumption, production and trade from mineralised seeds in Abbasid Jerusalem" Antiquity 93.367 (2019) pp. 199-217

Paterson, Alistair; Anderson, Ross; Mulvaney, Ken; Koning, Sarah De; Dortch, Joe; Mcdonald, Jo "So ends this day: American whalers in Yaburara country, Dampier Archipelago" Antiquity 93.367 (2019) pp. 218-235

Kiarszys, Grzegorz "The destroyer of worlds hidden in the forest: Cold War nuclear warhead sites in Poland" Antiquity 93.367 (2019) pp. 236-255

Sindbaek, Soren M. "'Meet the Vikings'--or meet halfway? The new Viking display at the National Museum of Denmark in Copenhagen" Antiquity 93.367 (2019) pp. 256-259

Griffiths, David "Rethinking the early Viking Age in the West. Part of: The Vikings" Antiquity 93.368 (2019) pp. 68-477

Ruiz-Redondo, Aitor; Komso, Darko; Maidagan, Diego Garate; Moro-AbadiA, Oscar; Gonzalez-Morales, Manuel Ramon; Jaubert, Jacques; Karavanic, Ivor "Expanding the horizons of Palaeolithic rock art: the site of Romualdova Pecina" Antiquity 93.368 (2019) pp. 297-312

Williams, Jeremy C.; Simone, Diana M.; Buchanan, Briggs; Boulanger, Matthew T.; Bebber, Michelle R.; Eren, Metin I. "Nine-thousand years of optimal toolstone selection through the North American Holocene" Antiquity 93.368 (2019) pp. 313-324

Hung, Hsiao-Chun "Prosperity and complexity without farming: the South China Coast, c. 5000--3000 BC" Antiquity 93.368 (2019) pp. 325-341

Teetaert, Dimitri; Baeyens, Nathalie; Perdaen, Yves; Fiers, GeRaldine; Kock, Tim De; Allemeersch, Luc; Boudin, Mathieu; Crombe, Philippe "A well-preserved Michelsberg Culture domed oven from Kortrijk, Belgium" Antiquity 93.368 (2019) pp. 342-358

Gillings, Mark; Pollard, Joshua; Strutt, Kristian "The origins of Avebury" Antiquity 93.368 (2019) pp. 359-377

Dong, Yu; Lin, Liugen; Zhu, Xiaoting; Luan, Fengshi; Underhill, Anne P. "Mortuary ritual and social identities during the late Dawenkou period in China" Antiquity 93.368 (2019) pp. 378-392

Wright, Joshua; Ganbaatar, Galdan; Honeychurch, William; Byambatseren, Batdalai; Rosen, Arlene "The earliest Bronze Age culture of the south-eastern Gobi Desert, Mongolia" Antiquity 93.368 (2019) pp. 393-411

Erb-Satullo, Nathaniel L.; Jachvliani, Dimitri; Kalayci, Tuna; Puturidze, Marine; Simon, Katie "Investigating the spatial organisation of Bronze and Iron Age fortress complexes in the South Caucasus" Antiquity 93.368 (2019) pp. 412-431

Carey, Chris; Stremke, Frank; Humphris, Jane "The ironworking remains in the royal city of Meroe: new insights on the Nile Corridor and the Kingdom of Kush" Antiquity 93.368 (2019) pp. 432-449

Judd, Margaret; Gregoricka, Lesley; Foran, Debra "The monastic mosaic at Mount Nebo, Jordan: biogeochemical and epigraphical evidence for diverse origins" Antiquity 93.368 (2019) pp. 450-467

Anderson, Atholl "Was there mid Holocene habitation in Madagascar? A reconsideration of the OSL dates from Lakaton'i Anja" Antiquity 93.368 (2019) pp. 478-487

Hammond, Norman; Taube, Karl "The Aberdeen Celt: an early twentieth-century Olmec find" Antiquity 93.368 (2019) pp. 488-501

Mckillop, Heather; Harlow, George; Sievert, April; Smith, C. Wayne; Wiemann, Michael C. "Demystifying jadeite: an underwater Maya discovery at Ek Way Nal, Belize" Antiquity 93.368 (2019) pp. 502-518

Carroll, Beau Duke; Cressler, Alan; Belt, Tom; Reed, Julie; Simek, Jan F. "Talking stones: Cherokee syllabary in Manitou Cave, Alabama" Antiquity 93.368 (2019) pp. 519-536

Wright, Duncan W. "Archaeology and the built environment of early medieval England" Antiquity 93.368 (2019) pp. 537-539

Wiewiora, Marcin; Wasik, Bogusz; Molewski, Pawel; Badura, Monika; Maciejewska, Karolina; Makowiecki, Daniel; Moszczynski, Pawel; Misiewicz, Krzysztof; Malkowski, Wieslaw; Bogacki, Miron; Tyszkowski, Sebastian "The Teutonic crusade in Prussia: reconstruction of a medieval fortified settlement complex at Unisaw. Part of: Medieval Archaeology" Antiquity 93.369 (2019) pp. 52-771

Dempsey, Karen "Gender and medieval archaeology: storming the castle. Part of: Medieval Archaeology" Antiquity 93.369 (2019) pp. 72-788

Ledger, Marissa L.; Anastasiou, Evilena; Shillito, Lisa-Marie; Mackay, Helen; Bull, Ian D.; Haddow, Scott D.; Knusel, Christopher J.; Mitchell, Piers D. "Parasite infection at the early farming community of Catalhoyuk" Antiquity 93.369 (2019) pp. 573-587

Zhang, Chi; Pollard, A. Mark; Rawson, Jessica; Huan, Limin; Liu, Ruiliang; Tang, Xiaojia "China's major Late Neolithic centres and the rise of Erlitou" Antiquity 93.369 (2019) pp. 588-603

O'Shea, John M.; Parditka, Gyorgyi; Nicodemus, Amy; Kristiansen, Kristian; Sjogren, Karl-Goran; Paja, Laszlo; Palfi, Gyorgy; Milasinovic, Lidija "Social formation and collapse in the Tisza-Maros region: dating the Maros Group and its Late Bronze Age successors" Antiquity 93.369 (2019) pp. 604-623

Cavazzuti, Claudio; Cardarelli, Andrea; Quondam, Francesco; Salzani, Luciano; Ferrante, Marco; Nisi, Stefano; Millard, Andrew R.; Skeates, Robin "Mobile elites at Frattesina: flows of people in a Late Bronze Age 'port of trade' in northern Italy" Antiquity 93.369 (2019) pp. 624-644

Knight, Mark; Ballantyne, Rachel; Zeki, Iona Robinson; Gibson, David "The Must Farm pile-dwelling settlement" Antiquity 93.369 (2019) pp. 645-663

Garrow, Duncan; Sturt, Fraser "Neolithic crannogs: rethinking settlement, monumentality and deposition in the Outer Hebrides and beyond" Antiquity 93.369 (2019) pp. 664-684

Qin, Zhen; Storozum, Michael; Zhao, Hao; Liu, Haiwang; Fu, Kui; Kidder, Tristram R. "Cereals, soils and iron at Sanyangzhuang: Western Han agricultural production in the Central Plains" Antiquity 93.369 (2019) pp. 685-701

Hanson, John W.; Ortman, Scott G.; Bettencourt, LuiS M.A.; Mazur, Liam C. "Urban form, infrastructure and spatial organisation in the Roman Empire" Antiquity 93.369 (2019) pp. 702-718

O'Connell, Tamsin C.; Ballantyne, Rachel M.; Hamilton-Dyer, Sheila; Margaritis, Evi; Oxford, Samantha; Pantano, Walter; Millett, Martin; Keay, Simon J. "Living and dying at the Portus Romae" Antiquity 93.369 (2019) pp. 719-734

Henning, Joachim; Mccormick, Michael; Enciso, Lauro Olmo; Rassmann, Knut; Eyub, Eyub Fikrit "Reccopolis revealed: the first geomagnetic mapping of the early medieval Visigothic royal town" Antiquity 93.369 (2019) pp. 735-751

Magnani, Matthew; Grindle, Dalyn; Loomis, Sarah; Kim, Alexander M.; Egbers, Vera; Clindaniel, Jon; Hartford, Alexis; Johnson, Eric; Weber, Sadie; Campbell, Wade "Evaluating claims for an early peopling of the Americas: experimental design and the Cerutti Mastodon site" Antiquity 93.369 (2019) pp. 789-795

Eren, Metin I.; Bebber, Michelle R. "The Cerutti Mastodon site and experimental archaeology's quiet coming of age" Antiquity 93.369 (2019) pp. 796-797

Holen, Kathleen; Fullagar, Richard; Holen, Steven R. "Archaeological site interpretation using experimental quantitative and qualitative data: a response to Magnani et al. (2019)" Antiquity 93.369 (2019) pp. 798-801

Mcnabb, John "Evaluating claims for an early peopling of the Americas: the broader context" Antiquity 93.369 (2019) pp. 802-807

Magnani, Matthew; Grindle, Dalyn; Loomis, Sarah; Kim, Alexander M.; Egbers, Vera; Clindaniel, Jon; Hartford, Alexis; Johnson, Eric; Weber, Sadie; Campbell, Wade "Experimental futures in archaeology" Antiquity 93.369 (2019) pp. 808-810

Ali, Adil Hashim "The new Basrah Museum: dedicated to the archaeological and historical inheritance of Basrah and Iraq" Antiquity 93.369 (2019) pp. 811-813

Souvatzi, Stella "From grand narratives to multiple scales: space, life and process in Neolithic Greece and beyond" Antiquity 93.369 (2019) pp. 814-817

Smith, Christopher "Settlement and the productive economy in southern Italy" Antiquity 93.369 (2019) pp. 818-822

Rizvi, Uzma Z. "Construction of the racialised and colonised other: global comparatives in imperial and colonial archaeology" Antiquity 93.369 (2019) pp. 823-826

Fochesato, Mattia; Bogaard, Amy; Bowles, Samuel "Comparing ancient inequalities: the challenges of comparability, bias and precision" Antiquity 93.37 (2019) pp. 853-869

Loftus, Emma; Mitchell, Peter J.; Ramsey, Christopher Bronk "An archaeological radiocarbon database for southern Africa" Antiquity 93.37 (2019) pp. 870-885

Li, Zhanyang; Doyon, Luc; Li, Hao; Wang, Qiang; Zhang, Zhongqiang; Zhao, Qingpo; D'Errico, Francesco "Engraved bones from the archaic hominin site of Lingjing, Henan Province" Antiquity 93.37 (2019) pp. 886-900

Pawlik, Alfred; Crozier, Rebecca; Fuentes, Riczar; Wood, Rachel; Piper, Philip "Burial traditions in early Mid-Holocene Island Southeast Asia: new evidence from Bubog-1, Ilin Island, Mindoro Occidental" Antiquity 93.37 (2019) pp. 901-918

Balasse, Marie; Tresset, Anne; Obein, Gael; Fiorillo, Denis; Gandois, Henri "Seaweed-eating sheep and the adaptation of husbandry in Neolithic Orkney: new insights from Skara Brae" Antiquity 93.37 (2019) pp. 919-932

Marin-Aguilera, Beatriz; Rodriguez-Gonzalez, Esther; Celestino, Sebastian; Gleba, Margarita "Dressing the sacrifice: textiles, textile production and the sacrificial economy at Casas del Turunuelo in fifth-century BC Iberia" Antiquity 93.37 (2019) pp. 933-953

Harland, James M. "Memories of migration? The 'Anglo-Saxon' burial costume of the fifth century AD" Antiquity 93.37 (2019) pp. 954-969

O'Reilly, Dougald; Shewan, Louise; Domett, Kate; Halcrow, Sian E.; Luangkhoth, Thonglith "Excavating among the megaliths: recent research at the 'Plain of Jars' site 1 in Laos" Antiquity 93.37 (2019) pp. 970-989

Hu, Di "Making space under the Inca: a space syntax analysis of a mitmaq settlement in Vilcas Huaman Province, Peru" Antiquity 93.37 (2019) pp. 990-1008

Saunders, Nicholas J.; Frolik, Jan; Heyd, Volker "Zeitgeist archaeology: conflict, identity and ideology at Prague Castle, 1918--2018" Antiquity 93.37 (2019) pp. 1009-1025

Lancelotti, Carla; Biagetti, Stefano; Zerboni, Andrea; Usai, Donatella; Madella, Marco "The archaeology and ethnoarchaeology of rain-fed cultivation in arid and hyper-arid North Africa" Antiquity 93.37 (2019) pp. 1026-1039

Reeder-Myers, Leslie A.; Rick, Torben C. "Kayak surveys in estuarine environments: addressing sea-level rise and climate change" Antiquity 93.37 (2019) pp. 1040-1051

Shillito, Lisa-Marie "Building Stonehenge? An alternative interpretation of lipid residues in Neolithic Grooved Ware from Durrington Walls" Antiquity 93.37 (2019) pp. 1052-1060

Kuzmin, Yaroslav V. "The older, the better? On the radiocarbon dating of Upper Palaeolithic burials in Northern Eurasia and beyond" Antiquity 93.37 (2019) pp. 1061-1071

Higham, Thomas F.G. "Removing contaminants: a restatement of the value of isolating single compounds for AMS dating" Antiquity 93.37 (2019) pp. 1072-1075

Pettitt, Paul "Fast and slow science and the Palaeolithic dating game" Antiquity 93.37 (2019) pp. 1076-1078

Witcher, Robert "From the wisdom of old age to a wider debate" Antiquity 93.37 (2019) pp. 1079-1081

Van Bockhaven, Vicky "Decolonising the Royal Museum for Central Africa in Belgium's Second Museum Age" Antiquity 93.37 (2019) pp. 1082-1087

Hodson, Claire M. "Women and children first" Antiquity 93.37 (2019) pp. 1088-1091

Preucel, Robert W. "Foraging, farming and village formation in the American Southwest" Antiquity 93.37 (2019) pp. 1092-1095

Bogaard, Amy; Fochesato, Mattia; Bowles, Samuel "The farming-inequality nexus: new insights from ancient Western Eurasia" Antiquity 93.371 (2019) pp. 1129-1143

Yue, Jian-Ping; Li, You-Qian; Yang, Shi-Xia "Neolithisation in the southern Lesser Khingan Mountains: lithic technologies and ecological adaptation" Antiquity 93.371 (2019) pp. 1144-1160

Womack, Andrew; Wang, Hui; Zhou, Jing; Flad, Rowan "A petrographic analysis of clay recipes in Late Neolithic north-western China: continuity and change" Antiquity 93.371 (2019) pp. 1161-1177

Williams, R. Alan; Le Carlier De Veslud, Cecile "boom and bust in Bronze Age Britain: major copper production from the Great Orme mine and European trade, c. 1600--1400 BC" Antiquity 93.371 (2019) pp. 1178-1196

Rahmstorf, Lorenz "Scales, weights and weight-regulated artefacts in Middle and Late Bronze Age Britain" Antiquity 93.371 (2019) pp. 1197-1210

Uhlig, Tobias; Kruger, Joachim; Lidke, Gundula; Jantzen, Detlef; Lorenz, Sebastian; Ialongo, Nicola; Terberger, Thomas "Lost in combat? A scrap metal find from the Bronze Age battlefield site at Tollense" Antiquity 93.371 (2019) pp. 1211-1230

Dupuy, Paula N. Doumani; Jia, Peter Weiming; Betts, Alison; Cong, Dexin "Pots and potters of the Bronze Age of north-west Xinjiang" Antiquity 93.371 (2019) pp. 1231-1248

Maclellan, Jessica "Preclassic Maya caches in residential contexts: variation and transformation in deposition practices at Ceibal" Antiquity 93.371 (2019) pp. 1249-1265

Ebert, Claire E.; Pierce, Daniel E.; Awe, Jaime J. "Preclassic ceramic economy in Belize: neutron activation analysis at Cahal Pech" Antiquity 93.371 (2019) pp. 1266-1283

Bulbeck, David; O'Connor, Sue; Fakhri, ; Fenner, Jack N.; Marwick, Ben; Suryatman, ; Aziz, Fadhila; Hakin, Budianto; Wibowo, Unggul P. "Patterned and plain baked clay from pre-pottery contexts in Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia" Antiquity 93.371 (2019) pp. 1284-1302

Chevance, Jean-Baptiste; Evans, Damian; Hofer, Nina; Sakhoeun, Sakada; Chhean, Ratha "Mahendraparvata: an early Angkor-period capital defined through airborne laser scanning at Phnom Kulen" Antiquity 93.371 (2019) pp. 1303-1321

Espersen, Ryan; Haviser, Jay "Cist graves on Saba: funerary traditions in the colonial Caribbean" Antiquity 93.371 (2019) pp. 1322-1338

Tache, Karine; Bondetti, Manon; Lucquin, Alexandre; Admiraal, Marjolein; Craig, Oliver E. "Something fishy in the Great Lakes? A reappraisal of early pottery use in north-eastern North America" Antiquity 93.371 (2019) pp. 1339-1349

Reynolds, Natasha; Riede, Felix "House of cards: cultural taxonomy and the study of the European Upper Palaeolithic" Antiquity 93.371 (2019) pp. 1350-1358

Shea, John J. "European Upper Palaeolithic cultural taxa: better off without them?" Antiquity 93.371 (2019) pp. 1359-1361

Scerri, Eleanor M.L. "Cultural taxonomy for the European Upper Palaeolithic: a wide-ranging problem" Antiquity 93.371 (2019) pp. 1362-1364

Marwick, Ben "Galisonian logic devices and data availability: revitalising Upper Palaeolithic cultural taxonomies" Antiquity 93.371 (2019) pp. 1365-1367

Reynolds, Natasha; Riede, Felix "Reject or revive? The crisis of cultural taxonomy in the European Upper Palaeolithic and beyond" Antiquity 93.371 (2019) pp. 1368-1370

Hamilakis, Yannis "Planet of camps: border assemblages and their challenges" Antiquity 93.371 (2019) pp. 1371-1377

Chippindale, Christopher "Alpine rock art: then and now, and into the future?" Antiquity 93.371 (2019) pp. 1378-1380

Jorgensen, Lise Bender "Ancient textiles and clothing in flux" Antiquity 93.371 (2019) pp. 1381-1385

Zuchtriegel, Gabriel "Revealing the mysteries of the Chora of Metaponto" Antiquity 93.371 (2019) pp. 1386-1388

Kaifu, Yousuke; Lin, Chih-Hsing; Goto, Akira; Ikeya, Nobuyuki; Yamada, Masahisa; Chiang, Wei-Chuan; Fujita, Masaki; Hara, Koji; Hawira, Toiora; Huang, Kuo-En; Huang, Chih-Huei; Kubota, Yoshimi; Liu, Chiung-Hsi; Miura, Kumino; Miyazawa, Yasumasa; Monden, Osamu; Muramatsu, Minoru; Sung, Yunkai; Suzuki, Katsuaki; Tanaka, Nobuyuki; Tsang, Cheng-Hwa; Uchida, Saki; Wen, Pi-Ling "Palaeolithic seafaring in East Asia: testing the bamboo raft hypothesis" Antiquity 93.372 (2019) pp. 1424-1441

Morisaki, Kazuki; Oda, Noriyoshi; Kunikita, Dai; Sasaki, Yuka; Kuronuma, Yasuko; Iwase, Akira; Yamazaki, Takeshi; Ichida, Naoichiro; Sato, Hiroyuki "Sedentism, pottery and inland fishing in Late Glacial Japan: a reassessment of the Maedakochi site" Antiquity 93.372 (2019) pp. 1442-1459

Deng, Zhenhua; Hung, Hsiao-Chun; Li, Zhen; Carson, Mike T.; Huang, Qiang; Huang, Yunzhong; Lu, Houyuan "Food and ritual resources in hunter-gatherer societies: Canarium nuts in southern China and beyond" Antiquity 93.372 (2019) pp. 1460-1478

Pietro, Grazia A. Di "Change and continuity in the pottery of early Egypt: a stratified ceramic sequence from Nekhen, Hierakonpolis" Antiquity 93.372 (2019) pp. 1479-1494

Goldstein, Steven T. "Lithic technological strategies of the earliest herders at Lake Turkana, northern Kenya" Antiquity 93.372 (2019) pp. 1495-1514

Stevens, Anna; Rogge, Corina E.; Bos, Jolanda E.M.F.; Dabbs, Gretchen R. "From representation to reality: ancient Egyptian wax head cones from Amarna" Antiquity 93.372 (2019) pp. 1515-1533

Harrower, Michael J.; Dumitru, Ioana A.; Perlingieri, Cinzia; Nathan, Smiti; Zerue, Kifle; Lamont, Jessica L.; Bausi, Alessandro; Swerida, Jennifer L.; Bongers, Jacob L.; Woldekiros, Helina S.; Poolman, Laurel A.; Pohl, Christie M.; Brandt, Steven A.; Peterson, Elizabeth A. "Beta Samati: discovery and excavation of an Aksumite town" Antiquity 93.372 (2019) pp. 1534-1552

Regert, Martine; Rodet-Belarbi, Isabelle; Mazuy, Arnaud; Dantec, Gaelle Le; Dessi, Rosa Maria; Briz, Stephanie Le; Henry, Aureade; Rageot, Maxime "Birch-bark tar in the Roman world: the persistence of an ancient craft tradition?" Antiquity 93.372 (2019) pp. 1553-1568

Losey, Robert J.; Hull, Emily "Learning to use atlatls: equipment scaling and enskilment on the Oregon Coast" Antiquity 93.372 (2019) pp. 1569-1585

Hendrickson, Mitch; Leroy, Stephanie; Castillo, Cristina; Hua, Quan; Vega, Enrique; Phon, Kaseka "Forging empire: Angkorian iron smelting, community and ritual practice at Tonle Bak" Antiquity 93.372 (2019) pp. 1586-1606

Saintenoy, Thibault; Gonzalez-Garcia, Antonio Cesar; Fernandez, Marta Crespo "The making of an imperial agricultural landscape in the Valley of Belen" Antiquity 93.372 (2019) pp. 1607-1624

Payne, Emma M. "3D imaging of the Parthenon sculptures: an assessment of the archaeological value of nineteenth-century plaster casts" Antiquity 93.372 (2019) pp. 1625-1642

Watson, Sadie "Whither archaeologists? Continuing challenges to field practice" Antiquity 93.372 (2019) pp. 1643-1652

Hutchings, Richard M.; Salle, Marina La "Sustainable archaeology: soothing rhetoric for an anxious institution" Antiquity 93.372 (2019) pp. 1653-1660

Hogberg, Anders; Holtorf, Cornelius "The valuable contributions of archaeology to present and future societies" Antiquity 93.372 (2019) pp. 1661-1663

Gnecco, Cristobal "A world full of adjectives: sustainable archaeology and soothing rhetoric" Antiquity 93.372 (2019) pp. 1664-1665

Guttmann-Bond, Erika "The ethics of sustainable archaeology" Antiquity 93.372 (2019) pp. 1666-1668

Pikirayi, Innocent "Sustainability and an archaeology of the future" Antiquity 93.372 (2019) pp. 1669-1671

Hutchings, Richard M.; Salle, Marina La "Like a chicken talking to a duck about a kettle of fish" Antiquity 93.372 (2019) pp. 1672-1675

Watts, Rebecca "Contemporary perspectives on current research in human bioarchaeology" Antiquity 93.372 (2019) pp. 1676-1679

Verano, John W. "Interdisciplinary explorations of the Mesoamerican past" Antiquity 93.372 (2019) pp. 1680-1682

Ivanov, S. "Typology and Chronology of the Red Slip Ware from the Roman Manufacturing Complex in the Varbovski Livadi Site near Pavlikeni (North Bulgaria)" ArchBulg 23.1 (2019) pp. 1-31

Curta, F. "Ethnicity in the Steppe Lands of the Northern Black Sea Region during the Early Byzantine Times" ArchBulg 23.1 (2019) pp. 33-70

Choref, M. "'Tempora mutantur et nos mutamur in illis', or on the Reasons for the Emission of Anonymous Follis" ArchBulg 23.1 (2019) pp. 71-76

Atanasov, G. "On the Initial Date of the Medieval Lower Danube Fortress of Pacuiul lui Soare and Its Harbour" ArchBulg 23.1 (2019) pp. 77-106

Reho, M. "Two oinochoai by the Nikias Painter in the National Archaeological Museum in Sofia" ArchBulg 23.2 (2019) pp. 1-25

Georgiev, P. Y. "Archaeometric Research and Reconstruction of a Bronze Vessel from Kitova Burial Mound near the Village of Krushare, Municipality of Sliven" ArchBulg 23.2 (2019) pp. 27-56

Sharankov, N.; Hristov, I. "A Milestone of Emperor Philip the Arab from the Road Oescus -- Philippopolis Found at the Eastern Wall of the castellum of Sostra" ArchBulg 23.2 (2019) pp. 57-70

Dana, D.; Moreau, D.; Kirov, S.; Valeriev, I. "A New Greek Dedication from the Sanctuary of Telerig among the spolia at Zaldapa" ArchBulg 23.2 (2019) pp. 71-78

Doncheva, S. "Early Medieval Slotted Openwork Strap Ends with 'S'-Shape Double Palmettes from Northeastern Bulgaria" ArchBulg 23.2 (2019) pp. 79-92

Hristova, R. "Approaches and Parameters for Studying the Ancient Ceramic Production" ArchBulg 23.3 (2019) pp. 1-13

Harizanov, A. "Bridging the Gap: Continuity and Innovation in Ceramic Kiln Technology from the 6 th c. BC to the Beginning of the 7th c. AD in the Territory of Bulgaria" ArchBulg 23.3 (2019) pp. 15-39

Sharankov, N. "'Infectam usque fatale exitium': The Milestones of Emperor Julian in the Territory of Serdica and the Conflict of Paganism and Christianity" ArchBulg 23.3 (2019) pp. 41-70

Tuslova, P. "Pottery from a Closed Context at the Late Antique Site of Dodoparon, Yambol Region (SE Bulgaria)" ArchBulg 23.3 (2019) pp. 71-108

Stanilov, S.; Sengalevich, G. "Notes on the Identification of an Earring with Monogram from the Benaki Museum in Athens" ArchBulg 23.3 (2019) pp. 109-120

Swanson, S.E.; Radko, N.C. "The Use of Mineralogy to Identify Sources of Soapstone Artefacts: an Example from Soapstone Ridge, Georgia (USA)" Archaeometry 61.2 (2019) pp. 259-271

Ridolfi, S.; Tabasso, M. Laurenzi; Chaverdi, A. Askari; Callieri, P. "The Finishing Technique of the Stone Monuments of Persepolis: Further Studies and New Findings Through the Use of Non-Destructive Analytical Techniques" Archaeometry 61.2 (2019) pp. 272-281

Brilli, M.; Giustini, F.; Kadioglu, M. "Black limestone used in antiquity: recognizing the limestone of Teos" Archaeometry 61.2 (2019) pp. 282-295

Vettori, S.; Cantisani, E.; Chelazzi, L.; Cuzman, O.A.; Gatta, G. D.; D'Andria, F. "The dark colour of the Ploutonion at Hierapolis of Phrygiae (Turkey)" Archaeometry 61.2 (2019) pp. 296-308

Xu, L.; Ma, X.; Zhang, B.; Zhang, Q.; Zhao, P. "Multi-analytical Studies of the Lime Mortars from the Yanxi Hall in the Yangxin Palace of the Palace Museum (Beijing)" Archaeometry 61.2 (2019) pp. 309-326

Mauran, G.; Bassel, L.; Ferrier, C.; Lacanette, D.; Bousquet, B.; Chapoulie, R. "Variability and sampling strategy of cave wall concretion: Case study of the moonmilk found in Leye Cave (Dordogne)" Archaeometry 61.2 (2019) pp. 327-341

Ma, H.; Wood, N.; Doherty, C.; Zheng, J.; Zhou, G.; Duan, H. "New Insights into the Calcium Flux Used in Ancient Longquan and Yue Kilns Based on Strontium Isotopic Compositions" Archaeometry 61.2 (2019) pp. 342-357

Shen, J.Y.; Henderson, J.; Evans, J.; Chenery, S.; Zhao, F.Y. "A study of the glazing techniques and provenances of Tang sancai glazes using elemental and lead isotope analyses" Archaeometry 61.2 (2019) pp. 358-373

Rohrs, S.; Lambacher, L.; Tagle, R. "Studying the process of enamel powder preparation for email champleve by colour measurements and [mu]-X-ray mappings" Archaeometry 61.2 (2019) pp. 374-391

Valerio, P.; Soares, J.; Araujo, M.F.; Alves, L. C.; Silva, C. Tavares Da "The Composition of the Sao Bras Copper Hoard in Relation to the Bell Beaker Metallurgy in the South-western Iberian Peninsula" Archaeometry 61.2 (2019) pp. 392-405

Batmaz, A.; Lehner, J.W.; Dardeniz, G. "Long-distance interaction in Urartu?: Provenance and composition of copper alloys from Ayanis, Turkey" Archaeometry 61.2 (2019) pp. 406-422

Eiselt, B.S.; Dudgeon, J.; Darling, J.A.; Paucar, E.N.; Glascock, M.D.; Woodson, M.K. "In-situ Sourcing of Hematite Paints on the Surface of Hohokam Red-on-Buff Ceramics Using Laser Ablation -- Inductively Coupled Plasma -- Mass Spectrometry (LA--ICP--MS) and Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis" Archaeometry 61.2 (2019) pp. 423-441

Gong, Y.; Li, C.; Zhang, Y.; Gong, D. "Discovery of ancient mineral medicine in the Lv family tomb of the Northern Song dynasty (1074--1111 ce)" Archaeometry 61.2 (2019) pp. 442-449

Adinolfi, G.; Carmagnola, R.; Cataldi, M.; Marras, L.; Palleschi, V. "Recovery of a lost wall painting at the Etruscan Tomb of the Blue Demons in Tarquinia (Viterbo, Italy) by multispectral reflectometry and UV fluorescence imaging" Archaeometry 61.2 (2019) pp. 450-458

Shaus, A.; Sober, B.; Tzang, O.; Ioffe, Z.; Cheshnovsky, O.; Finkelstein, I.; Piasetzky, E. "Raman Binary Mapping of Iron Age Ostracon in an Unknown Material Composition and High-Fluorescence Setting--A Proof of Concept" Archaeometry 61.2 (2019) pp. 459-469

Bakels, C. "Baselines for [delta]15N values of cereals retrieved from archaeological excavations" Archaeometry 61.2 (2019) pp. 470-477

Chazin, H.; Deb, S.; Falk, J.; Srinivasan, A. "New Statistical Approaches to Intra-individual Isotopic Analysis and Modelling of Birth Seasonality in Studies of Herd Animals" Archaeometry 61.2 (2019) pp. 478-493

Lukesova, H.; Andersen, H.L.; Kolinova, M.; Holst, B. "Is It Hop? Identifying Hop Fibres in a European Historical Context" Archaeometry 61.2 (2019) pp. 494-505

Zander, A.; Strebler, D.; Classen, E.; Rethemeyer, J.; Bruckner, H. "Roman traces in Germania magna: New thermoluminescence and pIRIR290 data from a lime kiln at Bergisch Gladbach, Germany" Archaeometry 61.2 (2019) pp. 506-518

* "Corrigendum to Zhangsun et al. (2017)" Archaeometry 61.2 (2019) pp. 519

Moreau, L.; Ciornei, A.; Gjesfjeld, E.; Filzmoser, P.; Gibson, S.A.; Day, J.; Nigst, P.R.; Noiret, P.; Macleod, R.A.; Nita, L.; Anghelinu, M. "First Geochemical 'Fingerprinting' of Balkan and Prut Flint from Palaeolithic Romania: Potentials, Limitations and Future Directions" Archaeometry 61.3 (2019) pp. 521-538

Key, A.J.M.; Lycett, S.J. "Biometric variables predict stone tool functional performance more effectively than tool-form attributes: a case study in handaxe loading capabilities" Archaeometry 61.3 (2019) pp. 539-555

Pince, P.; Braekmans, D.; Lycke, S.; Vandenabeele, P. "Ceramic Production in the Kur River Basin (Fars, Iran) During the Middle to Late Second Millennium bce: A Geochemical and Technological Characterization" Archaeometry 61.3 (2019) pp. 556-573

Spataro, M.; Wood, N.; Meeks, N.; Meek, A.; Priestman, S. "Pottery technology in the Tang dynasty (ninth century ad): archaeometric analyses of a Gongyi sherd found at Siraf, Iran" Archaeometry 61.3 (2019) pp. 574-587

Zhou, X.Q.; Cui, J.F.; Ren, X.Y.; Wang, Q.Q.; Du, W.; Du, Z.W.; Liu, X.Y. "The Earliest High-Fired Glazed Ceramic in China: Evidence from a Glazed Ceramic Sample from the Lajia Site, Qinghai Province" Archaeometry 61.3 (2019) pp. 588-599

de Groot, B.G. "A Diachronic Study of Networks of Ceramic Assemblage Similarity in Neolithic Western Anatolia, the Aegean and the Balkans (c.6600--5500 bc)" Archaeometry 61.3 (2019) pp. 600-613

Siemianowska, S.; Pankiewicz, A.; Sadowski, K. "On technology and production techniques of early medieval glass rings from Silesia" Archaeometry 61.3 (2019) pp. 614-646

De Juan Ares, J.; Schibille, N.; Vidal, J. Molina; Sanchez de Prado, M.D. "The Supply of Glass at Portus Ilicitanus (Alicante, Spain): A Meta-Analysis of HIMT Glasses" Archaeometry 61.3 (2019) pp. 647-662

Rumyantseva, O.; Trifonov, A.; Khanin, D. "Tracing the origins of Eastern European enamelling: Chemical composition of glass and enamels from the Bryansk hoard (south-western Russia)" Archaeometry 61.3 (2019) pp. 663-682

Reguera-Galan, A.; Barreiro-Grille, T.; Moldovan, M.; Lobo, L.; Cortina, M. A. De Blas; Alonso, J.I. Garcia "A Provenance Study of Early Bronze Age Artefacts Found in Asturias (Spain) by Means of Metal Impurities and Lead, Copper and Antimony Isotopic Compositions" Archaeometry 61.3 (2019) pp. 683-700

Gentelli, L. "Enhancing Understanding of the Emergence of Global Trade: Analysis of 17th- to 19th-Century Spanish Coins Recovered from Western Australian Shipwrecks Using Laser Ablation -- Inductively Coupled Plasma -- Mass Spectrometry (LA--ICP--MS)" Archaeometry 61.3 (2019) pp. 701-719

Van~Der~Sluis, L.G.; Reimer, P.J.; Ogle, N. "Adding Hydrogen to the Isotopic Inventory--Combining [delta]13C, [delta]15N and [delta]2H Stable Isotope Analysis for Palaeodietary Purposes on Archaeological Bone" Archaeometry 61.3 (2019) pp. 720-749

Mircea, C.; Vulpoi, A.; Rusu, I.; Radu, C.; Parvu, M.; Kelemen, B. "Exploring post-excavation degradation potential of fungal communities associated with archaeological human remains" Archaeometry 61.3 (2019) pp. 750-763

Nishiaki, Y.; Maeda, O.; Kannari, T.; Nagai, M.; Healey, E.; Guliyev, F.; Campbell, S. "Obsidian provenance analyses at Goytepe, Azerbaijan: Implications for understanding Neolithic socioeconomies in the southern Caucasus" Archaeometry 61.4 (2019) pp. 765-782

Liuliu, L.; Ying, Q.; Mingyue, Y.; Qiao, H. "Study on the lithology of stone chimes (stone musical instruments in ancient China) and Lingbi stone" Archaeometry 61.4 (2019) pp. 783-794

Garcia-M., A. Gutierrez; Savin, M.C.; Cantin, N.; Boudoumi, S.; Lapuente, P.; Chapoulie, R.; Pianet, I. "NMR as a new tool for cultural heritage application: The provenance of ancient white marbles" Archaeometry 61.4 (2019) pp. 795-808

Schotsmans, E.M.J.; Toksoy-Koksal, F.; Brettell, R.C.; Bessou, M.; Corbineau, R.; Lingle, A.M.; Bouquin, D.; Blanchard, P.; Becker, K.; Castex, D.; Knusel, C.J.; Wilson, A.S.; Chapoulie, R. "'Not All That Is White Is Lime'--White Substances from Archaeological Burial Contexts: Analyses and Interpretations" Archaeometry 61.4 (2019) pp. 809-827

Wang, W.X.; Chen, Y.; Zhang, Z.Z.; Wang, C.S. "Transmittance Analysis for the Translucent White Porcelain of the Xing Kiln, China" Archaeometry 61.4 (2019) pp. 828-836

Rodler, A.S.; Klein, S.; Artioli, G.; Brons, C. "Probing the provenance of archaeological glaze colorants: Polychrome faunal reliefs of the Ishtar Gate and the Processional Way of Babylon" Archaeometry 61.4 (2019) pp. 837-855

Then-Obluska, J.; Wagner, B. "Glass beads and pendants from Meroitic and Nobadian Lower Nubia, Sudan: Chemical compositional analysis using laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry" Archaeometry 61.4 (2019) pp. 856-873

Koleini, F.; Machiridza, L.H.; Pikirayi, I.; Colomban, P. "The Chronology of Insiza Cluster Khami-Phase Sites in South-Western Zimbabwe: Compositional Insights from pXRF and Raman Analysis of Excavated Exotic Glass Finds" Archaeometry 61.4 (2019) pp. 874-890

Bower, N.W.; Lundstrom, C.C.; Hendin, D.B. "MC-ICP-MS analyses of tin isotopes in Roman-era bronze coins reveal temporal and spatial variation" Archaeometry 61.4 (2019) pp. 891-905

Welter, J.-M. "Contact tinning: A millennia-old plating technology" Archaeometry 61.4 (2019) pp. 906-920

Zheng, H.L.; Ma, C.; Dai, X.J.; Zhou, Y. "Development of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay based on the monoclonal antibody of Bombyx mori to detect ancient silk" Archaeometry 61.4 (2019) pp. 921-932

Coppe, J.; Lepers, C.; Clarenne, V.; Delaunois, E.; Pirlot, M.; Rots, V. "Ballistic Study Tackles Kinetic Energy Values of Palaeolithic Weaponry" Archaeometry 61.4 (2019) pp. 933-956

Yang, Y.; Ren, L.; Dong, G.; Cui, Y.; Liu, R.; Chen, G.; Wang, H.; Wilkin, S.; Chen, F. "Economic Change in the Prehistoric Hexi Corridor (4800--2200 bp), North-West China" Archaeometry 61.4 (2019) pp. 957-976

Buckland, P.I.; Buckland, P.C. "When a 'Waterhole' Is Full of Dung: An Illustration of the Importance of Environmental Evidence for Refining Archaeological Interpretation of Excavated Features" Archaeometry 61.4 (2019) pp. 977-990

Hassan, M.M.; Jones, E.; Buck, C.E. "A simple Bayesian approach to tree-ring dating" Archaeometry 61.4 (2019) pp. 991-1010

Liard, F.; Kondyli, F.; Kiriatzi, E. "Exploring Diversity in Household Pottery Traditions in Crusader Greece: a Case Study from the City of Thebes, Boeotia" Archaeometry 61.5 (2019) pp. 1011-1038

Shen, J.Y.; Ma, H.; Henderson, J.; Evans, J.; Chenery, S.; Wang, F.; Wen, R. "Chemical and strontium isotope analysis of Yaozhou celadon glaze" Archaeometry 61.5 (2019) pp. 1039-1052

Matteis, P.; Scavino, G. "Mechanical Performance of Historical Wrought Iron Rods" Archaeometry 61.5 (2019) pp. 1053-1065

Puente, V.; Lopez, J.M. Porto; Desimone, P.M.; Botta, P.M. "The Persistence of the Black Colour in Magnetite-Based Pigments in Prehispanic Ceramics of the Argentine North-West" Archaeometry 61.5 (2019) pp. 1066-1080

Drieu, L.; Horgnies, M.; Binder, D.; Petrequin, P.; Petrequin, A.-M.; Peche-Quilichini, K.; Lachenal, T.; Regert, M. "Influence of porosity on lipid preservation in the wall of archaeological pottery" Archaeometry 61.5 (2019) pp. 1081-1096

Flores-Ales, V.; Alejandre, F.J.; Blasco-Lopez, F.J.; Torres-Gonzalez, M.; Nunez, C. "Analysis of Heavy Metals in Smoke Deposits in the Limewash of the Royal Artillery Factory of Seville (17th Century): Contributions to the Location of the Furnaces" Archaeometry 61.5 (2019) pp. 1097-1110

Naumann, E.; Glorstad, A.Z.T.; Breiby, M.P.; Mills, R.D.; Fullagar, P.D. "Who were the first urban settlers of Oslo? A discussion of early medieval urbanization based on isotopic analyses of human remains" Archaeometry 61.5 (2019) pp. 1111-1128

Aufort, J.; Gommery, D.; Gervais, C.; Segalen, L.; Labourdette, N.; Coelho-Diogo, C.; Balan, E. "Assessing bone transformation in late Miocene and Plio-Pleistocene deposits of Kenya and South Africa" Archaeometry 61.5 (2019) pp. 1129-1143

Viani, A.; Macova, P.; Machova, D.; CEndak, T. "The Assessment of Bone Deterioration with Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in a Multidisciplinary Context: The Case of the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Sedlec, Czechia" Archaeometry 61.5 (2019) pp. 1144-1159

Raymond, C.A.; Bevitt, J.J.; Tristant, Y.; Power, R.K.; Lanati, A.W.; Davey, C.J.; Magnussen, J.S.; Clark, S.M. "Recycled Blessings: An Investigative Case Study of a Rewrapped Egyptian Votive Mummy Using Novel and Established 3D Imaging Techniques" Archaeometry 61.5 (2019) pp. 1160-1174

Mizota, C.; Hosono, T.; Matsunaga, M.; Okumura, A.; Yamanaka, T. "Anthropogenic saltpetre: dual (oxygen and nitrogen) isotopic constraints to the biogeochemical processes" Archaeometry 61.5 (2019) pp. 1175-1192

Chesson, L.A.; Kenyhercz, M.W.; Regan, L.A.; Berg, G.E. "Addressing data comparability in the creation of combined data sets of bioapatite carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions" Archaeometry 61.5 (2019) pp. 1193-1206

Collins-Elliott, S.A. "Quantifying artefacts over time: Interval estimation of a Poisson distribution using the Jeffreys prior" Archaeometry 61.5 (2019) pp. 1207-1222

Casabianca, T.; Marinelli, E.; Pernagallo, G.; Torrisi, B. "Radiocarbon Dating of the Turin Shroud: New Evidence from Raw Data" Archaeometry 61.5 (2019) pp. 1223-1231

De~La~Torre, M. Sanchez; Garcia-Simon, L.M.; Bourdonnec, F.-X. Le; Domingo, R. "Geochemical fingerprinting of Monegros cherts: Redefining the origin of a prehistoric tracer" Archaeometry 61.6 (2019) pp. 1233-1245

Thirion-Merle, V.; Thierrin-Michael, G.; Desbat, A. "Archaeometrical study of Khmer stoneware from the Angkorian period: Results from the Cerangkor Project" Archaeometry 61.6 (2019) pp. 1246-1263

Ben-Shlomo, D.; Mommsen, H. "New analysis of cylindrical and ovoid jars ('archive jars') from Southern Judea" Archaeometry 61.6 (2019) pp. 1264-1279

Allepuz, E. Trave; Quinn, P.S.; Rueda, K. ALvaro "Another one bites the dust: Quality control and firing technology in the production of medieval greyware ceramics in Catalonia, Spain" Archaeometry 61.6 (2019) pp. 1280-1295

Ting, C.; Lichtenberger, A.; Raja, R. "The technology and production of glazed ceramics from Middle Islamic Jerash, Jordan" Archaeometry 61.6 (2019) pp. 1296-1312

Katsifas, C.S.; Touloumzidou, A.; Zachariadis, G.A. "Compositional study of bronze vessels from the Derveni tombs of central Macedonia of the fourth century bce using energy-dispersive micro-X-ray fluorescence (ED[mu]XRF) spectrometry" Archaeometry 61.6 (2019) pp. 1313-1332

Heginbotham, A.; Bourgarit, D.; Day, J.; Dorscheid, J.; Godla, J.; Lee, L.; Pappot, A.; Robcis, D. "CHARMed PyMca, Part II: An evaluation of interlaboratory reproducibility for ED-XRF analysis of copper alloys" Archaeometry 61.6 (2019) pp. 1333-1352

Li, Y.; Ma, C.; Juleff, G.; Murakami, Y.; Zhou, Z.; Li, Y. "Microstructural and elemental analyses of slags excavated from Xuxiebian iron-smelting site, Sichuan, China" Archaeometry 61.6 (2019) pp. 1353-1365

Johnson, L.; Montgomery, J.; Evans, J.; Hamilton, E. "Contribution of strontium to the human diet from querns and millstones: an experiment in digestive strontium isotope uptake" Archaeometry 61.6 (2019) pp. 1366-1381

Chowdhury, M. Pal; Wogelius, R.; Manning, P.L.; Metz, L.; Slimak, L.; Buckley, M. "Collagen deamidation in archaeological bone as an assessment for relative decay rates" Archaeometry 61.6 (2019) pp. 1382-1398

Miller, A.R. Ventresca; Johnson, J.A.; Makhortykh, S.; Litvinova, L.; Taylor, T.; Rolle, R.; Makarewicz, C.A. "Mobility and diet in the Iron Age Pontic forest-steppe: A multi-isotopic study of urban populations at Bel'sk" Archaeometry 61.6 (2019) pp. 1399-1416

Chen, X.-Q.; Zhang, B.; Zhang, Z. "Application of veratraldehyde as a temporary consolidant for relics at underwater cultural heritage sites" Archaeometry 61.6 (2019) pp. 1417-1429

Hancock, R.G.V.; Michelaki, K.; Mahaney, W.C.; Aufreiter, S. "Justification for reassessing elemental analysis data of ceramics, sediments and lithics using rare earth element concentrations and ratios" Archaeometry 61.6 (2019) pp. 1430-1445

Dorati, M. "Pensieri impensabili. Fato e rappresentazione del pensiero nell'acce di sofocle" Athenaeum 107.1 (2019) pp. 5-41

Ciafardone, G. "Gli stoici, il destino e l'utilita della divinazione. Un tentativo (apologetico) di sintesi" Athenaeum 107.1 (2019) pp. 42-54

Cornago, I.S. "Lenguas vernaculas de Hispanla. Escritas en Alfabeto Latino. Un episodio particular de la Latinizacion" Athenaeum 107.1 (2019) pp. 55-93

Tutrone, F "Venerari contendere adicere. Roman Emulation, Intergenerational Reciprocity, and the Ancient Idea of Progress" Athenaeum 107.1 (2019) pp. 94-127

Canobbio, A. "L'Epistola 1. 10 di plinio il giovane. Il filosofo eufrate tra seneca e quintiliano" Athenaeum 107.1 (2019) pp. 128-149

Harris, W.V. "A Strange Fact about Shipboard Coin Hoards Throws Light on the Roman Empire's Financial System" Athenaeum 107.1 (2019) pp. 150-155

Savino, E. "La conquista vandala dell'Africa e la popolazione di Roma nel v Sec. D.C." Athenaeum 107.1 (2019) pp. 156-168

Liverani, P. "Osservazioni sul libellus delle donazioni costantiniane nel Liber Pontificala" Athenaeum 107.1 (2019) pp. 169-217

Degiovanni, L. "Sull'interpretazione del carme 67 di Catullo. Note in margine a una recente edizione" Athenaeum 107.1 (2019) pp. 219-226

Stagi, J.F. "Mommsens romanistische farbenlehre" Athenaeum 107.1 (2019) pp. 227-231

Polverini, L "Semanas de Estudios Romanos, Vol. XVII. In memoriam Emilio Gabba" Athenaeum 107.1 (2019) pp. 338-339

Herrera Rando, J. "Magistrados locales y lenguas indigenas en el occidente Romano. hispania, galia e italia (SS. III A.C. -1 D.C.)" Athenaeum 107.2 (2019) pp. 357-387

Estaran Tolosa, M.J. "?Hablantes de lenguas Italicas en hispania? un analisis onomastico y sociolinguistico de la epigrafia latina hispana del siglo II A.C." Athenaeum 107.2 (2019) pp. 388-423

Frolov, R.M. "Midway between magistrates and Privatp. Cinnain 87 BCE" Athenaeum 107.2 (2019) pp. 424-455

Bonadeo, A. "IL 'canone' di quintiliano (INST. 10.1.46 SS.) E la heldenschau dell'eneide (6.756 ss.)" Athenaeum 107.2 (2019) pp. 456-478

Bono, M. "Riflessioni sulla lacuna nel dibattito agrippa-mecenate (DIO 52.13.7-14.1)" Athenaeum 107.2 (2019) pp. 479-502

Casarotti, L. "Questioni testuali e d'interpretazione giuridica in ULP. 35 ad ed. D." Athenaeum 107.2 (2019) pp. 503-527

De Gasperis, F. "I cognomina devictarum gentium attribuiti a galerio nell'editto di tolleranza del 311 tramandato da eusebio di cesarea" Athenaeum 107.2 (2019) pp. 528-547

Megna, P. "Ficino e apuleio. Nuove considerazioni" Athenaeum 107.2 (2019) pp. 548-580

Guzman, J.O. "Belzoni estuvo aqui. Viajes y descubrimientos de giovanni battista belzoni en el desierto oriental egipcio" Athenaeum 107.2 (2019) pp. 581-603

Martino, M.V. "Isidore de Seville et son temps ('Antiquite Tardive' 23)" Athenaeum 107.2 (2019) pp. 654-656

Billault, Alain "Le Bulletin de l'Association Guillaume Bude et la tradition humaniste" BAGB 2019.1 (2019) pp. 9-21Articulo

Benevent, C.; Sanchi, Luigi-Alberto "Presentation du colloque international "Les Noces de Philologie et de Guillaume Bude. L'oeuvre de Guillaume Bude au prisme du savoir humaniste cinq siecles et demi apres sa naissance" (Paris, 3-5 mai 2018)" BAGB 2019.1 (2019) pp. 22-32Articulo

Forstel, C. "Manuscrits grecs et philologie de la Renaissance au XXIe siecle: continuites et mutations" BAGB 2019.1 (2019) pp. 33-48Articulo

Marcotte, Didier "Editer Strabon, de Guarino Veronese a Francoise Lasserre. La tradition humaniste et le Palimpseste" BAGB 2019.1 (2019) pp. 49-78Articulo

Briquel, D. "L'edition de Tite-Live dans la Collection des Universites de France: une longue histoire" BAGB 2019.1 (2019) pp. 79-113Articulo

Bouton-Touboulic, I. "Editer Augustin dans la "Bibliotheque Augustinienne": l'exemple des Commentaires des Psaumes" BAGB 2019.1 (2019) pp. 114-131Articulo

Bureau, Bruno "Les enjeux nouveaux qu'ouvrent les Humanites Numeriques en lien avec les pratique editoriales traditionelles et leur questionnement" BAGB 2019.1 (2019) pp. 132-149Articulo

Menini, R. "Rabelais nouvellement translate: notes sur un chantier en cours" BAGB 2019.1 (2019) pp. 150-163Articulo

CeArd, Jean "'Et puis, pour qui escrivez-vous?' Editer les Essais aujourd'hui" BAGB 2019.1 (2019) pp. 164-177Articulo

Grafton, A.T. "L'edition erasmienne de Jerome et ses lecteurs" BAGB 2019.1 (2019) pp. 178-196Articulo

Jouanna, J. "L'ecdotique dans la Collection des Universites de France: une nouvelle edition de la Loi d'Hippocrate" BAGB 2019.1 (2019) pp. 197-214Articulo

Laurens, Pierre "Dignite de la traduction" BAGB 2019.1 (2019) pp. 215-231Art

Noirot, Caroline "Discourse prononce le jeudi 11 avril 2019, a l'occasion du centenaire des Belles Lettres a la Sainte-Chapelle" BAGB 2019.2 (2019) pp. 3-7

Lambin, G. "Socrate et le divin" BAGB 2019.2 (2019) pp. 55-72

Stratiki, K. "Heros "tragiques" et heros "cultuels"" BAGB 2019.2 (2019) pp. 73-90

Blanchard, A. "Menandre poete hellenistique?" BAGB 2019.2 (2019) pp. 91-105

Laplace, Marcelle "Les romans de Chariton et d'Achille Tatios en regard de la IIe Olympique de Pindare" BAGB 2019.2 (2019) pp. 106-125

Jouanno, Corinne "Michel Psellos, un byzantin polytrope?" BAGB 2019.2 (2019) pp. 126-143

Levy, Carlos "Medecine et philosophie. A propos de Galien" BAGB 2019.2 (2019) pp. 144-167

Loicq, Jean "De Vendryes a Dumezil, a la recherche des Indo-Europeens" BAGB 2019.2 (2019) pp. 168-196

De Kreij, Mark; Colomo, Daniela "Patroclus Undressed. A Yale Papyrus with Homerica on Recto and Verso" BASP 56 (2019) pp. 9-37

Litinas, Nikos "On the Usefulness of the North Wind in a Chreia Diogenis Cynici (P.Mich. inv. 6216z20). An Ancient Student Response Card?" BASP 56 (2019) pp. 39-53

Berkes, Lajos; Claytor, W. Graham "Two Petitions Addressed to Village Epistatai" BASP 56 (2019) pp. 55-63

Gibbs, Matt; Sampson, C. Michael "A First-Century Receipt from the Receivers of Public Clothing in Tebtunis (P.Tebt.UC 1607c)" BASP 56 (2019) pp. 65-78

Almasy-Martin, Adrienn; Duttenhofer, Ruth "Greek Tax Receipts from Abydos in the British Museum" BASP 56 (2019) pp. 79-93

Iovine, Giulio "Unpublished Latin Papyri from Dura-Europos at the Beinecke Library" BASP 56 (2019) pp. 95-116

Gerardin, Francois "New Evidence for the Circular Gymnasium and the City Fund in Antinoopolis (P.Mich. inv. 975)" BASP 56 (2019) pp. 117-127

Dewitt, Jan "A Contract between Aurelius Gennadius and Flavius Sarapammon" BASP 56 (2019) pp. 129-136

Soto Marin, Irene "Order from the Comes Phoibammon for Payment to a Locksmith" BASP 56 (2019) pp. 137-143

Maltomini, Francesca "The Second Life of the El Hibeh Literary Papyri. A Case Study" BASP 56 (2019) pp. 145-160

Kotyl, Marcin "Iliad 7 on a Double Parchment Leaf. P.Oxy. 11.1389 Revised" BASP 56 (2019) pp. 161-166

Ranocchia, Graziano "P.Herc. 1015/832. Book 15, 16, or 19 of Philodemus' On Rhetoric?" BASP 56 (2019) pp. 167-172

Peterson, Jacob W. "An Updated Correction List for Chester Beatty BP II + P.Mich. Inv. 6238 (Gregory-Aland Papyrus 46 [P46])" BASP 56 (2019) pp. 173-195

Phillips, Richard L. "Ritual Evidence and the Art of Going Unnoticed in PGM I 222-231 and 247-262" BASP 56 (2019) pp. 197-203

Faraone, Christopher A. "Protection against Fear of Punishment from Hecate Ereschigal. Another Look at a Magical Recipe in Michigan (PGM LXX 4-19)" BASP 56 (2019) pp. 205-224

Lanciers, Eddy "Antaios, a Ptolemaic Strategos of Alexandria" BASP 56 (2019) pp. 225-231

Backhuys, Thomas "Apomoira fur die Rachegottinnen. Neuedition von PUG 4.155" BASP 56 (2019) pp. 233-249

Armoni, Charikleia "Notes on Papyri" BASP 56 (2019) pp. 251-257

Bogensperger, Ines; Koroli, Aikaterini "Textile Terminology in the Apollonios Archive. A New Approach to the Meaning of Entype in P.Giss.Apoll. 20" BASP 56 (2019) pp. 259-274

Papathomas, A.; Kanavou, N. "P.Philammon, 'Law Cases' 1-6 (= BGU 4.1024, pp. 3.1-6.2). Some Textual Notes" BASP 56 (2019) pp. 275-286

Gonis, Nikolaos "New Readings of Personal Names" BASP 56 (2019) pp. 287-296

Delattre, Alain; Dijkstra, Jitse; van der Vliet, Jacques "Christian Inscriptions from Egypt and Nubia 6 (2018)" BASP 56 (2019) pp. 305-324

Prevost-Dermarkar, Sandra "Batir en terre au Neolithique. Approche morpho-technologique des vestiges architecturaux de Dikili Tash (Grece)." BCH 143.1 (2019) pp. 1-61

Devolder, Maud; Lorenzon, Marta "Minoan Master Builders? A Diachronic Study of Mudbrick Architecture in the Bronze Age Palace at Malia (Crete)" BCH 143.1 (2019) pp. 63-123

Bievre-Perrin, Fabien "Heracles, le satyre et la sphinx. Une scene originale sur une hydrie d'Apollonia d'Illyrie (Albanie)" BCH 143.1 (2019) pp. 125-138

Hamon, Patrice "Etudes d'epigraphie thasienne, VII. Magistrats, patients, defunts : en relisant les noms thasiens" BCH 143.1 (2019) pp. 139-193

Trippe, Natacha "Nouvelles recherches sur l'agora de Thasos. De la topographie a l'histoire" BCH 143.1 (2019) pp. 195-224

Dermatis, Georges N. "Les premiers travaux miniers a Maronee-Camariza du Laurion" BCH 143.1 (2019) pp. 225-242

Faucherre, Nicolas; Kyriakidis, Nicolas; Zugmeyer, Stephanie "Introduction [Dossier : Les fortifications du monde grec]" BCH 143.1 (2019) pp. 245-248

Kyriakidis, Nicolas; Zugmeyer, Stephanie "Les fortifications de Delphes dans l'Antiquite. Etat de la question et premiers resultats de l'etude architecturale" BCH 143.1 (2019) pp. 249-266

Dakoronia, Fanouria; Kounouklas, Petros "Locrian and Phocean watch-towers" BCH 143.1 (2019) pp. 267-288

Petrochilos, Nikolaos "The fortification wall of Chaleion. The current state of research" BCH 143.1 (2019) pp. 289-320

Psalti, Athanasia; Tsaroucha, Anthoula; Kyriakidis, Nicolas; Petrochilos, Nikolaos; Zugmeyer, Stephanie; Faucherre, Nicolas; Ollivier, David; Ory, Vincent; Loulelis, Audric "Les fortifications d'Amphissa, de l'Antiquite a l'epoque contemporaine. Premieres observations de terrain et essai de bilan" BCH 143.1 (2019) pp. 321-346

Treziny, Henri "Les fortifications antiques de Marseille et leurs relations avec les constructions regionales" BCH 143.1 (2019) pp. 347-360

Chausserie-Lapree, Jean; Duval, Sandrine; Valenciano, Marie; Canut, Victor "Les fortifications de l'oppidum de Saint-Blaise (Saint-Mitre-les-Remparts). Decouvertes et approches nouvelles" BCH 143.1 (2019) pp. 361-389

Dausse, Marie-Pierre "'De vieilles fortifications sans nom et sans histoire' ? Les fortifications de l'Epire antique : problemes methodologiques" BCH 143.1 (2019) pp. 391-407

Coutsinas, Nadia "Note methodologique. De l'etude des fortifications cretoises au travers de l'analyse du type d'appareil" BCH 143.1 (2019) pp. 409-424

Balandier, Claire; Guintrand, Matthieu "L'apport de la teichologie a l'etude historique d'une region. Le cas des fortifications de Thyreatide, zone conflictuelle entre Sparte et Argos aux periodes classique et hellenistique" BCH 143.1 (2019) pp. 425-445

Fachard, Sylvian "Conclusion [Dossier : Les fortifications du monde grec]" BCH 143.1 (2019) pp. 447-453

Balitsari, Anthi "The 'House of Pithoi': An early Middle Helladic (MH) household in the South Quarter of Argos (Argolid, Peloponnese)" BCH 143.2 (2019) pp. 455-544

Karageorghis, Vassos "A Cypro-Geometric clay pyxis from Amathus" BCH 143.2 (2019) pp. 545-553

Wurmser, Helene "Missions topographiques a Lato II (2005-2007) : etude de morphologie urbaine" BCH 143.2 (2019) pp. 555-631

Michel, Anais "Decret des Deliens en l'honneur d'Apollonides de Chersonesos" BCH 143.2 (2019) pp. 633-657

Manidaki, Vasileia; Moretti, Jean-Charles "La restauration de la base de Menodoros a Delos" BCH 143.2 (2019) pp. 659-683

Sarrazanas, Clement "Un agonothete athenien exceptionnel (Herode Atticus ?) dans une inscription d'epoque imperiale meconnue (IG II2 3649)" BCH 143.2 (2019) pp. 685-711

Biard, Guillaume; Seve, Michel; Weber, Patrick "La statue de Fortuna au forum de Philippes et son ecrin architectural" BCH 143.2 (2019) pp. 713-766

Follet, Simone; +, Dina Peppas Delmousou "Bienfaits de l'empereur Hadrien envers les cites de Sardes et Synnada (IG II2 1089, completee, et IG II2 1075, completee)" BCH 143.2 (2019) pp. 767-783

Petrocheilos, Nikolaos; Rousset, Denis "Contribution a l'histoire et a l'epigraphie de Panopeus en Phocide" BCH 143.2 (2019) pp. 795-815

Petridis, Platon "Commerce interregional pendant l'epoque protobyzantine. Le temoignage de la ceramique importee a Delphes" BCH 143.2 (2019) pp. 817-881

Bolen, Todd "Surprising Susa" BiblArchR 45.2 (2019) pp. 18-19

Crossan, John Dominic; Crossan, Sarah Sexton "Resurrecting Easter: Huntin fr the Original Resurrection Image" BiblArchR 45.2 (2019) pp. 20-28

Weingarten, Susan "Biblical Archaeology 101: The Ancient Diet of Roman Palestine" BiblArchR 45.2 (2019) pp. 29-35

Faust, Avraham "Purity and Impurity in Iron Age Israel" BiblArchR 45.2 (2019) pp. 35-43

Trainor, Michael "Colossae -- Colossal in Name Only?" BiblArchR 45.2 (2019) pp. 44-51

Marcar, Katie "As in the Days of Noah: The Apocalyptic World of 1 Peter" BiblArchR 45.2 (2019) pp. 52-53

Stern, Karen B. "Jewish Graffiti -- Glimpsing the Forgotten Lives of Antiquity" BiblArchR 45.2 (2019) pp. 54-57

Triantafillou, Christina "Checking Out Roman Libraries" BiblArchR 45.3 (2019) pp. 20-23

Magness, Jodi; Kisilevitz, Shua; Grey, Matthew, Mizzi, Dennis; Britt, Karen; Boustan, Ra'anan "Inside the Huqoq Synagogue" BiblArchR 45.3 (2019) pp. 24-38

Britt, Karen; Boustaan, Ra'anan "Artistic Influences in Synagogue Mosaics: Putting the Huqoq Synagogue in Context" BiblArchR 45.3 (2019) pp. 39-45

Strong, Justin David "From Pets to Physicians: Dogs in the Biblical World" BiblArchR 45.3 (2019) pp. 46-50

Hays, Christopher B. "Who Were the Assyrians?" BiblArchR 45.3 (2019) pp. 51-57

Byron, John "Paul, the Python Girl, and Human Trafficking" BiblArchR 45.3 (2019) pp. 58-59

Gleason, Kathryn L. "Herod the Great Gardener" BiblArchR 45.3 (2019) pp. 60-61

Ramey, Meg "Hiking in Paul's Footsteps" BiblArchR 45.6 (2019) pp. 20-23

Da Riva, Rocio "Dangling Assyriology" BiblArchR 45.6 (2019) pp. 24-32

Berlin, Andrea M. "Zenon's Flour: Grains of Truth from Tel Kedesh" BiblArchR 45.6 (2019) pp. 34-41

Krumeich, Ralf; Lichtenberger, Achim "Searching for Portraits of King Herod" BiblArchR 45.6 (2019) pp. 42-45

Rendsburg, Gary A. "A Rare Torah in the Library of Congress" BiblArchR 45.6 (2019) pp. 46-52

Witherington, Ben III "Pricilla -- An Extraordinary Early Christian Life" BiblArchR 45.6 (2019) pp. 53

Ben-Yosef, Erez "Biblical Archaeology's Architectural Bias" BiblArchR 45.6 (2019) pp. 54-57

Panitz-Cohen, Nava; Yalhalom-Mack, Naama "The Wise Woman of Abel Beth Maacah" BiblArchR 45.4-5 (2019) pp. 26-33

Peleg-Barkat, Orit "Reimagining Herod's royal Portico" BiblArchR 45.4-5 (2019) pp. 34-40

Nakhai, Beth Alpert "Baby Burials in the Middle Brone Age" BiblArchR 45.4-5 (2019) pp. 41-44

von Dassow, Eva "Song of Liberation: Freedom in the Late Bronze Age" BiblArchR 45.4-5 (2019) pp. 45-51

Wassen, Cecilia "Stepped Pools and Stone Vessels: Rethinking Jewish Purity Practices in Palestine" BiblArchR 45.4-5 (2019) pp. 52-58

Shafer-Elliott, Cynthia "Baking Bread in Ancient Judah" BiblArchR 45.4-5 (2019) pp. 59-64

de Hemmer Gudme, Anne Katrine "Reactivating Remembrance: Interactive Inscriptions from Mt. Gerizim" BiblArchR 45.4-5 (2019) pp. 65-71

Taylor, Joan E. "Secrets of the Copper Scroll" BiblArchR 45.4-5 (2019) pp. 72-78

Leonard-Fleckman, Mahri "Blurred Lines: The Enigma of Iron Age Timnah" BiblArchR 45.4-5 (2019) pp. 79-

Lyons, Alice "Roman Britain in 2019: East Anglia" Britannia 51 (2019) pp. 421-426

Depuydt, Leo "Contrastive jw.jr, Conditional jw.jr, Temporal jw.jr: On Separating a Demotic Siamese Triplet" CE 94.187 (2019) pp. 5-48

Ahmed M. Mekawy Ouda "Two Inscribed Middle Kingdom Oyster Shells from Esna: Reconstructing Their Archaeological Context" CE 94.187 (2019) pp. 49-58

Durand, Benjamin "Un lot de steles dediees aux animaux sacres d'Amon dans le secteur du temple de Ptah a Karnak" CE 94.187 (2019) pp. 59-71

Miatello, Luca "An Uncommon Image with Probable Cryptographic Significance on a Calotte in Cartonnage" CE 94.187 (2019) pp. 72-85

Pasquali, Stephane "Sur la maniere dont un Egyptien se serait conforme a un tabou nominal" CE 94.187 (2019) pp. 86-92

Krauss, Rolf "Treideln (halage, towing) als Grundlage des jtrw-Masses?" CE 94.187 (2019) pp. 93-99

Lenaerts, Jean "Fragments de declamations: PSI II 148 + P. lit. Lond. 140" CE 94.187 (2019) pp. 105-115

Hatzilambrou, Rosalia "A lesson of self-control to Alexander in an Ashmolean ostracon" CE 94.187 (2019) pp. 116-121

Borrelli, Bianca "Un addendum lexicis trascurato: nuove attestazioni dell'acacia dei cammelli (kamelakantha)" CE 94.187 (2019) pp. 122-126

Clarysse, Willy "Sokrates and the crocodile" CE 94.187 (2019) pp. 127-133

VeiSse, Anne-Emmanuelle "Violences extremes en milieu urbain: Alexandrie, 203 av. n.e." CE 94.187 (2019) pp. 134-148

Broux, Yanne "Imperial vs. non-imperial ousiai in Julio-Claudian Egypt" CE 94.187 (2019) pp. 149-176

Chemais, Clara "Noms doubles et multiples dans l'Egypte greco-romaine" CE 94.187 (2019) pp. 177-180

Delattre, Alain "Des citations des Psaumes dans les inscriptions des monasteres de Saqqarah et Baouit" CE 94.187 (2019) pp. 181-187

Gonis, Nikolaos "Notes on personal names and abbreviations in late Arsinoite and Heracleopolite documents" CE 94.187 (2019) pp. 188-205

Vanthieghem, Naim "Un document arabe de la region thebaine. Reedition de P. Liebrenz Quittung" CE 94.187 (2019) pp. 206-212

Berkes, Lajos "An Arabic Scorpion-Amulet on Paper from the 10th-11th c. and its Coptic and Hebrew Parallels" CE 94.187 (2019) pp. 213-215

Delattre, Alain; Gonis, Nikolaos; Mazy, ELodie; Vanthieghem, Naim "Papyrologica. IX" CE 94.187 (2019) pp. 216-224

Sokolova, Marina "The oversimplification of ancient Egyptian concepts: Case studies from the Coffin and the Pyramid Texts" CE 94.188 (2019) pp. 227-261

Mendez-Rodriguez, Daniel Miguel "A Book of the Twelve Caverns in the State Hermitage Museum (Saint Petersburg, Russia): Edition and Digital Arrangement" CE 94.188 (2019) pp. 262-292

Danilova, Margaritta; Valerio, Marta "Sur la question des mg3.w dans les textes egyptiens du Nouvel Empire" CE 94.188 (2019) pp. 293-320

Bojowald, Stefan "Marginalia Ornithologica" CE 94.188 (2019) pp. 321-327

Lenaerts, Jean "Fragment sur le ' mythe de l'Athenes classique ': PSI II 154" CE 94.188 (2019) pp. 349-354

Schram, Valerie "Un train (de bois) sur le Nil? Le mot schedia et la pratique du flottage en radeau (reedition de P.Lille I 25)" CE 94.188 (2019) pp. 355-379

Hauben, Hans "Escorting a Princess on Her Way to Syria (253/252 BC)" CE 94.188 (2019) pp. 380-396

Lorber, Catharine "The Eagle and the Elephant" CE 94.188 (2019) pp. 397-424

Vanthieghem, Naim "Un surintendant des finances inconnu dans l'Egypte du debut du IXe siecle?" CE 94.188 (2019) pp. 431-437

Vanthieghem, Naim "Deux steles arabes du Museo egizio de Turin" CE 94.188 (2019) pp. 438-442

* "In Memoriam, Thomas N. Habinek" ClAnt 38.1 (2019) pp. 1

Gowers, Emily "Knight's Moves: The Son-in-law in Cicero and Tacitus" ClAnt 38.1 (2019) pp. 2--35

Harrison, Thomas "Classical Greek Ethnography and the Slave Trade" ClAnt 38.1 (2019) pp. 36--57

Haynes, Holly "Tyranny, Self, and Genre in Pliny's Letter 5.8" ClAnt 38.1 (2019) pp. 58--90

Lada-Richards, Ismene "On Taking our Sources Seriously: Servius and the Theatrical Life of Vergil's Eclogues" ClAnt 38.1 (2019) pp. 91--140

Spielberg, Lydia "Fairy Tales and Hard Truths in Tacitus's Histories 4.6--10" ClAnt 38.1 (2019) pp. 141--183

LaferrieRe, Carolyn M. "Sacred Sounds: The Cult of Pan and the Nymphs in the Vari Cave" ClAnt 38.2 (2019) pp. 185--216

Pasco-Pranger, Molly "With the Veil Removed: Women's Public Nudity in the Early Roman Empire" ClAnt 38.2 (2019) pp. 217--249

Ritter, Michael "Historicizing Satire in Juvenal" ClAnt 38.2 (2019) pp. 250--274

Salas, Luis Alejandro "Galen's Wounds: Dissolutions and the Theoretical Structure of Galen's Disease Taxonomy" ClAnt 38.2 (2019) pp. 275--297

Wilson, Peter "Dancing for Free: Pindar's Kastor Song for Hieron" ClAnt 38.2 (2019) pp. 298--363

Doukellis, Panagiotis "Entre violence et anomie dans le monde antique I : remarques introductives" DHA 45.1 (2019) pp. 9-12

Christopoulos, Menelaos "Formes de violence dans le monde d'Ulysse" DHA 45.1 (2019) pp. 13-22

Dimopoulou, Athina "La violence politique a Lesbos a l'epoque d'Alcee et Pittacos" DHA 45.1 (2019) pp. 23-36

Youni, Maria "Violence et pouvoir sous la Rome republicaine : imperium, tribunicia potestas, patria potestas" DHA 45.1 (2019) pp. 37-64

Mauro, Chiara Maria "Religious Survivals in the Erechteion Area: a Diachronic Approach" DHA 45.1 (2019) pp. 65-88

Millot, Romain "Complot au Carcer : un nouveau regard sur l'affaire Pleminius (204-194 av. J.-C.)" DHA 45.1 (2019) pp. 89-110

Renoux, Guillaume "Le bouclier d'Enee : lecture metallurgique d'un passage virgilien" DHA 45.1 (2019) pp. 111-128

Mihailescu-Birliba, Lucretiu "Les veterans dans les campagnes de Mesie Inferieure : les proprietaires ruraux" DHA 45.1 (2019) pp. 129-151

Labrique, Francoise "Chronique des travaux en Egypte: Chronique 2019" DHA 45.1 (2019) pp. 153-161

Clavel-Leveque, Monique; Peyras, Jean; Maune, Stephane; Gugl, Christian "Paysages et cadastres de l'Antiquite: Chronique 2019" DHA 45.1 (2019) pp. 163-206

Dan, Anca; Briquel, Dominique; Gruel, Katherine; Verger, Stephane "Les concepts en sciences de l'Antiquite : mode d'emploi. Chronique 2019 -- Fragments et fragmentation" DHA 45.1 (2019) pp. 207-290

Fartzoff, Michel; Mackowiak, Karin; Mace, Arnaud "Introduction au cahier de l'atelier Clisthene -- Carrefours de l'histoire" DHA 45.2 (2019) pp. 11-14

Itgenshorst, Tanja "Clisthene l'Athenien et la pensee politique en Grece archaique" DHA 45.2 (2019) pp. 15-45

Said, Suzanne "La tragedie grecque et l'histoire" DHA 45.2 (2019) pp. 47-79

Basile, Gaston Javier "The Early Greek Prose-writing Tradition: Bridging the Myth-History Divide" DHA 45.2 (2019) pp. 81-112

Ponchon, Pierre "Thucydide, Heraclite et l'archeologie du realisme politique" DHA 45.2 (2019) pp. 113-145

Chapinal-Heras, Diego "Territory and Boundaries. The Role of Molossian Sanctuaries" DHA 45.2 (2019) pp. 147-165

Carsana, Chiara; Zizza, Cesare "'?Donde fundaremos nuestra ciudad?' Lugares y constituciones ideales en Platon, Aristoteles y Ciceron" DHA 45.2 (2019) pp. 167-196

Cinaglia, Tiziano "Minerva et Diana, quas ais pariter colendas ovvero, la connotazione lunare di Minerva" DHA 45.2 (2019) pp. 197-236

Espana-Chamorro, Sergio "Item de Esuri Pace Iulia. Los problemas de la via XXI del Itinerario de Antonino y el limite entre la Baetica y la Lusitania" DHA 45.2 (2019) pp. 237-259

Palacios, Jose Luis Canizar "Sobre la relevancia de Hispania en el contexto historico de fines del siglo IV d.C.: propuesta de analisis desde la legislacion tardoimperial" DHA 45.2 (2019) pp. 261-294

Goldlust, Benjamin "Macrobe, Saturnales, livre II : quelques remarques de critique textuelle et d'interpretation" DHA 45.2 (2019) pp. 295-308

Gonzales, Antonio "Esclavage et dependance: Chronique 2019" DHA 45.2 (2019) pp. 309-333

Bru, Hadrien; Labarre, Guy; Abadie-Reynal, Catherine; Shehi, Eduard; Shkodra, Brikena; Velo, Klodian; Balandier, Claire; Lafli, Ergun; Lebreton, Stephane "Chronique d'Orient: Chronique 2019" DHA 45.2 (2019) pp. 335-404

Doukellis, Panagiotis "Regards sur les publications helleniques: Chronique 2019" DHA 45.2 (2019) pp. 405-418

Poddighe, Elisabetta "Agraphoi nomoi e politeia nel discorso funebre di Pericle" Dike 22 (2019) pp. 3-80 PDF of whole issue

Harris, Edward "The Crown Trial and Athenian Legal Procedure in Public Cases against Illegal Decrees" Dike 22 (2019) pp. 81-111 PDF of whole issue

Loddo, Laura "Voluntary Exile and Eisangelia in Athens" Dike 22 (2019) pp. 113-160 PDF of whole issue

Gobeil, Cedric; Boonstra, Stephanie "New investigations on the Third Cataract in Sudan" EgArch 55 (2019) pp. 4

Wilson, Penelope "The sixth Delta Survey Workshop" EgArch 55 (2019) pp. 9

Hinojosa-Balino, Israel; Triibilli, Elena; Wilson, Penelope "The Delta Survey: Recent Work in Kafr el-Sheikh and Beheira" EgArch 55 (2019) pp. 10

van den Hoven "Space and memory: tomb reuse in New Kingdom Thebes" EgArch 55 (2019) pp. 14

el-Leithy, Hisham; Leitz, Christian; von Recklinghausen, Daniel "The ancient colours of Esna return" EgArch 55 (2019) pp. 20

Redon, Berangere "An Egyptian grand cru: wine production at Plinthine" EgArch 55 (2019) pp. 28

Ashmawy, Aiman; Connor, Simon; Raue, Dietrich "Psamtik I in Heliopolis" EgArch 55 (2019) pp. 34

Davoli, Paola "The contra-tempel of Soknopaios and its architectural model" EgArch 55 (2019) pp. 40

Boonstra, Stephanie; Robinson, Alix "Rehousing the EES glass-plate negatives" EgArch 55 (2019) pp. 44

Hickman, Jane "Sixty Years of Expedition" Expedition 61.1 (2019) pp. 2

Siggers, Julian "The Sphinx is on the Move" Expedition 61.1 (2019) pp. 3

Turfa, Jean Macintosh "A Comet Shall Shine Forth: A Bronze Belt From an Etruscan Tomb" Expedition 61.1 (2019) pp. 12-22

Griffith, Christina "Halley's Comet: A Frequent Guest in Earth's Cosmic Backyard" Expedition 61.1 (2019) pp. 23-27

Nishimura, Yoko "The Tale of the Tokugawa Artifacts: Japanese Funerary Lanterns at the Penn Museum" Expedition 61.1 (2019) pp. 28-39

Zimmerman, Michael R. "A Journey Into the Human Body: Studying Mummies to Understand Ancient Disease" Expedition 61.1 (2019) pp. 40-48

Griffith, Christina "The Bear Pipe Bowl: Favorite Object" Expedition 61.1 (2019) pp. 49

Williams, Andrew "Survey in Vayots Dzor, Armenia: From the Field" Expedition 61.1 (2019) pp. 50-51

Hayden, Olivia "Investigating Metallurgical Knowledge in the Iron Age Eastern Mediterranean" Expedition 61.1 (2019) pp. 52-53

Hamilton, Elizabeth G.; White, Joyce C. "An Abandoned City in Laos: Research Notes" Expedition 61.1 (2019) pp. 54-55

Rose, Brian "Portrait: Donald White" Expedition 61.1 (2019) pp. 64

Hickman, Jane "Ten Years as Editor: From the Editor" Expedition 61.2 (2019) pp. 2

Siggers, Julian "Welcome to the New Penn Museum: From the Director" Expedition 61.2 (2019) pp. 3

* "The Penn Museum Has a New Look" Expedition 61.2 (2019) pp. 4-15

Martin, Simon "Divinity and Power in the Ancient Americas: The Reimagine Mexico and Central America Gallery" Expedition 61.2 (2019) pp. 16-27

Williams, Lucy Fowler "A Continuous Thread: Subversion and Solidarity in Maya Cloth" Expedition 61.2 (2019) pp. 28-39

Hickman, Jane; Haslam, Alyssa Connell "Making the Africa Galleries: A Conversation with Tukufu Zuberi" Expedition 61.2 (2019) pp. 40-43

Hickman, Jane; Cooper, Lauren; Latimer, Dwaune; Diack, Alioune; Bicknell, Jessica "A Selection of Objects from Our Africa Galleries" Expedition 61.2 (2019) pp. 44-55

Griffith, Christina "The Asante Gold Weights: Practical, Unique, Artistic Tools of the Trade" Expedition 61.2 (2019) pp. 56-65

Griffith, Christina "The Lost Wax Casting Technique: A Step-by-Step Guide" Expedition 61.2 (2019) pp. 66-68

Boileau, Marie-Claude; Jansen, Moritz; Monge, Janet; Moore, Katherine; White, Chantel "In the Labs: Celebrating Five Years of CAAM" Expedition 61.2 (2019) pp. 69-81

Sharkey, Heather J. "A Famous Queen Mother from Benin: Favorite Object" Expedition 61.2 (2019) pp. 82

Hickman, Jane "Portrait: Elin Danien (1929-2019)" Expedition 61.2 (2019) pp. 83

Pezzati, Alessandro "The Last Step in a Long Journey: Moving Monuments From Piedras Negras Into the Penn Museum, 1933; Looking Back" Expedition 61.2 (2019) pp. 96

Lewis, Virginia M. "Two Sides of the Same Coin: The Ideology of Gelon's Innovative Syracusan Tetradrachm" GRBS 59.2 (2019) pp. 179-201 PDF text

Hosty, Matthew "'But who art thou?': Callimachus and the Unsatisfactory Epitaph" GRBS 59.2 (2019) pp. 202-214 PDF text

Tempest, Kathryn "Meidias and the Mute Witness: Cicero's Debt to Demosthenes in the Verrines Reconsidered" GRBS 59.2 (2019) pp. 215-241 PDF text

Nijs, Wim "'Then truly the life of the gods will pass to men': Contemplating Diogenes of Oenoanda's Golden Age" GRBS 59.2 (2019) pp. 242-261 PDF text

Busine, Aude "Basil and Basilissa at Ancyra: Local Legends, Hagiography, and Cult" GRBS 59.2 (2019) pp. 262-286 PDF text

Cristini, Marco "Theoderic's agnomosune and Herodotus' Getae (Procop. Goth. 2.6.24)" GRBS 59.2 (2019) pp. 287-294 PDF text

Berkes, Lajos; Mihalyko, AGnes T. "A Greek Acclamation in Praise of an illustris from Seventh-Century Egypt (P.Berol.inv. 5603 Reconsidered)" GRBS 59.2 (2019) pp. 295-310 PDF text

Erismann, Christophe "The Depicted Man: The Byzantine Afterlife of the Aristotelian Logical Doctrine of Homonyms" GRBS 59.2 (2019) pp. 311-339 PDF text

Das, Allison E. "Health, Harm, and the Civic Body: Medical Language in the Speeches of Demosthenes" GRBS 59.3 (2019) pp. 340-367 PDF text

Carney, Elizabeth D. "Royal Macedonian Widows: Merry and Not" GRBS 59.3 (2019) pp. 368-396 PDF text

Tolsa, Cristian "Vettius Valens' Longitudes (1.18), Balbillus, and the Illusion of Astrology's Self-sufficiency" GRBS 59.3 (2019) pp. 397-414 PDF text

Venticinque, Philip F. "Wealth, Profit, and Social Capital in the Greek Magical Papyri" GRBS 59.3 (2019) pp. 415-436 PDF text

Hilton, John L. "Cnemon, Crispus, and the Marriage Laws of Constantine in the Aethiopica of Heliodorus" GRBS 59.3 (2019) pp. 437-459 PDF text

Marshall, C. W.; Funke, Melissa "A Script for a Sixth-Century Mime (P.Oxy. LXXIX 5189)" GRBS 59.3 (2019) pp. 460-492 PDF text

Arinat, Mahmoud; Nassar, Mohammad "The Geometric Mosaic of the Bath at Khirbet Yajuz: A Comparative Study" GRBS 59.3 (2019) pp. 493-506 PDF text

Toepel, Alexander "Late Paganism as Witnessed by the Syriac Cave of Treasures" GRBS 59.3 (2019) pp. 507-528 PDF text

Boeten, Julie "Byzantine Particles, a Case Study: Juxtaposed te kai and de in Medieval Dodecasyllables" GRBS 59.3 (2019) pp. 529-550 PDF text

Sironi, Francesco "Heraclitus in Verse: The Poetic Fragments of Scythinus of Teos" GRBS 59.4 (2019) pp. 551-567 PDF text

Rzepka, Jacek "Subdivisions of the Boeotian Confederacy after 379 B.C. " GRBS 59.4 (2019) pp. 568-574 PDF text

Plastow, Christine "Doctors in Attic Forensic Oratory" GRBS 59.4 (2019) pp. 575-595 PDF text

O'Sullivan, Lara "Court Intrigue and the Death of Callisthenes" GRBS 59.4 (2019) pp. 596-620 PDF text

Tolsa, Cristian "On the Origins of the Hippocratic Oath" GRBS 59.4 (2019) pp. 621-645 PDF text

Acerbi, Fabio; Gioffreda, Anna "Harmonica Membra Disjecta" GRBS 59.4 (2019) pp. 646-662 PDF text

Acerbi, Fabio; Panteri, Sara "Eratosthenes in the Excerpta Neapolitana" GRBS 59.4 (2019) pp. 663-679 PDF text

Cartlidge, Ben "Emendations of Alcinous' Didaskalikos from the Witt-Dodds Briefwechsel" GRBS 59.4 (2019) pp. 680-692 PDF text

Kaldellis, Anthony "The Discontinuous History of Imperial Panegyric in Byzantium and its Reinvention by Michael Psellos" GRBS 59.4 (2019) pp. 693-713 PDF text

Fisher, Elizabeth A. "Natural Omens in Byzantine Literature: An Unpublished Translator's Preface to a Brontologion (Petrop.Bibl.Publ. 575)" GRBS 59.4 (2019) pp. 714-736 PDF text

Gurd, Sean; Franklin, John "The Sounds of War" GRMS 7.2 (2019) pp. 185-186

Hald, Bradley "Affective Soundscapes in Thucydidean Battle Narrative" GRMS 7.2 (2019) pp. 187-212

Klavan, Spencer A. "Martem Accendere Cantu: The Meaning of Music on the Battlefield" GRMS 7.2 (2019) pp. 213-234

Nooter, Sarah. "The War-Trumpet and the Sound of Domination in Ancient Greek Thought" GRMS 7.2 (2019) pp. 235-249

Kramarz, Andreas "Sounds of War: What Brought the Walls of Jericho Down?" GRMS 7.2 (2019) pp. 250-269

Pohlmann, Egert "Reading and Writing, Singing and Playing on Three Early Red-Figure Vases" GRMS 7.2 (2019) pp. 270-283

Hadjimichael, Theodora A. "On Kinesias' Musicopoetic Paranomia" GRMS 7.2 (2019) pp. 284-307

Najock, Dietmar "Some Improvements for the Restored Hormasia Tables" GRMS 7.2 (2019) pp. 308-336

Panegyres, Konstantine "Lelegizo: An Obscure Verb" GRMS 7.2 (2019) pp. 337-341

Klavan, Spencer A.; Lloyd, James; Morgan, Harry "New Voices in Ancient Music" GRMS 7.2 (2019) pp. 342-345

Arpaia, Maria "Sounds on Stage: Musical and Vocal Languages and Experiences" GRMS 7.2 (2019) pp. 346-369

Allen, Archibald "Gar awry at Mark Ev. 5:42" Glotta 95 (2019) pp. 3-7

Cabrillana, Concepcion "Expresiones directivas con verbos de uso copulativo en la comedia latina (Directives with a copular verb in Roman comedy)" Glotta 95 (2019) pp. 8-25

Chiattelli, Edoardo "Focalizzazione e deissi: una possibile funzione dell'aumento omerico" Glotta 95 (2019) pp. 26-45

Decker, Filip De "The augment use in the Homeric Hymn to Demeter (HH 2)" Glotta 95 (2019) pp. 46-100

Denecker, Tim "Ambo legere? The 'dual number' in Latin grammaticography up to the early medieval artes" Glotta 95 (2019) pp. 101-134

Halla-Aho, Hilla "Proleptic accusatives in Latin" Glotta 95 (2019) pp. 135-158

Kolligan, Daniel "Scharfe Analysen: gr. skethros 'genau'" Glotta 95 (2019) pp. 159-168

Kristoffersen, Tore Rovs "The Artemis Orthia inscriptions and spoken Laconian in the Imperial period: In defence of dialect survival at Sparta" Glotta 95 (2019) pp. 169-189

Meissner, Torsten "Griechisch sialos 'Mastschwein'" Glotta 95 (2019) pp. 190-200

Nunlist, Rene "Aristarchus and Etymology" Glotta 95 (2019) pp. 201-226

Olson, S. Douglas "Hipponax' testicle (orchis; fr. 95.3 Dg. = 92.3 W.)" Glotta 95 (2019) pp. 227-230

Parisi, Simona "Le formule proibitive in uso nel latino arcaico e i personaggi dell'Amphitruo" Glotta 95 (2019) pp. 231-262

Parker, Laetitia "Thaddaeus redux: Zielinski on the Euripidean trimeter revisited" Glotta 95 (2019) pp. 263-284

Protze, Kevin "Zur Bedeutung des Verbs tatalizo (Herod. 1,60. 6,77)" Glotta 95 (2019) pp. 285-294

Simon, Zsolt "Zu den karisch-griechischen Lehnbeziehungen" Glotta 95 (2019) pp. 295-308

Stachon, Markus "Atta ist kein Name, sondern eine Diagnose! Zum cognomen des Dichters T. Quintius Atta (Paul. Fest. p. 11,17--19 L.)" Glotta 95 (2019) pp. 309-318

Schietinger, Georg-Philipp "Die Ernennung des 'princeps senatus' und die 'gentes maiores'. Hintergrunde und Nominierungskriterien" Gymnasium 126.1 (2019) pp. 1 - 18

Schwameis, Christoph "Verres als Pirat. Zum Einsatz des Piratenmotivs und der Piratengefahr in Ciceros Reden gegen Verres" Gymnasium 126.1 (2019) pp. 19 - 46

Vielberg, Meinolf "Philosophie und Religion in Ciceros Schrift De divinatione" Gymnasium 126.1 (2019) pp. 47 - 71

Hafner, Markus "Epigramme i. A. Sr. Maj. des Konigs. Zu zwei Friedrich Thiersch zugeschriebenen griechischen Grabinschriften auf dem Alten Munchner Sudfriedhof" Gymnasium 126.1 (2019) pp. 73 - 96

Burkard, Thorsten "Was heisst 'Dort steht Cornelia' auf Latein? Zur Bedeutung des Ortsadverbs 'ibi'" Gymnasium 126.2 (2019) pp. 105 - 126

Reitz-Joosse, Bettina "Lesen, schauen, spuren. Romische Schlachtfelder als 'monumenta'" Gymnasium 126.2 (2019) pp. 127 - 146

Kruschwitz, Peter "Ballistas Grabepigramm zwischen Kreativitat und Tradition. Gedanken zur romischen Gedichtkultur" Gymnasium 126.2 (2019) pp. 147 - 166

Schindler, Claudia "Genial daneben? Uberlegungen zu Eumolpus' Troiae Halosis" Gymnasium 126.2 (2019) pp. 167 - 190

Janka, Markus "Verjungte Antike. Aktuelle antikenhaltige und lateinsprachige Kinder- und Jugendliteratur im globalen Forschungsverbund" Gymnasium 126.3 (2019) pp. 205 - 243

Simons, Benedikt "Das Bild des Kaisers Claudius bei Sueton" Gymnasium 126.3 (2019) pp. 245 - 287

Grossardt, Peter "Bemerkungen zu einer neuen Monographie zur 'Odyssee' Homers" Gymnasium 126.3 (2019) pp. 289 - 294

Schmitz, Christine "Bemerkungen zu einer neuen zweisprachigen Juvenal-Ausgabe" Gymnasium 126.3 (2019) pp. 297 - 306

Burkard, Thorsten "Schlechtes Amtslatein? Woher kommt das Wort 'Abiturient'?" Gymnasium 126.4 (2019) pp. 307 - 317

Heinisch, Johannes "Die Scuola Siciliana. Der Pelorus als Dantes neuer Musenberg" Gymnasium 126.4 (2019) pp. 319 - 333

Krolczyk, Krzysztof "Die Altertumswissenschaften an der Reichsuniversitat Posen (1941--1945). Ein vergessenes Kapitel Wissenschaftsgeschichte" Gymnasium 126.4 (2019) pp. 335 - 354

Kramer, Benedikt "Die Einheit des kallimacheischen Zeushymnus" Gymnasium 126.5 (2019) pp. 411 - 434

Emberger, Peter "Florus und Iustinus. Bemerkungen zu zwei Epitomatoren der romischen Kaiserzeit" Gymnasium 126.5 (2019) pp. 435 - 447

Riedweg, Christoph "Stresstest fur das globalisierte Imperium Romanum" Gymnasium 126.5 (2019) pp. 449 - 467

Klinkott, Hilmar "Die Panik von Gaugamela" Gymnasium 126.6 (2019) pp. 513 - 530

Schwameis, Christoph "Verachtete Vater, verdorbene Sohne. Zum Einsatz der Angehorigen in Ciceros Verrinen" Gymnasium 126.6 (2019) pp. 531 - 566

Schulz, Verena "'tenerorum oblitus amorum' (Tr. 5,7a,21)" Gymnasium 126.6 (2019) pp. 567 - 591

Luther, Andreas "Vom Kind zum Mann. Neue Uberlegungen zu Vergils 4. Ekloge" Gymnasium 126.6 (2019) pp. 593 - 599

Gil Fernandez, Juan "Los primero anos de 'Habis'" Habis 50 (2019) pp. 7-10

Luzon Nogue, Jose Maria "Asi nacio la revista 'Habis'" Habis 50 (2019) pp. 12-14

Ruiz Mata, Diego "Anos recordados por la revista 'Habis'" Habis 50 (2019) pp. 15-28

Correa Rodriguez, Jose Antonio "Javier de Hoz Bravo, helenista y paleohelenista" Habis 50 (2019) pp. 29-34

Sanchez Casado, Raul "El servidor del 'ka' y la pureza ritual: algunas notas sobre la escena de circuncision en la tumba de Ankhmahor" Habis 50 (2019) pp. 35-48

Saez Romero, Antonio M.; Lavado Florido, MariA Luisa "Cremaciones fenicias y un nuevo saladero de pescado punico de 'Gadir': avance de los hallazgos registrados en el area de Los Chinchorros (calle de San Bartolome, Cadiz)" Habis 50 (2019) pp. 49-81

Abritta, Alejandro "Una nueva perspectiva sobre el problema de la 'performance' de los mimiambos de Herodas" Habis 50 (2019) pp. 83-100

Ruiz Castellanos, Antonio "'Hasta Regia' y la cultura religiosa fenicia" Habis 50 (2019) pp. 101-127

Moreno, AgustiN "Motivos griegos en el episodio de Tito Livio del ataque de Porsena a Roma" Habis 50 (2019) pp. 129-146

Oya Garcia, Goretti "'Genetrix orbis', madre de la dinastia Julio-Claudia, madre del Imperio, madre del orbe: la imagen de Livia Drusila en el territorio de la Betica" Habis 50 (2019) pp. 147-166

Cidoncha Redondo, Francisco "Mujeres 'infames' en la sociedad romana del Alto Imperio" Habis 50 (2019) pp. 167-182

Martinez Sanchez, Miguel "Conyuges, familiares y companeros: aproximacion a la tipologia de los dedicantes en la epigrafia gladiatoria roamana" Habis 50 (2019) pp. 183-204

Candau MoroN, Jose Maria; Aguayo Hidalgo, FaTima "Sangre judia en odres griegos: Flavio Josefo y la historiografia griega" Habis 50 (2019) pp. 205-223

Romero Criado, Alberto "Analisis semantico de los lexemas 'nun' y 'nuni' en el Nuevo Testamento" Habis 50 (2019) pp. 225-243

Vicente Sanchez, Ana C. "Intercambios epistolares entre Dario y Alejandro: perspectiva intertextual desde la plutarquia 'Vida de Alejandro'" Habis 50 (2019) pp. 245-267

D'Encarnacao, Jose "?Uma inscricao romana em S. Martinho do Porto?" Habis 50 (2019) pp. 269-281

Ordonez Agulla, Salvador M.; Garcia-Dils De La Vega, Sergio "Astigitanus ex Baetica" Habis 50 (2019) pp. 283-295

Correa RodriGuez, Jose Antonio "El hidronimo 'Tader' (Rio Segura)" Habis 50 (2019) pp. 297-303

Giunchi, Eleonora "Amor abrasador: carbones y brasas en los epigrama eroticos de la 'Antologia Palatina'" Habis 50 (2019) pp. 305-326

Cosimo Chiriatti, Mattia "Il 'De oratione dominica' nisseno ed i commenti esegeti anteriori: uno studio comparativo" Habis 50 (2019) pp. 327-339

Kruschwitz, Peter "How the Romans read funerary inscriptions: neglected evidence from the 'Querolus'" Habis 50 (2019) pp. 341-362

Guedon, Stephanie "El cristianismo en el Extremo Occidente africano en la Antiguedad tardia: una presencia religiosa sometida a discusion" Habis 50 (2019) pp. 363-378

Castillo Maldonado, Pedro "La 'Epistola ad Vincentium' de Liciniano de Cartagena y la tradicion de la 'Epistola de die Sancto Dominico' en la 'Spania' bizantina" Habis 50 (2019) pp. 379-389

Salvador Ventura, Francisco Jose "La 'Historia Wambae' de Julian de Toledo y sus caracteres de historigrafia clasica" Habis 50 (2019) pp. 391-407

Williams, Hamish "Acts of Eating in the Apologue (Odyssey 9-12)" Hermes 147.1 (2019) pp. 3-20

Kostner, Elena "Triumphans Roman redit. Rom als Buhne fur eine kommemorative Prozession" Hermes 147.1 (2019) pp. 21-41

Garofalo, Paolo "Sulla, i Caecilii Metelli e Lanuvium" Hermes 147.1 (2019) pp. 42-52

Guasti, Duccio "Hipponax' Odyssey" Hermes 147.2 (2019) pp. 135-142

Bartlomiej, Bednarek "The (alleged) sacrifice and procession at Rural Dionysia in Aristophanes' Acharnians" Hermes 147.2 (2019) pp. 143-152

Gilhaus, Lennart "Laughing at the Enemy : Joy and Schadenfreude in Xenophon's 'Hellenica'" Hermes 147.2 (2019) pp. 153-164

Bauer, Martin "Kallimachos Ep. 1 PF. (=54 G/P.) und die epigraphische Inszenierung" Hermes 147.2 (2019) pp. 165-175

Brandt, Hartwin "Der Tod als Gradmesser des Lebens" Hermes 147.2 (2019) pp. 176-188

Rising, Thilo "Bread and Bandits : Clodius and the Grain Supply of Rome" Hermes 147.2 (2019) pp. 189-203

Hubner, Wolfgang "Weidende Sterne : zu Macrob. Sat. 1, 21, 26 deposcit oder depascit?" Hermes 147.2 (2019) pp. 204-219

Hanns Homey, Helge "'Eritis sicut dii' : Die Darstellung des paradiesischen Sundenfalls in der spatantiken Heptateuchdichtung (gen. 64 ff.)" Hermes 147.2 (2019) pp. 220-239

Beghini, Andrea "Due note critico-testuali a [Chio] Ep. 16" Hermes 147.2 (2019) pp. 240-244

Watson, C.B. "Aurelius Cotta on Trial, Again" Hermes 147.2 (2019) pp. 245-251

Conte, Gian Biagio "Le porte del sonno. Su Aen. 6, 893-98" Hermes 147.2 (2019) pp. 252-256

Sanz Morales, Manuel "Uber die Echtheit von Iamblichos, Babylonische Geschichten, Fr. 115 Habrich (=118 Barbero)" Hermes 147.2 (2019) pp. 257-259

Peri, Annamaria "The solitude of the dying" Hermes 147.3 (2019) pp. 262-282

Richardson, J.H. "Some thoughts on suffragium and the practice of voting in Archaic Rome" Hermes 147.3 (2019) pp. 283-297

Rollinger, Christian "(Nec) molestum erit mutuari? : erneut zu den Geldgeschaften der Oberschicht zwischen Spater Republik und Fruher Kaiserzei" Hermes 147.4 (2019) pp. 423-45

Pachowiak, Nikolaus "Die Priesterkarriere des L. Domitius Ahenobarbus" Hermes 147.4 (2019) pp. 496-50

Valdes Guia, Miriam "War in Archaic Athens : polis, Elites and Military power" Historia 68.2 (2019) pp. 126-149

Hyland, John O. "The Achaemenid Messenger Service and the Ionian Revolt" Historia 68.2 (2019) pp. 150-169.

Grote, Oliver "ur Integration der Peroken in die elische Burgerschaft : der Synoikismos von 471 v. Chr." Historia 68.2 (2019) pp. 170-187

Dudzinski, Andrzej "The Treaty of 376/5 BC - A new Interpretation" Historia 68.2 (2019) pp. 188-199

Grzesik, Dominika "The Honorific Statues of Delphi." Historia 68.2 (2019) pp. 200-227

Diaz Arino, Borja "Was C. Rubellius Blandus Involved in the Exploitation of the Silver Mines of Carthago Nova?" Historia 68.2 (2019) pp. 228-232

Michael P. Hanaghan "Ammianus Marcellinus' Future Signs" Historia 68.2 (2019) pp. 233-255

Bernstein, Frank "'Ionische Migration' vs. 'Grosse Kolonisation der Griechen' : Kategorien und Konsequenzen'" Historia 68.3 (2019) pp. 258-284

Nabel, Jake "Remembering Intervention : Parthia in Rome's Civil Wars" Historia 68.3 (2019) pp. 327-352

Valdes Guia, Miriam "The Social and Cultural Background of Hoplite Development in Archaic Athens : Peasants, Debts, zeugitai and Hoplethes" Historia 68.4 (2019) pp. 388-412

Rop, Jeffrey "The Phocian Betrayal at Thermopylae." Historia 68.4 (2019) pp. 413-435

Coskun, Altay "The Chronology of the Desecration of the Temple and the Prophecies of Daniel 7-12 Reconsidered" Historia 68.4 (2019) pp. 436-462

Telminov, Vyacheslav "Die Getreideversorgung in romischen Heer und die lex militaris des Gaius Gracchus" Historia 68.4 (2019) pp. 463-488

Cristini, Marco "burnei nuntii : i dittici consolari e la diplomazia imperiale del VI secolo." Historia 68.4 (2019) pp. 489-520

Ussishkin, David "Tel Shechem/Tell Balatah: The Rampart of Wall A and the Character of the Middle Bronze IIC Compound" IEJ 69.1 (2019) pp. 1-19

Bang, Seung Ho; Borowski, Oded "An Iron Age 'Steamer' from Tel Halif" IEJ 69.1 (2019) pp. 20-39

Geva, Hillel; Yezerski, Irit; Gutfeld, Oren "A Composite Ceramic Iron Age II Figurine from the Jerusalem Jewish Quarter Excavations" IEJ 69.1 (2019) pp. 40-53

Vanderhooft, David S.; Richey, Madadh; Lipschits, Oded "A New Type of Yehud Stamp Impression: Yhwd / Gdlyh" IEJ 69.1 (2019) pp. 54-60

Friedman, Reuven; Ecker, Avner "Provenance and Political Borders: A Phoenician Inscription of the Hellenistic Period 'Strays' across Modern Borders" IEJ 69.1 (2019) pp. 60-72

Sabar, Roi "A Rock-Cut Tomb from the Early Roman and Byzantine Periods in Nahal Aviv, Eastern Upper Galilee" IEJ 69.1 (2019) pp. 73-97

Saidel, Benjamin Adam; Gazit, Dan; Erickson-Gini, Tali "Al-`Obeidat Structures in the Western Negev: An Example of Bedouin Architecture from the British Mandate Period in Israel" IEJ 69.1 (2019) pp. 98-115

Eph`Al, Israel "A Note on the Tel Mikhmoret Sale Contract" IEJ 69.1 (2019) pp. 116-118

Clarysse, Willy "Notes on Some Ostraca from the Maresha Excavations" IEJ 69.1 (2019) pp. 119-121

Yahalom-Mack, Naama; Panitz-Cohen, Nava; Eshel, Tzilla; Mullins, Robert "A Late Bronze IIB Silver Hoard from Tel Abel Beth Maacah" IEJ 69.2 (2019) pp. 129-153

Mendel-Geberovich, Anat; Shalev, Yiftah; Bocher, Efrat; Shalom, Nitsan; Gadot, Yuval "A Newly Discovered Personal Seal and Bulla from the Excavations of the Giv`ati Parking Lot, Jerusalem" IEJ 69.2 (2019) pp. 154-174

Binder, StEPhanie E.; Lazar, Michael; Nantet, Emmanuel "Measurements and Shape of the Dead Sea in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods: Confronting Greek and Latin Sources with Modern Physiographical Data" IEJ 69.2 (2019) pp. 175-194

Zellmann-Rohrer, Michael "Ticket to Ride? A Greek Ostracon from the Roman Fort at Arad Reconsidered" IEJ 69.2 (2019) pp. 195-202

Raviv, Dvir; Zissu, Boaz "The Arumah Fortress (Khirbet al-`Urma): A Fortified Sites from the Second Temple Period in Eastern Samaria" IEJ 69.2 (2019) pp. 202-219

Lieberman, Tehillah; Solomon, Avi; Uziel, Joe "Rolling the Dice in Aelia Capitolina: On the Discovery of Gaming Pieces Beneath Wilson's Arch and Their Function within a Theatre-Like Structure" IEJ 69.2 (2019) pp. 220-240

Barker, Georgia "Classification of a Funerary Model" JARCE 55 (2019) pp. 5-13

Bojowald, Stefan "Neue Beispiele fuer die Elision von h im Agyptischen--ein Zwischenbericht" JARCE 55 (2019) pp. 15-17

Dorman, Peter F. "Compositional Format and Spell Sequencing in Early Versions of the Book of the Dead" JARCE 55 (2019) pp. 19-53

Hashesh, Zeinab; Herrerin, Jesus "Dental Prosthesis" JARCE 55 (2019) pp. 55-67

Joseph, Amgad "An Unpublished Stela of Nedjesankh/Iew and His Family (CG 20394/JE 15107)" JARCE 55 (2019) pp. 67-84

El-Mezain, Mohamed; Kacem, Mohamed Mahmoud "Two Unpublished Sphinxes of Amenemhat V and Ramses II" JARCE 55 (2019) pp. 85-96

Nassar, Mohamed A. "Writing Practices in El-Lahun Papyri during the Middle Kingdom" JARCE 55 (2019) pp. 96-116

Rashed, Mohamed Gamal "The Block Statue of Djedhor son of Tjanefer (Cairo JE 37200)" JARCE 55 (2019) pp. 117-136

Rashwan, Hany "Ancient Egyptian Image-Writing" JARCE 55 (2019) pp. 137-160

Roberson, Joshua Aaron "Whose Error Anyway?" JARCE 55 (2019) pp. 161-171

Rosso, Ana MariA "Antidotes and Counter-Poisons in the Ancient World" JARCE 55 (2019) pp. 173-187

Taterka, Filip "Hatshepsut's Punt Reliefs" JARCE 55 (2019) pp. 189-203

Borrero, Luis A.; Delaunay, Amalia Nuevo; Mendez, Cesar "Ethnographical and historical accounts for understanding the exploration of new lands: The case of Central Western Patagonia, Southernmost South America" JAnthArch 54 (2019) pp. 1-16

Rosenberg, Michael; Rocek, Thomas R. "Socio-political organization in the Aceramic Neolithic of southwestern Asia: The complex evolution of socio-political complexity" JAnthArch 54 (2019) pp. 17-30

Rost, Stephanie "Navigating the ancient Tigris -- insights into water management in an early state" JAnthArch 54 (2019) pp. 31-47

Chazin, Hannah; Gordon, Gwyneth W.; Knudson, Kelly J. "Isotopic perspectives on pastoralist mobility in the Late Bronze Age South Caucasus" JAnthArch 54 (2019) pp. 48-67

Klehm, Carla; Barnes, Adam; Follett, Forrest; Simon, Katie; Kiahtipes, Christopher; Mothulatshipi, Sarah "Toward archaeological predictive modeling in the Bosutswe region of Botswana: Utilizing multispectral satellite imagery to conceptualize ancient landscapes" JAnthArch 54 (2019) pp. 68-83

Spyrou, Anna; Maher, Lisa A.; Martin, Louise A.; Macdonald, Danielle A.; Garrard, Andrew "Meat outside the freezer: Drying, smoking, salting and sealing meat in fat at an Epipalaeolithic megasite in eastern Jordan" JAnthArch 54 (2019) pp. 84-101

Bellina, Berenice; Favereau, Aude; Dussubieux, Laure "Southeast Asian early Maritime Silk Road trading polities' hinterland and the sea-nomads of the Isthmus of Kra" JAnthArch 54 (2019) pp. 102-120

Berger, Steph M.; Hutchinson, Dale L. "Biocultural consequences of the Late Woodland transition at Forbush Creek, North Carolina (AD 800-1200)" JAnthArch 54 (2019) pp. 121-132

Walker, Samantha "The persistence of place: Hunter-gatherer mortuary practices and land-use in the Trent Valley, Ontario" JAnthArch 54 (2019) pp. 133-148

Schauer, Peter; Shennan, Stephen; Bevan, Andrew; Cook, Gordon; Edinborough, Kevan; Fyfe, Ralph; Kerig, Tim; Pearson, Mike Parker "Supply and demand in prehistory? Economics of Neolithic mining in northwest Europe" JAnthArch 54 (2019) pp. 149-160

Zuckerman, Molly K.; Crandall, John "Reconsidering sex and gender in relation to health and disease in bioarchaeology" JAnthArch 54 (2019) pp. 161-171

Vesteinsson, Orri; Hegmon, Michelle; Arneborg, Jette; Rice, Glen; Russell, Will G. "Dimensions of inequality. Comparing the North Atlantic and the US Southwest" JAnthArch 54 (2019) pp. 172-191

Gustas, Robert; Supernant, Kisha "Coastal migration into the Americas and least cost path analysis" JAnthArch 54 (2019) pp. 192-206

Lycett, Stephen J. "Cultural transmission in the post-contact Plateau region and beyond: Insights from funerary practices, fishing practices, clothing, and languages" JAnthArch 54 (2019) pp. 207-217

Thareani, Yifat "From expelled refugee to imperial envoy: Assyria's deportation policy in light of the archaeological evidence from Tel Dan" JAnthArch 54 (2019) pp. 218-234

Jazwa, Christopher S.; Rosencrance, Richard L. "Technological change and interior settlement on western Santa Rosa Island, California" JAnthArch 54 (2019) pp. 235-253

Samei, Siavash; Alizadeh, Karim; Munro, Natalie D. "Animal husbandry and food provisioning at the Kura-Araxes settlement of Kohne Shahar in Northwestern Iran" JAnthArch 55 (2019) pp. 101065

Perri, Angela R.; Koster, Jeremy M.; Otarola-Castillo, Erik; Burns, Jessica L.; Cooper, Catherine G. "Dietary variation among indigenous Nicaraguan horticulturalists and their dogs: An ethnoarchaeological application of the Canine Surrogacy Approach" JAnthArch 55 (2019) pp. 101066

Ullah, Isaac I.T.; Chang, Claudia; Tourtellotte, Perry "Water, dust, and agro-pastoralism: Modeling socio-ecological co-evolution of landscapes, farming, and human society in southeast Kazakhstan during the mid to late Holocene" JAnthArch 55 (2019) pp. 101067

Wright, David K. "Long-term dynamics of pastoral ecology in northern Kenya: An old model for new resilience" JAnthArch 55 (2019) pp. 101068

Lockau, Laura; Atkinson, Stephanie; Mays, Simon; Prowse, Tracy; George, Michele; Sperduti, Alessandra; Bondioli, Luca; Wood, Carolan; Ledger, Marissa; Brickley, Megan B. "Vitamin D deficiency and the ancient city: Skeletal evidence across the life course from the Roman period site of Isola Sacra, Italy" JAnthArch 55 (2019) pp. 101069

Steponaitis, Vincas P.; Knight, Vernon J.; Lankford, George E. "Effigy pipes of the Lower Mississippi Valley: Iconography, style, and function" JAnthArch 55 (2019) pp. 101070

Hale, Jessica W. Cook; Garrison, Ervan G. "Climate change, cultural adaptations, and lower coastal plain occupations of Georgia and Florida from the early to middle Holocene: Extrapolating spatial trends into the offshore" JAnthArch 55 (2019) pp. 101071

Forte, Vanessa "Skilled people or specialists? Knowledge and expertise in copper age vessels from central Italy" JAnthArch 55 (2019) pp. 101072

Ellyson, Laura J.; Kohler, Timothy A.; Cameron, Catherine M. "How far from Chaco to Orayvi? Quantifying inequality among Pueblo households" JAnthArch 55 (2019) pp. 101073

Walden, John P.; Ebert, Claire E.; Hoggarth, Julie A.; Montgomery, Shane M.; Awe, Jaime J. "Modeling variability in Classic Maya intermediate elite political strategies through multivariate analysis of settlement patterns" JAnthArch 55 (2019) pp. 101074

Hanna, Jonathan A. "Camahogne's chronology: The radiocarbon settlement sequence on Grenada, West Indies" JAnthArch 55 (2019) pp. 101075

Feinman, Gary M.; Fang, Hui; Nicholas, Linda M. "Coastal Shandong, China: The longue duree" JAnthArch 55 (2019) pp. 101076

Alonzi, Elise; Daly, Niamh; Gordon, Gwyneth; Scott, Rachel E.; Knudson, Kelly J. "Traveling monastic paths: Mobility and religion at medieval Irish monasteries" JAnthArch 55 (2019) pp. 101077

Crist, Walter "Playing against complexity: Board games as social strategy in Bronze Age Cyprus" JAnthArch 55 (2019) pp. 101078

Anderson, David G.; Harrault, Loic; Milek, Karen B.; Forbes, Bruce C.; Kuoppamaa, Mari; Plekhanov, Andrei V. "Animal domestication in the high Arctic: Hunting and holding reindeer on the IAmal peninsula, northwest Siberia" JAnthArch 55 (2019) pp. 101079

Martinez-Sevilla, Francisco "Assessing the cultural and social value of Neolithic stone bracelets in the Iberian Peninsula" JAnthArch 55 (2019) pp. 101080

Lupo, Karen D. "Hounds follow those who feed them: What can the ethnographic record of hunter-gatherers reveal about early human-canid partnerships?" JAnthArch 55 (2019) pp. 101081

Ames, Kenneth M.; Shepard, Emily E. "Corrigendum to "Building wooden houses: The political economy of plankhouse construction on the southern Northwest Coast of North America" [J. Anthropol. Archaeol. 53 (2019) 202--221]" JAnthArch 56 (2019) pp. 101060

Rice, Prudence M. "Late Maya factionalism and alliances: The case of contact-period central Peten, Guatemala" JAnthArch 56 (2019) pp. 101083

Reed, Kelly "Ritual household deposits and the religious imaginaries of early medieval Dalmatia (Croatia)" JAnthArch 56 (2019) pp. 101084

Coltrain, Joan Brenner; Janetski, Joel C. "Reevaluation of Basketmaker II origins" JAnthArch 56 (2019) pp. 101085

Johnson, Erlend "Considering memory and processes of abandonment and reorganization in the past with case studies from southeastern Mesoamerica" JAnthArch 56 (2019) pp. 101086

Raneri, S.; Venturi, F.; Palleschi, V.; Legnaioli, S.; Lezzerini, M.; Pagnotta, S.; Ramacciotti, M.; Gallello, G. "Social and technological changes in the ceramic production of the Northern Levant during the LBA/IA transition: New evidence about the Sea People issue through archaeometry" JAnthArch 56 (2019) pp. 101087

Heath-Stout, Laura E. "Pottery on the periphery: Contact-period ceramics and regional integration at La Laguna, Tlaxcala, Mexico" JAnthArch 56 (2019) pp. 101088

Dussol, Lydie; Sion, Julien; Nondedeo, Philippe "Late fire ceremonies and abandonment behaviors at the Classic Maya city of Naachtun, Guatemala" JAnthArch 56 (2019) pp. 101099

Anderson, Shelby L.; Brown, Thomas; Junge, Justin; Duelks, Jonathan "Demographic fluctuations and the emergence of arctic maritime adaptations" JAnthArch 56 (2019) pp. 101100

Acevedo, Agustin; Fiore, Danae; Ferrari, Alejandro A. "Rock art landscapes. A systematic study of images, topographies and visibility in south-central Patagonia (Argentina)" JAnthArch 56 (2019) pp. 101101

Halperin, Christina T.; Moine, Jean-Baptiste Le; Zambrano, Enrique Perez "Infrastructures of moving water at the Maya site of Ucanal, Peten, Guatemala" JAnthArch 56 (2019) pp. 101102

Pavlek, Barbara; Winters, James; Morin, Olivier "Ancient coin designs encoded increasing amounts of economic information over centuries" JAnthArch 56 (2019) pp. 101103

Feruglio, Valerie; Bourdier, Camille; Delluc, Marc; Mora, Pascal; Aujoulat, Norbert; Jaubert, Jacques "Rock art, performance and Palaeolithic cognitive systems. The example of the Grand Panel palimpsest of Cussac Cave, Dordogne, France" JAnthArch 56 (2019) pp. 101104

Torre, Marta Sanchez De La; Mangado, Xavier; Langlais, Mathieu; Bourdonnec, Francois Xavier Le; Gratuze, Bernard; Fullola, Josep Maria "Crossing the Pyrenees during the Late Glacial Maximum. The use of geochemistry to trace past human mobility" JAnthArch 56 (2019) pp. 101105

Portillo, Marta; Garcia-Suarez, Aroa; Klimowicz, Arkadiusz; BaranSki, Marek Z.; Matthews, Wendy "Animal penning and open area activity at Neolithic Catalhoyuk, Turkey" JAnthArch 56 (2019) pp. 101106

Davis, Rob; Ashton, Nick "Landscapes, environments and societies: The development of culture in Lower Palaeolithic Europe" JAnthArch 56 (2019) pp. 101107

Morton, Shawn G.; Awe, Jaime J.; Pendergast, David M. "Shattered: Object fragmentation and social enchainment in the eastern Maya lowlands" JAnthArch 56 (2019) pp. 101108

Sherman, R. Jason; Minc, Leah D.; Elson, Christina; Redmond, Elsa M.; Spencer, Charles S. "Ceramic exchange and the shifting political landscape in the Valley of Oaxaca, Mexico, 700 BCE-200 CE" JAnthArch 56 (2019) pp. 101109

Daems, Dries "Building communities. Presenting a model of community formation and organizational complexity in southwestern Anatolia" JAnthArch 56 (2019) pp. 101110

Goldgeier, Hadas; Munro, Natalie D.; Grosman, Leore "Remembering a sacred place -- The depositional history of Hilazon Tachtit, a Natufian burial cave" JAnthArch 56 (2019) pp. 101111

Buc, Natacha "Stylistic variability in bone tools from the Low Parana wetland. Late Holocene, Argentina" JAnthArch 56 (2019) pp. 101112

Mccoy, Mark D.; Ladefoged, Thegn N. "In Pursuit of Maori Warfare: New archaeological research on conflict in pre-European contact New Zealand" JAnthArch 56 (2019) pp. 101113

Kristensen, Todd J.; Hare, P. Gregory; Gotthardt, Ruth M.; Easton, Norman A.; Ives, John W.; Speakman, Robert J.; Rasic, Jeffrey T. "The movement of obsidian in Subarctic Canada: Holocene social relationships and human responses to a large-scale volcanic eruption" JAnthArch 56 (2019) pp. 101114

Faugere, Brigitte; Pierce, Daniel; Cabadas-Baez, Hector "Teotihuacan neighborhoods' expansion in Northwestern Mexico. Cultural implications and social processes from ceramic analysis of El Mezquital-Los Azules, Guanajuato" JAnthArch 56 (2019) pp. 101116

Loftus, Emma; Pargeter, Justin; Mackay, Alex; Stewart, Brian A.; Mitchell, Peter "Late Pleistocene human occupation in the Maloti-Drakensberg region of southern Africa: New radiocarbon dates from Rose Cottage Cave and inter-site comparisons" JAnthArch 56 (2019) pp. 101117

Buyukkarakaya, Ali Metin; Cakan, Yasin Gokhan; Godon, Martin; Erdal, Yilmaz Selim; Bicakci, Erhan "Handling dead bodies: Investigating the formation process of a collective burial from Neolithic Tepecik-Ciftlik, Central Anatolia (Turkey)" JAnthArch 56 (2019) pp. 101118

Lulewicz, Jacob "A Bayesian approach to regional ceramic seriation and political history in the Southern Appalachian region (Northern Georgia) of the Southeastern United States" JArchSc 105 (2019) pp. 1-10

Schablitsky, Julie M.; Witt, Kelsey E.; Madrigal, JazmiN Ramos; Ellegaard, Martin R.; Malhi, Ripan S.; Schroeder, Hannes "Ancient DNA analysis of a nineteenth century tobacco pipe from a Maryland slave quarter" JArchSc 105 (2019) pp. 11-18

Mayall, P.; Pilbrow, V. "A review of the practice of intentional cranial modification in Eurasia during the Migration Period (4th -- 7th c AD)" JArchSc 105 (2019) pp. 19-30

Richards, Michelle J. "Realising the potential of portable XRF for the geochemical classification of volcanic rock types" JArchSc 105 (2019) pp. 31-45

Prignano, Luce; Morer, Ignacio; Fulminante, Francesca; Lozano, Sergi "Modelling terrestrial route networks to understand inter-polity interactions (southern Etruria, 950-500 BC)" JArchSc 105 (2019) pp. 46-58

Curto, Ana; Mahoney, Patrick; Maurer, Anne-France; Barrocas-Dias, Cristina; Fernandes, Teresa; Fahy, Geraldine E. "Diet and disease in Tomar, Portugal: Comparing stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios between skeletons with and without signs of infectious disease" JArchSc 105 (2019) pp. 59-69

Price, T. Douglas; Spicuzza, Michael J.; Orland, Ian J.; Valley, John W. "Instrumental investigation of oxygen isotopes in human dental enamel from the Bronze Age battlefield site at Tollense, Germany," JArchSc 105 (2019) pp. 70-80

Jouteau, Armance; Feruglio, Valerie; Bourdier, Camille; Camus, Hubert; Ferrier, Catherine; Santos, Frederic; Jaubert, Jacques "Choosing rock art locations: Geological parameters and social behaviours. The example of Cussac Cave (Dordogne, France)" JArchSc 105 (2019) pp. 81-96

Lin, Yi-Xian; Rehren, Thilo; Wang, Hui; Ren, Xiao-Yan; Ma, Jian "The beginning of faience in China: A review and new evidence" JArchSc 105 (2019) pp. 97-115

Pires, Ana Elisabete; Detry, Cleia; Chikhi, Lounes; Rasteiro, Rita; Amorim, Isabel R.; Simoes, Fernanda; Matos, Jose; Petrucci-Fonseca, Francisco; Ollivier, Morgane; HaNni, Catherine; Cardoso, JoaO Luis; Arias, Pablo; Diniz, Mariana; Araujo, Ana Cristina; Bicho, Nuno; Sousa, Ana Catarina; Moreno-Garcia, Marta; Arruda, Ana Margarida; Fernandez-Rodriguez, Carlos; Porfirio, Eduardo; Arnaud, Jose Morais; Valente, Alexandra; Goncalves, David; Alves, Lara; Gotherstrom, Anders; Davis, Simon J.M.; Ginja, Catarina "The curious case of the Mesolithic Iberian dogs: An archaeogenetic study" JArchSc 105 (2019) pp. 116-129

Gentile, V.; Van Gijn, A. "Anatomy of a notch. An in-depth experimental investigation and interpretation of combat traces on Bronze Age swords," JArchSc 105 (2019) pp. 130-143

Cookson, Evangeline; Hill, Daniel J.; Lawrence, Dan "Impacts of long term climate change during the collapse of the Akkadian Empire" JArchSc 106 (2019) pp. 1-9

Cutts, Russell B.; Hlubik, Sarah; Campbell, Ross; Muschinski, Jana; Akuku, Pamela; Braun, David R.; Patterson, David B.; O'Brien, Joseph J.; Garrison, Ervan; Harris, J.W.K. "Thermal curved-fragments: A method for identifying anthropogenic fire in the archaeological record" JArchSc 106 (2019) pp. 10-22

Hannah, Emma; Mclaughlin, Rowan "Long-term archaeological perspectives on new genomic and environmental evidence from early medieval Ireland" JArchSc 106 (2019) pp. 23-28

Fu, Roger R.; Kirschvink, Joseph L.; Carter, Nicholas; Mazariegos, Oswaldo Chinchilla; Chigna, Gustavo; Gupta, Garima; Grappone, Michael "Knowledge of magnetism in ancient Mesoamerica: Precision measurements of the potbelly sculptures from Monte Alto, Guatemala" JArchSc 106 (2019) pp. 29-36

Matsubayashi, Jun; Tayasu, Ichiro "Collagen turnover and isotopic records in cortical bone" JArchSc 106 (2019) pp. 37-44

Coughlan, Michael R.; Nelson, Donald R. "Geostatistical analysis of historical contingency and land use footprints in the prehistoric settlement dynamics of the South Carolina Piedmont, North America" JArchSc 107 (2019) pp. 1-9

Magnini, Luigi; Bettineschi, Cinzia "Theory and practice for an object-based approach in archaeological remote sensing" JArchSc 107 (2019) pp. 10-22

De Juan Ares, Jorge; Guirado, Alfonso Vigil-Escalera; Gutierrez, Yasmina Caceres; Schibille, Nadine "Changes in the supply of eastern Mediterranean glasses to Visigothic Spain" JArchSc 107 (2019) pp. 23-31

Asscher, Yotam; Boaretto, Elisabetta "Charred micro-particles characterization in archaeological contexts: Identifying mixing between sediments with implications for stratigraphy" JArchSc 107 (2019) pp. 32-39

Bunn, Henry T. "Large ungulate mortality profiles and ambush hunting by Acheulean-age hominins at Elandsfontein, Western Cape Province, South Africa" JArchSc 107 (2019) pp. 40-49

Haruda, A.F.; Varfolomeev, V.; Goriachev, A.; Yermolayeva, A.; Outram, A.K. "A new zooarchaeological application for geometric morphometric methods: Distinguishing Ovis aries morphotypes to address connectivity and mobility of prehistoric Central Asian pastoralists" JArchSc 107 (2019) pp. 50-57

Dunne, J.; Chapman, A.; Blinkhorn, P.; Evershed, R.P. "Reconciling organic residue analysis, faunal, archaeobotanical and historical records: Diet and the medieval peasant at West Cotton, Raunds, Northamptonshire" JArchSc 107 (2019) pp. 58-70

Zeigen, Chen; Shaar, Ron; Ebert, Yael; Hovers, Erella "Archaeomagnetism of burnt cherts and hearths from Middle Palaeolithic Amud Cave, Israel: Tools for reconstructing site formation processes and occupation history" JArchSc 107 (2019) pp. 71-86

Dupin, Aurore; Sordoillet, Dominique; FreVille, KeVin; Girardclos, Olivier; Gauthier, Emilie "The taphonomic characterization of a charcoal production platform. Contribution of an innovative pair of methods: Raman analysis and micromorphology" JArchSc 107 (2019) pp. 87-99

Carrero-Pazos, Miguel; Bevan, Andrew; Lake, Mark W. "The spatial structure of Galician megalithic landscapes (NW iberia): A case study from the Monte Penide region" JArchSc 108 (2019) pp. 104968

Emslie, Steven D.; Alderman, Audrey; Mckenzie, Ashley; Brasso, Rebecka; Taylor, Alison R.; Moreno, MariA Molina; Cambra-Moo, Oscar; MartiN, Armando GonzaLez; Silva, Ana Maria; Valera, AntoNio; SanjuaN, Leonardo GarciA; Vila, Eduardo Vijande "Mercury in archaeological human bone: biogenic or diagenetic?" JArchSc 108 (2019) pp. 104969

Piperno, Dolores R.; Holst, Irene; Moreno, J. Enrique; Winter, Klaus "Experimenting with domestication: Understanding macro- and micro-phenotypes and developmental plasticity in teosinte in its ancestral pleistocene and early holocene environments" JArchSc 108 (2019) pp. 104970

Benson, Larry V.; Grimstead, Deanna N. "Prehistoric Chaco Canyon, New Mexico: Residential population implications of limited agricultural and mammal productivity" JArchSc 108 (2019) pp. 104971

Casas, Lluis; Tema, Evdokia "Investigating the expected archaeomagnetic dating precision in Europe: A temporal and spatial analysis based on the SCHA.DIF.3K geomagnetic field model" JArchSc 108 (2019) pp. 104972

Harush, Ortal; Glauber, Naama; Zoran, Amit; Grosman, Leore "On quantifying and visualizing the potter's personal style" JArchSc 108 (2019) pp. 104973

Van Ham-Meert, Alicia; Dillis, Sarah; Blomme, Annelore; Cahill, Nicholas; Claeys, Philippe; Elsen, Jan; Eremin, Katherine; Gerdes, Axel; Steuwe, Christian; Roeffaers, Maarten; Shortland, Andrew; Degryse, Patrick "A unique recipe for glass beads at Iron Age Sardis" JArchSc 108 (2019) pp. 104974

Mendez-Quintas, Eduardo; Panera, Joaquin; Altamura, Flavio; Di Bianco, Luca; Melis, Rita T.; Piarulli, Flavia; Ruta, Giancarlo; Mussi, Margherita "Gombore II (Melka Kunture, Ethiopia): A new approach to formation processes and spatial patterns of an Early Pleistocene Acheulean site" JArchSc 108 (2019) pp. 104975

Styring, Amy K.; Hohn, Alexa; Linseele, Veerle; Neumann, Katharina "Direct evidence for agricultural intensification during the first two millennia AD in northeast Burkina Faso" JArchSc 108 (2019) pp. 104976

Demeny, A.; Gugora, A.D.; Kesjar, D.; Lecuyer, C.; Fourel, F. "Stable isotope analyses of the carbonate component of bones and teeth: The need for method standardization" JArchSc 109 (2019) pp. 104979

Huisman, D.J.; Niekus, M.J.L.Th.; Peeters, J.H.M.; Geerts, R.C.A.; Muller, A. "Deciphering the complexity of a 'simple' mesolithic phenomenon: Indicators for construction, use and taphonomy of pit hearths in Kampen (the Netherlands)" JArchSc 109 (2019) pp. 104987

Cadet, Melissa; Sayavongkhamdy, Thongsa; Souksavatdy, Viengkeo; Luangkhoth, Thonglith; Dillmann, Philippe; Cloquet, Christophe; Vernet, Justine; Piccardo, Paolo; Chang, Nigel; Edgar, John; Foy, Eddy; Pryce, T.O. "Laos' central role in Southeast Asian copper exchange networks: A multi-method study of bronzes from the Vilabouly Complex" JArchSc 109 (2019) pp. 104988

Kazarina, Alisa; Gerhards, Guntis; Petersone-Gordina, Elina; Kimsis, Janis; Pole, Ilva; Zole, Egija; Leonova, Viktorija; Ranka, Renate "Analysis of the bacterial communities in ancient human bones and burial soil samples: Tracing the impact of environmental bacteria" JArchSc 109 (2019) pp. 104989

Mazzarelli, Debora; Gibelli, Daniele; Mattia, Mirko; Bertoglio, Barbara; Sguazza, Emanuela; Fedeli, Anna Maria; Cattaneo, Cristina "First signs of torture in Italy: A probable case of execution by the wheel on a skeleton from 13th century Milano" JArchSc 109 (2019) pp. 104990

Cucchi, Thomas; Stopp, Barbara; Schafberg, Renate; Lesur, Josephine; Hassanin, Alexandre; Schibler, Jorg "Taxonomic and phylogenetic signals in bovini cheek teeth: Towards new biosystematic markers to explore the history of wild and domestic cattle" JArchSc 109 (2019) pp. 104993

Dulias, Katharina; Birch, Steven; Wilson, James F.; Justeau, Pierre; Gandini, Francesca; Flaquer, Antonia; Soares, Pedro; Richards, Martin B.; Pala, Maria; Edwards, Ceiridwen J. "Maternal relationships within an Iron Age burial at the High Pasture Cave, Isle of Skye, Scotland" JArchSc 110 (2019) pp. 104978

Adlington, L.W.; Freestone, I.C.; Kunicki-Goldfinger, J.J.; Ayers, T.; Scott, H. Gilderdale; Eavis, A. "Regional patterns in medieval European glass composition as a provenancing tool" JArchSc 110 (2019) pp. 104991

Frances-Negro, Marta; Carrancho, ANgel; Perez-Romero, Amalia; Arsuaga, Juan Luis; Carretero, Jose Miguel; Iriarte, Eneko "Storage or cooking pots? Inferring pottery use through archaeomagnetic assessment of palaeotemperatures" JArchSc 110 (2019) pp. 104992

Jenkins, Emma; Jamjoum, Khalil; Nuimat, Sameeh; Stafford, Richard; Nortcliff, Stephen; Mithen, Steven "Corrigendum to 'Identifying ancient water availability through phytolith analysis: An experimental approach' J. Archaeol. Sci. 73 (2016) 82--93" JArchSc 110 (2019) pp. 104995

Azemard, Clara; Zazzo, Antoine; Marie, Arul; Lepetz, Sebastien; Debaine-Francfort, Corinne; Idriss, Abduressul; Zirah, Severine "Animal fibre use in the Keriya valley (Xinjiang, China) during the Bronze and Iron Ages: A proteomic approach" JArchSc 110 (2019) pp. 104996

Caspari, Gino; Crespo, Pablo "Convolutional neural networks for archaeological site detection -- Finding 'princely' tombs" JArchSc 110 (2019) pp. 104998

Porcier, Stephanie M.; Berruyer, Camille; Pasquali, Stephane; Ikram, Salima; Berthet, Didier; Tafforeau, Paul "Wild crocodiles hunted to make mummies in Roman Egypt: Evidence from synchrotron imaging" JArchSc 110 (2019) pp. 105009

Delpiano, Davide; Zupancich, Andrea; Peresani, Marco "Innovative Neanderthals: Results from an integrated analytical approach applied to backed stone tools" JArchSc 110 (2019) pp. 105011

Calandra, Ivan; Pedergnana, Antonella; Gneisinger, Walter; Marreiros, Joao "Why should traceology learn from dental microwear, and vice-versa?" JArchSc 110 (2019) pp. 105012

Sherwood, Sarah C.; Tilburg, Jo Anne Van; Barrier, Casey R.; Horrocks, Mark; Dunn, Richard K.; Ramirez-Aliaga, Jose Miguel "New excavations in Easter Island's statue quarry: Soil fertility, site formation and chronology" JArchSc 111 (2019) pp. 104994

Harpster, Matthew; Chapman, Henry "Using polygons to model maritime movement in antiquity" JArchSc 111 (2019) pp. 104997

Rademakers, Frederik W.; Nikis, Nicolas; Putter, Thierry De; Degryse, Patrick "Provenancing Central African copper croisettes: A first chemical and lead isotope characterisation of currencies in Central and Southern Africa" JArchSc 111 (2019) pp. 105010

Milheira, Rafael Guedes; Souza, Jonas Gregorio De; Iriarte, Jose "Water, movement and landscape ordering: A GIS-based analysis for understanding the mobility system of late Holocene mound-builders in southern Brazil" JArchSc 111 (2019) pp. 105014

Benson, Larry V.; Grimstead, Deanna N.; Stein, John R.; Roth, David A.; Plowman, Terry I. "Prehistoric Chaco Canyon, New Mexico: Importation of meat and maize" JArchSc 111 (2019) pp. 105015

Harmston, Nathan I.; Linduska, Erik J.; Tomco, Patrick L. "Stable isotope and compositional analysis of Alaska caribou teeth embedded in polymethyl-methacrylate (PMMA)" JArchSc 111 (2019) pp. 105016

Zhao, Hengqian; Wang, Yunli; Liu, Shuai; Li, Kunheng; Gao, Wei "Spectral reflectance characterization and fiber type discrimination for common natural textile materials using a portable spectroradiometer" JArchSc 111 (2019) pp. 105026

Mueller-Bieniek, Aldona; Bogucki, Peter; Pyzel, Joanna; Kapcia, Magda; Hoyo, Magdalena Moskal-Del; Nalepka, Dorota "The role of Chenopodium in the subsistence economy of pioneer agriculturalists on the northern frontier of the Linear Pottery culture in Kuyavia, central Poland" JArchSc 111 (2019) pp. 105027

Maggiano, Corey M.; White, Christine D.; Stern, Richard A.; Peralta, J. Salvador; Longstaffe, Fred J. "Focus: Oxygen isotope microanalysis across incremental layers of human bone: Exploring archaeological reconstruction of short term mobility and seasonal climate change" JArchSc 111 (2019) pp. 105028

Rey-Rodriguez, Ivan; Stoetzel, Emmanuelle; Lopez-Garcia, Juan Manuel; Denys, Christiane "Implications of modern Barn owls pellets analysis for archaeological studies in the Middle East" JArchSc 111 (2019) pp. 105029

Orengo, H.A.; Garcia-Molsosa, A. "A brave new world for archaeological survey: Automated machine learning-based potsherd detection using high-resolution drone imagery" JArchSc 112 (2019) pp. 105013

Anderson, Shelby L.; Feathers, James K. "Applying luminescence dating of ceramics to the problem of dating Arctic archaeological sites" JArchSc 112 (2019) pp. 105030

Fuentes, Riczar; Ono, Rintaro; Nakajima, Naoki; Nishizawa, Hiroe; Siswanto, Joko; Aziz, Nasrullah; Sriwigati, ; Sofian, Harry Octavianus; Miranda, Tatiana; Pawlik, Alfred "Technological and behavioural complexity in expedient industries: The importance of use-wear analysis for understanding flake assemblages" JArchSc 112 (2019) pp. 105031

Birch-Chapman, Shannon; Jenkins, Emma "A Bayesian approach to calculating Pre-Pottery Neolithic structural contemporaneity for reconstructing population size" JArchSc 112 (2019) pp. 105033

Kerudin, Ammielle; Muller, Romy; Buckberry, Jo; KnuSel, Christopher J.; Brown, Terence A. "Ancient Mycobacterium leprae genomes from the mediaeval sites of Chichester and Raunds in England" JArchSc 112 (2019) pp. 105035

Vandam, Ralf; Music, Branko; Medaric, Igor "Contextualizing Kurucay Hoyuk: Assessing the Unexplored Late Chalcolithic Landscape Near the Beginning of Early Social Complexity in SW Turkey" JFA 44.1 (2019) pp. 1-18

Ross, Jennifer C.; Steadman, Sharon R.; Mcmahon, Gregory; Adcock, Sarah E.; Cannon, Joshua W. "When the Giant Falls: Endurance and Adaptation at Cadir Hoyuk in the Context of the Hittite Empire and Its Collapse" JFA 44.1 (2019) pp. 19-39

Watson, Rachel; Mckillop, Heather "A Filtered Past: Interpreting Salt Production and Trade Models from Two Remnant Brine-Enrichment Mounds at the Ancient Maya Paynes Creek Salt Works, Belize" JFA 44.1 (2019) pp. 40-51

Neely, James A.; Lancaster, Don "The Bajada Canals of the Safford Basin, Southeastern Arizona: Excellence in Prehistoric Engineering" JFA 44.1 (2019) pp. 52-69

Bonnier, Anton; Finne, Martin; Weiberg, Erika "Examining Land-Use through GIS-Based Kernel Density Estimation: A Re-Evaluation of Legacy Data from the Berbati-Limnes Survey" JFA 44.2 (2019) pp. 70-83

Carter, Nicholas; Santini, Lauren; Barnes, Adam; Opitz, Rachel; White, Devin; Safi, Kristin; Davenport, Bryce; Brown, Clifford; Witschey, Walter "Country Roads: Travel, Visibility, and Late Classic Settlement in the Southern Maya Mountains" JFA 44.2 (2019) pp. 84-108

Athens, J. Stephen; Leppard, Thomas P. "Settlement and Subsistence in the Remote Western Pacific: Archaeological and Radiocarbon Data from Alamagan, Northern Mariana Islands" JFA 44.2 (2019) pp. 109-125

O'Driscoll, James "Picture Perfect: Using Drone Technology and Photogrammetry Techniques to Map the Western Stone Forts of Ireland" JFA 44.2 (2019) pp. 126-146

Beyin, Amanuel; Chauhan, Parth R.; Nassr, Ahmed "Reconnaissance of Prehistoric Sites in the Red Sea Coastal Region of the Sudan, NE Africa" JFA 44.3 (2019) pp. 147-164

Gummesson, Sara; Molin, Fredrik; Sjostrom, Arne "The Spatial Organization of Bone Crafting During the Middle and Late Mesolithic at Ringsjoholm and Strandvagen in Sweden" JFA 44.3 (2019) pp. 165-179

Nicod, Pierre-Yves; Perrin, Thomas; Bourdonnec, Francois-Xavier Le; Philibert, Sylvie; Oberlin, Christine; Besse, Marie "First Obsidian in the Northern French Alps during the Early Neolithic" JFA 44.3 (2019) pp. 180-194

Acabado, Stephen B.; Koller, Jared M.; Liu, Chin-Hsin; Lauer, Adam J.; Farahani, Alan; Barretto-Tesoro, Grace; Reyes, Marian C.; Martin, Jonathan Albert; Peterson, John A. "The Short History of the Ifugao Rice Terraces: A Local Response to the Spanish Conquest" JFA 44.3 (2019) pp. 195-214

Bentsen, Silje Evjenth; Wurz, Sarah "Color Me Heated? A Comparison of Potential Methods to Quantify Color Change in Thermally-Altered Rocks" JFA 44.4 (2019) pp. 215-233

Morell-Hart, Shanti "Techniques for Integrating Macrobotanical and Microbotanical Datasets: Examples from Pre-Hispanic Northwestern Honduras" JFA 44.4 (2019) pp. 234-249

Peuramaki-Brown, Meaghan M.; Morton, Shawn G. "Maya Monumental 'Boom': Rapid Development, Hybrid Architecture, and 'Pretentiousness' in the Fabrication of Place at Alabama, East-Central Belize" JFA 44.4 (2019) pp. 250-266

Miller, Bryan K.; Furholt, Martin; Bayarsaikhan, Jamsranjav; Tuvshinjargal, Tomorbaatar; Brandtstatter, Lennart; Wright, Joshua; Ayush, Tseel; Wunderlich, Tina "Proto-Urban Establishments in Inner Asia: Surveys of an Iron Age Walled Site in Eastern Mongolia" JFA 44.4 (2019) pp. 267-286

Brown, Nicholas E.; Liuzza, Claudia; Meskell, Lynn "The Politics of Peril: UNESCO's List of World Heritage in Danger" JFA 44.5 (2019) pp. 287-303

Dufton, J. Andrew; Gosner, Linda R.; Knodell, Alex R.; Steidl, Catherine "Archaeology Underfoot: On-Campus Approaches to Education, Outreach, and Historical Archaeology at Brown University" JFA 44.5 (2019) pp. 304-318

Venter, Marcie L.; Iii, Philip J. Arnold; Jimenez, Lourdes Budar "The Ballgame, Termination Ritual, and the Transformation of Classic Period Authority in the Mesoamerican Southern Gulf Lowlands" JFA 44.5 (2019) pp. 319-332

Lichtenberger, Achim; Raja, Rubina; Seland, Eivind Heldaas; Kinnaird, Tim; Simpson, Ian A. "Urban-Riverine Hinterland Synergies in Semi-Arid Environments: Millennial-Scale Change, Adaptations, and Environmental Responses at Gerasa/Jerash" JFA 44.5 (2019) pp. 333-351

Kwoka, Joshua J.; Hanratty, H. Colleen; Guderjan, Thomas H. "From Crafting to Caching: Technological and Iconographic Analyses of Blue Creek Cache 37" JFA 44.6 (2019) pp. 352-366

Murphy, Elizabeth A.; Leppard, Thomas P.; Roppa, Andrea; Madrigali, Emanuele; Esposito, Carmen "The Landscape Archaeology of Southwest Sardinia Project: New Data and Method from the Insular Mediterranean" JFA 44.6 (2019) pp. 367-382

Killion, Thomas W.; Urban, Thomas M.; Conway, James "Mounds, Towns, and their Surrounds: An Archaeological, Historical, and Geophysical Approach to Burial Mounds, Residential Space, and Cultural Landscapes of the Late Woodland Springwells Site (a.d. 800--1400) at Historic Fort Wayne, Detroit" JFA 44.6 (2019) pp. 383-400

Khalaf, Nadia; Insoll, Timothy "Monitoring Islamic Archaeological Landscapes in Ethiopia Using Open Source Satellite Imagery" JFA 44.6 (2019) pp. 401-419

Shea, John J.; Stutz, Aaron Jonas; Nilsson-Stutz, Liv "An Early Upper Palaeolithic Stone Tool Assemblage from Mughr El-Hamamah, Jordan: An Interim Report" JFA 44.7 (2019) pp. 420-439

Richter, Tobias; Bocaege, Emmy; Ilsoe, Peter; Ruter, Anthony; Pantos, Alexis; Pedersen, Patrick; Yeomans, Lisa "Ochre, Ground Stone, and Wrapping the Dead in the Late Epipalaeolithic (Natufian) Levant: Revealing the Funerary Practices at Shubayqa 1, Jordan" JFA 44.7 (2019) pp. 440-457

Gyucha, Attila; Parkinson, William A.; Yerkes, Richard W. "The Evolution of a Neolithic Tell on the Great Hungarian Plain: Site Formation and Use at Szeghalom-Kovacshalom" JFA 44.7 (2019) pp. 458-479

Chesson, Meredith S.; Wolff, Nicholas P. S.; Robb, John; Yoon, David; Michelaki, Kostalena; Fiore, Ivana; Gillings, Mark; Tagliacozzo, Antonio; Taylor, Jeremy; White, Chantel E. "Events, Social Memories, and Community in a Final Bronze Age Building's Biography at Sant'Aniceto, Calabria, Italy" JFA 44.7 (2019) pp. 480-499

Kvavadze, Eliso; Boschian, Giovanni; Chichinadze, Maia; Gagoshidze, Iulon; Gavagnin, Katia; Martkoplishvili, Inga; Rova, Elena "Palynological and Archaeological Evidence for Ritual Use of Wine in the Kura-Araxes Period at Aradetis Orgora (Georgia, Caucasus)" JFA 44.8 (2019) pp. 500-522

Altaweel, Mark; Squitieri, Andrea "Finding a Relatively Flat Archaeological Site with Minimal Ceramics: A Case Study from Iraqi Kurdistan" JFA 44.8 (2019) pp. 523-537

Haburaj, Vincent; Krause, Jan; Pless, Sebastian; Waske, Bjorn; Schutt, Brigitta "Evaluating the Potential of Semi-Automated Image Analysis for Delimiting Soil and Sediment Layers" JFA 44.8 (2019) pp. 538-549

Rice, Prudence M.; Pugh, Timothy W.; Nieto, Evelyn M. Chan "Early Construction of a Maya Sacred Landscape: The Sector Y 'E-Group' of Nixtun-Ch'ich' (Peten, Guatemala)" JFA 44.8 (2019) pp. 550-564

Drass, Richard R.; Vehik, Susan C.; Perkins, Stephen M. "Baffles and Stockades: Entryway Construction at Southern Plains Fortifications, A.D. 1500--1850" JFA 44.8 (2019) pp. 565-580

Perry, Jennifer E.; Glassow, Michael A.; Neal, Mark L.; Joslin, Terry L.; Minas, Kelly R. "Small Islands and Marginality: Santa Barbara Island and its Role in the Prehistory of California's Channel Islands" JFA 44.8 (2019) pp. 581-595

Kreinath, Jens "An Introduction to Tracing Associations in Pilgrimage and Festival: Applications of Bruno Latour's Actor-Network Theory to Ritual Studies" JRitSt 33.1 (2019) pp. 1--11

Brzozowski, Grzegorz "The Festival Politics of Recognition: Pluralized Ritual-like Performances of the Woodstock Festival Poland" JRitSt 33.1 (2019) pp. 12--26

Harvey, Graham "Indigenizing by the Assembling Actors of Riddu Riddu's Ritual / Spectacle" JRitSt 33.1 (2019) pp. 27--37

Etikpah, Samuel "Associations and Agents in the Ritual Critique of Power and Behavior: Nzema Kundum "Avudwene" Ceremony" JRitSt 33.1 (2019) pp. 38--51

Kreinath, Jens "Tracing Tombs and Trees as Indexes of Saints' Agency in Veneration Rituals: Bruno Latour's Actor-Network Theory and the Hidirellez Festival in Hatay, Turkey" JRitSt 33.1 (2019) pp. 52--73

Pike, Sarah M. "A Response to Tracing Associations in Pilgrimage and Festival: Applications of Bruno Latour's Actor-Network Theory to Ritual Studies" JRitSt 33.1 (2019) pp. 74--81

Gordon, A. Ross; Djonler, Sonny Ananias "Hope and Energy at the Arafura Sea Shore" JRitSt 33.2 (2019) pp. 1--18

Mpereh, Samuel Victor "The Possible Effectiveness of Paul's Interventions in Dealing with the Schismata in the Corinthian ekklesia: A Ritual Perspective" JRitSt 33.2 (2019) pp. 19--30

Sharaby, Rachel "Preserving the Boundaries of an Immigrants' Ethnic Tradition via a Ritual System" JRitSt 33.2 (2019) pp. 31--49

Napior, Amanda J.G. "Toward a Ritual Theory of Hair Care: Reflections on How Aesthetics Mediates Relationship between Self, Other, and World, from an American Hairstylist" JRitSt 33.2 (2019) pp. 50--66

Benincasa, Luciana "The Girls With The Headscarf: Unintended Reverse Discrimination at the School Parade on Greek National Holidays" JRitSt 33.2 (2019) pp. 67--84

Nash, Susie "The Two Tombs of Philip the Bold" JWI 19 (2019) pp. 1-111

Pearson, Caspar "The Return of the Giants: Reflections on Technical Mastery and Moral Jeopardy in Leon Battista Alberti's Letter to Filippo Brunelleschi" JWI 19 (2019) pp. 113-141

Bauer, Stefan "The Liber Pontificalis in the Renaissance" JWI 19 (2019) pp. 143-158

Theiss, William "Conrad Peutinger's Treatise on Greek Art" JWI 19 (2019) pp. 159-194

Hemsoll, David "Drawing on the Past: Palladio, his Precursors and Knowledge of Ancient Architecture c. 1550" JWI 19 (2019) pp. 195-249

Petcu, Elizabeth J. "Vasari in Renaissance Strassburg" JWI 19 (2019) pp. 251-282

Hamilton, Alastair "Claude-Etienne Savary: Orientalism and Fraudulence in Late Eighteenth-Century France" JWI 19 (2019) pp. 283-314

Keeline, Thomas J.; McManus, Stuart M. "Aenigma Omnibus? The Transatlantic Late Humanism of Zinzendorf and the Early Moravians" JWI 19 (2019) pp. 315-356

Borgeaud, Philippe "Hommage a Marcel Detienne" Kernos 32 (2019) pp. 9-12 all issues open access

Bednarek, Bartek "Orpheus in Aeschylus and the Thracian child-eater on a hydria from the British Museum" Kernos 32 (2019) pp. 13-27 all issues open access

Biagetti, Claudio "Una menzione di Atena Arkhegetis in P.Hib. I 15 Note sull'epiteto e sul suo impiego ad Atene" Kernos 32 (2019) pp. 29-48 all issues open access

Darthou, Sonia "L'olivier, identite et rempart d'Athenes : un episeme de la cite ?" Kernos 32 (2019) pp. 49-79 all issues open access

Baleriaux, Julie "Mythical and ritual landscapes of Poseidon Hippios in Arcadia" Kernos 32 (2019) pp. 83-99 all issues open access

Von Ehrenheim, Hedvig "Causal explanation of disease in the iamata of Epidauros" Kernos 32 (2019) pp. 101-118 all issues open access

Hughes, Dennis D. "The Cult of Aratus at Sicyon (Plutarch, Aratus, 53)" Kernos 32 (2019) pp. 119-150 all issues open access

Caneva, Stefano "Variations dans le paysage sacre de Pergame : l'Asklepieion et le temple de la terrasse du theatre" Kernos 32 (2019) pp. 151-181 all issues open access

Palamidis, Alaya "Des souris et des hommes. Une reinvention erudite du culte d'Apollon Smintheus a l'epoque hellenistique ?" Kernos 32 (2019) pp. 191-236 all issues open access

Rousset, Denis "Geographie, paleographie et philologie. Note sur un lieu de culte de Demeter" Kernos 32 (2019) pp. 237-240 all issues open access

Angelini, Anna "Naming the Gods of Others in the Septuagint: Lexical Analysis and Historical-Religious Implications" Kernos 32 (2019) pp. 241-266 all issues open access

Lebreton, Sylvain; Bonnet, Corinne "Mettre les polytheismes en formules ? A propos de la base de donnees Mapping Ancient Polytheisms" Kernos 32 (2019) pp. 267-296 all issues open access

Chaniotis, Angelos "Epigraphic Bulletin for Greek Religion 2016 (EBGR 2016)" Kernos 32 (2019) pp. 297-339 all issues open access

Biggs, Thomas "Achaemenides and the Idea of Early Latin Epic Latomus" Latomus 78.2 (2019) pp. 301-313

Cristini, Marco "De concordia in Latinis litteris Theoderici regis aetate conscriptis" Latomus 78.2 (2019) pp. 314-333

Dolbeau, Francois "Un argument d'Augustin pour expliquer les malheurs des temps" Latomus 78.2 (2019) pp. 334-338

Fernandez Garcia, Maria Isabel "El centro de produccion de terra sigillata hispanica de Los Villares de Andujar (Jaen, Espana). Una aproximacion a la difusion de sus productos" Latomus 78.2 (2019) pp. 339-384

Fletcher, K.F.B. "Closing the Door on seruitium amoris in Ovid, Amores 1.6" Latomus 78.2 (2019) pp. 385-396

Prieto Iommi, Juan Pablo "Roma, Etolia y la Batalla de Cinoscefalas en 197 a.C. La historia militar de un conflicto cultural" Latomus 78.2 (2019) pp. 397-427

Puche Lopez, Mari Carmen "Discurso e idealizacion en Pere Marsili (Liber gestorum II, 31)" Latomus 78.2 (2019) pp. 428-451

Radif, Ludovica "'Il vampiro di Plauto'. Trissino e il Pluto" Latomus 78.2 (2019) pp. 452-470

Belanger Sarrazin, Roxanne; Delattre, Alain; Demaiffe, Daniel; De Winter, Natasja; Martin, Alain; Raepsaet, Georges; Raepsaet-Charlier, Marie-Therese "Une tablette de defixion recemment decouverte a Tongres" Latomus 78.2 (2019) pp. 471-481

Sisul, Ana Clara "Nota a Verg., Aen. 10.462. Sobre los modelos de inspiracion heroica de Palante" Latomus 78.2 (2019) pp. 482-486

Dijcks, Niels "Wavering Loyalties. Ideology, Opportunism, and 'Changing Sides' in the Late Republican Civil Wars" Latomus 78.3 (2019) pp. 591-620

Gillespie, Caitlin "Livia and Concordia in Tacitus' Annals" Latomus 78.3 (2019) pp. 621-652

Jarque, Nicolas "Marcial 7.46, munera peza" Latomus 78.3 (2019) pp. 653-659

Schietinger, Georg-Philipp "Q. Fabius Maximus Allobrogius, das Erbe des Scipio Aemilianus und die numidische Thronfolge. Die Vorgeschichte des Jugurthinischen Krieges" Latomus 78.3 (2019) pp. 660-695

Smith, Ian Gordon "Excursions of the Roman Navy in Britain. The Mutiny of the Usipi" Latomus 78.3 (2019) pp. 696-732

Van Rooy, Raf "Dialektos, dialectus, dialect. A Word's Curious Journey from Ancient Greek to (Neo-)Latin and Beyond" Latomus 78.3 (2019) pp. 733-770

Walsh, Lisl "Placing Medea. A Topographical Approach to Seneca's Tragedy" Latomus 78.3 (2019) pp. 771-801

Cowan, Robert "Spelling Out Cadmus. An Intrusive Gloss at Seneca Phoenissae 125" Latomus 78.3 (2019) pp. 802-809

* "En l'honneur de Pol Defosse" Latomus 78.4 (2019) pp. 895-896

Dominicy, Marc "Laissons-nous persuader... De Verlaine a Properce, et retour" Latomus 78.4 (2019) pp. 897-902

Dupraz, Emmanuel "L'inscription messapienne MLM 10 Al. Formes anthroponymiques ou theonymiques?" Latomus 78.4 (2019) pp. 903-911

Martin, Alain "Francisco Ferrer en Belgique" Latomus 78.4 (2019) pp. 912-917

Sans, Benoit "Euadent, inquit. A propos du discours d'Hannibal aux Tarentins (Liv. XXV, 11, 16-17)" Latomus 78.4 (2019) pp. 918-927

Vanseveren, Sylvie "'Temoin': latin 3, hittite 4?" Latomus 78.4 (2019) pp. 928-935

Del Pino, Eduardo "La Biblia Graeca de Bonaventura Vulcanius. Nuevos datos del proyecto a partir de sus cartas y poemas latinos" Latomus 78.4 (2019) pp. 936-971

Fraisse, Anne "Role et pouvoir religieux de l'empereur dans le Pro defensione Trium Capitulorum de Facundus d'Hermiane" Latomus 78.4 (2019) pp. 972-995

Perez GONZALEZ, Jordi "How Roman Sumptuary Specialists Called Themselves. A Corpus-Based Study" Latomus 78.4 (2019) pp. 996-1037

Salas SALGADO, Francisco "In Galliam ulteriorem contendit. El ejercito romano en el libro I de De bello Gallico de Julio Cesar" Latomus 78.4 (2019) pp. 1038-1054

Soraci, Cristina "La rivalita tra le citta siciliane e il ruolo di Roma" Latomus 78.4 (2019) pp. 1055-1071

Stenuit, Bernard "Cunningham, editeur d'Horace (1721) et adversaire declare de Bentley" Latomus 78.4 (2019) pp. 1072-1084

Woods, David "A Neglected Omen of a Succession of Imperial Deaths (Amm. 23.5.12)" Latomus 78.4 (2019) pp. 1085-1096

Delattre, Alain "Un exemple precoce de cryptogramme? A propos d'un graffiti grec de la Montagne thebaine" Latomus 78.4 (2019) pp. 1097-1100

Visser, Edzard "VII. Metrik, Prosodie und Intonation" Lustrum 61 (2019) pp. 9-35

Visser, Edzard "VIII. Homer 194-2000. Homer und oral poetry" Lustrum 61 (2019) pp. 37-175

Leeck, Christian "Die fruhe Tyrannis und der Raum: die Munze als Quelle fur die politische Funktionalisierung des Raumes unter der Emmenidenherrschaft in Akragas, Westsizilien (490-89--471 v. Chr.)" MBAH 37 (2019) pp. 1-52

Bussi, Silvia "P. Bingen 45 e le commerce mediterraneen de l'Egypte au temps de Cleopatre" MBAH 37 (2019) pp. 53-76

Stoll, Oliver "Kampfst Du noch, oder wohnst Du schon?: Das Zelt der romischen Kaisers als Feldherrn" MBAH 37 (2019) pp. 77-104

Diethart, Johannes "Zu seltenen und neuren griechischen Berufsbezeichnungen vor allem aus byzantinischer Zeit (I)" MBAH 37 (2019) pp. 105-126

Groff, Thierry "Die Minen und Steinbruhe der Provinz "Gallia Narbonensis": eine Untersuchung zu Abbau, Nutzung und Status der freien und unfreien Arbeitskrafte im romischen Sudgallien" MBAH 37 (2019) pp. 127-156

Stoll, Oliver "'After a while, crocodile': ein spatromisches Ausrustungsensemble aus Krokodilhaut in London und die Regimentsidentitat romischer Armeeeinheiten" MBAH 37 (2019) pp. 157-192

Auler, Roman "Antiker Weinausbau in Amphoren: Grundlegende Versuche zur Abdichtung von Weinamphoren (Dressel 1)" MBAH 37 (2019) pp. 193-224

Reinard, Patrick "' ceras mille ad usus vitae': Wachs und seine Okonomische Bedeutung nach literarischen und papyrologischen Quellen" MBAH 37 (2019) pp. 225-260

Piazzi, Lisa "Il modello di Lucrezio nell'episodio ovidiano di Erisittone" MD 82 (2019) pp. 9-21

Robinson, Matthew "Arms and a Mouse: Approaching Acrostics in Ovid and Vergil" MD 82 (2019) pp. 23-73

Master, Jonathan "Faint Praise: Cremutius Cordus and Historywriting in Seneca's Consolation to Marcia" MD 82 (2019) pp. 75-101

Galfre, Edoardo "A ogni canto il suo tempo. Temporalita e mimesi nelle Silvae di Stazio" MD 82 (2019) pp. 103-132

Winterbottom, Michael "Notes on the text of Pseudo-Quintilian, Major Declamations" MD 82 (2019) pp. 133-169

Moreno, Miryam Libran "Gorriones tragicos y aguilas homericas: las aguilas negras de la Iliada y strouthon en Aesch. Ag. 145" MD 82 (2019) pp. 173-192

Fattori, Marco "Nota linguistico-esegetica ad Aen. 2, 121" MD 82 (2019) pp. 193-200

Magnavacca, Adalberto "Un luogo particolarmente scivoloso. Nota testuale a Germ. fr. 3, 16-17 Gain" MD 82 (2019) pp. 201-205

Cucchiarelli, Andrea "Quali lidi per Vopisco? Nota testuale a Stazio, silv. 1, 3, 89" MD 82 (2019) pp. 207-216

Perilli, Marta M. "Giovenale 15: il primitivismo degli Egiziani e Lucrezio" MD 82 (2019) pp. 217-244

Jakobi, Rainer "Uberlieferung, Form und Echtheit der Augustinus zugeschriebenen Ars breviata (mit einem textkritischen Anhang)" MD 82 (2019) pp. 245-253

Battezzato, Luigi "Cognitive science, conjectures and papyri: priming, cloze tests and intuition" MD 83 (2019) pp. 9-27

Abritta, Alejandro "Un recurso metrico-prosodico en la estrofa alcaica" MD 83 (2019) pp. 29-42

Fielding, Ian "Felicitas at Cimitile: cultivating the soul in Paulinus' Nola" MD 83 (2019) pp. 43-60

Gullo, Arianna "Notes on two epigrams from Book 7 of the Greek Anthology (Leon. A. P. 7, 736 = HE, XXXIII, 2167 and Thyill. A. P. 7, 223 = FGE, II, 364)" MD 83 (2019) pp. 63-71

Busnelli, Gabriele "'If my Song be of Love ... '. Bion of Smyrna's fr. 9 Reed: Some notes on sources and reception" MD 83 (2019) pp. 73-88

Ricchieri, Tommaso "Due note testuali a Livio 22 (13, 6 e 35, 3)" MD 83 (2019) pp. 89-97

Busti, Francesco "Ov. Pont. 1, 3 e 3, 4: chi (non) era Rufino" MD 83 (2019) pp. 99-123

Conese, Claudia "La Tabula terebinthina di Trimalchione: alcune considerazioni su Satyricon 33, 2" MD 83 (2019) pp. 125-130

Labate, Mario "Note petroniane IV (14, 3; 62, 9; 62, 13-14)" MD 83 (2019) pp. 131-144

Vannini, Giulio "Cinque note a Petronio (30, 9; 70, 9; 73, 5; 83, 5 ; fr. 36, 4)" MD 83 (2019) pp. 145-156

Zago, Giovanni "Aduersaria Petroniana" MD 83 (2019) pp. 157-173

De Nonno, Mario "Prisciano, Ars GL, II, 210, 14-212, 3 H. Un esempio di stratificazione compositiva nell''originale' teodoriano" MD 83 (2019) pp. 175-186

Yanes, Elena Spangenberg "Cuniculosae/Celtiberosae: novita sulla tradizione di Prisciano e Catullo" MD 83 (2019) pp. 187-196

Saltini Semerari, Giulia "Calcophones in Context. Gender, Ritual and Rhythm in Early Iron Age Southern Italy" MDAI(R) 125 (2019) pp. 13-47

Wolf, Markus "Die Architektur des Tempels von San Leucio in Canosa" MDAI(R) 125 (2019) pp. 49-102

Trumper, Monika; Brunenberg, Clemens; Dickmann, Jens-Arne; Esposito, Domenico; Ferrandes, Antonio F.; Pardini, Giacomo; Pegurri, Alessandra; Robinson, Mark; Rummel, Christoph "Stabian Baths in Pompeii. New Research on the Development of Ancient Bathing Culture" MDAI(R) 125 (2019) pp. 103-159

Vilella, Antonello "Inedite (e dimenticate) iscrizioni parietali dal colombario di Vigna Codini III" MDAI(R) 125 (2019) pp. 161-188

Nazzaro, Barbara "Indagini e nuove scoperte sui Palazzi Imperiali del Palatino" MDAI(R) 125 (2019) pp. 189-217

Sommaini, Fabrizio "Il Complesso di Domiziano tra Foro Romano e Palatino. Storie, cronologie e strutture murarie dell'Aula Ovest" MDAI(R) 125 (2019) pp. 219-255

Mei, Oscar "'De ecclesia detecta ad Radices Montis Palatini Dissertatio Dominici Passionei Forosemproniensis'. La scoperta di Santa Maria Antiqua nei manoscritti di Domenico Passionei" MDAI(R) 125 (2019) pp. 257-300

Cerrito, Alessandra "Un inedito frammento di iscrizione onoraria proveniente dal comprensorio dell'Ospedale San Giovanni-Addolorata" MDAI(R) 125 (2019) pp. 301-323

Liverani, Paolo "Nomen e Imago. Presenza e assenza nei ritratti sui sarcofagi romani" MDAI(R) 125 (2019) pp. 323-343

Gnaccolini, Laura Paola "Testimonianze paleocristiane nella pianura bergamasca. L'eccezionale caso della chiesa della Madonna del Carmine a Bariano" MDAI(R) 125 (2019) pp. 345-381

Franken, Norbert "Die Tyche von Karthago. Neue Beobachtungen zu figurlichen Griffen spatantiker Bronzelampen" MDAI(R) 125 (2019) pp. 383-400

Ardeleanu, Stefan "Zum funerarepigraphischen Habit des spatantiken Hippo Regius. Graber, Kirchen mit Bestattungen und Grabinschriften in ihrem urbanen und sozialen Kontext" MDAI(R) 125 (2019) pp. 401-448

Staurenghi, Eva "Le indagini di Friedrich Wilhelm Deichmann nel cosiddetto Tempio di Minerva Medica a Roma" MDAI(R) 125 (2019) pp. 449-474

Bucolo, Raffaella "Carneval in Rom - 1914. Archeologia in maschera" MDAI(R) 125 (2019) pp. 475-510

Meunier, Nicolas L.J. "Introduction. Tite-Live et la Rome archaique" MEFRA 131.1 (2019) pp. 5-6 text of article

Mastrocinque, Attilio "Lucio Giunio Bruto: caratteri antichi del fondatore della repubblica romana" MEFRA 131.1 (2019) pp. 7-15 text of article

Mineo, Bernard "Contaminations culturelles dans le recit livien" MEFRA 131.1 (2019) pp. 17-32 text of article

Miquel, Marine "Duels et deuotiones, une representation de la guerre dans l'historiographie livienne" MEFRA 131.1 (2019) pp. 33-51 text of article

Bourdin, Stephane "L'organisation politique et territoriale des peuples de l'Italie preromaine vue par Tite-Live" MEFRA 131.1 (2019) pp. 53-64 text of article

Meunier, Nicolas L.J. "Marcus Manlius Capitolinus entre Rome et le Latium. Questions de definition identitaire et de distorsion narrative" MEFRA 131.1 (2019) pp. 65-80 text of article

Meo, Francesco "Muro Leccese nell'eta del Ferro. Forma e organizzazione insediativa di un abitato indigeno della Puglia meridionale" MEFRA 131.1 (2019) pp. 81-104 text of article

Ambrosini, Laura "La ricezione del mito di Galatea in Etruria tra antiquaria, epigrafia ed iconografia" MEFRA 131.1 (2019) pp. 105-121 text of article

Marchesini, Simona "L'onomastica nella ricostruzione del lessico: il caso di Retico ed Etrusco" MEFRA 131.1 (2019) pp. 123-136 text of article

Briquel, Dominique; Poppi, Luana Kruta "Le tombe con marchi del sepolcreto di via Sabotino a Bologna" MEFRA 131.1 (2019) pp. 137-175 text of article

Brisson, Pierre-Luc "Rome et la troisieme guerre punique : unipolarite mediterraneenne et dilemme de securite au IIe siecle a.C." MEFRA 131.1 (2019) pp. 177-199 text of article

Andreau, Jean; Rossi, Lucia; Tchernia, Andre "CIL IV, 9591 : un transport de ble entre Ostie et Pompei -- II" MEFRA 131.1 (2019) pp. 201-216 text of article

Rossi, Marco "Vetri tardo antichi da Villa Medici" MEFRA 131.1 (2019) pp. 217-257 text of article

Cuniglio, Lucrezia; Lubtchansky, Natacha; Sarti, Susanna "Introduzione. Fac-simile 1: le collezioni di documentazione grafica sulla pittura etrusca" MEFRA 131.2 (2019) pp. na text of article

Sannibale, Maurizio "Immagini svelate. Le copie al vero di Carlo Ruspi nel Museo Gregoriano Etrusco" MEFRA 131.2 (2019) pp. na text of article

Fendt, Astrid "Le riproduzioni di tombe etrusche nella Alte Pinakothek di Monaco attraverso disegni e fotografie" MEFRA 131.2 (2019) pp. na text of article

Della Fina, Giuseppe M. "'Ora mi prometterei di fare il primo vero lucido': Adolfo Cozza e la riproduzione delle tombe Golini I e II" MEFRA 131.2 (2019) pp. na text of article

Chille, Ornella; Dore, Anna; Marchesi, Marinella "'Meglio di qualunque descrizione fan conoscere gli usi': la Galleria delle pitture etrusche del Museo Civico Archeologico di Bologna" MEFRA 131.2 (2019) pp. na text of article

Moltesen, Mette "From decoration to documentation. The Helbig-Jacobsen facsimiles and their afterlife" MEFRA 131.2 (2019) pp. na text of article

Cuniglio, Lucrezia; Sarti, Susanna "Ancora sulle riproduzioni di pitture etrusche a Firenze. Le carte personali di Augusto Guido Gatti (1863-1947)" MEFRA 131.2 (2019) pp. na text of article

Jacques, Annie "Les dessins etrusques des voyageurs francais aux XIXe et XXe siecles" MEFRA 131.2 (2019) pp. na text of article

Lubtchansky, Natacha "Benjamin Schlick : nouveaux dessins etrusques de Corneto (Tarquinia)" MEFRA 131.2 (2019) pp. na text of article

Capobianco, Valeria; Unger, Marina "Da Carlo Ruspi a Gregorio Mariani. La documentazione grafica della pittura etrusca nell'archivio dell'Istituto Archeologico Germanico di Roma" MEFRA 131.2 (2019) pp. na text of article

Delbianco, Paola "La Tomba Francois di Vulci. Dalla documentazione grafica del Fondo des Vergers della Biblioteca Gambalunga alle decorazioni pittoriche della biblioteca di Villa des Vergers" MEFRA 131.2 (2019) pp. na text of article

Capoferro, Astrid "Pittura funeraria etrusca nelle copie dell'Istituto Svedese di Roma: la collezione Morani e gli acquerelli Boberg" MEFRA 131.2 (2019) pp. na text of article

Carlucci, Claudia; Michetti, Laura M. "Le copie ad acquerello delle pitture funerarie etrusche nel Museo delle Antichita Etrusche e Italiche della Sapienza Universita di Roma" MEFRA 131.2 (2019) pp. na text of article

Cataldi, Maria "Adolfo Ajelli, pittore tarquiniese" MEFRA 131.2 (2019) pp. na text of article

Paolucci, Giulio "La finta tomba etrusca dipinta del fondo Terrosi" MEFRA 131.2 (2019) pp. na text of article

Petit, Thierry "Les sphinx sur le Vase Francois et l'Olpe Chigi : l'heroisation des elites" MEFRA 131.2 (2019) pp. na text of article

Sofia, Girolamo "Abakainon (Sicilia): nuove considerazioni sul paesaggio funerario "monumentale" della necropoli di eta tardo-classica ed ellenistica in contrada Cardusa" MEFRA 131.2 (2019) pp. na text of article

Belfiori, Francesco "Su alcuni depositi rituali di Agrigento: prassi sacrificale e "riti di costruzione" in ambito domestico nel Quartiere ellenistico-romano (Insula III, Casa M)" MEFRA 131.2 (2019) pp. na text of article

Cassieri, Nicoletta; Gregori, Gian Luca; Refalo-Bistagne, Jean-Baptiste "Le ultime acquisizioni dal teatro di Terracina e l'eccezionale iscrizione del triumviro M. Emilio Lepido" MEFRA 131.2 (2019) pp. na text of article

Kerkhecker, Arnd "Priamos bei Achill : zu Ilias 24,519-21" MH 76.1 (2019) pp. 5-21

Vecchiato, Stefano "Spuria Hesiodea neglecta" MH 76.1 (2019) pp. 22-29

Neumann-Hartmann, Arlette "Belege griechischer Historiker in den Pindar-Scholien und ihre Bedeutung fur die Pindar-Exegese" MH 76.1 (2019) pp. 30-51

Moseley, Geoffrey "New witnesses to Plat. Smp. 191e2 and Leg. 7, 819d2-3" MH 76.1 (2019) pp. 52-57

Reif, Matthias "Ars magorum ars Chaldaeorum?! : Zur Frage um den historischen Ursprung der griechisch-romischen Magie : wie Gedankengut der Maqlu-Priester in den Zauberpapyri fortleben konnte" MH 76.1 (2019) pp. 58-69

del Hoyo, Toni Naco "Rethinking stipendiarius as tax terminology of the Roman Republic : political and military dimensions" MH 76.1 (2019) pp. 70-87

Adkin, Neil "Cicero's Pro Sexto Roscio and Jerome" MH 76.1 (2019) pp. 88-95

Barriere, Florian "Note a Manilius, Astronomica, 1, 311" MH 76.1 (2019) pp. 96-104

* "Epigraphica Helvetica" MH 76.1 (2019) pp. 105-117

Lambrou, Ioannis L. "Penthesileia, That Vulnerable Heel of the Iliadic Achilles" MH 76.2 (2019) pp. 147-164

D'Alfonso, Francesca "Pindaro a Orcomeno: il paesaggio attraversa la poesia" MH 76.2 (2019) pp. 165-190

Brancacci, Aldo "Eudemonismo, 'askesis' e piacere in Diogene il Cinico" MH 76.2 (2019) pp. 191-207

Bouchard, Elsa "Aristarque et l'etymologie des epithetes divines" MH 76.2 (2019) pp. 208-226

Koch, Christoph "Bemerkungen zum Prolog von Plautus? "Poenulus"" MH 76.2 (2019) pp. 227-234

Woods, David "Caligula's Sexual Desire for the Moon (Suet. Calig. 22.4)" MH 76.2 (2019) pp. 235-241

Schropp, Jack W.G. "Zu Appians gracchischer Arenrechnung im ersten Buch der "Emphylia"" MH 76.2 (2019) pp. 242-254

Ferreres, Lambert "A propos de 'praesentia' au sens de parousia" MH 76.2 (2019) pp. 255-257

* "Farewell to co-editor Irad Malkin" MHR 34.1 (2019) pp. 1-6

Greene, Elizabeth S.; Leidwanger, Justin "Knidian 'Anyports': a model of coastal adaptation and socioeconomic connectivity from southwest Turkey" MHR 34.1 (2019) pp. 9-25

Foubert, Lien "Let's meet at Baiae: a journey of 2000 years to the edge of Europe" MHR 34.1 (2019) pp. 27-48

Stein, Dina "Diaspora and nostalgia: travelling Jewish tales in the Mediterranean" MHR 34.1 (2019) pp. 49-69

Aharoni, Sarai B. "The intimacy of power: gender and US naval visits to Haifa port 1979--2001" MHR 34.1 (2019) pp. 71-94

Skupniewicz, Patryk; Maksymiuk, Katarzyna "Gordafarid, Penthesilea and Athena: the identification of a Greek motif in Ferdowsi's Sah-nama and its possible association with Hellenistic art in the East" MHR 34.2 (2019) pp. 123-143

Shinoda, Tomoaki "The 1538 peace treaty and conflict over the control of the frontier in Northern Morocco" MHR 34.2 (2019) pp. 145-164

Wartell, Rebecca "Rabbis on refugees: theological responses to the treatment of converso migrants in sixteenth-century Candia" MHR 34.2 (2019) pp. 165-179

Laiou, Sophia "Economic networks in the eastern Mediterranean: Katiboglu Mehmed Efendi of Izmir and his Christian partner" MHR 34.2 (2019) pp. 181-194

Beltrame, Carlo "Three Venetian ships in the Armada" MHR 34.2 (2019) pp. 195-206

Bonnet, Corinne; Bianco, Maria; Galoppin, Thomas; Guillon, ELodie; Laurent, Antoine; Lebreton, Sylvain; Porzia, Fabio "Mapping ancient gods: naming and embodiment beyond 'anthropomorphism'. A survey of the field in echo to the books of M.S. Smith and R. Parker" MHR 34.2 (2019) pp. 207-220

Cassio, Albio Cesare "Recentior, non deterior: uno sguardo alla lingua di Iliade XXIV" Maia 71.1 (2019) pp. 29-38

Ferrari, Franco "A debita distanza: Achille nel XXIV dell'Iliade" Maia 71.1 (2019) pp. 39-48

Bierl, Anton "Losung in der Schwebe durch Provokation: Metanarrative Uberlegungen zum Aufschub um Ende der Erzahlung in den Lytra (Ilias XXIV)" Maia 71.1 (2019) pp. 49-74

Lentini, Giuseppe "'Segnare' la fine: l'ultimo libro dell'Iliade e la fine dell'Odissea" Maia 71.1 (2019) pp. 75-92

Pontani, Filippomaria "'Baciamo le mani': un gesto dibattuto, i vincitori e i vinti" Maia 71.1 (2019) pp. 93-110

Lissarrague, Francois "Breves observations sur la rancon d'Hector, mise en images" Maia 71.1 (2019) pp. 111-116

Labate, Mario "La missione di Furio e Aurelio: strategie di comunicazione in Catullo 11" Maia 71.1 (2019) pp. 117-127

Moro, Amelia "L'utilizzacione ditucidide nella Vita di Nicia di Plutarco" Maia 71.1 (2019) pp. 128-144

Ammannati, Giulia "In margine: correzioni fraintese nelle Metamorfosi di Apuleio" Maia 71.1 (2019) pp. 145-155

Nicolini, Lara "La pagina della sfinge: l'enigma di Antioco nella Historia Apollonii regis Tyri" Maia 71.1 (2019) pp. 156-162

Cerica, Andrea "Pasolini, Coppola e Lucilio: per una archaiologia del Vantone" Maia 71.1 (2019) pp. 163-183

Lago, Paolo "'Qualche chilo di pasta, 'na bella damigiana': le attualizzazioni del Vantone di Pier Paolo Pasolini" Maia 71.1 (2019) pp. 184-194

Menestrina, Giovanni "'Signore, insegnaci a pregare...': ancora sulla traduzione del Pater" Maia 71.1 (2019) pp. 195-212

Gibson, Bruce John "Trajan the panegyrist: Pliny, paneg. 69-75" Maia 71.2 (2019) pp. 249-265

Busti, Francesco "'Ab Ioue princeps': Traiano figlio di Giove" Maia 71.2 (2019) pp. 266-279

Wood, Clem "Pliny's Paneg.82-88 and Trajanic literature and culture" Maia 71.2 (2019) pp. 280-289

Cimino, Anna Maria "Traiano e la predestinazione al trionfo: appunti per uno studio della semantica trionfale nel Panegirico di Plinio a Traiano" Maia 71.2 (2019) pp. 290-303

Speriani, Silvia "(Corto)circuiti visivi nel Panegirico di Plinio a Traiano" Maia 71.2 (2019) pp. 304-322

Casapulla, Vincenzo "'Nihil quale ante dicamus': il Panegirico di Plinio e i suoi modelli" Maia 71.2 (2019) pp. 323-338

Whitton, Christopher "The arts of self-imitation in Pliny (and the date of Panegyricus)" Maia 71.2 (2019) pp. 339-379

Feldherr, Andrew "Out of the past: Pliny's Panegyricus and roman historiography" Maia 71.2 (2019) pp. 380-411

Econimo, Francesca "Modelli mitico-letterari nella representazione dell'otium di Traiano (Plin. paneg. 81)" Maia 71.2 (2019) pp. 412-428

Blair, Stephen "The beast in his den: the domus Flavia and the rhetoric of enclosure in Pliny's Panegyricus" Maia 71.2 (2019) pp. 429-439

Galli, Leonardo "Un presunto caso di copulativa con valore disgiuntivo in Plin. paneg. 44, 8" Maia 71.2 (2019) pp. 440-446

Gibson, Roy "Pliny on the Nile: Panegyricus 29-32" Maia 71.2 (2019) pp. 447-466

Perilli, Marta M. "Traiano custode e correttore del passato: La vicesima hereditatium in Plinio, paneg. 37-40" Maia 71.2 (2019) pp. 467-480

Galfre, Edoardo "Deus militaris: moving across imperial space in Pliny's Panegyricus" Maia 71.2 (2019) pp. 481-493

Magnavacca, Adalberto "Res gestae optimi Traiani: le imprese di Augusto rilette da Plinio il Giovane" Maia 71.2 (2019) pp. 494-519

Clausi, Benedetto "Una nuova traduzione italiana delle lettere di Gerolamo" Maia 71.3 (2019) pp. 535-550

Jeanjean, Benoit "Pourquoi faut-il reprendre l'edition francaise de la Correspondance de Jerome" Maia 71.3 (2019) pp. 551-564

Belavoine, Emilie "Las lettres apologetiques de Jerome: proposition de definition" Maia 71.3 (2019) pp. 565-575

Courtray, Regis "L'exegese de vigilance sur Daniel 2, 34-45 et la reponse ciglante de Jerome (epist. 61,4)" Maia 71.3 (2019) pp. 576-587

Cozic, Michel "Quand Rufin d'Aquilee se defend: L'Apologia ad Anastasium et les Lettres 83 ET 81 de la correspondance de Jerome" Maia 71.3 (2019) pp. 588-603

Isetta, Sandra "Ipotesi di interpretazione di allusioni bibliche: Ciliegie/fichi (epist. 31) e scacciamosche (epist. 44)" Maia 71.3 (2019) pp. 604-617

Marin, Marcello "Qualche osservazione sula scrittura epistolare di Gerolamo" Maia 71.3 (2019) pp. 618-629

Moreschini, Claudio "Gregorio Nazianzeno maestro di Gerolamo" Maia 71.3 (2019) pp. 630-639

Pentericci, Caterina "De truculenti nomine: dalla maschera del rusticus al titolo della commedia" Maia 71.3 (2019) pp. 640-663

Castellaneta, Sabina "[Kitharis kitharidos]" Maia 71.3 (2019) pp. 664-666

Schiesaro, Alessandro "Virgil, Georgics II 461-466: Lucretius, Catullus and the politics of Wealth" Maia 71.3 (2019) pp. 667-674

Barbera, Sandro La "Note testuali a Culex 141-145" Maia 71.3 (2019) pp. 675-682

Bisso, Luisa "Storia d una dea alla ricerca del tempo: Flora e i ludi florales nel calendario ovidiano (fast. V 183-378)" Maia 71.3 (2019) pp. 683-698

Briguglio, Stefano "La geografia dell' adulterio: ruoli sesuali, mito e tensioni di genere nel'Agamemnon di Seneca" Maia 71.3 (2019) pp. 699-710

Piselli, Brenda "La mostellaria rivisitata: the English traveller di Thomas Heywood" Maia 71.3 (2019) pp. 711-723

Kelaher, Annette "Apollo Daphnephoros and the Niobid Painter: Tradition and Innovation in Plant Motifs on Attic Vases, c.750-400 BC" MedArch 32-33 (2019-2020) pp. 1-16

Chamay, Jacques "Eos et Cephalos: un inedit du peintre de Darius" MedArch 32-33 (2019-2020) pp. 17-22

Hope, Deborah "Pearls Found in Ancient Greek and Roman Contexts in the Mediterranean" MedArch 32-33 (2019-2020) pp. 23-122

Dodd, Emlyn "Wine and Olive Oil across the Ancient Cyclades: A Preliminary Report and New Thoughts on the Development of Greek and Roman Press Technology" MedArch 32-33 (2019-2020) pp. 123-138

Peirce, Laura "Animals of Amarna in the Nicholson Collection at the University of Sydney" MedArch 32-33 (2019-2020) pp. 139-152

Descoeudres, Jean-Paul "A Pair of Black-Figure Oinochoai in the Nicholson Collection at the University of Sydney: With an Appendix on Pendent Lotus Chains in Attic and Eretrian Black-Figure Vase-Painting" MedArch 32-33 (2019-2020) pp. 153-186

Robinson, E.G.D. "Pixe-Pige Analysis of Archaic Euboean Pottery" MedArch 32-33 (2019-2020) pp. 187-192

Green, John Richard "Greek and Roman Theatre in the Milns Museum at the University of Queensland in Brisbane" MedArch 32-33 (2019-2020) pp. 193-216

Miller, M.C.; Paspalas, S.A.; Beaumont, L.A.; Mcloughlin, B.M.; Wilson, A.; Thomas, H. "Zagora Archaeological Project: The 2014 Field Season" MedArch 32-33 (2019-2020) pp. 217-226

Enache, Catalin "Ontology and Meteorology in Hippocrates' On Regimen" Mnemosyne 72.2 (2019) pp. 173--196

Searby, Denis Michael "The Fossilized Meaning of Chreia as Anecdote" Mnemosyne 72.2 (2019) pp. 197--228

Kim, Lawrence "The Trouble with Calasiris. Duplicity and Autobiographical Narrative in Heliodorus and Galen" Mnemosyne 72.2 (2019) pp. 229--249

Morgan, Harry "A Horn for Phemius. Cicero, Atticus, and the Musical Culture of the Late Republican Elite" Mnemosyne 72.2 (2019) pp. 250--272

Zarecki, Jonathan P. "Utinam Avum Tuum Meminisses! Threats and Allusions in the First Philippic" Mnemosyne 72.2 (2019) pp. 273--283

Eckerman, Chris "Lucretius on the Divine. DRN 3.17-30, 5.1161-93, and 6.68-79" Mnemosyne 72.2 (2019) pp. 284--299

Winter, Kathrin "Disturbingly (Dis)Similar. Narcissus and Claudius in Seneca, Apocolocyntosis 13" Mnemosyne 72.2 (2019) pp. 300--313

Papadimitropoulos, Loukas "Ibycus Fr. 286 PMGF: Erotic Violation and Poetic Inspiration" Mnemosyne 72.2 (2019) pp. 315--321

Lane, Nicholas "Pindar Nemean 3.11-13" Mnemosyne 72.2 (2019) pp. 322--334

Favi, Federico "The Title(s) of Menander's Sikyonioi" Mnemosyne 72.2 (2019) pp. 335--339

Cowan, Robert "Don't Panic at this Hispanic: Politics and Palindromes in Georgics 3" Mnemosyne 72.2 (2019) pp. 340--347

Minchin, Elizabeth "Odysseus, Emotional Intelligence, and the Plot of the Odyssey" Mnemosyne 72.3 (2019) pp. 351--368

Danes, Jaroslav "Manipulation of the Rhetoric of Peace and the Deconstruction of Pacifism in Euripides' Suppliant Women" Mnemosyne 72.3 (2019) pp. 369--383

Muitjens, Glyn "'Bring the Puppy here'. Sophron fr. 4A Hordern (PSI XI 1214a) and Hippocratic Gynaecology" Mnemosyne 72.3 (2019) pp. 384--404

Van~Hove, Rebecca "A Dream on Trial. The Contest of Oracular Interpretations and Authorities in Hyperides' In Defence of Euxenippus" Mnemosyne 72.3 (2019) pp. 405--436

Ranocchia, Graziano "A New End-title in the Herculaneum Papyri and the First Case of a Preserved subscriptio in One of the Books Assigned to Philodemus' Systematic Arrangement of the Philosophers (PHerc. 327)" Mnemosyne 72.3 (2019) pp. 437--458

Rohland, Robert A. "Highway to Hell. AP 11.23 = Antipater of Thessalonica 38 G-P" Mnemosyne 72.3 (2019) pp. 459--470

Bird, Rachel "Achilles Tatius and Chariton. Reflections and Refractions" Mnemosyne 72.3 (2019) pp. 471--487

Moretti, Paola Francesca "Is it Possible to Identify 'Orality'? Verb-Phrases 'Auxiliary+Infinitive' in Spoken (Late) Latin" Mnemosyne 72.3 (2019) pp. 488--508

Welsh, Jarrett T. "Traversari and the Rediscovery of Rutilius Lupus and Aquila Romanus" Mnemosyne 72.3 (2019) pp. 509--513

Cheng, Wei "Natural, Neutral, and Hedonic States in Plato" Mnemosyne 72.4 (2019) pp. 525--549

Leon, Daniel W. "Arrian's Scythian Logos" Mnemosyne 72.4 (2019) pp. 550--560

Hilton, John "The Analgesic Elephant and the Black Rose of India (Achilles Tatius 4.2-5)" Mnemosyne 72.4 (2019) pp. 561--584

Chase, Michael "Damascius and al-Nazzam on the Atomic Leap" Mnemosyne 72.4 (2019) pp. 585--620

Bakker, Frederik A. "Vergilius Astronomiae Ignarus? A Vindication of Virgil's Astronomical Knowledge in Georgics 1.231-258" Mnemosyne 72.4 (2019) pp. 621--646

Vecchiato, Stefano "A New Fragment of the Hesiodic Catalogue of Women?" Mnemosyne 72.4 (2019) pp. 647--651

Capettini, Emilio "Reimagining the Fall of Menander's Cnemon. Aelian's Rustic Epistle 15" Mnemosyne 72.4 (2019) pp. 652--659

Rigsby, Kent J. "A Requisition in Philo Mechanicus" Mnemosyne 72.4 (2019) pp. 660--661

Magnavacca, Adalberto "What Is the Weather Like According to Germanicus? Two Emendations to Germ. fr. 4 Gain" Mnemosyne 72.4 (2019) pp. 662--671

Kolligan, Daniel "Greek and the Indo-European Verb" Mnemosyne 72.4 (2019) pp. 673--702

Meister, Felix J. "The Text and Metre of Sapph. fr. 111 V." Mnemosyne 72.5 (2019) pp. 705--716

Lewis, Virginia M. "From Resolving Stasis to Ruling Sicily: A Reading of Herodotus 7.153-167 in an Epinician Context" Mnemosyne 72.5 (2019) pp. 717--735

Levystone, David "Remparts et philosophie aux Ve et IVe siecles av. J.-C." Mnemosyne 72.5 (2019) pp. 736--765

De Jonge, Casper C.; Nijk, Arjan A. "Longinus, On the Sublime 12.4-5: Demosthenes and Cicero" Mnemosyne 72.5 (2019) pp. 766--790

Geiger, Joseph "Intertextuality in the De Genio Socratis: The Role of Epaminondas" Mnemosyne 72.5 (2019) pp. 791--802

Driscoll, David F. "The Pleasures of Lyric in Plutarch's Hierarchies of Taste" Mnemosyne 72.5 (2019) pp. 803--826

Costantini, Leonardo "The People as a Collective Character in the Story of the Widow of Ephesus (Petronius, Satyrica 111-112)" Mnemosyne 72.5 (2019) pp. 827--839

Woudhuysen, George "Myrmeicus or Myrmecius?" Mnemosyne 72.5 (2019) pp. 840--860

Clark, James T. "The Skene Door in the Prologue of Sophocles' Ajax" Mnemosyne 72.5 (2019) pp. 861--866

Panegyres, Konstantine "Thucydides 4.121.1" Mnemosyne 72.5 (2019) pp. 867--870

Coughlan, Taylor S. "Star-Crossed: Hector, Achilles, Jason, and Medea at Argonautica 3.956-961" Mnemosyne 72.5 (2019) pp. 871--879

Seppanen, Minna; Lampinen, Antti "'Interpreters of Interpreters'. Oracular and Grammatical Hermeneutics" Mnemosyne 72.6 (2019) pp. 883--907

Klavan, Spencer A. "Hearing the logos. Diogenes of Babylon and the epistemonike aisthesis" Mnemosyne 72.6 (2019) pp. 908--929

Antoniou, Alex Andrew "Cassius Dio (51.20.6-8) and the Worship of the Living Emperor in Italy" Mnemosyne 72.6 (2019) pp. 930--948

Walters, Brian "Sulla's Phthiriasis and the Republican Body Politic" Mnemosyne 72.6 (2019) pp. 949--971

Biggs, Thomas "Varro of Atax in Lucan's Gallic Catalog" Mnemosyne 72.6 (2019) pp. 972--993

Bernstein, Neil Warren "The Siege of Amida and Epic Tradition: Ammianus Marcellinus, Res Gestae 19.1-9" Mnemosyne 72.6 (2019) pp. 994--1012

Meister, Felix J. "The Text and Metre of Sapph. fr. 113 V." Mnemosyne 72.6 (2019) pp. 1013--1019

Panegyres, Konstantine "Kalos kai sophos" Mnemosyne 72.6 (2019) pp. 1020--1028

Adkin, Neil "An Acrostic in Apollonius of Rhodes (Argon. 3.1008-1011)" Mnemosyne 72.6 (2019) pp. 1029--1035

Davies, Philip John Victor "Polyaenus 1.45.4: Lysander's Heracles or Thasos's?" Mnemosyne 72.6 (2019) pp. 1036--1040

Vioque, Guillermo Galan "On a New Witness of the Scholia on the Planudean Anthology" Mnemosyne 72.6 (2019) pp. 1041--1045

Mulke, Markus "Platons Reisen bei Hieronymus (Epist. 53.1)" Mnemosyne 72.6 (2019) pp. 1046--1055

Graham, Daryn "Tacitus, Tiberius, and the CE17 Earthquake in the Roman Province of Asia" NECJ 46.1 (2019) pp. 1-20

Samponaro, Laura "What's in a Name: Semantic In/stability in the Ancient World and in Today's Global Classroom" NECJ 46.1 (2019) pp. 21-36

Rahyab, Susan "The Rise and Development of the Office of Agoranomos in Greco-Roman Egypt" NECJ 46.1 (2019) pp. 37-61

Dugan, Kelly P. "The "Happy Slave" Narrative and Classics Pedagogy: A Verbal and Visual Analysis of Beginning Greek and Latin Textbooks" NECJ 46.1 (2019) pp. 62-87

Cuddy, Lois A. "Teaching Homer's Odyssey Through Charles Darwin's The Descent of Man: An Ancient Version of Evolution" NECJ 46.1 (2019) pp. 88-96

Fosso, Kurt "Oedipus and the Stars" NECJ 46.2 (2019) pp. 4-18

Cole, Thomas J.B. "Propertius 3.3's Summary of Ennius's Annales" NECJ 46.2 (2019) pp. 19-27

Greene, Robin "A Most Amazing Conversation: The Social Contexts of Wonder-Telling and the Development of Paradoxography" NECJ 46.2 (2019) pp. 28-45

Mahoney, Anne "Teaching Piccolomini's Historia de Duobus Amantibus in Intermediate Latin" NECJ 46.2 (2019) pp. 46-58

Zumstein, Jean "Memoire, histoire et fiction dans la litterature johannique" NTS 65.2 (2019) pp. 123-138

Burkett, Delbert "Did Jews Rinse their Hands 'with a Fist' (Mark 7.3)?" NTS 65.2 (2019) pp. 139-147

Becker, Eve-Marie "Was die "arme Witwe" lehrt: Sozial- und motivgeschichtliche Beobachtungen zu Mk 12,41--4par." NTS 65.2 (2019) pp. 148-165

Popa, Romeo "Der Weg der Volker: Die eschatologische Begrundung der Volkermission im Matthausevangelium" NTS 65.2 (2019) pp. 166-189

Hagerland, Tobias "Editorial Fatigue and the Existence of Q" NTS 65.2 (2019) pp. 190-206

Marshall, Jill E. "Paul, Plutarch and the Gender Dynamics of Prophecy" NTS 65.2 (2019) pp. 207-222

Rothschild, Clare K. "Ethiopianising the Devil: o melas in Barnabas 4" NTS 65.2 (2019) pp. 223-245

Fellows, Richard G. "Are There Distigme-Obelos Symbols in Vaticanus?" NTS 65.2 (2019) pp. 246-251

Krans, Jan "Paragraphos, Not Obelos, in Codex Vaticanus" NTS 65.2 (2019) pp. 252-257

Whitaker, Katy A. "What if none of the Building Stones at Stonehenge Came from Wiltshire? " OJA 38.2 (2019) pp. 148-163

Fontijn, David; Roymans, Jan "Branded Axes, Thrown into a Pool? The Hoogeloon Hoard and the Shape-Based Bronze Economy of the North-West European Bronze Age" OJA 38.2 (2019) pp. 164-188

Molina-Gonzalez, Fernando; Nocete-Calvo, Francisco; Delgado-Huertas, Antonio; Camara-Serrano, Juan Antonio; MartiNez-Sanchez, Rafael M.; Jimenez-Brobeil, Sylvia; Miranda-Leon, M. Teresa; Riquelme-Cantal, Jose Antonio; Spanedda, Liliana; Perez-Bareas, Cristobal; Lizcano-Prestel, Rafael; Nieto-Linan, Jose Miguel; Najera-Colino, Trinidad; Granados-Torres, Arsenio; Carrion-Mendez, Francisco "Diet and Environment in South-Eastern Iberia during the Bronze Age, Based on Isotope Analysis of Human Remains" OJA 38.2 (2019) pp. 189-213

Chapman, Henry P.; Gearey, Benjamin R. "Towards an Archaeology of Pain? Assessing the Evidence from Later Prehistoric Bog Bodies" OJA 38.2 (2019) pp. 214-227

Jimenez-Vialas, Helena; Grau-Mira, Ignasi "From Pre-Roman Bailo To Roman Baelo: Long-Term Landscape Dynamics In The Straits Of Gibraltar" OJA 38.2 (2019) pp. 228-246

Ilan, David; Rowan, Yorke "Expediting Reincarnation in the Fifth Millennium BCE: Interpreting the Chalcolithic Ossuaries of the Southern Levant" OJA 38.3 (2019) pp. 248-270

Gailledrat, Eric; Belarte, Maria Carme "Architecture and Urbanism in the Fortified Settlement of Pech Maho (Sigean, France) in the Third Century BC: A Social and Economic Perspective" OJA 38.3 (2019) pp. 271-301

Sinner, Alejandro G.; Carreras, Cesar "Methods of Palaeodemography: The Case of the Iberian Oppida and Roman Cities in North-East Spain" OJA 38.3 (2019) pp. 302-324

Russell, Miles "Mythmakers of Maiden Castle: Breaking the Siege Mentality of an Iron Age Hillfort" OJA 38.3 (2019) pp. 325-342

Wright, Elizabeth; Tecce, Sofia; Albarella, Umberto "The use of Animals at Roman Roadside Settlements in Britain: Contextualizing some new Results from Ware, Hertfordshire" OJA 38.3 (2019) pp. 343-376

Baczkowski, Jon "Making connections: a fresh analysis of an early neolithic pit and its contents" OJA 38.4 (2019) pp. 378-397

Paulsson, Bettina Schulz; Isendahl, Christian; Markurth, Fredrik Frykman "Elk Heads at Sea: Maritime Hunters and Long-Distance Boat Journeys in Late Stone Age Fennoscandia" OJA 38.4 (2019) pp. 398-419

Shishlina, Natalia; Loboda, Anastasia "Metalworking Techniques on the Eurasian Steppes in the Late Bronze Age: Technical Analyses of the Borodino Treasure Spearheads" OJA 38.4 (2019) pp. 420-442

Garstki, Kevin "The Social Production of Iron in First Millennium BC Ireland" OJA 38.4 (2019) pp. 443-463

Joy, Jody "A Power to Intrigue? Exploring the 'Timeless' Qualities of the So-Called 'Grotesque' Iron Age Torc from Snettisham, Norfolk" OJA 38.4 (2019) pp. 464-475

Marchesi, Gianni; Marchetti, Nicolo "A babylonian official at Tilmen Hoyuk in the time of king Sumu-la-el of Babylon" Orientalia 88.1 (2019) pp. 1-36

Zaccagnini, Carlo "Duck weights from Karkemish: a historical analysis (Tab. XIII-XXI)" Orientalia 88.1 (2019) pp. 37-77

Quack, Joachim Friedrich "Ein vorderasiatisches Gotterpaar in agyptischer Ubersetzung" Orientalia 88.1 (2019) pp. 78-82

Bauer, Josef "Zum altsumerischen Onomastikon" Orientalia 88.1 (2019) pp. 83-93

Notizia, Palmiro "More on the Pre-Sargonic tablets from the Umma region in the Rosen Collection: collations and remarks" Orientalia 88.1 (2019) pp. 94-117

Ponchia, Simonetta "A new volume on neo-assyrian prosopography" Orientalia 88.1 (2019) pp. 118-124

Archi, Alfonso "The Defeat of Mari and the Fall of Ebla (EB IVA): Focusing on the Philological Data" Orientalia 88.2 (2019) pp. 141-190

Romanova, Olena "Egyptian baboon statues: a case of the baboon statue in the Bohdan and Varvara Khanenko National Museum of Art, Kyiv: (Tab. I-IV)" Orientalia 88.2 (2019) pp. 191-209

Mutzafi, Hezy "Further Akkadian Substrate Words and Meanings Surfacing in Neo-Aramaic" Orientalia 88.2 (2019) pp. 210-237

Jansen-Winkeln, Karl "Psametic I., die Skythen und der Untergang des Assyrerreiches" Orientalia 88.2 (2019) pp. 238-266

Llop, Jaume; Lassen, Agnete Wisti "A Middle Assyrian debt note in the Yale Babylonian Colleltion" Orientalia 88.2 (2019) pp. 267-273

Vicente, Josue Javier Justel "On the term 'utena' in Nuzi" Orientalia 88.2 (2019) pp. 274-284

Mayer, Werner R. "Zum Verbaladjetiv im Akkadischen" Orientalia 88.3 (2019) pp. 293-305

Gabbay, Uri "Akkadian 'gadadu', 'lacerate'" Orientalia 88.3 (2019) pp. 306-316

Foldi, Zsombor; Sassmannshausen, Leonhard "Mittelbabylonische Fragmente aus Nippur" Orientalia 88.3 (2019) pp. 317-320

Laisney, Vincent "A propos de la stele magique du Musee de Karlsruhe (Inv. H 1049)" Orientalia 88.3 (2019) pp. 321-323

Dimock, W. "Editor's Column--Endangered" PMLA 134.2 (2019) pp. 233-241

Bigelow, A. "Transatlantic Quechuanol: Reading Race through Colonial Translations" PMLA 134.2 (2019) pp. 242-259

Johnson, K. "Linear Perspective and the Renaissance Lyric" PMLA 134.2 (2019) pp. 280-297

Olson, R. "The Continuing Adventures of Blanchardyn and Eglantine: Responsible Speculation about Early Modern Fan Fiction" PMLA 134.2 (2019) pp. 298-314

Sachs, J. "Slow Time" PMLA 134.2 (2019) pp. 315-331

Mansky, J. "'Look No More': Jonson's Catiline and the Politics of Enargeia" PMLA 134.2 (2019) pp. 332-350

Zich, O., Volek, E.; Perez-Simon, A. "The Theatrical Illusion" PMLA 134.2 (2019) pp. 351-358

Forster, E.; Dimirouli, F. "Pericles in Paradise" PMLA 134.2 (2019) pp. 359-365

Adams, R. "Siblings, Disability, Genre in Jennifer Egan's Manhattan Beach" PMLA 134.2 (2019) pp. 366-371

Cohen, M. "A Feminist Plunge into Sea Knowledge" PMLA 134.2 (2019) pp. 372-377

Garland-Thomson, R. "Representing the Erotic Life of Disabled Women: Jennifer Egan's Manhattan Beach and Anne Finger's A Woman, in Bed" PMLA 134.2 (2019) pp. 378-383

Hepburn, A. "Vanishing Worlds: Epic Disappearance in Manhattan Beach" PMLA 134.2 (2019) pp. 384-390

Hutchinson, G. "A Historicist Novel" PMLA 134.2 (2019) pp. 391-397

Jack, J. "Gender and Wartime Work" PMLA 134.2 (2019) pp. 398-404

Lyon, J. "The Wheelchair: A Three-Part Drama" PMLA 134.2 (2019) pp. 405-411

Witt, J. "Jennifer Egan's Dive for the Inarticulate" PMLA 134.2 (2019) pp. 412-415

Egan, J. "Notes from an Academic Interloper" PMLA 134.2 (2019) pp. 416-417

Dimock, W. "Editor's Column--Collateral Resilience" PMLA 134.3 (2019) pp. 441-449

Gere, A. "Presidential Address 2019--Re-visioning Language, Texts, and Theories" PMLA 134.3 (2019) pp. 450-458

Gershkovich, T. "Suspicion on Trial: Tolstoy's The Kreutzer Sonata and Nabokov's "Pozdnyshev's Address"" PMLA 134.3 (2019) pp. 459-474

Javadizadeh, K. "The Atlantic Ocean Breaking on Our Heads: Claudia Rankine, Robert Lowell, and the Whiteness of the Lyric Subject" PMLA 134.3 (2019) pp. 475-490

Hetrick, A. "Hunger in the Garden: Shortage and Environmental Aesthetics in Nadine Gordimer's The Conservationist" PMLA 134.3 (2019) pp. 491-506

Christoff, A. "Margaret and the Victorians" PMLA 134.3 (2019) pp. 507-523

Wooley, C. "Held in Checks: Du Bois, Johnson, and the Figurative Work of Financial Forms" PMLA 134.3 (2019) pp. 524-539

Nodier, C., McManus, E.; Ginsburg, D. "The Fantastic in Literature" PMLA 134.3 (2019) pp. 540-554

Apollinaire, G.; Van Dijck, C. "Curiosities from the Front" PMLA 134.3 (2019) pp. 555-561

Donlon, A.; Scaramella, E. "Four Poems from Langston Hughes's Spanish Civil War Verse" PMLA 134.3 (2019) pp. 562-568

Bechdel, A. "Why Comics? A Question" PMLA 134.3 (2019) pp. 569-571

Burt, S. "Why Not More Comics?" PMLA 134.3 (2019) pp. 572-578

Elias, A. "Context Rocks!" PMLA 134.3 (2019) pp. 579-587

Fawaz, R. "A Queer Sequence: Comics as a Disruptive Medium" PMLA 134.3 (2019) pp. 588-594

Gardner, J. "A Nice Neighborhood" PMLA 134.3 (2019) pp. 595-600

Grove, L. "Scotland, the Cradle of Comics" PMLA 134.3 (2019) pp. 601-613

Hoberek, A. "Building and Unbuilding a Comics Canon" PMLA 134.3 (2019) pp. 614-619

Silady, M. "Three Wishes for Why Comics?" PMLA 134.3 (2019) pp. 620-624

Ware, C. "Panels and Pens" PMLA 134.3 (2019) pp. 625-628

Chute, H. "Drawing Is a Way of Thinking" PMLA 134.3 (2019) pp. 629-637

Butterfield, A.; Matthews, R. "Forum" PMLA 134.3 (2019) pp. 638-641

[Dimock, W.] "Editor's Column--Hanging with Chefs" PMLA 134.5 (2019) pp. 989-995

Glavey, B. "Having a Coke with You Is Even More Fun Than Ideology Critique" PMLA 134.5 (2019) pp. 996-1011

Hollister, L. "The Green and the Black: Ecological Awareness and the Darkness of Noir" PMLA 134.5 (2019) pp. 1012-1027

Wright, D. "Thomas Hardy's Groundwork" PMLA 134.5 (2019) pp. 1028-1041

Brooks, J. "Antiessentialist Form: The Bebop Effect of Percival Everett's Erasure" PMLA 134.5 (2019) pp. 1042-1055

Kohlmann, B. "Proletarian Modernism: Film, Literature, Theory" PMLA 134.5 (2019) pp. 1056-1075

Plourde, A. "The Innocent Old Way: Reserved Interpretation and Christina Rossetti's "Goblin Market"" PMLA 134.5 (2019) pp. 1076-1093

Abbott, B., Loy, M.; Elkins, A. "From the Gutter to the Gallery: Berenice Abbott Photographs Mina Loy's Assemblages" PMLA 134.5 (2019) pp. 1094-1103

Carpentier, A.; Rogers, C. "Notes on the Trip to the Great Savannah" PMLA 134.5 (2019) pp. 1104-1108

Boggs, C.; Tang, C. "Introduction to "Poetics of Fact, Politics of Fact"" PMLA 134.5 (2019) pp. 1109-1114

Brooks, P. "The Facts on the Ground" PMLA 134.5 (2019) pp. 1115-1120

Constable, M. "The Facts of Law" PMLA 134.5 (2019) pp. 1121-1128

Gallagher, C. "Facts, Fictions, Counterfactuals" PMLA 134.5 (2019) pp. 1129-1135

Saint-Amqur, P. "Alternate-Reality Effects" PMLA 134.5 (2019) pp. 1136-1142

Castronovo, R. "Facts, Faction, Anachronism" PMLA 134.5 (2019) pp. 1143-1149

Koschorke, A., Thomas, M.; Rossman, S. "Facts Shifting to the Left: From Postmodernism to the Postfactual Age" PMLA 134.5 (2019) pp. 1150-1156

Lee, H. "When Nothing Is True, Everything Is Possible: On Truth and Power by Way of Socialist Realism" PMLA 134.5 (2019) pp. 1157-1164

Tang, C. "Making Facts, Using Facts: Two Poetics of the Factual and One Theory of the Political" PMLA 134.5 (2019) pp. 1165-1172

Bourgeois, Lena "Introduction. Euripide et la polyphonie mythologique: Actes de la journee d'etude, universite de Lille, 10 juin 2016" Pallas 109 (2019) pp. 13-15 all issues open access

Marseglia, Rocco "Mythe et dramaturgie dans l'Heracles d'Euripide" Pallas 109 (2019) pp. 17-31 all issues open access

Dubois, Catherine "Utilisation du materiau mythique et innovation : l'exemple des travaux d'Heracles chez Euripide" Pallas 109 (2019) pp. 33-53 all issues open access

Lagrou, Sarah "Le recit d'Oedipe dans l'exodos des Pheniciennes : une lecture en miroir du prologue ?" Pallas 109 (2019) pp. 55-66 all issues open access

Thevenet, Lucie "Les prologues d'Iphigenie en Tauride, Helene, Les Pheniciennes et Oreste : un adieu liminaire aux mythes ?" Pallas 109 (2019) pp. 67-84 all issues open access

Amiech, Christine "Que devient la malediction des Atrides dans Iphigenie en Tauride ? Ou d'Aulis a Brauron en passant par la Tauride" Pallas 109 (2019) pp. 85-99 all issues open access

Wach, Aurelie "Arracher les parures du dieu : la gestuelle de Cassandre dans les Troyennes d'Euripide (v. 445-462) et dans l'Agamemnon d'Eschyle (v. 1264-1278)" Pallas 109 (2019) pp. 101-111 all issues open access

Judet de la Combe, Pierre [moderator] "Euripide et la polyphonie mythologique : table-ronde animee par P. Judet de la Combe" Pallas 109 (2019) pp. 113-127 all issues open access

De Vido, Stefania; Pere-Nogues, Sandra "Introduzione. Terra e territorio nella Sicilia greca: Actes du Seminario di studio, universite Ca' Foscari, Venise, Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, 30-31 mars 2017" Pallas 109 (2019) pp. 131-132 all issues open access

De Vido, Stefania "Terra e territorio nella Sicilia coloniale: qualche riflessione" Pallas 109 (2019) pp. 133-152 all issues open access

Dimartino, Alessia "Terra e territorialita in Sicilia in eta classica: l'apporto delle fonti epigrafiche" Pallas 109 (2019) pp. 153-165 all issues open access

Tribulato, Olga "La legge tardo-arcaica di Himera (SEG 47, no 1427; IGDS II no 15). Un riesame linguistico ed epigrafico" Pallas 109 (2019) pp. 167-193 all issues open access

Matijasic, Ivan "Misurare la terra. Considerazioni sul caso siciliano a partire dalla fondazione di Zancle in Callimaco" Pallas 109 (2019) pp. 195-213 all issues open access

Vassallo, Stefano "Dinamiche e trasformazione dell'insediamento nella Sicilia centro-occidentale tra VI e IV sec. a.C." Pallas 109 (2019) pp. 215-227 all issues open access

Facella, Antonino; Michelini, Chiara; Serra, Alfonsa "Terra e territorio tra Entella e Monte Adranone dal VI al III sec. a.C. Il contributo del survey sistematico" Pallas 109 (2019) pp. 229-267 all issues open access

Frisone, Flavia "La promessa della terra. La ripartizione primaria e secondaria della terra nella Sicilia coloniale, fra architetture storiche e modelli interpretativi" Pallas 109 (2019) pp. 269-289 all issues open access

Pere-Nogues, Sandra "Conclusions et perspectives" Pallas 109 (2019) pp. 291-196 all issues open access

Pellegrino, Vincenzo "Il frammento di dinos attico a figure nere di Sophilos: dall'iconografia all'archeologia, un contributo allo studio delle tribune lignee d'epoca arcaica" Pallas 109 (2019) pp. 299-313 all issues open access

Lamouille, Stephane; Pefau, Pierre; Rougier-Blanc, Sylvie "Introduction: Bois et architecture dans la Protohistoire et l'Antiquite (XVIe av. J.-C. - IIe s. apr. J.-C). Grece, Italie, Europe occidentale. Approches methodologiques et techniques" Pallas 110 (2019) pp. 13-23 all issues open source

Clement, Benjamin; Blondel, Francois; Charpentier, Gerard; Baldassari, David "La place du bois dans l'architecture de la colonie romaine de Vienne. L'exemple du ' complexe commercial A-B ' a Sainte-Colombe" Pallas 110 (2019) pp. 27-49 all issues open source

Blondel, Francois; Martinez, Damien; Ollivier, Julien "La place du bois dans l'architecture a Augustonemetum/Clermont-Ferrand : les sites de la rue Fontgieve et de la Scene nationale (ier-iiie s. apr. J.-C.)" Pallas 110 (2019) pp. 51-67 all issues open source

Fichtl, Stephan; Trebsche, Peter "Les batiments a module porteur : reflexions sur un plan type du second age du Fer" Pallas 110 (2019) pp. 71-91 all issues open source

Wassong, Remy "Nouvelle hypothese de restitution des batiments de plan dit circulaire a La Tene finale. Reflexions a partir des temples A et C de Manching (Allemagne)" Pallas 110 (2019) pp. 93-110 all issues open source

Pomadere, Maia; Hilbert, Gaelle "Le bois dans l'architecture domestique de l'age du Bronze a Malia (Crete) : les exemples des quartiers Delta et Pi" Pallas 110 (2019) pp. 113-132 all issues open source

Devolder, Maud "Elements structurels en bois dans un palais de l'age du Bronze cretois. Le cas de la Cour Nord du palais de Malia" Pallas 110 (2019) pp. 133-149 all issues open source

Rougier-Blanc, Sylvie "Le bois dans les murs a Mycenes a l'epoque mycenienne : remarques sur le role structurel du materiau" Pallas 110 (2019) pp. 151-172 all issues open source

EPaud, Frederic "Le poteau faitier et la ferme dans l'architecture protohistorique : mythes ou realites ? Questions autour des constructions a poteaux axiaux" Pallas 110 (2019) pp. 175-199 all issues open source

Pefau, Pierre "Architecture en bois et triangulation durant la Protohistoire : methodes d'identification, bilan actualise et perspectives interpretatives" Pallas 110 (2019) pp. 201-222 all issues open source

Lamouille, Stephane "Les charpentes dans l'architecture monumentale en Grece ancienne : reflexions historiographiques, techniques et methodologiques" Pallas 110 (2019) pp. 223-243 all issues open source

Dardenay, Alexandra "Le bois dans l'architecture domestique a Herculanum. Mise en oeuvre de propositions de reconstruction 3D dans la Casa di Nettuno ed Anfitrite" Pallas 110 (2019) pp. 245-256 all issues open source

Engerbeaud, Mathieu "Introduction: Les desastres militaires romains : memoire et posterite" Pallas 110 (2019) pp. 259-266 all issues open source

Hulot, Sophie "Cout humain des guerres et memoire romaine des desastres (deuxieme guerre punique - fin du ier s. apr. J.-C.)" Pallas 110 (2019) pp. 267-288 all issues open source

Landrea, Cyrielle "Peres et fils de l'aristocratie durant la deuxieme guerre punique : la memoire familiale des defaites" Pallas 110 (2019) pp. 289-306 all issues open source

Meszaros, Alexis "La reecriture d'une encombrante defaite : naissance, mort et resurrection historiographiques d'Horatius Cocles" Pallas 110 (2019) pp. 307-326 all issues open source

Davoine, Charles "L'empreinte de Brennus : memoire urbaine et resilience romaine" Pallas 110 (2019) pp. 327-344 all issues open source

Lefebvre, Benoit "La bataille de Carrhes (53 av. J.-C.) : de la defaite au desastre patriotique" Pallas 110 (2019) pp. 345-364 all issues open source

Caltot, Pierre-Alain "Lucain et la memoire de Pharsale : le chant VII de la Pharsale comme tombeau poetique de Rome" Pallas 110 (2019) pp. 365-382 all issues open source

Courroux, Pierre "Interpretation, reception et recreation des desastres militaires romains au Moyen Age" Pallas 110 (2019) pp. 383-400 all issues open source

Cadiou, Francois; Pittia, Sylvie "Avant-propos. Religion et pouvoir dans le monde romain de 218 avant notre ere a 235 de notre ere: Actes du colloque de la SoPHAU (Bordeaux, 13-15 juin 2019)" Pallas 111 (2019) pp. 11-18 all issues open access

Belayche, Nicole "Aborder " la religion " dans le monde romain aujourd'hui : paradigmes renouveles et nouveaux outils" Pallas 111 (2019) pp. 19-39 all issues open access

Berthelet, Yann "Religion et vie politique sous la Republique romaine. L'exemple de la divination publique" Pallas 111 (2019) pp. 41-63 all issues open access

Dalla Rosa, Alberto "Les aspects religieux de l'exercice du pouvoir imperial" Pallas 111 (2019) pp. 65-76 all issues open access

Frija, Gabrielle "Cultes imperiaux et pouvoir imperial : diffusion et circulation des cultes des empereurs dans le monde romain" Pallas 111 (2019) pp. 77-94 all issues open access

Miano, Daniele "Divinites conceptuelles et pouvoir dans le polytheisme romain" Pallas 111 (2019) pp. 95-111 all issues open access

Heidenreich, Christophe Schmidt "L'armee romaine et le culte imperial" Pallas 111 (2019) pp. 95-111 all issues open access

Van Haeperen, Francoise "Cultes publics, agents cultuels et pouvoir a Rome" Pallas 111 (2019) pp. 137-151 all issues open access

Estienne, Sylvia "De la creation des Ludi Apollinares a la celebration severienne des Ludi saeculares : aspects religieux et politiques de la celebration des jeux a Rome" Pallas 111 (2019) pp. 153-170 all issues open access

Charles-Laforge, Marie-Odile "Les cultes prives chez les Romains (iiie s. avant -- iiie s. apres J.-C.)" Pallas 111 (2019) pp. 171-197 all issues open access

Huet, Valerie "Images, rituel sacrificiel et pouvoir dans le monde romain" Pallas 111 (2019) pp. 199-225 all issues open access

Bertrand, Audrey "Si loin, si proches ? L'horizon romain des colonies italiennes et provinciales au prisme de la religion, de la deuxieme guerre punique a l'empire des Severes" Pallas 111 (2019) pp. 227-244 all issues open access

Assenmaker, Pierre "Choisir ses dieux en temps de guerre civile. La legitimation religieuse du pouvoir dans le monde romain vue a travers le monnayage" Pallas 111 (2019) pp. 245-266 all issues open access

Scott, Naomi "Flying too Close to the Sun: Dramatic Illusion and Theatrical Failure in Aristophanes' Peace" Phoenix 73.1-2 (2019) pp. 1-14 < doi: 10.7834/phoenix.73.1-2.0001 >

Brook, Adriana "Initiatory Paradigms and the Ending of Sophocles' Electra" Phoenix 73.1-2 (2019) pp. 15-40 < doi: 10.7834/phoenix.73.1-2.0015 >

Racette-Campbell, Melanie "Disidentifying with fides in Propertius 2.9 and 2.29" Phoenix 73.1-2 (2019) pp. 41-61 < doi: 10.7834/phoenix.73.1-2.0041 >

McTavish, John E. "A New Chronology for Seleucus Nicator's Wars from 311--308 B.C.E." Phoenix 73.1-2 (2019) pp. 62-85 < doi: 10.7834/phoenix.73.1-2.0062 >

Coskun, Altay "The Course of Pharnakes II's Pontic and Bosporan Campaigns in 48/47 B.C." Phoenix 73.1-2 (2019) pp. 86-113 < doi: 10.7834/phoenix.73.1-2.0086 >

Frolov, Roman M. "Lictoresque habent in urbe et Capitolio privati: Promagistrates in Rome in 49 B.C." Phoenix 73.1-2 (2019) pp. 114-133 < doi: 10.7834/phoenix.73.1-2.0114 >

Moncunill, Noemi "From Iberians to Romans: The Latinization of Iberian Onomastics through Latin Epigraphic Evidence" Phoenix 73.1-2 (2019) pp. 134-163 < doi: 10.7834/phoenix.73.1-2.0134 >

Ziskowski, Angela "Athena at Corinth: Revisiting the Identification of the Temple of Apollo" Phoenix 73.1-2 (2019) pp. 164-183 < doi: 10.7834/phoenix.73.1-2.0164 >

Marcos, MoyseS "Discussion: Some Reflections on Constantine, Dalmatius Caesar, and CI 5.17.7" Phoenix 73.1-2 (2019) pp. 184-189 < doi: 10.7834/phoenix.73.1-2.0184 >

Stewart, Edmund "Inner Nature and Outward Appearance in Euripides' Electra" Phoenix 73.3-4 (2019) pp. 237-261 < doi: 10.7834/phoenix.73.3-4.0237 >

Yoon, Florence "The Mirrored Structure of Thesmophoriazusae: Hero, Plot, and Themes" Phoenix 73.3-4 (2019) pp. 262-278 < doi: 10.7834/phoenix.73.3-4.0262 >

Cairns, Francis "'Vergilius' in Horace Odes 4.12" Phoenix 73.3-4 (2019) pp. 279-292 < doi: 10.7834/phoenix.73.3-4.0279 >

Fronda, Michael P.; Giroux, Chandra "Spartan Strategies in the Early Peloponnesian War, 431--425 B.C.E." Phoenix 73.3-4 (2019) pp. 293-312 < doi: 10.7834/phoenix.73.3-4.0293 >

Christ, Matthew "Conscription of Cavalrymen in Classical Athens" Phoenix 73.3-4 (2019) pp. 313-332 < doi: 10.7834/phoenix.73.3-4.0313 >

Easton, Jeffrey "The Elusive libertina nobilitas: A Case-Study of Roman Municipal Freedmen in the Augustales" Phoenix 73.3-4 (2019) pp. 333-357 < doi: 10.7834/phoenix.73.3-4.0333 >

Cova, Elisabetta "The 'Wings' of Roman Architecture: Ancient References to the alae" Phoenix 73.3-4 (2019) pp. 358-371 < doi: 10.7834/phoenix.73.3-4.0358 >

Ge, Tianqin "The Status of Xenocrates in the History of the Text of Plato's Corpus Reconsidered" Phoenix 73.3-4 (2019) pp. 372-387 < doi: 10.7834/phoenix.73.3-4.0372 >

Martinez, Jose Luis Aledo "El gobierno de Asdrubal en Iberia (ca. 228-221 a.C.)" Polis 31 (2019) pp. 7-34

Espada RodriGuez, JuliaN "Aspectos economicos en el primer tratado punico-romano (Pol. III 22-26)" Polis 31 (2019) pp. 35-50

HubenAk, Florencio "La deconstruccion de la historia de Roma: una mirada desde nuestros dias" Polis 31 (2019) pp. 57-78

Notario Pacheco, Fernando "Las salsas en la cocina griega clasica: practica e ideologia culinaria" Polis 31 (2019) pp. 79-102

GalleN, Joan Ribes "El rito necromantico en la "Nekyia" de La Odisea" Polis 31 (2019) pp. 103-114

Tsirkim, Yu B. "De nuevo una vez mas a proposito del llamado tratado de Filino" Polis 31 (2019) pp. 115-128

Wright, Tim P. "Eumaeus as Odysseus' Double in the Odyssey" QUCC 121 (2019) pp. 11-31 < DOI: 10.19272/201906401001 >

Fries, Almut "Pindar, Pae. 6, 121-122. Measuring Song and Sacrifice in Greek Lyric and the Rigveda" QUCC 121 (2019) pp. 33-50 < DOI: 10.19272/201906401002 >

Santagati, Elena "La pace tra Corinto e Tebe del 365 a.C. (Xen. Hell. 7, 4, 6)" QUCC 121 (2019) pp. 53-63 < DOI: 10.19272/201906401003 >

Biondi, Ennio "Schiavitu e oikonomia nel I libro degli Economici dello Ps.-Aristotele" QUCC 121 (2019) pp. 65-83 < DOI: 10.19272/201906401004 >

Cairns, Francis "Catullus 34: Cult-titles, Etymologies, Arguments" QUCC 121 (2019) pp. 87-99 < DOI: 10.19272/201906401005 >

Gagliardi, Paola "Kalon e aischron in Teocrito e in Virgilio" QUCC 121 (2019) pp. 101-117 < DOI: 10.19272/201906401006 >

Han, Irene "The Anatomy of Woman: Forbidden Desire in Ovid's Perseid" QUCC 121 (2019) pp. 119-141 < DOI: 10.19272/201906401007 >

Rossetti, Livio "Un recente libro su Empedocle" QUCC 121 (2019) pp. 145-150 < DOI: 10.19272/201906401008 >

Ferrante, Deborah "Il mondo della commedia attica antica tra drammaturgia ed esegesi" QUCC 121 (2019) pp. 151-158 < DOI: 10.19272/201906401009 >

Berardi, Francesco "Per una nuova edizione critica di Isocrate" QUCC 121 (2019) pp. 159-163 < DOI: 10.19272/201906401010 >

Pomarici, Cesare "'Vorrei morire'. Un 'motto iniziale' (Sapph. fr. 94, 1 V.) in una poesia inedita di P. Volponi?" QUCC 121 (2019) pp. 165-169 < DOI: 10.19272/201906401011 >

Bettarini, Luca "Further Notes on the Language and the Text of Hipponax. Response to A. Dale" QUCC 121 (2019) pp. 171-175 < DOI: 10.19272/201906401012 >

Beltrametti, Anna "Diego Lanza e i Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica" QUCC 121 (2019) pp. 179-185 < DOI: 10.19272/201906401013 >

Perusino, Franca "Pagine: 181-182 (2)" QUCC 122 (2019) pp. spettacolo < DOI: 10.19272/201906402009 >

Bernardini, Paola Angeli "Pagine: 183-187 (5)" QUCC 122 (2019) pp. citta < DOI: 10.19272/201906402010 >

Fernandez Deagustini, Maria Del Pilar "La tragedia de la inmunidad. Asylia y hiketeia en Suplicantes de Esquilo" QUCC 122 (2019) pp. 11-33 < DOI: 10.19272/201906402001 >

Brillante, Carlo "Il sogno di Clitennestra nell'Elettra di Sofocle" QUCC 122 (2019) pp. 33-50 < DOI: 10.19272/201906402002 >

Dolcetti, Paola "Polifonte e Polipete, gli aurighi di Laio nello scontro con Edipo" QUCC 122 (2019) pp. 51-65 < DOI: 10.19272/201906402003 >

Pamias, Jordi "El proemio a las Genealogias de Acusilao de Argos" QUCC 122 (2019) pp. 69-73 < DOI: 10.19272/201906402004 >

Corradi, Michele "La vocazione tardiva di Aristotele: storia di un motivo biografico" QUCC 122 (2019) pp. 75-98 < DOI: 10.19272/201906402005 >

Manieri, Alessandra "Porfirio di Tiro e le immagini del linguaggio omerico tra similitudine e metafora" QUCC 122 (2019) pp. 99-117 < DOI: 10.19272/201906402006 >

Bonandini, Alice "Nefas. Empieta, reticenza e dinamiche della comunicazione nelle tragedie di Seneca" QUCC 122 (2019) pp. 121-156 < DOI: 10.19272/201906402007 >

Noens, Tim "Catching the Collapse of Time. Reading Ornytus in Statius' Thebaid 12 through Malone in Samuel Beckett's The Unnamable" QUCC 122 (2019) pp. 157-178 < DOI: 10.19272/201906402008 >

Bettini, Maurizio "Marcel Detienne" QUCC 122 (2019) pp. 191-194 < DOI: 10.19272/201906402011 >

Colesanti, Giulio "Una seconda elegia teognidea sulla sphregis (AP 10, 42)" QUCC 123 (2019) pp. 11-53 < DOI: 10.19272/201906403001 >

Sbardella, Livio "L''eco del pentametro': modalita di esecuzione dell'elegia greca dall'eta arcaica a quella ellenistica" QUCC 123 (2019) pp. 55-78 < DOI: 10.19272/201906403002 >

Abritta, Alejandro "El teatro de Licofron: construccion de contexto de performance en la Alejandra" QUCC 123 (2019) pp. 79-104 < DOI: 10.19272/201906403003 >

Marzio, Marialuigia Di "L'Epigramma 31 Bernand di Giulia Balbilla e l'acrostico con la voce di Phamenoth/Memnone" QUCC 123 (2019) pp. 105-130 < DOI: 10.19272/201906403004 >

Sante, Paolo "Nota critico-testuale a Eur. HF 107~119" QUCC 123 (2019) pp. 133-138 < DOI: 10.19272/201906403005 >

Recchia, Marco "Pindaro, frr. 110-109 Maehl.: una nuova interpretazione metrica e alcune osservazioni sulla presenza del docmio" QUCC 123 (2019) pp. 139-148 < DOI: 10.19272/201906403006 >

Gili, Luca "A Note on Aristotle, Top. E 7, 136b 20" QUCC 123 (2019) pp. 151-153 < DOI: 10.19272/201906403007 >

Raffaelli, Renato "Valerio Massimo 5, 4, ext. 1: tra archeologia e critica del testo" QUCC 123 (2019) pp. 155-167 < DOI: 10.19272/201906403008 >

Palumbo Stracca, Bruna Marilena "Gli Uccelli di Aristofane nella poesia di Pascoli" QUCC 123 (2019) pp. 169-183 < DOI: 10.19272/201906403009 >

Pomarici, Cesare "Saffo a Urbino. Il topos dell''ultima mela' (fr. 105a V.) nell'Antica moneta di Volponi" QUCC 123 (2019) pp. 185-201 < DOI: 10.19272/201906403010 >

Belardinelli, Anna Maria "Sofocle per il teatro" QUCC 123 (2019) pp. 203-206 < DOI: 10.19272/201906403011 >

Romualdo, Fabrizio Di "La mors immatura e il prezzo dell'impero in Virgilio" QUCC 123 (2019) pp. 207-212 < DOI: 10.19272/201906403012 >

De Chaisemartin, Nathalie "Les frises a guirlandes dans le decor architectural hellenistique d'Asie Mineure" RA 67 (2019) pp. 3-48

Turci, Marcello "Nuove proposte di contestualizzazione dei mosaici pavimentali delle terme di Porta Marina di Ostia" RA 67 (2019) pp. 49-90

Franken, Norbert "Le tubicen d'Epigonos de Pergame : nouvelles reflexions sur un chef-d'oeuvre hellenistique" RA 67 (2019) pp. 91-104

Franken, Norbert "Von der Grosse eines Zwergs: zur Bedeutung eines 'alexandrinischen' Bronzekopfes in Clermont-Ferrand" RA 67 (2019) pp. 105-117

Oliver, Andrew "Two bronze vases in the Musee du Petit Palais" RA 67 (2019) pp. 119-135

Gros, Pierre "Une image inedite de l'un des "arcs d'Auguste" du Forum romain sur une plaque Campana du Musee du Louvre" RA 68 (2019) pp. 251-268

Torrisi, Valentina "Le Palatin de Pietro Rosa a Paris" RA 68 (2019) pp. 269-300

Carrez-Maratray, Jean-Yves; Dan, Anca "Avant-propos: L'archeologie de l'hellenisme dans les iles et sur les cotes de la Mediterranee orientale au Ier Millenaire av. J.-C. Bilans recents et perspectives a la memoire de Marie-Christine Hellmann" RA 68 (2019) pp. 301-319

Barcat, Dominique; Kousoulis, Panagiotis "Les vases et figurines en faience entre Rhodes et le Delta : contexte artistique et usages funeraires" RA 68 (2019) pp. 321-339

Lamaze, Jeremy "Un temple trop beau pour etre vrai? retour sur le "temple A" de Prinias (Crete)" RA 68 (2019) pp. 341-374

Seyer, Martin "Some Aspects of the Urbanistic Development in Limyra in the Hellenistic and Early Roman Periods" RA 68 (2019) pp. 375-389

Fourrier, Sabine "L'archeologie de l'hellenisme a Chypre: a propos de deux publications recentes" RA 68 (2019) pp. 391-407

Balandier, Claire; Raptou, Eustathios "De Paphos a Nea Paphos, aspects de l'hellenisation de l'ouest de Chypre de l'Age du Bronze Recent a l'epoque hellenistique : Dix ans de travaux du Departement des Antiquites de Chypre et de la Mission archeologique francaise a Paphos (MafaP)" RA 68 (2019) pp. 409-433

Robinson, Damian; Goddio, Franck "A port at the edge of the Sea of the Greeks: Hellenism in Thonis-Heracleion, Egypt" RA 68 (2019) pp. 435-450

Broeckaert, Wim "Occupational Associations and Monopolies in the Roman Economy" RBPh 97.1 (2019) pp. 5

Joseph, Maxime "Apollon, Mercure et Minerve dans les Gaules et les Germanies" RBPh 97.1 (2019) pp. 43

Raepsaet, Georges "La civitas Tungrorum, les pes Drusianus et le statut foncier des terres conquis" RBPh 97.1 (2019) pp. 87

Raepsaet-Charlier, Marie-TheReSe "Onomastique et societe en cite des Tongres" RBPh 97.1 (2019) pp. 95

Bellon, Tiffany "Migration et appartenance(s). Le cas des Thraces a Rome (Ier-IIIe siecles apr. J.-C.)" RBPh 97.1 (2019) pp. 137

Reginato, Irene "Notes sur les modeles de la redaction Z de l'Ovide moralise. Le cas de la fable de Semele" RBPh 97.1 (2019) pp. 175

Canas, Miguel "Le stemma des Servilii Caepiones" REA 121.1 (2019) pp. 3-18 PDFs for issue

Papadimitropoulos, Loukas "Pindar's Olympian 12: Hopes, Reversals Of Fortune and Truth" REA 121.1 (2019) pp. 19-26 PDFs for issue

Amiech, Christine "Retour sur les premiers vers de l'Oreste d'Euripide" REA 121.1 (2019) pp. 27-37 PDFs for issue

Visa-Ondarcuhu, Valerie "Le fragment de l'Autolykos sur les athletes : retour critique sur quelques lectures" REA 121.1 (2019) pp. 39-70 PDFs for issue

Girardin, Michael "Monnaie du tribut, monnaie de l'offrande en Judee seleucide et romaine" REA 121.1 (2019) pp. 71-91 PDFs for issue

Marius Martin, Paul "Dentatus et Fabricius : couplage, surimpression, utilisation" REA 121.1 (2019) pp. 93-113 PDFs for issue

Aziza, Claude "Roman historique et antiquite" REA 121.1 (2019) pp. 119-142 PDFs for issue

Chandezon, Christophe "Vers un renouveau de l'etude des societes agraires grecques ?" REA 121.1 (2019) pp. 143-169 PDFs for issue

Horn, Nelson "Les Histoires philippiques de Trogue Pompee / Justin : une oeuvre, deux auteurs, deux epoques, deux projets" REA 121.1 (2019) pp. 171-182 PDFs for issue

Lancon, Bertrand "Les annees gauloises de Constantin revisitees" REA 121.1 (2019) pp. 183-195 PDFs for issue

Mathieu, Nicolas; Jimenez Vialas, Helena; Prados Martinez, Fernando "Chronique Gallo-Romaine" REA 121.2 (2019) pp. [66pp] PDFs for issue

Raynor, Ben "Pyrrhos, royal self-presentation, and the nature of the Hellenistic Epeirote state" REA 121.2 (2019) pp. 307-328 PDFs for issue

Moret, Pierre; Dupraz, Emmanuel; Ruiz-Darasse, Coline; Vialas, Helena Jimenez; Martinez, Fernando Prados "Le courroux de Philonicus : une nouvelle defixion latine de Betique a Bailo -- La Silla del Papa" REA 121.2 (2019) pp. 329-356 PDFs for issue

Des Bosc, Francoise "Epigraphie des amphores de la Betique et epigraphie lapidaire : l'apport d'une approche croisee a l'histoire socio-economique des elites : les dossiers des Stertinii et des Ocratii de Volubilis" REA 121.2 (2019) pp. 357-389 PDFs for issue

Gagliardi, Paola "L'adunaton nelle Bucoliche virgiliane" REA 121.2 (2019) pp. 391-412 PDFs for issue

Olmo Lopez, Ruben "La politica africana de Caligula y los primeros legados imperiales de la legio III Augusta: Una revision" REA 121.2 (2019) pp. 413-430 PDFs for issue

Meulder, Marcel "Zenobie epouse de Radamiste et la justice du fleuve (Tacite, Annales, XII, 51)" REA 121.2 (2019) pp. 431-453 PDFs for issue

Thuillier, Jean-Paul "Circensia 3. Les supporters des factions du cirque romain" REA 121.2 (2019) pp. 455-461 PDFs for issue

Gheerbrant, Xavier "Prose, poesie, modes de signification et modes de rationalite aux origines de la philosophie" REA 121.2 (2019) pp. 467-484 PDFs for issue

Urso, Gianpaolo "Alcune considerazioni sulle origini del principato in Cassio Dione" REA 121.2 (2019) pp. 485-493 PDFs for issue

Pottier, Bruno "Interpreter l'Histoire Auguste" REA 121.2 (2019) pp. 495-506 PDFs for issue

Crespo, Maria Ines "polusines kuon: Electra, Coeforas y la construccion del estatus femenino en la Orestia" REC 46 (2019) pp. 13-39

Eslava Bejarano, Santiago "El arco y la bestia: Soledad, metamorfosis y deshumanizacion en Filoctetes de Sofocles" REC 46 (2019) pp. 41-67

Galan, Lia "La navigatio Sancti Brendani Abbatis: Eneas en el medioevo" REC 46 (2019) pp. 69-95

Matos Pereira, Roberto "El potencial persuasivo de los montajes poetico-imaginarios: Una consideracion retorico-lucreciana" REC 46 (2019) pp. 97-118

Mira Bohorquez, Paula Cristina "Buitres, aguilas y leones en Agamenon de Esquilo" REC 46 (2019) pp. 119-137

Restrepo Ramirez, Santiago "Algunas circes en el teatro de Lope de Vega: La pasion que animaliza *" REC 46 (2019) pp. 139-162

Cairo, Maria Emilia "Los personajes femeninos en Eneida" REC 47 (2019) pp. 11-24

Fortes, Fabio "Priscian and the graeco-roman bilingualism" REC 47 (2019) pp. 25-30

Gambon, Lidia "Marginalidad y locura en la tragedia de Sofocles" REC 47 (2019) pp. 37-54

Lopez Ferez, Juan Antonio "Anotaciones sobre el lexico de la educacion en Jenofonte" REC 47 (2019) pp. 55-190

Nieto Manini, Ana Lorena "Reivindicacion de Hera: Hierogamia y consecuencias" REC 47 (2019) pp. 191-207

Stripeikis, Caterina "El caracter votivo de la oda pindarica y los epigramas dedicatorios" REC 47 (2019) pp. 209-225

Barreira, Jose Federico "VIII coloquio internacional centro de estudios helenicos" REC 47 (2019) pp. 229-230

Coll, Marcela Ines "XXVo simposio nacional de estudios clasicos Io congreso internacional sobre el mundo clasico" REC 47 (2019) pp. 231-232

Gerkens, Jean Francois "In Memoriam Johan Albert (Hans) Ankum" RIDA 66 (2019) pp. 9-16

Kubiak, Przemyslaw "Drunkenness as an Extenuating Circumstance in Ancient Legal Thought. Some Remarks on Speeches of Attic Orators (Lysias, Demosthenes)" RIDA 66 (2019) pp. 17-31

Chillet, Clement "La lex Papia de 65 avant J.-C. sur 'l'usurpation de citoyennete'" RIDA 66 (2019) pp. 32-62

Donadio, Nunzia "La confutazione della testimonianza scritta tra precettistica retorica e prassi processuale in eta flavia" RIDA 66 (2019) pp. 63-95

Roldan, Yuri Gonzalez "Argomenti del libro primo delle Epistole di Giavoleno" RIDA 66 (2019) pp. 97-133

Israelowich, Ido "Land surveyors and the Roman court" RIDA 66 (2019) pp. 135-151

Ferrandiz, Emilia Mataix "De incendio ruina naufragio rate nave expugnata. Origins, context and legal treatment of shipwrecking in Roman law" RIDA 66 (2019) pp. 153-195

Rainer, J. Michael "Iudicia, Responsa, Rescripta: Zu den Romischen Rechtsquellen" RIDA 66 (2019) pp. 197-227

Titremmel, David "Funf Modelle zur Haftung des conductor fur das Verhalten anderer Personen bei der locatio conductio rei" RIDA 66 (2019) pp. 229-247

Annichini, Alessia Legnani "'Non est idoneus testis'. The prohibition of the mediator's testimony in the Middle Agesad textum" RIDA 66 (2019) pp. 249-265

Wadas, Andrzej "Arrectisque auribus adstant (Aeneid I, 152). Elements of the Roman Law and Tradition in the Jesuit Ratio Studiorum" RIDA 66 (2019) pp. 267-275

Gerkens, Jean Francois "La SIHDA a Edimbourg" RIDA 66 (2019) pp. 277-356

* "XIe Prix International de droit romain Gerard Boulvert" RIDA 66 (2019) pp. 357-364

Moreau, Philippe "Jean-Louis Ferrary (1948-2020)" RPh 93.1 (2019) pp. 9-11

Lamberterie, Charles De "Jean-Louis Perpillou (1931-2020)" RPh 93.1 (2019) pp. 13-15

Bocholier, Julien "Le 'petit Homere' de Chateaubriand" RPh 93.1 (2019) pp. 17-39

Chachuat, Benedicte "Note a Lucain, Bellum Civile, 7, 43" RPh 93.1 (2019) pp. 41-54

Dobias-Lalou, Catherine "Retour sur les contractions e + e du dialecte cyreneen et quelques questions apparentees" RPh 93.1 (2019) pp. 55-68

Foucher, Antoine "Les versus aurei chez Virgile, des Bucoliques a l'Eneide" RPh 93.1 (2019) pp. 69-93

Helly, Bruno "Les datifs en et dans les dedicaces et epitaphes thessaliennes en alphabet epichorique (VIe-Ve s. av. J.-C.)" RPh 93.1 (2019) pp. 95-112

Maillard, Dimitri "Cesar et l'apparat royal" RPh 93.1 (2019) pp. 113-144

Minon, Sophie "Derivation en -a+macron- ou en -o+breve- : criteres distributionnels. Le cas des anthroponymes en Agora- vs -agoras, -egoros" RPh 93.1 (2019) pp. 145-196

Blanc, Alain; de Lamberterie, Charles "Chronique d'etymologie grecque no. 17 (CEG 2019)" RPh 93.1 (2019) pp. 197-237

Barriere, Florian "Cesar, le Rubicon et le lion de Libye : note a Lucain, Bellvm civile 1, 205-212" RPh 93.2 (2019) pp. 7-16

Bonnet, Guillaume "Une question d'arithmetique varronienne : ling. X 43-44" RPh 93.2 (2019) pp. 17-27

Crawford, Michael "Paul the Deacon between Justinian and Bologna" RPh 93.2 (2019) pp. 29-82

Danovi, Vittorio Remo "Una possibile eco neviana nel primo libro dell'Eneide" RPh 93.2 (2019) pp. 83-89

Helly, Bruno "L'expression du rapport aux defunts et de la parente dans les inscriptions funeraires thessaliennes en alphabet epichorique des VIe-Ve s. av. J.-C." RPh 93.2 (2019) pp. 91-109

Hofstetter, Carole "Differents aspects du corpus de scholies a Nicomaque de Gerasa" RPh 93.2 (2019) pp. 111-137

Libe, Nathalie "Le mot koiranos dans l'epopee homerique" RPh 93.2 (2019) pp. 139-162

Ragot, Pierre "Histoire du verbe grec AGHLATEIN a l'interface entre derivation, incorporation et composition" RPh 93.2 (2019) pp. 163-186

Reveilhac, Florian "Le nom mythique Mardulas et grec merd-, amerd-, smerd-" RPh 93.2 (2019) pp. 187-197

Zaccaria, Pietro "Jason of Nysa and Jason of Argos" RSA 49 (2019) pp. 7-23

Pagliara, Alessandro "Per un ritorno a Virgilio : intorno al tema del viaggio di Enea e al discorso della eccellente umanita degli antichi paragonati ai moderni (Leopardi, Zibaldone, 4441)" RSA 49 (2019) pp. 25-38

Gomez Pallares, Joan "La expresion compleja de la muerte prematura en Roma" RSA 49 (2019) pp. 39-52

Mongardi, Manuela "I Marci Arrecini Clementes tra Pisaurum, Ariminum e Roma" RSA 49 (2019) pp. 53-68

Mongardi, Manuela "Poblicius Marcellus and the Bar Kokhba Revolt" RSA 49 (2019) pp. 69-84

Girotti, Beatrice "Moralita e immoralita in Ammiano Marcellino : giudizi su otium, lustrum e voluptas nelle corti di Costanzo e Valentiano tra storia e politica" RSA 49 (2019) pp. 85-99

De Luca, Stefano "L'ultimo console pagano : la figura di Messio Febo Severo sullo sfondo dell'impero di Antemio e alla luce della Vita Isidori di Damascio" RSA 49 (2019) pp. 101-115

Wood, Ian. "The Early Medieval West as a Temple Society" RSA 49 (2019) pp. 117-144

Lepore, Paolo "L'esercizio della iurisdictio e il cosiddetto editto di ritorsione" RSA 49 (2019) pp. 147-169

Pagliara, Alessandro "Lampedusa : la Lampeggiante : nota a margine della Storia mondiale dell'Italia a cura di A. Giardina (Roma-Bari 2017)" RSA 49 (2019) pp. 171-179

Zanella, Sandra "Pompei. Sulle tracce di fondaioni e di rifondazione urbane" RSP 30 (2019) pp. 7-22

Varone, Antonio "Manliane, malum tini eveniat. Spigolando su nuovi graffiti pompeiani" RSP 30 (2019) pp. 23-26

Russo, Domenico "Il Tempio della Fortuna Augusta di Pompei nelle immagini dell'Ottocento" RSP 30 (2019) pp. 27-44

Durand, Aude "Holconia, fille de Marcus: nouveaux temoignages sur les ateliers des Holconii pompeiens" RSP 30 (2019) pp. 45-52

De Carolis, Ernesto; Pardi, Roberta "La Casa del Marinaio in pompei (VII 15, 1-2.16). Osservazioni sulla scoperta della Domus e nuove evidenze archeologiche" RSP 30 (2019) pp. 53-78

Ciardiello, Rosaria "Influenza, ricezione e fortuna delle decorazioni dalla Villa di Cicerone A Pompei" RSP 30 (2019) pp. 79-90

Di Franco, Luca "Le sculture decorative di Ercolano: un caso di studio" RSP 30 (2019) pp. 91-118

Freccero, Agneta "Insula I 9: paintings" RSP 30 (2019) pp. 119-134

De Carolis, Ernesto; Esposito, Francesco; Ferrara, Diego "Per una storia del restauro musivo: il caso emblematico del Cave canem tra evidenze materiali e fonti documentali" RSP 30 (2019) pp. 135-150

De Rosa, Lavinia "La Biblioteca della Scuola Archeologica di Pompei dagli Scavi al Museo di Napoli" RSP 30 (2019) pp. 151-158

Bellucci, Nikola D.; Moormann, Eric M. "Una descrizione degli scavi di Pompei negli appunti inediti di una vistia del 1784 di Pasquale Baffi: trascrizione, analizi, interpretazione" RSP 30 (2019) pp. 159-172

Magalhaes, Marici Martins "La Collezione arheologica 'Teresa Cristina di Borbone' nel Museo Nazionale a Rio De Janeiro (UFRJ)" RSP 30 (2019) pp. 173-186

Osanna M.; Fabbri, M. "Le nuove indagini stratigrafiche nella Regio V di Pompei" RSP 30 (2019) pp. 187-194

Stefani, G. "Ufficio Scavi di Pompei. Attivita 2018. Territorio" RSP 30 (2019) pp. 195

Martellone, A.; Mauro, A. "Terme Centrali. Un quariere di conservazione e recerca" RSP 30 (2019) pp. 196

D'Alise, A. "Ceramiche comuni dal Fondo Iozzino a Pompei" RSP 30 (2019) pp. 197-204

Guzzo, P.G. "Addendum alla testa di cavallo Carafa" RSP 30 (2019) pp. 205

Romero Recio, M. "Progretto di ricerca 'Ricezione e influenza di Pompei ed Ercolano in Spagna e in America Latina'" RSP 30 (2019) pp. 206

Bergamasco, I. "Ufficio Scavi di Oplontis. Attivita 2018" RSP 30 (2019) pp. 207

Sodo, A.M. "Ufficio Scavi di Boscoreale, Notiziario 2018" RSP 30 (2019) pp. 208

Sirano, F. "L'attivita del Parco Archeologico di Ercolano nel 2018" RSP 30 (2019) pp. 209-213

Camardo, D.; Court, S.; D'Andrea, A.; Laino, A.; Pesaresi, P.; Thompson, J. "L'Herculaneum Conservation Project nel 2018. Il Contributo alla conoscenza archeologica del sito" RSP 30 (2019) pp. 214-215

Camardo, D.; Notomista, M. "Nuovi dati sulle fasi piu antiche della Casa a graticcio di Ercolano (III, 13-15)" RSP 30 (2019) pp. 215-221

Bonifacio, G. "Ufficio Scavi di Stabia, Notiziario 2018" RSP 30 (2019) pp. 222-223

Papaccio, V. "Dossier Collina di Varano di Castellamare di Stabia. Tavolo tecnico per la prevenzione, contrasto e controllo del territorio a difesa della collina di Varano (17 maggio 2018)" RSP 30 (2019) pp. 224-247

Ariano, C. "Ricerche preliminari sui mosaici di Villa Cuomo a S. Antonio Abate" RSP 30 (2019) pp. 248-252

Federico, R. "Villa Arianna: per una classificazione delle anfore Dressel 2-4 dai vecchi scavi" RSP 30 (2019) pp. 253-262

Miniero, P. "Quando c'erano le Soprintendenze archeologiche. La Villa romana di S. Marco a Stabia (1980-1999)" RSP 30 (2019) pp. 263

Guzzo, P.G. "Il Commissario, la valorizzazione e la Corte dei Conti" RSP 30 (2019) pp. 264-266

Cooper, S. "Speculative Fiction, Ecocriticism, and the Wanderings of Odysseus" Ramus 48.2 (2019) pp. 95-126

Marren, M. "Plato and Aristophanes on (Want of) Education: Shame and Eros in the Gorgias and in the Clouds" Ramus 48.2 (2019) pp. 127-147

Sciarrino, E. "Traces of Philology in Mid-Republican Latin Poetry" Ramus 48.2 (2019) pp. 148-173

Culik-Baird, H. "Staging Roman Slavery in the Second Century BCE" Ramus 48.2 (2019) pp. 174-197

Pass, D. "Philosophers and Citizens on the Areopagus: Lucian's Prose Trilogy" Ramus 48.2 (2019) pp. 198-222

Umachandran, M. "'The Aftermath Experienced Before': Aeschylean Untimeliness and Iris Murdoch's Defence of Art" Ramus 48.2 (2019) pp. 223-247

Vickers, Jonathan "The Lion Cub Ainos, Suppositious Children, and Thesmophoriazusae" RhM 162 (2019) pp. 1

Lionetti, Ruggiero "Lo scolio a Eur. Phoen. 1--2 e l'autenticita di Soph. El. 1. Una proposta di intervento testuale" RhM 162 (2019) pp. 35

Mulke, Markus "Kontrastzitat und paradiorthosis" RhM 162 (2019) pp. 45

Lada, Csaba A.; Papathomas, Amphilochios "A Late Hellenistic Fragment of a Tractate on Classical and Post-classical (?) Literature: New Information on Aristophanes' Daitales?" RhM 162 (2019) pp. 68

Jakobi, Rainer "Iulius Valerius und die 'Zachersche Epitome'" RhM 162 (2019) pp. 84

Paolillo, Davide "Due note a Lisia (30,4 e fr. 164 C., rr. 12--13)" RhM 162 (2019) pp. 94

Paraskeviotis, Georgios C. "Verg. Aen. 4.215--217. Aeneas effeminatus" RhM 162 (2019) pp. 100

Bretzigheimer, Gerlinde "Die Bezuge zur Ilias in den ersten beiden Buchern der Posthomerica des Quintus Smyrneus" RhM 162 (2019) pp. 105

Willms, Lothar "Exegi monumentum. Zur Rezeption von Horaz' carm. 3,30 und seiner Konzeption eines dichterischen Nachlebens bei Ovid, du Bellay, Ronsard und Puschkin" RhM 162 (2019) pp. 146

Georgacopoulou, Sophia "La fable 5,8 de Phedre. Reecriture ecphrastique et effets autoreflexifs" RhM 162 (2019) pp. 183

Magnavacca, Adalberto "Martial's egkomion eis Dometianon? A Note on Mart. 9.20" RhM 162 (2019) pp. 199

Dehon, Pierre-Jacques "L'epigramme CLE 439 (= CIL XI 6565): une ronde des saisons et toute sa symbolique" RhM 162 (2019) pp. 206

Mallan, Christopher "Pseudo-Voconius and the Speech of Maecius Faltonius Nicomachus (HA Tac. 6)" RhM 162 (2019) pp. 222

Manuwald, Bernd "Epische und tragische Tranen" RhM 162 (2019) pp. 233

Bishop, Caroline "Magnum opus: Atticus, Cicero, and Eratosthenes' Geography" RhM 162 (2019) pp. 265

Wierzcholowski, Rainer Carl "Zwischen Philosophie und Rhetorik. Die Argumentation a persona und ihr Beitrag zur romischen Religionsphilosophie in Ciceros De natura deorum" RhM 162 (2019) pp. 292

Mari, Tommaso "La tramissione testuale della ars del grammatico Aspro (GL V 547--554)" RhM 162 (2019) pp. 361

Costantini, Leonardo "Ludum artaverat. On Petronius, Satyrica 85.4" RhM 162 (2019) pp. 384

Neger, Margot "Epigramme im narrativen Kontext. Das Handtuch des Philomatius bei Sidonius, Epist. 5,17" RhM 162 (2019) pp. 392

Anderson, Merrick "Immorality or Immortality? An Argument for Virtue" Rhetorica 37.2 (2019) pp. 97--119

Kennerly, Michele "Quintilian on the Quotable" Rhetorica 37.2 (2019) pp. 120--145

Turner, Joseph "Geoffrey of Vinsauf's Master Trope: The Development of the Doctrine of Transsumptio" Rhetorica 37.2 (2019) pp. 146--166

Ryczek, Wojciech "Speaking Freely: Keckermann on the Figure of Parrhesia" Rhetorica 37.2 (2019) pp. 167--188

Discenna, Thomas A. "Davos Redux: Language and Ethics in the Work of Cassirer and Rhetorical Theory" Rhetorica 37.2 (2019) pp. 189--197

Bengtson, Erik; Rosengren, Mats "Choices that Matter: The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms and Contemporary Rhetoric" Rhetorica 37.2 (2019) pp. 198--206

Ralph, Allison K. "The Functions of Homonoia in the Rhetoric of Constantius II: Persuasion, Justification of Coercion, Propaganda" Rhetorica 37.3 (2019) pp. 215--241

Loveridge, Jordan "Poetics, Probability, and the Progymnasmata in Matthew of Vendome's Ars versificatoria" Rhetorica 37.3 (2019) pp. 242--264

Laneri, Maria Teresa "Sull'autore del commentario In Rhetorica Ciceronis ad Herennium (Venezia 1490): Girolamo Capiduro pseudonimo di Giorgio Valla?" Rhetorica 37.3 (2019) pp. 265--285

Hoye, J. Matthew "Rhetorical Action and Constitutive Politics" Rhetorica 37.3 (2019) pp. 286--320

Palumbo, Lidia "I dialoghi di Platone come figure della coerenza tra pensiero e vita" Rhetorica 37.4 (2019) pp. 333--350

Jasso, John J. "Sympathy for the Devil: The Myth of Plato as the Enemy of Rhetoric" Rhetorica 37.4 (2019) pp. 351--381

Telesca, Chiara "Examples of comparationes in the Metabaseis collection of MS. Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, plut. 58.24" Rhetorica 37.4 (2019) pp. 382--401

Griffin, Danielle "Shaping the Conversation: Madeleine de Scudery's Use of Genre in Her Rhetorical Dialogues" Rhetorica 37.4 (2019) pp. 402--421

Braccini, Tommaso "Quel ben l'eva la forza! : il Sileo di Euripide e Strong John (ATU 650A)" SIFC 2019.1 (2019) pp. 5-33

Franco, Cristiana "Opposizioni di genere e polarizzazioni culturali : il caso di chin nell'Onirocritica di Artemidoro di Daldi" SIFC 2019.1 (2019) pp. 34-58

Bonadeo, Alessia "Iubar : lo splendore imperiale in Stazio e in Marziale" SIFC 2019.1 (2019) pp. 61-84

Mattiacci, Silvia "La bellezza naturale di Bissula tra elegia e convenzioni ecfrastiche" SIFC 2019.1 (2019) pp. 85-108

Graverini, Luca "Circe a Roma" SIFC 2019.1 (2019) pp. 109-128

Keulen, Wytse "Oratio oris tui dignitate exornata : Epistolarity, Panegyrics and Self-Fashioning in Fronto, Epist. ad M. Caes. 1.7." SIFC 2019.1 (2019) pp. 129-152

Skempis, Marios "Eriboea's boe : co-responsive ololyge in Bacchylides 17." SIFC 2019.2 (2019) pp. 165-178

Puccio, Francesco "L'eroe e la sua arma : l'arco di Filottete nella tragedia greca e latina" SIFC 2019.2 (2019) pp. 179-203

Schiesaro, Alessandro "Acheronta movebo : Virgil's Freudian underworld" SIFC 2019.2 (2019) pp. 204-251

Verde, Francesco "De lapidibus 22 : Teofrasto e l'Aetna" SIFC 2019.2 (2019) pp. 255-264

Nicolosi, Anika "Paolo Silenziario e Archiloco di Paro : un esempio di ripresa variata" SIFC 2019.2 (2019) pp. 265-272

Vespa, Marco "Ierocle stoico, i castori e l'Egitto : l'etnozoologia e la ricerca filologica : un caso di studio" SIFC 2019.2 (2019) pp. 273-294

Starnone, Viola "L'utopia di Adrasto : una lettura del finale del primo libro della Tebaide" SIFC 2019.2 (2019) pp. 295-310

Bar, Silvio; Maravela, Anastasia "Narrative, Narratology and Intertextuality: New Perspectives on Greek Epic from Homer to Nonnus" SO 93 (2019) pp. 1-11

Jong, Irene J.F. De "From Oroskopia to Ouranoskopia in Greek and Latin Epic" SO 93 (2019) pp. 12-36

Schmitz, Thomas A. "Epic Apostrophe from Homer to Nonnus" SO 93 (2019) pp. 37-57

Maravela, Anastasia "The Judgemental Narrator: Narratorial Nepios-Comments from Homer to Nonnus" SO 93 (2019) pp. 58-105

Bar, Silvio "Heracles in Homer and Apollonius: Narratological Character Analysis in a Diachronic Perspective" SO 93 (2019) pp. 106-131

Verhelst, Berenice "Six Faces of Odysseus: Genre and Characterization Strategies in Four Late Antique Greek "Epyllia"" SO 93 (2019) pp. 132-156

Currie, Bruno "The Iliad, the Odyssey, and Narratological Intertextuality" SO 93 (2019) pp. 157-188

Gilka, Marcelina "The Deception of Helen: Reading Colluthus against Homer" SO 93 (2019) pp. 189-208

Miguelez-Cavero, Laura "The Re-creation of a Narrator: Nonnus of Panopolis' Paraphrase of the Gospel of John 1:1--45" SO 93 (2019) pp. 209-233

Kahane, Ahuvia "Formal Diction, Intertextuality, Narrative and the Complexity of Greek Epic Diction" SO 93 (2019) pp. 234-266

Goni, Ana Iriarte "Un logos des-autorizado en el escenario de la Atenas democratica (y en Wikipedia)" Synthesis 26.1 (2019) pp. e047 full text

Alvarez Rodriguez, Barbara "Lotofagos, Sirenas y otros seres: la construccion de la alteridad neutra en la epica griega" Synthesis 26.1 (2019) pp. e048 full text

Perczyk, Cecilia Josefina "Amigos son los amigos: Pilades y el coro de argivas en Orestes de Euripides" Synthesis 26.1 (2019) pp. e050 full text

Seggiaro, Claudia Marisa "Generacion y causalidad en Fisica I.7 y II.3" Synthesis 26.1 (2019) pp. e051 full text

Neto, Willibaldo Ruppenthal "A defesa das leis ancestrais em 2 Macabeus" Synthesis 26.1 (2019) pp. e052 full text

Pomer Monferrer, Juan Jose "Notas a la lengua de dos poemas tardobizantinos" Synthesis 26.1 (2019) pp. e053 full text

Chazarreta, Daniela Evangelina "Tapiz y cifrado: tradicion clasica en tres cuentos de Julio Cortazar (1951-1956)" Synthesis 26.1 (2019) pp. e054 full text

Valenzuela Avaca, Eduardo "Los Dioses Ajenos: Apuntes sobre eidolon y daimon como instrumentos de polemica religiosa" Synthesis 26.2 (2019) pp. e058 full text

Hamame, Graciela N. "Las cartografias del tiempo en la Pitica IX de Pindaro" Synthesis 26.2 (2019) pp. e059 full text

Rizo Morales, MariA Elena Patricia "Antigona y sus hermanos, del fratricidio a la fraternidad solidaria" Synthesis 26.2 (2019) pp. e060 full text

Duarte, Adriane da Silva "Os contos de i'ntia: narrativas intercaladas em Efesiacas, de Xenofonte de Efeso" Synthesis 26.2 (2019) pp. e061 full text

Diaz Roulier, Gonzalo Nestor "Consideraciones sobre xenos a partir de Anabasis de Jenofonte" Synthesis 26.2 (2019) pp. e062 full text

Carreno, Sofia "El concepto de sophrosyne en los dialogos platonicos y su ejemplificacion en la figura de Socrates" Synthesis 26.2 (2019) pp. e063 full text

Fabrega, Rodrigo Him "Analisis de la contraccion en la fonologia prosodica del griego atico" Synthesis 26.2 (2019) pp. e064 full text

Rodriguez Ponce, Maria Isabel "El eiron y otras reminiscencias griegas en la filosofia de John L. Austin" Synthesis 26.2 (2019) pp. e065 full text

Pavlik, Jiri "Parresia in John Chrysostom's Homilies on the Gospel of Matthew" VChr 73.1 (2019) pp. 1--15

Ferguson, Thomas "Calliope's Playful Touch: An Educational Paradigm in the Mitologiae of Planciades Fulgentius" VChr 73.1 (2019) pp. 16--37

Reaves, Pamela Mullins "Revelation Relocated: Reflections on Jerusalem in Testimony of Truth (NHC IX,3) and the First Apocalypse of James (NHC V,3; Cod. Tch. 2)" VChr 73.1 (2019) pp. 38--53

De Vos, Benjamin "The Role of the Homilistic Disputes with Appion (Hom. 4-6)" VChr 73.1 (2019) pp. 54--88

Gzella, Holger "Die farbigen Kleider der Engel: Eine bislang unentdeckte Parallele zwischen dem Weltgerichtsmosaik aus Ravenna und der qumranischen Angelologie" VChr 73.1 (2019) pp. 89--103

Havrda, Matyas "Two Projects of Christian Ethics: Clement, Paed. I 1 and Strom. II 2, 4-6" VChr 73.2 (2019) pp. 121--137

Denecker, Tim "Getting the Accent Right: Jerome in Tit. 3.9 in Isidore eccl. off. 2.11.4" VChr 73.2 (2019) pp. 138--148

KrausmuLler, Dirk "Philosophia Ancilla Theologiae: Plotinus' Definition of Sensible Substance and its Adaptation in John Philoponus' Arbiter" VChr 73.2 (2019) pp. 149--158

Becker, Matthias "Origen the Sophist: Anti-Sophistic Polemic in Porphyry's Contra Christianos" VChr 73.2 (2019) pp. 159--173

Blaski, Andrew "The Philocalia of Origen: A Crude or Creative Composition?" VChr 73.2 (2019) pp. 174--189

Finn, Douglas E.; Dupont, Anthony "Preaching Adam in John Chrysostom and Augustine of Hippo" VChr 73.2 (2019) pp. 190--217

Lincicum, David "Two Overlooked Greek Manuscripts of 1 Clement" VChr 73.3 (2019) pp. 241--253

Dunn, Geoffrey D. "Epistolary Sleight of Hand: Diplomatic Manipulation in Zosimus' Letter to Patroclus of Arles (Quid de Proculi)" VChr 73.3 (2019) pp. 254--270

Longenecker, Bruce W. "Pompeian Artifacts and Jesus-Devotion: The Contours of the Issue in the Early Twenty-First Century" VChr 73.3 (2019) pp. 271--296

Saieg, Paul "Lived Theology: Spirit, Economy, and Asceticism in Irenaeus and His Readers" VChr 73.3 (2019) pp. 297--332

Suciu, Alin "Coptic Vestiges of Basil of Caesarea's Asceticon Magnum (CPG 2875)" VChr 73.4 (2019) pp. 359--384

Cook, Patrick "Lactantius on the Death of Galerius: A Re-Reading of De Mortibus Persecutorum 33" VChr 73.4 (2019) pp. 385--403

Ribreau, Mickael "Les heretiques savent-ils ecrire? Les heresiologues 'critiques litteraires' de leurs adversaires" VChr 73.4 (2019) pp. 404--419

Kato, Teppei "Hebrews, Apostles, and Christ: Three Authorities of Jerome's Hebraica Veritas" VChr 73.4 (2019) pp. 420--439

Bergren, Theodore A. "Two 'Mothers' in 5 Ezra 2:1-32" VChr 73.4 (2019) pp. 440--462

Mills, Ian N. "Pagan Readers of Christian Scripture: the Role of Books in Early Autobiographical Conversion Narratives" VChr 73.5 (2019) pp. 481--506

Szesnat, Holger "Eusebius of Caesarea's or Eusebius of Emesa's Theophania? Evidence from the Lemmata in Vaticanus Graecus 1611" VChr 73.5 (2019) pp. 507--515

White, Devin L. "Evagrius of Pontus on Exodus and the Virtues" VChr 73.5 (2019) pp. 516--530

Ungvary, David "Clarifying the Eclipse. Ascetics, Politics, and the Poetics of Power in Post-Roman Iberia" VChr 73.5 (2019) pp. 531--563

Blom, Willem J.C. "Why the Testimonium Taciteum Is Authentic: A Response to Carrier" VChr 73.5 (2019) pp. 564--581

Malykh, Svetlana E. "Ancient Egyptian Ritual of 'Smashing the Red Pottery' (sd dsr.wt) and Red Ceramics of the Old Kingdom" VDI 77.1 (2019) pp. 5-22

Nurullin, Rim M. "On Sumerian Loanwords in Akkadian. Part II" VDI 77.1 (2019) pp. 23-40

Nikolsky, Boris M. "Euripides' Danae fr. 324 Kannicht" VDI 77.1 (2019) pp. 41-57

Smekalova, Tatyana N. "On the Sizes of Land Plots and Units of Their Measurement on the Chora of Tauric Chersonesos" VDI 77.1 (2019) pp. 58-76

Smorchkov, Andrey M. "Valerius MAximus: The Roman at the Turn of the Age [in Russian]" VDI 77.1 (2019) pp. 77-89

Ilyushechkina, Ekaterina V. "A Rhetorical Topic in a Dedicatory Message [in Russian]" VDI 77.1 (2019) pp. 90-101

Mekhamadiev, Evgeniy A. "The Military Policy of Emperor Diocletian 284-305 AD on the Middle Eastern Border of the Roman Empire Military Subdivisions in the Context of the Roman Persian Confrontation" VDI 77.1 (2019) pp. 102-120

Bukharin, Mikhail D. "A Study of the Cave-Temple Complexes Tuyuk-mazar and Bezeklik by the Second Russian Turkestan Expedition in 1915 (Based on the materials of the notebooks of S.F. Oldenburg)" VDI 77.1 (2019) pp. 121-135

Karpyuk, Sergey G., Krikh Sergey B. "Work on 'World History' in the pre-war period: the fruits of efforts" VDI 77.1 (2019) pp. 136-151

Korolenkov, Anton V., Smykov Evgeniy V. "From the latest literature on Gaius Maria" VDI 77.1 (2019) pp. 161-176

Ladynin, Ivan A. "Once Again on the Time-Reckoning 'After Menophris' (A History of a Scholarly Problem and a Search of Its Solution)" VDI 77.2 (2019) pp. 245-265

Grintser, Nikolay P. "Homer, Politics and the Panathenaea" VDI 77.2 (2019) pp. 266-279

Saprykin, Sergey Yu. "Mithridates of Pergamum -- a Known and Unknown Ruler" VDI 77.2 (2019) pp. 280-306

Baryshnikov, Anton Ye. "Kings and 'Kings': Personal Power and Problems in the Reconstruction of the Political History of Pre-Roman Britain" VDI 77.2 (2019) pp. 307-326

Nikolsky, Ivan M. "Political Meaning of the Dracontius' Medea" VDI 77.2 (2019) pp. 327-334

Kurysheva, Marina A. "The Oldest Uncial Script Manuscript of the Mathematike Syntaxis by Claudius Ptolemy Paris. gr. 2389: The Problems of Dating" VDI 77.2 (2019) pp. 335-342

Frangulyan, Lilia R. "'Angel of Mercy': The Coptic Reception of the Image of Archangel Michael" VDI 77.2 (2019) pp. 343-357

Vedeshkin, Mikhail A. "'Men in Black': Early Christian Monks in the Mirror of Pagan Criticism" VDI 77.2 (2019) pp. 358-378

Treister, Mikhail Yu. "Basin(s) from the Burial-Mound No. 1 of the Oktyabr'skiy Necropolis (On the Center of Nomadic Elite Burials in the Don-Volga Interfluve)" VDI 77.2 (2019) pp. 379-415

Dement'eva, Vera V. "Studying the Roman Republic in VDI in the 1930s-1950s" VDI 77.2 (2019) pp. 416-447

Demidchik, Arkadiy E. "Observations on Monumental Stone Construction in Ancient Egyptian Provincial Temples under the Early XIth Dynasty" VDI 77.3 (2019) pp. 548-568

Surikov, Igor E. "Themistocles' Family in Magnesia on the Maeander (A Little-Known Episode from the History of Greek Tyranny)" VDI 77.3 (2019) pp. 569-585

Nikolsky, Boris M. "Euripides' Hecuba: an Essay of Interpretation" VDI 77.3 (2019) pp. 586-607

Zedgenidze, Angelina A. "Chersonesus Taurica: Spatial Organisation of the Stronghold on the Isthmus of the Mayachny Peninsula" VDI 77.3 (2019) pp. 608-639

Smekalova, Tatyana N. "New Data on the Bosporan Coinage in the Time of Mithradates VI" VDI 77.3 (2019) pp. 640-652

Makhlayuk, Alexander V. "The Space of the Roman World in the Res gestae divi Augusti" VDI 77.3 (2019) pp. 653-677

Malykh, Svetlana E. "Ritual Basins from Abu Erteila: the Uniformity of Temple Rites in Meroe" VDI 77.3 (2019) pp. 678-688

Abramzon, Mikhail G.; Novichikhin, Andrey M.; Saprykina, Irina A. "A Hoard of Late Bosporan Staters from the Village of Gai-Kodzor (1986)" VDI 77.3 (2019) pp. 689-702

Abdullaev, Kazim; Donmez, Sevket "Oluz Hoyuk -- Amasya: Discovery of a Site in the North of Central Anatolia" VDI 77.3 (2019) pp. 702-729

Tarasenko, Nikolai A. "The Burial Assemblage of the Egyptian Priestess Nesitaudjatakhet" VDI 77.3 (2019) pp. 730-753

Krol, Alexey A. "Archival Materials on the Egyptological Collection of the Anuchin Research Institute and Museum of Anthropology of the Lomonosov Moscow State University" VDI 77.3 (2019) pp. 754-771

Ladynin, Ivan A. "The Concept of the 'Ancient Orient' in Russian and Soviet Scholarship of the Twentieth Century" VDI 77.3 (2019) pp. 772-792

Makhlayuk, Alexander V. "Alexander Leonidovich Smyshlyaev (1951-2019)" VDI 77.3 (2019) pp. 820-822

Editorial Board "Anniversary of M.B. Piotrovsky" VDI 77.4 (2019) pp. 853-853

Koslova, Natalia V.; Vizirova, Ekaterina Yu. "Organization of Animal Husbandry in Sumer: The Case of Girsu at the End of the Third Millennium B.C." VDI 77.4 (2019) pp. 854-894

Medvedskaya, Inna N. "The Median Kingdom in the History of the Ancient East" VDI 77.4 (2019) pp. 895-904

Semenchenko, Lada V. "Marsyas, Olympos, Hyagnis and the Myth of the Invention of the Aulos" VDI 77.4 (2019) pp. 905-926

Voroniatov, Sergey V. "Bricks with the Tamga Signs of King Aspourgos from the Excavations at Gorgippia" VDI 77.4 (2019) pp. 927-937

Voytenko, Anton A. "The Cult of St. Apollo and Phib in Late Antique Egypt" VDI 77.4 (2019) pp. 938-957

Smirnov, Ilya S. "Ancient History in Classical Chinese Poetry: The Case of a Ming Poetic Anthology (14th to 17 th cent.)" VDI 77.4 (2019) pp. 958-973

Nikolaev, Andrei N. "Sarcophagus of Nahy, the High-Priest of Ptah" VDI 77.4 (2019) pp. 974-991

Ivantchik, Askold I.; Tokhtasyev, Sergey R. "Relief with Dedication by a Thiasos from Tanais" VDI 77.4 (2019) pp. 992-1008

Ryabkova, Tatyana V. "An Early Scythian Gold Overlay for a Wooden Vessel from The State Hermitage" VDI 77.4 (2019) pp. 1009-1021

Ananiev, Vitaliy G.; Bukharin, Mikhail D. "Theory and Practice of Museum Work in S.F. Oldenburg's Activities" VDI 77.4 (2019) pp. 1022-1039

Putnam, Michael C.J. "Nero's Choice: Seneca's De clementia and the Conclusion of the Aeneid" Vergilius 65 (2019) pp. 3-32

Weber, Clifford "Mollis and Its Stylistic Resonance in Vergil" Vergilius 65 (2019) pp. 33-42

Krasne, Darcy A. "A New Look at Vergil's New Sun (Aen. 7.720--721)" Vergilius 65 (2019) pp. 43-60

Schier, Rudolf "Is Giorgione's Inferno with Aeneas and Anchises Really Lost?" Vergilius 65 (2019) pp. 61-98

Kallendorf, Craig "Uncommon Commonplaces: Melanchthon's Vergil Commentary and the Paradox of Popularity" Vergilius 65 (2019) pp. 99-124

Werner, Shirley "Vergilian Bibliography 2018--2019" Vergilius 65 (2019) pp. 125-150

Faucher, Nicolas "Faith and Rhetoric in Giles of Rome" Vivarium 57.1-2 (2019) pp. 1--21

Adamson, Peter "Interroga virtutes naturales: Nature in Giles of Rome's On Ecclesiastical Power" Vivarium 57.1-2 (2019) pp. 22--50

Nothaft, C. Philipp E. "Glorious Science or "Dead Dog"? Jean de Jandun and the Quarrel over Astrology in Fourteenth-Century Paris" Vivarium 57.1-2 (2019) pp. 51--101

Courtenay, William J. "Parisian Theologians in the 1330s" Vivarium 57.1-2 (2019) pp. 102--126

Bakker, Chiara Beneduce And Paul J.J.M. "John Buridan's Quaestiones de secretis mulierum: Edition and Introduction" Vivarium 57.1-2 (2019) pp. 127--181

Halper, Yehuda "The Only Extant, Complete, and Original Hebrew Commentary on the Entire Metaphysics of Aristotle: Eli Habilio and the Influence of Scotism" Vivarium 57.1-2 (2019) pp. 182--205

Silva, Jose Filipe; Thornqvist, Christina Thomsen "Introduction: Assimilation and Representation in Medieval Theories of Cognition" Vivarium 57.3-4 (2019) pp. 223--243

Trifogli, Cecilia "Thomas Aquinas and Giles of Rome on the Reception of Forms without the Matter" Vivarium 57.3-4 (2019) pp. 244--267

Matthen, Mohan "Is the Eye Like What It Sees? A Critique of Aristotle on Sensing by Assimilation" Vivarium 57.3-4 (2019) pp. 268--292

Mora-Marquez, Ana Maria "Singular Intellection in Medieval Commentaries on Aristotle's De anima" Vivarium 57.3-4 (2019) pp. 293--316

Perler, Dominik "Disembodied Cognition and Assimilation: Thirteenth-Century Debates on an Epistemological Puzzle" Vivarium 57.3-4 (2019) pp. 317--340

Muller, Jorn "Adaequatio as Assimilatio: Two Puzzles in Aquinas' Theory of Truth" Vivarium 57.3-4 (2019) pp. 341--372

Philippides, Katerina "Secrets and Lies in Menander's Samia: A Reading of the Play Focused on Light and Darkness" WS 132 (2019) pp. 7

Casella, Mattia Vitelli "Tra mito e toponomastica: le isole Apsirtidi, Apsaros e Tomi" WS 132 (2019) pp. 29

Guasti, Duccio "Cercidas fr. 1 Lom.: Between Hipponax and Diogenes" WS 132 (2019) pp. 47

Fakas, Christos "Hirtenroman und Satyrspiel Zum literarischen Verhaltnis zwischen Longos und Sositheos' Daphnis oder Lityerses" WS 132 (2019) pp. 55

Schmidt, Ernst A. "Liebe und Sexualitat in drei Gedichten des jungen Vergil (Catalepton 13, 1 und 6) Interpretation und Echtheitskritik" WS 132 (2019) pp. 73

Woytek, Erich "Ein literarisches Geschenk mit grossem Vorbild: Catalepton 9 und Ciris nach Catulls carmina 65 und 66" WS 132 (2019) pp. 105

Kreuz, Gottfried "Latinus fidicen Horaz' lyrische didache in den 'Paradeoden'" WS 132 (2019) pp. 115

Tsitsiou-Chelidoni, Chrysanthe "Horaz uber das romische Drama" WS 132 (2019) pp. 171

Coomans, Diane; Desy, Philippe "Prudence et les Centaures (Prud. psych. et Ov. met. 12, 64 -- 535)" WS 132 (2019) pp. 195

Reed, Kelly; Ryan, Philippa "Lessons from the past and the future of food" WorldArch 51.1 (2019) pp. 1-16

Landeschi, Giacomo "Rethinking GIS, three-dimensionality and space perception in archaeology" WorldArch 51.1 (2019) pp. 17-32

Monteith, Francesca; Harris, Andrew "Big Buddhas, pilgrims and pagodas: an examination of the social geography of Buddhist sites in Rongxian, southern Sichuan" WorldArch 51.1 (2019) pp. 33-46

Miller, G. Logan; Bebber, Michelle R.; Rutkoski, Ashley; Haythorn, Richard; Boulanger, Matthew T.; Buchanan, Briggs; Bush, Jennifer; Lovejoy, C. Owen; Eren, Metin I. "Hunter-gatherer gatherings: stone-tool microwear from the Welling Site (33-Co-2), Ohio, U.S.A. supports Clovis use of outcrop-related base camps during the Pleistocene Peopling of the Americas" WorldArch 51.1 (2019) pp. 47-75

Greenfield, Haskel; Marciniak, Arkadiusz "Retention of old technologies following the end of the Neolithic: microscopic analysis of the butchering marks on animal bones from Catalhoyuk East" WorldArch 51.1 (2019) pp. 76-103

Lynch, Virginia; Gariglio, Jorgelina Vargas; Enrique, Daniel Terranova "Engraved stone plaquettes from the North Patagonian area (Somuncura plateau, Rio Negro, Argentina) and the use of different microscopic techniques for their analysis" WorldArch 51.1 (2019) pp. 104-125

Higham, T. F. G.; Heep, Godfrey S. "Reply to: 'In the eye of the beholder: contextual issues for Bayesian modelling at the Middle-to-Upper Palaeolithic transition', by Discamps, Gravina and Teyssandier (2015)" WorldArch 51.1 (2019) pp. 126-133

Discamps, Emmanuel; Gravina, Brad; Teyssandier, Nicolas "Comments on Higham and Heep (2017): 'Reply to: 'In the eye of the beholder: contextual issues for Bayesian modelling at the middle-to-upper Palaeolithic transition', by Discamps, Gravina and Teyssandier (2015)'" WorldArch 51.1 (2019) pp. 134-139

LoVschal, Mette; Fontijn, David "Directionality and axiality in the Bronze Age: cross-regional landscape perspectives on 'fire pit lines' and other pitted connections" WorldArch 51.1 (2019) pp. 140-156

Weeks, L.; Cable, C.M.; Franke, K.A.; Karacic, S.; Newton, C.; Roberts, J.; Stepanov, I.; Mcrae, I.K.; Moore, M.W.; David-Cuny, H.; Aali, Y.Y. Al; Boraik, M.; Zein, H.M. "Saruq al-Hadid: a persistent temporary place in late prehistoric Arabia" WorldArch 51.1 (2019) pp. 157-182

van Dommelen, Peter "Rural works and days -- a subaltern perspective" WorldArch 51.2 (2019) pp. 183-190

Van Oyen, Astrid "Rural time" WorldArch 51.2 (2019) pp. 191-207

McHugh, Maeve "To reap a rich harvest: experiencing agricultural labour in ancient Greece" WorldArch 51.2 (2019) pp. 208-225

Marin-Aguilera, Beatriz "Weaving rural economies: textile production and societal complexity in Iron Age south-western Iberia" WorldArch 51.2 (2019) pp. 226-251

Parikh, Danika; Petrie, Cameron A. "'We are inheritors of a rural civilisation': rural complexity and the ceramic economy in the Indus Civilisation in northwest India" WorldArch 51.2 (2019) pp. 252-272

Escribano-Ruiz, Sergio "The centrality of the margins. Global intersections of a Basque rural area in the recent past" WorldArch 51.2 (2019) pp. 273-290

Andreou, Georgia M. "Socioeconomics of agrarian production: considering rural cooperatives in the archaeology of the eastern Mediterranean through the lens of 2nd millennium BCE Cyprus" WorldArch 51.2 (2019) pp. 291-310

Stagno, Anna Maria "Investigating rural change. Legal access rights and changing lifestyles in rural mountain communities (Ligurian Apennines, Italy, 16th-21st centuries)" WorldArch 51.2 (2019) pp. 311-327

Meehan, Pascale "Rural responses following collapse: insights from Monte El Santo, Oaxaca, Mexico" WorldArch 51.2 (2019) pp. 328-345

Janz, Lisa; Conolly, James "Margins of the centre or critical peripheries?" WorldArch 51.3 (2019) pp. 347-354

Dyakonov, Viktor M.; Pestereva, Kunney A.; Stepanov, Alexander D.; Mason, Owen K. "The spread of metal and metal production technology in the Far Northeast and Alaska over the second millennium BC to the first millennium AD" WorldArch 51.3 (2019) pp. 355-381

Popov, Alexander N.; Zhushchikhovskaya, Irina S.; Nikitin, Yuri G. "Paleometal Epoch in the Primorye (south of the Far East of Russia)" WorldArch 51.3 (2019) pp. 382-407

Takase, Katsunori "Long-term marine resource use in Hokkaido, Northern Japan: new insights into sea mammal hunting and fishing" WorldArch 51.3 (2019) pp. 408-428

Gjesfjeld, Erik; Etnier, Michael A.; Takase, Katsunori; Brown, William A.; Fitzhugh, Ben "Biogeography and adaptation in the Kuril Islands, Northeast Asia" WorldArch 51.3 (2019) pp. 429-453

Mason, Owen K.; Rasic, Jeffrey T. "Walrusing, whaling and the origins of the Old Bering Sea culture" WorldArch 51.3 (2019) pp. 454-483

Friesen, T. Max; O'Rourke, Michael J. E. "Biogeographic barriers and coastal erosion: understanding the lack of interaction between the Eastern and Western Regions of the North American Arctic" WorldArch 51.3 (2019) pp. 484-501

Sykes, Naomi; Spriggs, Matthew; Evin, Allowen "Beyond curse or blessing: the opportunities and challenges of aDNA analysis" WorldArch 51.4 (2019) pp. 503-516

Hakenbeck, Susanne E. "Genetics, archaeology and the far right: an unholy Trinity" WorldArch 51.4 (2019) pp. 517-527

Frieman, Catherine J.; Hofmann, Daniela "Present pasts in the archaeology of genetics, identity, and migration in Europe: a critical essay" WorldArch 51.4 (2019) pp. 528-545

Millar, Craig D.; Lambert, David M. "Archaeogenetics and human evolution: the ontogeny of a biological discipline" WorldArch 51.4 (2019) pp. 546-559

Sirak, Kendra A.; Sedig, Jakob W. "Balancing analytical goals and anthropological stewardship in the midst of the paleogenomics revolution" WorldArch 51.4 (2019) pp. 560-573

Charlton, Sophy; Booth, Thomas; Barnes, Ian "The problem with petrous? A consideration of the potential biases in the utilization of pars petrosa for ancient DNA analysis" WorldArch 51.4 (2019) pp. 574-585

Booth, Thomas J. "A stranger in a strange land: a perspective on archaeological responses to the palaeogenetic revolution from an archaeologist working amongst palaeogeneticists" WorldArch 51.4 (2019) pp. 586-601

Collard, Mark; Wasef, Sally; Adams, Shaun; Wright, Kirsty; Mitchell, R. John; Wright, Joanne L.; Wrobel, Gabriel; Nagle, Nano; Miller, Adrian; Wood, Rachel; Pietsch, Timothy J.; Pellekaan, Sheila Van Holst; Flinders, Clarence; Westaway, Michael C. "Giving it a burl: towards the integration of genetics, isotope chemistry, and osteoarchaeology in Cape York, Tropical North Queensland, Australia" WorldArch 51.4 (2019) pp. 602-619

Spriggs, Matthew; Reich, David "An ancient DNA Pacific journey: a case study of collaboration between archaeologists and geneticists" WorldArch 51.4 (2019) pp. 620-639

Gonzalez-Ruibal, Alfredo "War between neighbours: the archaeology of internal conflict and civil war" WorldArch 51.5 (2019) pp. 641-653

FernaNdez-GoTz, Manuel; Arnold, Bettina "Internal conflict in Iron Age Europe: methodological challenges and possible scenarios" WorldArch 51.5 (2019) pp. 654-672

Scarsella, Elena "War and warriors in the Archaic Aterno Valley (Central-Italy)" WorldArch 51.5 (2019) pp. 673-688

Mcnutt, Ryan K. "The archaeology of military prisons from the American Civil War: globalization, resistance and masculinity" WorldArch 51.5 (2019) pp. 689-708

Roldan-Bergaratxea, Iban; MartiN-Etxebarria, Gorka; Escribano-Ruiz, Sergio "The archaeology of civil conflict in nineteenth century Spain: material, social and mnemonic consequences of the Carlist Wars" WorldArch 51.5 (2019) pp. 709-723

Davidson, Iain; Burke, Heather; Sullivan, Lance; Wallis, Lynley A.; Artym, Ursula; Barker, Bryce "Cultural conflict in text and materiality: the impact of words and lead on the northwest Queensland colonial frontier, Australia" WorldArch 51.5 (2019) pp. 724-740

Seitsonen, Oula; Mullins, Paul R.; Ylimaunu, Timo "Public memory, National Heritage, and memorialization of the 1918 Finnish Civil War" WorldArch 51.5 (2019) pp. 741-758

MunOz-Encinar, Laura "Unearthing gendered repression: an analysis of the violence suffered by women during the civil war and Franco's dictatorship in Southwestern Spain" WorldArch 51.5 (2019) pp. 759-777

Souza, Rafael De Abreu E "Landscapes of resistance and counterinsurgency in Brazil: an archaeology of the Araguaia Guerrilla (1972-1975)" WorldArch 51.5 (2019) pp. 778-793

Schachner, Andreas; Beckmann, Carina; Guzzo, Natalia Bolatti; Kruger, Dominique; Kuhn, Sven; Marazzi, Massimiliano; Pepe, Carla; Repola, Leopoldo; Schwemer Daniel; Ubben, Mareke "Die Ausgrabungen in Bogazkoy-Hattusa 2019" AA 2020.1 (2020) pp. 10-66

Kay, Stephen; Trumper, Monika; Heinzelmann, Michael; Pomar, Elena "Geophysical Survey at Morgantina" AA 2020.1 (2020) pp. 68-91

Steinmann, Lisa "Finds from Miletus XXXII. Clay Rings from the Sanctuary of Dionysos in Miletus" AA 2020.1 (2020) pp. 92-119

Kansteiner, Sascha "Lysipps Statuen des Herakles" AA 2020.1 (2020) pp. 120-137

Reinhardt, Arne "Der schlaffe Thyrsos. Zur Plinthe des Farnesischen Stiers und zur Frage der expliziten kunstlerischen Selbstreferenz in kaiserzeitlichen Marmorbildwerken" AA 2020.1 (2020) pp. 138-161

Pirson, Felix; Aksan, Zeki Mete; Becker, Fabian; Bes, Philip; Erkul, Ercan; Feuser, Stefan; Keweloh-Kaletta, Anneke; Knitter, Daniel; Ludwig, Bernhard; Mania, Ulrich; Meinecke, Matthias; Neuenfeld, Nicole; Piesker, Katja; Rabbel, Wolfgang; Schutt, Brigitta; Schulz-Brize, Thekla; Steglich, Julika; Teegen, Wolf-Rudiger; Altay, Secil Tezer; Yang, Xun; Yeneroglu, Ihsan "Pergamon, Das neue Forschungsprogramm und die Arbeiten in der Kampagne 2019" AA 2020.1 (2020) pp. 152-253

Heijnen, Sam; Moormann, Eric M. ", Portrait Head of Severus Alexander in Delft" AA 2020.1 (2020) pp. 162-170

Lembke, Katja; Caputo, Clementina; Erkul, Ercan; Haberland, Rex; Mecking, Rebekka; Rabbel, Wolfgang; Schlehofer, Jenny H.; StUMpel, Harald; Westphalen, Katharina "Von der Nekropole zum Siedlungsplatz. Bericht uber die Grabungskampagnen 2018 und 2019 in der Petosiris-Nekropole von Tuna el-Gebel" AA 2020.1 (2020) pp. 172-223

Niewohner, Philipp; Berns, Christof; Giese, Stefan; Huy, Sabine; Izdebski, Adam; Vacek, Alexander "Arbeiten in Milet in den Jahren 2012 bis 2016. Chronik, neue Befunde aus antiker, byzantinischer und turkischer Zeit sowie Denkmalpflege" AA 2020.1 (2020) pp. 224-267

Vieweger, Dieter; Zimni, Jennifer; Schopf, Friederike; Wurz, Michael "DEI Excavations on the Southwestern Slope of Mount Zion (2015--2019)" AA 2020.1 (2020) pp. 268-292

Huy, Sabine; Mommsen, Hans; Dally, Ortwin "Herkunftsbestimmung von Keramik aus der Siedlung Taganrog am unteren Don durch Neutronen aktivierungs analyse" AA 2020.2 (2020) pp. 8-81

Robinson, Mark; Trumper, Monika; Brunenberg, Clemens; Dickmann, Jens-Arne; Esposito, Domenico; Ferrandes, Antonio F.; Pardini, Giacomo; Pegurri, Alessandra; Rummel, Christoph "Stabian Baths in Pompeii. New Research on the Archaic Defenses of the City" AA 2020.2 (2020) pp. 82-119

Schmaltz, Bernhard "Der Rundbau am Theater in Kaunos. Eine skope/ein Beobachtungsplatz?" AA 2020.2 (2020) pp. 120-151

Filippi, Fedora "Una nuova testa di Ares dal Campo Marzio" AA 2020.2 (2020) pp. 254-269

Cecconi, Niccolo "Il tempio e il culto della Tyche Poleos ad Atene" AA 2020.2 (2020) pp. 270-299

Gulsen, F. Fatih; Durugonul, Serra "A Hygieia-Hypnos Statue from Anazarbos" AA 2020.2 (2020) pp. 300-311

Schmidts, Thomas; Basaran, Sait; Bolten, Andreas; Bruckner, Helmut; Bucherl, Heike; Cramer, Anja; Dan, Anca; Dennert, Martin; Erkul, Ercan; Heinz, Guido; Kocak, Mustafa; Pint, Anna; Seeliger, Martin; Triantafillidis, Ioannis; Wilken, Dennis; Wunderlich, Tina "Die thrakische Hafenstadt Ainos. Ergebnisse eines interdisziplinaren Forschungsprojektes" AA 2020.2 (2020) pp. 312-374

Balzer, Marjorie Mandelstam "Editorial: Indigeneity and Sovereignty in Russia" AAEur 59.1 (2020) pp. 1-7

Guchinova, Elza-Bair "Awaiting the Chakravarti-Tsar: Buddhists and Politics in Contemporary Kalmykia" AAEur 59.1 (2020) pp. 8-28

Nikanorova, Liudmila "Religion-Making at the Sakha Yhyakh" AAEur 59.1 (2020) pp. 29-51

Varfolomeeva, Anna "Indigenous Identity in the Resource Landscape of Buryatia's Oka District" AAEur 59.1 (2020) pp. 52-68

Magomedkhanov, Magomedkhan M. "On the Correlation of Religious, Civic, and Ethnocultural Foundations For Dagestani Self-Awareness" AAEur 59.1 (2020) pp. 69-78

Balzer, Marjorie Mandelstam "Editorial: Introduction: Amazons and Dianas? Female Burials in Perspective" AAEur 59.2 (2020) pp. 79-83

Kharinskii, A.V.; Erdenebaatar, D.; Portniagin, M.A.; Argilbayar, S.; Kichigin, D.E. "Female Burials in the Thirteenth Through Fourteenth Centuries. The Nogoon Gozgor 1 Burial Site in the Northern Khovsgol Area" AAEur 59.2 (2020) pp. 84-111

Tadina, Nadezhda A. "A Native Anthropologist's View on Covering the "Altai Princess" Problem" AAEur 59.2 (2020) pp. 112-127

Lukpanova, Yana A. "Female Burials from Kurgan No. 1 of the Zhaiyk-1 Burial Site in Western Kazakhstan" AAEur 59.2 (2020) pp. 128-148

Berseneva, Natalia A. "Female Burials with Weapons: Realities of Life or a Reflections of Social Identity? (Based on Materials of the Sargat Culture)" AAEur 59.2 (2020) pp. 149-165

Overtoom, Nikolaus Leo "The Parthians' Failed Vassalage of Syria: The Shortsighted Western Policy of Phraates Ii and the Second Reign of Demetrius Ii (129--125 BCE)" AAntHung 60.1-2 (2020) pp. 1-14

Ruta, Alessio "Pindaro, Pitica 6,13 Tra Critica Antica E Moderna" AAntHung 60.1-2 (2020) pp. 15-20

Giaquinta, Irene "Dem. In Aristog. I 40: Una Metafora Platonica?" AAntHung 60.1-2 (2020) pp. 21-26

Vitek, Tomas "Greek Necromancy: Reality or Myth?" AAntHung 60.1-2 (2020) pp. 27-51

Kuokkanen, Suvi "Athenian Ostrakismos and the Hybris of a Would-Be Tyrant" AAntHung 60.1-2 (2020) pp. 53-70

Fratantuono, Lee "The Head of Medusa: Gorgon Imagery in Virgil's Aeneid" AAntHung 60.1-2 (2020) pp. 71-81

Szabo, Ferenc Krisztian "The Structure of Nepos' Book on Foreign Generals" AAntHung 60.1-2 (2020) pp. 83-104

Darab, Agnes "'Why Should I not State my Opinion, Right or Wrong?' Considerations for Literary Criticism in the Letters of Pliny the Younger" AAntHung 60.1-2 (2020) pp. 105-119

Dehon, Pierre-Jacques "Poetes Latins Et Rondes Des Saisons : Un Theme Et Ses Variations" AAntHung 60.1-2 (2020) pp. 121-148

Darwish, Hisham A. "The Alcaic Odes of Horace and Greek Poems of the Early 20th Century" AAntHung 60.1-2 (2020) pp. 149-170

Gregoratti, Leonardo "'Minor' Aquileian Families Between Noricum and Pannonia" AAntHung 60.1-2 (2020) pp. 171-184

Visy, Zsolt "Early Christianity in the Region of Sopianae and the New Casket Mounts from Bakonya" AAntHung 60.1-2 (2020) pp. 185-200

Johnston, Patricia A.; Mastrocinque, Attilo "2018 Symposium Classicum Peregrinum: 'Blessings and Curses in Antiquity' June 21--24, 2018 Lonato del Garda, Italy" AAntHung 60.3-4 (2020) pp. 201--208 <-- DOI: -->

Jakubiec, Alexandre "A new way of understanding the relationship between men and the gods: Socrates, gods and wealth" AAntHung 60.3-4 (2020) pp. 209--218

Corre, Nicolas "Between the pure and the impure: The peculiar case of the homo sacer" AAntHung 60.3-4 (2020) pp. 219--228

Serio, Chiara Di "Signs and premonitions for Alexander's reign" AAntHung 60.3-4 (2020) pp. 229--240

Mastrocinque, Attilio "Sacratio capitis, devotio, and blood in the Roman law and religion" AAntHung 60.3-4 (2020) pp. 241--247

Freyburger-Galland, Marie-Laure "Cassius Dio and the Sacred" AAntHung 60.3-4 (2020) pp. 249--256

Gagliardi, Paola "Blessings and curses in Virgil's Eclogues" AAntHung 60.3-4 (2020) pp. 257--272

Quartarone, Lorina N. "Dido's curse of Aeneas and Rome: An historical endorsement of prophetic emotions" AAntHung 60.3-4 (2020) pp. 273--283

Johnston, Patricia A. "Anna Perenna in Vergil, Ovid, and Statius: A Curse or A Blessing?" AAntHung 60.3-4 (2020) pp. 285--291

Carboni, Romina "Magic and maleficia in the Ancient World: The case of Roman Sardinia" AAntHung 60.3-4 (2020) pp. 293--302

Giuman, Marco; Napolitano, Miriam "Contra invidentium effascinationes: Prophylaxis and the evil eye in some gems of the republican Roman era with grotesque subjects" AAntHung 60.3-4 (2020) pp. 303--317

Parodo, Ciro "The celebration of the lizard: The iconography and iconology of a magic ritual against the evil forces" AAntHung 60.3-4 (2020) pp. 319--334

Pedrucci, Giulia "Who protects children in the Roman religion? From whom? Some reflections concerning Carna, Ino, and Thesan, in connection with Mater Matuta" AAntHung 60.3-4 (2020) pp. 335--352

Kellova, Michaela "'Who is his mother so I can curse him?': The role of the mother as a passive (dangerous) medium on curse tablets" AAntHung 60.3-4 (2020) pp. 353--362

Stern, Gaius "Devotio and human sacrifice in archaic Italy and Rome" AAntHung 60.3-4 (2020) pp. 363--398

Blomart, Alain "The prayers of evocatio and devotio: Between religious ritual and Roman law" AAntHung 60.3-4 (2020) pp. 399--416

Sarefield, Daniel "'To the ravens': Curses from the Oracle of Abonouteichos" AAntHung 60.3-4 (2020) pp. 417--427

Lambrugo, Claudia "The power of ancient stones: Protecting children in Greek Sicily" AAntHung 60.3-4 (2020) pp. 429--443

Ceci, Francesca; Martini, Annarita "The Filatterio Capitolino, The Greek-Jewish foil preserved in The Musei Capitolini: A new contribution concerning its discovery site" AAntHung 60.3-4 (2020) pp. 445--467

Cruccas, Emiliano "Blessings for the sailors. The cult of the Great Gods of Samothrace in the Mediterranean context between the Hellenistic and Roman Ages" AAntHung 60.3-4 (2020) pp. 469--479

Ionescu, Dan-Tudor "The oath and the breaking of oath as curse in the ancient Celtic world: The case of the encounter between the Celts and Alexander the Great on the Danube in 335 BC" AAntHung 60.3-4 (2020) pp. 481--488

Stroulia, Anna "Mending fragments: stone vessels from Franchthi and other Greek Neolithic sites" ABSA 115 (2020) pp. 1-58

Choleva, Maria "Travelling with the potter's wheel in the Early Bronze Age Aegean" ABSA 115 (2020) pp. 59-104

Sbonias, Kostas; Tzachili, Iris; Efstathiou, Maya; Palyvou, Clairy; Athanasiou, Costas; Farinetti, Emeri; Moullou, Dorina "The early and Middle Bronze Age settlement at Koimisis, Therasia: periods of habitation and architecture" ABSA 115 (2020) pp. 105-132

Dickinson, Oliver T. P. K. "The Middle Helladic pottery of Lefkandi phases IV-VI: an introduction" ABSA 115 (2020) pp. 133-174

Aravantinos, Vassilis L.; Fappas, Ioannis; Galanakis, Yannis "Atop the Kadmeia: Mycenaean roof tiles from Thebes in context" ABSA 115 (2020) pp. 175-245

Antognelli Michel, Nicoletta "Wingless griffins among papyrus plants from Neopalatial Knossos?: a reconstruction proposal of the seal impression, CMS II8, 321" ABSA 115 (2020) pp. 247-268

Lis, Bartlomiej; Kiriatzi, Evangelia; Batziou, Anthi; Ruckl, Stepan "Dealing with the crisis: mobility of Aeginetan-tradition potters around 1200 BC" ABSA 115 (2020) pp. 269-327

Nevett, Lisa C.; Tsigarida, E. Bettina; Archibald, Zosia H.; Stone, David L.; Ault, Bradley A.; Akamatis, Nikos; Cuijpers, Elena; Donati, Jamieson C.; Garcia-Granero, Juan Jose; Hartenberger, Britt; Horsley, Timothy; Lancelotti, Carla; Margaritis, Evi; Alcaina-Mateos, Jonas; Nanoglou, Stratos; Panti, Anna; Papadopoulos, Nikos; Pecci, Alessandra; Salminen, Elina; Sarris, Apostolos; Stallibrass, Susan M.; Tzochev, Chavdar; Valdambrini, Chiara "Constructing the 'urban profile' of an ancient Greek city: evidence from the Olynthos Project" ABSA 115 (2020) pp. 329-378

Shevchenko, Tetiana "Thymiateria and the cult of Aphrodite in Olbia Pontica" ABSA 115 (2020) pp. 379-399

Beaton, Roderick; Bennet, John; Kallimopoulou, Eleni; Poulos, Panagiotis; Williams, Chris "Popular music of the Greek world: a note from the organisers" ABSA 115 (2020) pp. 401-402

Herzfeld, Michael "Seductions of the bouzouki and the brass band: transgressive reflections on Mikis Theodorakis and Giuseppe Verdi" ABSA 115 (2020) pp. 403-417

Cadogan, Gerald "Hugh Sackett (1928-2020)" ABSA 115 (2020) pp. 419-427

Adamik, Bela "The transformation of the vowel system in Afrcian Latin with a focus on vowel mergers as evidenced in inscriptions and the problem of the dialectal positioning of Roman Africa" ACD 56 (2020) pp. 9-26

Barta, Andrea "Parallel phrases and interaction in Greek and Latin magical texts: the Pannonian set of curse tablets" ACD 56 (2020) pp. 27-36

Rallo, Giuseppe Eugenio "The 'comoedia Togata', a 'Roman' literary genre?" ACD 56 (2020) pp. 27-246

Beu-Dachin, Eugenia "Linguistic peculiarities in the Latin inscriptions from Potaissa (Dacia)" ACD 56 (2020) pp. 37-60

Gaspar, Catarina "Ortography as described in Latin grammars and spelling in Latin epigraphic text" ACD 56 (2020) pp. 61-72

Gonda, Attila "Frameworks of reference in the identification of Latin dialects" ACD 56 (2020) pp. 73-98

Kuncer, Dragana "CIL III 9527 as evidence of spoken Latin in sixth-century Dalmatia" ACD 56 (2020) pp. 99-106

Papini, Alessandro "A preliminary investigation on the 'ae'/'e' graphemic oscillation in Latin inscriptions from Rome: the relationship between vowel alternations, lexical stress and syllabic structure" ACD 56 (2020) pp. 107-124

Paulus, Nora "A study on the weakenig of the world final -'s' compared to -'m' in the epigraphic corpus" ACD 56 (2020) pp. 125-144

Tamponi, Lucia "Remarks on vowel deletion in Latin inscriptions from Sardinia" ACD 56 (2020) pp. 145-164

Tantimonaco, Silvia "Consonantal degemination in Latin inscriptions of the Roman Empire: a dialectological and sociolinguistic perspective" ACD 56 (2020) pp. 165-178

Vagasi, Tunde "Minitrae et Numini eius: a Celtic deity and the Vulgar Latin Aquicum" ACD 56 (2020) pp. 179-193

Fiore, Giulia "Honesty, shame, courage: reconsidering the Socratic elenchus" ACD 56 (2020) pp. 197-206

Ricci, Luca "Contextualising fregellae: local interests in a 'globalised' Mediterranean" ACD 56 (2020) pp. 207-226

Somfai, Peter "Fathers and sons: Catullan echoes of remembering and forgetting in Vergil's 'Aeneid'" ACD 56 (2020) pp. 247-258

Markelov, Andrei Y. "Velleius Paterculus and the Roman Senate at the beginning of the Principate" ACD 56 (2020) pp. 259-270

Gellerfi, Gergo "Fleeing sisters: the Golden Age in Juvenal 6" ACD 56 (2020) pp. 271-280

Leshem, Bar "From grief to 'Superbia': the myth of Niobe in Greek and Roman funerary art" ACD 56 (2020) pp. 281-296

Dobias, Karel "Life and work of Prague master Simon of Tisnov" ACD 56 (2020) pp. 297-308

Csapo, Fanni "On the manuscript(s) of Lazius' description of Transylvania" ACD 56 (2020) pp. 309-326

Seres, Daniel "Religious vocabulary in Demosthenes' speech 'Against Timocrates'" ACD 56 (2020) pp. 327-340

Jerue, Benjamin A. "'Callidus' and comedy: a new argument for an old etimology" ACD 56 (2020) pp. 341-350

Fratantuono, Lee "Virgil's Dido and the Death of Marcus Antonius" ACD 56 (2020) pp. 351

Andreeva, Eugenia N. "Inscribed Spherical Agate Gemstone from the Anapa Region Revisited" ACSS 26.1 (2020) pp. 1-25

Mordvintseva, Valentina I. "Non-Urban Societies of the Crimea and Their Response to Changes in the External World Based on the Burials of Elites from the 3rd Century BC to the mid--3rd Century AD)" ACSS 26.1 (2020) pp. 26-82

Lysenko, Aleksandr V.; Masyakin, Vyacheslav V. "A Roman Figured Weight from the Sanctuary of Eklizi-Burun (Southern Crimea)" ACSS 26.1 (2020) pp. 83-111

Dupont, Pierre; Lungu, Vasilica "Lydian Sardis and Its Sphere of Influence in the Light of Laboratory Analysis Results" ACSS 26.1 (2020) pp. 112-145

Daragan, Marina N. "Scythian Leather Quiver from Bulgakovo" ACSS 26.1 (2020) pp. 146-171

Treister, Alexey V. Belousov And Mikhail "Inscribed Ceremonial Dagger from a Princely Sarmatian Burial near the Village of Kosika in the Lower Volga Region" ACSS 26.1 (2020) pp. 172-206

Van~Zyl, Deon "David Meiring Kriel (5/11/1930 -- 12/3/2019): A Versatile Classicist" AClass 63 (2020) pp. 1-7 document online

Atkinson, John "Maurice W.M. Pope (17/2/1926 -- 1/8/2019)" AClass 63 (2020) pp. 9-14 document online

Alston, Richard "Ethnic Violence in Roman Alexandria: A Comparative Approach*" AClass 63 (2020) pp. 15-42 document online

Ando, Clifford "The Future's Past: Fiction, Biography, and Status in Roman Law" AClass 63 (2020) pp. 43-55 document online

De~Decker, Filip "Some General Observations on the Use of the Augment in Verbs Formed from the Root Ktaktein.*" AClass 63 (2020) pp. 56-110 document online

De~Villiers, Annemarie "The Liminality of Loss: Catullus on His Brother's Death" AClass 63 (2020) pp. 111-124 document online

Garstad, Benjamin "Juvenal's Nabataean Grove (11.126)" AClass 63 (2020) pp. 125-142 document online

Marsico, Claudia "On the Common Ground of the Socratic Philosophies: The Anthropological Core" AClass 63 (2020) pp. 143-161 document online

Overduin, Floris "The Tragic Fate of the Epic Helmsman" AClass 63 (2020) pp. 162-185 document online

Pozza, Marianna; Gasbarra, Valentina "Tra Technh E Processi Mentali: Riflessioni Su Alcuni Dati Linguistici Ittiti E Micenei*" AClass 63 (2020) pp. 186-204 document online

Horn, Fabian "The 'Mantle of Stone' Re-Worked: Comments on the Relationship of Lycoph. Alex. 333 to Hom. IL. 3.57 and the Style of Lycophron's Alexandra*" AClass 63 (2020) pp. 205-212 document online

Hullinger, David "Once in a Pink Moon (Sappho 96.8 LP)" AClass 63 (2020) pp. 213-217 document online

Kanellakis, Dimitrios "Aristophanes' Knights 169--75 and Birds 175--77" AClass 63 (2020) pp. 218-221 document online

Uria, Javier "Volunt or Volant? Ancients and Moderns on a Variant Reading of Verg. Aen. 1.150*" AClass 63 (2020) pp. 222-230 document online

Wardle, David "Valerius Maximus on 'Undeserved Triumphs' (2.8.5)*" AClass 63 (2020) pp. 231-240 document online

Whitaker, Richard "Homer's Odyssey Three Ways: Recent Translations by Verity, Wilson, and Green" AClass 63 (2020) pp. 241-254 document online

Finn, Jennifer "The Ship of Aeneas" AHB 34.1-2 (2020) pp. 1-24

Caneva, S.G. "Back to Rhodes: Pausanias, Rhodian inscriptions, and Ptolemy's civic acclamation as Soter" AHB 34.1-2 (2020) pp. 25-37

Nicholson, Emma "Hellenic Romans and Barbaric Macedonians: Polybius on Hellenism and Changing Hegemonic Powers" AHB 34.1-2 (2020) pp. 38-73

Tamiolaki, Melina "Herodotus, Cretan neutrality and the Peloponnesian War. Revisiting Hdt. 7.169-171" AHB 34.1-2 (2020) pp. 74-93

Rose, Thomas C. "The Life and Afterlife of a Hellenistic Flagship: The "Sixteen" of Demetrius Poliorcetes Revisited" AHB 34.3-4 (2020) pp. 94-112

Ferrario, Marco "Uno, nessuno, centomila. L'Asia centrale achemenide e le sue fonti: alcune note di merito e di metodo. Parte 1" AHB 34.3-4 (2020) pp. 113-137

Occhipinti, Egidia "The treaty of alliance between Athens and Carystus: Supplements for lines 2-3 and 4-6 and further historical considerations" AHB 34.3-4 (2020) pp. 138-154

Eckerman, Chris "Review Article: Richard Neer and Leslie Kurke, Pindar, Song, and Space: Towards a Lyric Archaeology. Johns Hopkins, 2019" AHB 34.3-4 (2020) pp. 155-

Freyer-Schauenburg, Brigitte "Eine Milesierin in Samos? Zur Serie der unterlebensgrossen Sitzfiguren aus Milet" AK 63 (2020) pp. 3-24

Franken, Norbert "Lasttrager. Zum Verstandnis zweier romischer Bronzestatuetten aus Agypten" AK 63 (2020) pp. 25-35

Ackermann, Guy; Pop, Laureline "Une statue de L. Mummius Achaicus au Gymnase d'Eretrie ?" AK 63 (2020) pp. 36-54

Cipriani, Mariella "Due Rilievi Ludovisi ritrovati nell'Ambasciata degli stati uniti d'America a Roma" AK 63 (2020) pp. 55-68

Kankeleit, Alexandra "Briefe aus dem Exil: Karl Lehmann und Karl Schefold im Jahr 1945" AK 63 (2020) pp. 69-93

Guggisberg, Martin A.; Billo-Imbach, Marta; Spichtig, Norbert "Basler Ausgrabungen in Francavilla Marittima (Kalabrien). Bericht uber die Kampagne 2019" AK 63 (2020) pp. 93-104

Reber, Karl; Knoepfler, Denis; Karapaschalidou, Amalia; Krapf, Tobias; Greger, Daniela; Ackermann, Guy; Andre, Jerome "Les activites de l'Ecole suisse d'archeologie en Grece en 2019. L'Artemision d'Amarynthos et les pistes de course du Gymnase d'Eretrie" AK 63 (2020) pp. 105-119

Beck, Julien; Sotiriou, Andreas "Baie de Kiladha 2019" AK 63 (2020) pp. 120-134

Baumer, Lorenz E.; Mistretta, Alessia "Topografia ed urbanistica di Lilibeo. Nuovi dati dagli scavi dell'Insula IX di Capo Boeo" AK 63 (2020) pp. 135-152

Mango, Elena; Boglione, Marcella; Mistireki, Aleksandra "Achter Vorbericht zu den Forschungen in Himera (2019) -- (folgt)" AK 63 (2020) pp. 153

Vitale, Salvatore; Van de Moortel, Aleydis "The Late Helladic IIIB phase at Mitrou, East Lokris: pottery, chronology, and political relations with the palatial polities of Thebes and Orchomenos/Glas" ASAA 98 (2020) pp. 9-59

Bombardieri, Luca "The Necropoli a mare reloaded. Fifty years after the Italian Archaeological Project at Late Bronze Age Ayia Irini, Cyprus" ASAA 98 (2020) pp. 60-71

Bottini, Angelo "In search of the origins of Metapontion: the tombs of Fondo Giacovelli" ASAA 98 (2020) pp. 72-101

Di Cesare, Riccardo "'Gli interi colonnati'. Un'ipotesi per l'iscrizione dell'Apollonion di Siracusa" ASAA 98 (2020) pp. 102-126

Bellelli, Vincenzo "Et numquam ad vastas irrita tela feras (Prop. El. IX.40). Eracle saettante in Grecia, Magna Grecia ed Etruria" ASAA 98 (2020) pp. 127-163

Lamaze, Jeremy "Nourrir les dieux par inhalation. La fumee sacrificielle en Grece ancienne comme mode de communication entre les hommes et les puissances divines" ASAA 98 (2020) pp. 164-189

Heesen, Pieter "Stories to be told: unknown Athenian little-master cups in the National Archaeological Museum of Florence" ASAA 98 (2020) pp. 190-204

Iozzo, Mario "Un coperchio 'calcidese' riguadagnato e il duello fra xiphephoroi e doryphoroi" ASAA 98 (2020) pp. 205-216

Mermati, Francesca "Note sul ruolo dell'isola di Capri nel commercio mediterraneo di eta arcaica: un'anfora laconica dalla collezione Cerio e altri disiecta membra" ASAA 98 (2020) pp. 217-235

Marginesu, Giovanni "Note sui fattori di rischio nei cantieri edilizi d'eta classica" ASAA 98 (2020) pp. 236-244

Russo, Daria "Assemblee sull'Acropoli di Atene: dati e riflessioni" ASAA 98 (2020) pp. 245-258

Monaco, Maria Chiara "Il cd. Pompeion del Ceramico: un ginnasio efebico e le lampadedromie" ASAA 98 (2020) pp. 259-292

Vordos, Andreas "Red figured krater with torch race scene from Aigion, Achaea" ASAA 98 (2020) pp. 291-302

Tentori Montalto, Marco "Storia e diplomazia di Mylasa (fine del III -- meta del II sec. a.C.). Il problema dei decreti Rigsby 1996, NN. 187-209 in relazione ai decreti di asylia di Teos" ASAA 98 (2020) pp. 303-316

Di Franco, Luca "Una statua medio-ellenistica da Taranto: iconografia, modelli e diffusione del Dioniso tipo Hope e di Artemide Bendis" ASAA 98 (2020) pp. 317-338

Adornato, Gianfranco "Worshipping Priapos: Erotes and Psychai in Dionysian imagery. Iconographic notes on the ivory veneers from the Villa dei Papiri, Herculaneum" ASAA 98 (2020) pp. 339-355

Taborelli, Luigi, Marengo, Silvia Maria "La micropisside ceramica 'deux fois tronconique': gli esemplari con iscrizione" ASAA 98 (2020) pp. 356-371

Storchi, Paolo "Alcune considerazioni sui giochi gladiatori nel mondo greco e la proposta dell'identificazione dell'anfiteatro della Colonia Pellensis" ASAA 98 (2020) pp. 372-381

Petropoulos, Michales "The Roman stadium of Patras: excavations, analysis and reconstruction" ASAA 98 (2020) pp. 382-416

Cecconi, Niccolo "Lo Stadio Panatenaico" ASAA 98 (2020) pp. 417-455

Salvaggio, Luca "Un 'pilastro' marmoreo iscritto dalle pendici settentrionali dell'Acropoli di Atene (IG II/III2.13210). Una nuova ricostruzione" ASAA 98 (2020) pp. 456-466

Licandro, Orazio "La Constitutio Antoniniana del 212 d.C. e il paradigma urbano. Una 'diversa' lettura di P. Gissen 40.I" ASAA 98 (2020) pp. 467-494

Manousou-Ntella, Katerina "Nea stoichea poleodomikes analuses tes poles tes Rodou kata ten ustere archaioteta" ASAA 98 (2020) pp. 495-510

Kolaiti, Eleni "Palaeoshoreline reconstruction of Agios Vlassis Bay (ancient Epidaurus, East Peloponnese, Greece)" ASAA 98 (2020) pp. 511-522

Sarcone, Germano, 1992- "La ceramica G 2-3 a Lemno. Nuovi dati e problemi" ASAA 98 (2020) pp. 525-553

De Domenico, Carlo "La prima esplorazione italiana dell'isola di Lemno (1923)" ASAA 98 (2020) pp. 554-607

Fadelli, Giacomo "L'Artemision di Afrati (Creta centro-meridionale) : Le indagini di Gaetano De Sanctis" ASAA 98 (2020) pp. 608-624

Festa, Anna "Euboean Hera" Aevum 94.1 (2020) pp. 3-34

Tarditi, Chiara "L'immagine della Gorgone sul vasellame in bronzo ateniese" Aevum 94.1 (2020) pp. 35-52

Donato, Marco "Disegnare un sofista in Accademia : Prodico nell'Appendix Platonica" Aevum 94.1 (2020) pp. 53-74

D'Agostini, Monica "Da Fila a Ftia di Macedonia : riflessioni sulla regalita femminile degli Antigonidi" Aevum 94.1 (2020) pp. 75-89

Ginelli, Francesco "La tradizione storica e biografica sulla morte di Annibale : fonti e confronti" Aevum 94.1 (2020) pp. 91-121

Dieci, Valeria "Il cognomen Armeniacus da Nerone a Costantino" Aevum 94.1 (2020) pp. 123-139

Filoni, Andrea "Un grammatico greco a Roma : Epafrodito (fr. 49 Billerbeck-Braswell) e il ferro del Norico" Aevum 94.1 (2020) pp. 141-153

Terrinoni, Alessia "Germania im 4. Jhdt : das Schicksal eines Toponyms zwischen Anachronismus und Resemantisierung" Aevum 94.1 (2020) pp. 155-175

Castelnuovo, Elena "Un'unita velata : il Cathemerinon liber di Prudenzio" Aevum 94.1 (2020) pp. 177-208

Mazzucchi, Carlo Maria "Areopagitica nova" Aevum 94.1 (2020) pp. 209-214

Maksimczuk, Jose "A Miscellaneous Book at the Workshop of Nicholas Choniates" Aevum 94.2 (2020) pp. 249-289

Mazzucchi, Carlo Maria "De compositione et nomine lexici Sudae" Aevum 94.2 (2020) pp. 291-296

Franzoni, Silverio "Una nuova traccia di conoscenza del testo di Properzio nel XII secolo (con un riesame del Fortleben nel XII e XIII secolo)" Aevum 94.2 (2020) pp. 297-315

Timofeeva, Olga "On the Margins of Bible Translation : English Decalogues and their Circulation in the Thirteenth-Fourteenth Centuries" Aevum 94.2 (2020) pp. 317-340

Macchiarelli, Agnese "Per la biografia di fr. Iacopo Passavanti OP (1302 ca.-1357)" Aevum 94.2 (2020) pp. 341-368

Dabadie, Lucien "Tendances messianiques et rhetorique apocalyptique du tribunat de Cola di Rienzo (1347)" Aevum 94.2 (2020) pp. 369-400

Di Palma, Luca "Appunti per la ricostruzione di una biblioteca lateranense : i manoscritti miniati di Santa Maria delle Grazie a Novara" Aevum 94.2 (2020) pp. 401-437

Della Schiava, Fabio; Giani, Marina; Vereeck, Alexandra "A Survey of the Manuscripts of Augustine's De Civitate Dei : New Acquisitions" Aevum 94.2 (2020) pp. 439-472

Brambilla, Simona "Manoscritti miscellanei e zibaldoni : categorie di analisi, problemi di descrizione e forme-libro tra latino e volgare" Aevum 94.3 (2020) pp. 505-532

Pagliari, Barbara "Uno sguardo alla cultura popolare tra letteratura e devozione" Aevum 94.3 (2020) pp. 533-560

Russo, Camilla "Fra latino e volgare : due casi di studio nella tradizione delle miscellanee retorico-civili in volgare del Quattrocento" Aevum 94.3 (2020) pp. 561-586

Sideri, Cecilia "Cristoforo Landino e il ms. 138 della Biblioteca Riccardiana di Firenze : studio su uno zibaldone umanistico" Aevum 94.3 (2020) pp. 587-618

Rodriguez Herrera, Gregorio "La moralizacion de Las Metamorfosis de Ovidio en florilegios latinos poeticos de la primera mitad de siglo XVI." Aevum 94.3 (2020) pp. 619-642

Ferrari, Mirella "Un Virgilio dei Giunta (Venezia 1543-1544) nella biblioteca del Liceo Beccaria di Milano" Aevum 94.3 (2020) pp. 643-674

Terzi, Federico "Gli officiales di Carlo Borromeo : documenti inediti e primi sondaggi su Ottaviano Abbiate de' Forieri (1546-1615)" Aevum 94.3 (2020) pp. 675-702

Vagni, Giacomo "La seconda edizione della Bellezza della volgar poesia e il dibattito sul canone lirico nei primi anni del Settecento" Aevum 94.3 (2020) pp. 703-736

Benzoni, Riccardo "Un letterato reggiano di fronte alla Rivoluzione : Luigi Lamberti negli anni della Repubblica romana (1798-1799) e della Repubblica italiana napoleonica (1802-1805)" Aevum 94.3 (2020) pp. 737-760

Bianchi, Angelo "Giulio Salvadori a Tommaso Gallarati Scotti : lettere inedite (1900-1928)" Aevum 94.3 (2020) pp. 761-812

Marchi, Gian Paolo "Giuseppe Billanovich tra Marte e Minerva" Aevum 94.3 (2020) pp. 813-822

Battistini, Andrea "Italo Calvino e i classici italiani nella ricerca di Eraldo Bellini" Aevum 94.3 (2020) pp. 823-832

Clarysse, Willy; Depauw, Mark; Broux, Yanne "A Look Back. Fifty Years of Ancient Society (1970-2020)" AncSoc 50 (2020) pp. 1-12

Lenfant, Dominique "The Notion of Harem and its Irrelevance to Women of the Persian Court" AncSoc 50 (2020) pp. 13-27

Huss, Werner "Die Gesellschaft des ptolemaiischen Agypten" AncSoc 50 (2020) pp. 29-39

Vandorpe, Katelijn; Vanoppre, Lisa "Private and Commercial Pigeon Breeding Taxed. Ptolemaic Levies on Pigeon Houses and their Revenues" AncSoc 50 (2020) pp. 41-64

Hauben, Hans "Playing Monopoly on the Nile. Captain Pais in his Dealings with Zenon (249-248 BC)" AncSoc 50 (2020) pp. 65-98

Lanciers, Eddy "The Evolution of the Court Titles of the Ptolemaic Dioiketes in the Second Century" AncSoc 50 (2020) pp. 99-128

Clarysse, Willy "The Emergence of God(s) in Private Greek Papyrus Letters" AncSoc 50 (2020) pp. 129-151

Shaw, Brent D. "Social Status and Economic Behavior. A Hidden History of the Equites?" AncSoc 50 (2020) pp. 153-202

Vaneerdewegh, Nick; van Bouwel, Leen "An African Emperor in Egypt. The Representation of Septimius Severus and his Family on the Egyptian Coinage" AncSoc 50 (2020) pp. 203-245

Robertson, Stuart "Third-Century Currency Changes. Evidence from Egyptian Papyri" AncSoc 50 (2020) pp. 247-275

Simmons, Jeremy A. "Pepper Consumption and the Importance of Taste in Roman Medecine" AncSoc 50 (2020) pp. 277-324

Hawke, Jason G. "Ath. Pol 13. 1-2 and the Ten Archons of 580/179 BCE" AncW 51.1 (2020) pp. 3-75

Remer, Judith M. "The Historians of Miletus 76-95" AncW 51.1 (2020) pp. 76-95

Forrer, Leonard Sr.; Lawrence, Richard Hoe "The Paduans: Forgeries and Imitations of Roman Bronze Coins and Medals By. G. Cavino & A. Vassiano from Padua. Two Numismatic Studies" AncW 51.1 (2020) pp. 96-133

Lamare, Nicolas; Murer, Cristina "Introduction: L'eau dans la ville tardo-antique" AntTard 28 (2020) pp. 15-24

Ronin, Marguerite "Action imperiale et aqueducs urbains au ive et au debut du ve siecle" AntTard 28 (2020) pp. 25-34

Biundo, Raffaella "La gestione finanziaria dell'acqua in ambito urbano tra IV e V secolo" AntTard 28 (2020) pp. 35-44

Marano, Yuri A. "Soliditas aquaeductus ... servetur. Controllo e amministrazione degli acquedotti nell'Italia ostrogota" AntTard 28 (2020) pp. 45-54

Borau, Laetitia; Alix, StePhane "Les aqueducs de Gaule romaine de l'Antiquite tardive, entre construction, restauration et abandon" AntTard 28 (2020) pp. 55-67

Marasovic, Katja; Margeta, Jure "Recherches interdisciplinaires sur l'alimentation et l'evacuation des eaux du palais de Diocletien a Split" AntTard 28 (2020) pp. 69-84

Miro i Alaix, Carme "El ciclo del agua en Barcino en la antiguedad tardia" AntTard 28 (2020) pp. 85-99

Tanz, Florian "Wasser im spatantiken Trier -- neue Einblicke" AntTard 28 (2020) pp. 101-112

Crow, James "'Still waters run deep': cisterns and the hydraulic infrastructure of Constantinople and Alexandria" AntTard 28 (2020) pp. 113-125

Kessener, H. Paul "Byzantine water towers in the East: Palmyra and Apameia" AntTard 28 (2020) pp. 127-137

Giovanetti, Giulia "Cogitatio, inventio e natura loci. I progetti dei balnea in eta tardoantica nel paesaggio urbano di Roma e Ostia" AntTard 28 (2020) pp. 139-156

Ruprecht, Seraina "Shared water. Bathing culture and friendship in Late Antiquity" AntTard 28 (2020) pp. 157-166

MareChal, Sadi "Washing the body, cleaning the soul. Baths and bathing habits in a Christianising society" AntTard 28 (2020) pp. 167-176

Blanke, Louise "A farewell to foricae: changing attitudes to public latrines in the late antique Near East and Asia Minor" AntTard 28 (2020) pp. 177-192

Cala, Irene "Sui diversi usi dell'acqua nelle enciclopedie mediche della Tarda Antichita: Da Oribasio di Pergamo a Paolo Egineta" AntTard 28 (2020) pp. 193-201

Rogers, Dylan K. "Fountains, experience, and meaning in late antique Corinth" AntTard 28 (2020) pp. 203-217

Wheeler, Ginny "Water and wealth: Aquatic display in a late antique neighbourhood at Ostia (IV, 3-4)" AntTard 28 (2020) pp. 219-233

Lepelley, Claude "Temoignages epigraphiques sur le maintien des temples et des statues des divinites dans le patrimoine et l'espace public des cites sous l'empire chretien" AntTard 28 (2020) pp. 247-260

Tantillo, Ignazio "I tetrarchi, le statue divine e i tesori dei temple" AntTard 28 (2020) pp. 261-288

RothenhoFer, Peter "Unter den strengen Augen der Kaiser. Ein sextarium trisaugusteum mit Kaiserinschrift vom Anfang des 5. Jahrhunderts" AntTard 28 (2020) pp. 289-296

Carrie, Jean-Michel "Anonymus De rebus bellicis : un etat des lieux: A propos de De rebus bellicis, Sur les affaires militaires, texte etabli, traduit et commente par Philippe Fleury, Paris, Les Belles Lettres (CUF), 2017" AntTard 28 (2020) pp. 297-320

Michel, Anne "La montagne d'Aaron : un bilan de recherches archeologiques" AntTard 28 (2020) pp. 321-337

Christe, Yves "Une image peut en cacher une autre : le decor absidal du Vieux-Saint-Pierre a Rome" AntTard 28 (2020) pp. 235245

Horn, F. "Widowing the Streets of Troy (Il. 5.642): Notes on the Conceptual Basis of a Unique Metaphor in Homer's Iliad" Antichthon 54 (2020) pp. 1-17

Mancilla, C. "The Gift of Aphrodite in Iliad 24.30" Antichthon 54 (2020) pp. 18-31

Bernstein, F. "Patronage, Poetic Lineage, and Wordplay: A New Dedicatory Acronym in Vergil's Sixth Eclogue" Antichthon 54 (2020) pp. 32-53

Ridley, R. "The Man in the Background: The Search for Maecenas" Antichthon 54 (2020) pp. 54-79

Cowan, R. "A Brutal Hack: Tyranny, Rape, and the Barbarism of Bad Poetry in Ovid's Pyreneus Episode" Antichthon 54 (2020) pp. 80-102

Paraskeviotis, G. "Women and Genre in Calpurnius Siculus' Eclogues" Antichthon 54 (2020) pp. 103-126

Tatum, W. "Cherchez la femme? Fadia in Plutarch's Life of Antony" Antichthon 54 (2020) pp. 127-140

Pertsinidis, S. "A Dung Beetle's Victory: The Moral of the Life of Aesop (Vita G)" Antichthon 54 (2020) pp. 141-163

Moignard, K. "Life-Change and 'Conversion' in Antiquity: An Analysis of the Testimonies of Dion of Prousa and Aelius Aristeides" Antichthon 54 (2020) pp. 164-184

Witcher, R. "Editorial" Antiquity 94.373 (2020) pp. 1-10

Pomeroy, E.; Bennett, P.; Hunt, C.; Reynolds, T.; Farr, L.; Frouin, M.; . . . Barker, G. "New Neanderthal remains associated with the 'flower burial' at Shanidar Cave" Antiquity 94.373 (2020) pp. 11-26

Ochoa, B.; Garcia-Diez, M.; Vigiola-Tona, I. "Filling the void: A new Palaeolithic cave art site at Danbolinzulo in the Basque Country" Antiquity 94.373 (2020) pp. 27-43

Quinn, C.; Ciugudean, H.; Balan, G.; Hodgins, G. "Rethinking time, culture and socioeconomic organisation in Bronze Age Transylvania" Antiquity 94.373 (2020) pp. 44-61

Pereyra Domingorena, L.; De Feo, M.; Bugliani, M. "Vaquerias ceramics: A techno-stylistic study of the earliest polychrome pottery in the Argentine Northwest" Antiquity 94.373 (2020) pp. 62-75

Martyn, R.; Craig, O.; Ellingham, S.; Islam, M.; Fattore, L.; Sperduti, A.; . . . Thompson, T. "A re-evaluation of manner of death at Roman Herculaneum following the AD 79 eruption of Vesuvius" Antiquity 94.373 (2020) pp. 76-91

Symonds, M. "Fords and the frontier: Waging counter-mobility on Hadrian's Wall" Antiquity 94.373 (2020) pp. 92-109

Calo, A.; Bellwood, P.; Lankton, J.; Reinecke, A.; Bawono, R.; Prasetyo, B. "Trans-Asiatic exchange of glass, gold and bronze: Analysis of finds from the late prehistoric Pangkung Paruk site, Bali" Antiquity 94.373 (2020) pp. 110-126

Hall, M.; Evans, N.; Hamilton, D.; Mitchell, J.; O'Driscoll, J.; Noble, G. "Warrior ideologies in first-millennium AD Europe: New light on monumental warrior stelae from Scotland" Antiquity 94.373 (2020) pp. 127-144

Tonning, C.; Schneidhofer, P.; Nau, E.; Gansum, T.; Lia, V.; Gustavsen, L.; . . . Trinks, I. "Halls at Borre: The discovery of three large buildings at a Late Iron and Viking Age royal burial site in Norway" Antiquity 94.373 (2020) pp. 145-163

Osypinska, M.; Zurawski, B. "Pork for pilgrims: Livestock breeding and meat consumption at medieval Banganarti, Nubia" Antiquity 94.373 (2020) pp. 164-178

Willmott, H.; Townend, P.; Swales, D.; Poinar, H.; Eaton, K.; Klunk, J. "A Black Death mass grave at Thornton Abbey: The discovery and examination of a fourteenth-century rural catastrophe" Antiquity 94.373 (2020) pp. 179-196

Lombard, M.; Caruana, M.; Van der Walt, J.; Hogberg, A. "The Keimoes 3 desert kite site, South Africa: An aerial lidar and micro-topographic exploration" Antiquity 94.373 (2020) pp. 197-211

Everill, P.; Bennett, R.; Burnell, K. "Dig in: An evaluation of the role of archaeological fieldwork for the improved wellbeing of military veterans" Antiquity 94.373 (2020) pp. 212-227

Schofield, J.; Wyles, K.; Doherty, S.; Donnelly, A.; Jones, J.; Porter, A. "Object narratives as a methodology for mitigating marine plastic pollution: Multidisciplinary investigations in Galapagos" Antiquity 94.373 (2020) pp. 228-244

Mac Sweeney, N. "'Troy: Myth and Reality', at the British Museum" Antiquity 94.373 (2020) pp. 245-248

Frankel, D. "Figurines in context" Antiquity 94.373 (2020) pp. 249-251

Pollard, N. "Colony and community on the edge of empires: New books on Dura-Europos" Antiquity 94.373 (2020) pp. 252-256

Witcher, R. "Editorial" Antiquity 94.374 (2020) pp. 291-299

Joshi, P. "Palaeolithic occupation and cultural transition in the Wainganga River Basin, India" Antiquity 94.374 (2020) pp. 300-322

Pryor, A.; Beresford-Jones, D.; Dudin, A.; Ikonnikova, E.; Hoffecker, J.; Gamble, C. "The chronology and function of a new circular mammoth-bone structure at Kostenki 11" Antiquity 94.374 (2020) pp. 323-341

Fairbairn, A.; Jacobsson, P.; Baird, D.; Jacobsen, G.; Stroud, E. "Settlement change on the western Konya Plain: Refining Neolithic and Chalcolithic chronologies at Canhasan, Turkey" Antiquity 94.374 (2020) pp. 342-360

Lindner, S. "Chariots in the Eurasian Steppe: A Bayesian approach to the emergence of horse-drawn transport in the early second millennium BC" Antiquity 94.374 (2020) pp. 361-380

Hodos, T.; Cartwright, C.; Montgomery, J.; Nowell, G.; Crowder, K.; Fletcher, A.; Gonster, Y. "The origins of decorated ostrich eggs in the ancient Mediterranean and Middle East" Antiquity 94.374 (2020) pp. 381-400

Erb-Satullo, N.; Gilmour, B.; Khakhutaishvili, N. "The metal behind the myths: Iron metallurgy in the south-eastern Black Sea region" Antiquity 94.374 (2020) pp. 401-419

Vervust, S.; Kinnaird, T.; Herring, P.; Turner, S. "Optically stimulated luminescence profiling and dating of earthworks: The creation and development of prehistoric field boundaries at Bosigran, Cornwall" Antiquity 94.374 (2020) pp. 420-436

Pilo, L.; Finstad, E.; Barrett, J. "Crossing the ice: An Iron Age to medieval mountain pass at Lendbreen, Norway" Antiquity 94.374 (2020) pp. 437-454

Hu, S.; Hu, Y.; Yang, J.; Yang, M.; Wei, P.; Hou, Y.; Marshall, F. "From pack animals to polo: Donkeys from the ninth-century Tang tomb of an elite lady in Xi'an, China" Antiquity 94.374 (2020) pp. 455-472

Loveluck, C.; More, A.; Spaulding, N.; Clifford, H.; Handley, M.; Hartman, L.; . . . McCormick, M. "Alpine ice and the annual political economy of the Angevin Empire, from the death of Thomas Becket to Magna Carta, c. AD 1170--1216" Antiquity 94.374 (2020) pp. 473-490

Palonka, R.; O'Meara, K.; Ciomek, K.; Xu, Z. "Ancestral Pueblo settlement structure and sacred landscape at Castle Rock Community, Colorado" Antiquity 94.374 (2020) pp. 491-511

Sturdy Colls, C.; Kerti, J.; Colls, K. "Tormented Alderney: Archaeological investigations of the Nazi labour and concentration camp of Sylt" Antiquity 94.374 (2020) pp. 512-532

Fisher, J. "Diversity of forager lifeways in the prehistoric past" Antiquity 94.374 (2020) pp. 533-535

Walker, J. "The archaeology of climate change in Late and Post-Glacial North-west Europe" Antiquity 94.374 (2020) pp. 536-538

Witcher, R. "Editorial" Antiquity 94.375 (2020) pp. 571-579

Di Lernia, S.; Massamba N'Siala, I.; Mercuri, A.; Zerboni, A. "Land-use and cultivation in the etaghas of the Tadrart Acacus (south-west Libya): The dawn of Saharan agriculture?" Antiquity 94.375 (2020) pp. 580-600

Munoz, O.; Cotty, M.; Charloux, G.; Bouchaud, C.; Monchot, H.; Marquaire, C.; . . . Al-Malki, T. "Marking the sacral landscape of a north Arabian oasis: A sixth-millennium BC monumental stone platform and surrounding burials" Antiquity 94.375 (2020) pp. 601-621

Sheng, P.; Hu, Y.; Sun, Z.; Yang, L.; Hu, S.; Fuller, B.; Shang, X. "Early commensal interaction between humans and hares in Neolithic northern China" Antiquity 94.375 (2020) pp. 622-636

Ren, L.; Dong, G.; Liu, F.; D'Alpoim-Guedes, J.; Flad, R.; Ma, M.; . . . Chen, F. "Foraging and farming: Archaeobotanical and zooarchaeological evidence for Neolithic exchange on the Tibetan Plateau" Antiquity 94.375 (2020) pp. 637-652

Prats, G.; Antolin, F.; Alonso, N. "From the earliest farmers to the first urban centres: A socio-economic analysis of underground storage practices in north-eastern Iberia" Antiquity 94.375 (2020) pp. 653-668

Garfinkel, Y. "The sceptres of life-sized divine statues from Canaanite Lachish and Hazor" Antiquity 94.375 (2020) pp. 669-685

Sevara, C.; Salisbury, R.; Totschnig, R.; Doneus, M.; Locker, K.; Tusa, S. "New discoveries at Mokarta, a Bronze Age hilltop settlement in western Sicily" Antiquity 94.375 (2020) pp. 686-704

Verdonck, L.; Launaro, A.; Vermeulen, F.; Millett, M. "Ground-penetrating radar survey at Falerii Novi: A new approach to the study of Roman cities" Antiquity 94.375 (2020) pp. 705-723

Shelach-Lavi, G.; Wachtel, I.; Golan, D.; Batzorig, O.; Amartuvshin, C.; Ellenblum, R.; Honeychurch, W. "Medieval long-wall construction on the Mongolian Steppe during the eleventh to thirteenth centuries AD" Antiquity 94.375 (2020) pp. 724-741

Standley, E. "Love and hope: Emotions, dress accessories and a plough in later medieval Britain, c. AD 1250--1500" Antiquity 94.375 (2020) pp. 742-759

Zralka, J.; Radnicka, K.; Banach, M.; Ramirez, L.; Vazquez de Agredos-Pascual, M.; Vidal-Lorenzo, C.; . . . Velasquez, J. "The Maya wall paintings from Chajul, Guatemala" Antiquity 94.375 (2020) pp. 760-779

Brady, L.; Bradley, J.; Kearney, A.; Wesley, D. "A rare miniature and small-scale stencil assemblage from the Gulf of Carpentaria: Replication and meaning in Australian rock art" Antiquity 94.375 (2020) pp. 780-796

Gilmour, S.; Henderson, J. "Brochs and beyond: Excavations at Old Scatness, Shetland" Antiquity 94.375 (2020) pp. 797-801

Kerig, T. "Prehistoric mining" Antiquity 94.375 (2020) pp. 802-805

Witcher, R. "Editorial" Antiquity 94.376 (2020) pp. 841-851

Nativ, A.; Lucas, G. "Archaeology without antiquity" Antiquity 94.376 (2020) pp. 852-863

Dong, N.; Yuan, J. "Rethinking pig domestication in China: Regional trajectories in central China and the Lower Yangtze Valley" Antiquity 94.376 (2020) pp. 864-879

Ibanez, J.; Muniz, J.; Huet, T.; Santana, J.; Teira, L.; Borrell, F.; . . . Iriarte, E. "Flint 'figurines' from the Early Neolithic site of Kharaysin, Jordan" Antiquity 94.376 (2020) pp. 880-899

Jing, Y.; Campbell, R.; Castellano, L.; Xianglong, C. "Subsistence and persistence: Agriculture in the Central Plains of China through the Neolithic to Bronze Age transition" Antiquity 94.376 (2020) pp. 900-915

Macane, A. "Petrified animals: Fossil beads from a Neolithic hunter-gatherer double burial at Zvejnieki in Latvia" Antiquity 94.376 (2020) pp. 916-931

Budd, C.; Bogucki, P.; Lillie, M.; Grygiel, R.; Lorkiewicz, W.; Schulting, R. "All things bright: Copper grave goods and diet at the Neolithic site of Oslonki, Poland" Antiquity 94.376 (2020) pp. 932-947

Higham, T.; Weiss, A.; Higham, C.; Ramsey, C.; D'Alpoim Guedes, J.; Hanson, S.; . . . Pigott, V. "A prehistoric copper-production centre in central Thailand: Its dating and wider implications" Antiquity 94.376 (2020) pp. 948-965

D'Alpoim Guedes, J.; Hanson, S.; Lertcharnrit, T.; Weiss, A.; Pigott, V.; Higham, C.; . . . Weber, S. "Three thousand years of farming strategies in central Thailand" Antiquity 94.376 (2020) pp. 966-982

Herrmann, J.; Sconzo, P. "Planning Punic cities: Geophysical prospection and the built environment at Motya, Sicily" Antiquity 94.376 (2020) pp. 983-998

Valentin, F.; Clark, G.; Parton, P.; Reepmeyer, C. "Mortuary practices of the first Polynesians: Formative ethnogenesis in the Kingdom of Tonga" Antiquity 94.376 (2020) pp. 999-1014

Sneed, D. "The architecture of access: Ramps at ancient Greek healing sanctuaries" Antiquity 94.376 (2020) pp. 1015-1029

Delaere, C.; Capriles, J. "The context and meaning of an intact Inca underwater offering from Lake Titicaca" Antiquity 94.376 (2020) pp. 1030-1041

Ames, K.; Grier, C. "Inequality on the Pacific Northwest Coast of North America measured by house-floor area and storage capacity" Antiquity 94.376 (2020) pp. 1042-1059

Thomas, S.; Pitblado, B. "The dangers of conflating responsible and responsive artefact stewardship with illicit and illegal collecting" Antiquity 94.376 (2020) pp. 1060-1067

Deckers, P. "Archaeology's awkward allies" Antiquity 94.376 (2020) pp. 1068-1070

Watkins, J. "'Not with the same brush'" Antiquity 94.376 (2020) pp. 1071-1073

Kersel, M. "Engaging with demand and destruction" Antiquity 94.376 (2020) pp. 1074-1076

Pitblado, B.; Thomas, S. "Unravelling the spectra of stewards and collectors" Antiquity 94.376 (2020) pp. 1077-1079

Gordon, R. "Making magic" Antiquity 94.376 (2020) pp. 1080-1083

Bose, P.; Bhattacharya, S.; Joshi, P.; Salunke, M.; Thakar, C. "Guest Editorial" Antiquity 94.377 (2020) pp. 1125-1132

Martinez-Sevilla, F.; Arques, M.; Jordana, X.; Malgosa, A.; Lozano Rodriguez, J.; Romero, M.; . . . Rus, J. "Who painted that? The authorship of Schematic rock art at the Los Machos rockshelter in southern Iberia" Antiquity 94.377 (2020) pp. 1133-1151

Elliott, B.; Little, A.; Warren, G.; Lucquin, A.; Blinkhorn, E.; Craig, O. "No pottery at the western periphery of Europe: Why was the Final Mesolithic of Britain and Ireland aceramic?" Antiquity 94.377 (2020) pp. 1152-1167

Kolar, J. "Migrations or local interactions? Spheres of interaction in third-millennium BC Central Europe" Antiquity 94.377 (2020) pp. 1168-1185

Booth, T.; Bruck, J. "Death is not the end: Radiocarbon and histo-taphonomic evidence for the curation and excarnation of human remains in Bronze Age Britain" Antiquity 94.377 (2020) pp. 1186-1203

Diffey, C.; Neef, R.; Seeher, J.; Bogaard, A. "The agroecology of an early state: New results from Hattusha" Antiquity 94.377 (2020) pp. 1204-1223

Orsingher, A.; Amicone, S.; Kamlah, J.; Sader, H.; Berthold, C. "Phoenician lime for Phoenician wine: Iron Age plaster from a wine press at Tell el-Burak, Lebanon" Antiquity 94.377 (2020) pp. 1224-1244

Fernandez-Crespo, T.; Ordono, J.; Llanos, A.; Schulting, R. "Make a desert and call it peace: Massacre at the Iberian Iron Age village of La Hoya" Antiquity 94.377 (2020) pp. 1245-1262

Cole, G.; Ditchfield, P.; Dulias, K.; Edwards, C.; Reynolds, A.; Waldron, T. "Summary justice or the King's will? The first case of formal facial mutilation from Anglo-Saxon England" Antiquity 94.377 (2020) pp. 1263-1277

Cannell, R.; Bill, J.; Macphail, R. "Constructing and deconstructing the Gokstad mound" Antiquity 94.377 (2020) pp. 1278-1295

Lobb, M.; Brown, T.; Leyland, J.; Bernard, V.; Daire, M.; Langouet, L. "An estuarine tidescape of production: Terrestrial laser scanning of fixed fishing structures and a tide mill in the Leguer Estuary, Brittany" Antiquity 94.377 (2020) pp. 1296-1313

Newstead, S.; Casimiro, T. "What's that smell? New directions for materials studies" Antiquity 94.377 (2020) pp. 1314-1324

Barron, A.; Datan, I.; Bellwood, P.; Wood, R.; Fuller, D.; Denham, T. "Sherds as archaeobotanical assemblages: Gua Sireh reconsidered" Antiquity 94.377 (2020) pp. 1325-1336

Kerr, S. "The future of archaeology, interdisciplinarity and global challenges" Antiquity 94.377 (2020) pp. 1337-1348

Bell, M.; Leary, J. "Pathways to past ways: A positive approach to routeways and mobility" Antiquity 94.377 (2020) pp. 1349-1359

Ortman, S. "An ode to conference proceedings from the U.S. Southwest" Antiquity 94.377 (2020) pp. 1360-1362

Singleton, T. "Archaeologies of dispossession: Removal, resettlement, community formations" Antiquity 94.377 (2020) pp. 1363-1366

Witcher, R. "Editorial" Antiquity 94.378 (2020) pp. 1399-1408

Walker, J.; Gaffney, V.; Fitch, S.; Muru, M.; Fraser, A.; Bates, M.; Bates, R. "A great wave: The Storegga tsunami and the end of Doggerland?" Antiquity 94.378 (2020) pp. 1409-1425

Jin, G.; Chen, S.; Li, H.; Fan, X.; Yang, A.; Mithen, S. "The Beixin Culture: Archaeobotanical evidence for a population dispersal of Neolithic hunter-gatherer-cultivators in northern China" Antiquity 94.378 (2020) pp. 1426-1443

Crellin, R.; Fowler, C.; Gamble, M. "Thinking outside the cist: Interpreting a unique artefact assemblage from an Early Bronze Age burial on the Isle of Man" Antiquity 94.378 (2020) pp. 1444-1463

Marshall, P.; Brunning, R.; Minnitt, S.; Ramsey, C.; Dunbar, E.; Reimer, P. "The chronology of Glastonbury Lake Village" Antiquity 94.378 (2020) pp. 1464-1481

Bonnier, A.; Finne, M. "Climate variability and landscape dynamics in the Late Hellenistic and Roman north-eastern Peloponnese" Antiquity 94.378 (2020) pp. 1482-1500

Pigiere, F.; Henrard, D.; Sykes, N.; Suarez-Gonzalez, N.; Sonet, G. "The introduction of the European fallow deer to the northern provinces of the Roman Empire: A multi-proxy approach to the Herstal skeleton (Belgium)" Antiquity 94.378 (2020) pp. 1501-1519

Gustavsen, L.; Gjesvold, P.; Gundersen, S.; Hinterleitner, A.; Nau, E.; Paasche, K. "Gjellestad: A newly discovered 'central place' in south-east Norway" Antiquity 94.378 (2020) pp. 1520-1537

Parssinen, M.; Balee, W.; Ranzi, A.; Barbosa, A. "The geoglyph sites of Acre, Brazil: 10 000-year-old land-use practices and climate change in Amazonia" Antiquity 94.378 (2020) pp. 1538-1556

Valdez, L.; Bettcher, K.; Huamani, M. "Inka llama offerings from Tambo Viejo, Acari Valley, Peru" Antiquity 94.378 (2020) pp. 1557-1574

Shewan, L.; Armstrong, R.; O'Reilly, D.; Halcrow, S.; Beavan, N.; Sokha, T. "Isotopic insights into the jar-and-coffin mortuary ritual of the Cardamom Mountains, Cambodia" Antiquity 94.378 (2020) pp. 1575-1591

Scheiber, L.; Burnett, K. "Writing histories at Engkahonovita Ogwevi: Multicultural entanglement at Red Canyon, Wyoming" Antiquity 94.378 (2020) pp. 1592-1613

Tourigny, E. "Do all dogs go to heaven? Tracking human-animal relationships through the archaeological survey of pet cemeteries" Antiquity 94.378 (2020) pp. 1614-1629

Fernandez-Gotz, M.; Maschek, D.; Roymans, N. "The dark side of the Empire: Roman expansionism between object agency and predatory regime" Antiquity 94.378 (2020) pp. 1630-1639

Gardner, A. "Re-balancing the Romans" Antiquity 94.378 (2020) pp. 1640-1642

Jimenez, A. "Seeing in the dark: Roman imperialism and material culture" Antiquity 94.378 (2020) pp. 1643-1645

Versluys, M. "Nothing else to think?" Antiquity 94.378 (2020) pp. 1646-1648

Khatchadourian, L. "False dilemmas? Or what COVID-19 can teach us about material theory, responsibility and 'hard power'" Antiquity 94.378 (2020) pp. 1649-1652

Fernandez-Gotz, M.; Maschek, D.; Roymans, N. "Power, asymmetries and how to view the Roman world" Antiquity 94.378 (2020) pp. 1653-1656

Le Quellec, J. "Tracing the Holocene--rock art in the Libyan Sahara" Antiquity 94.378 (2020) pp. 1657-1659

Kostadinova-Avramova, M.; Kovacheva, M.; Lanos, Ph. "Geomagnetic Field in the Last Millennium BC and Archaeomagnetic Determinations from Four Ovens in Apollonia Pontica (Black Sea, Sozopol, Bulgaria)" ArchBulg 24.1 (2020) pp. 1-15

Milceva, R. "Ein Bronzekopf des Septimius Severus aus Deultum" ArchBulg 24.1 (2020) pp. 17-22

Boteva, D. "The Historical Context of the Bronze Statue of Septimius Severus from the Roman Colony of Deultum" ArchBulg 24.1 (2020) pp. 23-32

Atanassov, G.; Valeriev, Y. "La residence episcopale a proximite de la cathedrale de la ville romano-byzantine de Zaldapa dans la province de Scythie" ArchBulg 24.1 (2020) pp. 33-58

Klenina, E.; Biernacki, A. B. "The Byzantine Church-Shaped Stone Reliquary from Chersonesus Taurica" ArchBulg 24.1 (2020) pp. 59-78

Nazarova, E.; Nenkov, K.; Zlatkov, M. "Dating of Lead Artifacts Based on Superconductivity" ArchBulg 24.1 (2020) pp. 79-86

Vagalinski, L. "Heraclea Sintica and Some of Its Recently Found Marble Sculptures" ArchBulg 24.2 (2020) pp. 1-39

Alexandrova, S. "Roman Temporary Military Camp from the 2 nd Century BC near the Village of Polenitsa, Sandanski Municipality, SW Bulgaria" ArchBulg 24.2 (2020) pp. 41-77

Sharankov, N. "Inscriptions from the Middle Strymon Region (4 th c. BC -- 4 th c. AD): New Readings and Interpretations" ArchBulg 24.2 (2020) pp. 79-123

Valeva, J. "The Aniconic Decoration of the Thracian Tomb in Ruzhitsa Village" ArchBulg 24.3 (2020) pp. 1-35

Tomas, A.; Jaskulska, E.; Dworniak-Jarych, J.; Dziurdzik, T.; Jeczmienowski, E.; Mech, A. "The Eastern Necropolis of Novae" ArchBulg 24.3 (2020) pp. 37-63

Khrushkova, L.G. "The Monuments of Architecture of the Byzantine period in the North-Eastern Black Sea Region" ArchBulg 24.3 (2020) pp. 65-100

Rindel, D.D.; Perez, S.I.; Barberena, R.; Macdonald, B.L.; Glascock, M.D. "Sources of obsidian artefacts, exchange networks and landscape use in Auca Mahuida (Neuquen, north-western Patagonia)" Archaeometry 62.1 (2020) pp. 1-21

Zumbulyadis, N.; Thienen, V. Van "Changes in the body, glaze and enamel compositions of early Meissen porcelain, 1723--c.1740" Archaeometry 62.1 (2020) pp. 22-41

Kemp, V.; Mcdonald, A.; Brock, F.; Shortland, A.J. "LA-ICP-MS analysis of Late Bronze Age blue glass beads from Gurob, Egypt" Archaeometry 62.1 (2020) pp. 42-53

Haichao, L.; Siran, L.; Jianli, C.; Jianfeng, C.; Xingshan, L.; Jianrong, C.; Yuewen, G.; Xingrui, L.; Yuxuan, H. "Cold-worked and annealed bronze objects and relevant motif techniques in the Chinese Bronze Age: Analysis of bronze sheets found at Songjia cemetery in Shaanxi, China" Archaeometry 62.1 (2020) pp. 54-67

Park, J.-S.; Rajan, K.; Ramesh, R. "High-carbon steel and ancient sword-making as observed in a double-edged sword from an Iron Age megalithic burial in Tamil Nadu, India" Archaeometry 62.1 (2020) pp. 68-80

Birch, T.; Westner, K.J.; Kemmers, F.; Klein, S.; Hofer, H.E.; Seitz, H.-M. "Retracing Magna Graecia's silver: coupling lead isotopes with a multi-standard trace element procedure" Archaeometry 62.1 (2020) pp. 81-108

Scott, S.R.; Shafer, M.M.; Smith, K.E.; Overdier, J.T.; Cunliffe, B.; Jr, T.W. Stafford; Farrell, P.M. "Elevated lead exposure in Roman occupants of Londinium: New evidence from the archaeological record" Archaeometry 62.1 (2020) pp. 109-129

Zhu, Z.; Yu, C.; Luo, W.; Miao, Y.; Lu, Z.; Liu, L.; Yang, J. "Accurate identification of the pastry contained in a ceramic pot excavated from Jurou Li's grave from the Jin dynasty (1115--1234 ce) in Xi'an, Shaanxi, China" Archaeometry 62.1 (2020) pp. 130-140

Zborowska, M.; Babinski, L.; Czaczyk, K.; Pawlicka-Kaczorowska, J.; Pradzynski, W. "Evaluation of the rate of wood degradation at the Iron Age archaeological site of Biskupin, Poland" Archaeometry 62.1 (2020) pp. 141-156

Li, W.; Pagan-Jimenez, J.R.; Tsoraki, C.; Yao, L.; Gijn, A. Van "Influence of grinding on the preservation of starch grains from rice" Archaeometry 62.1 (2020) pp. 157-171

Lee, C.-Y.; Lin, K.-C.; Zhou, Z.; Chen, J.; Liu, X.; Yuan, H.; Wang, P.-L. "Reconstructing subsistence at the Yingpanshan and Gaoshan sites in Sichuan province, China: Insights from isotope analysis on bone samples and charred crop remains" Archaeometry 62.1 (2020) pp. 172-186

Othman, M.; Saada, H.; Matsuda, Y. "Antifungal activity of some plant extracts and essential oils against fungi-infested organic archaeological artefacts" Archaeometry 62.1 (2020) pp. 187-199

Han, D.; Ma, L.; Ma, S.; Zhang, J. "The digital restoration of painted patterns on the No. 2 Qin bronze chariot based on hyperspectral imaging" Archaeometry 62.1 (2020) pp. 200-212

* "CORRIGENDUM: Radiocarbon Dates from the Oxford AMS System: Archaeometry Datelist 36 (Archaeometry 60.3 2018)" Archaeometry 62.1 (2020) pp. 213

Giesso, M.; Nami, H.G.; Capcha, J.J. Yataco; Glascock, M.D.; Macdonald, B.L. "XRF obsidian analysis from Ayacucho Basin in Huamanga province, south-eastern Peru*" Archaeometry 62.2 (2020) pp. 215-231

Salgan, M.L.; Pompei, M. De~La~Paz; Dieguez, S.; Glascock, M.D.; Neme, G.; Gil, A. "Geoarchaeology and spatial distributions of the 'Coche Quemado' obsidian source in north-western Patagonia" Archaeometry 62.2 (2020) pp. 232-246

Fuente, G.A. De La; Josa, V.G.; Castellano, G.; Limandri, S.; Vera, S.D.; Dias, J.F.; Suarez, S.; Bernardi, G.; Bertolino, S. "Chemical and mineralogical characterization of Aguada Portezuelo pottery from Catamarca, north-western Argentina: PIXE, XRD and SEM-EDS studies applied to surface pre- and post-firing paints, slips and pastes" Archaeometry 62.2 (2020) pp. 247-266

Borgers, B.; Quinn, P.; Degryse, P.; Bie, M. De; Welkenhuysen, K. "Roman pottery production in Civitas Tungrorum, central Belgium, during the first--third centuries ce" Archaeometry 62.2 (2020) pp. 267-284

Siotis, I.; Aloupi-Siotis, E. "Experimental interpretation of the presence of female genitalia in Early Bronze Age 'frying pan'-type ceramics from the Cyclades*" Archaeometry 62.2 (2020) pp. 285-296

Bruni, Y.; Hatert, F.; George, P.; Strivay, D. "The Reliquary Bust of Saint Lambert from the Liege Cathedral, Belgium: Gemstones and Glass Beads Analysis by pXRF and Raman Spectroscopy" Archaeometry 62.2 (2020) pp. 297-313

Valerio, P.; Cardoso, I.P.; Santiago, M.; Araujo, M.F.; Alves, L.C.; Goncalves, M.A.; Mataloto, R. "Microanalytical study of copper ores from the Chalcolithic settlement of Sao Pedro (Portugal): Copper production in the south-western Iberian Peninsula" Archaeometry 62.2 (2020) pp. 314-328

Mongiatti, A.; Montero-Ruiz, I. "Rediscovering famous assemblages: A rare Bronze Age crucible from El Argar, Spain" Archaeometry 62.2 (2020) pp. 329-345

Admiraal, M.; Lucquin, A.; Drieu, L.; Casale, S.; Jordan, P.D.; Craig, O.E. "Leftovers: The presence of manufacture-derived aquatic lipids in Alaskan pottery" Archaeometry 62.2 (2020) pp. 346-361

Ciofalo, A.J.; Sinelli, P.T.; Hofman, C.L. "Starchy shells: Residue analysis of precolonial northern Caribbean culinary practices" Archaeometry 62.2 (2020) pp. 362-380

Dighe, B.; Singh, M.R. "Initial evidence of plant and animal-origin organic additives from the second-century bce earthen plaster of rock-cut caves of Karla, India*" Archaeometry 62.2 (2020) pp. 381-394

Petraru, O.-M.; Groza, V.-M.; Neagu, A.-N.; Bejenaru, L. "Archaeological human hair in a burial context: Microscopical evaluation of samples from Iasi, Romania (18th--19th centuries)" Archaeometry 62.2 (2020) pp. 395-409

Nerudova, Z. "Quantifying how much raw material is needed: A case study based on the weight of the lithic artefacts from the Brno-Styrice III Epigravettian site (Moravia, Czech Republic)" Archaeometry 62.2 (2020) pp. 410-426

Akkemik, U.; Kose, N.; Catalbas, M.; Thys-Senocak, L. "Dendrochronology and archival texts: Dating the Ottoman fortress of Seddulbahir on the Gallipoli Peninsula, Turkey*" Archaeometry 62.2 (2020) pp. 427-438

Weber, M.; Valencia, V.; Caballero, J.; Villada, B.; Cardona, A.; Iizuka, F. "U-Pb dating of zircon: A sourcing method for pottery from La Morena archaeological site, north-west Colombia*" Archaeometry 62.3 (2020) pp. 439-468

Boulvain, F.; Poulain, G.; Tourneur, F.; Yans, J. "Potential Discrimination of Belgian Black Marbles Using Petrography, Magnetic Susceptibility and Geochemistry" Archaeometry 62.3 (2020) pp. 469-492

Martinez, G.; Valero, F. Santos "Petrographic thin sections and exotic rocks provenience among hunter--gatherer societies in the eastern Pampa--Patagonia Transition (lower basin of the Colorado River, Argentina)*" Archaeometry 62.3 (2020) pp. 493-505

Brons, C.; Hedegaard, S.B.; Bredal-Jorgensen, J.; Buti, D.; Pastorelli, G. "The rarest blue: An exceptional find of lapis lazuli in the polychromy of a funerary portrait from ancient Palmyra" Archaeometry 62.3 (2020) pp. 506-520

Amicone, S.; Croce, E.; Castellano, L.; Vezzoli, G. "Building Forcello: Etruscan wattle-and-daub technique in the Po Plain (Bagnolo San Vito, Mantua, northern Italy)" Archaeometry 62.3 (2020) pp. 521-537

Wang, M.; Zhu, T.Q.; Zhang, W.X.; Mai, D.A.; Huang, J.B. "Provenance of Qingbai wares from Shabian kiln archaeological site in the Northern Song dynasty (960--1127 ce) using XRF and LA-ICP-MS*" Archaeometry 62.3 (2020) pp. 538-549

Wu, J.; Ma, H.; Wood, N.; Zhang, M.; Qian, W.; Wu, J.; Zheng, N. "Early development of Jingdezhen ceramic glazes" Archaeometry 62.3 (2020) pp. 550-562

Purowski, T. "New data on the technology of faience production in central Europe in the early Bronze Age" Archaeometry 62.3 (2020) pp. 563-576

Westner, K.J.; Birch, T.; Kemmers, F.; Klein, S.; Hofer, H.E.; Seitz, H.-M. "Rome's rise to power. Geochemical analysis of silver coinage from the Western Mediterranean (fourth to second centuries BCE)" Archaeometry 62.3 (2020) pp. 577-592

Baron, S.; Souhassou, M.; Fauvelle, F.-X. "Medieval silver production around Sijilmasa, Morocco" Archaeometry 62.3 (2020) pp. 593-611

Qanbari-Taheri, N.; Karimy, A.-H.; Holakooei, P.; Kobarfard, F. "Organic residue analysis of Iron Age ceramics from the archaeological site of Kani-zirin, western Iran" Archaeometry 62.3 (2020) pp. 612-625

Beaumont, Julia "The Whole Tooth and Nothing but the Tooth: Or why Temporal Resolution of Bone Collagen May Be Unreliable" Archaeometry 62.3 (2020) pp. 626-645

Wang, Q.; Chen, Y.; Tamburini, D. "Was Lacquer the Key Ingredient for Luxurious Jinyin Pingtuo Products in the Tang Dynasty of China (AD 618--907)?" Archaeometry 62.3 (2020) pp. 646-659

Zhang, Y.; Wei, L.; Cui, Z.; Zhang, T.; Lei, Y.; Gu, A.; Chen, Y.; Zhang, L.Y.; Du, Z.X. "Characterizations of palace lantern tassels preserved in The Palace Museum, Beijing, by UPLC-ESI-Q-TOF" Archaeometry 62.3 (2020) pp. 660-676

Papakosta, V.; Lopez-Costas, O.; Isaksson, S. "Multi-method (FTIR, XRD, PXRF) analysis of Ertebolle pottery ceramics from Scania, southern Sweden" Archaeometry 62.4 (2020) pp. 677-693

Heydarian, M.; Abdorrahimian, F.; Emami, S.M.A.; Beheshti, S.I. "The provenance and distribution of Early Bronze ceramics in the Kolyaei Plain, central Zagros, Iran" Archaeometry 62.4 (2020) pp. 694-711

Forte, V.; Tarquini, O.; Botticelli, M.; Medeghini, L. "The technology of Copper Age funerary pottery from Central Italy: An integrated study of compositional analyses and manufacturing traces" Archaeometry 62.4 (2020) pp. 712-730

Davit, P.; Turco, F.; Operti, L.; Borghi, A.; Cellerino, A. "Archaeometric investigation of pottery from funerary gifts in Kal-e Chendar, Shami (Khuzestan, Iran)" Archaeometry 62.4 (2020) pp. 731-751

Purowski, T.; Syta, O.; Wagner, B. "Between east and west: Glass beads from the eighth to third centuries bce from Poland" Archaeometry 62.4 (2020) pp. 752-773

Mastrotheodoros, G.P.; Beltsios, K.G.; Bassiakos, Y. "On the blue and green pigments of post-Byzantine Greek icons" Archaeometry 62.4 (2020) pp. 774-795

D'Imporzano, P.; Keune, K.; Koornneef, J.M.; Hermens, E.; Noble, P.; Zuilen, K. Van; Davies, G.R. "Micro-invasive method for studying lead isotopes in paintings*" Archaeometry 62.4 (2020) pp. 796-809

Shewan, L.G.; Armstrong, R.A.; O'Reilly, D. "Baseline bioavailable strontium isotope values for the investigation of residential mobility and resource-acquisition strategies in prehistoric Cambodia" Archaeometry 62.4 (2020) pp. 810-826

Eriksen, A.M.H.; Matthiesen, H.; Kontopoulos, I.; Gregory, D.; Snoeck, C.; Zhang, G.; Collins, M.J.; Gilbert, M.T. P. "Rapid loss of endogenous DNA in pig bone buried in five different environments" Archaeometry 62.4 (2020) pp. 827-846

Chen, T.; Wang, B.; Mai, H.; Jiang, H. "Last meals inferred from the possible gut contents of a mummy: A case study from Astana Cemetery, Xinjiang, China*" Archaeometry 62.4 (2020) pp. 847-862

Zhou, L.; Mijiddorj, E. "Stories behind the fortress: Stable isotope analysis and 14C dating of soldiers' remains from the Bayanbulag site, Mongolia" Archaeometry 62.4 (2020) pp. 863-874

Legg, R.; Neilson, J.; Demel, S. "Novel use of cathodoluminescence to identify differences in source rocks for Late Paleoindian quartzite tools" Archaeometry 62.5 (2020) pp. 875-887

Wei, G.; Germinario, C.; Grifa, C.; Ma, X. "Characterization of ancient building lime mortars of Anhui province, China: A multi-analytical approach" Archaeometry 62.5 (2020) pp. 888-903

Galan, M. Ramirez; Galan, M. Benitez "Stone projectiles from the siege of Alcala la Vieja (Spain) and likely trebuchet placement" Archaeometry 62.5 (2020) pp. 904-916

Kulkova, M.; Kashuba, M.; Gavrylyuk, N.; Kulkov, A.; Kaiser, E.; Vetrova, M.; Zanoci, A.; Platonova, N.; Hellstrom, K.; Winger, K. "Composition of white paste inlay on the pottery from sites of the 10th--8th centuries bce in the northern Pontic region" Archaeometry 62.5 (2020) pp. 917-934

Gardner, Carlotta; Muller, Noemi S.; Vekinis, George; Freestone, Ian C.; Kilikoglou, Vassilis "High-temperature performance of two-layered ceramics and the implications for Roman crucibles" Archaeometry 62.5 (2020) pp. 935-951

Chen, G.; Cui, Y.; Liu, R.; Wang, H.; Yang, Y.; Pollard, A.M.; Li, Y. "Lead isotopic analyses of copper ores in the Early Bronze Age central Hexi Corridor, north-west China" Archaeometry 62.5 (2020) pp. 952-964

Necemer, M.; Kump, P.; Lazar, T. "Seal dies from the National Museum of Slovenia: Non-destructive analyses of medieval and early modern copper alloys" Archaeometry 62.5 (2020) pp. 965-973

Grethe, R.; Karydas, A.G.; Kantarelou, V.; Zacharias, N. "Micro-XRF analysis of silver decorations on Archaic helmets from Olympia" Archaeometry 62.5 (2020) pp. 974-990

Smith, C.A.; Lowe, B.J.; Fraser, N.L.; Boucher, J.-J. "Polarized light microscopy casts new light on plants used to make tapa" Archaeometry 62.5 (2020) pp. 991-1008

Quinn, R.L.; Prizzi, M.; Godfrey, L.; Setera, J.B. "From the Piedmont to the Coast: LA-ICP-MS 87Sr/86Sr evidence for short-term, long-distance mobility in the American Southeast" Archaeometry 62.5 (2020) pp. 1009-1027

Soltysiak, Arkadiusz "Identifying food provenience using Sr/Ca ratio in human enamel" Archaeometry 62.5 (2020) pp. 1028-1041

Worthing, M.; Bosworth, L.; Papandrea, M.; Poehler, E.; Ellis, S.; Laurence, R. "HHpXRF study of recent zinc and lead pollution on lava stepping stones from Pompeii: Tourist footfall, tyre dust and leaded petrol" Archaeometry 62.5 (2020) pp. 1042-1066

Chen, X.-Q.; Xie, L.; Wang, F.; Wu, Y.; Zhang, B.; Zhu, L. "Temporary consolidation and packaging of fragile cultural relics at underwater archaeological sites to maintain their original state during extraction" Archaeometry 62.5 (2020) pp. 1067-1077

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* "ERRATUM TO G. Artioli et al. (2020)" Archaeometry 62.5 (2020) pp. 1079

Beltrame, C.; Lazzarini, L.; Antonelli, F. "A Roman shipwreck with a cargo of Apuan marble (marmor lunense) at Punta del Francese (Stintino-Sassari, Sardinia)" Archaeometry 62.6 (2020) pp. 1081-1094

Kalaska, M.; Druc, I.C.; Chyla, J.; Pimentel, R.; Syczewski, M.; Siuda, R.; Makowski, K.; Giersz, M. "Application of electron microprobe analysis to identify the origin of ancient pottery production from the Castillo de Huarmey, Peru" Archaeometry 62.6 (2020) pp. 1095-1114

Khalifa, E.; Elrahim, E. Abd "Identification of vessel use and explanation of change in production techniques from the Old to the Middle Kingdom: Organic residue analysis, fabric and thermal characterization of pot sherds from Qubbet el-Hawa, Aswan, Egypt" Archaeometry 62.6 (2020) pp. 1115-1129

Ceccarelli, L.; Moletti, C.; Bellotto, M.; Dotelli, G.; Stoddart, S. "Compositional characterization of Etruscan earthen architecture and ceramic production" Archaeometry 62.6 (2020) pp. 1130-1144

Williams, R.; Taylor, G.; Orr, C. "pXRF method development for elemental analysis of archaeological soil" Archaeometry 62.6 (2020) pp. 1145-1163

Kemp, V.; Schmidt, K.; Brownscombe, W.; Soennecken, K.; Vieweger, D.; Haser, J.; Shortland, A. "Dating and provenance of glass artefacts excavated from the ancient city of Tall Zira'a, Jordan" Archaeometry 62.6 (2020) pp. 1164-1181

Fabian-Salvador, J.; Diez, J.P.; Aristizabal, R.; Enzo, S.; Arnache, O. "Pre-Hispanic gold pieces of an enigmatic archaeological finding in Medellin, Colombia: A glance at an archaeometric analysis" Archaeometry 62.6 (2020) pp. 1182-1194

Md, R.O. Bude; Bigelow, E.M.R. "Nano-CT evaluation of totally corroded coins: A demonstration study to determine if detail might still be discernible despite the lack of internal, non-corroded, metal" Archaeometry 62.6 (2020) pp. 1195-1201

Cilova, Z. Zlamalova; Gelnar, M.; Randakova, S. "Smalt production in the Ore Mountains: Characterization of samples related to the production of blue pigment in Bohemia" Archaeometry 62.6 (2020) pp. 1202-1215

Ratto, N.; Reinoso, M.; Basile, M.; Freire, E.; Halac, E.B. "Archaeometrical characterization of pigments and paintings on Pre-Hispanic pottery from the regions of Fiambala and Chaschuil (Catamarca, Argentina)*" Archaeometry 62.6 (2020) pp. 1216-1234

Tsukamoto, K.; Tokanai, F.; Moriya, T.; Nasu, H. "Building a high-resolution chronology at the Maya archaeological site of El Palmar, Mexico" Archaeometry 62.6 (2020) pp. 1235-1266

Kozachuk, M.S.; Sham, T.K.; Martin, R.R.; Nelson, A.J. "Bromine, a possible marine diet indicator? A hypothesis revisited" Archaeometry 62.6 (2020) pp. 1267-1279

Fenger-Nielsen, R.; Elberling, B.; Kroon, A.; Westergaard-Nielsen, A.; Matthiesen, H.; Harmsen, H.; Madsen, C.K.; Stendel, M.; Hollesen, J. "Arctic archaeological sites threatened by climate change: A regional multi-threat assessment of sites in south-west Greenland" Archaeometry 62.6 (2020) pp. 1280-1297

Hunt, Jeffrey M. "Ovid, Rhetoric, and Freedom of Speech in the Augustan Age" Arethusa 53.3 (2020) pp. 133-134 < DOI: 10.1353/are.2020.0012 >

Newlands, Carole "Aesacus: The Rhetoric of Remorse (Metamorphoses 11.749--12.7)" Arethusa 53.3 (2020) pp. 135-156 < DOI: 10.1353/are.2020.0013 >

Romeo, Alessandra "Cephalus's Autobiographical Narrative (Metamorphoses 7.690--865): Between Epic Models and the Conventions of Rhetoric" Arethusa 53.3 (2020) pp. 157-174 < DOI: 10.1353/are.2020.0014 >

Tola, Eleonora "Distant Mores, Distant Mores: Persuading the Reader from the Margins in Tristia 2" Arethusa 53.3 (2020) pp. 175-189 < DOI: 10.1353/are.2020.0015 >

Smith, Alden "Propior Patriae: Allusion, Rhetoric, and Persuasion in ex Ponto 1.2" Arethusa 53.3 (2020) pp. 191-211 < DOI: 10.1353/are.2020.0016 >

Vial, Helene "'I Attack Not Him': The Rhetorical Treatment and Political Issue of (Not) Naming the Enemy in Ovid's Last Works" Arethusa 53.3 (2020) pp. 213-223 < DOI: 10.1353/are.2020.0017 >

Pernot, Laurent "'Figured Speech' in Seneca the Elder: A Glimpse of Ovid's Rhetorical Education" Arethusa 53.3 (2020) pp. 225-237 < DOI: 10.1353/are.2020.0008 >

Hejduk, Julia D. "Lessons from the Doctor of Irony: A Reflection on Donna Zuckerberg's Not All Dead White Men" Arethusa 53.3 (2020) pp. 239-246 < DOI: 10.1353/are.2020.0009 >

Galinsky, Karl "Freedom of Speech in the Reign of Augustus: How Much of an Issue?" Arethusa 53.3 (2020) pp. 247-261 < DOI: 10.1353/are.2020.0010 >

Condello, Federico "Asius fr. 13 Davies (= Bernabe = West = Tsagalis). Note testuali e proposta di esegesi (con qualche osservazione su Duride)" Athenaeum 108.1 (2020) pp. 5-57

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Carboni, T. "La scelta dei funzionari equestri: relazioni personali o competenze specifiche? Il caso degli ab epistulis del II secolo d.C." Athenaeum 108.1 (2020) pp. 114-149

Wibier, M. "The So-Called Appendices to the Lex Romana Visigothorum. Compilation and Transmission of Three Late Roman Pirvate Legal Collections" Athenaeum 108.1 (2020) pp. 150-180

Gorrini, M. E.; Garanzini, F.; Paltineri, Silvia; Panero, E.; Peverelli, B.; Smoquina, E. "Prima delle risaie. Nota preliminare per una riconstruzione del paesaggio storico nel Vercelese occidentale" Athenaeum 108.1 (2020) pp. 181-224

Wibier, M. "The Breviary Part of MS Berlin lat. fol. 270 Was Copied from MS Ivrea XXXV (17)" Athenaeum 108.1 (2020) pp. 225-228

Grazzini, S. "Riflessioni e ricordi a proposito della Conversazione di Antonio La Penna con Arnaldo Marcone" Athenaeum 108.1 (2020) pp. 238-250

Somolinos, Helena Rodriguez "Odysseus, the Blood and the Sword (Od. 11.81-83). Spatial Relationships and the Alleged Use of the Locative eni without contact" Athenaeum 108.2 (2020) pp. 341-356

Cappelletti, I. "Sacerdozi eponimi di Sicilia: il caso riracusano" Athenaeum 108.2 (2020) pp. 357-374

Squillace, G. "Considerazioni sull'identita di Cefisodoro (FGrHist 112 = BNJ 112): retore ateniese o storico tebano?" Athenaeum 108.2 (2020) pp. 375-389

Pastor, Luis Ballesteros "Quien da primero, da dos veces. Intrigas dinasticas en el ascenso al poder de Mitridates Eupator" Athenaeum 108.2 (2020) pp. 390-407

Chico, David Martinez; Garcia, Alberto Gonzalez "Tessera con epigrafe M.ACI.MAX y su posible identificacion" Athenaeum 108.2 (2020) pp. 408-425

Hubner, Wolfgang "Die ubergriffige Jungfrau. Die Sternbilder Leo und Virgo in Ovids Ars amatoria" Athenaeum 108.2 (2020) pp. 426-436

Costa, P. "Le scene di tumulto negli Atti degli apostoli. Comparazioni euristiche con opere letterarie coeve" Athenaeum 108.2 (2020) pp. 437-475

Sansone, A. "Epigrafi dimenticate e inedite dal circondario di Tricarico (MT)" Athenaeum 108.2 (2020) pp. 476-506

Sisul, A.C. "La superacion del sentido traumatico de la mors immatura en el centon cristiano De Verbi Incarnatione" Athenaeum 108.2 (2020) pp. 507-518

Motta, A. "Viaggi educativi e migrazioni culturali. "Geo-storia" delle scuole platoniche nella tarda antichita" Athenaeum 108.2 (2020) pp. 519-539

Arveni, M. "Solicque scholis iussit esse contentum palatinis et protectorum cum Scutariis et Gentilibus. Ricerche sui raparti d'elite dell'esercito romano tardoantico" Athenaeum 108.2 (2020) pp. 540-552

Settecase, M. "Quaestiones Plutarcheae. Nota testuale ad adv. Col. 1115C" Athenaeum 108.2 (2020) pp. 553-554

Arcaria, F. "Edoardo Volterra ed i senatus culsulta" Athenaeum 108.2 (2020) pp. 555-567

Highcock, N.A.; Yolacan, B.; D'Alfonso, L. "Archaeoligical Excavations at Nigde-Kinik-Hoyuk. Campaigns 2018-2019" Athenaeum 108.2 (2020) pp. 568-580

Jouanna, J. "Climal, environnement et sante a l'aube de la medecine occidentale : Hippocrate" BAGB 2020.1 (2020) pp. 28-43Articulo

Godard, Philippe "Eternite du KLEOS" BAGB 2020.1 (2020) pp. 44-67Articulo

Grandazzi, Alexandre "La grande Rome de Tarquin le Superbe" BAGB 2020.1 (2020) pp. 68-90Articulo

Briquel, D. "Le cas de sepulture a l'interieur de la ville dans la Rome republicaine:: une exception qui confirme la regle" BAGB 2020.1 (2020) pp. 91-108Articulo

Goldlust, Benjamin "Presence et absence de Tibulle et de Properce dans les Elegies de Maximien" BAGB 2020.1 (2020) pp. 109-121Articulo

Rouveret, Alain "Nature et paysage dans la peinture hellenistique et romaine" BAGB 2020.1 (2020) pp. 122-136Articulo

Ropars, J.M. "Fellini, Archiloque de Paros et Pindare" BAGB 2020.1 (2020) pp. 137-147Articulo

Bjai, Denis "Ronsard, le "mestier heroique" et sa mal.aimee Franciade" BAGB 2020.1 (2020) pp. 148-163Articulo

Knoepfler, Denis "A la memorie de Jacqueline de Romilly. Un sol ingrat mais plante d'arbres a fruits avant tous les autres: le secret de la primaute d'Athenes selon Thucydide" BAGB 2020.2 (2020) pp. 23

Boudon-Millot, V. "Galien de Pergame, le paralyse et l'ampute. Regards d'un medecin antique sur le handicap" BAGB 2020.2 (2020) pp. 40

Alcaras, A. "'Terma', Frontieres et limites dans la troisieme Olympique de Pindare" BAGB 2020.2 (2020) pp. 55

Bocholier, J. "Rite et songe, des Choephores d'Eschyle a Iphigenie en Tauride d'Euripide" BAGB 2020.2 (2020) pp. 76

Briquel, D. "La terre-mere a Rome: remarques sur la legende de Brutus" BAGB 2020.2 (2020) pp. 100

Cailleux, F. "Le chef de l'Etat en pilote de navire dans l'Ab Vrbe Condita de Tite-Live: aux origines d'une metaphore" BAGB 2020.2 (2020) pp. 125

Ropars, J.M. "Quelle etait la nature des relations entre Delos et le pays des Hyperboreens?" BAGB 2020.2 (2020) pp. 145

Stratiki, K. "Figures mythiques de Thrace dans la tradition d'Athenes: le cas d'Eumolpos et de Teree" BAGB 2020.2 (2020) pp. 186

Levy, Carlos "L'Axiochos pseudo-platonicien, "un texte enigmatique": a propos d'une edition recente" BAGB 2020.2 (2020) pp. 200

Bruning, Jelle; Younes, Khaled "An Arabic Papyrus Recording the Lineage of 'Amr b. al-'As" BASP 57 (2020) pp. 9-17

Claytor, W. Graham "Two Papyri from the Archive of Mikkalos and the Establishment of the bibliotheke enkteseon" BASP 57 (2020) pp. 19-42

Harvey, Craig A. "A Letter from Terentianus to Tasoucharion" BASP 57 (2020) pp. 43-48

Nolan, Edward "A Petition Regarding Theft" BASP 57 (2020) pp. 49-54

Zellmann-Rohrer, Michael "An Order to the Police of Bakchias Mentioning the epistrategos" BASP 57 (2020) pp. 55-60

Wyman, David "Fragment of a Land Lease" BASP 57 (2020) pp. 61-68

Wood, Connor Purcell "A Loan Payment from the Revolt of the Fulvii" BASP 57 (2020) pp. 69-74

Dekker, Renate "Coptic Ostraca Relating to Bishop Abraham of Hermonthis at Columbia University" BASP 57 (2020) pp. 75-115

Mazy, Elodie "A List of Payments (P.Mich. inv. 3553) and Accounting Practices at Bawit" BASP 57 (2020) pp. 117-142

Sampson, C. Michael "Deconstructing the Provenances of P.Sapph.Obbink" BASP 57 (2020) pp. 143-169

Tibiletti, Antonio "Coniectanea Bacchylidea (3)" BASP 57 (2020) pp. 171-176

Wasserman, Tommy; Choat, Malcolm "'The Cable Guy'. Constantine Simonides and Codex Mayerianus" BASP 57 (2020) pp. 177-218

Lundhaug, Hugo "The Date of MS 193 in the Schoyen Collection. New Radiocarbon Evidence" BASP 57 (2020) pp. 219-234

Jenott, Lance "The Book of the Foreigner from Codex Tchacos" BASP 57 (2020) pp. 235-276

Keenan, James G. "Papyri Tell Tales. Creating Narratives from Documents" BASP 57 (2020) pp. 277-296

Hickey, Todd "Papyri from the Summer Institute in Papyrology at Washington University in St. Louis. Introduction" BASP 57 (2020) pp. 297-301

Belanger Sarrazin, Roxanne "An Astrological Fragment from Oxyrhynchus" BASP 57 (2020) pp. 303-310

Wagner, Nicholas E. "A Private Letter from Oxyrhynchus Concerning Estate Management" BASP 57 (2020) pp. 311-319

Belanger Sarrazin, Roxanne "An Acknowledgement of a Loan of Wheat and Barley from Oxyrhynchus" BASP 57 (2020) pp. 321-326

Farnes, Alan Taylor "Two Orders for Payment from Oxyrhynchus Mentioning a Leukadios" BASP 57 (2020) pp. 327-339

Monte, Anna "An Official Letter from Oxyrhynchus Mentioning a commonitorium" BASP 57 (2020) pp. 341-347

Hickey, Todd "A Shipping Document from Oxyrhynchus Dated by the Consul of 478" BASP 57 (2020) pp. 349-351

Quintana, Alejandro Ruben "An Order to Supply a loricarius with Bread from Oxyrhynchus" BASP 57 (2020) pp. 353-362

Wagner, Nicholas E. "An Order to Pay from Oxyrhynchus" BASP 57 (2020) pp. 363-366

Soto Marin, Irene "A Receipt for Delivery of Wine from the Apion Estate to the procurator of Kynopolis" BASP 57 (2020) pp. 367-374

Sausville, Rebecca "Two Documents from Oxyrhynchus Relating to Wine Production" BASP 57 (2020) pp. 375-385

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Delattre, Alain; Dijkstra, Jitse, Van der Vliet, Jacques "Christian Inscriptions from Egypt and Nubia 7 (2019)" BASP 57 (2020) pp. 397-420

Chabrol, A.; Psalti, Athanasia; Kapsimalis, Vasilios "Les dynamiques geomorphologiques dans la plaine d'Itea : caracterisation, cartographie et implications pour la recherche archeologique" BCH 144.1 (2020) pp. 1-41

Hermary, Antoine "Sculptures archaiques de Delos : deux lions, une sirene et deux oiseaux" BCH 144.1 (2020) pp. 43-106

Jacquemin, Anne; Laroche, Didier "Apollon a Delphes au IV e siecle" BCH 144.1 (2020) pp. 107-154

Faguer, Julien "Ventes immobilieres et suretes reelles a Tenos et Paros" BCH 144.1 (2020) pp. 155-207

Charami, Alexandra P.; Muller, Christel; Kalliontzis, Ioannis "Nouveaux catalogues militaires de Chorsiai en Beotie" BCH 144.1 (2020) pp. 209-224

Weber-Pallez, Clemence "Le bouclier d'Argos a travers le temps : diachronie d'un symbole politique" BCH 144.1 (2020) pp. 225-255

Tziafalias, Athanasios "Les Muses de Larissa : une nouvelle inscription votive thessalienne d'epoque hellenistique sur la fondation d'un sanctuaire" BCH 144.1 (2020) pp. 257-299

Jolivet, Vincent "Delos et le plan canonique de la maison etrusco-romaine" BCH 144.1 (2020) pp. 301-329

Guimier-Sorbets, Anne-Marie; Panagiotopoulou, Anastasia "Les pavements de Plytra (Laconie) : diversite des techniques dans les mosaiques du sud du Peloponnese" BCH 144.1 (2020) pp. 331-356

Fraisse, Philippe "Delos : etudes de morphologie urbaine I. Objectifs et methodes" BCH 144.1 (2020) pp. 357-371

Fadin, Lionel; Fraisse, Philippe "Delos : etudes de morphologie urbaine II. La region au nord et a l'est du stade" BCH 144.1 (2020) pp. 373-419

Walter, Christine "Un " retour d'Hephaistos dans l'Olympe " sur une coupe de Droop du Peintre d'Oakeshott decouverte a l'Artemision de Thasos" BCH 144.2 (2020) pp. 421-475

Des Courtils, Jacques "Le temple inacheve d'Athena a Thasos" BCH 144.2 (2020) pp. 477-530

Lamouille, Stephane "La charpente du temple d'Apollon dans les comptes de Delphes : technique, vocabulaire et chronologie des travaux" BCH 144.2 (2020) pp. 531-594

Brun, Helene; Marzec, Edyta "Chronology of the Sarapieia A & B on Delos" BCH 144.2 (2020) pp. 595-632

Fournier, Julien "Oide periepleusan : magistrats en tournee dans le territoire de Thasos (IIe-IIIe s. apr. J.-C.)." BCH 144.2 (2020) pp. 633-682

Follet, Simone; Camia, Francesco "Decrets attiques honorant Septime Severe, ses fils Caracalla et Geta et son epouse Julia Domna (Agora XVI, 340 et 341)" BCH 144.2 (2020) pp. 683-703

Fourrier, Sabine; Rabot, Alexandre; Chamel, Berenice "Un puits a roue elevatrice de Kition-Bamboula" BCH 144.2 (2020) pp. 705-776

Renaud, Audrey; Papayiannis, Katerina; Bouchite, Kevin; Theodoropoulou, Tatiana; Gardeisen, Armelle "Un puits a roue elevatrice de Kition-Bamboula : les restes fauniques" BCH 144.2 (2020) pp. 777-817

Prodi, Enrico Emanuele; Coward, Thomas R.P. "Didymus and Graeco-Roman Learning: Introduction" BICS 63.2 (2020) pp. 1-7

Pagani, Lara "Didymus and Epic Poetry" BICS 63.2 (2020) pp. 8-20

Prodi, Enrico Emanuele "Didymus and Lyric" BICS 63.2 (2020) pp. 21-33

Coward, Thomas R.P. "Didymus on Attic Tragedy" BICS 63.2 (2020) pp. 34-50

Benuzzi, Federica "Didymus and Comedy" BICS 63.2 (2020) pp. 51-61

Montana, Fausto "Didymus and the Greek historians" BICS 63.2 (2020) pp. 62-78

DiGiulio, Scott J. "The Compiler compiled: Didymus in Imperial and Scholarly and Miscellanistic Literature" BICS 63.2 (2020) pp. 79-94

Coward, Thomas R.P.; Prodi, Enrico Emanuele "A checklist of the testimonia and fragments of Didymus" BICS 63.2 (2020) pp. 95-120

Sauter, Megan "Digs 2020: 8 Stops in Northern Israel" BiblArchR 46.1 (2020) pp. 24-39

Notley, R. Steven "Searching for Bethsaida: The Case for El-Araj" BiblArchR 46.1 (2020) pp. 28-39

Kisilevitz, Shua; Lipschits, Oded "Another Temple in Judah! The Tale of Tel Moza" BiblArchR 46.1 (2020) pp. 40-49

Arav, Rami "Searching for Bethsaida: The Case for Et-Tell" BiblArchR 46.2 (2020) pp. 40-47

Crawford, Sidnie White "Were There Women at Qumran?" BiblArchR 46.2 (2020) pp. 48-49

Knapp, Robert "How Magic and Miracles Spread Christianity" BiblArchR 46.2 (2020) pp. 50-52

Falk, David A. "Brick by Brick: What Did the Israelites Build in Egypt?" BiblArchR 46.2 (2020) pp. 54-57

Richelle, Matthieu "When Did Literacy Emerge in Judah?" BiblArchR 46.2 (2020) pp. 58-61

Benckhuysen, Amanda W. "The Gospel According to Eve" BiblArchR 46.2 (2020) pp. 67-68

Bonesho, Catherine "Maintaining Cultural Balance: Palmyrene Bilingual Inscriptions and Roman Imperialism" BiblArchR 46.3 (2020) pp. 18-20

Vanderhooft, David "Philip J. King" BiblArchR 46.3 (2020) pp. 21

Pierce, Krystal V.L. "Tomb of Kings Now Open!" BiblArchR 46.3 (2020) pp. 22-23

Koch, Ido; Warner, Dan; Tannal, Eli; Pruitt, Lin Lawson; Cole, Dennis; Parker, James "Forced Resettlement and Immigration at Tel Hadid" BiblArchR 46.3 (2020) pp. 28-37

Nongbri, Brent "How Old Are the Oldest Christian Manuscripts?" BiblArchR 46.3 (2020) pp. 38-45

Golub, Mitka R. "What's in a Name? Personal Names in Ancient Israel and Judah" BiblArchR 46.3 (2020) pp. 46-51

Amar, Zohar "The Scarab: The Idol That Rolls in Dung" BiblArchR 46.3 (2020) pp. 52-57

Stern, Philip D. "Wordplay in Genesis" BiblArchR 46.3 (2020) pp. 58

Doedens, Jaap "Exploring the Story of the Sons of God" BiblArchR 46.3 (2020) pp. 64

Beers, Holly "Women in the Early Church" BiblArchR 46.3 (2020) pp. 66-69

Yeomans, Sarah K. "Pandemics in Perspective" BiblArchR 46.4 (2020) pp. 18-19

Robinson, Dana "Monks at Work: Ideals and Reality in Early Egyptian Monasticism" BiblArchR 46.4 (2020) pp. 20-22

Garfinkel, Yosef "The Face of Yahweh?" BiblArchR 46.4 (2020) pp. 30-33

Hasegawa, Shuichi; Kuwabara, Hisao; Paz, Yitshak "Who Built Tel Rekhesh?" BiblArchR 46.4 (2020) pp. 34-40

Jefferson, Lee M. "Jesus the Magician? Why Jesus Holds a Wand in Early Christian Art" BiblArchR 46.4 (2020) pp. 41-47

Rollens, Sarah E. "Social Conflict in Ancient Galilee" BiblArchR 46.4 (2020) pp. 48-51

Pumphrey, Nicholaus "Superheroes and the Bible" BiblArchR 46.4 (2020) pp. 52

Wilson, Mark "Galatia in Text, Geography, and Archaeology" BiblArchR 46.4 (2020) pp. 54-57

Witherington, Ben III "What "God is Love" Actually Means" BiblArchR 46.4 (2020) pp. 60-61

Cavallo, G. "Premessa" BollClass 41 (2020) pp. na

Medaglia, S.M. "Il Comitato Classici: una storia di filologi, tempi, eventi" BollClass 41 (2020) pp. na

Pecere, O. "La tradizione manoscritta dei testi latini" BollClass 41 (2020) pp. na

Medda, E. "Le edizioni dei classici greci" BollClass 41 (2020) pp. na

Fedeli, P. "Le edizioni dei classici latini" BollClass 41 (2020) pp. na

Martinelli, M.C. "Gli studi di metrica" BollClass 41 (2020) pp. na

Stramaglia, A. "I contributi critico-testuali ai classici greci e latini nel "Bollettino" dei Lincei" BollClass 41 (2020) pp. na

D'Alessio, G.B. "Studi tra filologia e papirologia" BollClass 41 (2020) pp. na

Maltese, E.V. "I contributi di filologia bizantina" BollClass 41 (2020) pp. na

Speranzi, D. "Classici greci tra Bisanzio e l'Italia" BollClass 41 (2020) pp. na

Montanari, F. "Gli Etymologica e gli studi sulla letteratura erudita." BollClass 41 (2020) pp. na

Montana, F. "Gli studi sulla scoliografia" BollClass 41 (2020) pp. na

Bianconi, D. "Paleografia e codicologia greca" BollClass 41 (2020) pp. na

Fioretti, P. "Paleografia e codicologia latina" BollClass 41 (2020) pp. na

Ivleva, Tatiana "The Origin of Romano-British Glass Bangles: Forgotten Artefacts from the Late Pre-Roman Iron Age" Britannia 51 (2020) pp. 7-52

Sutton, Adam "Resistance is Futile? Ceramic Technology and Social Change in Later Iron Age and Early Roman Britain: Silchester Ware as a Case Study" Britannia 51 (2020) pp. 53-82

O'Regan, Hannah J.; Bland, Keith; Evans, Jane; Holmes, Matilda; McLeod, Kirsty; Philpott, Robert; Smith, Ian; Thorp, John; Wilkinson; David M. "Rural Life, Roman Ways? Examination of Late Iron Age to Late Romano-British Burial Practice and Mobility at Dog Hole Cave, Cumbria" Britannia 51 (2020) pp. 83-116

Driver, Toby G.; Burnham, Barry C.; Davies, Jeffrey L. "Roman Wales: Aerial Discoveries and New Observations from the Drought of 2018" Britannia 51 (2020) pp. 117-145

Wilmott, Tony; Smither, Philip "The Plan of the Saxon Shore Fort at Richborough" Britannia 51 (2020) pp. 147-174

Campbell, Louisa "Polychromy on the Antonine Wall Distance Sculptures: Non-destructive Identification of Pigments on Roman Reliefs" Britannia 51 (2020) pp. 175-201

Hanson, W.S. "The Design of the Antonine Wall" Britannia 51 (2020) pp. 203-223

Coombe, Penny; Henig, Martin; Adams, Kurt; Gilmour, Brian; Pearce, John "The Gloucester Hoard of Roman Bronze" Britannia 51 (2020) pp. 225-264

Roymans, Nico; Derks, Ton; Heeren, Stijn "Roman Imperialism and the Transformation of Rural Society in a Frontier Province: Diversifying the Narrative" Britannia 51 (2020) pp. 265-294

Fulford, Michael "The Countryside of Roman Britain: A Gallic Perspective" Britannia 51 (2020) pp. 295-306

Stewart, Dave; Cheetham, Paul; Russell; Miles "A Magnetometry Survey of the Second Augustan Legionary Fortress at Lake Farm, Dorset" Britannia 51 (2020) pp. 307-317

Millett, Martin; Brickstock, Richard "An Early Roman Fort at Thirkleby, North Yorkshire" Britannia 51 (2020) pp. 318-323

Hanson, W.S.; Breeze, D.J. "Julius Verus and the Abandonment of Antonine Scotland" Britannia 51 (2020) pp. 323-330

Wijnendaele, Jeroen W.P. "Ammianus, Magnus Maximus and the Gothic Uprising" Britannia 51 (2020) pp. 330-335

Beveridge, Ruth; Woolhouse, Tom; Paynter, Sarah "An Unusual Imported Bronze Jug Handle from Late Iron Age Easton, Suffolk" Britannia 51 (2020) pp. 336-347

Warry, Peter "The Quantification and Interpretation of Ceramic Building Material (CBM) Assemblages in Britain" Britannia 51 (2020) pp. 348-360

Everson, Paul; Stocker; David; Lopez, Ruben; Taylor, Christopher "The Romano-British 'Aedicule' from Sheepwash Grange, Canwick, Lincolnshire" Britannia 51 (2020) pp. 360-375

Crummy, Nina; Davis, Glynn J.C. "A Black Mineral Amulet from Colchester's North Cemetery" Britannia 51 (2020) pp. 376-387

Chapman, Evan M. "Roman Britain in 2019: Wales" Britannia 51 (2020) pp. 390-391

Hunter, Fraser "Roman Britain in 2019: Scotland" Britannia 51 (2020) pp. 392-394

Collins, Rob "Roman Britain in 2019: Hadrian's Wall" Britannia 51 (2020) pp. 395-397

Collins, Rob "Roman Britain in 2019: Northern England" Britannia 51 (2020) pp. 397-406

Lyons, Alice "Roman Britain in 2019: The Midlands" Britannia 51 (2020) pp. 406-420

Watson, Sadie "Roman Britain in 2019: Greater London" Britannia 51 (2020) pp. 426-428

Prakash, Tara "From Saqqara to Brussels: A Head from a Sixth Dynasty Prisoner Statue in the Musees Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire" CE 95.189 (2020) pp. 5-19

Therasse, Isabelle "Trois fragments du temple funeraire d'Hatchepsout aux Musees royaux d'Art et d'Histoire de Bruxelles : une remise en context" CE 95.189 (2020) pp. 20-31

Perdu, Olivier "Le temoignage d'un devot D'Hathor Nebet-Hetepet" CE 95.189 (2020) pp. 32-41

Uggetti, Lorenzo "Scribes in Ptolemaic Djeme: the Family of Harsiesis and Chestephnachthis" CE 95.189 (2020) pp. 42-67

Ouda, Ahmed M. Mekawy "Ancient Egypt in the Writings of Ahmad Lutfi al-Sayyid" CE 95.189 (2020) pp. 68-84

Phillips, Richard L. "A Fragmentary Account Involving Phylakitai" CE 95.189 (2020) pp. 87-92

Iovine, Giulio "On Domitian's letter in ChLA X 417 (P.Berol. inv. 8334)" CE 95.189 (2020) pp. 93-101

Coomans, Diane "O. Brux. Inv. E. 6792: un recu d'impot de Pselkis?" CE 95.189 (2020) pp. 102-105

Pintaudi, Rosario; Martin, Alain "Flavius Salvitius, tribun commandant le camp de Narmouthis" CE 95.189 (2020) pp. 106-115

Laudenbach, BenoiT "Bail d'huilerie" CE 95.189 (2020) pp. 116-131

Fournet, Jean-Luc "lips [Gk]" CE 95.189 (2020) pp. 132-144

Carlig, Nathan "A Note on the Antinoupolis Fragment of 4 Macc. 5, 2-6" CE 95.189 (2020) pp. 151-153

Berkes, Lajos; Vanthieghem, Naim "Notes on the Careers of Nagid b. Muslim and 'Abd al-Malik b. Yazid" CE 95.189 (2020) pp. 154-161

Younes, Khaled "Renting a Room in Fustat: An Arabic Papyrus from the 3rd/9th Century" CE 95.189 (2020) pp. 162-173

Clarysse, Willy; Coomans, Diane; Delattre, Alain; Lenaerts, Jean; Martin, Alain; Vanthieghem, Naim "Papyrologica. X" CE 95.189 (2020) pp. 179-188

Gaber, Hanane "Du jour a la nuit et de la nuit au jour : chapelles et coffres dans les barques solaires" CE 95.19 (2020) pp. 191-219

Jurjens, Judith "The Scribes Who Wrote Khety: Some Remarks on Colophons and Scribal Education" CE 95.19 (2020) pp. 220-235

Chauveau, Michel; Gorre, Gilles "Une nourrice egyptienne chez les Lagides" CE 95.19 (2020) pp. 236-247

Ladynin, Ivan A.; Vasilyeva, Olga A. "A Sculpture Head of a Ptolemaic King in the Collection of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow (I, 1a 5429)" CE 95.19 (2020) pp. 248-265

Eaton-Krauss, Marianne "The Origins of the Corpus of Late Egyptian Sculpture" CE 95.19 (2020) pp. 266-270

Lenaerts, Jean "Fragment sur le theme des architectes voleurs : P. Ryl. III 506" CE 95.19 (2020) pp. 281-287

Arpaia, Anna "Offerta di locazione di parcelle dell'ousia di Tiberius Iulius Nicanor" CE 95.19 (2020) pp. 288-296

Micucci, Federica "Six Poll-Tax Receipts from Arsinoe" CE 95.19 (2020) pp. 297-307

Torres, Ana Isabel Blasco "Le lexique greco-egyptien des ostraca de Narmouthis" CE 95.19 (2020) pp. 308-326

Bianchi, Robert Steven "Sculpture in Native Egyptian Stones in Julio-Claudian Contexts" CE 95.19 (2020) pp. 327-336

Khalil, Ahmed T.A. "Two Coptic Letters in Abou El-Goud Storage Magazine" CE 95.19 (2020) pp. 341-344

Boud'hors, Anne "Reedition de O. Brit. Mus. Copt. I, pl. LXII, 2 (Inv. 14246). Lettre d'Ananias a Frange" CE 95.19 (2020) pp. 345-346

Tillier, Mathieu; Vanthieghem, NaiM "Un voyageur temoin de manoeuvres militaires dans le Fayoum (iiie-ive/ixe-xe siecle)" CE 95.19 (2020) pp. 347-367

Delattre, Alain; Gascou, Jean; Gonis, Nikolaos; Martin, Alain; Vanthieghem, Naim "Papyrologica. XI" CE 95.19 (2020) pp. 368-374

Hallmannsecker, Martin "The Ionian Koinon and the Koinon of the 13 Cities of Sardis" Chiron 50 (2020) pp. 1-27

Chameroy, Jeremi "Early Silver Coinage of Elaea and Pergamum : A Comparative Study" Chiron 50 (2020) pp. 29-48

Hurlet, Frederic; Muller, Christe "L'Achaie a l'epoque republicaine (146-27 av.J.-C.) : une province introuvable?" Chiron 50 (2020) pp. 49-100

Peter, Ulrike; Stolba, Vladimir F. "Zur Typologie kaiserzeitlicher Pragungen in Moesia inferior : Der Leuchtturm auf Munzen von Istros" Chiron 50 (2020) pp. 101-128

Lavan, Myles "Quantifying the spread of Roman citizenship in the province of Asia in the second century CE" Chiron 50 (2020) pp. 129-165

Dolganov, Anna "A new date for the Oxyrhynchite epitome of the Gnomon of the Idios Logos (P.Oxy. XLII 3014)" Chiron 50 (2020) pp. 167-188

Haensch, Rudolf; Kreuzsaler, Claudia "Drei Kandidaten, bitte! : Die Rolle des praefectus Aegypti bei der Ersatznominierung offentlicher Funktionstrager zu Beginn des 2. Jahrhunderts" Chiron 50 (2020) pp. 189-215

Schmidt-Hofner, Sebastian "An Empire of the Best : Zosimus, the monarchy, and the Eastern administrative elite in the fifth century CE" Chiron 50 (2020) pp. 217-251

Reger, Gary "A Letter of Septimius Severus to the Lykian League on the Misbehavior of Soldiers : A New Inscription from Choma (Hacimusalar Hoyuk), Northern Lykia" Chiron 50 (2020) pp. 253-285

Kaiser, Wolfgang "Stiftungen in Hypaipa" Chiron 50 (2020) pp. 327-369

Bosnakes, Demetres; Hallof, Klaus "Alte und neue Inschriften aus Kos VI" Chiron 50 (2020) pp. 327-369

Schropp, Jack W.G. "Wahl, Amtsdauer und Vorgehen der gracchischen IIIviri agris iudicandis adsignandis" Chiron 50 (2020) pp. 371-402

Flower, Harriet "Augustus, Tiberius, and the End of the Roman Triumph" ClAnt 39.1 (2020) pp. 1--28

Matlock, Andres "Relationality, Fidelity, and the Event in Sappho" ClAnt 39.1 (2020) pp. 29--56

Parmenter, Christopher Stedman "Journeys into Slavery along the Black Sea Coast, c. 550-450 BCE" ClAnt 39.1 (2020) pp. 57--94

Rebeggiani, Stefano "Theban Myth in Virgil's Aeneid: The Brothers at War" ClAnt 39.1 (2020) pp. 95--125

Wohl, Victoria "The Sleep of Reason: Sleep and the Philosophical Soul in Ancient Greece" ClAnt 39.1 (2020) pp. 126--151

Gleason, Maud "Aretaeus and the Ekphrasis of Agony" ClAnt 39.2 (2020) pp. 153--187

Gunderson, Erik "Verites et Mensonges: P for Panegyric" ClAnt 39.2 (2020) pp. 188--224

Porter, James I. "Living on the Edge: Self and World in extremis in Roman Philosophy" ClAnt 39.2 (2020) pp. 225--283

Ready, Jonathan L. "Minor Characters in Homer's Iliad" ClAnt 39.2 (2020) pp. 284--329

Weiss, Naomi "Opening Spaces: Prologic Phenomenologies of Greek Tragedy and Comedy" ClAnt 39.2 (2020) pp. 330--367

Wallace, Shane "An Editor's Reminiscences [isuue: Platonic and Neoplatonic Thought -- and Action Essays in Honour of Andrew Smith]" ClIre 27 (2020) pp. [2pp]

Seaver, Tom "Andrew Smith: An Appreciation" ClIre 27 (2020) pp. 1-4

Seaver, Tom "Andrew Smith: An Appreciation" ClIre 27 (2020) pp. 1-4

Strachan, Christopher "Hull" ClIre 27 (2020) pp. 5-6

Strachan, Christopher "Hull" ClIre 27 (2020) pp. 5-6

Madden, John A. "The Galway Years" ClIre 27 (2020) pp. 7-10

Madden, John A. "The Galway Years" ClIre 27 (2020) pp. 7-10

Urbainczyk, Theresa "University College Dublin and Classics Ireland" ClIre 27 (2020) pp. 11-14

Urbainczyk, Theresa "University College Dublin and Classics Ireland" ClIre 27 (2020) pp. 11-14

Cronin, Pat "The Irish Institute of Hellenic Studies in Athens" ClIre 27 (2020) pp. 15-19

Cronin, Pat "The Irish Institute of Hellenic Studies in Athens" ClIre 27 (2020) pp. 15-19

Moloney, Rosalie "Classical Tours (1981-1998)" ClIre 27 (2020) pp. 20-26

Moloney, Rosalie "Classical Tours (1981-1998)" ClIre 27 (2020) pp. 20-26

Wright, Joan "Classical Association of Ireland Tours (2000-2020)" ClIre 27 (2020) pp. 27-32

Wright, Joan "Classical Association of Ireland Tours (2000-2020)" ClIre 27 (2020) pp. 27-32

Dillon, John "Andrew Smith and Neoplatonic Studies" ClIre 27 (2020) pp. 33-35

Dillon, John "Andrew Smith and Neoplatonic Studies" ClIre 27 (2020) pp. 33-35

Shanahan, Colm "Plato's Democratic Man: Reasoning in the Wrong Direction" ClIre 27 (2020) pp. 36-55

Shanahan, Colm "Plato's Democratic Man: Reasoning in the Wrong Direction" ClIre 27 (2020) pp. 36-55

Politis, Vasilis "Plato's Seventh Letter: A Close and Dispassionate Reading of the Philosophical Section" ClIre 27 (2020) pp. 56-77

Politis, Vasilis "Plato's Seventh Letter: A Close and Dispassionate Reading of the Philosophical Section" ClIre 27 (2020) pp. 56-77

Berg, Robbert M. Van Den "Experiencing Beauty: Reading the Symposium and Phaedrus in the Neoplatonic Academy of Athens" ClIre 27 (2020) pp. 78-97

Berg, Robbert M. Van Den "Experiencing Beauty: Reading the Symposium and Phaedrus in the Neoplatonic Academy of Athens" ClIre 27 (2020) pp. 78-97

Sheppard, Anne "Plotinus on Choral Dancing" ClIre 27 (2020) pp. 98-109

Sheppard, Anne "Plotinus on Choral Dancing" ClIre 27 (2020) pp. 98-109

Gerson, Lloyd P. "The Willing of the Good" ClIre 27 (2020) pp. 110-125

Gerson, Lloyd P. "The Willing of the Good" ClIre 27 (2020) pp. 110-125

O'Daly, Gerard "Plotinus on Human Willing: The Argument of Ennead VI.8.1-6" ClIre 27 (2020) pp. 126-134

O'Daly, Gerard "Plotinus on Human Willing: The Argument of Ennead VI.8.1-6" ClIre 27 (2020) pp. 126-134

Stern-Gillet, Suzanne "On Freeing the Embodied Soul: Ennead VI 8 [39] 1-6" ClIre 27 (2020) pp. 135-150

Stern-Gillet, Suzanne "On Freeing the Embodied Soul: Ennead VI 8 [39] 1-6" ClIre 27 (2020) pp. 135-150

Carabine, Deirdre "Platonism and Negative Theology: Plotinus and Gregory of Nyssa" ClIre 27 (2020) pp. 151-164

Carabine, Deirdre "Platonism and Negative Theology: Plotinus and Gregory of Nyssa" ClIre 27 (2020) pp. 151-164

Kalligas, Paul "Honey from Hymettus: Platonic Philosophy in the Cave of Pan" ClIre 27 (2020) pp. 165-196

Kalligas, Paul "Honey from Hymettus: Platonic Philosophy in the Cave of Pan" ClIre 27 (2020) pp. 165-196

O'Meara, Dominic J. "Philosophos Oikonomos: Household Ethics in Porphyry's Vita Plotini and in Marinus' Vita Procli" ClIre 27 (2020) pp. 197-210

O'Meara, Dominic J. "Philosophos Oikonomos: Household Ethics in Porphyry's Vita Plotini and in Marinus' Vita Procli" ClIre 27 (2020) pp. 197-210

Kavanagh, Catherine "Sacred Space and Sacred Symbol, East and West: Maximus the Confessor, Eriugena and Abbot Suger on Liturgical Space and Function" ClIre 27 (2020) pp. 211-236

Kavanagh, Catherine "Sacred Space and Sacred Symbol, East and West: Maximus the Confessor, Eriugena and Abbot Suger on Liturgical Space and Function" ClIre 27 (2020) pp. 211-236

Gonzales, Antonio "Colette Annequin (1938-2020)" DHA 46.1 (2020) pp. 11-13

Doukellis, Panagiotis "Entre violence et anomie dans le monde antique II : vis abesto dans la pratique et la reflexion politique" DHA 46.1 (2020) pp. 15-16

Anastasiadis, Vasileios I. "Biens politiques, adeia et l'habitus de la liberte (a propos de Demosthene, XXI, 222)" DHA 46.1 (2020) pp. 17-29

Zachos, Georgios "Cercidas' Meliamb on Wealth and Poverty: the Violent Emotions of a Society in Crisis" DHA 46.1 (2020) pp. 31-49

Tzamtzis, Ioannis E. "Vis abesto. L'approche fonctionnelle du theme de la violence publique dans le De legibus" DHA 46.1 (2020) pp. 51-67

Ruano, Paloma Guijarro; Romero, Fernando GarciA "Ciudades de esclavos en el Mundo Antiguo: ?realidad o ficcion?" DHA 46.1 (2020) pp. 69-95

Carsana, Chiara; Zizza, Cesare "?Donde fundaremos nuestra ciudad?" Lugares y constituciones ideales en Platon, Aristoteles y Ciceron" DHA (45.2) pp. 2019 167-196

Cinaglia, Tiziano "Minerva et Diana, quas ais pariter colendas ovvero, la connotazione lunare di Minerva" DHA (45.2) pp. 2019 197-236

Espana-Chamorro, Sergio "Item de Esuri Pace Iulia. Los problemas de la via XXI del Itinerario de Antonino y el limite entre la Baetica y la Lusitania" DHA (45.2) pp. 2019 237-259

Palacios, Jose Luis Canizar "Sobre la relevancia de Hispania en el contexto historico de fines del siglo IV d.C.: propuesta de analisis desde la legislacion tardoimperial" DHA (45.2) pp. 2019 261-294

Goldlust, Benjamin "Macrobe, Saturnales, livre II : quelques remarques de critique textuelle et d'interpretation" DHA (45.2) pp. 2019 295-308

Gonzales, Antonio "Esclavage et dependance: Chronique 2019" DHA (45.2) pp. 2019 309-333

Bru, Hadrien; Labarre, Guy; Abadie-Reynal, Catherine; Shehi, Eduard; Shkodra, Brikena; Velo, Klodian; Balandier, Claire; Lafli, Ergun; Lebreton, Stephane "Chronique d'Orient: Chronique 2019" DHA (45.2) pp. 2019 335-404

Doukellis, Panagiotis "Regards sur les publications helleniques: Chronique 2019" DHA (45.2) pp. 2019 405-418

Gonzales, Antonio "Colette Annequin (1938-2020)" DHA (46.1) pp. 2020 11-13

Doukellis, Panagiotis "Entre violence et anomie dans le monde antique II : vis abesto dans la pratique et la reflexion politique" DHA (46.1) pp. 2020 15-16

Anastasiadis, Vasileios I. "Biens politiques, adeia et l'habitus de la liberte (a propos de Demosthene, XXI, 222)" DHA (46.1) pp. 2020 17-29

Zachos, Georgios "Cercidas' Meliamb on Wealth and Poverty: the Violent Emotions of a Society in Crisis" DHA (46.1) pp. 2020 31-49

Tzamtzis, Ioannis E. "Vis abesto. L'approche fonctionnelle du theme de la violence publique dans le De legibus" DHA (46.1) pp. 2020 51-67

Ruano, Paloma Guijarro; Romero, Fernando GarciA "Ciudades de esclavos en el Mundo Antiguo: ?realidad o ficcion?" DHA (46.1) pp. 2020 69-95

Compatangelo-Soussignan, Rita "Diodore de Sicile, les mythes du deluge et " le livre des iles " DHA 46.1 (2020) pp. 97-126

Compatangelo-Soussignan, Rita "Diodore de Sicile, les mythes du deluge et ' le livre des iles '" DHA 46.1 (2020) pp. 97-126

Larguinat-Turbatte, Gabriele "La place de l'architecture dans la description de l'Asie Mineure de Strabon" DHA 46.1 (2020) pp. 127-171

Garrido, Jacobo Rodriguez "Ne serva prostituatur. Esclavitud, prostitucion y los limites de la dominica potestas en la Roma Antigua" DHA 46.1 (2020) pp. 173-196

Montesinos, ALvaro Castanos "L'Antichistica Marxista in Italia: intervista a Filippo Coarelli" DHA 46.1 (2020) pp. 197-217

Labrique, Francoise; Eicke, Sven "Chronique des travaux en Egypte: Chronique 2020" DHA 46.1 (2020) pp. 219-230

Clavel-Leveque, Monique; Peyras, Jean; Sanchez, Corinne; Duperron, Guillaume; Jezegou, Marie-Pierre; Mathe, Vivien "Paysages et cadastres de l'Antiquite: Chronique 2020" DHA 46.1 (2020) pp. 231-274

Dan, Anca; Gehrke, Hans-Joachim; Vincenzo, Salvatore De; Fantauzzi, Chiara Blasetti "Les concepts en sciences de l'Antiquite : mode d'emploi. Chronique 2020 -- Le sacre et ses espaces en Grece, en Etrurie et dans l'Italie romaine" DHA 46.1 (2020) pp. 275-387

Guillaumin, Jean-Yves "Pierre Monat (1934-2020)" DHA 46.2 (2020) pp. 11-14

Fartzoff, Michel; Mace, Arnaud; Mackowiak, Karin "Cahier de l'atelier Clisthene, III -- Philosophie hors les murs" DHA 46.2 (2020) pp. 15-18

De La Combe, Pierre Judet "Qu'est-ce qu'une societe selon l'Iliade ? Elements de reflexion" DHA 46.2 (2020) pp. 19-50

Stella, Fabio "Parmenide, fragment 2 DK : du lexique de l'agir au lexique de la connaissance" DHA 46.2 (2020) pp. 51-73

Briand, Michel "Pindare et Parmenide, poetes et penseurs : jeux de metaphores et effets pragmatiques" DHA 46.2 (2020) pp. 75-104

Marrucci, Elia "Filiera tessile e dialettica conoscenza tecnica ed impieghi analogici nella seconda tetralogia platonica" DHA 46.2 (2020) pp. 105-121

Rehbinder, Andre "Langage, praxis et etre dans la refutation d'Hermogene (Cratyle, 385a1-390e4)" DHA 46.2 (2020) pp. 123-146

Meulder, Marcel A.J. "Le cheval de Troie et le motif indo-europeen de la triple mort au livre II de l'Eneide de Virgile (v. 35-38)" DHA 46.2 (2020) pp. 147-190

Leuzy, MeLissa "L'auteur et son personnage dans l'Anabase d'Arrien : considerations sur les prefaces de l'oeuvre" DHA 46.2 (2020) pp. 191-213

Podesta, Simone "Un nouvel historien pour un " vieux " fragment ? Leon d'Alabanda et Leon de Stratonicee" DHA 46.2 (2020) pp. 215-230

Girardin, Michael "Judas a Mispa : un spectacle de la legitimation maccabeenne (1 M 3, 46-60)" DHA 46.2 (2020) pp. 231-251

Lopez-Gomez, Jose Carlos "El Paisaje religioso de Pax Iulia (Beja) durante el Alto Imperio romano" DHA 46.2 (2020) pp. 253-275

Pagliara, Alessandro "Giuliano Cesare e il secondo trionfo sarmatico di Costanzo II (a. 358)" DHA 46.2 (2020) pp. 277-298

Gonzales, Antonio "Esclavage et dependance: Chronique 2020" DHA 46.2 (2020) pp. 299-324

Labarre, Guy; Bru, Hadrien "Chronique d'Orient: Chronique 2020" DHA 46.2 (2020) pp. 325-382

Doukellis, Panagiotis "Regards sur les publications helleniques: Chronique 2020" DHA 46.2 (2020) pp. 383-390

Erker, Maria "Tanzende Gotter" Diomedes 9 (2020) pp. 7--14

Fischer, Josef "Fleisch fur die Helden.Ernahrung im homerischen Griechenland" Diomedes 9 (2020) pp. 15--32

Fussl, Maximilian "Domus renovata. Die Versinschrift im Universitatshaus Kaigasse 17" Diomedes 9 (2020) pp. 33--41

Hainzmann, Manfred "ALA I SCVBVLORVM. Ein Neuzugang aus Noricum" Diomedes 9 (2020) pp. 43--59

Lehenbauer, Harald "Ein Beitrag zur Lokalisierung der norischen Strassenstation Elegio" Diomedes 9 (2020) pp. 61--76

Neger, Margot; Holzberg, Niklas "'Cheirourgos war er, nun ist er Leichentrager ... '. Antike Spottepigramme auf Handwerker und Kunstler" Diomedes 9 (2020) pp. 77--94

Panagl, Oswald "'Magische Tone -- berauschender Duft'. Linguistische und semiotische Merkmale eines Begriffsfeldes" Diomedes 9 (2020) pp. 95--103

Stevens, Anna; Dabbs, Gretchen; Merat, Amandine, Garnett, Anna "The North Cliffs Cemetery at Amarna" EgArch 56 (2020) pp. 4

Abd el-Alim, Sayed "Tell Habua: new discoveries from the Saite period" EgArch 56 (2020) pp. 10

Ghonim, Hossam Mohamed "Bathing like a Greek at Buto" EgArch 56 (2020) pp. 16

Barr, Omniya Abdel "Rescuing the Mamluk minbars of Cairo" EgArch 56 (2020) pp. 26

Benaissa, Amin "Two Egyptian texts from Oxyrhynchus" EgArch 56 (2020) pp. 31

Turner, Jennifer E. "'Exalt my nae': self-representation on elite statues" EgArch 56 (2020) pp. 34

Di Pietro, Grazia A. "Travelling in space and time: Naqada in the archive" EgArch 56 (2020) pp. 40

Mendoza Tunon, Julia M. "Francisco Rodriguez Adrados. In memoriam" Emerita 88.2 (2020) pp. 207-210

Valverde Sanchez, Mariano "El codex Matritensis BN 4565 de la Odisea: descripcion, valoracion y colacion de Od. a-d [1-4]" Emerita 88.2 (2020) pp. 211-234

Conti, Luz "La cortesia verbal en Sofocles: analisis del optativo potencial en actos de habla directivos" Emerita 88.2 (2020) pp. 235-255

Verdejo Manchado, Javier "A proposito de la metrica de las Crestomatias de Heladio de Antinoe y su repercusion en la interpretacion de la obra" Emerita 88.2 (2020) pp. 257-276

Bran Garcia, Francisco Javier "El lugar de las enmiendas del Pinciano a la Historia Natural: aciertos unicos, propuestas olvidadas, nuevas soluciones" Emerita 88.2 (2020) pp. 277-302

Jerue, Benjamin Adam "El dilema de Gelio en Noctes Atticae XIV 2: enfoques legales y eticos en los procesos judiciales [in English]" Emerita 88.2 (2020) pp. 303-323

Gonzalez Herrero, Marta "Catuenus, Tongi f., miles eques perteneciente al ala primera Augusta" Emerita 88.2 (2020) pp. 325-337

Elboj, Gonzalo Fontana; Al-Rawahneh, Musallam R. "Una nueva inscripcion funeraria latina procedente de Gharandal ( Jordania meridional) [in English]" Emerita 88.2 (2020) pp. 339-359

Chesi, Giulia Maria "The Homeric Trojan horse and the paradox of technology" Eranos 111 (2020) pp. 1-11

Papadimitropoulos, Loukas "Pindar's Olympian 11: Praise Poetry in the context of a natural law" Eranos 111 (2020) pp. 13-20

Beer, Josh "Ambiguity of Word and Place in Agamemnon 1-24" Eranos 111 (2020) pp. 21-34

Konstantinidou, Kyriaki "Smeared with pitch and burned alive in Classical Greek literature" Eranos 111 (2020) pp. 35-54

Hardie, Sandy "Callimachus Epigram 55: Ptolemaic Perspectives on the Divine Homer" Eranos 111 (2020) pp. 55-81

Hofmann, Heinz "Noch einmal: Wo Sind die Laudes Galli?" Eranos 111 (2020) pp. 83-139

Sanchez, Raquel Fornieles "La litote como mecanismo de descortesia verbal en Esquines y Demostenes" ExClass 24 (2020) pp. 13-28

Lopez-Cuervo Garrido, Mercedes "Las anotaciones criticas de Gabriele Faerno al Bellum Gallicum de Cesar sobre un ejemplar de la edicion de Roma, 1472 (Vat. Inc. II 10)" ExClass 24 (2020) pp. 29-54

Lomax, John Trappes "Emendanda" ExClass 24 (2020) pp. 55-63

Gil, Victor Perez "Colacion del texto del Codice Soriensis de Ovidio, Metamorfosis (Soria, Bibl. Pub. del Estado, 4-H)" ExClass 24 (2020) pp. 65-100

Burillo, Rosa Maria Diaz "La ultima edicion incunable de la Farsalia de Lucano (Milan 1499) y pervivencia de la forma textual fijada por la editio princeps (Roma 1469)" ExClass 24 (2020) pp. 101-114

Stover, Justin "The Murbach Manuscript of the Historia Augusta" ExClass 24 (2020) pp. 115-150

Chacon, Alvaro Ibanez "Un nuevo manuscrito del Liber monstrorum: Vat. Pal. lat. 1741" ExClass 24 (2020) pp. 151-175

Hickman, Jane "Teamwork. From the Editor" Expedition 62.1 (2020) pp. 2

Siggers, Julian "More Reasons to Visit the Museum. From the Director" Expedition 62.1 (2020) pp. 3

Hickman, Jane "Artifacts from Around the World. Welcome to the New Sphinx Gallery" Expedition 62.1 (2020) pp. 17-25

Meyers, Allan; Adams, Megan "Contours of Inequality. Landscapes of Colonial Slavery on a Bahama Island" Expedition 62.1 (2020) pp. 26-37

Small, Sheridan "Collecting for Philadelphia Museums. The Story of Robert H. Lamborn" Expedition 62.1 (2020) pp. 38-47

* "Scale Armor from Gordion. Discoveries from the Field" Expedition 62.1 (2020) pp. 48-49

Vu, Asiyah Ball And Hoang "High School Students Intern at CAAM. In The Labs" Expedition 62.1 (2020) pp. 50-51

Hickman, Jane "Working Remotely. From the Editor" Expedition 62.2 (2020) pp. 2

Siggers, Julian "A Source of Inspiration. From the Director" Expedition 62.2 (2020) pp. 3

*[students and former colleagues] "Remembering Bob Dyson" Expedition 62.2 (2020) pp. 12-25

Griffith, Christina "Revealing Ancient Faces. The Reconstruction of a Neandertal" Expedition 62.2 (2020) pp. 26-35

Shepard, Louisa "Connecting the Present to the Past. Silent Objects Speak to Naskapi Visitors" Expedition 62.2 (2020) pp. 36-47

Lomastro, Dan; Carmine, Jessica; Williams, Lucy Fowler "Research Notes. High Volume Digitization: Bringing Southwest Collections to Light" Expedition 62.2 (2020) pp. 48-51

Rose, C. Brian "Field Trip. A Penn Adventure in Turkey" Expedition 62.2 (2020) pp. 52-53

Herrmann, Jason T. "In The Labs. Teaching Geophysical Survey" Expedition 62.2 (2020) pp. 56-57

Hickman, Jane "From the Editor" Expedition 62.3 (2020) pp. 2

Tinney, Steve; Smith, Melissa; Mitchell-Boyask, Amanda "From the Co-Interim Directors" Expedition 62.3 (2020) pp. 3

* "Eight Years with Julian Siggers. At the Museum" Expedition 62.3 (2020) pp. 4-11

White, Chantel "An Introduction to the Garden History of Philadelphia" Expedition 62.3 (2020) pp. 12-19

Peck, Robert Mccracken "A Lucky Find. Seed Packets Shed Light on Philadelphia's Horticultural History" Expedition 62.3 (2020) pp. 20-27

Herrmann, Jason; Alaga, Kacie; Breyer, Katie "Reconstructing a Historic Landscape. Geophysical Prospection at the Woodlands" Expedition 62.3 (2020) pp. 28-37

Boileau, Marie-Claude; Lynch, Justin; Wang, Yuyang "Late 18th- to Early 19th-Century Flowerpots at The Woodlands" Expedition 62.3 (2020) pp. 38-45

Mitchem, Alexandria "Unearthing the Roots of the Past. Archaeology at Historic Bartram's Garden" Expedition 62.3 (2020) pp. 46-55

White, Chantel; Coulter, Elizabeth; Pearson, Bevan; Stein, Juliet "A Botanical Discovery at Bartram's Garden. Evidence for Preserved Plant Material" Expedition 62.3 (2020) pp. 56-67

Mote, Miranda E. "The Art of Gardening in a Pennsylvania Woods. The Garden of Francis D. Pastorius" Expedition 62.3 (2020) pp. 68-77

Aiello, Anthony S.; Block, Timothy A.; Skema, C. "Public Gardens and Climate Change. A View From The Morris Arboretum" Expedition 62.3 (2020) pp. 78-79

Reber, Kathryn Butler "Changes in a Penn Campus Oasis. A View From Kaskey Park" Expedition 62.3 (2020) pp. 80-81

M'Closkey, Karen "Seeds of Change. A View From Philly's Rivers" Expedition 62.3 (2020) pp. 82-83

Wu, Yupeng "A Miao Baby Carrier from China. Favorite Object" Expedition 62.3 (2020) pp. 86-87

Saunders, Khayla "Summer Internships--Virtually. Working Remotely" Expedition 62.3 (2020) pp. 88-90

Daniels, Brian I. "The Pennsylvania Declaration at 50" Expedition 62.3 (2020) pp. 92

Bourke, Graeme "Strabo and the Epeians of the Iliad" GRBS 60.1 (2020) pp. 1-30 PDF text

Diggle, James "Four Notes on Herodotus" GRBS 60.1 (2020) pp. 31-35 PDF text

Jeirani, Yashar "The Politics of Benefit: On the Identity of Household Management and Politics in Xenophon's Memorabilia" GRBS 60.1 (2020) pp. 36-60 PDF text

Jazdzewska, Katarzyna "'Still noon' in Plato's Phaedrus (and in Heraclides of Pontus)" GRBS 60.1 (2020) pp. 61-67 PDF text

Maltagliati, Giulia "Persuasion through Proximity (and Distance) in the Attic Orators' Historical Examples" GRBS 60.1 (2020) pp. 68-97 PDF text

Mayhew, Robert "Aristotle on Helios' 'Omniscience' in Iliad 3 and Odyssey 12: On schol. B* Iliad 3.277" GRBS 60.1 (2020) pp. 98-123 PDF text

Nunlist, Rene "Nicanor's System of Punctuation" GRBS 60.1 (2020) pp. 124-138 PDF text

Kotansky, Roy D. "A Silver Votive Plaque with a Judicial Prayer against Slander" GRBS 60.1 (2020) pp. 139-157 PDF text

Cristini, Marco "Frankish armostai in Lucca? Reading Agathias Hist. 1.18.5" GRBS 60.1 (2020) pp. 158-164 PDF text

Glogowski, Piotr "Cyrus the Younger and his Persians: The Dynamics of Power" GRBS 60.2 (2020) pp. 165-191 PDF text

Illarraga, Rodrigo "Xenophon's Psychology of Philotimia" GRBS 60.2 (2020) pp. 192-210 PDF text

Koentges, Thomas "The Un-Platonic Menexenus: A Stylometric Analysis with More Data" GRBS 60.2 (2020) pp. 211-241 PDF text

Parks, Mitchell H. "Reapportioning Honors: Intertextuality in Against Leptines" GRBS 60.2 (2020) pp. 242-261 PDF text

Cairns, Francis "The Terms komos and paraclausithyron" GRBS 60.2 (2020) pp. 262-271 PDF text

van Pelt, Julie "Disguised Identity and Recognition in the Life of Gregory of Agrigento (BHG 707)" GRBS 60.2 (2020) pp. 272-289 PDF text

Kampianaki, Theofili "Perceptions of Flavius Josephus in the Medieval Greek and Latin Literary Traditions" GRBS 60.2 (2020) pp. 290-316 PDF text

Acerbi, Fabio "Pseudarithmos" GRBS 60.3 (2020) pp. 317-323 PDF text

O'Connell, Peter "How Often Did the Athenian Dikasteria Meet? A Reappraisal" GRBS 60.3 (2020) pp. 324-341 PDF text

Berardi, Roberta "Letters or Speeches? Four Restimonia on Lysias' Erotika" GRBS 60.3 (2020) pp. 342-359 PDF text

Poletti, Beatrice "The Agency of Prayers: The Legend of M. Furius Camillus in Dionysius of Halicarnassus" GRBS 60.3 (2020) pp. 360-386 PDF text

Gross, Jonathan "On the Transmission of Paeanius" GRBS 60.3 (2020) pp. 387-409 PDF text

Nassar, Mohammad; Al-Bashaireh, Khaled; Harahsheh, Rafe; Hwari, Wasif "The Mosaic Pavement at Girmil, Jordan: A Comparative Study" GRBS 60.3 (2020) pp. 410-424 PDF text

Olsen, Robert J. "The Last Arab Siege of Constantinople (717--718): A Neglected Source" GRBS 60.3 (2020) pp. 425-443 PDF text

Leidholm, Nathan "Artaxerxes in Constantinople: Basil I's Genealogy and Byzantine Historical Memory of the Achaemenid Persians" GRBS 60.3 (2020) pp. 444-471 PDF text

Dulus, Mircea G. "Philagathos of Cerami, Procopius of Gaza, and the Rhetoric of Appropriation" GRBS 60.3 (2020) pp. 472-497 PDF text

Karpati, Andras "A pais kitharistes on a Fifth-Century Krater: Innovation in Musical Contest Iconography and the 'Thracian' Kithara. " GRBS 60.4 (2020) pp. 498-525 PDF text

Adams, William H. "Eileos in the Internal Affections of Hippocrates" GRBS 60.4 (2020) pp. 526-543 PDF text

Bremner, Sarah "The Rhetoric of Athenian Identity in Demosthenes' Early Assembly Speeches" GRBS 60.4 (2020) pp. 544-573 PDF text

Bilic, Tomislav "Pytheas and Hecataeus: Visions of the North in the Late Fourth Century B.C. " GRBS 60.4 (2020) pp. 574-593 PDF text

Kurpios, Marcin "Reconstructing the Transmission of Phylarchus' Histories: Fr.53 and Polybius' Habit in Quoting" GRBS 60.4 (2020) pp. 594-620 PDF text

Chrysanthou, Chrysanthos S. "Herodian and Cassius Dio: A Study of Herodian's Compositional Devices" GRBS 60.4 (2020) pp. 621-651 PDF text

Pizzone, Aglae "Self-authorization and Strategies of Autography in John Tzetzes. The Logismoi Rediscovered" GRBS 60.4 (2020) pp. 652-690 PDF text

Morugina, Kseniia S. "Patriarch Philotheus Kokkinos: A Comparison of Textual Versions of the Canon to St. Nicholas" GRBS 60.4 (2020) pp. 691-707 PDF text

Fries, Almut "A Planudean Edition of Pindar? The Evidence of Parisinus gr. 2403" GRBS 60.4 (2020) pp. 708-717 PDF text

Jesus, Carlos A.M. "A New Manuscript of the Septuagint and the First Two Editions of the Greek Bible" GRBS 60.4 (2020) pp. 718-744 PDF text

Lloyd, James "Music and Materiality" GRMS 8.1 (2020) pp. 1-10

Psaroudakes, Stelios "Lyre and Aulos from an Athenian Classical Grave in the Area between the So-Called 'Eriai' Gates and the Dipylon (Grave 48, 470-50 BC)" GRMS 8.1 (2020) pp. 11-44

Milona, Vassiliki "Conservation of the Lyre from Grave 48 in the Area between the So-Called 'Eriai' Gates and the Dipylon (470--50 BC)" GRMS 8.1 (2020) pp. 45-62

Laferriere, Carolyn "Painting with Music" GRMS 8.1 (2020) pp. 63-90

Kramarz, Andreas "Music and the Divine" GRMS 8.1 (2020) pp. 91-96

Sfyroeras, Pavlos "The Music of Sacrifice" GRMS 8.1 (2020) pp. 97-110

Lynch, Tosca A.C. "'Tuning the Lyre, Tuning the Soul'" GRMS 8.1 (2020) pp. 111-155

Rocconi, Eleonora "The Notion of Synthesis in Harmonic Science (and Beyond)" GRMS 8.1 (2020) pp. 156-173

Gianvittorio-Ungar, Laura "Narratives in Motion: the Art of Dancing Stories in Antiquity and Beyond" GRMS 8.1 (2020) pp. 174-189

Schlapbach, Karin "The Dance of Priests, Matronae, and Philosophers: Aspects of Dance Culture in Rome and the Roman Empire" GRMS 8.1 (2020) pp. 190-199

Psaroudakes, Stelios "How the Present Can Inform the Past, Part I Ancient and Modern Analogues as Supplementary Evidence in Reconstructing an Ancient Instrument" GRMS 8.2 (2020) pp. 217-229

Cinalli, Angela "The Past Sets the Context for the Present" GRMS 8.2 (2020) pp. 230-253

Kokkoliou, Antonia. "A Classical Athenian Grave (No 48, 470--50 BC) and Its Content from the Area between the So-Called 'Eriai' Gate and the Dipylon" GRMS 8.2 (2020) pp. 279-309

Protopapa, Anastasia-Sofia; Pitsios, Theodoros "A Juvenile Skeleton from a Classical Athenian Grave (No 48, 470--50 BC) Displaying Dental Developmental Abnormalities (Hypodontia)" GRMS 8.2 (2020) pp. 310-322

Lloyd, James "Composition, Comparison, and Concept" GRMS 8.2 (2020) pp. 323-337

Di Mambro, Sofia "Pseudo-Psellus' Synopsis of Music" GRMS 8.2 (2020) pp. 338-352

* "Prof. Fergus G. B. Millar (1935-2019). In memoriam" Gerion 38.1 (2020) pp. 7-10

Pascual Gonzalez, Jose "Las tumbas colectivas de los caidos en combate en Beocia (siglos V-III a.C.)" Gerion 38.1 (2020) pp. 11-36

Castan, Santiago "Claves politicas y juridicas de la adopcion en epoca republicana y augustea" Gerion 38.1 (2020) pp. 37-54

Cassia, Margherita "'La stola e il silenzio'? 'Parole' di donna in un epitaffio catanese d'eta imperiale" Gerion 38.1 (2020) pp. 55-81

Arena, Gaetano "Luoghi 'pubblici' e donne 'ai margini': un'attrice a Catania romana" Gerion 38.1 (2020) pp. 83-116

Lopez Medina, M. Juana "La alimentacion en las unidades domesticas campesinas a partir de las Metamorfosis de Ovidio" Gerion 38.1 (2020) pp. 117-135

Foubert, Lien "Ruedas que giran: historias de viajes femeninos en inscripciones funerarias latinas" Gerion 38.1 (2020) pp. 137-156

Di Cosmo, Antonio Pio "Il funus imperatorum ed il 'Teatro del potere'. Le esequie di Costantino e la reinvenzione dei riti funerari imperiali in un cosmo che progressivamente si fa cristiano" Gerion 38.1 (2020) pp. 157-192

Serrano Madronal, Raul "La aparicion del termino 'bagauda': nuevas consideraciones sobre la hipotesis de inclusion en Kaisergeschichte y en los Chronikoi Kanones de Eusebio de Cesarea" Gerion 38.1 (2020) pp. 193-205

Garcia Mac Gaw, Carlos "Colonos africanos: resiliencia, autodeterminacion y coaccion religiosa, siglos IV-V" Gerion 38.1 (2020) pp. 207-226

Jimenez Sanchez, Juan Antonio; Ibanez, Elisabet Seijo "Magia y desprestigio en la corte merovingia: el caso de Fredegunda" Gerion 38.1 (2020) pp. 227-257

Rodriguez Ramos, Jesus "Sobre la identificacion de dioses iberos en las inscripciones" Gerion 38.1 (2020) pp. 259-284

Garcia Riaza, Enrique "Un nuevo fragmento de epigrafia latina en bronce procedente de Mallorca" Gerion 38.1 (2020) pp. 285-294

De Balbin-Bueno, Ricardo; Pascual, Helena Gimeno; Ferragut, Helena Lorenzo "Y de una inscripcion nacieron siete: la suerte de una placa funeraria de Gades" Gerion 38.1 (2020) pp. 295-305

Cidoncha Redondo, Francisco "Los hijos ilegitimos en la Hispania romana a traves de las fuentes epigraficas" Gerion 38.1 (2020) pp. 307-332

Batisti, Roberto "Attorno All'etimologia Di traulos 'bleso', 'balbuziente' E Al Lessico Dei Difetti Di Pronuncia in Greco Antico" Glotta 96 (2020) pp. 3-37

van Beek, Lucien "Greek aidios, minunthadios, reidios" Glotta 96 (2020) pp. 38-74

Forssman, Bernhard "loisthos" Glotta 96 (2020) pp. 75-81

Kavcic, Jerneja "The Past-oriented Aorist Infinitive in Post-Classical Literary Texts" Glotta 96 (2020) pp. 82-118

Kayachev, Boris "Moretum 8" Glotta 96 (2020) pp. 119-23

Nikolaev, Alexander "droptein 'to Examine' (Aesch. Fr. 278 Radt) and Indo-Iranian *darp- 'to See'" Glotta 96 (2020) pp. 124-30

Nishimura, Kanehiro "Roman King Numa as an Indo-European Distributor" Glotta 96 (2020) pp. 131-47

Novokhatko, Anna "The Wetted Sponge, the Wretched Rho, and Other Greek Evidence for Scribal Work" Glotta 96 (2020) pp. 148-73

Panegyres, Konstantine "A Rare Usage of alethinos" Glotta 96 (2020) pp. 174-77

Pultrova, Lucie "Comparison and Negation in Latin" Glotta 96 (2020) pp. 178-212

La Roi, Ezra "The Variation of Classical Greek Wishes" Glotta 96 (2020) pp. 213-45

De Santis, Leonardo; Battezzato, Luigi "Aoristo e perfetto nel Greco Tardo-antico" Glotta 96 (2020) pp. 246-72

De Stefani, Claudio "Graeca Indica. Per l'origine Indeuropeo-egea dell'esametro" Glotta 96 (2020) pp. 273-98

Willi, Andreas "The History of Greek '*pifremi'" Glotta 96 (2020) pp. 299-327

Piepenbrink, Karen "'Konflikt' und 'Konsens' in der politischen Kommunikation der attischen Demokratie des 4. Jh. v. Chr." Gymnasium 127.1 (2020) pp. 1 - 19

Haehling, Raban Von "Augustin und das livianische Geschichtswerk" Gymnasium 127.1 (2020) pp. 21 - 51

Hoffmann, Roland "Die 'Oxford Latin Syntax' und die 'Cambridge Grammar of Classical Greek'. Zwei grossere neue Grammatiken im Bereich der alten Sprachen" Gymnasium 127.1 (2020) pp. 53 - 76

Emberger, Peter "Die Fabel des Menenius Agrippa als Beispiel fur die narrative Konstruktion der 'res publica' bei Livius" Gymnasium 127.1 (2020) pp. 77 - 91

Dentice di Accadia Ammone, Stefano "Die Worte des Jason. Uberlegungen zur Uberzeugungskunst in den Argonautika des Apollonios Rhodios" Gymnasium 127.2 (2020) pp. 99 - 129

Gunther, Sven "Wann darf Cicero (seinen Plato) endlich wieder lieben? Textkritisches zu Cic. leg. 3,1,1" Gymnasium 127.2 (2020) pp. 131 - 135

Kruschwitz, Peter "Eine kleine Poetik der Seuche. Epidemien im Spiegel romischer Versinschriften" Gymnasium 127.2 (2020) pp. 137 - 157

Brodersen, Kai "Antike im Rathaus. Die Antikenbilder im Greifswalder Ratssaal und ihre sehr deutsche Rezeption" Gymnasium 127.2 (2020) pp. 159 - 178

Baier, Thomas "Sallusts 'unmoralische' Geschichtsschreibung" Gymnasium 127.3 (2020) pp. 205 - 233

Jacobson, David M. "The Temple of Mars Ultor in Rome and the Philippeion in Olympia" Gymnasium 127.3 (2020) pp. 235 - 249

Allgaier, Benjamin "Tierisch eloquent? Sprachliche Kommunikation zwischen Mensch und Tier in den Versfabeln des Babrios" Gymnasium 127.3 (2020) pp. 251 - 268

Brodersen, Kai "Der Lowenbrunnen. Eine antike Rechenaufgabe und ihre Losungen zwischen 'Physis' und 'Techne'" Gymnasium 127.3 (2020) pp. 269 - 284

Schubert, Charlotte "Zur Standortbestimmung des Digitalen in den Altertumswissenschaften. Textanalyse am Beispiel des Corpus Hippocraticum und des hippokratischen Eides" Gymnasium 127.4 (2020) pp. 305 - 327

Heil, Andreas "'Iussa dei'. Ovids Kosmogonie als politische Ordnungsstiftung (met. 1,5--88)" Gymnasium 127.4 (2020) pp. 329 - 359

Neger, Margot "Brief, Satire und Epigramm. Literarische Traditionen und narrative Strategien in Epist. 1,11 des Sidonius Apollinaris" Gymnasium 127.4 (2020) pp. 361 - 388

Flashar, Hellmut "Inszenierung der Antike. Supplement IV" Gymnasium 127.4 (2020) pp. 389 - 394

Schmitt, RuDiger "Variierende Formen homerischer Eigennamen im Lichte von Metrik und Onomastik" Gymnasium 127.5 (2020) pp. 405 - 420

Schenk, Peter "Die Konon-Vita des Cornelius Nepos" Gymnasium 127.5 (2020) pp. 421 - 440

Schmitzer, Ulrich "Pygmalions Traum -- oder: Ovid schafft einen neuen Mythos" Gymnasium 127.5 (2020) pp. 441 - 464

SchaFer, Christian "Porphyrios und die Anthropologie der Vita Plotini" Gymnasium 127.5 (2020) pp. 465 - 489

Walter, Uwe "Welches Wissen ist das beste? Sachkunde, Expertenwissen und 'common sense' in der Athenischen Demokratie" Gymnasium 127.6 (2020) pp. 507 - 533

Fischer, Jens "Q. Fabius Pictor, das Orakel von Delphi und die sibyllinischen Bucher Roms. Zur Rolle von Orakeln in Rom und Griechenland" Gymnasium 127.6 (2020) pp. 535 - 567

GuNther, Sven "Die Germanen und das Geld" Gymnasium 127.6 (2020) pp. 569 - 580

Zelnick-Abramovitz, Rachel "Half Slave, Half Free: Partial Manumission in the Ancient Near East and Beyond" HSPh 110 (2020) pp. 1-57

Eckerman, Chris "I Weave a Variegated Headband: Metaphors for Song and Communication in Pindar's Odes" HSPh 110 (2020) pp. 60-95

Nikolaev, Alexander "Through the Thicket: The Text of Pindar Olympian 6.54 (batiai t'en apeiratoi)" HSPh 110 (2020) pp. 97-115

Joho, Tobias "Alcibiadean Mysteries and the Sicilian Expedition in Thucydides" HSPh 110 (2020) pp. 115-158

Barrios-Lech, Peter "Menander and Catullus 8 Revisited" HSPh 110 (2020) pp. 159-182

Volk, Katharina "Varro and the Disorder of Things" HSPh 110 (2020) pp. 183-212

Ramsey, John T. "The Date of the Consular Elections in 63 and the Inception of Catiline's Conspiracy" HSPh 110 (2020) pp. 213-269

Mcphee, Brian D. "Erulus and the Moliones: An Iliadic Intertext in Aeneid 8.560--567" HSPh 110 (2020) pp. 271-277

Scarborough, Julia "Eridanus in Elysium: The Underground Poetics of Virgil's Violent River" HSPh 110 (2020) pp. 279-309

Roskam, Geert "Providential Gods and Social Justice: An Ancient Controversy on Theonomous Ethics" HSPh 110 (2020) pp. 311-340

Cejudo, Rafael J. Galle "Progymnasmatic Alteration in the Love Letters of Philostratus" HSPh 110 (2020) pp. 341-369

Marcos, Moyses "Callidior ceteris persecutor: The Emperor Julian and His Place in Christian Historiography" HSPh 110 (2020) pp. 371-452

Berlincourt, Valery "Dea Roma and Mars: Intertext and Structure in Claudian's Panegyric for the Consuls Olybrius and Probinus" HSPh 110 (2020) pp. 453-482

Stok, Fabio "What Is the Spangenberg Fragment?" HSPh 110 (2020) pp. 483-502

Hollenback, George M. "Do Not Steal Seed: An Overlooked Double Entendre in Oracula Sibyllina 2.71" HSPh 110 (2020) pp. 503-510

Pellegrini, Paolo "R. A. B. Mynors and Harvard: An Unedited Letter to K. E. Rand (10.10.1944)" HSPh 110 (2020) pp. 511-

Gracia Zamacona, Carlos "?Que queria? Tiempos segundos y legitimacion en los textos de los ataudes del Egipto antiguo (c. 2000-1500 a. J. C.)" Habis 51 (2020) pp. 9-22

Jimenez Sancho, Gonzalo Beltran "El derecho de los heroes: aproximacion juridica a la serie E- de las tablillas micenicas" Habis 51 (2020) pp. 23-36

Gonzalez Suarez, Manuel "El poeta Panfo a la luz de Pausanias y de Filostrato" Habis 51 (2020) pp. 37-52

Bar, Silvio "'Zur Beute den Hunden und den Vogeln zum Mahl': zu den iliadischen Implikationen in Aesch. 'Supp.' 800-801" Habis 51 (2020) pp. 53-62

Garcia Domingo, Enrique "La leyenda fundacional de Roma: un enfoque linguistico" Habis 51 (2020) pp. 63-86

Lopez Jurado, Maria De Los Reyes; Saez Romero, Antonio M. "A proposito de un sello inedito sobre un anfora Dressel 1 italica encontrada en el Cerro de los Martires (San Fernando, Cadiz)" Habis 51 (2020) pp. 87-106

Caballos Rufino, Antonio "'Festus, Vibiorum libertus'" Habis 51 (2020) pp. 107-116

Gonzalez Fernandez, Julian "'C. Iulius Quadratus Bassus' y la sucesion de Trajano" Habis 51 (2020) pp. 117-136

Gonzalez-Conde Puente, Pilar "La visita de Adriano a 'Hispania' y la reparacion de la Via de la Plata" Habis 51 (2020) pp. 137-160

Chaves Tristan, Francisca "El tesoro de aureos hallado en Italica" Habis 51 (2020) pp. 161-192

Vidal, ViCtor Sabate; Martin, Borja; Garces I Estallo, Ignasi "Una nueva inscripcion procedente del 'Ager Aesonensis' (Isona i Conca Della, Lerida)" Habis 51 (2020) pp. 193-202

Serrano Ordozgoiti, David "'Akmaioteron nyn epanthei': la representacion del emperador Galieno (253-268) y el culto solar en las 'epistolai heortastikai' de Dionisio de Alejandria" Habis 51 (2020) pp. 203-222

Vilella Masana, Josep "Los obispos emeritenses del Imperio romano cristiano" Habis 51 (2020) pp. 223-244

Serrano Madronal, Raul "Frederico, un miembro de la familia visigoda de los baltingos" Habis 51 (2020) pp. 245-263

Blanco Robles, Fernando "Sagunto y Numancia en las fuentes antiguas y medievales: ?Continuismo o ruptura?" Habis 51 (2020) pp. 263-280

Harris, W. V. "The Reputation of the Manteis in the Century after the Sicilian Expedition" Hermes 148.1 (2020) pp. 4-22

Harders, Ann-Cathrin "Frau im Fragment" Hermes 148.1 (2020) pp. 23-37

Gerbrandy, Piet "Quintilian's Institutio oratoria as a literary work" Hermes 148.1 (2020) pp. 38-52

Strozynski, Mateusz "The Self as Hypernoetic Intellect in Plotinus' Philosophy" Hermes 148.1 (2020) pp. 53-68

Mulke, Markus "Viva vox und weiches Wachs: Plinius bei Hieronymus (epist. 53, 1--3 an Paulinus)" Hermes 148.1 (2020) pp. 69-85

Teichmann, Jenny "Das Rechenbuch des Metrodor" Hermes 148.1 (2020) pp. 86-118

Gemin, Marco "Skepsis tragica" Hermes 148.1 (2020) pp. 119-123

Ludwig, Bernd "Gluckliches Leben und hochstes Gut" Hermes 148.1 (2020) pp. 124-126

Frederik Juliaan, Vervaet "No grain of salt : casting a New Light on Pompeius' cura annonae" Hermes 148.2 (2020) pp. 149-172

Gordillo Hervas, Rocio "Antinous and the games of the Koinon of the achaeans and the arcadians in Mantinea" Hermes 148.2 (2020) pp. 218-231

Zampieri, Eleonora "Pompey, Minerva and Rome's Presence in the Near East" Hermes 148.3 (2020) pp. 334-344

Dorfbauer, Lukas J. "Das Nurnberger Fragment und die karolingische Uberlieferung der 'Historia Augusta' = The Nuremberg Fragment and the Carolingian Tradition of the 'Historia Augusta'" Hermes 148.3 (2020) pp. 345-377

Schulz, Raimund "'Meister der langen Ruder und Helden der Seefahrt' : die Geburt der griechischen Ethnographie aus der Praxis maritimer Erkundung" Hermes 148.4 (2020) pp. 345-377

Tsoumpra, Natalia "Introduction" ICS 45.2 (2020) pp. 255-264

Christenson, David "Concocting Justice: Dicaeopolis the Cook-Comedian" ICS 45.2 (2020) pp. 265-286

Wyles, Rosie "Costume's Comic and Intertextual Potential: The Case of Philocleon's Cloak" ICS 45.2 (2020) pp. 287-309

Sfyroeras, Pavlos "Wings or Armor? Costume, Metaphor, and the Limits of Utopia in Aristophanes's Birds" ICS 45.2 (2020) pp. 310-332

Ruffell, Isabel "Poetics, Perversions, and Passing: Approaching the Transgender Narratives of Thesmophoriazousai" ICS 45.2 (2020) pp. 333-367

Tsoumpra, Natalia "Undressing and Cross-dressing: Costume, Ritual, and Female Empowerment in Aristophanes" ICS 45.2 (2020) pp. 368-398

Compton-Engle, Gwendolyn "Male Stage-Nudity in Aristophanes" ICS 45.2 (2020) pp. 399-423

Farmer, Matthew "Choral Disrobing in Aristophanes" ICS 45.2 (2020) pp. 424-446

Hardie, Alex "Pindar, Hesiod, and the Charites of Orchomenos (Olympian 14)" ICS 45.2 (2020) pp. 447-475

Lane, Nicholas "Pindar, Pythian 6.50--51" ICS 45.2 (2020) pp. 476-481

Shai, Itzhaq; Mckinny, hris "Canaanite Votive Offerings and Their Significance within Their Context at Tel Burna" IEJ 70.1 (2020) pp. 1-17

Levavi-Eilat, Sara "Discarded Women: A New Theory on the Use of Late Bronze Age Plaque Figurines of the Southern Levant" IEJ 70.1 (2020) pp. 18-35

Golub, Mitka R. "In the Name of the Father: Patronyms in Iron Age II Hebrew Epigraphy" IEJ 70.1 (2020) pp. 36-48

Arnon, Noam; Ben-Shlomo, David; Mommsen, Hans "Iron Age Pottery from the Cave of the Patriarchs at Hebron" IEJ 70.1 (2020) pp. 49-63

Dugaw, Sean; Lipschits, Oded; Stiebel, Guy D. "A New Typology of Arrowheads from the Late Iron Age and Persian Period and Its Historical Implications" IEJ 70.1 (2020) pp. 64-89

Weksler-Bdolah, Shlomit; Segni, Leah Di "A Latin Epitaph of a Soldier from Magen's Excavations in Damascus Gate and the Burial Grounds of Jerusalem between 70 and 130 CE" IEJ 70.1 (2020) pp. 90-98

Reich, Ronny; Baruch, Yuval "A Note on the Date of the Stone Collapse at the Western Wall of the Temple Mount" IEJ 70.1 (2020) pp. 99-113

Ahmed, Ayman Mohamed "The Milk Deity IAt ('I3At) in Ancient Egyptian Religion" JARCE 56 (2020) pp. 5--15

Ahmed, Mohamed Hussein; Redding, Richard W. "Faunal Remains from Excavations at the Menkaure Valley Temple (MVT-W), 2019" JARCE 56 (2020) pp. 17--34

Arico, Ashley; Davis, Katherine "An Ostracon Depicting a King at the Art Institute of Chicago (AIC 1920.255)" JARCE 56 (2020) pp. 35--46

Bandy, Kathryn E. "A Family of Lector-Priests at Edfu" JARCE 56 (2020) pp. 47--69

Barker, Georgia "Animate Decoration in the Burial Chamber" JARCE 56 (2020) pp. 71--81

Brier, Bob; Morabito, Michael G.; Greene, Stuart "The Khufu I Boat" JARCE 56 (2020) pp. 83--99

McCorquodale, Kim "The Hoopoe and the Child in Old Kingdom Art" JARCE 56 (2020) pp. 101--114

Miatello, Luca "On the Pairs of Shafts in the Pyramid of Khufu as Means for the Ascent to the Akhet" JARCE 56 (2020) pp. 115--141

Omran, Wahid "Virtuous or Wicked" JARCE 56 (2020) pp. 143--167

Petrova, Dora "A Lost Dipinto from the Tomb of Ramesses III and New Insights into the Nature of the Architectural Feature nfr.w" JARCE 56 (2020) pp. 169--174

Sabbahy, Lisa "Did Akhenaten's Founding of Akhetaten Cause a Malaria Epidemic?" JARCE 56 (2020) pp. 175--179

Silva, Luiza Osorio G. "The Myth of the Mundane" JARCE 56 (2020) pp. 181--197

Soleiman, Saleh "The Dating of Heneni's False Door at Hildesheim" JARCE 56 (2020) pp. 199--211

Weber, Anke; Bunbury, Judith; Dietze, Klara; Hovestreydt, Willem; Petrova, Dora; Popko, Lutz; Rees, Gareth; Rees, Lea; Schinken, Karin "Second Report on the Publication and Conservation of the Tomb of Ramesses III in the Valley of the Kings (KV 11)" JARCE 56 (2020) pp. 213--244

Clark, Geoffrey; Leclerc, Mathieu; Parton, Phillip; Reepmeyer, Christian; Grono, Elle; Burley, David "Royal funerals, ritual stones and participatory networks in the maritime Tongan state" JAnthArch 57 (2020) pp. 101115

Reckin, Rachel; Todd, Lawrence C. "Illuminating high elevation seasonal occupational duration using diversity in lithic raw materials and tool types in the greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, USA" JAnthArch 57 (2020) pp. 101119

Stutz, Aaron Jonas "A niche of their own: population dynamics, niche diversification, and biopolitics in the recent biocultural evolution of hunter-gatherers" JAnthArch 57 (2020) pp. 101120

Groot, Beatrijs De "The impact of population fluctuations on the spatial spread of Neolithic ceramic traditions in West Anatolia and South-East Europe" JAnthArch 57 (2020) pp. 101121

Huebert, Jennifer M.; Allen, Melinda S. "Anthropogenic forests, arboriculture, and niche construction in the Marquesas Islands (Polynesia)" JAnthArch 57 (2020) pp. 101122

Shearn, Isaac "Canoe societies in the Caribbean: Ethnography, archaeology, and ecology of precolonial canoe manufacturing and voyaging" JAnthArch 57 (2020) pp. 101140

Hendrickson, Mitch; Leroy, Stephanie "Sparks and needles: Seeking catalysts of state expansions, a case study of technological interaction at Angkor, Cambodia (9th to 13th centuries CE)" JAnthArch 57 (2020) pp. 101141

Millaire, Jean-Francois "Dating the occupation of Cerro Arena: A defensive Salinar-phase settlement in the Moche Valley, Peru" JAnthArch 57 (2020) pp. 101142

Paterson, Alistair; Veth, Peter "The point of pearling: Colonial pearl fisheries and the historical translocation of Aboriginal and Asian workers in Australia's Northwest" JAnthArch 57 (2020) pp. 101143

Reitsema, Laurie J.; Kyle, Britney; Vassallo, Stefano "Food traditions and colonial interactions in the ancient Mediterranean: Stable isotope evidence from the Greek Sicilian colony Himera" JAnthArch 57 (2020) pp. 101144

Marquardt, William H.; Krus, Anthony M.; Thompson, Victor D. "Rethinking the Estero Island Site: A possible satellite village of Mound Key" JAnthArch 58 (2020) pp. 101145

Koungoulos, Loukas; Fillios, Melanie "Hunting dogs down under? On the Aboriginal use of tame dingoes in dietary game acquisition and its relevance to Australian prehistory" JAnthArch 58 (2020) pp. 101146

Rosenswig, Robert M.; Briggs, Margaret L.; Masson, Marilyn A. "Burying the Dead during the Maya Postclassic period: Saxe, Binford and Goldstein's continued relevance to mortuary analysis" JAnthArch 58 (2020) pp. 101147

Jordan, Jillian M.; Hoggarth, Julie A.; Awe, Jaime J. "Pottery, practice, and place: A communities of practice approach to commoner interaction in the Late to Terminal Classic Belize River Valley" JAnthArch 58 (2020) pp. 101148

Price, T. Douglas; Peets, Juri; Allmae, Raili; Maldre, Liina; Price, Neil "Human remains, context, and place of origin for the Salme, Estonia, boat burials" JAnthArch 58 (2020) pp. 101149

Steel, Louise "'Little women': Gender, performance, and gesture in Mycenaean female figurines" JAnthArch 58 (2020) pp. 101161

Munro, Natalie D.; Stiner, Mary C. "A zooarchaeological history of the Neolithic occupations at Franchthi Cave and paralia in southern Greece" JAnthArch 58 (2020) pp. 101162

Holland-Lulewicz, Jacob; Conger, Megan Anne; Birch, Jennifer; Kowalewski, Stephen A.; Jones, Travis W. "An institutional approach for archaeology" JAnthArch 58 (2020) pp. 101163

Lacquement, Cameron H. "Physical modifications to late prehistoric plazas in the southeast U.S." JAnthArch 58 (2020) pp. 101164

Braymer-Hayes, Katelyn; Anderson, Shelby L.; Alix, Claire; Darwent, Christyann M.; Darwent, John; Mason, Owen K.; Norman, Lauren Y.E. "Studying pre-colonial gendered use of space in the Arctic: Spatial analysis of ceramics in Northwestern Alaska" JAnthArch 58 (2020) pp. 101165

Klassen, Sarah; Evans, Damian "Top-down and bottom-up water management: A diachronic model of changing water management strategies at Angkor, Cambodia" JAnthArch 58 (2020) pp. 101166

Klokler, Daniela "Fishing for "lucky stones": Symbolic uses of otoliths in Brazilian shell sites" JAnthArch 58 (2020) pp. 101167

Castaneda, Alejandra; Darras, Veronique; Deodat, Laure "Assessing the prehispanic settlement of the Lerma Valleyduring the first millennium: Survey in the floodplain of Tres Mezquites, Michoacan, Mexico" JAnthArch 58 (2020) pp. 101168

Coulson, Sheila; Andreasen, Claus "Uncovering their tracks: Intra-site behaviour at a Paleo-Inuit multiple dwelling site" JAnthArch 58 (2020) pp. 101169

Derenne, Eve; Ard, Vincent; Besse, Marie "Pottery technology as a revealer of cultural and symbolic shifts: Funerary and ritual practices in the Sion 'Petit-Chasseur' megalithic necropolis (3100--1600 BC, Western Switzerland)" JAnthArch 58 (2020) pp. 101170

Fargher, Lane F.; Antorcha-Pedemonte, Ricardo R.; Espinoza, Verenice Y. Heredia; Blanton, Richard E.; Corral, Aurelio Lopez; Cook, Robert A.; Millhauser, John K.; Marino, Marc D.; Rojo, Iziar Martinez; Alcantara, Ivonne Perez; Costa, Angelica "Wealth inequality, social stratification, and the built environment in Late Prehispanic Highland Mexico: A comparative analysis with special emphasis on Tlaxcallan" JAnthArch 58 (2020) pp. 101176

Wojtal, Piotr; Svoboda, JirI; Roblickova, Martina; WilczynSki, JaroslAw "Carnivores in the everyday life of Gravettian hunters-gatherers in Central Europe" JAnthArch 59 (2020) pp. 101171

Lazzari, Marisa; Sprovieri, Marina "Weaving people and places: Landscapes of obsidian circulation in NW Argentina. A long-term view (ca. CE 100--1436)" JAnthArch 59 (2020) pp. 101172

Chase, Brad; Meiggs, David; Ajithprasad, P. "Pastoralism, climate change, and the transformation of the Indus Civilization in Gujarat: Faunal analyses and biogenic isotopes" JAnthArch 59 (2020) pp. 101173

Sanders, Akiva "An aesthetic of resistance: Beauty and power in northern Mesopotamia" JAnthArch 59 (2020) pp. 101174

Dedrick, Maia; Webb, Elizabeth A.; Mcanany, Patricia A.; Kumul, Jose Miguel Kanxoc; Jones, John G.; Alpuche, Adolfo Ivan Batun; Pope, Carly; Russell, Morgan "Influential landscapes: Temporal trends in the agricultural use of rejolladas at Tahcabo, Yucatan, Mexico" JAnthArch 59 (2020) pp. 101175

Riris, Philip "Spatial structure among the geometric earthworks of western Amazonia (Acre, Brazil)" JAnthArch 59 (2020) pp. 101177

Morin, Eugene "Rethinking the emergence of bone grease procurement" JAnthArch 59 (2020) pp. 101178

Letham, Bryn; Martindale, Andrew; Ames, Kenneth M. "Endowment, investment, and the transforming coast: Long-term human-environment interactions and territorial proprietorship in the Prince Rupert Harbour, Canada" JAnthArch 59 (2020) pp. 101179

Moffett, Abigail J.; Hall, Simon; Chirikure, Shadreck "Crafting power: New perspectives on the political economy of southern Africa, AD 900--1300" JAnthArch 59 (2020) pp. 101180

Prentiss, Anna Marie; Walsh, Matthew J.; Foor, Thomas A.; Bobolinski, Kathryn; Hampton, Ashley; Ryan, Ethan; O'Brien, Haley "Malthusian cycles among semi-sedentary Fisher-Hunter-Gatherers: The socio-economic and demographic history of Housepit 54, Bridge River site, British Columbia" JAnthArch 59 (2020) pp. 101181

Hastorf, Christine A.; Bruno, Maria C. "The flavors archaeobotany forgot" JAnthArch 59 (2020) pp. 101189

Hrncir, Vaclav; Vondrovsky, Vaclav; Kvetina, Petr "Post-marital residence patterns in LBK: Comparison of different models" JAnthArch 59 (2020) pp. 101190

Slotten, Venicia; Lentz, David; Sheets, Payson "Landscape management and polyculture in the ancient gardens and fields at Joya de Ceren, El Salvador" JAnthArch 59 (2020) pp. 101191

Ben-Dor, Miki; Barkai, Ran "The importance of large prey animals during the Pleistocene and the implications of their extinction on the use of dietary ethnographic analogies" JAnthArch 59 (2020) pp. 101192

Mazz, Jose M. Lopez; Cabral, Rocio M. Lopez "The presence of Guarani groups in the current Uruguayan territory" JAnthArch 59 (2020) pp. 101193

Stark, Barbara L. "Long-term economic change: Craft extensification in the Mesoamerican cotton textile industry" JAnthArch 59 (2020) pp. 101194

Sugiyama, Nawa; Martinez-Polanco, Maria Fernanda; France, Christine A.M.; Cooke, Richard G. "Domesticated landscapes of the neotropics: Isotope signatures of human-animal relationships in pre-Columbian Panama" JAnthArch 59 (2020) pp. 101195

Wilczynski, Jaroslaw; Haynes, Gary; Sobczyk, Lukasz; Svoboda, Jiri; Roblickova, Martina; Wojtal, Piotr "Friend or foe? Large canid remains from Pavlovian sites and their archaeozoological context" JAnthArch 59 (2020) pp. 101197

Hale, Jessica W. Cook; Sanger, Matthew "Cultural spaces and climate change: Modeling Holocene archaeological settlement patterns on the coastal plain of the southeastern United States" JAnthArch 59 (2020) pp. 101198

Mcdonald, Mary M.A. "The Mid-Holocene bifacial projectile points from Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt: Implications concerning origins of the knapping tradition, changing hunting patterns, the local neolithic, and African cultural independence" JAnthArch 59 (2020) pp. 101199

Harris, Alison J.T.; Feuerborn, Tatiana R.; Sinding, Mikkel-Holger S.; Nottingham, James; Knudsen, Robert; Rey-Iglesia, Alba; Schmidt, Anne Lisbeth; Appelt, Martin; Gronnow, Bjarne; Alexander, Michelle; Eriksson, Gunilla; Dalen, Love; Hansen, Anders J.; Liden, Kerstin "Archives of human-dog relationships: Genetic and stable isotope analysis of Arctic fur clothing" JAnthArch 59 (2020) pp. 101200

Hu, Di; Quave, Kylie E. "Prosperity and prestige: Archaeological realities of unfree laborers under Inka imperialism" JAnthArch 59 (2020) pp. 101201

Clayton, Sarah C. "The collapse of Teotihuacan and the regeneration of Epiclassic societies: a Bayesian approach" JAnthArch 59 (2020) pp. 101203

Tannier, Cecile; Cura, Robin; Leturcq, Samuel; Zadora-Rio, Elisabeth "An agent-based model for exploring the combined effects of social and demographic changes on the concentration and hierarchy of rural settlement patterns in North-Western Europe during the Middle Ages (800--1200 CE)" JAnthArch 59 (2020) pp. 101204

Souleles, Daniel "Knotty financiers: A comparative take on finance, value, and inequality" JAnthArch 59 (2020) pp. 101205

Millhauser, John K. "Let's get fiscal: The social relations of finance and technological change in Aztec and Colonial Mexico" JAnthArch 60 (2020) pp. 101196

Ortiz, Gabriela; Chauque, Guillermo; Chocobar, Patricia; Vaca, Lorena; Quispe, Gabriela "Traces of the absent: Evidence of textile production in the foothill region of jujuy, argentina (2000 AP)" JAnthArch 60 (2020) pp. 101206

Grossman, Kathryn; Paulette, Tate "Wealth-on-the-hoof and the low-power state: Caprines as capital in early Mesopotamia" JAnthArch 60 (2020) pp. 101207

Harush, Ortal; Roux, Valentine; Karasik, Avshalom; Grosman, Leore "Social signatures in standardized ceramic production -- A 3-D approach to ethnographic data" JAnthArch 60 (2020) pp. 101208

Mckechnie, Iain; Moss, Madonna L.; Crockford, Susan J. "Domestic dogs and wild canids on the Northwest Coast of North America: Animal husbandry in a region without agriculture?" JAnthArch 60 (2020) pp. 101209

Ritchie, Morgan; Lepofsky, Dana "From local to regional and back again: Social transformation in a Coast Salish settlement, 1500--1000 BP" JAnthArch 60 (2020) pp. 101210

Scheel-Ybert, Rita; Boyadjian, Celia "Gardens on the coast: Considerations on food production by Brazilian shellmound builders" JAnthArch 60 (2020) pp. 101211

Ardren, Traci; Miller, Stephanie "Household garden plant agency in the creation of Classic Maya social identities" JAnthArch 60 (2020) pp. 101212

Liu, Cheng; Shimelmitz, Ron; Friesem, David E.; Yeshurun, Reuven; Nadel, Dani "Diachronic trends in occupation intensity of the Epipaleolithic site of Neve David (Mount Carmel, Israel): A lithic perspective" JAnthArch 60 (2020) pp. 101223

Kirk, Scott D.; Sternberg, Evan S.; Przystupa, Paulina F. "Landscape, typologies, and the social meaning of castles" JAnthArch 60 (2020) pp. 101224

Robson, Harry K.; Lucquin, Alexandre; Gibbs, Kevin; Saul, Hayley; Tomoda, Tetsuhiro; Hirasawa, Yu; Yamahara, Toshiro; Kato, Hirofumi; Isaksson, Sven; Craig, Oliver E.; Jordan, Peter D. "Walnuts, salmon and sika deer: Exploring the evolution and diversification of Jomon "culinary" traditions in prehistoric Hokkaido" JAnthArch 60 (2020) pp. 101225

Smith-Guzman, Nicole E.; Rivera-Sandoval, Javier; Knipper, Corina; Arias, Gines Alberto Sanchez "Intentional dental modification in Panama: New support for a late introduction of African origin" JAnthArch 60 (2020) pp. 101226

Bolender, Douglas; Johnson, Eric; Bello, Grace "Tenancy, finance, and access to commercial goods: Interpreting impoverished assemblages in Skagafjordur, Iceland, CE 1300--1900" JAnthArch 60 (2020) pp. 101227

Suzuki, Shintaro; Nakamura, Seiichi; Price, T. Douglas "Isotopic proveniencing at Classic Copan and in the southern periphery of the Maya Area: A new perspective on multi-ethnic society" JAnthArch 60 (2020) pp. 101228

Holyoke, Kenneth R.; Blair, Susan E.; Shaw, Cliff S.J. "Aesthetics or function in heat-treating? The influence of colour preference in lithic preparation on the Maritime Peninsula, Eastern Canada" JAnthArch 60 (2020) pp. 101229

Feinman, Gary M.; Neitzel, Jill E. "Excising culture history from contemporary archaeology" JAnthArch 60 (2020) pp. 101230

Garate, Diego; Intxaurbe, Inaki; Moreno-Garcia, Javier "Establishing a predictive model for rock art surveying: The case of Palaeolithic caves in Northern Spain" JAnthArch 60 (2020) pp. 101231

Green, Adam S. "Debt and inequality: Comparing the "means of specification" in the early cities of Mesopotamia and the Indus civilization" JAnthArch 60 (2020) pp. 101232

Urban, Matthias; Barbieri, Chiara "North and South in the ancient Central Andes: Contextualizing the archaeological record with evidence from linguistics and molecular anthropology" JAnthArch 60 (2020) pp. 101233

Davenport, James A. "The organization of production for Inka Polychrome pottery from Pachacamac, Peru" JAnthArch 60 (2020) pp. 101235

Hart, John P. "Reassessing an inferred Iroquoian village removal sequence in the Mohawk River Basin, New York, USA" JAnthArch 60 (2020) pp. 101236

Gamble, Lynn H. "The origin and use of shell bead money in California" JAnthArch 60 (2020) pp. 101237

Liczbinska, Grazyna; Piontek, Janusz; Baron, Justyna; Laciak, Dagmara; Kuzbik, Radoslaw "Are metals necessary for the study of social stratification during the Bronze Age and the Iron Age? A proposal for a new methodological approach" JAnthArch 60 (2020) pp. 101241

Ferentinos, George; Fakiris, Elias; Christodoulou, Dimitrios; Geraga, Maria; Dimas, Xenophontas; Georgiou, Nikos; Kordella, Stavroula; Papatheodorou, George; Prevenios, Michalis; Sotiropoulos, Makis "Optimal sidescan sonar and subbottom profiler surveying of ancient wrecks: The 'Fiskardo' wreck, Kefallinia Island, Ionian Sea" JArchSc 113 (2020) pp. 105032

Wright, David K.; Kim, Junkyu; Park, Jiyoung; Yang, Jiwon; Kim, Jangsuk "Spatial modeling of archaeological site locations based on summed probability distributions and hot-spot analyses: A case study from the Three Kingdoms Period, Korea" JArchSc 113 (2020) pp. 105036

Becerra-Valdivia, Lorena; Leal-Cervantes, Rodrigo; Wood, Rachel; Higham, Thomas "Challenges in sample processing within radiocarbon dating and their impact in 14C-dates-as-data studies" JArchSc 113 (2020) pp. 105043

Fanta, Vaclav; Zouhar, Jan; Benes, Jaromir; Bumerl, Jiri; Sklenicka, Petr "How old are the towns and villages in Central Europe? Archaeological data reveal the size of bias in dating obtained from traditional historical sources" JArchSc 113 (2020) pp. 105044

Kaal, Joeri; Seijo, Maria Martin; Oliveira, Cesar; Wagner-Wysiecka, Ewa; Mccoy, Victoria E.; Kraemer, Monica M. Solorzano; Kerner, Alexander; Wenig, Philip; Mayo, Carlos; Mayo, Julia "Golden artefacts, resin figurines, body adhesives and tomb sediments from the pre-Columbian burial site El Cano (Gran Cocle, Panama): Tracing organic contents using molecular archaeometry" JArchSc 113 (2020) pp. 105045

Vining, Benjamin; Williams, Patrick Ryan "Crossing the western Altiplano: The ecological context of Tiwanaku migrations" JArchSc 113 (2020) pp. 105046

Charalambous, Andreas; Webb, Jennifer M. "Metal procurement, artefact manufacture and the use of imported tin bronze in Middle Bronze Age Cyprus" JArchSc 113 (2020) pp. 105047

Friesem, David E.; Anton, Marie; Waiman-Barak, Paula; Shahack-Gross, Ruth; Nadel, Dani "Variability and complexity in calcite-based plaster production: A case study from a Pre-Pottery Neolithic B infant burial at Tel Ro'im West and its implications to mortuary practices in the Southern Levant" JArchSc 113 (2020) pp. 105048

Zabinski, Grzegorz; Gramacki, Jaroslaw; Gramacki, Artur; Mista-Jakubowska, Ewelina; Birch, Thomas; Disser, Alexandre "Multi-classifier majority voting analyses in provenance studies on iron artefacts" JArchSc 113 (2020) pp. 105055

Johnson, Emily S.; Marston, John M. "The experimental identification of nixtamalized maize through starch spherulites" JArchSc 113 (2020) pp. 105056

Wielgosz-Rondolino, Dagmara; Antonelli, Fabrizio; Bojanowski, Maciej J.; Gladki, Marcin; Goncuoglu, Mehmet Cemal; Lazzarini, Lorenzo "Improved methodology for identification of Goktepe white marble and the understanding of its use: A comparison with Carrara marble" JArchSc 113 (2020) pp. 105059

Castelle, M.; Dillmann, P.; Vega, E.; Blanc-Riehl, C.; Vilain, A.; Chastang, P.; Anheim, E. "Seal the deal: An extensive study of European historical copper-based seal matrices using a multimodal protocol" JArchSc 113 (2020) pp. 105061

Blumenstiel, David; Mcdonald, Madison; Arriaza, Bernardo; Amarasiriwardena, Dulasiri "Exposure to geogenic lithium in ancient Andeans: Unraveling lithium in mummy hair using LA-ICP-MS" JArchSc 113 (2020) pp. 105062

Somerville, Andrew D.; Nelson, Ben A.; Diaz, Jose Luis Punzo; Schoeninger, Margaret J. "Rabbit bone stable isotope values distinguish desert ecoregions of North America: Data from the archaeological sites of Pueblo Grande, La Ferreria, and La Quemada" JArchSc 113 (2020) pp. 105063

Henriquez, Alejandra Cares; Oxenham, Marc F. "A new comprehensive quantitative approach for the objective identification and analysis of linear enamel hypoplasia (LEH) in worn archaeological dental assemblages" JArchSc 113 (2020) pp. 105064

Huang, Shan; Freestone, Ian C.; Zhu, Yanshi; Shen, Lihua "The introduction of celadon production in North China: Technological characteristics and diversity of the earliest wares" JArchSc 114 (2020) pp. 105057

Fu, Yingchun; Chen, Zifan; Zhou, Songluan; Wei, Shuya "Comparative study of the materials and lacquering techniques of the lacquer objects from Warring States Period China" JArchSc 114 (2020) pp. 105060

Giordani, Giorgia; Erauw, CeLine; Eeckhout, Peter A.; Owens, Lawrence S.; Vanin, Stefano "Patterns of camelid sacrifice at the site of Pachacamac, Peruvian Central Coast, during the Late Intermediate Period (AD1000--1470): Perspectives from funerary archaeoentomology" JArchSc 114 (2020) pp. 105065

Tucker, Laura; Favreau, Julien; Itambu, Makarius; Larter, Fergus; Mollel, Neduvoto; Mwambwiga, Aloyce; Patalano, Robert; Roberts, Patrick; Soto, MariA; Mercader, Julio "Initial assessment of bioavailable strontium at Oldupai Gorge, Tanzania: Potential for early mobility studies" JArchSc 114 (2020) pp. 105066

Peters, Carli; Van Kolfschoten, Thijs "The site formation history of Schoningen 13II-4 (Germany): Testing different models of site formation by means of spatial analysis, spatial statistics and orientation analysis" JArchSc 114 (2020) pp. 105067

Davis, Gillan; Gore, Damian B.; Sheedy, Kenneth A.; Albarede, Francis "Separating silver sources of Archaic Athenian coinage by comprehensive compositional analyses" JArchSc 114 (2020) pp. 105068

Marginedas, Francesc; Rodriguez-Hidalgo, Antonio; Soto, Maria; Bello, Silvia M.; Caceres, Isabel; Huguet, Rosa; Saladie, Palmira "Making skull cups: Butchering traces on cannibalised human skulls from five European archaeological sites" JArchSc 114 (2020) pp. 105076

Towle, Ian; Irish, Joel D. "Recording and interpreting enamel hypoplasia in samples from archaeological and palaeoanthropological contexts" JArchSc 114 (2020) pp. 105077

O'Hara, Mackie C.; Guatelli-Steinberg, Debbie "Differences in enamel defect expression and enamel growth variables in Macaca fascicularis and Trachypithecus cristatus from Sabah, Borneo" JArchSc 114 (2020) pp. 105078

Sugranes, Nuria; Neme, Gustavo; Glascock, Michael D.; Eerkens, Jelmer; Macdonald, Brandi Lee "Pottery conveyance in North Patagonia, Argentina: Implications for human mobility across the region" JArchSc 114 (2020) pp. 105081

Smith, David; Hill, Geoff; Kenward, Harry; Allison, Enid "Development of synanthropic beetle faunas over the last 9000 years in the British Isles" JArchSc 115 (2020) pp. 105075

Samuelsen, John R.; Potra, Adriana "Biologically available Pb: A method for ancient human sourcing using Pb isotopes from prehistoric animal tooth enamel" JArchSc 115 (2020) pp. 105079

Ramsoe, Abigail; Heekeren, Vivian Van; Ponce, Paola; Fischer, Roman; Barnes, Ian; Speller, Camilla; Collins, Matthew J. "DeamiDATE 1.0: Site-specific deamidation as a tool to assess authenticity of members of ancient proteomes" JArchSc 115 (2020) pp. 105080

Rybnicek, Michal; Kocar, Petr; Muigg, Bernhard; Peska, Jaroslav; Sedlacek, Radko; Tegel, Willy; Kolar, Tomas "World's oldest dendrochronologically dated archaeological wood construction" JArchSc 115 (2020) pp. 105082

Zheng, Hailing; Yang, Hailiang; Zhang, Wei; Yang, Rulin; Su, Bomin; Zhao, Xichen; Zhou, Yang; Dai, Xianjun "Insight of silk relics of mineralized preservation in Maoling Mausoleum using two enzyme-linked immunological methods" JArchSc 115 (2020) pp. 105089

Prassack, Kari A.; Dubois, Josephine; Laznickova-Galetova, Martina; Germonpre, Mietje; Ungar, Peter S. "Dental microwear as a behavioral proxy for distinguishing between canids at the Upper Paleolithic (Gravettian) site of Predmosti, Czech Republic" JArchSc 115 (2020) pp. 105092

Kellner, Corina M.; Compton-Gore, Katharin; Mayer, Aaron J.; Sayre, Matthew; Jennings, Justin; ALvarez, Willy YePez "Comparing ritual foods and everyday diet from the Middle Horizon site of Tenahaha, Cotahuasi, Peru using stable isotope and macrobotanical analyses" JArchSc 115 (2020) pp. 105095

Verdugo, Cristina; Zhu, Kimberly; Kassadjikova, Kalina; Berg, Lara; Forst, Jannine; Galloway, Alison; Brady, James E.; Fehren-Schmitz, Lars "An investigation of ancient Maya intentional dental modification practices at Midnight Terror Cave using anthroposcopic and paleogenomic methods" JArchSc 115 (2020) pp. 105096

Davis, Dylan S.; Andriankaja, Vanillah; Carnat, Tahirisoa Lorine; Chrisostome, Zafy Maharesy; Colombe, Christophe; Fenomanana, Felicia; Hubertine, Laurence; Justome, Ricky; Lahiniriko, FrancOis; LeOnce, Harson; Manahira, George; Pierre, Briand Venance; Roi, Razafimagnefa; Soafiavy, Patricia; Victorian, Faralahy; Voahirana, Vavisoa; Manjakahery, BartheLeMy; Douglass, Kristina "Satellite-based remote sensing rapidly reveals extensive record of Holocene coastal settlement on Madagascar" JArchSc 115 (2020) pp. 105097

Moscardi, Bruno; Rindel, Diego D.; Perez, S. Ivan "Human diet evolution in Patagonia was driven by the expansion of Lama guanicoe after megafaunal extinctions" JArchSc 115 (2020) pp. 105098

Wang, Yingzhu; Rehren, Thilo; Tan, Yuchen; Cong, Dexin; Jia, Peter Weiming; Henderson, Julian; Ma, Hongjiao; Betts, Alison; Chen, Kunlong "New evidence for the transcontinental spread of early faience" JArchSc 116 (2020) pp. 105093

Dinapoli, Robert J.; Rieth, Timothy M.; Lipo, Carl P.; Hunt, Terry L. "A model-based approach to the tempo of 'collapse': The case of Rapa Nui (Easter Island)" JArchSc 116 (2020) pp. 105094

Piezonka, Henny; Kosinskaya, Lyubov'; Dubovtseva, Ekaterina; Chemyakin, Yuri; Enshin, Dmitri; Hartz, Sonke; Kovaleva, Valentina; Panina, Svetlana; Savchenko, Svetlana; Skochina, Svetlana; Terberger, Thomas; Zakh, Viktor; Zhilin, Mikhail; Zykov, Aleksey "The emergence of hunter-gatherer pottery in the Urals and West Siberia: New dating and stable isotope evidence" JArchSc 116 (2020) pp. 105100

Omurova, Gulzar T.; Seim, Andrea; Barinov, Valentin V.; Kardash, Oleg V.; Myglan, Vladimir S. "Construction history and timber use of the medieval settlement Nadymskiy Gorodok in the northwestern Siberian forest-tundra" JArchSc 116 (2020) pp. 105101

Pilloud, Marin A.; Schwitalla, Al W. "Re-evaluating traditional markers of stress in an archaeological sample from central California" JArchSc 116 (2020) pp. 105102

Loader, N.J.; Miles, D.; Mccarroll, D.; Young, G.H.F.; Davies, D.; Ramsey, C. Bronk; James, J.G. "Oxygen isotope dating of oak and elm timbers from the portcullis windlass, Byward Tower, Tower of London" JArchSc 116 (2020) pp. 105103

Adams, Martin E.; Jenkins, Dennis L. "Earliest record of the spinose ear tick, Otobius megnini (Duges) (Ixodida: Argasidae), from the Paisley Caves site (Oregon, USA), with implications for prehistoric human ectoparasitism" JArchSc 116 (2020) pp. 105114

Zeder, Melinda A.; Lemoine, Ximena "A method for constructing demographic profiles in Sus scrofa using Logarithm Size Index scaling" JArchSc 116 (2020) pp. 105115

Richter, Kristine Korzow; Mcgrath, Krista; Masson-Maclean, Edouard; Hickinbotham, Simon; Tedder, Andrew; Britton, Kate; Bottomley, Zoe; Dobney, Keith; Hulme-Beaman, Ardern; Zona, Margherita; Fischer, Roman; Collins, Matthew J.; Speller, Camilla F. "What's the catch? Archaeological application of rapid collagen-based species identification for Pacific Salmon" JArchSc 116 (2020) pp. 105116

Loufouma-Mbouaka, Alvie; Binder, Michaela; Noedl, Harald; Gamble, Michelle "Evaluation of rapid diagnostic tests and Enzyme Linked Immunoassay in the detection of malaria in ancient human remains" JArchSc 116 (2020) pp. 105118

Slimak, Ludovic; Nicholson, Christopher "Cannibals in the forest: A comment on Defleur and Desclaux (2019)" JArchSc 117 (2020) pp. 105034

Janzen, Anneke; Balasse, Marie; Ambrose, Stanley H. "Early pastoral mobility and seasonality in Kenya assessed through stable isotope analysis" JArchSc 117 (2020) pp. 105099

Connan, Jacques; Priestman, Seth; Vosmer, Tom; Komoot, Abhirada; Tofighian, Hossein; Ghorbani, Buyuk; Engel, Michael H.; Zumberge, Alex; Velde, Thomas Van De "Geochemical analysis of bitumen from West Asian torpedo jars from the c. 8th century Phanom-Surin shipwreck in Thailand" JArchSc 117 (2020) pp. 105111

Defleur, Alban R.; Desclaux, Emmanuel; Jabbour, Rebecca S.; Richards, Gary D. "The Eemian: Global warming, ecosystem upheaval, demographic collapse and cannibalism at Moula-Guercy. A reply to Slimak and Nicholson (2020)" JArchSc 117 (2020) pp. 105113

Foley, Allison J. "The daily grind: Assessing bruxism as a potential indicator of stress in archaeological human remains" JArchSc 117 (2020) pp. 105117

Hartman, G.; Brittingham, A.; Gilboa, A.; Hren, M.; Maas, K.; Pilver, J.; Weiss, E. "Post-charring diagenetic alteration of archaeological lentils by bacterial degradation" JArchSc 117 (2020) pp. 105119

Pons-Branchu, Edwige; Sanchidrian, Jos3 Luis; Fontugne, Michel; Medina-Alcaide, M ANgeles; Quiles, Anita; Thil, Francois; Valladas, Helene "U-series dating at Nerja cave reveal open system. Questioning the Neanderthal origin of Spanish rock art" JArchSc 117 (2020) pp. 105120

Scaffidi, Beth K.; Knudson, Kelly J. "An archaeological strontium isoscape for the prehistoric Andes: Understanding population mobility through a geostatistical meta-analysis of archaeological 87Sr/86Sr values from humans, animals, and artifacts" JArchSc 117 (2020) pp. 105121

Weber, Jan; Brozio, Jan Piet; Muller, Johannes; Schwark, Lorenz "Grave gifts manifest the ritual status of cattle in Neolithic societies of northern Germany" JArchSc 117 (2020) pp. 105122

Stephens, Jay; Killick, David; Wilmsen, Edwin; Denbow, James; Miller, Duncan "Lead isotopes link copper artefacts from northwestern Botswana to the Copperbelt of Katanga Province, Congo" JArchSc 117 (2020) pp. 105124

Diachenko, Aleksandr; Sobkowiak-Tabaka, Iwona "Micro-chronology of Palaeolithic open-air sites: The model" JArchSc 117 (2020) pp. 105125

Walker, Samantha "Low-altitude aerial thermography for the archaeological investigation of arctic landscapes" JArchSc 117 (2020) pp. 105126

Crema, Enrico R.; Kobayashi, Ken'Ichi "A multi-proxy inference of Jomon population dynamics using bayesian phase models, residential data, and summed probability distribution of 14C dates" JArchSc 117 (2020) pp. 105136

Skowronek, Tobias; Hauptmann, Andreas; Von~Ruden, Constance "Using spinel chemistry to characterise archaeological steatite found in the wall paintings of Tell el-Dabca, Egypt" JArchSc 117 (2020) pp. 105137

Amicone, Silvia; Radivojevic, Miljana; Quinn, Patrick Sean; Berthold, Christoph; Rehren, Thilo "Pyrotechnological connections? Re-investigating the link between pottery firing technology and the origins of metallurgy in the Vinca Culture, Serbia" JArchSc 118 (2020) pp. 105123

Fagernas, Zandra; Garcia-Collado, Maite I.; Hendy, Jessica; Hofman, Courtney A.; Speller, Camilla; Velsko, Irina; Warinner, Christina "A unified protocol for simultaneous extraction of DNA and proteins from archaeological dental calculus" JArchSc 118 (2020) pp. 105135

Silva, Fabio "A probabilistic framework and significance test for the analysis of structural orientations in skyscape archaeology" JArchSc 118 (2020) pp. 105138

Balasse, Marie; Renault-Fabregon, Leo; Gandois, Henri; Fiorillo, Denis; Gorczyk, John; Bacvarov, Krum; Ivanova, Maria "Neolithic sheep birth distribution: Results from Nova Nadezhda (sixth millennium BC, Bulgaria) and a reassessment of European data with a new modern reference set including upper and lower molars" JArchSc 118 (2020) pp. 105139

Blanz, Magdalena; Mainland, Ingrid; Richards, Michael; Balasse, Marie; Ascough, Philippa; Wolfhagen, Jesse; Taggart, Mark A.; Feldmann, Jorg "Identifying seaweed consumption by sheep using isotope analysis of their bones and teeth: Modern reference delta-13C and delta-15N values and their archaeological implications" JArchSc 118 (2020) pp. 105140

Argote, Denisse L.; Tejero-Andrade, Andres; Cardenas-Soto, Martin; Cifuentes-Nava, Gerardo; Chavez, Rene E.; Hernandez-Quintero, Esteban; Garcia-Serrano, Alejandro; Ortega, Veronica "Designing the underworld in Teotihuacan: Cave detection beneath the moon pyramid by ERT and ANT surveys" JArchSc 118 (2020) pp. 105141

Kadziolka, Katarzyna; Pietranik, Anna; Kierczak, Jakub; Potysz, Anna; Stolarczyk, Tomasz "Towards better reconstruction of smelting temperatures: Methodological review and the case of historical K-rich Cu-slags from the Old Copper Basin, Poland" JArchSc 118 (2020) pp. 105142

Berihuete-Azorin, Marian; Stika, Hans-Peter; Hallama, Moritz; Valamoti, Soultana Maria "Distinguishing ripe spelt from processed green spelt (Grunkern) grains: Methodological aspects and the case of early La Tene Hochdorf (Vaihingen a.d. Enz, Germany)" JArchSc 118 (2020) pp. 105143

Rosenswig, Robert M.; Tunon, Antonio Martinez "Changing Olmec trade routes understood through Least Cost Path analysis" JArchSc 118 (2020) pp. 105146

Yahalom-Mack, Naama; Herzlinger, Gadi; Bogdanovsky, Alexander; Tirosh, Ofir; Garfinkel, Yosef; Dugaw, Sean; Lipschits, Oded; Erel, Yigal "Combining chemical and lead isotope analyses with 3-D geometric--morphometric shape analysis: A methodological case study of socketed bronze arrowheads from the southern Levant" JArchSc 118 (2020) pp. 105147

Crombe, Philippe; Langohr, Roger "On the origin of Mesolithic charcoal-rich pits: A comment on Huisman et al." JArchSc 119 (2020) pp. 105058

Huisman, D.J.; Niekus, M.J.L. Th.; Peeters, J.H.M.; Geerts, R.C.A.; Muller, A. "Arguments in favour of an anthropogenic origin of Mesolithic pit hearths. A reply to Crombe and Langohr (2020)" JArchSc 119 (2020) pp. 105144

Demarchi, Beatrice; Boano, Rosa; Ceron, Arianna; Bello, Federica Dal; Favero-Longo, Sergio E.; Fiddyment, Sarah; Marochetti, Elisa Fiore; Mangiapane, Gianluigi; Mattonai, Marco; Pennacini, Cecilia; Ribechini, Erika; Woolley, Jos; Zilberstein, Gleb; Righetti, Pier Giorgio "Never boring: Non-invasive palaeoproteomics of mummified human skin" JArchSc 119 (2020) pp. 105145

Fort, Joaquim; Pareta, Maria Merce "Long-distance dispersal effects and Neolithic waves of advance" JArchSc 119 (2020) pp. 105148

Yang, Yimin "Archaeometry should be based on Archaeology. A comment on Lin et al. (2019)" JArchSc 119 (2020) pp. 105149

ALvarez-Fernandez, Noemi; Cortizas, Antonio MartiNez; Lopez-Costas, Olalla "Atmospheric mercury pollution deciphered through archaeological bones" JArchSc 119 (2020) pp. 105159

White, J. Alyssa; Schulting, Rick J.; Lythe, Andrew; Hommel, Peter; Ramsey, Christopher Bronk; Moiseyev, Vyacheslav; Khartanovich, Valeri; Weber, Andrzej W. "Integrated stable isotopic and radiocarbon analyses of Neolithic and bronze age hunter-gatherers from the Little Sea and Upper Lena micro- regions, Cis-Baikal, Siberia" JArchSc 119 (2020) pp. 105161

Wolfe, Allison L.; Broughton, Jack M. "A foraging theory perspective on the associational critique of North American Pleistocene overkill" JArchSc 119 (2020) pp. 105162

Henderson, J.; Ma, H.; Evans, J. "Glass production for the Silk Road? Provenance and trade of islamic glasses using isotopic and chemical analyses in a geological context" JArchSc 119 (2020) pp. 105164

Perucchetti, L.; Montero-Ruiz, I.; Bray, P. "Mapping archaeometallurgical data of the Iberian Copper Age: Different ways to look at a big picture" JArchSc 119 (2020) pp. 105165

Lazzerini, Nicolas; Zazzo, Antoine; Coulon, Aurelie; Turbat, Tsagaan; Marchina, Charlotte; Lepetz, Sebastien "Date of death of domestic caprines assessed by oxygen isotopic analysis of developing molars: Implications for deciphering the calendar of pastoral activities in prehistory" JArchSc 120 (2020) pp. 105163

Nielsen, Bjarne Henning; Christensen, Tina; Frei, Karin Margarita "New insights from forgotten bog bodies: The potential of bog skeletons for investigating the phenomenon of deposition of human remains in bogs during prehistory" JArchSc 120 (2020) pp. 105166

Coil, Reed; Yezzi-Woodley, Katrina; Tappen, Martha "Comparisons of impact flakes derived from hyena and hammerstone long bone breakage" JArchSc 120 (2020) pp. 105167

Freeman, Jacob; Robinson, Erick; Beckman, Noelle G.; Bird, Darcy; Baggio, Jacopo A.; Anderies, John M. "The global ecology of human population density and interpreting changes in paleo-population density" JArchSc 120 (2020) pp. 105168

Moayed, N. Karimi; Vandenberghe, D.A.G.; Deforce, K.; Bastiaens, J.; Ghyselbrecht, E.; Debeer, A.-E.; De Smedt, P.; De Clercq, W.; De Grave, J. "Bypassing the Suess-effect: Age determination of charcoal kiln remains using OSL dating" JArchSc 120 (2020) pp. 105176

Dunne, J.; Chapman, A.; Blinkhorn, P.; Evershed, R.P. "Fit for purpose? Organic residue analysis and vessel specialisation: The perfectly utilitarian medieval pottery assemblage from West Cotton, Raunds" JArchSc 120 (2020) pp. 105178

Henriquez-Valido, Pedro; Morales, Jacob; Vidal-Matutano, Paloma; Moreno-Benitez, Marco; Marchante-Ortega, ANgel; Rodriguez-RodriGuez, Amelia; Huchet, Jean-Bernard "Archaeoentomological indicators of long-term food plant storage at the Prehispanic granary of La Fortaleza (Gran Canaria, Spain)" JArchSc 120 (2020) pp. 105179

Simpson, A.; Fernandez-Dominguez, E.; Panagiotakopulu, E.; Clapham, A. "Ancient DNA preservation, genetic diversity and biogeography: A study of houseflies from Roman Qasr Ibrim, lower Nubia, Egypt" JArchSc 120 (2020) pp. 105180

Bevins, Richard E.; Pirrie, Duncan; Ixer, Rob A.; O'Brien, Hugh; Pearson, Mike Parker; Power, Matthew R.; Shail, Robin K. "Constraining the provenance of the Stonehenge 'Altar Stone': Evidence from automated mineralogy and U--Pb zircon age dating" JArchSc 120 (2020) pp. 105188

Key, Alastair; Lycett, Stephen J. "Torque creation and force variation along the cutting edges of Acheulean handaxes: implications for tip thinning, resharpening and tranchet flake removals" JArchSc 120 (2020) pp. 105189

Stepanov, Ivan S.; Weeks, Lloyd; Franke, Kristina A.; Overlaet, Bruno; Alard, Olivier; Cable, Charlotte M.; Aali, Yaaqoub Yousif Al; Boraik, Mansour; Zein, Hassan; Grave, Peter "The provenance of early Iron Age ferrous remains from southeastern Arabia" JArchSc 120 (2020) pp. 105192

Lorentz, K.O.; De Nolf, W.; Cotte, M.; Ioannou, G.; Foruzanfar, F.; Zaruri, M.R.; Sajjadi, S.M.S. "Synchrotron radiation micro X-Ray Fluorescence (SR-mu-XRF) elemental mapping of ancient hair: Metals and health at 3rd millennium BCE Shahr-i Sokhta, Iran" JArchSc 120 (2020) pp. 105193

Degryse, Patrick; Shortland, Andrew J.; Dillis, Sarah; Van Ham-Meert, Alicia; Vanhaecke, Frank; Leeming, Peter "Isotopic evidence for the use of Caucasian antimony in Late Bronze Age glass making" JArchSc 120 (2020) pp. 105195

Lopez-Onaindia, Diego; Subira, M. Eulalia "Application of different dental indicators of disruption to assess 'stress' in three prehistoric samples from northeast Iberian Peninsula" JArchSc 120 (2020) pp. 105196

Rodriguez, Veronica Perez; Kellner, Corina M.; Leon, Ricardo Higelin Ponce De "Urban to the bone: Isotopic and faunal dietary data from Formative-period Cerro Jazmin, Mixteca Alta, Oaxaca, Mexico" JArchSc 121 (2020) pp. 105177

Capano, Manuela; Martinelli, Nicoletta; Baioni, Marco; Tuna, Thibaut; Bernabei, Mauro; Bard, Edouard "Is the dating of short tree-ring series still a challenge? New evidence from the pile dwelling of Lucone di Polpenazze (northern Italy)" JArchSc 121 (2020) pp. 105190

Li, Haichao; Chen, Jianli; Cui, Jianfeng; Wu, Xiaohong; Yang, Yingliang; Huang, Fengchun; Xu, Tianjin "Production and circulation of bronzes among the regional states in the Western Zhou Dynasty" JArchSc 121 (2020) pp. 105191

Albarede, Francis; Blichert-Toft, Janne; Gentelli, Liesel; Milot, Jean; Vaxevanopoulos, Markos; Klein, Sabine; Westner, Katrin; Birch, Thomas; Davis, Gil; Callatay, Francois De "A miner's perspective on Pb isotope provenances in the Western and Central Mediterranean" JArchSc 121 (2020) pp. 105194

Edinborough, Marija; Rando, Carolyn "Stressed Out: Reconsidering stress in the study of archaeological human remains" JArchSc 121 (2020) pp. 105197

Serna, Alejandro; Prates, Luciano; Mange, Emiliano; Salazar-GarciA, Domingo C.; Bataille, Clement P. "Implications for paleomobility studies of the effects of quaternary volcanism on bioavailable strontium: A test case in North Patagonia (Argentina)" JArchSc 121 (2020) pp. 105198

Mecking, Oliver "The colours of archaeological copper alloys in binary and ternary copper alloys with varying amounts of Pb, Sn and Zn" JArchSc 121 (2020) pp. 105199

Hanot, Pauline; Gerber, Sylvain; Guintard, Claude; Herrel, Anthony; Verslype, Laurent; Cornette, Raphael "Reconstructing the functional traits of the horses from the tomb of King Childeric" JArchSc 121 (2020) pp. 105200

Wang, Wei; Liu, Yi; Duan, Futao; Zhang, Jie; Liu, Xinyi; Reid, Rachel E.B.; Zhang, Man; Dong, Weimiao; Wang, Yongqiang; Ruan, Qiurong; Li, Wenying; An, Cheng-Bang "A comprehensive investigation of Bronze Age human dietary strategies from different altitudinal environments in the Inner Asian Mountain Corridor" JArchSc 121 (2020) pp. 105201

Mackay, Helen; Davies, Kimberley L.; Robertson, Jack; Roy, Lynne; Bull, Ian D.; Whitehouse, Nicki J.; Crone, Anne; Cavers, Graeme; Mccormick, Finbar; Brown, Antony G.; Henderson, Andrew C.G. "Characterising life in settlements and structures: Incorporating faecal lipid biomarkers within a multiproxy case study of a wetland village" JArchSc 121 (2020) pp. 105202

Mckenzie, Catriona J.; Murphy, Eileen M.; Guiry, Eric; Donnelly, Colm J.; Beglane, Fiona "Diet in Medieval Gaelic Ireland: A multiproxy study of the human remains from Ballyhanna, Co. Donegal" JArchSc 121 (2020) pp. 105203

Westner, Katrin J.; Kemmers, Fleur; Klein, Sabine "A novel combined approach for compositional and Pb isotope data of (leaded) copper-based alloys: bronze coinage in Magna Graecia and Rome (5th to 2nd centuries BCE)" JArchSc 121 (2020) pp. 105204

Nims, Reno; Filimoehala, Darby; Allen, Melinda S.; Butler, Virginia L. "When less is more: Element selection as sampling strategy in zooarchaeology" JArchSc 121 (2020) pp. 105205

Demarchi, Beatrice; Boano, Rosa; Ceron, Arianna; Dal Bello, Federica; Favero-Longo, Sergio E.; Fiddyment, Sarah; Marochetti, Elisa Fiore; Mangiapane, Gianluigi; Mattonai, Marco; Pennacini, Cecilia; Ribechini, Erika; Woolley, Jos; Zilberstein, Gleb; Righetti, Pier Giorgio "Corrigendum to 'Never boring: Non-invasive palaeoproteomics of mummified human skin' [J. Archaeol. Sci. (2020) 105145]" JArchSc 121 (2020) pp. 105216

Mason, Andrea; Powell, Wayne; Bankoff, H. Arthur; Mathur, Ryan; Price, Michael; Bulatovic, Aleksandar; Filipovic, Vojislav "Provenance of tin in the Late Bronze Age Balkans based on probabilistic and spatial analysis of Sn isotopes" JArchSc 122 (2020) pp. 105181

Casanova, Emmanuelle; Arbogast, Rose-Marie; Denaire, Anthony; Jeunesse, Christian; Lefranc, Philippe; Evershed, Richard P. "Spatial and temporal disparities in human subsistence in the Neolithic Rhineland gateway" JArchSc 122 (2020) pp. 105215

Penezic, Kristina; Porcic, Marko; Urban, Petra Kathrin; Wittwer-Backofen, Ursula; Stefanovic, Sofija "Stressful times for women - Increased physiological stress in Neolithic females detected in tooth cementum" JArchSc 122 (2020) pp. 105217

Cox, Trevor J.; Fazenda, Bruno M.; Greaney, Susan E. "Using scale modelling to assess the prehistoric acoustics of Stonehenge" JArchSc 122 (2020) pp. 105218

Cilli, Elisabetta; Gabanini, Gaia; Ciucani, Marta Maria; De Fanti, Sara; Serventi, Patrizia; Bazaj, Alda; Sarno, Stefania; Ferri, Gianmarco; Fregnani, Angelica; Cornaglia, Giuseppe; Gruppioni, Giorgio; Luiselli, Donata; Traversari, Mirko "A multifaceted approach towards investigating childbirth deaths in double burials: Anthropology, paleopathology and ancient DNA" JArchSc 122 (2020) pp. 105219

Liu, Siran; He, Xiaolin; Chen, Jianli; Zou, Guisen; Guo, Shijia; Gong, Xicheng; Rehren, Thilo "Micro-slag and 'invisible' copper processing activities at a Middle-Shang period (14th-13th century BC) bronze casting workshop" JArchSc 122 (2020) pp. 105222

Rademakers, Frederik W.; Verly, Georges; Somaglino, Claire; Degryse, Patrick "Geochemical changes during Egyptian copper smelting? An experimental approach to the Ayn Soukhna process and broader implications for archaeometallurgy" JArchSc 122 (2020) pp. 105223

Liss, Brady; Levy, Thomas E.; Day, James M.D. "Origin of iron production in the Eastern Mediterranean: Osmium isotope and highly siderophile element evidence from Iron Age Jordan" JArchSc 122 (2020) pp. 105227

Erb-Satullo, Nathaniel L.; Jachvliani, Dimitri; Kakhiani, Kakha; Newman, Richard "Direct evidence for the co-manufacturing of early iron and copper-alloy artifacts in the Caucasus" JArchSc 123 (2020) pp. 105220

Garilli, Vittorio; Vita, Gerlando; La~Parola, Valeria; Vraca, Massimiliana Pinto; Giarrusso, Renato; Rosina, Pierluigi; Bonfiglio, Laura; Sineo, Luca "First evidence of Pleistocene ochre production from bacteriogenic iron oxides. A case study of the Upper Palaeolithic site at the San Teodoro Cave (Sicily, Italy)" JArchSc 123 (2020) pp. 105221

Gomes, Claudia; Remolins, Gerard; Lopez-Parra, Ana Maria; Gibaja, Juan F.; Fondevila, Maria; Angelis, Flavio De; Veltre, Virginia; Subira, M. Eulalia; Baeza-Richer, Carlos; Guerrero, Diana; Palomo-Diez, Sara; Martinez-Labarga, Cristina; Labajo-Gonzalez, Elena; Lareu, Maria Victoria; Perea-Perez, Bernardo; Arroyo-Pardo, Eduardo "Paleogenetic evidence of a Pyrenean Neolithic family: Kinship, physical appearance and biogeography multidisciplinary analysis" JArchSc 123 (2020) pp. 105226

Leierer, Lucia; Alonso, Angel Carrancho; Perez, Leopoldo; Lagunilla, Angela Herrejon; Herrera-Herrera, Antonio V.; Connolly, Rory; Jambrina-Enriquez, Margarita; Gomez, Cristo M. Hernandez; Galvan, Bertila; Mallol, Carolina "It's getting hot in here -- Microcontextual study of a potential pit hearth at the Middle Paleolithic site of El Salt, Spain" JArchSc 123 (2020) pp. 105237

Arroyo, Adrian; Harmand, Sonia; Roche, Helene; Taylor, Nicholas "Searching for hidden activities: Percussive tools from the Oldowan and Acheulean of West Turkana, Kenya (2.3--1.76 Ma)" JArchSc 123 (2020) pp. 105238

Choi, Jungyu; Wright, David K.; Lima, Helena Pinto "A new local scale prediction model of Amazonian landscape domestication sites" JArchSc 123 (2020) pp. 105240

Pares, J.M.; Campana, I.; Duval, M.; Sier, M.J.; Ortega, A.I.; Lopez, G.I.; Rosell, J. "Comparing depositional modes of cave sediments using magnetic anisotropy" JArchSc 123 (2020) pp. 105241

Langewitz, T.; FuLling, A.; Klamm, M.; Wiedner, K. "Historical classification of ridge and furrow cultivation at selected locations in Northern and central Germany using a multi-dating approach and historical sources" JArchSc 123 (2020) pp. 105248

Sarasan, Adriana; Ardelean, Adrian-Cristian; Balarie, Andrei; Wehrheim, Ruben; Tabaldiev, Kubatbek; Akmatov, Kunbolot "Mapping burial mounds based on UAV-derived data in the Suusamyr Plateau, Kyrgyzstan" JArchSc 123 (2020) pp. 105251

Nomokonova, Tatiana; Losey, Robert J.; Mclachlin, Kira; Bachura, Olga P.; Gusev, Andrei V.; Kosintsev, Pavel A.; Fedorova, Natalia V.; Sablin, Mikhail V. "Age estimation of archaeological dogs using pulp cavity closure ratios" JArchSc 123 (2020) pp. 105252

Granado, Jose D.; Dill, Nadine; Gaunitz, Charleen; Fages, Antoine; Khan, Naveed; Mraz, Monica Schernig; Deschler-Erb, Sabine; Orlando, Ludovic; Schlumbaum, Angela "The mules that are not mules - metrics, morphology, archaeogenomics and mtDNA d-loop diversity in equids from Roman Switzerland" JArchSc 123 (2020) pp. 105253

Wolfhagen, Jesse "Re-examining the use of the LSI technique in zooarchaeology" JArchSc 123 (2020) pp. 105254

Koc, Koray; KosUn, Erdal; Cheng, Hai; Demirtas, Ferdi; Edwards, R. Lawrence; Fleitmann, Dominik "Black carbon traces of human activities in stalagmites from Turkey" JArchSc 123 (2020) pp. 105255

Pecci, Alessandra; Borgna, Elisabetta; Mileto, Simona; Longa, Elisa Dalla; Bosi, Giovanna; Florenzano, Assunta; Mercuri, Anna Maria; Corazza, Susi; Marchesini, Marco; Vidale, Massimo "Wine consumption in Bronze Age Italy: combining organic residue analysis, botanical data and ceramic variability" JArchSc 123 (2020) pp. 105256

Altaweel, Mark; Squitieri, Andrea "Quantifying object similarity: Applying locality sensitive hashing for comparing material culture" JArchSc 123 (2020) pp. 105257

Beata I. Czajkowska, Amy Bogaard, Michael Charles, Glynis Jones, Marianne Kohler-Schneider, Aldona Mueller-Bieniek, Terence A. Brown "Ancient DNA typing indicates that the 'new' glume wheat of early Eurasian agriculture is a cultivated member of the Triticum timopheevii group" JArchSc 123 (2020) pp. 105258

Barron, Aleese; Fuller, Dorian Q.; Stevens, Chris; Champion, Louis; Winchell, Frank; Denham, Tim "Snapshots in time: MicroCT scanning of pottery sherds determines early domestication of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) in East Africa" JArchSc 123 (2020) pp. 105259

Prentiss, Anna Marie; Walsh, Matthew J.; Foor, Thomas A.; Hampton, Ashley; Ryan, Ethan "Evolutionary household archaeology: Inter-generational cultural transmission at housepit 54, Bridge River site, British Columbia" JArchSc 124 (2020) pp. 105260

Van Ham-Meert, A.; Rodler, A.S.; Waight, T.E.; Daly, A. "Determining the Sr isotopic composition of waterlogged wood -- Cleaning more is not always better" JArchSc 124 (2020) pp. 105261

Eshel, Tzilla; Yahalom-Mack, Naama; Tirosh, Ofir; Maeir, Aren M.; Harlavan, Yehudit; Gilboa, Ayelet; Erel, Yigal "Pollution and human mobility in the southern Levant during the Iron Age using chemical and isotopic analysis of human tooth enamel" JArchSc 124 (2020) pp. 105262

Lorkiewicz, Wieslaw; Karkus, Justyna; Mietlinska, Joanna; Stuss, Michal; Sewerynek, Ewa; Plazuk, Damian; Zadzinska, Elzbieta "Did parity affect bone mineral density of women in past populations? Parturition scars and BMD of Neolithic to modern skeletons from north-central Poland" JArchSc 124 (2020) pp. 105264

Llorenc, Picornell-Gelabert; Alexa, Dufraisse; Martin, De Luis; Maurici, Mus Amezquita; Yolanda, Carrion Marco "Modelling dendro-anthracological parameters with dendrochronological reference datasets: Interrogating the applicability of anthraco-typology to assess Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Miller) wood management from archaeological charcoal fragments" JArchSc 124 (2020) pp. 105265

Zeder, Melinda A.; Lemoine, Ximena "Factors affecting molar size in Sus scrofa" JArchSc 124 (2020) pp. 105266

Garcia-Granero, Juan Jose "Starch taphonomy, equifinality and the importance of context: Some notes on the identification of food processing through starch grain analysis" JArchSc 124 (2020) pp. 105267

Petrie, Cameron A.; Lynam, Frank "Revisiting Settlement Contemporaneity and Exploring Stability and Instability: Case Studies from the Indus Civilization" JFA 45.1 (2020) pp. 1-15

Norstedt, Gudrun; Axelsson, Anna-Lena; Laudon, Hjalmar; OStlund, Lars "Detecting Cultural Remains in Boreal Forests in Sweden Using Airborne Laser Scanning Data of Different Resolutions" JFA 45.1 (2020) pp. 16-28

Matuzeviciute, Giedre Motuzaite; Tabaldiev, Kubatbek; Hermes, Taylor; Ananyevskaya, Elina; Grikpedis, Mindaugas; Luneau, Elise; Merkyte, Inga; Rouse, Lynne M. "High-Altitude Agro-Pastoralism in the Kyrgyz Tien Shan: New Excavations of the Chap Farmstead (1065--825 cal b.c.)" JFA 45.1 (2020) pp. 29-45

Halperin, Christina T.; Garrido, Jose Luis "Architectural Aesthetics, Orientations, and Reuse at the Terminal Classic Maya Site of Ucanal, Peten, Guatemala" JFA 45.1 (2020) pp. 46-66

Golden, Charles; Scherer, Andrew K.; Houston, Stephen; Schroder, Whittaker; Morell-Hart, Shanti; Jimenez ALvarez, Socorro Del Pilar; Kollias, George Van; Ramiro Talavera, Moises Yerath; Matsumoto, Mallory; Dobereiner, Jeffrey; Firpi, Omar Alcover "Centering the Classic Maya Kingdom of Sak Tz'i'" JFA 45.2 (2020) pp. 67-85

Paris, Elizabeth H.; Bravo, Roberto Lopez; Serafin, Stanley "A Funerary Cave at Moxviquil, Chiapas, Mexico" JFA 45.2 (2020) pp. 86-105

Law, W. Boone; Slack, Michael J. "The Story is in the Rocks: How Stone Artifact Scatters can Inform our Understanding of Ancient Aboriginal Stone Arrangement Functions" JFA 45.2 (2020) pp. 106-119

May, Sally K.; Huntley, Jillian; Marshall, Melissa; Miller, Emily; Hayward, John A.; Jalandoni, Andrea; Goldhahn, Joakim; Johnston, Iain G.; Lee, Jeffrey; O'Loughlin, Gabrielle; May, Kadeem; Sanz, Ines Domingo; Tacon, Paul S.C. "New Insights into the Rock Art of Anbangbang Gallery, Kakadu National Park" JFA 45.2 (2020) pp. 120-134

Heath-Stout, Laura E. "Guest Editorial Introduction: Gender, Equity, and the Peer Review Process at the Journal of Field Archaeology" JFA 45.3 (2020) pp. 135-139

Holleland, Herdis; Niklasson, Elisabeth "How (Not) to 'Study Up': Points and Pitfalls When Studying International Heritage Regimes" JFA 45.3 (2020) pp. 140-152

Guengerich, Anna; Berquist, Stephen "Earthen Terrace Technologies and Environmental Adaptation in the Montane Forests of Pre-Columbian Northeastern Peru" JFA 45.3 (2020) pp. 153-169

Nadel, Dani; Wilke, Philip; Willis, Mark; Nachmias, Amnon; Hall, Matthew C.; Dillingham, Eric "Aboriginal Timber-Built Deer Corral-Traps in Mineral County, Nevada" JFA 45.3 (2020) pp. 170-187

Zaro, Gregory; Gusar, Karla; CElhar, Martina "On the Edge of Empires: Exploring an Ottoman Legacy on the Venetian Frontier" JFA 45.3 (2020) pp. 188-208

Erny, Grace; Caraher, William "The Kingdom of Chelmis: Architecture, Material Culture, and the Modern Landscape of the Western Argolid" JFA 45.3 (2020) pp. 209-221

Haws, Jonathan A.; Benedetti, Michael M.; Funk, Caroline L.; Bicho, Nuno F.; Pereira, Telmo; Marreiros, Joao; Daniels, J. Michael; Forman, Steven L.; Minckley, Thomas A.; Denniston, Rhawn F. "Late Pleistocene Landscape and Settlement Dynamics of Portuguese Estremadura" JFA 45.4 (2020) pp. 222-248

Carter, Tristan; Campeau, Kathryn; Streit, Katharina "Transregional Perspectives: Characterizing Obsidian Consumption at Early Chalcolithic Ein el-Jarba (N. Israel)" JFA 45.4 (2020) pp. 249-269

Wilczynski, Jaroslaw; Zaar, Ondrej; Nemergut, Adrian; Kufel-Diakowska, Bernadeta; Hoyo, Magdalena Moskal-Del; Mroczek, Przemyslaw; Pall-Gergely, Barna; Oberc, Tomasz; Lengyel, Gyorgy "The Upper Palaeolithic at Trencianske Bohuslavice, Western Carpathians, Slovakia" JFA 45.4 (2020) pp. 270-292

Molloy, Barry; Jovanovic, Dragan; Bruyere, Caroline; Maric, Miroslav; Bulatovic, Jelena; Mertl, Patrick; Horn, Christian; Milasinovic, Lidija; Mirkovic-Maric, Neda "A New Bronze Age Mega-fort in Southeastern Europe: Recent Archaeological Investigations at Gradiste Idos and their Regional Significance" JFA 45.4 (2020) pp. 293-314

Anatolia, Pigs In Sight: Late Bronze Age Pig Husbandries In The Aegean And "Francesca G. Slim, Canan Cakirlar, Christopher H. Roosevelt" JFA 45.5 (2020) pp. 315-333

Sevara, Christopher; Salisbury, Roderick B.; Doneus, Michael; Draganits, Erich; Totschnig, Ralf; Frazzetta, Cipriano; Tusa, Sebastiano "A Landscape in Transitions: Guletta, a Multiperiod Settlement along the Mazaro River in Western Sicily" JFA 45.5 (2020) pp. 334-354

Berman, Mary Jane; Pearsall, Deborah M. "Crop Dispersal and Lucayan Tool Use: Investigating the Creation of Transported Landscapes in the Central Bahamas through Starch Grain, Phytolith, Macrobotanical, and Artifact Studies" JFA 45.5 (2020) pp. 355-371

Skousen, B. Jacob; Larson, Timothy H.; Malouchos, Elizabeth Watts; Kruchten, Jeffery D.; Barzilai, Rebecca M.; Alt, Susan M.; Pauketat, Timothy R. "Archaeological Investigations on the Emerald Avenue, a Potential Mississippian Period Roadway in Southwestern Illinois" JFA 45.5 (2020) pp. 372-393

Ames, Christopher J.H.; Shaw, Matthew; O'Driscoll, Corey A.; Mackay, Alex "A Multi-User Mobile GIS Solution for Documenting Large Surface Scatters: An Example from the Doring River, South Africa" JFA 45.6 (2020) pp. 394-412

Liss, Brady; Howland, Matthew D.; Lorentzen, Brita; Smitheram, Craig; Najjar, Mohammad; Levy, Thomas E. "Up the Wadi: Development of an Iron Age Industrial Landscape in Faynan, Jordan" JFA 45.6 (2020) pp. 413-427

Horn, Sherman W. III; Powis, Terry G.; Pendergast, David M. "Of Watery Rocks and Slumbering Crocs: Reassessing Middle Preclassic Occupation at Altun Ha and Lamanai, Belize" JFA 45.6 (2020) pp. 428-444

Darras, Veronique; Hamon, Caroline "Indicators of Household Pottery Production: A Case-Study from the Chupicuaro Formative Culture" JFA 45.6 (2020) pp. 445-463

Friesen, T. Max; Mereuze, Remi "An Igluryuaq Unearthed: A Pre-Contact Inuvialuit Cruciform House from Arctic Canada" JFA 45.6 (2020) pp. 464-478

Cilingiroglu, Ciler; Kaczanowska, Malgorzata; Kozlowski, Janusz K.; Dincer, Berkay; Cakirlar, Canan; Turan, Didem "Between Anatolia and the Aegean: Epipalaeolithic and Mesolithic Foragers of the Karaburun Peninsula" JFA 45.7 (2020) pp. 479-497

Gaffney, Dylan; Greig, Karen; Stoddart, Debbie; Tromp, Monica; Field, Judith H.; Luu, Sindy; Coster, Adelle C. F.; Russell, Tristan; Mandui, Herman; Summerhayes, Glenn R. "Tropical Foodways and Exchange along the Coastal Margin of Northeastern New Guinea" JFA 45.7 (2020) pp. 498-511

Reifschneider, Meredith; Bardolph, Dana N. "An Archaeobotanical Approach to Well-Being: Enslaved Plant Use at Estate Cane Garden, 19th Century St. Croix" JFA 45.7 (2020) pp. 512-526

Holley-Kline, Sam; Papazian, Sabrina "Heritage Trekking: Toward an Integrated Heritage Studies Methodology" JFA 45.7 (2020) pp. 527-541

Greaves, Alan M.; Duffy, Sarah; Peterson, J. R.; Tekoglu, S. Recai; Hirt, Alfred "Carved in Stone: Field Trials of Virtual Reflectance Transformation Imaging (V-RTI) in Classical Telmessos (Fethiye)" JFA 45.7 (2020) pp. 542-555

Sadykov, Timur; Caspari, Gino; Blochin, Jegor "Kurgan Tunnug 1--New Data on the Earliest Horizon of Scythian Material Culture" JFA 45.8 (2020) pp. 556-570

Driessen, Jan; Sarris, Apostolos "Archaeology and Geophysics in Tandem on Crete" JFA 45.8 (2020) pp. 571-587

Scott, Catherine B. "Integrating Multi-Scalar Sampling Strategies for Archaeological Sediment Chemistry" JFA 45.8 (2020) pp. 588-607

Caruana, Matthew V. "Exploring the Influence of Predation Risks on Oldowan Tool Use in South Africa" JFA 45.8 (2020) pp. 608-620

Workinger, Andrew; King, Stacie M. "Obsidian on the Periphery: Importation, Production, and Raw Material Husbandry in Oaxaca" JFA 45.8 (2020) pp. 621-634

Itsumi, Kiichiro "Anceps in Tragedy (1): Lyric Iambics" JHS 140 (2020) pp. 1-33

Ackermann, Delphine; Sarrazanas, Clement "The abolition of the liturgical choregia and the creation of the agonothesia in Athens: new considerations on a debated issue" JHS 140 (2020) pp. 34-68

Hill, Andrew M. "Hamilcar of Barce? Discerning Barcid proto-history and Polybius' mixellenes" JHS 140 (2020) pp. 69-105

Delattre, Charles; Hawes, Greta "Mythographical topography, textual materiality and the (dis)ordering of myth: the case of Antoninus Liberalis" JHS 140 (2020) pp. 106-119

Jones, Christopher P. "The historian Philip of Pergamon" JHS 140 (2020) pp. 120-127

Thonemann, Peter "Lysimache and Lysistrata" JHS 140 (2020) pp. 128-142

Cheng, Wei "Speusippus, teleology and the metaphysics of value: Theophrastus' Metaphysics 11a18--26" JHS 140 (2020) pp. 143-175

Nelson, Thomas J. "Attalid aesthetics: The Pergamene 'Baroque' reconsidered" JHS 140 (2020) pp. 176-198

Ranocchia, Graziano "Is F shaped digamma attested as a numerical sign in Greek papyri? Once more on P.Herc. 1669 and P.Oxy. 1176" JHS 140 (2020) pp. 199-205

Meister, Felix J. "Plutarch and the Spartan wedding ceremony" JHS 140 (2020) pp. 206-212

Janko, Richard "Eclipse and plague: Themistocles, Pericles, Anaxagoras and the Athenians' war on science" JHS 140 (2020) pp. 213-237

Alfieri, Luca "Is Burushaski an Indo-European Language? On a Series of Recent Publications by Professor Ilija Casule" JIES 48.1-2 (2020) pp. 1-22

Zelikov, Mikhail V. "Reflections on Some Ethno-linguistic Parallels between Celts and Basques" JIES 48.1-2 (2020) pp. 23-40

Woudhuizen, Fred C. "The Old Indo-European Layer in the Mediterranean as Represented by Hydronyms, Toponyms, and Ethnics" JIES 48.1-2 (2020) pp. 41-60

Skeen, Bradley "L. Artorius Castus and King Arthur" JIES 48.1-2 (2020) pp. 61-76

Macedo, Jose Marcos "Messenger of the Gods in Greek and Vedic" JIES 48.1-2 (2020) pp. 77-86

Blazek, Vaclav; Vinsova, Lucie "Study of the Zoonyms in the Mabinogion" JIES 48.1-2 (2020) pp. 87-120

Kozintsev, Alexander "On the Homelands of Indo-European and Eurasiatic: Geographic Aspects of a Lexicostatistical Classification" JIES 48.1-2 (2020) pp. 121-150

Norelius, Per-Johan "The Divine Miscarriage: Martanda, the Sun, and the Birth of Mankind" JIES 48.1-2 (2020) pp. 151-172

Mees, Bernard "The Celto-Etruscan Inscription from Pansdorf" JIES 48.1-2 (2020) pp. 173-188

Milanova, Veronika "Brothers and Many Others: The Concept 'Offspring' and its Semantic Extensions in Indo-European Languages" JIES 48.1-2 (2020) pp. 189-217

Blazek, Vaclav; Smejkalova, Martina "The Sudeta Mountains in the Light of Etymology" JIES 48.1-2 (2020) pp. 218-239

Vukovic, Kresimir "In Memoriam Nicholas Justin Allen" JIES 48.1-2 (2020) pp. 240-242

Mallory, J.P. "Tributes to Jim Mallory on His Retirement as Editor of JIES" JIES 48.3-4 (2020) pp. 289-312

Kortlandt, Frederik "The Ergative in Anatolian and Proto-Indo-European" JIES 48.3-4 (2020) pp. 313-318

Drews, Robert "The Indo-Europeanizing of Greece, Italy and Western Europe: A Response to David Anthony" JIES 48.3-4 (2020) pp. 319-324

Abusch, Tzvi; West, Emily Blanchard "Sowing the Seeds of Uncertainty: The Transmutation of the Mesopotamian Flood Myth in India, Iran, and the Classical World" JIES 48.3-4 (2020) pp. 325-352

Casule, Ilija "The Indo-European Origin of the Burushaski Verbal Prefixation and its Verbal Morphology" JIES 48.3-4 (2020) pp. 353-388

Olsen, Birgit Anette "Father Sky and the Wide-Eyed Cow" JIES 48.3-4 (2020) pp. 389-415

Kaczynska, Elwira "Old Indic lardayati and the Indo-European Root *lerd-" JIES 48.3-4 (2020) pp. 416-424

Kowalski, Andrzej P.; Rychlo, Mikolaj "Gothic Containers from Organic Materials and their Cognates" JIES 48.3-4 (2020) pp. 425-444

Vassilkov, Yaroslav "Heroes, Kings and Monsters in a Cave Under the Mountain (Indo-Europeans and the Caucasus)" JIES 48.3-4 (2020) pp. 445-470

Bukhave, Lisa "No Looking in the Night: On Disentangling Indo-European Folk Naratives in Religious Texts" JIES 48.3-4 (2020) pp. 471-503

West, Emily Blanchard; Abusch, Tzvi "Bijani, Retas and Zer Napsati: The "Seeds of Creatures" in the Indic Flood Myth" JIES 48.3-4 (2020) pp. 504-533

Malandra, William Warren "The Quail and the Millstone" JIES 48.3-4 (2020) pp. 534-541

Cornell, Tim J. "Professor Sir Fergus Millar 1935-2019" JRS 110 (2020) pp. 1-3

Emmerson, Allison L. C. "Re-examining Roman Death Pollution" JRS 110 (2020) pp. 5-27

Weisweiler, John "The Heredity of Senatorial Status in the Principate" JRS 110 (2020) pp. 29-56

Hellstrom, Monica "Epigraphy and Ambition: Building Inscriptions in the Hinterland of Carthage" JRS 110 (2020) pp. 57-90

Johnston, Andrew C.; Mogetta, Marcello "Debating Early Republican Urbanism in Latium Vetus: The Town Planning of Gabii, between Archaeology and History" JRS 110 (2020) pp. 91-121

Huemoeller, Katharine P. D. "Select Freedom in Marriage? Manumission for Marriage in the Roman World" JRS 110 (2020) pp. 123-139

Bonnell-Freidin, Anna "The Birthday Present: Censorinus' De die natali" JRS 110 (2020) pp. 141-166

Stover, Justin "New Light on the Historia Augusta" JRS 110 (2020) pp. 167-198

Gassman, Mattias P. "A Feast in Carthage: Testing the Limits of 'Secularity' in Late Antiquity" JRS 110 (2020) pp. 199-219

Volk, Katharina "Review article: Versions of Varro" JRS 110 (2020) pp. 231-232

Bresson, Alain "Review article: Fates of Romes" JRS 110 (2020) pp. 233-246

Roberts, Alexandre M. "A Greek Alchemical Epigram in Its Middle Byzantine Context" JWI 83 (2020) pp. 1-36

Merrill, Elizabeth "Fifteenth-Century Sienese Copybooks and the Origins of Francesco di Giorgio's Codicetto" JWI 83 (2020) pp. 37-80

Ito, Takuma "Ghirlandaio Brothers Reconsidered: The Master of the Saint Louis Madonna as Young Benedetto Ghirlandaio" JWI 83 (2020) pp. 81-130

Hope, Charles "Guidebooks, Museum Catalogues and the Growth of Public Interest in Painting in Italy, Germany and France" JWI 83 (2020) pp. 131-159

De Divitiis, Bianca "Matteo Geronimo Mazza: A Recovered Sylloge by a Renaissance Antiquarian and Collector" JWI 83 (2020) pp. 161-256

Cavero de Carondelet, Cloe "Eugenio Cajes's Meeting at the Golden Gate. Purity and Procreation in Seventeenth-Century Madrid" JWI 83 (2020) pp. 257-298

Hollis, Dawn "Aesthetic Experience, Investigation, and Classic Ground: Responses to Etna from the First Century CE to 1773" JWI 83 (2020) pp. 299-325

Tait, Richard "The Editions of Gabriele Zerbi's De cautelis medicorum and their Influence" JWI 83 (2020) pp. 327-336

Franzoni, Claudio "Correggio, the Humanists and the Homeric nepenthes" JWI 83 (2020) pp. 337-347

McGrath, Elizabeth "Rubens, Snijders and the Emperor's Mullet" JWI 83 (2020) pp. 349-358

Motte, Andre; Pirenne-Delforge, Vinciane "Editorial" Kernos 33 (2020) pp. 7 all issues open access

Romano, Carman "Works, Days, and Divine Influence in Hesiod's Story World" Kernos 33 (2020) pp. 9-31 all issues open access

Barra, Edoarda "Deux nouvelles interpretations du fr. 31 pour une Sappho " anthropologiquement correcte "" Kernos 33 (2020) pp. 33-61 all issues open access

Unwin, Naomi Carless "Basket-Bearers and Gold-Wearers: Epigraphic Insights into the Material Dimensions of Processional Roles in the Greek East" Kernos 33 (2020) pp. 33-125 all issues open access

Van Liefferinge, Carine; Vanseveren, Sylvie "Aianes : parjure, demesure et justice divine" Kernos 33 (2020) pp. 63-88 all issues open access

Jost, Madeleine; Palamidis, Alaya "Points de vue sur Lykosoura. Retour sur l'origine du sanctuaire de Despoina" Kernos 33 (2020) pp. 127-140 all issues open access

Des Courtils, Jacques "The "Cupules" of the Herakleion of Thasos" Kernos 33 (2020) pp. 141-156 all issues open access

Clement, Jeremy "La tonte funebre des equides ou le chagrin d'Alexandre. Origines et interpretations d'une pratique de deuil" Kernos 33 (2020) pp. 157-185 all issues open access

Zellmann-Rohrer, Michael "More on the Tradition of Amulet Pattern-Books in Post-Ancient Copies?" Kernos 33 (2020) pp. 187-201 all issues open access

Chaniotis, Angelos "Epigraphic Bulletin for Greek Religion 2017 (EBGR 2017)" Kernos 33 (2020) pp. 203-242 all issues open access

Duplouy, Alain; Chatzivasiliou, Despina; Tosti, Valeria; Fowler, Michael; Cucuzza, Nicola; D'Hautcourt, Alexis "Chronique archeologique de la religion grecque (ChronARG)" Kernos 33 (2020) pp. 243-305 all issues open access

Caneva, Stefano "La vie religieuse a Paphos a travers les sources epigraphiques : acteurs, espaces, nouvelles perspectives" Kernos 33 (2020) pp. 307-315 all issues open access

Blanco Perez, Aitor "Mixed-Language Inscriptions, Social Groups and Freedmen in Roman Ephesus" Latomus 79.1 (2020) pp. 3-24

Burghini, Julia "Consencio: La escansion de versos" Latomus 79.1 (2020) pp. 25-51

Corsi, Cristina "Stazioni stradali nel mondo romano.` Status quaestionis, criticita e spunti per nuovi approcci allo studio dei luoghi di sosta" Latomus 79.1 (2020) pp. 52-77

Ferrer i Jane, Joan; Moncunill, Noemi; Velaza, Javier "Une nouvelle inscription rupestre latine d'Err (Pyrenees-Orientales)" Latomus 79.1 (2020) pp. 78-90

Machuca Prieto, Francisco "La etnogenesis de las comunidades fenicias de la Vlterior-Baetica. Continuidades culturales, identidad etnica y dominio romano" Latomus 79.1 (2020) pp. 91-125

Martin-Arroyo, Daniel J. "Luttios. Epigrafia anforica y contexto economico de un vino de la Creta romana" Latomus 79.1 (2020) pp. 126-157

Rendina, Simone "Inviting the Barbarians. Some Episodes of Treason" Latomus 79.1 (2020) pp. 158-183

Barriere, Florian "Une representation du chaos et de la conflagration finale. Note a Lucian 1, 72-80" Latomus 79.1 (2020) pp. 184-198

Meulder, Marcel "Iacet ingens litore truncus (Verg., En. II, 557). Un souvenir d'Homere" Latomus 79.1 (2020) pp. 199-208

Bigi, Leonardo "Due nuovi oleifici di Volubilis in Mauretania Tingitana (Marocco)" Latomus 79.2 (2020) pp. 299-316

Garcia Cardiel, Jorge "La cierva de Sertorio en su contexto (iberico). Poder, adivinacion e integracion en la Hispania tardorrepublicana" Latomus 79.2 (2020) pp. 317-339

Lopez-Munoz, Manuel "Fuentes textuales de la Rhetorica Ecclesiastica de Agostino Valier" Latomus 79.2 (2020) pp. 340-360

Nappa, Christopher "Along the Curving Shore. Monstra and Failures of Hospitium in Aeneid 3" Latomus 79.2 (2020) pp. 361-383

Simon Cornago, Ignacio "Cepalio y Matugenus, productores de tegulae y esclavos de Valerius Taurus" Latomus 79.2 (2020) pp. 384-397

Vermote, Kristof "Libertination and Trustworthiness in Cicero's Correspondence" Latomus 79.2 (2020) pp. 398-421

Veronese, Maria "La repressione dei Baccanali come modello di Firmico Materno" Latomus 79.2 (2020) pp. 422-437

Willms, Lothar "Exegi monumentum aere perennius. Zur Poetologie des Aufstiegs und der materialen Permanenz der poetischen memoria in Horaz' Oden" Latomus 79.2 (2020) pp. 438-487

Dolbeau, Francois "La barque du chretien (Aug., s. 361, 7)" Latomus 79.2 (2020) pp. 488-490

Dorfbauer, Lukas J. "Uber einige Glossen zu Augustins De ciuitate Dei und ihren Wert fur die Datierung des Martianus Capella" Latomus 79.2 (2020) pp. 491-497

Berti, Emanuele "Il mito di Orione in Arato e nei suoi traduttori latini" Latomus 79.3 (2020) pp. 595-624

Elliott, Jackie; Miano, Daniele "Cicero, Ennius and the Inscription for the Statue of Cato in Plutarch's Cato Maior" Latomus 79.3 (2020) pp. 625-646

Fauconnier, Bram "The Emperor and the Ecumenical Synods of Competitors" Latomus 79.3 (2020) pp. 647-660

Galzerano, Manuel "A Solution for the 'Golden Rope' Question. Lucretius against Stoic Zoogony (DRN 2.1153-1154)" Latomus 79.3 (2020) pp. 661-666

Heredia Chimeno, Carlos "Plutarco y Marco Emilio Lepido (cos. 78 a.C.)" Latomus 79.3 (2020) pp. 667-690

Kavanagh, Bernard "The Senatorial Caucus and Network of Nimes from A.D. 70-75" Latomus 79.3 (2020) pp. 691-709

Kuhn, Christina T. "Trajan and the honorarium decurionatus in the Cities of Pontus and Bithynia. A Re-assassment of Plin., Ep. 10.113" Latomus 79.3 (2020) pp. 710-731

Moralejo Ordax, Javier "Un nuevo miles legionis VII Geminae en el manuscrito RAH 2/Ms. 23 de F. Porras de la Camara" Latomus 79.3 (2020) pp. 732-746

Moreno SOLDEVILA, Rosario "Alusiones eroticas en los Xenia de Marcial y en algunos epigramas de la Anthologia Latina. Breves notas de lectura" Latomus 79.3 (2020) pp. 747-760

Patterson, Lee E. "Nero, the Reign of Tigranes VI, and the Annexation of Armenia" Latomus 79.3 (2020) pp. 761-778

Cristini, Marco "A Note on the Date of the Fall of Ravenna (540) in Agnellus' Liber pontificalis ecclesiae Rauennatis" Latomus 79.3 (2020) pp. 779-780

Desy, Philippe "Comment parler vrai a un mauvais poete" Latomus 79.3 (2020) pp. 781-784

Fratantuono, Lee M. "Sulla's Serpent. An Unappreciated Ciceronian Echo in Virgil" Latomus 79.3 (2020) pp. 785-789

Heerink, Mark "A Textual Note on Valerius Flaccus, Argonautica 2.632" Latomus 79.3 (2020) pp. 790-793

Bussieres, Marie-Pierre "Poete et poesie prennent l'age. Maximien et l'elegie latine au sixieme siecle" Latomus 79.4 (2020) pp. 889-905

Crotto, Alberto "La love story di Sat. 127.9. Encolpio, Scipione dimidiatus, e la continentia" Latomus 79.4 (2020) pp. 906-920

Davila PEREZ, Antonio "Un nuevo episodio de la Republica de las Letras en accion. Cartas latinas ineditas de Latino Latinio a Benito Arias Montano" Latomus 79.4 (2020) pp. 921-943

Encuentra, Alfredo "Crystalla Revisited. A Philological Study of Rock Crystal Ware in Martial" Latomus 79.4 (2020) pp. 944-979

Ortiz CORDOBA, Jose "Alieni in Colonia Iulia Vrbs Triumphalis Tarraco. Desde la fundacion de la colonia hasta la promulgacion de la Constitutio Antoniniana" Latomus 79.4 (2020) pp. 980-1027

Petit, Bernard "Le processus migratoire cimbrique" Latomus 79.4 (2020) pp. 1028-1075

Quaranta, Paolo "Ipotesi a riguardo dell'ubicazione della masseria di D. Cuomo a Civita (Pompei) e della domus della Parodia di Enea" Latomus 79.4 (2020) pp. 1076-1121

Scolari, Lavinia "Verba mihi desunt. Elementi di 'attrito linguistico' nella costruzione ovidiana della persona exulis" Latomus 79.4 (2020) pp. 1122-1143

Hosle, Paul "Love, Fear and Death. Complementary Telestichs in Ovid, Ars Amatoria 3" Latomus 79.4 (2020) pp. 1144-1149

Garcia, Luis Rivero (ed) "The Metamorphoses of Ovid: 35 Years of Research 1980-2014. Contents and Authors. Volume 1" Lustrum 60 (2020) pp. 11-380

De Verger, Antonio Ramirez "Bibliographies [Metamorphoses of Ovid 1]" Lustrum 60 (2020) pp. 11-15

Salis, Pere Fabregas "Reference Works [Metamorphoses of Ovid 1]" Lustrum 60 (2020) pp. 16-42

Salis, Pere Fabregas "Websites [Metamorphoses of Ovid 1]" Lustrum 60 (2020) pp. 44-47

Sola, Juan A. Estevez "Manuscripts [Metamorphoses of Ovid 1]" Lustrum 60 (2020) pp. 48-57

de Verger, Antoio Ramirez "Textual Criticism [Metamorphoses of Ovid 1]" Lustrum 60 (2020) pp. 58-214

de Verger, Antoio Ramirez "Translations [Metamorphoses of Ovid 1]" Lustrum 60 (2020) pp. 215-216

Garcia, Luis Rivero "In General [Metamorphoses of Ovid 1]" Lustrum 60 (2020) pp. 220-224

Larosa, Beatrice "Structure [Metamorphoses of Ovid 1]" Lustrum 60 (2020) pp. 225-228

Garcia, Luis Rivero "Literary Genres. Generic Compositions [Metamorphoses of Ovid 1]" Lustrum 60 (2020) pp. 229-249

Larosa, Beatrice "The concept of metamorphosis. The concept of myth [Metamorphoses of Ovid 1]" Lustrum 60 (2020) pp. 250-253

Reboso, Samuel Diez "Religion and Cult. Magic. Philosophical Content [Metamorphoses of Ovid 1]" Lustrum 60 (2020) pp. 254-305

Larosa, Beatrice "Nature and Landscape [Metamorphoses of Ovid 1]" Lustrum 60 (2020) pp. 305-306

Reboso, Samuel Diez "History, Politics [Metamorphoses of Ovid 1]" Lustrum 60 (2020) pp. 307-339

del Rio, Angela Suarez "Love. Sexuality. Gender [Metamorphoses of Ovid 1]" Lustrum 60 (2020) pp. 350-372

Garcia, Luis Rivero [Metamorphoses of Ovid 1] "Humour" Lustrum 60 (2020) pp. 373-378

Sola, Juan A Estevez "Other aspects [Metamorphoses of Ovid 1]" Lustrum 60 (2020) pp. 379-[ca]385

Bell, Sinclair W. "Editorial Preface" MAAR 65 (2020) pp. iv-viii

Neel, Jaclyn "Titurius Sabinus, Mithridates, Sulla, and Vergil: Tarpeia in the Context of 88 BCE" MAAR 65 (2020) pp. 1-42

Erasmo, Mario "The Theatre of Pompey: Staging the Self through Roman Architecture" MAAR 65 (2020) pp. 43-69

Arena, Patrizia "Autokrator pollakis eponomasthe para ta patria: deviazione dalla prassi in eta giulio-claudia o reinterpretazione del modello augusteo?" MAAR 65 (2020) pp. 70-90

Bolla, Margherita "Riflessi imperiali: uno specchio monetale romano in bronzo da Verona e gli esemplari correlati" MAAR 65 (2020) pp. 91-131

D'Ambra, Eve "Is Beauty Divine? A Reassessment of the Portraiture of Sabina" MAAR 65 (2020) pp. 132-171

Cohon, Robert; North, R. Bruce; Levkoff, Mary L. "Fig Leaves, Photogrammetry, and a Third-Century Masterpiece Rediscovered at Hearst Castle" MAAR 65 (2020) pp. 172-193

Russell, Ben; Leidwanger, Justin "The Energetics of Lost Cargoes: A New Perspective on the Late Antique Marzamemi 2 Wreck" MAAR 65 (2020) pp. 194-260

Latham, Jacob; Leach, Eleanor Winsor "Re-Defining Aristocratic Distinction: Christian Verse Invective, Classical Culture, and the Cult of Mater Magna in Late Antique Rome" MAAR 65 (2020) pp. 261-306

Kessler, Herbert L.; Suckale, Robert "The Montalcino Bible's Steep Mountain of Mysteries" MAAR 65 (2020) pp. 307-371

Rice, Louise "Arcanis Nodis: The Emblematic Thesis Prints of the Roman College" MAAR 65 (2020) pp. 372-480

Clines, Robert "Edward W. Said, Renaissance Orientalism, and Imaginative Geographies of a Classical Mediterranean" MAAR 65 (2020) pp. 481-533

Wallace, Rex "An Etruscan Votive Inscription on Attic Ceramic" MAAR 65 (2020) pp. 534-539

Tuck, Anthony "Augury and Observation: Speculations on the Nature of an Ancient Italic Ritual Practice" MAAR 65 (2020) pp. 540-557

Mcmanamon, John M. "For the Love of the Codices: Paul Oskar Kristeller and the Iter Italicum" MAAR 65 (2020) pp. 558-571

Diffendale, Daniel P.; Mcphee, Brian; Moses, Victoria C.; Simmons, Jeremy A.; Berg, Christopher S. Van Den; Wright, Parrish Elizabeth; Nicolardi, Federica; Pattison, Joel; Wang, Alexis; Macccarthy, Evan A.; Mailes, Alana; Tazzara, Corey; Caglioti, Angelo Matteo "Research in the Humanities at the American Academy in Rome (2019--2020)" MAAR 65 (2020) pp. 572-585

Grafton, Anthony; Long, Pamela O.; Mazow, Leo G.; Weiss, Benjamin "Brian A. Curran (1953--2017)+" MAAR 65 (2020) pp. 586-589

Vasaly, Ann; Christ, Matthew R.; Ramsby, Teresa "Eleanor Winsor Leach (1937--2018)" MAAR 65 (2020) pp. 590-592

Conte, Gian Biagio "Il significato del testo" MD 84 (2020) pp. 9-25

Schiesaro, Alessandro "Lucretius' apocalyptic imagination" MD 84 (2020) pp. 27-93

Cohen-Taber, Inbal "The lost Composition of Diogenes of Oenoanda" MD 84 (2020) pp. 95-112

Iurescia, Federica "Deadlocks in Roman tragedies" MD 84 (2020) pp. 113-144

Piano, Valeria "Euripide autore di TrGF II, 455 K.-Sn.: una nuova (e antica) testimonianza" MD 84 (2020) pp. 147-156

Rosellini, Michela "Nota su Gracch. or. frg. 69 Malcovati in Ter. Maur. vers. 987 e Serv. georg. 2, 288" MD 84 (2020) pp. 157-164

Piazzi, Lisa "Cecidere manus: un'allusione ovidiana a Virgilio (e qualche appunto sulla fortuna di un verso dell'Eneide)" MD 84 (2020) pp. 165-171

Grotto, Francesco "Frustra mori: per l'esegesi di Verg. Aen. 4, 415 e Stat. Theb. 9, 726-727 (con una nota testuale)" MD 84 (2020) pp. 173-195

Salis, Pere Fabregas "A note on Ovid, Metamorphoses 11, 17" MD 84 (2020) pp. 197-205

Deufert, Marcus "Eine Konjektur zum Text der Apocolocyntosis (Sen. apocol. 6, 1)" MD 84 (2020) pp. 207-209

Magnaldi, Giuseppina "Integrazioni 'a distanza' nei Dialogi senecani De breuitate uitae e De tranquillitate animi" MD 84 (2020) pp. 211-217

Cannizzaro, Francesco "Maidenhood, marriage, and literary appropriation: on Juno as casta diva in Stat. Theb. 10, 58-59" MD 84 (2020) pp. 219-229

Ammannati, Giulia "Congetture alle Metamorfosi di Apuleio (libri VII e VIII)" MD 84 (2020) pp. 231-234

Burghini, Julia "Nota textual sobre Consent. gramm. 5, 341, 16-17" MD 84 (2020) pp. 235-250

Bauer, Martin Michael "Wanderer, kommst du nach Lesbos ... Epigraphische Inszenierung bei Sappho und Nossis" MD 85 (2020) pp. 9-26

Irmici, Virgilio "Un'idea di Euripide e la sua fortuna in Virgilio, Goethe ed altri" MD 85 (2020) pp. 27-52

Campodonico, Nicolo "Le Muse di Lucrezio (e degli altri). Incoronazioni poetiche e memorie esiodee nel De rerum natura" MD 85 (2020) pp. 53-77

Benvenuti, Francesca "Ab exitio ad salutem. Retorica e narrazione del ritorno nelle due orazioni Post reditum di Cicerone" MD 85 (2020) pp. 79-116

Filippetti, Andrea "Su Manilio e lo Zodiacus Vitae di Marcello Palingenio Stellato: a proposito di pedagogia e disprezzo delle fabulae" MD 85 (2020) pp. 117-130

Weeda, Konrad C. "Titius Aristo and the Other's Politics in Pliny's Epistulae" MD 85 (2020) pp. 131-163

Pasetti, Lucia "L'allegoria implicita. Una lettura medioplatonica del finale delle Metamorfosi apuleiane" MD 85 (2020) pp. 165-196

Magnaldi, Giuseppina "Antiche correzioni e integrazioni in Sen. Marc. 18, 5; 19, 6; 20, 3" MD 85 (2020) pp. 199-204

Nolfo, Fabio "Auson. epigr. 57 Green: un esempio di intermediazione ovidiana del mito di Niobe nella poesia tardoantica" MD 85 (2020) pp. 205-224

Nicolini, Lara "Un'associazione a delinquere. Cupido, Venere e un possibile modello virgiliano nel proemio dell'Aegritudo Perdicae" MD 85 (2020) pp. 225-233

Naso, Alessandro "Frauen in der Fruheisenzeit Weibliche Tracht und ethnische Identitat auf der italischen Halbinsel am Beispiel der Cinturoni" MDAI(R) 126 (2020) pp. 13-38

Bardelli, Giacomo; Vollmer, Inga Anne "Prunk, Ritual und Tradition im Picenum. Zwei Prachtfibeln mit Bein- und Bernsteinverkleidung aus der 'Tomba delle Regina' von Sirolo-Numana (Prov. Ancona, Italien)" MDAI(R) 126 (2020) pp. 39-78

D'Andria, Francesco "L'Athenaion di Castro in Messapia" MDAI(R) 126 (2020) pp. 79-140

Ismaelli, Tommaso "I fregi a girali abitati dell'Athenaion di Castro. Iconografia e linguaggio formale di uns creazione tarentina" MDAI(R) 126 (2020) pp. 141-204

Guzzo, Pier Giovanni "Su un frammento figurato dal Timpanone Motta die Francavilla Marittima presso Sibari" MDAI(R) 126 (2020) pp. 205-216

Zuchtriegel, Gabriel; Adinolfi, Gloria; Carmagnola, Rodolfo; Marras, Luciano; Palleschi, Vincenzo "Il primo tempio di Hera alla Foce di Sele. Dalle analisi multispettrali sulle metope a una nuova ipotesi ricostruttiva" MDAI(R) 126 (2020) pp. 217-234

Orsingher, Adriano; Bechtold, Babette; Marconi, Clemente "Selinunte's Pre-409 BC Phoenician and Punic Connections. A Ceramic Perspective from the Main Urban Sanctuary" MDAI(R) 126 (2020) pp. 235-310

Ziolkowski, Adam "The Solution to the Puzzle of Iuppiter Stator?" MDAI(R) 126 (2020) pp. 311-332

Palombi, Domenico "Tra Taranto e Roma. Il tempio die capitelli figurati nel foro di Cora" MDAI(R) 126 (2020) pp. 333-386

Zink, Stephan; Pflug, Jens; Ceci, Monica "How a temple survives. Resilience and Architectural Design at Temple A of Largo Argentina in Rome" MDAI(R) 126 (2020) pp. 387-428

Gasparri, Carlo "Sul riuso degli originalli greci a Roma. Il frontone del Tempio di Apollo Sosiano" MDAI(R) 126 (2020) pp. 429-456

Emme, Burkhard "pater familias & pater patriae. Zum Aeneas-Motiv am Trajansbogen von Benevent" MDAI(R) 126 (2020) pp. 457-485

Brandenburg, Hugo "Friedrich Wilhelm Deichmann. Vortrag aus Anlass seines 110. Geburtstages" MDAI(R) 126 (2020) pp. 486-510

Bourdin, Stephane; Jolivet, Vincent "Le projet ANR CAECINA" MEFRA 132.1 (2020) pp. 5-6 text of article

Jolivet, Vincent; Lovergne, Edwige "La tombe monumentale de Grotte Scalina (Viterbe). Nouveaux acquis, nouvelles hypotheses" MEFRA 132.1 (2020) pp. 7-15 text of article

Desibio, Luca "Il Tevere come frontiera tra Umbria ed Etruria. Alcune considerazioni sul tema" MEFRA 132.1 (2020) pp. 17-35 text of article

Bourdin, Stephane "Systemes fortifies et frontieres dans l'Italie centrale apennine" MEFRA 132.1 (2020) pp. 37-49 text of article

Fenet, Annick; Lubtchansky, Natacha "ICAR (IConographie-ARcheologie pour l'Italie preromaine). Dernieres mises a jour, nouvelle interface, nouveaux corpus documentaires" MEFRA 132.1 (2020) pp. 51-58 text of article

Cicolani, Veronica; Gruel, Katherine; Leone, Julie "L'Atlas et la Base de l'age du Fer europeen. Nouveaux outils d'analyse, interpretation et valorisation des donnees archeologiques" MEFRA 132.1 (2020) pp. 59-66 text of article

Lejars, Thierry "Les Celtes et les populations etrusques et italiques entre les VIe et IIIe siecles av. J.-C." MEFRA 132.1 (2020) pp. 67-80 text of article

Papi, Linda "Les Etrusques de Felsina entre Athenes et La Tene" MEFRA 132.1 (2020) pp. 81-94 text of article

Landolfi, Maurizio; Agostinetti, Paola Piana "La necropoli celtica di Montefortino d'Arcevia. Nuove ricerche" MEFRA 132.1 (2020) pp. 95-113 text of article

Cicolani, Veronica "Interactions techno-culturelles en Italie nord-occidentale aux VIe-Ve siecles av. J.-C. Nouvelles recherches" MEFRA 132.1 (2020) pp. 115-124 text of article

Cicolani, Veronica; Enei, Flavio; Combescure, Sara Nardi; Poccardi, Gregoire "Castrum Novum. L'exploration d'une colonie romaine" MEFRA 132.1 (2020) pp. 125-135 text of article

Van Heems, Gilles "Penser les contacts de langues dans l'Italie preromaine aujourd'hui" MEFRA 132.1 (2020) pp. 137-144 text of article

Van Heems, Gilles "Interference et convergence. Le probleme de l'emprunt des suffixes. A propos des suffixes etr. -the/-te et lat. -t(i)-" MEFRA 132.1 (2020) pp. 145-155 text of article

Middei, Edoardo "La "base de donnees Beige": un caso d'applicazione pratica. Relazioni tra l'onomastica personale sabina, sabellica ed etrusca" MEFRA 132.1 (2020) pp. 157-168 text of article

Acampora, Laura; Ambrogi, Annarena "Reperti scultorei ed epigrafici dal Palatino. Contributo alla storia dello "Stadio"" MEFRA 132.1 (2020) pp. 169-193 text of article

Pavolini, Carlo "Una prima schola dei dendrofori di Roma sul Celio?" MEFRA 132.1 (2020) pp. 195-214 text of article

Pena, Maria Jose "Los Lollii: en torno al origen y al ascenso de una oscura gens. Intereses comerciales, poder politico y "asuntos de familia"" MEFRA 132.1 (2020) pp. 215-229 text of article

Duchemin, Jean-Patrick; Durand, Aude; Van Andringa, William "Locum publice datum ex decreto decurionum. Genese et evolution du lot funeraire des Veranii a Pompei" MEFRA 132.1 (2020) pp. 231-248 text of article

Parodo, Ciro "'Chi controlla il passato controlla il futuro'. Un'ipotesi circa l'elaborazione in eta augustea delle iconografie dei Compitalia e dei Lupercalia nei mosaici dei mesi" MEFRA 132.1 (2020) pp. 249-271 text of article

Vincent, Alexandre; Botte, Emmanuel "Introduction. Nuisances de la production et production de nuisances : les effets des metiers en milieu urbain" MEFRA 132.2 (2020) pp. 273-276 text of article

Sanidas, Giorgos M. "La ville infecte ? Origines et gestion des nuisances artisanales urbaines dans l'Athenes classique. L'exemple des grandes fonderies de bronze" MEFRA 132.2 (2020) pp. 277-288 text of article

Botte, Emmanuel "Les tanneurs ont-ils toujours ete des voisins genants ?" MEFRA 132.2 (2020) pp. 289-296 text of article

Vincent, Alexandre "'Rome est a mon chevet / Et ad cubilest Roma' (Mart. Ep., 12, 57, 27). Peut-on parler de nuisances sonores liees au monde des metiers a Rome ?" MEFRA 132.2 (2020) pp. 297-312 text of article

Le Guennec, Marie-Adeline "La fumee des cuisines et le chant des buveurs. L'auberge romaine et ses nuisances" MEFRA 132.2 (2020) pp. 313-326 text of article

Blonski, Michel "Gluant, parfume, brillant ? Aspects de l'experience sensorielle aux balnea" MEFRA 132.2 (2020) pp. 327-337 text of article

Mege, Frederic; Belfiore, Cristina; Monaco, Carmelo; Pezzino, Antonino; Treziny, Henri "Premier bilan des recherches sur la pierre de construction a Megara Hyblaea" MEFRA 132.2 (2020) pp. 339-357 text of article

Guzzo, Pier Giovanni "'Acefalia' in Magna Grecia e in Sicilia in eta storica" MEFRA 132.2 (2020) pp. 359-381 text of article

Zuchtriegel, Gabriel "Isocrates and the paideia of the Lucanians. Culture and race in the fourth century BC" MEFRA 132.2 (2020) pp. 383-401 text of article

Polizzi, Giovanni; Ducati, Fabrizio "Fornaci e produzioni del Golfo di Castellammare (Sicilia nord-occidentale)" MEFRA 132.2 (2020) pp. 403-428 text of article

Komar, Paulina "In vino sanitas. Medical qualities of Greek wines" MEFRA 132.2 (2020) pp. 429-447 text of article

Garcia Gonzalez, Juan "The Temple of Jupiter Stator in Carthago Nova and the Sertorian War. Religious worship and civil war" MEFRA 132.2 (2020) pp. 449-462 text of article

Abbondanza, Letizia "Un rilievo con Ninfe dalla Villa Celimontana" MEFRA 132.2 (2020) pp. 463-484 text of article

Ricci, Cecilia; Fasolini, Donato "Transizioni e trasposizioni della memoria. Testo e immagine nell'epigrafia funeraria del Sannio romano" MEFRA 132.2 (2020) pp. 485-502 text of article

Ghaddhab, Ridha "Une nouvelle dedicace a Mercure d'un adiutor tabularii de la mensa transmarinarum" MEFRA 132.2 (2020) pp. 503-514 text of article

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Lombardi, Michela "Soffrendo lo stolto impara: sofferenza meritata ed immeritata nel mito di Prometeo e delle eta dell'uomo" MH 77.1 (2020) pp. 13-23

Dehon, Pierre-Jacques "Germanicus et Quintus Ciceron: aux sources du 'Fg'. 3 Le Boeuffle" MH 77.1 (2020) pp. 24-34

Vassiliades, Georgios "Livy's preface: a captatio beneuolentiae adressed to educated readers?" MH 77.1 (2020) pp. 34-58

Malaspina, Ermanno "Se soigner soi-meme et vaincre la colere: une nouvelle exegese de Sen., "De ira" 3,13,1" MH 77.1 (2020) pp. 59-73

Brodersen, Kai "Antike Taktik im Turnunterricht: hellenische Gymnastik und griechisch-makedonische Taktik im 19. Jahrhundert" MH 77.1 (2020) pp. 74-95

Montalto, Marco Tentori "Zum Epigramm fur den Soldner Plator (SEG 42, 329)" MH 77.1 (2020) pp. 96-114

Morin, Bernadette "Ce que les "Suppliantes" d'Eschyle doivent a l'Egypte" MH 77.2 (2020) pp. 147-162

Martin, Gunther "Das Drama der Kommunikation: zur Wirksamkeit von Sprache in Sophokles' Philoktet" MH 77.2 (2020) pp. 163-187

Xian, Ruobing "Scepter and Spear in Euripides' "Iphigenia in Tauris"" MH 77.2 (2020) pp. 188-193

Dominicy, Marc "Notes critiques sur les "Aenigmata" de Symphosius" MH 77.2 (2020) pp. 194-215

Zanin, Manfredi "Zur fraglichen Identitat des Munzmeisters Q. Marcius (RRC 283)" MH 77.2 (2020) pp. 216-220

Vioque, Guillermo Galan "On Two Rediscovered Witnesses of the Scholia on the Anthologia Planudea" MH 77.2 (2020) pp. 221-228

Degelmann, Christopher "'Die Geistesgelehrten sind ein herzlich unbedeutendes Element': eine handschriftliche Widmung Manfred Fuhrmanns fur Alfred Heuss" MH 77.2 (2020) pp. 229-250

Glazer-Eytan, Yonatan; Garcia-Arenal, Mercedes "Introduction: Mixed marriage, conversion, and the family: norms and realities in pre-modern Iberia and the wider Mediterranean" MHR 35.1 (2020) pp. 1-7

Simonsohn, Uriel "Female conversion to Islam: a sample analysis of medieval narratives of the prophetic age" MHR 35.1 (2020) pp. 9-25

Yagur, Moshe "Religiously mixed families in the Mediterranean society of the Cairo Geniza" MHR 35.1 (2020) pp. 27-42

Bueno, Marisa "Are you still my wife? Conversion to Christianity and its legal effects on pre-existing marriages and their offspring in late medieval Castile (1480--1502)" MHR 35.1 (2020) pp. 43-61

Echevarria Arsuaga, Ana Maria "Retelling interreligious marriage, from Andalusi Christians to Moriscos" MHR 35.1 (2020) pp. 63-78

Bernabe-Pons, Luis F. "Identity, mixed unions and endogamy of the Moriscos: the assimilation of the new converts revisited" MHR 35.1 (2020) pp. 79-99

Sick, David H. "Elephant forests of the Classical Mediterranean" MHR 35.2 (2020) pp. 125-145

Angold, Michael "The Norman Sicilian court as a centre for the translation of Classical texts" MHR 35.2 (2020) pp. 147-167

Mercan, F. OZden "A diplomacy woven with textiles: Medici-Ottoman relations during the late Renaissance" MHR 35.2 (2020) pp. 169-188

Karagedikli, Gurer; Ben-Naeh, Yaron "Captives or crooks? Pirates, impostors, and Jewish communities in the eighteenth-century Ottoman Empire" MHR 35.2 (2020) pp. 189-209

Rubin, Jonathan "Spiritual and practical instructions for pilgrims: a preliminary presentation of two unknown texts" MHR 35.2 (2020) pp. 211-218

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Lucarini C.M. "La circulation du poeme de Parmenide a l'epoque imperiale" Maia 72.1 (2020) pp. 13-30

Dorda E.C. "El vocabulario que define el concepto de religion en la tragedia griega balance y conclusions" Maia 72.1 (2020) pp. 31-45

Marinelli M. "Un'analisi performativa della prima sequenza dell'Aiace di Sofocle" Maia 72.1 (2020) pp. 46-62

Fabbro E. "Amore, esibizione, partage la storia di Candaule in Erodoto e nelle riletture moderne" Maia 72.1 (2020) pp. 63-84

Stanza S.V.O.C. "Lakheaikheathne un gioco d'istruzione femminile e i suoiparalleli nel folclore neogreco" Maia 72.1 (2020) pp. 85-104

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Maim P. "La luna e le muse Anthologia latina 33 Riese" Maia 72.1 (2020) pp. 117-118

Romeo A. "Il personaggio di Cefalo nelle Metamorfosi di Ovidio modelli epici e scelte retoriche" Maia 72.1 (2020) pp. 119-133

Lapini W. "La festa di foco DIOGENE di babilonia, svf 52, in 220-221 =ath. IV 67, 168f-169a" Maia 72.1 (2020) pp. 134-138

Giannotti F. "'vivet in posterum nominis tui gloria' la letter a di Sidonio a Fortunate (VIII5)" Maia 72.1 (2020) pp. 139-148

Boero F. "Antigone e la jihad" Maia 72.1 (2020) pp. 149-156

Gomez L.U. "Odiseas del espacio reescrituras de la Odisea en la ciencia fiction" Maia 72.1 (2020) pp. 157-183

Colletta, P. "Antonino Grillone una vita per lo studio e per i 'insegnamento" Maia 72.1 (2020) pp. 184-188

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Welsh, Jarrett T. "The Sixth Book of Manilius' Astronomica" Mnemosyne 73.6 (2020) pp. 1032--1036

Kayachev, Boris "Germanicus, Aratus fr. 4.30: an Emendation" Mnemosyne 73.6 (2020) pp. 1037--1038

Hulse, Peter "K.Ph. Unmasked. An Emendation Correctly Attributed" Mnemosyne 73.6 (2020) pp. 1039--1047

Kulikowski, Michael "Understanding Ammianus Marcellinus, Book by Book" Mnemosyne 73.6 (2020) pp. 1049--1062

Podlecki, A.J. "One Homer, or Two? Some Suggested Stylistic Separators in the Homeric Poems" Mouseion 17.3 (2020) pp. 441-464

Beer, Josh "The Athenian Plague and Eros as a Deadly Disease in Euripides' Hippolytus" Mouseion 17.3 (2020) pp. 465-490

Manning, Sean "The History of the Idea of Glued Linen Armour" Mouseion 17.3 (2020) pp. 491-514

Wilson, R.J.A. "Pantelleria Revealed: The Archaeology of Cossyra" Mouseion 17.3 (2020) pp. 515-545

Cameron, Hamish "Classics at Home Down Under" Mouseion 17.3 (2020) pp. 547-554

Murgatroyd, Paul "Versus Serici" Mouseion 17.3 (2020) pp. 555-556

Brisson, Pierre-Luc "Jean-Louis Ferrary (1948-2020)" Mouseion 17.3 (2020) pp. 557-559

Ehrlich, Simeon D. "The Health of the Classics Job Market during the Pandemic: A Long-Term Perspective" Mouseion 17.3 (2020) pp. 561-582

Libatique, Daniel "Verbal Agency in the Speech of Cremutius Cordus (Tacitus Annals 4.34-5)" NECJ 47.1 (2020) pp. 1-16

Berk, Daniel "A Sacrifice in Vain [CANE Student Writing Contest Winner]" NECJ 47.1 (2020) pp. 17-19

West, David "Shipwrecked Spouses: Leukothea's Veil and Marital Reunion in The Odyssey" NECJ 47.2 (2020) pp. 1-14

Gillespie, Caitlin "Messalina's Moveable Domus: Landscape and Memory in Annals 11" NECJ 47.2 (2020) pp. 15-50

Mantere, Ville N.; Kashina, Ekaterina A. "Elk-Head Staffs in Prehistoric North-Eastern Europe and North-Western Russia -- Signs of Power and Prestige? " OJA 39.1 (2020) pp. 2-18

Burke, Clare; Day, Peter M.; Kossyva, Angeliki "Early Helladic I and Talioti Pottery: Is It Just a Phase We're Going Through? " OJA 39.1 (2020) pp. 19-40

Menelaou, Sergios; Day, Peter M. "Between East and West: Amorgian Pottery in Early Bronze Age Heraion (Samos)" OJA 39.1 (2020) pp. 41-66

Dunkin, David; Yates, David; Bradley, Richard "The Findspots of Bronze Age Metalwork in Lowland England: A New Field Study" OJA 39.1 (2020) pp. 67-88

Castillo, Rafael Bolado Del; Lopez-Bulto, Oriol; Cubas, Miriam "Wooden Technology during the Iron Age: The Aspio Cave (Ruesga, North Spain)" OJA 39.1 (2020) pp. 89-106

Garland, Nicky "The Origins of British Oppida: Understanding Transformation in Iron Age Practice and Society" OJA 39.1 (2020) pp. 107-125

Rosenberg, Danny; Chasan, Rivka; Lengyel, GyoRgy; Nadel, Dani "Stone 'Canvas' and Natufian Art: An Incised Human Figure from the Natufian Cemetery at Raqefet Cave, Israel" OJA 39.2 (2020) pp. 128-140

Wiersma, Corien W. "House (Centric) Societies on the Prehistoric Greek Mainland" OJA 39.2 (2020) pp. 141-158

Garfinkel, Yosef; Mendel-Geberovich, Anat "Hierarchy, Geography and Epigraphy: Administration in the Kingdom of Judah" OJA 39.2 (2020) pp. 159-176

Fitzpatrick, A.P. "A Face from the British Iron Age: A Decorated Iron Age Weaving Comb from Harwell, Oxfordshire" OJA 39.2 (2020) pp. 177-188

Escobar, Maria del Carmen Moreno; Ojeda-Rivera, Juan Francisco; Sanjuan, Leonardo Garcia "Effects of Roman Rule on the Settlement Geography of South Iberia: A GIS-based Approach" OJA 39.2 (2020) pp. 189-212

Flouda, G. "An Expatriated 'Collection' of Mesolithic Norwegian Lithics at Heraklion Archaeological Museum and World War II Legacies" OJA 39.2 (2020) pp. 213-225

Ranta, Michael; Skoglund, Peter; Persson, Tomas; Gjerde, Jan Magne "Hunting Stories in Scandinavian Rock Art: Aspects of 'Tellability' in the North versus the South" OJA 39.3 (2020) pp. 228-246

O'Driscoll, James; Gleeson, Patrick; Noble, Gordon "Re-imagining Navan Fort: New Light on the Evolution of a Major Ceremonial Centre in Northern Europe" OJA 39.3 (2020) pp. 247-273

Elgart-Sharon, Yelena; Porat, Naomi; Gadot, Yuval "Land Management and the Construction of Terraces for Dry Farming: The Case of the Soreq Catchment, Israel" OJA 39.3 (2020) pp. 274-289

Beltrame, Carlo; Lazzarini, Lorenzo "Wrecked Cargoes of Marmor Luculleum (Africano) of the Roman Period. An Archaeological and Archaeometrical Study" OJA 39.3 (2020) pp. 290-318

Boschetti, Cristina; Gratuze, Bernard; Schibille, Nadine "Commercial and Social Significance of Glass Beads in Migration-period Italy: The Cemetery of Campo Marchione" OJA 39.3 (2020) pp. 319-342

Sigari, Dario "Review of the Animal Figures in the Palaeolithic Rock Art of the Romito Shelter. New Discoveries, New Data and New Perspectives" OJA 39.4 (2020) pp. 344-367

Dowd, Marion; Lynch, Linda G.; Cassidy, Lara; Bonsall, James; Kahlert, Thorsten; Reimer, Paula; Svyatko, Svetlana; Ocarroll, Ellen; Reilly, Eileen; Noonan, Alice; Beglane, Fiona "Neolithic Engagements with the Dead: Mortuary Processing on Bengorm Mountain in the North-West of Ireland" OJA 39.4 (2020) pp. 368-394

Boehmer, Thomas Matthews "Questions concerning the Residuality of Brooches and Coins in Romano-British Contexts" OJA 39.4 (2020) pp. 395-409

Krol, Tessa N.; Dee, Michael; Nieuwhof, Annet "The Chronology of Anglo-Saxon Style Pottery in Radiocarbon Dates: Improving the Typo-Chronology" OJA 39.4 (2020) pp. 410-441

Fredriksen, Per Ditlef; RoDsrud, Christian LoChsen; Caruso, Francesco "What Happened at Augland? A Social Chronology for the Demise of a Roman Iron Age Ceramic Workshop in South Norway" OJA 39.4 (2020) pp. 442-464

Fassberg, Steven A. "Hebrew and Aramaic: Mutual Influence in Palestine" Orientalia 89.1 (2020) pp. 5-21

Gzella, Holger "The Aramaic Dialects of Early Roman Palestine: History, Variation, Use" Orientalia 89.1 (2020) pp. 22-57

Hezser, Catherine "Jewish Literacy and Languages in First-Century Roman Palestine" Orientalia 89.1 (2020) pp. 58-77

Khan, Geoffrey "How Can the Study of the New-Aramaic Dialects ontribute toa an Understanding of the Language Situation in Second Temple Palestine?" Orientalia 89.1 (2020) pp. 78-96

Muraoka, Takamitsu "Greek in Palestine around the time of Jesus" Orientalia 89.1 (2020) pp. 97-111

Price, Jonathan J. "The Language of the Jews in Roman Palestine: the Evidence of Inscriptions (TAB: I-II)" Orientalia 89.1 (2020) pp. 112-129

Stadel, Christian "Language Shift and Language Use in the Samaritan Community" Orientalia 89.1 (2020) pp. 130-153

Morrison, Craig E. "When Jesus Speaks Aramaic in the Greek Gospels" Orientalia 89.1 (2020) pp. 154-169

Fincke, Jeanette C. "More Evidence for the Relationship between Heaven and Earth in Divination from Tablet 16 of the Series multabiltu." Orientalia 89.2 (2020) pp. 171-195

Eph'Al-Jaruzelska, Izabela "'Lightening the Yoke': the Exercise of Power and Royal Legitimacy in the Ancient Near East" Orientalia 89.2 (2020) pp. 196-238

Mahieu, Bieke "The Settings of Tukulti-Ninurta I's Babylonian and Assyrian Kingships in Relation to His Eponyms" Orientalia 89.2 (2020) pp. 239-263

Starke, Frank "Zum vermeintlichen Landernamen 'Gross-Ionien' in einer Toponymenliste aus dem Totentempel Amenophis' III." Orientalia 89.2 (2020) pp. 264-286

Van Gerven Oei, Vincent W.J.; Latjar, Adam "Three Bilingual Greek-Old Nubian Psalms from Dongola (DP 2--4)" Orientalia 89.2 (2020) pp. 287-316

Zaccagnini, Carlo "An Old Assyrian Copper Loan (Tab. III-VII)" Orientalia 89.2 (2020) pp. 317-324

Artemov, Nikita "Mesopotamische Jenseitsvorstellungen und deren Rekonstruktion anhand literarischer Quellen" Orientalia 89.3 (2020) pp. 327-384

Gioia, Claudia; Meriggi, Marco "Two new mosaics with Syriac inscriptions from Osrhoene" Orientalia 89.3 (2020) pp. 385-398

Pasquali, Jacopo "La compatibilisation des tissus a Ebla pendant le regne d'Ibrium (L. 2769): a propos d'un ouvrage recent" Orientalia 89.3 (2020) pp. 399-411

Booth, A.; Posner, M. "Introduction--The Materials at Hand" PMLA 135.1 (2020) pp. 9-22

Klein, L. "Dimensions of Scale: Invisible Labor, Editorial Work, and the Future of Quantitative Literary Studies" PMLA 135.1 (2020) pp. 23-39

Manshel, A. "The Lag: Technology and Fiction in the Twentieth Century" PMLA 135.1 (2020) pp. 40-58

So, R.; Roland, E. "Race and Distant Reading" PMLA 135.1 (2020) pp. 59-73

Altschuler, S.; Weimer, D. "Texturing the Digital Humanities: A Manifesto" PMLA 135.1 (2020) pp. 74-91

Underwood, T. "Machine Learning and Human Perspective" PMLA 135.1 (2020) pp. 92-109

Lee, J.; Beckelhimer, J. "Anthropocene and Empire: Discourse Networks of the Human Record" PMLA 135.1 (2020) pp. 110-129

Liu, A. "Toward a Diversity Stack: Digital Humanities and Diversity as Technical Problem" PMLA 135.1 (2020) pp. 130-151

Rambsy II, H. "African American Scholars and the Margins of DH" PMLA 135.1 (2020) pp. 152-158

Ortega, E. "Media and Cultural Hybridity in the Digital Humanities" PMLA 135.1 (2020) pp. 159-164

Brown, S. "Categorically Provisional" PMLA 135.1 (2020) pp. 165-174

Shore, D. "The Form of Black Lives Matter" PMLA 135.1 (2020) pp. 175-179

Coles, K. "The Experimental Turn" PMLA 135.1 (2020) pp. 180-187

Buurma, R.; Shaw, J. "Slow Metadata" PMLA 135.1 (2020) pp. 188-194

Barker, E., Foka, A.; Konstantinidou, K. "Coding for the Many, Transforming Knowledge for All: Annotating Digital Documents" PMLA 135.1 (2020) pp. 195-202

Clark, M. "Picture This: The Screenshot's Use in Digital Humanities Scholarship" PMLA 135.1 (2020) pp. 203-206

Dimock, W. "Editor's Column--Opioid Education" PMLA 135.2 (2020) pp. 233-238

Caracciolo, M. "Flocking Together: Collective Animal Minds in Contemporary Fiction" PMLA 135.2 (2020) pp. 239-253

Taylor, J. "Toward Premodern Globalism: Oceanic Exemplarity in Chaucer's Man of Law's Tale" PMLA 135.2 (2020) pp. 254-271

Mulholland, J. "Translocal Anglo-India and the Multilingual Reading Public" PMLA 135.2 (2020) pp. 272-298

Ross, K. "Watching from Below: Racialized Surveillance and Vulnerable Sousveillance" PMLA 135.2 (2020) pp. 299-314

Miller, P. "Prosody, Media, and the Poetry of Edgar Allan Poe" PMLA 135.2 (2020) pp. 315-328

Pasolini, P., Mucignat, R., Viti, C., Mucignat, R.; Viti, C. "The Turks in Friuli" PMLA 135.2 (2020) pp. 329-343

Baldwin, J., Pelatowski, T.; Quinones, C. "Unto the Dying Lamb" PMLA 135.2 (2020) pp. 344-349

Cannon, C.; Rubery, M. "Introduction to "Aurality and Literacy"" PMLA 135.2 (2020) pp. 350-356

Butler, S. "Cicero the Barbarian" PMLA 135.2 (2020) pp. 357-362

Howley, J. "Aural Philology and the Latin Recordings of the Harvard Vocarium" PMLA 135.2 (2020) pp. 363-369

Trudell, S. "Shakespeare's Notation: Writing Sound in Much Ado about Nothing" PMLA 135.2 (2020) pp. 370-377

McDowell, P. "Elsie McLuhan's Vocal Science" PMLA 135.2 (2020) pp. 378-386

Clement, T. "Anne Sexton Listening to Anne Sexton" PMLA 135.2 (2020) pp. 387-392

McEnaney, T. "'Rigoberta's Listener': The Significance of Sound in Testimonio" PMLA 135.2 (2020) pp. 393-400

Mills, M.; Sterne, J. "Aural Speed-Reading: Some Historical Bookmarks" PMLA 135.2 (2020) pp. 401-411

Noudelmann, F. "Philosophical Aurality" PMLA 135.2 (2020) pp. 412-418

English, J. "Teaching the Novel in the Audio Age" PMLA 135.2 (2020) pp. 419-426

Dimock, W. "AI and the Humanities" PMLA 135.3 (2020) pp. 449-454

Newman, J. "The Gospel according to Auerbach" PMLA 135.3 (2020) pp. 455-473

Taylor, M. "Life's Returns: Hylozoism, Again" PMLA 135.3 (2020) pp. 474-491

Kippur, S. "Robbe-Grillet in America: The Nouveau Roman Meets the Language Textbook" PMLA 135.3 (2020) pp. 492-510

Kilbane, M. "A Speech-Musical Modernism: Harry Partch's Lyric Media" PMLA 135.3 (2020) pp. 511-529

Wasserman, S. "Ralph Ellison, Chester Himes, and the Persistence of Urban Forms" PMLA 135.3 (2020) pp. 530-545

Karadzic, V., Selimovic, E., Perat, K., Selimovic, E., Perat, K.; Selimovic, E. "The Wedding of Radul Vlasic" PMLA 135.3 (2020) pp. 546-550

Allen, C. "Propulsive Energies" PMLA 135.3 (2020) pp. 551-558

Cohen, M. "Hacking Colonialism" PMLA 135.3 (2020) pp. 559-564

Cox, J. "Tommy Orange Has Company" PMLA 135.3 (2020) pp. 565-571

Noodin, M. "Oden Oodenang/Hearts of the City" PMLA 135.3 (2020) pp. 572-574

Piatote, B. "No Spoiler Alerts" PMLA 135.3 (2020) pp. 575-580

Ross, S.; Sexton, S. "Digital Tribalography" PMLA 135.3 (2020) pp. 581-588

Snyder, G. "Now I'll tell you what food we lived on then" PMLA 135.3 (2020) pp. 589-589

Taylor, M. "Orange Is the New Red" PMLA 135.3 (2020) pp. 590-596

Orange, T. "Response" PMLA 135.3 (2020) pp. 597-597

Dimock, W. "Languages in the Time of Corona" PMLA 135.5 (2020) pp. 841-846

Gikandi, S. "Literature and the Right to Be Human" PMLA 135.5 (2020) pp. 847-858

Hill, M. "Reading Distance: Port Louis, Cairo, Beijing" PMLA 135.5 (2020) pp. 859-876

Bernstein, R. "'You Do It!': Going-to-Bed Books and the Scripts of Children's Literature" PMLA 135.5 (2020) pp. 877-894

Emery, J.; Geballe, E. "Between Fiction and Physiology: Brain Fever in The Brothers Karamazov and Its English Afterlife" PMLA 135.5 (2020) pp. 895-913

Quinn, E. "Notes on Vegan Camp" PMLA 135.5 (2020) pp. 914-930

Agamben, G., Lukes, D.; Lukes, D. "Decadenza" PMLA 135.5 (2020) pp. 931-937

Sharples, E.; Barnett, S. "A Glossary for the Bible, Chiefly Designed for Children" PMLA 135.5 (2020) pp. 938-945

Dabashi, P. "Introduction to "Cultures of Argument": The Loose Garments of Argument" PMLA 135.5 (2020) pp. 946-955

Fitzpatrick, K. "Generous Argument" PMLA 135.5 (2020) pp. 956-962

Spampinato, E. "'Never Punch Down'; or, How We Disagree (Online) Now" PMLA 135.5 (2020) pp. 963-969

Berube, M. "An Audacious Argument for Modesty" PMLA 135.5 (2020) pp. 970-975

Lavery, G. "Generation and Class Antagonism" PMLA 135.5 (2020) pp. 976-981

Lee, Y. "Adding versus Arguing: Narratology and Taxonomy" PMLA 135.5 (2020) pp. 982-988

Chodat, R. "Experts and Encounters" PMLA 135.5 (2020) pp. 989-994

Cunningham, N. "Scenes of Argument" PMLA 135.5 (2020) pp. 995-1001

Anderson, A. "Situating the Method Debates" PMLA 135.5 (2020) pp. 1002-1008

Kaplan, K. "Waiting for Someone to Argue With" PMLA 135.5 (2020) pp. 1009-1015

Love, H. "Response" PMLA 135.5 (2020) pp. 1016-1020

Folit-Weinberg, Benjamin "Conceptualizing Chance: The hodos in Homer" Phoenix 74.1-2 (2020) pp. 1-14

Chaldekas, Matthew "The Ethnographic Eye: Visual and Verbal Identification in Theocritus Idyll 22" Phoenix 74.1-2 (2020) pp. 15-35

Maleuvre, Jean-Yves "Properce et Cynthia (Prop., I, 1--10)" Phoenix 74.1-2 (2020) pp. 36-58

Stevens, John A. "Dulce et decorum est, Actium, and the clupeus virtutis" Phoenix 74.1-2 (2020) pp. 59-78

Uria, Javier "Cornutus on Varro on the Aspirate H: Making Full Sense of Cassiod. Orth. 1.79--87 Stoppacci (Cornut. fr. 16 Mazzarino)" Phoenix 74.1-2 (2020) pp. 79-90

Fear, Trevor "The Role of Quintus Dellius in the Meeting of Antony and Cleopatra at Tarsus" Phoenix 74.1-2 (2020) pp. 91-99

Israelowich, Ido "The Use of Diet and Regimen by Midwives During Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Postnatal Care in Soranus' Gynecology" Phoenix 74.1-2 (2020) pp. 100-110

Mackenzie, Tom "Empedocles, Personal Identity, and the Narrative of the Fallen daimon" Phoenix 74.1-2 (2020) pp. 111-130

Verde, Francesco; Zaccaria, Pietro "Demokritos and the Sacrifice of the Ox (Diog. Laert. 9.35--36)" Phoenix 74.1-2 (2020) pp. 131-140

Victor, Benjamin "Lucretius 6.1175" Phoenix 74.1-2 (2020) pp. 141

Anghelina, Catalin "Lykabas Revisited" QUCC 124 (2020) pp. 11-17 < DOI: 10.19272/202006401001 >

Cozzo, Andrea "Phos in Omero: 'uomo', oppure la piu antica nozione greca di 'persona'?" QUCC 124 (2020) pp. 19-27 < DOI: 10.19272/202006401002 >

Langella, Elena "Gr. epirrothos, 'aiutante': una proposta etimologica" QUCC 124 (2020) pp. 29-64 < DOI: 10.19272/202006401003 >

Kraias, Georgios "Hesiod und die Arbeit: Eine Hassliebe" QUCC 124 (2020) pp. 65-80 < DOI: 10.19272/202006401004 >

Guzzo, MariA Luisa La Fico "El encuentro de Jesus y la serpiente en el Cento Probae (vv. 429-455) y la catabasis de Eneas: batalla cosmogonica fundacional" QUCC 124 (2020) pp. 83-102 < DOI: 10.19272/202006401005 >

Roscalla, Fabio "Il paradeigma inesistente: immagini della Trinita" QUCC 124 (2020) pp. 103-123 < DOI: 10.19272/202006401006 >

Vioque, Guillermo Galan "Marco Musuro y el epitome del De imitatione de Dionisio de Halicarnaso" QUCC 124 (2020) pp. 127-141 < DOI: 10.19272/202006401007 >

Delle Donne, Saulo "La colometria della Pitica 5. L'editio Romana di Calliergi" QUCC 124 (2020) pp. 143-164 < DOI: 10.19272/202006401008 >

Sante, Paolo "Nota critico-testuale a Eur. HF 781~798" QUCC 124 (2020) pp. 167-174 < DOI: 10.19272/202006401009 >

Fratantuono, Lee M. "Virgil's Dido and Rabirius' Antony: A Fragment from Seneca" QUCC 124 (2020) pp. 175-181 < DOI: 10.19272/202006401010 >

Spina, Luigi "'Il teatro non e mica geografia o storiografia: non va soltanto letto, va visto, caro il mio filologo!'" QUCC 124 (2020) pp. 183-186 < DOI: 10.19272/202006401011 >

Cinalli, Angela "I Pythia. Storia dell'agone delfico attraverso le testimonianze letterarie, epigrafiche e papiracee" QUCC 124 (2020) pp. 187-190 < DOI: 10.19272/202006401012 >

Berardi, Francesco "Un commento al libro IX dell'Institutio oratoria di Quintiliano" QUCC 124 (2020) pp. 191-195 < DOI: 10.19272/202006401013 >

Maganuco, Anna "Notizie dalla scuola di metrica: un'annata 'comica'" QUCC 124 (2020) pp. 199-201 < DOI: 10.19272/202006401014 >

Prodi, Enrico Emanuele "Un prosodio pindarico ('Pae.' 20). Introduzione, testo critico e commento" QUCC 125 (2020) pp. 11-18 < DOI: 10.19272/202006402001 >

Maganuco, Anna "Un problema nella versificazione di Pindaro: la 'tmesi metrica'" QUCC 125 (2020) pp. 49-68 < DOI: 10.19272/202006402002 >

Ranno, Alessio "Pindaro e la 'poetica della trascendenza': poesia, religione e iconografia nella Nemea 7 per Sogene di Egina (Nem. 7, 33-50)" QUCC 125 (2020) pp. 69-94 < DOI: 10.19272/202006402003 >

Palmisciano, Riccardo "La 'dolce costrizione' nel simposio greco (a proposito di Bacchilide fr. *20B Maehl.)" QUCC 125 (2020) pp. 95-104 < DOI: 10.19272/202006402004 >

Di Marzio, Marialuigia "Il fr. *20B Maehl. di Bacchilide ad Alessandro I e i simposi en eikadessin" QUCC 125 (2020) pp. 105-128 < DOI: 10.19272/202006402005 >

Fornieles Sanchez, Raquel "Sobre un mecanismo de (des)cortesia verbal entre Esquines y Demostenes: la impersonalizacion con el pronombre indefinido tis" QUCC 125 (2020) pp. 131-151 < DOI: 10.19272/202006402006 >

Nijs, Wim "Failing Epicureans and Cynics hiding in Plain Sight: Lucian of Samosata's Alexander revisited" QUCC 125 (2020) pp. 153-176 < DOI: 10.19272/202006402007 >

Conca, Fabrizio "Guido Mazzoni traduttore di Meleagro" QUCC 125 (2020) pp. 179-198 < DOI: 10.19272/202006402008 >

Brolin, Sonia Francisetti "Il mondo antico con uno sguardo al femminile: un catalogo di eroine" QUCC 125 (2020) pp. 199-207 < DOI: 10.19272/202006402009 >

Sapere, AnaliA "Alteridad y comicidad en Alcibiades de Plutarco" QUCC 126 (2020) pp. 11-29 < DOI: 10.19272/202006403001 >

Biondi, Ennio "Elementi letterari e tradizioni orientali nel racconto di Erodoto della morte di Ciro (Hdt. 1, 204-214)" QUCC 126 (2020) pp. 31-59 < DOI: 10.19272/202006403002 >

Lelli, Emanuele "Erinna e la conocchia di Baucide" QUCC 126 (2020) pp. 63-75 < DOI: 10.19272/202006403003 >

Capuzza, Bruna "Gegeios, 'antico': tra filologia, lingua e mito" QUCC 126 (2020) pp. 77-103 < DOI: 10.19272/202006403004 >

Cinalli, Angela "Vita artistica e culturale nella Creta ellenistica (Open Access)" QUCC 126 (2020) pp. 105-128 < DOI: 10.19272/202006403005 >

Galvani, Giampaolo "Oukh ena ruthmon kakon. L'utilizzo dell'epiploce nei primi due corali delle Supplici di Euripide" QUCC 126 (2020) pp. 131-154 < DOI: 10.19272/202006403006 >

Delle Donne, Saulo "Quando i conti non tornano: tradizione, testo e contenuto di Schol. vet. in Pind. Pyth. 5, c. 168" QUCC 126 (2020) pp. 155-177 < DOI: 10.19272/202006403007 >

Biondi, Francesca "Indagine sul termine grafe negli scoli omerici" QUCC 126 (2020) pp. 181-206 < DOI: 10.19272/202006403008 >

Domenicucci, Patrizio "Le stelle di Valerio Flacco" QUCC 126 (2020) pp. 207-219 < DOI: 10.19272/202006403009 >

Busetto, Anna "Tacite legere. Considerazioni sullo sviluppo della lettura endofasica fra eta classica e tardoantica" QUCC 126 (2020) pp. 221-240 < DOI: 10.19272/202006403010 >

Bourgeois, Brigitte; Jeammet, Violaine "La polychromie des terres cuites grecques : approche materielle d'une culture picturale" RA 69 (2020) pp. 3-28

Massa-Pairault, Francoise-Helene "De l'Academie au Musee : regards sur la mosaique " des Philosophes " (MANN 124545)" RA 69 (2020) pp. 29-83

Capelle, Jeanne "Une epure de chapiteau corinthien gigantesque gravee sur le parvis du mausolee d'Auguste" RA 69 (2020) pp. 85-102

Marcattili, Francesco "Il cibo e la dea: il magmentarium di Tellus e il lectisternium di Cerere" RA 69 (2020) pp. 103-115

Lefebvre, Caroline; Toutain, NataeLle; MicheLe, Patrick De "Une nouvelle colonne funeraire en Gaule Narbonnaise (Avignon, Vaucluse)" RA 69 (2020) pp. 117-139

Holscher, Tonio "In memoriam. Erika Simon (27 juin 1927-15 fevrier 2019)" RA 70 (2020) pp. 225-229

Campos, Remy "La description archeologique : une pratique savante oubliee (1880-1914)" RA 70 (2020) pp. 231-261

Verger, Stephane "L'equipe qui fabriqua le cratere de Vix : habitudes scripturales, traditions stylistiques, organisation et localisation de l'atelier" RA 70 (2020) pp. 263-324

Torelli, Mario "Le tombe a schola di Pompei sepolture "eroiche" giulio-claudie di tribuni militum a populo e sacerdotes publicae" RA 70 (2020) pp. 325-358

Ballestrazzi, Chiara "Arte senza storia? I nobiles artifices delle gemme e il loro destino" RA 70 (2020) pp. 359-385

Ruggiu, Annapaola Zaccaria "Il mosaico con Achille a Hierapolis di frigia. Modelli di legittimazione nella casa privata tardo-antica" RA 70 (2020) pp. 387-418

Wylin, Koen "Quelques considerations sur le morpheme verbal -s- en etrusque" RBPh 98.1 (2020) pp. 5

Raepsaet, Georges; Pomey, Patrice "Une lithagogia au Didymeion de Milet vers 180 av.n.e. A propos de SEG IV 453" RBPh 98.1 (2020) pp. 19

Naco del Hoyo, Toni "War, Peace and Rome's Empire-Building Ideology in the Making" RBPh 98.1 (2020) pp. 55

Gatto, Federica "Bona Dea et ses agents culturels en Afrique" RBPh 98.1 (2020) pp. 67

Mahieu, Vincent "Les lieux de culte mithriaques face aux chretiens dans la Rome tardo-antique" RBPh 98.1 (2020) pp. 87

Heidenreich, Christophe Schmidt; Raepsaet-Charlier, Marie-Therese; Vanderhoeven, Alain "Victurus, primicier des Tungrecani Seniores. A propos d'un graffito de Tongres" RBPh 98.1 (2020) pp. 129

Lenfant, Dominique "Les Grecs repudiaient-ils leurs femmes pour sterilite ?" REA 122.1 (2020) pp. 3-27

Fauchier, Louise "Kameleia et vente a credit dans l'Athenes classique" REA 122.1 (2020) pp. 29-54

Mauro, Chiara Maria; Gambash, Gil "The Earliest "Limenes Kleistoi" A comparison between archaeological-geological data and the Periplus of Pseudo-Skylax" REA 122.1 (2020) pp. 55-84

O'Brien, Renee; Vervaet, Frederik "Priests and Senators: The Decemuiri Sacris Faciundis in the Middle Republic (367 -- 104 BCE)" REA 122.1 (2020) pp. 85-106

Bady, Clement "L'expulsion des philosophes de 93-94 p.C. Philosophie et sociabilite aristocratique dans la Rome des Flaviens" REA 122.1 (2020) pp. 107-126

Spinassi, Miguel A. "Algunas observaciones sobre dos epigramas de Filodemo (AP. 11. 35 y APl. 234)" REA 122.1 (2020) pp. 127-136

Bernini, Julie; Rivault, Joy "Le bouleuterion de Stratonicee, reflexions sur les fonctions de l'edifice a l'epoque imperiale" REA 122.1 (2020) pp. 137-166

Feraco, Fabrizio "Avieno, Arat. 409-413: da Cerbero all'Auriga" REA 122.1 (2020) pp. 165-170

Lamaze, Jeremy "Des communautes postpalatiales a l'emergence de la cite-Etat (polis) en Crete" REA 122.1 (2020) pp. 171-194

Aupert, Pierre "Les vicissitudes du port d'Amathonte" REA 122.1 (2020) pp. 195-218

Gonzalez, Antonio "Du silence de la soumission a l'expression de l'affection" REA 122.1 (2020) pp. 219-240

Sauzeau, Pierre "Reflexions sur la reception de l'Antiquite dans les fictions contemporaines" REA 122.1 (2020) pp. 241-254

Rousset, Denis "Les Locriens de l'Est et les Phocidiens de la guerre du Peloponnese au debut de l'epoque hellenistique" REA 122.2 (2020) pp. 389-444

Karatas, Aynur-Michele-Sara "Greek cults and their sacred laws on dress-codes: The laws of Greek sanctuaries for clothing, colour, and penalties against misbehaviour" REA 122.2 (2020) pp. 445-488

Deniz, Alcorac Alonso "Le mois macedonien Audnaios et les fetes d'hiver pour Persephone *A(i)dna "Invisible", "Obscure"" REA 122.2 (2020) pp. 489-508

Chimeno, Carlos Heredia "La actividad consular de bibulo ante la transgresion constitucional: ?reaccion o restauracion?" REA 122.2 (2020) pp. 509-534

Hoet-Van Cauwenberghe, Christine "Afficher le spectacle en Gaule Belgique : l'Eneide de Virgile au theatre de Vendeuil-Caply (vicus des Bellovaques)" REA 122.2 (2020) pp. 535-560

Fauduet, Isabelle; Mathieu, Nicolas; Remy, Bernard "Chonique Gallo-Romaine" REA 122.2 (2020) pp. 561-564

Eck, Bernard "Relire Miasma ou La Lecon de Parker" REA 122.2 (2020) pp. 565-588

Herrera Valenciano, Minor "Manifestaciones de la tradicion clasica en el poemario Orquideas de Lisimaco Chavarria" REC 48 (2020) pp. 13-30

Morales Harley, Roberto "Aquiles/Hector y Arjuna/Karna: dos visiones del heroismo epico" REC 48 (2020) pp. 31-54

Moreno Del Cristo, Aluned "La recreacion de la epica griega antigua en Argonautas de Carlos Fundora" REC 48 (2020) pp. 55-73

Perotti, Pier Angelo "Alcune minuzie virgiliane" REC 48 (2020) pp. 75-89

Ristorto, Marcela "Formas himnicas en el tercer estasimo de Helena de Euripides" REC 48 (2020) pp. 91-119

Guadalupe Barandica, Maria "In memoriam: Semblanza de Placido Sgro" REC 49 (2020) pp. 9-11

Arteaga Conde, Evelia "ida ante la muerte: palabras de Aquiles a Patroclo y epigramas funerarios" REC 49 (2020) pp. 15-44

Cano Moreno, Jorge "Una introduccion al problema de la organizacion politica en Creta durante el periodo Neopalacial" REC 49 (2020) pp. 45-101

Hio Rojas, Diego Alejandro "La presencia de Aquiles en la Vida de Pirro, de Plutarco" REC 49 (2020) pp. 103-120

Gustavo Zonana, Victor "El mito de Orfeo en la poesia de Graciela Maturo: Canto de Euridice (1966)" REC 49 (2020) pp. 121-158

Gerkens, Jean Francois "Editorial" RIDA 67-68 (2020-2021) pp. 7-8

Benke, Jozsef "Glaubigerschutz mittels Schenkungsverbots im Stadtrecht von Gortyn" RIDA 67-68 (2020-2021) pp. 9-44

Bertoldi, Federica "From the Lex curiata de imperio to the Lex (regia) de imperio" RIDA 67-68 (2020-2021) pp. 45-66

Finkenauer, Thomas "Der Schutz der Sklavenfamilie im klassischen romischen Recht" RIDA 67-68 (2020-2021) pp. 67-108

Hayashi, Tomoyoshi "The Addressees of the Responsa of P. Alfenus Varus and the Accessibility of Legal Support for 'Ordinary' People in late Republican Rome" RIDA 67-68 (2020-2021) pp. 109-118

Kubiak, Przemyslaw "Repentance as a Mitigating Factor in Roman Criminal Law?" RIDA 67-68 (2020-2021) pp. 119-142

Mancinetti, Gianpiero "Labeone e Proculo: la non ripetibilita delle spese per evitare il danno non effettuate in societatem quamvis propter societatem" RIDA 67-68 (2020-2021) pp. 143-160

Nunez Paz, Maria Isabel "Dos memorias de mujer y violencia en el Alto Imperio. De la memoria damnata de Livilla al epitafio manu mariti crudelissimi de Iulia Maiana" RIDA 67-68 (2020-2021) pp. 161-189

Pavon Torrejon, Pilar "Feminae et leges. Algunos aspectos sobre la politica legislativa imperial romana en materia de mujeres" RIDA 67-68 (2020-2021) pp. 191-213

Spruit, J.E. "Wurde das Lehrprogramm der Antecessoren in Konstantinopel um ein oder zwei Jahre verlangert?" RIDA 67-68 (2020-2021) pp. 215-221

Wacke, Andreas "Zum Eviktionsregress beim Pfandverkauf. Uberprufung der 'Interpolationen in den Pandekten' von Otto Gradenwit" RIDA 67-68 (2020-2021) pp. 223-248

Martin, Cary "The Demotic Legal Manuals -- Or Codes -- Or Coutumiers -- Or Commentaries -- Or Case Laws? Does Modern Terminology Help or Hinder Us in Interpreting These Texts?" RIDA 67-68 (2020-2021) pp. 249-290

Thungen, Lothar "Unterricht des Antezessors Isidor uber das Beweisrecht (D. 22.3--5) Versuch einer Palingenesie" RIDA 67-68 (2020-2021) pp. 291-349

Carlig, Nathan; Ricciardetto, Antonio "In Memoriam Jean A. Straus" RIDA 67-68 (2020-2021) pp. 351-359

De Luna, Maria Elena "Dai luoghi alla statis e viceversa : considerazioni su un passo di Aristotele" RSA 50 (2020) pp. 7-26

Sviatoslav, Dmitriev "A woman speaks : the rhetoric of Timoclea from Thebes" RSA 50 (2020) pp. 27-48

Zaccaria, Pietro "Jason of Argos and the Foundation of Alexandria" RSA 50 (2020) pp. 49-63

Sansone di Campobianco, Luca "ICHOR : the 'blood' of the Homeric gods : notes on Eustathius' commentary to Iliad 5.339-340" RSA 50 (2020) pp. 65-82

Boldrer, Francesca "Storia romana a Pons Drusi (Bolzano) : approfondimenti sul sito, un culto e il toponimo tra nuovi reperti e autori latini (Catullo e Orazio, Livio e Svetonio)" RSA 50 (2020) pp. 83-99

Martinez Chico, David; Gonzales Garcia, Alberto "La tesera monetiforme latina de Oiasso, Irun (Guipuzcoa, Espana)" RSA 50 (2020) pp. 101-121

101-121 Orlandi, Silvia "Dalla ratio castrensis ai tituli ad ludos pertinentes : una nuova proposta di lettura per l'iscrizione CIL, VI 8534" RSA 50 (2020) pp. 123-141

Mayer i Olive, Marc "Notas sobre algunas inscripciones de Olisipo, Lisboa" RSA 50 (2020) pp. 143-151

Cenerini, Francesca "Il ruolo delle donne nella vita di Caligola" RSA 50 (2020) pp. 153-176

Arena, Gaetano "Pergamo e un'epidemia di antrace sotto Antonino Pio" RSA 50 (2020) pp. 177-193

Filippini, Erica "Considerazioni sul ruolo delle Augustae nella costruzione ideologica di epoca traianea : il contributo della documentazione numismatica" RSA 50 (2020) pp. 195-215

Raimondi, Milena "Atene in Temistio : modelli civici e memoria storica nella 'nuova Roma'" RSA 50 (2020) pp. 217-239

Ratti, Stephane "Le paon et le phenix au coeur de la polemique pagano-chretienne" RSA 50 (2020) pp. 217-239

De Luca, Stefano "L'ultimo console pagano : la figura di Messio Febo Severo sullo sfondo dell'impero di Antemio e alla luce della Vita Isidori di Damascio (seconda parte)" RSA 50 (2020) pp. 257-277

Osanna, Massimo "In ricordo di Mario Torelli" RSP 31 (2020) pp. 1-6

Osanna, Massimo; Giletti, Federico "Il Foro Triangolare di Pompei tra vecchie acquisizioni e nuovi scavi" RSP 31 (2020) pp. 7-24

Cavassa, Laetitia; Claude Denoyelle, Martine; Pouzadoux, C. "Une mythe grec pour la tombe d'une femme samnite: proposition de lecture d'une amphore a figures rouges de Pompei" RSP 31 (2020) pp. 25-32

Menichetti, Mauro "Imitatio Alexandri, il "nuovo mondo" della Casa del Fauno" RSP 31 (2020) pp. 33-46

Pallecchi, Silvia "L'area della bottega VII 14. 3 a Pompei: storie di trasformazioni e progressive edificazioni di un piccolo spazio affacciato su Via dell'Abbondanza, fine del II sec. a.C.-I sec. d.C." RSP 31 (2020) pp. 47-56

Formola, Simona "Edilizia domestica. Tipologia architettonica e funzionale delle alae a Pompei ed Ercolano" RSP 31 (2020) pp. 57-74

Ruffo, Fabrizio; Soricelli, Gianluca "L'evoluzione degli assetti agrari nella Piana del Sarno in eta romana (I secolo a.C.-V secolo d.C.)" RSP 31 (2020) pp. 75-88

Franciosi, Vincenzo; Marcello Pirozzi, Fabio "I due "corridori" di Ercolano" RSP 31 (2020) pp. 89-100

Richter, Dieter "Sigmund Freud a Pompei. Sulla genesi del modello archeologico nella Psicanalisi (trad. U. Pappalardo)" RSP 31 (2020) pp. 101-108

Stefani, G. "Ufficio Scavi di Pompei. Attivita 2019" RSP 31 (2020) pp. 109

Stefani, G. "Attivita Ufficio Mostre" RSP 31 (2020) pp. 109

Mauro, A. "Vanity: Storie di gioielli dalle Cicladi a Pompei (Pompei, Palestra Grande, 10/5-5/8/2019)" RSP 31 (2020) pp. 110

Toniolo, L. "Pompei e Santorini. L'eternita in un giorno. (Roma, Scuderie del Quirinale, 11/10/2019-6/1/2020)" RSP 31 (2020) pp. 110

Siano, S., Toniolo, L. "Attivita svolte dal Sito Unesco 829 "Archaeological areas of Pompei, Herculaneum and Torre Annunziata"" RSP 31 (2020) pp. 111

D'Auria, D.; Ballet, P. "Modi d'abitare a Pompei in eta sannitica: diffusione e uso del tipo della casa ad atrio testudinato" RSP 31 (2020) pp. 111-114

Sodo, A.M. "Ufficio Scavi di Boscoreale. Notiziario 2019" RSP 31 (2020) pp. 115

Bergamasco, I.; Scarpati, G. "Ufficio Scavi di Oplontis. Attivita 2019" RSP 31 (2020) pp. 116

Osanna, M.; Giletti, F. "Oplonti, Nuovi scavi nella Villa A. Note preliminari" RSP 31 (2020) pp. 117-120

Muscolino, F. "Ufficio Scavi di Stabia. Attivita 2019" RSP 31 (2020) pp. 121-122

Gardelli, P.; Butyagin, A. "Breve nota sullo scavo dell'ambiente 71 di Villa Arianna, Stabiae (2018-2019)" RSP 31 (2020) pp. 123-124

Chmielewski, Krzysztof; Burdajewicz, Julia "Conservation works carried out in Villa Arianna in 2019" RSP 31 (2020) pp. 125-126

Osanna, M.; De Nicola, V.; Camardo, D.; Notomista, M. "La Villa marittima in Contrada Sora a Torre del Greco. Il progetto di conoscenza e recupero: il quadro generale e i nuovi dati archeologici" RSP 31 (2020) pp. 127-134

Sirano, F. "Le attivita del Parco Archeologico di Ercolano e dell'HCP nel 2019" RSP 31 (2020) pp. 135-148

Khellaf, K. "Classical Nomadologies" Ramus 49.1-2 (2020) pp. 1-40

Ellis, R. "Beyond the Human Condition: Duration and Virtuality in Heraclitus" Ramus 49.1-2 (2020) pp. 41-69

Giannopoulou, Z. "Gilles Deleuze and Bernardo Bertolucci on Plato's Cave" Ramus 49.1-2 (2020) pp. 70-88

Radcliffe, B. "Becoming Domestic in Hesiod's Works and Days" Ramus 49.1-2 (2020) pp. 89-110

Chidwick, H. "One or Many Milites? Military Multiplicity in Latin Epic" Ramus 49.1-2 (2020) pp. 111-132

Hutchins, R. "Animal Revolt and Lines of Flight in Lucretius, Book Five" Ramus 49.1-2 (2020) pp. 133-154

DuBois, P. "The Wasps Dance, The Wasps Sing" Ramus 49.1-2 (2020) pp. 155-173

Worman, N. "Euripidean Assemblages" Ramus 49.1-2 (2020) pp. 174-190

Krebs, A. "Deleuze, Guattari, and Apuleius: Metamorphoses of Minor Literature" Ramus 49.1-2 (2020) pp. 191-212

Van Veldhuizen, M. "Back on Circe's Island" Ramus 49.1-2 (2020) pp. 213-235

Brillante, Sergio "Il sovrano che scrive. Un'opera paradossografica di Tolomeo Dioniso?" RhM 163 (2020) pp. 1

Pigon, Jakub "Neque tamen temperamenti egebat ... Das Lob des Marcus Lepidus in den Annalen des Tacitus (4,20,2--3)" RhM 163 (2020) pp. 17

Ramelli, Ilaria "The Dialogue of Adamantius: Preparing the Critical Edition and a Reappraisal" RhM 163 (2020) pp. 40

Busnelli, Gabriele "'Ship Burials' in Arg. Orph. 1136--1142? Una nota" RhM 163 (2020) pp. 69

Zingg, Emanuel "Aus einer spaten neuplatonischen Schrift. Echte und angebliche Exzerpte aus Iohannes Lydos, De mensibus 3,8; 3,12; 4,7 und 4,36--38 in drei Handschriften des 14. Jh. (Ang. gr. 29, Par. gr. 2381, Scorial F[phi].III.11)" RhM 163 (2020) pp. 79

Mertens, Leonhard "Theocr. 11,49 -- eine ubersehene Anspielung auf Homers Polyphem-Erzahlung" RhM 163 (2020) pp. 125

Fries, Simon "Alc. Frg. 208,9 V. Versuch einer Verteidigung des uberlieferten agkur(r)ai gegenuber konjiziertem agkonnai" RhM 163 (2020) pp. 129

Meister, Felix "The Transmission, Genre, and Metre of Sapph. fr. 104a V." RhM 163 (2020) pp. 151

Eckerman, Christopher "Practicing ataraxia at Lucretius' De rerum natura 2.7--8" RhM 163 (2020) pp. 167

Holzberg, Niklas "Erzahlstruktur und narrative Technik in der Dion-Vita des Cornelius Nepos" RhM 163 (2020) pp. 174

Isepy, Peter "Towards a New Text of Helladius. Neglected Manuscript Evidence on Photius' Bibliotheke" RhM 163 (2020) pp. 189

Schroer, Clayton "A Textual Note on Prop. 2.32.25: Against Emending to cedere" RhM 163 (2020) pp. 231

Cristini, Marco "Vergil Among the Goths: A Note on Iordanes, Getica 44" RhM 163 (2020) pp. 235

Verde, Francesco "I Kanonika di Antioco di Ascalona e Asclepiade di Bitinia (Sext. Emp. M. 7,200--202)" RhM 163 (2020) pp. 241

Thein, Alexander "Three Victims of Sullan Violence" RhM 163 (2020) pp. 271

Gagliardi, Paola "Da Titiro recubans a Gallo iacens: l'immagine del pastore disteso nelle Bucoliche virgiliane" RhM 163 (2020) pp. 297

Kramer, Benedikt "Syntaktische Funktion und Bedeutung von plurimum in Hor. carm. 4,2,30" RhM 163 (2020) pp. 319

Novokhatko, Anna "Vom Schauen und Schaudern: Sichtbarkeit und Blickfunktion in den Tragodien Senecas" RhM 163 (2020) pp. 328

Beer, Beate "Proserpina iuncta Dianae. Zur Funktion der Unterweltsmotivik in den Argonautica des Valerius Flaccus" RhM 163 (2020) pp. 346

Feddern, Stefan "Plinius d.J. uber den Stil der Geschichtsschreibung und den (Nach-) Ruhm (epist. 5,8)" RhM 163 (2020) pp. 369

Colombo, Maurizio "Il tragitto di Giuliano nel 361: questioni di cronologia e di geografia" RhM 163 (2020) pp. 406

Lubian, Francesco "'Nell mare increspato del secolo': per il testo e l'interpretazione dell'epigramma In capitulo fratrum del cod. Thuaneus (fol. 60v)" RhM 163 (2020) pp. 425

* "In memoriam Christoph Georg Leid" Rhetorica 38.1 (2020) pp. 1--13

Berardi, Francesco "Il dialogismos: un caso esemplare nell'insegnamento retorico-grammaticale" Rhetorica 38.1 (2020) pp. 14--31

Fredborg, Karin Margareta "The Horatian Tradition in Medieval Rhetoric: From the Twelfth-Century 'Materia' Commentary to Landino 1482" Rhetorica 38.1 (2020) pp. 32--56

Sharp, Zachary Daniel "'Fitter to Please the Court Than the School': Courtly and Paideutic Rhetoric in Elizabethan Poetics" Rhetorica 38.1 (2020) pp. 57--83

Walser-Burgler, Isabella "Staging Oratory in Renaissance Germany: The Delivery of Andres Laguna's Europa Heautentimorumene (1543)" Rhetorica 38.1 (2020) pp. 84--117

Levystone, David "Socrates' Versatile Rhetoric and the Soul of the Crowd" Rhetorica 38.2 (2020) pp. 135--155

Zingesser, Eliza "Chretien the Jay: Avian Rhetoric in Philomena" Rhetorica 38.2 (2020) pp. 156--179

Merida, Raphael "Aspetti del parlato nell'oratoria sacra secentesca: tra retorica e pragmatica" Rhetorica 38.2 (2020) pp. 180--199

Lloret, Jorge Lopez "La Construccion Retorica de la Ciencia por el Joven Adam Smith: The Rhetoric Construction of Science by the Young Adam Smith" Rhetorica 38.2 (2020) pp. 200--224

Cordova, Nelida Naveros; Cdp, "Corinthians 10:1--4: The Rhetorical-Poetic Effect of Vividness and Emotions in Paul's Exhortation to Monotheism in the Context of 10:1--22" Rhetorica 38.3 (2020) pp. 237--255

Santorelli, Biagio "In domusionem tamen litteras didici: Trimalchione e gli automatismi dell'insegnamento retorico (Petron. 48, 4--7" Rhetorica 38.3 (2020) pp. 256--278

Overton, Daniel P. "The Consequences of Liberty: Barton W. Stone's Democratized Rhetoric and Hermeneutics" Rhetorica 38.3 (2020) pp. 279--308

Ahn, Jaewon; Moon, Soojeong "Angelo Zottoli's Observations on Enthymematic Features in Chinese Texts" Rhetorica 38.3 (2020) pp. 309--320

Rashwan, Hany "Arabic Jinas is not Pun, Wortspiel, Calembour, or Paronomasia: A Post-Eurocentric Approach to the Conceptual Untranslatability of Literary Terms in Arabic and Ancient Egyptian Cultures" Rhetorica 38.4 (2020) pp. 335--370

Gemin, Marco "Il discorso falso di Odisseo attribuito ad Alcidamante" Rhetorica 38.4 (2020) pp. 371--381

Culik-Baird, Hannah "Archias the Good Immigrant" Rhetorica 38.4 (2020) pp. 382--410

Poisson-Gueffier, Jean Francois "'Si res ad synodum traheretur' (I, 416) Les proces imaginaires dans le livre I de l'Ysengrimus." Rhetorica 38.4 (2020) pp. 411--431

Kaster, Robert A. "Cicero's Economy of Praise" SCI 39 (2020) pp. 1-14

Anagnostou-Laoutides, Eva; Van Wassenhove, Bart "Drunkenness and Philosophical Enthusiasm in Seneca's De Tranquillitate Animi" SCI 39 (2020) pp. 15-34

Haussker, Fayah "Plut. Them. 10.5: Generosity and Greek Public Education in Historical Memory" SCI 39 (2020) pp. 35-54

Delle Donne, Carlo "Time and Time-Before-Time: An Ancient Puzzle" SCI 39 (2020) pp. 55-72

Piotrkowski, Meron "On the Origin of the Jewish Historian Artapanus" SCI 39 (2020) pp. 73-84

Gersht, Rivka "The Caesarea Maritima Asklepios and the Question of Glykon" SCI 39 (2020) pp. 85-116

Niehoff, Maren R. "From the "Theater of the World" to the "Mask of Christ" -- and Back Again: Insights from Origen's Newly Discovered Homilies on Psalms" SCI 39 (2020) pp. 117-136

Erez-Yodfat, Noga "The Inscribed Gold Lamellae from Roman Palestine: Old Questions, New Evidence" SCI 39 (2020) pp. 137-148

Nantet, Emmanuel "The Public Boats of Olbia: Warships or State Merchantmen?" SCI 39 (2020) pp. 149-161

Graf, David F. "A Major Catalogue of Toponyms for the Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine Periods" SCI 39 (2020) pp. 163-174

Stiebel, Guy D. "What Have the Romans Ever Done for Us?" SCI 39 (2020) pp. 175-182

David, Ephraim "David Golan 1927-2019" SCI 39 (2020) pp. 201-203

Cotton, Hannah M. "Fergus Miller 1935-2019" SCI 39 (2020) pp. 204-206

Price, Jonathan "Lisa Ullmann 1922-2019" SCI 39 (2020) pp. 207-209

Fermi, Damiano "Elena in lamento : motivi e funzioni dell'appello alle sirene in Eur. Hel. 164-178" SIFC 2020.1 (2020) pp. 5-40

Franco, Cristiana "Il pianto di Milone (Ov. Met. 15.228-236) e altre ironie ovidiane" SIFC 2020.1 (2020) pp. 41-57

Tsagalis, Christos "Iliad 11.662 : a note" SIFC 2020.1 (2020) pp. 61-68

Becchi, Francesco "The courage of beasts and the knavery of humans in Plutarch's Bruta Animalia" SIFC 2020.1 (2020) pp. 69-75

Moretti, Gabriella, 1958- "Intersezioni iconografiche e nomi parlanti nelle Metamorfosi di Apuleio" SIFC 2020.1 (2020) pp. 76-95

Moretti, Paola Francesca, 1968- "Ascoltare la voce di Ambrogio? : un caso di parlato-scritto tardoantico" SIFC 2020.1 (2020) pp. 96-116

Nicolini, Lara "Note di lettura e due proposte testuali all'Aegritudo Perdicae" SIFC 2020.1 (2020) pp. 117-123

Pisano, Carmine "I kluta erga di Hermes : un tentativo di analisi epidemiologica" SIFC 2020.2 (2020) pp. 133-148

Freudenburg, Kirk "Feeling with the Romans : the cultural psychology of ancient contempt" SIFC 2020.2 (2020) pp. 149-172

Cavallero, Fabio Giorgio "In M. Fulvium Nobiliorem : un'ipotesi sui frammenti delle orazioni di Catone contro Nobiliore" SIFC 2020.2 (2020) pp. 173-190

Gasbarra, Valentina "La nozione di 'tessere' tra pratica e intelletto : un'analisi dei verbi di tessitura tra archivi micenei e poemi omerici" SIFC 2020.2 (2020) pp. 193-206

Ranocchia, Graziano "Un nuovo frammento adespoto della Commedia Antica (Philod. [de sup.] col. 13, 3-4 Ranocchia)" SIFC 2020.2 (2020) pp. 207-222

Laursen, Simon "Stratiotika postponed, Dem. Ol. 1 19-20" SIFC 2020.2 (2020) pp. 223-234

Longoni, Lisa "In principio libri facio : un caso di evidentia e di metatestualita plautina in Apuleio, flor. 18." SIFC 2020.2 (2020) pp. 235-246

Nicolini, Lara "Una novita divenuta piacevole : Apuleio, Met. V 4,5." SIFC 2020.2 (2020) pp. 247-250

Silvano, Luigi "Due testimoni inesplorati di Platonio" SIFC 2020.2 (2020) pp. 251-262

Asztalos, Monika; Maravela, Anastasia "Editorial Note" SO 94 (2020) pp. 1

Janse, Mark "Phrasing Homer: A Cognitive-Linguistic Approach to Homeric Versification" SO 94 (2020) pp. 2-32

Nunlist, Rene "The Human Condition According to the Similes in Homer's Iliad" SO 94 (2020) pp. 33-58

Bilic, Tomislav "North vs. South: Alternative Models for the Diurnal Solar Movement in Early Greece" SO 94 (2020) pp. 59-94

Kraggerud, Egil; Welo, Eirik "In the Wake of a Great Edition: Textual Notes on Sophocles' Oedipus Tyrannos" SO 94 (2020) pp. 95-102

Pitts, Reuben J. "The Italic Consonant Stem Ablative: Some Comparative and Theoretical Arguments for an Inherited Ending in *-d" SO 94 (2020) pp. 103-124

Kotyl, Marcin "A Land Lease-Related Document from the Agoranomic Dossier of Daippos" SO 94 (2020) pp. 125-135

Dehon, Pierre-Jacques "Un point de geographie horatienne: Rigidum Niphaten (Carm. 2.9.20)" SO 94 (2020) pp. 136-147

Hagg, Henny Fiska "Purity of Heart and the Vision of God in Clement of Alexandria" SO 94 (2020) pp. 148-156

Kanavou, Nikoletta; Papathomas, Amphilochios "A Declamation on a Sopatrian Model: P.Hamb. II 134 Reconsidered" SO 94 (2020) pp. 157-168

Mikulova, Jana "Degrees of Redundancy in Double Introductions of Direct Speech in Gregory of Tours" SO 94 (2020) pp. 169-200

Deptula, Agata "Greek Sticheron from Medieval Nubia Praising John the Baptist (Q.I. 1964, 6a Revisited)" SO 94 (2020) pp. 201-211

Marciniak, Przemyslaw "The Dramation by Michael Haplucheir: A Reappraisal" SO 94 (2020) pp. 212-228

Fernandez Deagustini, Maria del Pilar "Introduccion: Lecturas corales. Esquilo" Synthesis 27.1 (2020) pp. e070 full text

Aurelio Rodrigues, Marco "Anunciando a desgraca: o conceito de ate e o coro na tragedia de Esquilo" Synthesis 27.1 (2020) pp. e071 full text

Fernandez Deagustini, Maria del Pilar "Metacoralidad, itinerarios rituales y "odas que traman" en las tragedias de Esquilo: el ejemplo de Suplicantes" Synthesis 27.1 (2020) pp. e072 full text

Gallego, Julian "El coro de Suplicantes de Esquilo y la audiencia ateniense" Synthesis 27.1 (2020) pp. e073 full text

Mota, Marcus "Ritmos em Performance: Analise metrica do Parodo de As Suplicantes de Esquilo" Synthesis 27.1 (2020) pp. e074 full text

Garcia Perez, David "Guerra y tragedia: el sentido dramatico de la parodos del Agamenon de Esquilo" Synthesis 27.1 (2020) pp. e075 full text

Silva, Maria de Fatima "O coro de Coeforas: alimentar a vinganca e partilhar o remorso" Synthesis 27.1 (2020) pp. e076 full text

Moreno, Miriam Libran "El coro en los fragmentos tragicos de Esquilo" Synthesis 27.1 (2020) pp. e077 full text

De Santis, Guillermo "El coro satirico y su funcion en las tramas satiricas esquileas. Notas sobre la gestualidad del coro y el rol actancial de Sileno en Arrastradores de redes" Synthesis 27.1 (2020) pp. e078 full text

Napoli, Juan Tobias "Distintas posiciones eticas en Hecuba de Euripides: el problema de la virtud" Synthesis 27.2 (2020) pp. e080 full text

Donoso Johnson, Paulo "Uso y abuso del termino ochlos en Tucidides" Synthesis 27.2 (2020) pp. e081 full text

Bautista Bardi, Juan "La poblacion en la reflexion juridico-politica de Jenofonte: el rol de los metecos atenienses en Poroi" Synthesis 27.2 (2020) pp. e082 full text

Fratantuono, Lee Michael "Laurenti divo: Fauno, Pan y Silvano en Eneida de Virgilio" Synthesis 27.2 (2020) pp. e083 full text

Redondo Reyes, Pedro "Filosofia teorica y practica en Ptolomeo, Almagesto 1.1" Synthesis 27.2 (2020) pp. e084 full text

Zambudio, Josefa Fernandez "La reescritura del Himno homerico a Demeter en "Ira Demetrae" de Claribel Alegria" Synthesis 27.2 (2020) pp. e085 full text

Silvina Delbueno, Maria "La recepcion del mito de Medea en la marginacion de una mujer: "Patron" de Abelardo Castillo" Synthesis 27.2 (2020) pp. e086 full text

Linan, Alejandra Mabel "El viaje del alma despues de la muerte. Un motivo homerico en Fuego en Casabindo de Hector Tizon" Synthesis 27.2 (2020) pp. e087 full text

* "In memoriam: Jan den Boeft 1935-2019" VChr 74.1 (2020) pp. 1--3

Clarke, Jacqueline "Pain, Speech and Silence in Prudentius Peristephanon 5 and 9" VChr 74.1 (2020) pp. 4--28

Weidemann, Hans-Ulrich "Jesus als Typos der Mannhaftigkeit. Mannlichkeitsideale in Kyrill von Alexandriens Kommentar zur Johannespassion" VChr 74.1 (2020) pp. 29--75

Treiger, Alexander "John of Scythopolis on Divine Darkness. A Neglected Christian Source on Late Antique Jewish Cosmology" VChr 74.1 (2020) pp. 76--83

Lossl, Josef "Between Hipparchian Cynicism and Priscillian Montanism: Some Notes on Tatian, or. 3.6" VChr 74.1 (2020) pp. 84--107

Kozlowski, Jan M. "'And she took off her clothes ... '. Agathonice's Nudity in Acta Carpi 44" VChr 74.2 (2020) pp. 121--128

Gemeinhardt, Peter "Teaching the Faith in Early Christianity: Divine and Human Agency" VChr 74.2 (2020) pp. 129--164

Kiel, Nikolai "Auferstehung des Fleisches in der Epistula Apostolorum" VChr 74.2 (2020) pp. 165--198

Piscini, Gianluca "De l'exegese a la polemique: la notion d'akolouthia dans les tomes 1-2 du Contre Celse d'Origene" VChr 74.2 (2020) pp. 199--221

Cook, John Granger "Chrestiani, Christiani, Christianoi: a Second Century Anachronism?" VChr 74.3 (2020) pp. 237--264

Tuccinardi, Enrico "A Stylometric Analysis of the Mar Saba Letter Attributed to Clement of Alexandria" VChr 74.3 (2020) pp. 265--288

Kuhn-Treichel, Thomas "A Man Completely Devoid of Falsehood? Creating Credibility in Gregory Nazianzen's Autobiographical Poems" VChr 74.3 (2020) pp. 289--302

Gronewoller, Brian "Augustine's Utilization of Rhetorical Economy in His Early Theology of Creation (On Genesis against the Manichaeans 1.21.32)" VChr 74.3 (2020) pp. 303--315

Linjamaa, Paul "'Mocked by the Archon of Lust'. Panarion 1.26 and Epiphanius' Hyperboles on Sex and Ascetics Read in Light of Fourth Century Ecclesiastical Debates" VChr 74.3 (2020) pp. 316--334

Cosgrove, Charles H. "Word and Table: The Origins of a Liturgical Sequence" VChr 74.4 (2020) pp. 357--373

O.P., Ephrem Reese "Augustine's Use of Principium in De trinitate 1-7" VChr 74.4 (2020) pp. 374--393

Lee, Justin J. "Origen and 'Angelomorphic Pneumatology'" VChr 74.4 (2020) pp. 394--410

Meccariello, Chiara "A Catalogue of Virtuous Women. Myth and Mythography in Clement of Alexandria, Stromateis 4,19,118-123" VChr 74.4 (2020) pp. 411--432

Greb, Daniel "Fugiendum necne sit in persecutione-- Zur rhetorischen Strategie und Disposition von Tertullians Traktat de fuga in persecutione" VChr 74.4 (2020) pp. 433--463

Eckhardt, Benedikt "Wine, Water and the Missing Symposium in Justin's First Apology" VChr 74.5 (2020) pp. 471--486

Hylen, Susan E. "Thekla's Epic: Identity and Classicism in the Life and Miracles of Saint Thekla" VChr 74.5 (2020) pp. 487--504

Wagner, Nicholas E. "A Fragment of a Biblical Cento in the Duke Papyrus Archive (P.Duk. inv. 660)" VChr 74.5 (2020) pp. 505--514

Gray, Allison L. "Catechesis and Episcopal Authority in the Life of Gregory Thaumaturgus" VChr 74.5 (2020) pp. 515--539

Litwa, M. David "The Father of the Devil (John 8:44). A Christian Exegetical Inspiration for the Evil Creator" VChr 74.5 (2020) pp. 540--565

Bogdanov, Ivan V. "Non-Standard Spelling of the Title xntj-S on the Egyptian Private Monuments of the Old Kingdom" VDI 80.1 (2020) pp. 5-32

Kulikov, Fedor I. "The Title of the Lector Priest as a Component of the 'Tomb Owner -- Scene' System in the Egyptian Private Tomb of the Old Kingdom" VDI 80.1 (2020) pp. 33-45

Alexandrov, Boris E. "Slavery in the Texts from Late Bronze Age Emar" VDI 80.1 (2020) pp. 46-83

Vigasin, Alexei A. "Arya: Meaning of the Word and Its Evolution" VDI 80.1 (2020) pp. 84-100

Zabudskaya, Yana L. "Tragedy as a Source of Plots for Greek Vase-Painting" VDI 80.1 (2020) pp. 101-114

Kuzmin, Yuri N. "On the Dating of the Tombstone of Nikeas, Son of Nikanor" VDI 80.1 (2020) pp. 115-119

Mosolkin, Alexei V. "The Frieze of the Esquiline Columbarium and Its Literary Source" VDI 80.1 (2020) pp. 120-149

Zakharov, Evgeniy V.; Smirnov, Svyatoslav V. "New Seleukid Coins from the Collection of The State Historical Museum" VDI 80.1 (2020) pp. 150-170

Bukharin, Mikhail D.; Krol, Alexey A. "Berenice Panchrysos -- Al-Allaqi-Deraheib: Archaeological Reality in the Light of Historical Geography" VDI 80.1 (2020) pp. 171-191

Bolshakov, Vladimir A. "Coffin of Ankhef (anx.f) in the Collection of the Ivanovo Regional Art Museum" VDI 80.1 (2020) pp. 192-232

Zolotukhina, Anastasia I. "'Integrity of a Classicist'. The 100th Anniversary of Viktor Noevich Yarkho" VDI 80.1 (2020) pp. 266-269

Vetokhov, Sergey V. "Rock-Cut Tomb of Kaikherptah in Giza Necropolis: Problems of Zonation of the Internal Space" VDI 80.2 (2020) pp. 307-321

Shelestin, Vladimir Yu. "Kizzuwatna and Kummanni: On the Name of the Country and of the City" VDI 80.2 (2020) pp. 322-339

Nikolsky, Boris M. "Notes on the Prologue of Euripides' Alcestis" VDI 80.2 (2020) pp. 340-353

Coskun, Altay "(Re-)Locating Greek and Roman Cities along the Northern Coast of Kolchis. Part I. Identifying Dioskourias in the Recess of the Black Sea" VDI 80.2 (2020) pp. 354-376

Treister, Mikhail Yu. "A Pectoral from Kosika" VDI 80.2 (2020) pp. 377-409

Tokarev, Andrey N. "Corona graminea and the Emperor Augustus" VDI 80.2 (2020) pp. 410-433

Dmitriev, Vladimir A. "'Aryan Worshiping Ohrmazd': Towards the Political Biography of Shahanshah Narseh" VDI 80.2 (2020) pp. 434-461

Abramzon, Mikhail G.; Bezuglov, Sergey I.; Gunchina, Olga L.; Ustaeva, Elmira R. "A Hoard of the 2nd-3rd Cent. AD Bosporan Gold Staters from Volna 1 Settlement on the Taman Peninsula" VDI 80.2 (2020) pp. 462-481

Kuznetsova, Ekaterina V.; Monakhov, Sergei Yu.; Tolstikov, Vladimir P.; Churekova, Natalya B. "Amphora Collection of the 6th Cent. BC -- 1st Cent. AD at the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts" VDI 80.2 (2020) pp. 482-496

Ananiev, Vitaliy G.; Bukharin, Mikhail D. "S.A. Zhebelev in the System of Soviet Science (Based on New Archival Findings). Part I. 1913-1927" VDI 80.2 (2020) pp. 497-520

Editorial Board "The 70th Anniversary of Aleksandr V. Podossinov" VDI 80.2 (2020) pp. 536-537

Kantor, Georgy M. "Fergus Millar (1935-2019)" VDI 80.2 (2020) pp. 549-552

Bogdanov, Ivan V. "Descendants of Vizier jwwI in Abydos in the Early First Intermediate Period. Part I. Overview of Sources" VDI 80.3 (2020) pp. 589-608

Surikov, Igor E. "Pherecydes of Athens' Treatise in the Context of Early Classical Greek Historical Writing" VDI 80.3 (2020) pp. 609-632

Pechatnova, Larisa G. "Agesilaus' Role in the 'Case Of Sphodrias'" VDI 80.3 (2020) pp. 633-653

Coskun, Altay "(Re-) Locating Greek and Roman Cities along the Northern Coast of Kolchis. Part II. Following Arrian's Periplousfrom Phasis to Sebastopolis" VDI 80.3 (2020) pp. 654-674

Podossinov, Alexandr V. "Ancient Origins of Medieval Cartography: The Problem of Continuity" VDI 80.3 (2020) pp. 675-696

Zakharov, Georgiy E. "The Roman See and the Eastern Churches in the Conflict Around St. John Chrysostom" VDI 80.3 (2020) pp. 697-711

Bolshakov, Vladimir A. "Coffin of the Priestess Nesytaudjatakhet in the Collection of The National Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan (Addendum)" VDI 80.3 (2020) pp. 712-727

Pankratova, E.G. "F.V. Kiparisov, the Last Chairman of The State Academy of History of Material Culture (New Materials for the Biography)" VDI 80.3 (2020) pp. 728-752

Mezheritskaya, Svetlana I. "The 100th Anniversary of Natalia A. Chistyakova" VDI 80.3 (2020) pp. 798-800

Editorial Board "The Anniversary of Vera A. Golovina" VDI 80.3 (2020) pp. 801-802

Editorial Board "The Anniversary of Elena V. Lyapustina" VDI 80.3 (2020) pp. 803-804

Editorial Board "In memoriam: Sergey R. Tokhtasyev" VDI 80.4 (2020) pp. 869-870

Bogdanov, Ivan V. "Descendants of Vizier jwwI in Abydos in the Early First Intermediate Period. Part II. Genealogy" VDI 80.4 (2020) pp. 871-895

Kazansky, Nikolai N. "A Hymn to Dionysus of the 6th -5th Centuries BC from Panticapaeum" VDI 80.4 (2020) pp. 896-906

Bekhter, Anastasia P.; Ilyna, Yu. I. "Graffiti and Dipinti from the Excavations of E.I. Levi and A.N. Karasev. 1. Public Ownership Graffiti" VDI 80.4 (2020) pp. 907-924

Avram, Alexandru "The Most Ancient Inscriptions of Tomis" VDI 80.4 (2020) pp. 925-928

Stoyanov, Roman V. "Painted and Black-Glazed Pottery in the Hellenistic Necropolis of Tauric Chersonesos (Materials from the 1963 Excavation Season)" VDI 80.4 (2020) pp. 929-942

Ivantchik, Askold I. "A Building Inscription from Tanais: More About the Jewish Community in Tanais" VDI 80.4 (2020) pp. 943-953

Belousov, Alexei V. "Notes on Some Greek Inscriptions on Bronze Utensils from Asian Sarmatia" VDI 80.4 (2020) pp. 954-969

Falileyev, Alexandr I. "Celtic River-Names of the Northern Pontic Area Revisited" VDI 80.4 (2020) pp. 970-978

Sharov, Oleg V. "The spali of Jordan and the pali of Pliny the Elder" VDI 80.4 (2020) pp. 979-994

Vinogradov, Andrei Yu. "Chersonesus-- Cherson, Panticapaeum -- Bosporos: A Question of Identity or an Empire-Wide Process?" VDI 80.4 (2020) pp. 995-1006

Jackson, Tatjana N. "A Farewell Gift" VDI 80.4 (2020) pp. 1007-1014

Melnikova, Elena A. "The Name of Byzantium in Old Norse Literature" VDI 80.4 (2020) pp. 1015-1022

Editorial Board "Anniversary of M.I. Rostovtzeff" VDI 80.4 (2020) pp. 1023-1024

Abramzon, Mikhail G.; Tunkina, Irina V. "Towards the Creation History of the 'Corpus of the Bosporan Coins'" VDI 80.4 (2020) pp. 1025-1061

Mordvintseva, Valentina I. "Sarmatian Archaeological Culture: From Speculative to Network Model" VDI 80.4 (2020) pp. 1062-1083

Chepel, Elena Yu. "Two Fragments of the Third-Century AD Court Proceedings from Memphis (P. Berl. Bibl. 29v and P. Petersb. 11v)" VDI 80.4 (2020) pp. 1084-1094

Editorial Board "The Anniversary of Alexander V. Sedov" VDI 80.4 (2020) pp. 1115-1116

Editorial Board "The Anniversary of Irina V. Tunkina" VDI 80.4 (2020) pp. 1117-1118

Vinogradov, Yuri A.; Goroncharovskiy, Vladimir A. "Konstantin K. Marchenko (1939- 2020)" VDI 80.4 (2020) pp. 1119-1120

Martin, Paul Marius "Presence de Cesar dans La conjuration de Catilina de Salluste" VL 200 (2020) pp. na

Amara, Ouiza Ait "Les guerriers de Jugurtha dans le Bellum iugurthinum" VL 200 (2020) pp. na

Vassiliades, Georgios "Temps cyclique et temps lineaire a la fin de la Republique" VL 200 (2020) pp. na

Malaspina, Ermanno "Seneque, Lettres I et II : enjeux philologiques et textuels" VL 200 (2020) pp. na

Courtil, Jean-Christophe "Cruaute et deshumanisation dans les Lettres a Lucilius : l'inhumain, l'animal et le monstre" VL 200 (2020) pp. na

Wildberger, Iula "Care of the Self: How Selfish is Seneca?" VL 200 (2020) pp. na

Pia Comella, Jordi "Marc Aurele, un stoicien froid ? L'importance de la religion dans le Livre I des Pensees" VL 200 (2020) pp. na

Hebert De La Portbarre-Viard, Gaelle "Symmaque dans le Contra Symmachum de Prudence : enjeux et significations d'une mise a mort litteraire" VL 200 (2020) pp. na

Fraisse, Anne "Donner du sens a la saignee. Le temoignage du De medicina de Cassius Felix" VL 200 (2020) pp. na

Wellebrouck, Gurvane "Le message social des representations familiales sur les monumenta des affranchis romains" VL 200 (2020) pp. na

Colotte, Franck "Theodor Mommsen, lecteur des oeuvres philosophiques de Ciceron" VL 200 (2020) pp. na

Menouer, Ouassila; Zerouala, Mohamed Salah "Le Fahs d'Alger : la redecouverte d'une organisation territoriale aujourd'hui disparue" VL 200 (2020) pp. na

Scarborough, Julia "Silva Sonans: The Metapoetic Pastoral Landscape in Vergil's Georgics" Vergilius 66 (2020) pp. 3-34

Hardie, Alex "The Epilogue to the Georgics and Vergil's Nurturing Bees" Vergilius 66 (2020) pp. 35-67

Hines, Caitlin "Vergilius Florens: Blossoming Intertexts in the Sphragis of the Georgics" Vergilius 66 (2020) pp. 69-86

Leme, Fernando Gorab "Shame in the Aeneid" Vergilius 66 (2020) pp. 87-110

Tsartsidis, Thomas "Vergil as Christian Exegete in the Paradisiac Landscape of Prudentius Cathemerinon 5" Vergilius 66 (2020) pp. 111-134

Ball, Robert J. "The Correspondence of Gilbert Highet and Georg Luck about Highet's Book the Speeches in Vergil's Aeneid" Vergilius 66 (2020) pp. 135-162

Werner, Shirley "Vergilian Bibliography 2019--2020" Vergilius 66 (2020) pp. 163-185

Anfray, Jean-Pascal; Schmaltz, Tad M. "Introduction: Material Substance and Quantity, from Suarez to Leibniz" Vivarium 58.3 (2020) pp. 141--142

Perler, Dominik "Suarez on the Unity of Material Substances" Vivarium 58.3 (2020) pp. 143--167

Schmaltz, Tad M. "Quantity and Extension in Suarez and Descartes" Vivarium 58.3 (2020) pp. 168--190

PeCharman, Martine "Kenelm Digby on Quantity as Divisibility" Vivarium 58.3 (2020) pp. 191--218

Anfray, Jean-Pascal "The Unity of Composite Substance: The Scholastic Background to the Vinculum Substantiale in Leibniz's Correspondence with Des Bosses" Vivarium 58.3 (2020) pp. 219--252

Editors of Vivarium "The Retraction of Articles Due to Plagiarism [Roques: William of Ockham, in Vivarium 54.2-3 (2016), 55.1-3 (2017) 1-8 and 130-151]" Vivarium 58.4 (2020) pp. 256--274

Read, Stephen "The Rule of Contradictory Pairs, Insolubles and Validity" Vivarium 58.4 (2020) pp. 275--304

Calma, Dragos "Metaphysics as a Way of Life: Heymericus de Campo on Universals and the "Inner Man"" Vivarium 58.4 (2020) pp. 305--334

Schabel, Monica BriNzei And Chris "Henry of Langenstein's Principium on the Sentences, His Fellow Parisian Bachelors, and the Academic Year 1371-1372" Vivarium 58.4 (2020) pp. 335--346

Binini, Irene "Abelard's Treatment of Logical Determinism in Its Twelfth-Century Context" Vivarium 58.1-2 (2020) pp. 1--28

Wciorka, Wojciech "Mitigating the Necessity of the Past in the Second Half of the Twelfth Century: Future-Dependent Predestination" Vivarium 58.1-2 (2020) pp. 29--64

Duba, William "Dante, Paris, and the Benefactor of Saint-Jacques" Vivarium 58.1-2 (2020) pp. 65--88

Berger, Harald "Which Hugo? This One! Hugo de Hervorst" Vivarium 58.1-2 (2020) pp. 89--110

Capriati, Giuseppe "Quid est causa? The Debate on the Definition of 'Cause' in Early Jesuit Scholasticism" Vivarium 58.1-2 (2020) pp. 111--139

Heil, Andreas "Jorgensens Gesetz in der homerischen Nekyia" WS 133 (2020) pp. 7

Danes, Jaroslav "Epithets and Metaphors of War in Ancient Greek Poetry until the End of the Fifth Century" WS 133 (2020) pp. 21

Ruta, Alessio "Ancient Mythographers in the Paroemiographical Tradition: Some Remarks on Herodorus and Hellanicus" WS 133 (2020) pp. 49

Belloni, Luigi "Ekphrasis e mythos a confronto nel Vecchio e nel Nuovo Posidippo" WS 133 (2020) pp. 65

De Stefani, Claudio "Das Fragmentum Bucolicum Vindobonense (Pap. Graec. Vindob. 29801)" WS 133 (2020) pp. 87

Cain, Andrew "Antony's Onocentaur: The Symbolism of a Mythological Curiosity (Athanasius, Vita Antonii 53,1--3)" WS 133 (2020) pp. 107

Zingg, Emanuel "Zum Verhaltnis zwischen dem Anonymus Treu (Par. suppl. gr. 607A), Iohannes Lydos, De mensibus und Porphyrios, De simulacris. Nebst Neuedition und Ubersetzung der funfzehn im Anonymus Treu enthaltenen Exegesen typischer Statuen" WS 133 (2020) pp. 119

Kiesel, Dagmar "Hybris oder virtus? Stoisch inspirierte Uberlegungen zu Senecas Hercules furens" WS 133 (2020) pp. 169

Brolli, Tiziana "La duplice prex del carme 13 di Sidonio Apollinare" WS 133 (2020) pp. 215

Grossardt, Peter "Die Philostrat-Rezeption im philologischen und poetischen Werk des Angelo Poliziano" WS 133 (2020) pp. 237

Haye, Thomas "Die Solymis des Giovanni Maria Cattaneo (gest. 1529/1530). Ein neu aufgefundenes Fragment aus dem altesten Kreuzzugsepos der Renaissance" WS 133 (2020) pp. 279

Semple, Sarah; Brookes, Stuart "Necrogeography and necroscapes: living with the dead" WorldArch 52.1 (2020) pp. 1-15

O'Gorman, Jodie A.; Bengtson, Jennifer D.; Michael, Amy R. "Ancient history and new beginnings: necrogeography and migration in the North American midcontinent" WorldArch 52.1 (2020) pp. 16-34

Moen, Marianne "Familiarity breeds remembrance: on the reiterative power of cemeteries" WorldArch 52.1 (2020) pp. 35-48

Alaica, Aleksa K.; Rosa, Luis Manuel GonzaLez La; Knudson, Kelly J. "Creating a body-subject in the Late Moche Period (CE 650 -- 850). Bioarchaeological and biogeochemical analyses of human offerings from Huaca Colorada, Jequetepeque Valley, Peru" WorldArch 52.1 (2020) pp. 49-70

Thompson, Jess E.; Parkinson, EoIn W.; Mclaughlin, T. Rowan; Barratt, Robert P.; Power, Ronika K.; Mercieca-Spiteri, Bernardette; Stoddart, Simon; Malone, Caroline "Placing and remembering the dead in late Neolithic Malta: bioarchaeological and spatial analysis of the Xaghra Circle Hypogeum, Gozo" WorldArch 52.1 (2020) pp. 71-89

Creamer, Petra M. "As above so down below: location and memory within the Neo-Assyrian mortuary cult" WorldArch 52.1 (2020) pp. 90-102

Eriksen, Marianne Hem "'Body-objects' and personhood in the Iron and Viking Ages: processing, curating, and depositing skulls in domestic space" WorldArch 52.1 (2020) pp. 103-119

Littleton, Judith; Allen, Harry "Monumental landscapes and the agency of the dead along the Murray River, Australia" WorldArch 52.1 (2020) pp. 120-132

Jaffe, Yitzchak Y. "A grave matter: linking pastoral economies and identities in the Upper Xiajiadian culture (1200-600 BCE), China" WorldArch 52.1 (2020) pp. 133-146

Lippok, Femke Eline "The pyre and the grave: early medieval cremation burials in the Netherlands, the German Rhineland and Belgium" WorldArch 52.1 (2020) pp. 147-162

Perry, Gareth J "Ceramic hinterlands: establishing the catchment areas of early Anglo-Saxon cremation cemeteries" WorldArch 52.1 (2020) pp. 163-182

Pettitt, Paul; Meyering, Lisa-Elen; Kentridge, Robert "Bringing science to the study of ancient senses - archaeology and visual psychology" WorldArch 52.2 (2020) pp. 183-204

Meyering, Lisa-Elen; Kentridge, Robert; Pettitt, Paul "The visual psychology of European Upper Palaeolithic figurative art: using Bubbles to understand outline depictions" WorldArch 52.2 (2020) pp. 205-222

Janik, Liliana "Prehistoric art as a part of the neurophysiological capacities of seeing. Examples from prehistoric rock art and portable art" WorldArch 52.2 (2020) pp. 223-241

Speck, Sonja; Zartner, Katharina "Facing the face -- the construction of the frontal face in prehistoric and ancient two- and three-dimensional images" WorldArch 52.2 (2020) pp. 242-263

Romankiewicz, Tanja "Vision and visual experience in European Celtic Art: towards new interpretations from neuro-atypical perspectives" WorldArch 52.2 (2020) pp. 264-283

Tseng, Chin-Yin "Emperor in the face of Buddha: the Five Caves of Tan Yao as triggers of obeisance in the Tuoba Northern Wei" WorldArch 52.2 (2020) pp. 284-297

Lester-Makin, Alexandra "Embroidery and its early medieval audience: a case study of sensory engagement" WorldArch 52.2 (2020) pp. 298-312

Swenson, Edward; Cipolla, Craig N. "Representation and materiality in archaeology: A semiotic reconciliation" WorldArch 52.3 (2020) pp. 313-329

Swenson, Edward "Semiotic ideologies of stone in Andean and Khmer political landscapes" WorldArch 52.3 (2020) pp. 330-352

Joyce, Arthur A. "Mapping agricultural assemblages in ancient Oaxaca from the domestication of maize to the collapse of Monte Alban" WorldArch 52.3 (2020) pp. 353-375

Campbell, Roderick B. "Beyond meaning: skeuomorphy and the mediation of Shang things" WorldArch 52.3 (2020) pp. 376-394

Preucel, Robert W. "In defence of representation" WorldArch 52.3 (2020) pp. 395-411

Mattson, Hannah V.; Jones, Emily Lena "Material signs and relational meanings: reconsidering Ancestral Pueblo material dichotomies" WorldArch 52.3 (2020) pp. 412-428

Watts, Christopher "The embodied performance and affective presence of Iroquoian animal effigy pipes" WorldArch 52.3 (2020) pp. 429-448

Tapper, Bryn; AbadiA, Oscar Moro; Zawadzka, Dagmara "Representation and meaning in rock art: the case of Algonquian rock images" WorldArch 52.3 (2020) pp. 449-462

Cipolla, Craig N.; Gallo, Tiziana "Can birdstones sing? Rethinking material-semiotic approaches in contemporary archaeological theory" WorldArch 52.3 (2020) pp. 463-483

Tsoraki, Christina; Barton, Huw; Crellin, Rachel J.; Harris, Oliver J. T. "Making marks meaningful: new materialism and the microwear assemblage" WorldArch 52.3 (2020) pp. 484-502

Nyland, Astrid J.; StebergloKken, Heidrun "Changing perceptions of rock art: storying prehistoric worlds" WorldArch 52.3 (2020) pp. 503-520

Collar, Anna C. F.; Eve, Stuart James "Fire for Zeus: using Virtual Reality to explore meaning and experience at Mount Kasios" WorldArch 52.3 (2020) pp. 521-538

Foxhall, Lin "Editorial" WorldArch 52.4 (2020) pp. 549

Pennington, Benjamin T.; Wilson, Penelope; Sturt, Fraser; Brown, Antony G. "Landscape change in the Nile Delta during the fourth millennium BC: a new perspective on the Egyptian Predynastic and Protodynastic periods" WorldArch 52.4 (2020) pp. 550-565

Brown, Antony; Walsh, Kevin; Fallu, Daniel; Cucchiaro, Sara; Tarolli, Paolo "European agricultural terraces and lynchets: from archaeological theory to heritage management" WorldArch 52.4 (2020) pp. 566-588

Turner, Sam; Kinnaird, Tim; Koparal, Elif; Lekakis, Stelios; Sevara, Christopher "Landscape archaeology, sustainability and the necessity of change" WorldArch 52.4 (2020) pp. 589-606

Harfield, Clive; Schofield, John "(Im)material culture: towards an archaeology of cybercrime" WorldArch 52.4 (2020) pp. 607-618

Knutson, Sara Ann "Archaeology and the silk road model" WorldArch 52.4 (2020) pp. 619-638

Osypinska, Marta; Skibniewski, Michal; Osypinski, Piotr "Ancient Pets. The health, diet and diversity of cats, dogs and monkeys from the Red Sea port of Berenice (Egypt) in the 1st-2nd centuries AD" WorldArch 52.4 (2020) pp. 639-653

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Sandri, G.M. "On POxy XVII 2093, fr. 1 ll. 11--15 (Soph. Aj. 61--67)" ZPE 216 (2020) pp. 9-11

Vecchiato, R. "Osservazioni sui lessici papiracei; P.Heid. I 200, P.Berol. inv. 9965 e P.Freib. I 1c" ZPE 216 (2020) pp. 12-18

Criscuolo, L. "La tomba dell'amore? Osservazioni su CIIP IV, 2, 3532" ZPE 216 (2020) pp. 19-26

Kaltsas, D. "Neues zum Antheia-Fragment (PSI VI 726)" ZPE 216 (2020) pp. 27-49

Bonnerot, O.; del Mastro, G.; Hammerstaedt, J.; Mocella, V.; Rabin, I. "XRF Ink Analysis of Some Herculaneum Papyri" ZPE 216 (2020) pp. 50-52

Burstein, St.M. "The Subject of P. Oxy. 4458: A Suggestion" ZPE 216 (2020) pp. 53-54

Avdokhin, A.; Shakhov, Y. "Christianizing Statues Unawares? Imperial Imagery and New Testament Phrasing in a Late Antique Honorific Inscription (IEph 4.1301)" ZPE 216 (2020) pp. 55-68

Iovine, G. "P.Mich. VII 459: a Writing Exercise with Latin Verse" ZPE 216 (2020) pp. 69-72

Lucarini, C.M. "Zu den lateinisch-griechischen Musterbriefen (P. Bonon. 5)" ZPE 216 (2020) pp. 73-77

Ziffer, G. "'Richtlinien zur praktischen Stemmatik'. Un inedito di Paul Maas" ZPE 216 (2020) pp. 78-81

Thonemann, P. "An Epigraphic Doublet: I.Smyrna 388 = MAMA I 37" ZPE 216 (2020) pp. 82-84

Bravo III, J.J. "Erotic Humor in a Verse Inscribed on a Drinking Cup from Elateia" ZPE 216 (2020) pp. 85-96

Karathanasis, C. "5th-Century Athenian Proxenoi and the Enigma of IG I 125" ZPE 216 (2020) pp. 97-106

Lorenzon, L. "Le role des individus dans la construction de la figure religieuse des souverains seleucides: le cas de la dedicace de Bostan esh-Sheikh" ZPE 216 (2020) pp. 107-119

Aydin, M.; Saliou, C. "Vespasian, Antioch on the Orontes, and Dipotamia in the Greek Version" ZPE 216 (2020) pp. 120-128

Arroyo-Quirce, H. "FIL(O) ARTEMID. An Enigmatic Coin Legend from Amblada in Pisidia and the philosophos Artemidoros" ZPE 216 (2020) pp. 129-132

Healey, J.F.; Liddel, P.; Onal, M. "New Greek Inscriptions from Harran Castle" ZPE 216 (2020) pp. 133- 146

Guney, H. "New Votive Inscriptions from Northeast Phrygia" ZPE 216 (2020) pp. 147-155

Corral Varela, D.; Franek, J. "Apotropaic Amulet from the Collection of Gustave Schlumberger with a Bilingual Inscription in Greek and Samaritan Hebrew" ZPE 216 (2020) pp. 156-166

Kappel, E.; Wozniok, D. "The Missing Piece of a Marble Epitaph from 6th-Century Beersheba" ZPE 216 (2020) pp. 167-168

Andreeva, Eu.N. "A New Spherical Amulet from Taman" ZPE 216 (2020) pp. 169-172

Skarsouli, E. "Farbbezeichnungen in den ptolemaischen Papyri" ZPE 216 (2020) pp. 173-190

Skarsouli, E. "Bemerkungen zu Petitionen wegen tatlichen Angriffs" ZPE 216 (2020) pp. 191-196

Armoni, Ch. "On Mice and Men. Bemerkungen zu dokumentarischen Texten" ZPE 216 (2020) pp. 197-202

Phillips, R.L. "Dionysios' Possessions: A List in Name Only" ZPE 216 (2020) pp. 203-206

de Frutos Garcia, A. "P.Monts.Roca inv. 794 + 318: an Enteuxis from a Basilikos Georgos" ZPE 216 (2020) pp. 207-215

Backhuys, Th. "Agoranomische Urkunde mit Homologie eines Kavalleriesoldaten. Neuedition von P.Monts.Roca IV 76" ZPE 216 (2020) pp. 216-224

Blasco Torres, A.I. "New Graeco-Egyptian Onomastic Identifications" ZPE 216 (2020) pp. 225-235

Arpaia, A. "I kepotafia di Canopo: produzione agricola e devozione" ZPE 216 (2020) pp. 236-239

Lougovaya, J. "Reedition of a Division Table Preserved on Tableware (corrected version in ZPE 217 (2021) 330--332)" ZPE 216 (2020) pp. 240-242

Dijkstra, J.H.F. "A Coptic Papyrus from the Patermouthis Archive in the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek at Munich" ZPE 216 (2020) pp. 243-250

Berkes, L.; Claytor, W.G. "Requisitions for the Conquering Arabs: Two More Letters from Hypatios to Senouthios" ZPE 216 (2020) pp. 251-257

Bernini, A. "Un contratto dotale latino-greco: P.CtYBR inv. 4233" ZPE 216 (2020) pp. 258-264

Eck, W. "In his praediis. Korrekturen zu Inschriften mit dieser Formel" ZPE 216 (2020) pp. 265-272

Eck, W.; Vieweger, D.; Zimni, J. "Die Basis einer Ehrenstatue mit dem cursus honorum eines senatorischen Amtstragers in Jerusalem" ZPE 216 (2020) pp. 273-278

Eck, W. "Korrekturen zu Militardiplomen" ZPE 216 (2020) pp. 279-281

Narloch, K. "First Military Diploma from Novae, Moesia Inferior" ZPE 216 (2020) pp. 282-284

Carboni, T. "Senatori e cavalieri ascritti alla Palatina: i discendenti da liberti imperiali" ZPE 216 (2020) pp. 285-299

Mincuzzi, A. "Nota su una nuova iscrizione senatoria da Roma" ZPE 216 (2020) pp. 300

Stanco, E.A. "Nuove dediche da Lucus Feroniae per Agrippa, Germanico e i suoi figli" ZPE 216 (2020) pp. 301-306

Stanco, E.A. "Due nuove dediche a Claudio Marcello e M. Aurelio Cotta Massimo Messallino da Lucus Feroniae" ZPE 216 (2020) pp. 307-310

Gallo, A. "Ex forma Gracchiana: a New Boundary Stone about Vespasian's Land Survey of the ager Tarentinus" ZPE 216 (2020) pp. 311-314

de Vos Raaijmakers, M.; Porena, P. "Iscrizione in onore di Flavius Caecilius Primus, amministratore del fundus Glebonianus a nord di Thabbora (Proconsolare) nel IV secolo d.C" ZPE 216 (2020) pp. 315-328

Saquete Chamizo, J. "Una gema del color del cielo para la Victoria Augusta de Italica. Una propuesta de lectura" ZPE 216 (2020) pp. 329-332

Koch, Christoph "E Colchide lux. Zu einigen Auffalligkeiten der klassischen Prometheustexte" A&A 67 (2021) pp. 1-21

Feddern, Stefan "Zur Rezeption von Vergils Dido-Geschichte durch Petrarca und Boccaccio" A&A 67 (2021) pp. 22-49

Zak, Gur "Autobiography, Self-care, and Compassion in Italian Humanism: The Case of Giovanni Conversini's Rationarium vite" A&A 67 (2021) pp. 50-64

Suerbaum, Werner "Mantegnas Zyklus zum Triumph Caesars im Lichte einer neuentdeckten Vorzeichnung zu Canvas II Kritische 'Betrachtungen' aus der Sicht eines Altertumswissenschaftlers" A&A 67 (2021) pp. 65-95

Walser-Burgler, Isabella "The Perfect Match: Pamphleteering in Oratory. A Case Study from the Europe Discourse during the Thirty Years' War" A&A 67 (2021) pp. 96-114

Schmidt, Ernst A. "Wieland und Borchardt als Horazubersetzer und -deuter: Eine doppelte Herme*" A&A 67 (2021) pp. 115-142

Ugolini, Gherardo "Von Basel nach Wien. Nietzsches Katharsis-Konzeption und Hofmannsthals Bacchen*" A&A 67 (2021) pp. 143-173

Comparini, Alberto "Iris, between Montale and Celan" A&A 67 (2021) pp. 174-192

Rubel, Alexander "Dakerblut. Die Diskussion um den dakischen Herkunftsmythos der Rumanen wahrend der Zwischenkriegszeit und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Gegenwart" A&A 67 (2021) pp. 193-222

Schachner, Andreas "Die Ausgrabungen in Bogazkoy-Hattusa 2020" AA 2021.1 (2021) pp. 9-64 texts for issue

Maran, Joseph; Papadimitriou, Alkestis "Der lange Schatten der Palastzeit. Die nordliche Unterstadt von Tiryns: ein Grossbauprojekt palast- und nachpalastzeitlicher Entscheidungstrager" AA 2021.1 (2021) pp. 67-165 texts for issue

Schopf, Friederike "The Pottery of Mount Zion: An Overview from Islamic to Iron Age Periods" AA 2021.1 (2021) pp. 167-235 texts for issue

Webb, Virginia "Faience Found in the Recent Excavations to the East of the Great Altar in the Samos Heraion" AA 2021.1 (2021) pp. 237-280 texts for issue

Jefremow, Nikolai; Kolesnikov, Andrei B.; Bolonkina, Jelena V. "Zur Chronologie der Amphorenstempel des fruhhellenistischen Knidos. Einige Bemerkungen zu den Stempeln der Zenon-Gruppe" AA 2021.1 (2021) pp. 283-295 texts for issue

Schantor, Annemarie "Frauen in der Knotenpalla auf attischen Grabreliefs. Mehr als nur Dienerinnen der Isis?" AA 2021.1 (2021) pp. 297-311 texts for issue

Schmidt, Stefan "Eine Notgrabung in Alexandria 1900/1901: Das sogenannte Sieglin-Grab in der Nekropole von Gabbari" AA 2021.1 (2021) pp. 313-366 texts for issue

Lichtenberger, Achim; Zardaryan, Mkrtich H.; Schreiber, Torben "Failed Roman Imperialism. An Unfinished Roman Aqueduct at Artaxata in Armenia" AA 2021.1 (2021) pp. 369-404 texts for issue

Rocklinger, Maria; Horejs, Barbara; Lambrianides, Kyriacos; Spencer, Nigel "'A path less travelled'?: A case study of cross-regional connectivity in the third millennium BC from the Madra river delta on the coastline of north-west Anatolia" ABSA 116 (2021) pp. 1-41

Ferrara, Silvia; Montecchi, Barbara; Valerio, Miguel "What is the 'Archanes formula'?: Deconstructing and reconstructing the earliest attestation of writing in the Aegean" ABSA 116 (2021) pp. 43-62

Salgarella, Ester "Imagining Cretan scripts: the influence of visual motifs on the creation of script-signs in Bronze Age Crete" ABSA 116 (2021) pp. 63-94

Recht, Laerke; Morris, Christine E. "Chariot kraters and horse-human relations in Late Bronze Age Greece and Cyprus" ABSA 116 (2021) pp. 95-132

Tankosic, Zarko; Laftsidis, Alexandros; Psoma, Aikaterini; Seifried, Rebecca M.; Garyfallopoulos, Apostolos "New data on southern Euboean landscapes: results of the Norwegian archaeological survey in the Karystia" ABSA 116 (2021) pp. 133-165

Rubel, Alexander "Philosophers' path or cult road?: The Peripatos on the slopes of the Akropolis and Lykourgos' policy of renewal" ABSA 116 (2021) pp. 167-178

Milani, Gian Piero C. G. "The hellenistic topography of Nea Krane, Kaphellonia" ABSA 116 (2021) pp. 179-194

Ieremias, Stelios "The Kausia boy figurines from Demetrias: a reassessment" ABSA 116 (2021) pp. 195-234

Trainor, Conor P. "The late hellenistic wine press excavations from Knossos: the early Iron Age, hellenistic and early Roman contexts" ABSA 116 (2021) pp. 235-290

Kajzer, Malgorzata; Marzec, Edyta; Kiriatzi, Evangelia; Muller, Noemi S. "Production and supply of ceramic oil lamps in hellenistic and early Roman era Nea Paphos, Cyprus: integrated typological, chronological and provenance studies" ABSA 116 (2021) pp. 291-357

Nawotka, Krzysztof "The founders of western Pontic cities" ABSA 116 (2021) pp. 359-375

Espana-Chamorro, Sergio "The procurator Campaniae and the 'lands of Capua' on Crete" ABSA 116 (2021) pp. 377-397

Cadogan, Gerald "Sinclair Hood (1917-2021)" ABSA 116 (2021) pp. 399-415

Mcneal, Richard A. "Croesus on the Pyre: A Cultural Enigma" AC 90 (2021) pp. 1-22

Notario, Fernando "Diet, Nature and Health in the Ancient Greek Culture. Hippocratic Dietetics and Ancient Cynicism" AC 90 (2021) pp. 23-46

Zingg, Emmanuel "Les fragments de Jean le Lydien, Sur les mois IV, 147-150 ; 154-156 das le Par. suppl. gr. 257" AC 90 (2021) pp. 47-106

Gagliardi, Paola "Da poeta a poeta: una pricolare forma di intertestualita in poesia augustea" AC 90 (2021) pp. 107-122

Martinez Astorino, Pablo "Sphragis, autoexaltacon, politica y genera en Vigilio, Horacio y Ovidio" AC 90 (2021) pp. 123-140

Girotti, Beatrice "Sulla fides dei martiri e la verecundia dei vescovi. Incroci di valori cristiani e pagani tra Ammiano Marcellino e Codice Teodosiano" AC 90 (2021) pp. 141-153

Juan Lopez, Juan Bautista "El significado de un proverbio en De Audendis Poetis de Plutarco. Un nuevo fragmento de Filoxeno de Citera?" AC 90 (2021) pp. 155-165

Vespoli, Lorenzo "Plin. HN 28.25: storia di un restauro di Angelo poliziano (Misc. 1.32)" AC 90 (2021) pp. 167-181

Natalias, Celia Sanchez; Alonso, Maria Angeles Alonso "Magic and medicine in Antiquity: an introduction" ACD 57 (2021) pp. 7-14

Simon, Francisco Marco "Materiality, oral incantations and supernatural agency in Ancient healing magic" ACD 57 (2021) pp. 15-42

First, Grzegorz "Magical iconography: how can an image protect and heal?" ACD 57 (2021) pp. 43-52

Zamperini, Enrica "Sofocle: magia, medicina, religione" ACD 57 (2021) pp. 53-69

Thibaut, Emilie "Women and weasels: a medico-religious approach to maternity in a republic city of Lazio" ACD 57 (2021) pp. 71-82

Gonzalez, Diego Meseguer "'Non est mea pigra senetus': old women and folk medicine in Greco-Roman literature" ACD 57 (2021) pp. 83-94

Perez, Mercedes Lopez "Las gemas uterinas y la terapeutica de las piedras en la obra de Oribasio de Pergamo" ACD 57 (2021) pp. 95-105

Barcat, Dominique "Le pied de Serapis de la sculpture a l'intaille: etude d'un theme isiaque caracteristique" ACD 57 (2021) pp. 107-128

Overduin, Floris "The "Carmen de viribus herbarum" (GDRK 64): between magical pharmacology and Homeric didactic" ACD 57 (2021) pp. 129-142

Yebenes, Sabino Perea "Farmacopea de la luna, la planta de la Luna" ACD 57 (2021) pp. 143-166

Ferraces-Rodriguez, Arsenio "De la 'precatio Terrae' y la 'precatio omnium herbarum' a un texto inacabado: las 'precationes herbarum' de un rectario medico tardoantiguo" ACD 57 (2021) pp. 167-192

Sanchez, Macarena Calderon; Chamorro, Sergio Espana "'Minima epigraphica Auctonium" (2019): la estela de la milesia Dafnis" ACD 57 (2021) pp. 193-198

Nemeth, Gyorgy "Magic symbols ('charakteres') on North African curse tablets as a regional feature" ACD 57 (2021) pp. 199-215

Kantaras, Anastasios "The presence and importance of beauty in the Byzantine epigrams about the Cross and the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ: some basic observations" ACD 57 (2021) pp. 217-230

Stoyanov, Roman V. "On the Iconography of the Potnia Theron in the North Pontic Region" ACSS 27.1 (2021) pp. 1-10

Buiskikh, Alla V.; Novichenkova, Maria V. "The Roman Citadel in Pontic Olbia" ACSS 27.1 (2021) pp. 11-67

Smirnov, Svyatoslav V.; Zakharov, Eugenii V. "Seleukid Coins from the Collection of the State Historical Museum" ACSS 27.1 (2021) pp. 68-110

Sinika, Vitalii S.; Telnov, Nikolai P.; Lysenko, Sergei D. "Scythian Burial-Mound 7 in the 'Vodovod' Group in the Lower Reaches of the Dniester River" ACSS 27.1 (2021) pp. 111-153

Grenet, Frantz; Minardi, Michele "The Image of the Zoroastrian God Srosh New Elements" ACSS 27.1 (2021) pp. 154-173

Abramzon, Mikhail; Tunkina, Irina "Visitors to Leuke Island. Ancient Coins after Drawings by N.N. Murzakevich" ACSS 27.2 (2021) pp. 193--267

Monakhov, Sergei Yu. "Once More on the Dating of the "Royal" Five Brothers' Burial Mound No. 8" ACSS 27.2 (2021) pp. 268--293

Castelluccia, Manuel "Metal Quivers from Western Asia" ACSS 27.2 (2021) pp. 294--327

Licheli, Vakhtang; Gagoshidze, Giorgi; Kasradze, Merab "Preliminary Report on Archaeological Excavations in Sophtades, Cyprus: Pre-Byzantine Pottery" ACSS 27.2 (2021) pp. 328--336

Lyonnet, Bertille; Fontugne, Michel "Back to the Iron Age Chronology in Southern Central Asia. From Yaz II to the Hellenistic Period" ACSS 27.2 (2021) pp. 337--377

Henderson, William "Benjamin Constant E.J.B. Hendrickx" AClass 64 (2021) pp. 1-8 document online

Ando, Clifford "Religious affiliation and political belonging from Cicero to Theodosius" AClass 64 (2021) pp. 9-28 document online

Atkinson, John; Hendricks, Rushdi "The skull of Philip II of Macedon and the mind of his assassin" AClass 64 (2021) pp. 29-47 document online

Burstein, Stanley M. "The African encounter with Greece: The case of Kush*" AClass 64 (2021) pp. 48-71 document online

Gatt, Jurgen "Knowing with oneself and knowing with others: The use of suneidenai in Antiphon's Speeches" AClass 64 (2021) pp. 72-97 document online

Gatzke, Andrea "Heracles, Alexander, and Hellenistic coinage" AClass 64 (2021) pp. 98-123 document online

Harissis, Haralampos "The Linear B e-qe-ta: A Mycenean ephebe" AClass 64 (2021) pp. 124-152 document online

Kavcic, Jerneja "A corpus-based approach to the emergence of the verb epoika in post-Classical epigraphic sources" AClass 64 (2021) pp. 153-177 document online

Lambert, Michael "Anthropology, comparative studies, and the Classics: Receptions of the 'savage' in metropole and periphery*" AClass 64 (2021) pp. 178-211 document online

Ferraces-Rodriguez, Arsenio "Reutilizacion de fuentes en recetarios medicos de la antiguedad tardia: Teodoro Prisciano-Teraupe-tica-Tereoperica*" AClass 64 (2021) pp. 212-236 document online

Schoor, David Van "Kai katapseudou kalos: Wagering on divinity in Euripides' Bacchae" AClass 64 (2021) pp. 237-262 document online

Zaborowski, Robert "To what extent was Socrates a moral intellectualist? Revisiting Plato's Protagoras*" AClass 64 (2021) pp. 263-290 document online

Coughlan, Taylor "'Loosen the cables' (Aemilianus AP 9.28 = Gow-Page, GP 2)" AClass 64 (2021) pp. 291-296 document online

Leary, T.J. "Four notes on Martial*" AClass 64 (2021) pp. 297-302 document online

Murray, Jeffrey "Further notes on the first Classical Association of South Africa*" AClass 64 (2021) pp. 303-315 document online

Takeshita, Tetsufumi "Symmetrical wordplay in the First Book of Manilius' Astronomica" AClass 64 (2021) pp. 316-320 document online

Ferrario, Marco "Uno, nessuno, centomila. L'Asia centrale achemenide e le sue fonti: alcune note di merito e di metodo. Parte 2" AHB 35.1-2 (2021) pp. 1-35

Ager, Sheila "Dynastic Images in the Early Hellenistic Age: Queen's Power or King's Will?" AHB 35.1-2 (2021) pp. 36-55

Heckel, Waldemar "Notes on Alexander in Central Asia" AHB 35.1-2 (2021) pp. 56-73

Strunk, Thomas E. "History by Analogy: Cato the Younger and Caesar in Livy's Account of the Second Punic War" AHB 35.1-2 (2021) pp. 74-

Sellers-Garcia, Sylvia "Walking While Indian, Walking While Black: Policing in a Colonial City" AHR 126.2 (2021) pp. 455-480

Barreyre, Nicolas; Lemercier, Claire "The Unexceptional State: Rethinking the State in the Nineteenth Century (France, United States)" AHR 126.2 (2021) pp. 481-503

Forlenza, Rosario "Europe's Forgotten Unfinished Revolution: Peasant Power, Social Mobilization, and Communism in the Southern Italian Countryside, 1943--45" AHR 126.2 (2021) pp. 504-529

Siniawer, Eiko Maruko "'Toilet Paper Panic': Uncertainty and Insecurity in Early 1970s Japan" AHR 126.2 (2021) pp. 530-554

Choi, Deokhyo "The Empire Strikes Back from Within: Colonial Liberation and the Korean Minority Question at the Birth of Postwar Japan, 1945--47" AHR 126.2 (2021) pp. 555-584

Lawrance, Benjamin N.; Kumalo, Vusumuzi R. "'A Genius without Direction': The Abortive Exile of Dugmore Boetie and the Fate of Southern African Refugees in a Decolonizing Africa" AHR 126.2 (2021) pp. 585-622

Smith, Briana J. "Grassroots Glasnost: Experimental Art, Participation, and Civic Life in 1980s East Berlin" AHR 126.2 (2021) pp. 623-654

Seal, Andrew "'The Vanished Power of the Usual Reign': Jackson Lears, No Place of Grace, and the Struggle for Hegemony in History" AHR 126.2 (2021) pp. 655-669

Hill, Karlos K. "Community-Engaged History: A Reflection on the 100th Anniversary of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre" AHR 126.2 (2021) pp. 670-684

Topouzova, Lilia "On Silence and History" AHR 126.2 (2021) pp. 685-699

Neumeyer, Joy "Darkness at Noon: On History, Narrative, and Domestic Violence" AHR 126.2 (2021) pp. 700-707

Gallois, William "An Illumination of a Floating World" AHR 126.2 (2021) pp. 708-709

Elliott, Colin P. "The Ecology of Exchange: The Monetization of Roman Egypt" AHR 126.3 (2021) pp. 900--921

Bashford, Alison "World History and the Tasman Sea" AHR 126.3 (2021) pp. 922--948

Chira, Adriana "Freedom with Local Bonds: Custom and Manumission in the Age of Emancipation" AHR 126.3 (2021) pp. 949--977

Robson, Laura "Capitulations Redux: The Imperial Genealogy of the Post--World War I "Minority" Regimes" AHR 126.3 (2021) pp. 978--1000

James, Winston "To the East Turn: The Russian Revolution and the Black Radical Imagination in the United States, 1917--1924" AHR 126.3 (2021) pp. 1001--1045

Siddiqi, Asif "Soviet Secrecy: Toward a Social Map of Knowledge" AHR 126.3 (2021) pp. 1046--1071

Hirata, Koji "Made in Manchuria: The Transnational Origins of Socialist Industrialization in Maoist China" AHR 126.3 (2021) pp. 1072--1101

Carbajal, Itza A.; Caswell, Michelle "Critical Digital Archives: A Review from Archival Studies" AHR 126.3 (2021) pp. 1102--1120

Mutongi, Kenda "The Wages of Harlotry--Luise White's The Comforts of Home: Prostitution in Colonial Nairobi (1990--2020)" AHR 126.3 (2021) pp. 1121--1142

Dunlop, Catherine Tatiana "Losing an Archive: Doing Place-Based History in the Age of the Anthropocene" AHR 126.3 (2021) pp. 1143--1153

Armstrong-Partida, Michelle; Mcdonough, Susan "Finding Amica in the Archives: Navigating a Path between Strategic Collaboration and Independent Research" AHR 126.3 (2021) pp. 1154--1164

Grego, Caroline "The Search for the Kayendo: Recovering the Lowcountry Rice Toolkit" AHR 126.3 (2021) pp. 1165--1183

Hui, Alexandra "Listening to Extinction: Early Conservation Radio Sounds and the Silences of Species" AHR 126.4 (2021) pp. 1371--1395

Tischler, Julia "'The Only Industry That Can Make Us Hold Our Own': Black Agrarianism in South Africa from a Transatlantic Perspective, ca. 1910--1930" AHR 126.4 (2021) pp. 1396--1423

Reid, Richard "Africa's Revolutionary Nineteenth Century and the Idea of the 'Scramble'" AHR 126.4 (2021) pp. 1424--1447

Heerten, Lasse "Biafras of the Mind: French Postcolonial Humanitarianism in Global Conceptual History" AHR 126.4 (2021) pp. 1448--1484

Locke, Joseph L.; Wright, Ben "History Can Be Open Source: Democratic Dreams and the Rise of Digital History" AHR 126.4 (2021) pp. 1485--1511

Clulow, Adam; Berry, Daina Ramey "Beyond 2020: Collecting Time Capsules in a Year of Pandemic" AHR 126.4 (2021) pp. 1512--1519

Heymann, Luciana; Moreli, Alexandre "Lula's Prison Letters and the Brazilian Presidential Papers: Archives, Readings, and Uses" AHR 126.4 (2021) pp. 1520--1534

Torrie, Julia S. "France's Role in the Holocaust Revisited: Marrus and Paxton's Vichy France and the Jews" AHR 126.4 (2021) pp. 1535--1551

Tucker, Jennifer; Fox-Amato, Matthew; GuRsel, Zeynep Devrim; Kothor, Marius; ..., Sumathi Ramaswamy "Ambivalent: Photography and Visibility in African History" AHR 126.4 (2021) pp. 1552--1573

Barrett, James R.; Cowan, Benjamin A.; Schmidt, Benito; Seidman, Gay; French, John D. "Lula and His Politics of Cunning" AHR 126.4 (2021) pp. 1574--1591

Baysal, Emma L.; Saglamtimur, Haluk "Sacrificial Status and Prestige Burials: Negotiating Life, Death, and Identity Through Personal Adornment at Early Bronze Age I Basur Hoyuk, Turkey" AJA 125.1 (2021) pp. 3--28

Calderbank, Daniel "What's in a Vessel's Name? A Relational Text-Object Approach to the Uses of Mesopotamian Pottery" AJA 125.1 (2021) pp. 29--64

Janko, Richard; Colesniuc, Sorin M.; Ionescu, Mihai; PaSlaru, And Ion "Excavating and Conserving Europe's Oldest Books: A Papyrus from Mangalia on the Black Sea (P. Callatis 1)" AJA 125.1 (2021) pp. 65--89

Rogers, Dylan Kelby "Sensing Water in Roman Greece: The Villa of Herodes Atticus at Eva-Loukou and the Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore at Eleusis" AJA 125.1 (2021) pp. 91--122

Watson, George Christopher "The Development and Spread of Die Sharing in the Roman Provincial Coinage of Asia Minor" AJA 125.1 (2021) pp. 123--142

Haug, Brendan "Politics, Partage, and Papyri: Excavated Texts Between Cairo and Ann Arbor (1924--1953)" AJA 125.1 (2021) pp. 143--163

Clerkin, Caitlin Chien; Taylor, Bradley L. "Online Encounters with Museum Antiquities" AJA 125.1 (2021) pp. 165--175

Smith, Tyler Jo; Lancaster, Lynne "J.J. Coulton, 1940--2020" AJA 125.1 (2021) pp. 177--180

Moullou, Dorina "Shedding Light on the Kothon: Vases with Inward Downturned Rims Revisited" AJA 125.2 (2021) pp. 183--206

Lamont, Jessica L. "Cursing Theophrastos in Paros" AJA 125.2 (2021) pp. 207--222

Elkins, Nathan T. "Libertas and Freedom from Financial Burdens in the Reigns of Trajan and Hadrian" AJA 125.2 (2021) pp. 223--245

Wozniak, Marek A.; Sidebotham, Steven E.; Osypinska, Marta; Carannante, Alfredo; Radkowska, Joanna K. "Ptolemaic Berenike: Resources, Logistics, and Daily Life in a Hellenistic Fortress on the Red Sea Coast of Egypt" AJA 125.2 (2021) pp. 247--281

Leidwanger, Justin; Greene, Elizabeth S.; Donnelly, Andrew "The Sixth-Century CE Shipwreck at Marzamemi" AJA 125.2 (2021) pp. 283--317

Macaulay-Lewis, Elizabeth "Making The Met, 1870--2020: A Universal Museum for the 21st Century" AJA 125.2 (2021) pp. 319--330

Carter, Jane B. "From the Editor-in-Chief: New Statement of Purpose for the AJA" AJA 125.3 (2021) pp. 331--332

Herrero, Borja Legarra; Martinon-Torres, Marcos "Heterogeneous Production and Enchained Consumption: Minoan Gold in a Changing World (ca. 2000 BCE)" AJA 125.3 (2021) pp. 333--360

Walthall, D. Alex; Souza, Randall "Sortition in Hellenistic Sicily: New Archaeological Evidence from Morgantina" AJA 125.3 (2021) pp. 361--390

Ojeda, David "Fragments of Roman Sculptures from Hadrian's Villa" AJA 125.3 (2021) pp. 391--417

Garfinkel, Yosef; Hasel, Michael G.; Klingbeil, Martin G.; Kreimerman, Igor; Pytlik, Michael; Carroll, Jon W.; Waybright, Jonathan W.B.; Kang, Hoo-Goo; Choi, Gwanghyun; Chang, Sangyeup; Hong, Soonhwa; David, Arlette; Weissbein, Itamar; Silverberg, Noam "The Canaanite and Judean Cities of Lachish, Israel: Preliminary Report of the Fourth Expedition, 2013--2017" AJA 125.3 (2021) pp. 419--459

Beckmann, Martin "Stigmata and the Cupids of Piazza Armerina" AJA 125.3 (2021) pp. 461--469

Carlson, Deborah N.; Pulak, Cemal "George Fletcher Bass (1932--2021)" AJA 125.3 (2021) pp. 471--474

Degrado, Jessie "Syrian Fashion, Assyrian Style: Clothing Syro-Anatolia in Ninth-Century BCE Assyrian Art" AJA 125.4 (2021) pp. 479--504

Kennell, Nigel M. "Cultural History and Memory in the Stadium-Gymnasium Complex at Messene" AJA 125.4 (2021) pp. 505--533

Martens, Brian "Delos and the Late Hellenistic Art Trade: Archaeological Directions" AJA 125.4 (2021) pp. 535--570

Graham, Abigail Schley "Reading Visual Cues on the So-called Archive Wall at Aphrodisias: A Cognitive Approach to Monumental Documents" AJA 125.4 (2021) pp. 571--601

Ozgen, Ilknur; Baughan, Elizabeth P.; Unlu, Elif "Hacimusalar Hoyuk in the Early Bronze Age" AJA 125.4 (2021) pp. 603--638

Shaya, Josephine "Lingering Tropes and Noteworthy Narratives in Recent Archaeology Exhibitions" AJA 125.4 (2021) pp. 639--655

Moore, Andrew M.T. "Nancy C. Wilkie, 1942--2021" AJA 125.4 (2021) pp. 657--660

Radcliffe, Ben "The Politics of Aesthetic Experience in Odysseus' Apologoi" AJPh 142.2 (2021) pp. 177-216 < DOI: 10.1353/ajp.2021.0009 >

Haywood, Jan "The Use(s) of Inscriptions in Herodotus' Histories" AJPh 142.2 (2021) pp. 217-257 < DOI: 10.1353/ajp.2021.0007 >

De Boer, Katherine R. "Violence and Vulnerability in Ovid's Amores 1.5--8" AJPh 142.2 (2021) pp. 259-286 < DOI: 10.1353/ajp.2021.0006 >

Gellar-Goad, T.H.M. "The Lexicon of Profit and Commerce in Ovid's Ars Amatoria and Other Works" AJPh 142.2 (2021) pp. 287-318 < DOI: 10.1353/ajp.2021.0008 >

Parkes, Ruth "The Uncertainties of Claudian's De Raptu Proserpinae" AJPh 142.2 (2021) pp. 319-341 < DOI: 10.1353/ajp.2021.0005 >

Breichner, William M. "The AJP Best Article Prize for 2020 has been Presented by the American Journal of Philology to James Uden Boston University" AJPh 142.3 (2021) pp. v

Laemmle, Rebecca "Courtship and its Discontents in Greek Literature" AJPh 142.3 (2021) pp. 343-386

Machado, Dominic "Deconstructing Disciplina:: Disentangling Ancient and Modern Ideologies of Military Discipline in the Middle Republic" AJPh 142.3 (2021) pp. 387-424

Zainaldin, James L. "'We Fortunate Souls': Timely Death and Philosophical Therapy in Seneca's Consolation to Marcia" AJPh 142.3 (2021) pp. 425-460

D'Alconzo, Nicolo "Decoding the Erotes: Reception of Achilles Tatius and the Modernity of the Greek Novel" AJPh 142.3 (2021) pp. 461-492

Valdivieso, Erika "Dissecting a Forgery: Petronius, Dante, and the Incas" AJPh 142.3 (2021) pp. 493-533

Sansom, Stephen A. "Divine Resonance in Early Greek Epic: Space, Knowledge, Affect" AJPh 142.4 (2021) pp. 535-569

Nolan, Edward "Athenians, Amazons, and Solecisms: Language Contact in Herodotus" AJPh 142.4 (2021) pp. 571-596

Angelopoulou, Afroditi "Gesture, Metaphor and the Body in Trojan Women" AJPh 142.4 (2021) pp. 597-627

Freas, Debra "Fabula Muta: Petronius, Poetry, and Rape" AJPh 142.4 (2021) pp. 629-658

Cheung, Caroline "Born Roman Between a Beet and a Cabbage" AJPh 142.4 (2021) pp. 659-697

Stucky, Rolf A. "Fruhe Kontakte zwischen phonizischen und griechischen Bildhauern und Architekten. Funf Skulpturen aus dem Eschmun-Heiligtum bei Sidon kehren in das Musee National nach Beirut zuruck (Taf. 1-3)" AK 64 (2021) pp. 3-22

Tolia-Christakou, Maria "Herakles against whom? The Red-Figure Skyphos in Paris, Musee du Louvre G 66 Reconsidered (pls. 4-5)" AK 64 (2021) pp. 23-34

Opdenhoff, Fanny "Von der Saule zum Gebaude. Architekturdarstellungen in der attischen und apulischen Vasenmalerei (Taf. 6-8)" AK 64 (2021) pp. 35-56

Scheibler, Ingeborg "Die "Vier Farben" des Polygnot und die griechische Tafelmalerei (Taf. 9-10)" AK 64 (2021) pp. 57-77

Willers, Dietrich "Relief mit Reiterschlacht (Taf. 11--13)" AK 64 (2021) pp. 78-98

Ballestrazzi, Chiara "Gemmarum scalptura, gemmarum pictura. Sculptors, Painters, and Gem Engravers (Taf. 14--16)" AK 64 (2021) pp. 99-11

Guggisberg, Martin A.; Billo-Imbach, Marta; Spichtig, Norbert "Basler Ausgrabungen in Francavilla Marittima (Kalabrien). Bericht uber die Kampagne 2020 (Taf. 17)" AK 64 (2021) pp. 112-120

Mohr, Martin "Forschungen auf dem Monte Iato 2019 und 2020" AK 64 (2021) pp. 121-126

Tanner, Alexandra "Das Tribunal in der Nordhalle auf dem Monte Iato: eine Neubeurteilung (Taf. 18--19)" AK 64 (2021) pp. 127-141

Reber, Karl; Knoepfler, Denis; Karapaschalidou, Amalia; Krapf, Tobias; Verdan, Samuel; Theurillat, Thierry "Les activites de l'Ecole suisse d'archeologie en Grece en 2020. L'Artemision d'Amarynthos (pl. 13)" AK 64 (2021) pp. 142-154

Beck, Julien; Sotiriou, Andreas "Baie de Kiladha 2020" AK 64 (2021) pp. 155-164

Reber, Karl; Simosi, Angeliki; Chidiroglou, Maria; Chezeaux, Cloe; Andre, Jerome; Stavroulaki, Fani "Pour une etude renouvelee des drakospita eubeens. Etat de la question et resultats des premiers releves sur le site d'Ilkizes" AK 64 (2021) pp. 165-176

Mango, Elena; Boglione, Marcella; Mistireki, Aleksandra "Neunter Vorbericht zu den Forschungen in Himera (2020)" AK 64 (2021) pp. 177-?

Maltese, Sebastiano Paolo "Il decreto ateniese sulle misure, i pesi e le monete : un testo di politica finanziaria" Aevum 95.1 (2021) pp. 3-37

Talin, Mariaelena "From Aristotle to the Hypotheseis : Didascalic Information between Athens and Alexandria" Aevum 95.1 (2021) pp. 39-68

Bianchi, Edoardo "Rhegium, Rome and the legio Campana : From Historical Reality to Political Propaganda" Aevum 95.1 (2021) pp. 69-86

Garcia Cardiel, Jorge "Herakles as a Weapon of War : Religious Discourses and Local Responses in Ancient Iberia during the Second Punic War." Aevum 95.1 (2021) pp. 87-109

Heredia Chimeno, Carlos "Saturnino y la Rhetorica ad Herennium : una mirada microhistorica" Aevum 95.1 (2021) pp. 111-132

Giovanelli, Laura "La successione augustea : il rapporto tra Tiberio e Germanico" Aevum 95.1 (2021) pp. 133-144

Perassi, Claudia "Non puo dirsi ricco chi non ha mai toccato un solido d'oro (Temistio II, 30c) : monete e gioielli in eta tardoantica" Aevum 95.1 (2021) pp. 145-179

Canizar Palacios, Jose Luis "In oculis lenitatis : amable y complaciente : la bondad de caracter en la representacion oficial de Constantino" Aevum 95.1 (2021) pp. 181-198

Sisul, Ana Clara "El motivo del iter durum en el centon cristiano De Ecclesia" Aevum 95.1 (2021) pp. 199-210

Zecchini, Giuseppe "Philip Austin Stadter (1936-2021)" Aevum 95.1 (2021) pp. 211-212

Lonati, Elisa "Le florilegium Claraevallense de Pline l'Ancien (et autour)" Aevum 95.2 (2021) pp. 247-274

Cuciniello, Antonio "The prophetic figure of Jesus in the Qur'anic text" Aevum 95.2 (2021) pp. 275-300

Caballero Sanchez, Raul "?Cual es el final del Comentario Anonimo al Tetrabiblos de Tolomeo?" Aevum 95.2 (2021) pp. 301-326

Cocola, Cristina "In the rhythm of everyday life : edition of a series of Katanyktic Troparia from ms sin. gr. E 26." Aevum 95.2 (2021) pp. 327-350

Vassena, Mauro "Il complesso episcopale di Milano tra Tarda Antichita ed Alto Medioevo : dinamiche di trasformazione e sviluppo" Aevum 95.2 (2021) pp. 351-379

Cherubini, Paolo "Sul canone biblico di Alcuino, la Spagna visigotica e la Bibbia di Danila" Aevum 95.2 (2021) pp. 381-415

Guariglia, Federico "Gui s'en va a Nantoil : la geografia della canzone di gesta di Gui de Nanteuil" Aevum 95.2 (2021) pp. 417-439

Guariglia, Federico "Gui s'en va a Nantoil : la geografia della canzone di gesta di Gui de Nanteuil" Aevum 95.2 (2021) pp. 417-439

Potesta, Gian Luca, 1952- "Matteo Rosso Orsini, Remigio dei Girolami e la lettera di Dante ai cardinali" Aevum 95.2 (2021) pp. 465-475

Le Huerou, Armelle "Angelo Clareno traducteur de Jean Chrysostome" Aevum 95.2 (2021) pp. 477-498

Cecini, Ulisse, 1979- "Jewish sources in Pontius Carbonell's Bible Commentary (1318-1335)" Aevum 95.2 (2021) pp. 499-518

Urlings, Sam. "The road not taken : the influence of Augustine's De civitate Dei on Salutati's De laboribus Herculis" Aevum 95.3 (2021) pp. 543-570

De Keyser, Jeroen "Forensics and a funeral : Giannozzo Manetti's Eulogy of Leonardo Bruni" Aevum 95.3 (2021) pp. 571-616

White, Jeffrey A. "Last Summer in Tuscany : Biondo Flavio" Aevum 95.3 (2021) pp. 617-635

Valenti, Gianluca "Per una tassonomia delle glosse alle Regole grammaticali e alle Prose della volgar lingua : riflessioni terminologiche e definizione del campo di indagine" Aevum 95.3 (2021) pp. 637-658

Uribe, Ignacio; Iommi, Virginia "Acerca de un fragmento del De peruviae regionis inventione (1566) de Levinio Apolonio" Aevum 95.3 (2021) pp. 659-672

Sverzellati, Paola "L'Ufficio di san Bassiano stampato da Comin da Trino nel 1561: note sull'esemplare conservato nella Biblioteca del Seminario vescovile di Lodi" Aevum 95.3 (2021) pp. 673-719

Boero, Stefano "Si veniva a disponer la corte ala riforma, et successivamente ad universalizare lo spirito : la congregazione oratoriana tra corte romana ed Europa (secc. XVI-XVII)" Aevum 95.3 (2021) pp. 721-747

Ferro, Roberta "Il milanese Francesco Ellio traduttore del Persiles di Cervantes (1626)" Aevum 95.3 (2021) pp. 749-772

Rossini, Francesco "Storia letteraria sub specie narrationis : Tasso, il Barocco e le accademie fiorentine nella Monaca di Monza del Rosini" Aevum 95.3 (2021) pp. 773-805

Nemegeer, Guylian "Notes on the Renaissance presences in the prose works of Gabriele d'Annunzio, 1889-1921" Aevum 95.3 (2021) pp. 807-826

Bar, S.F. "The second divine council at Odyssey 5.1--42 reconsidered" Akroterion 66 (2021) pp. 1-16

Skarbek-Kazanecki, J. "Nostalgia, expulsion and the poetic I: The poetics of diaspora in the Corpus Theognideum" Akroterion 66 (2021) pp. 17-39

Martin, A. "Ill-fated shields and man-slaying spears: Anyte and Nossis on the 'heroic code' in the Hellenistic epigram" Akroterion 66 (2021) pp. 41-57

Bustos, M.N. "Metapoetic reflections in three Aetia of the Argonautica" Akroterion 66 (2021) pp. 59-77

Wardle, D. "Sulla and the 'prophecy' of Caesar's destruction of the optimates (Suet. Iul. 1.3)" Akroterion 66 (2021) pp. 79-96

Hilton, J. "Terms for homeland in the writings of the Emperor Julian and in the Aethiopica of Heliodorus" Akroterion 66 (2021) pp. 97-123

Leary, T.J. "Symphosius, a North African Martial?" Akroterion 66 (2021) pp. 125-142

Stranex, Thomas "Is it correct to say that reason triumphs in Sophocles' Ajax?" Akroterion 66 (2021) pp. 143-151

Gaydarska, Bisserka; Bayliss, Alex; Slavchev, Vladimir "Contemporary Copper Age Burials from the Varna Mortuary Zone, Bulgaria" AntJ 101 (2021) pp. 1-15

Biagi, Paolo; Nisbet, Renato; Spataro, Michela; Starnini, Elisabetta "Archaeology at Ras Muari: Sonari, a Bronze Age Fisher-Gatherers Settlement at the Hab River Mouth (Karachi, Pakistan)" AntJ 101 (2021) pp. 16-66

Nelson, E. Charles; Mavrofridis, Georgios; Anagnostopoulos, Ioannis Th. "Natural History of a Bronze Age Jewel Found in Crete: The Malia Pendant" AntJ 101 (2021) pp. 67-78

Henry, Richard; Roberts, David; Roskams, Steve "A Roman Temple from Southern Britain: Religious Practice in Landscape Contexts" AntJ 101 (2021) pp. 79-105

Hines, John "The Chronological Framework of Early Anglo-Saxon Graves and Grave Goods: New Radiocarbon Data from Raf Lakenheath, Eriswell, Suffolk, and a New Calibration Curve (IntCal20)" AntJ 101 (2021) pp. 106-142

Hamerow, Helena; Shortland, Andrew; Cameron, Esther "Early Medieval Garnet-Inlaid Metalwork: A Comparative Analysis of Disc Brooches from Early Wessex" AntJ 101 (2021) pp. 143-159

Volken, Marquita; Mould, Quita; Cameron, Esther "A Reassessment of Leatherwork from the Sutton Hoo Ship Burial" AntJ 101 (2021) pp. 160-180

Willmott, Hugh; Wright, Duncan W.; Daubney, Adam; Blinkhorn, Paul; Newman, Sophie; Townend, Peter; Vickers, Graham "Rethinking Early Medieval 'Productive Sites': Wealth, Trade, and Tradition at Little Carlton, East Lindsey" AntJ 101 (2021) pp. 181-212

Webster, Leslie; Okasha, Elisabeth; Williams, David "A Decorated and Inscribed Strap-End from Nuffield, Oxfordshire" AntJ 101 (2021) pp. 213-219

Franklin, Jill A.0 "The Anglo-Norman Abbey Church of St Albans and the Aisleless Nave of its Cruciform Predecessor: The Material Evidence" AntJ 101 (2021) pp. 220-234

Stewart, Zachary "Brotherly Rivals: Templars, Hospitallers and the Architectural Expansion of the Temple Church in London" AntJ 101 (2021) pp. 235-268

Vella, Charlene "New Insights into the Painted Crucifix Attributed to Antonio de Saliba, in the V&A Museum, London" AntJ 101 (2021) pp. 269-300

Wright, James "Tattershall Castle and the Newly-Built Personality of Ralph Lord Cromwell" AntJ 101 (2021) pp. 301-332

Fusconi, Giulia; Fernandez-Santos, Jorge; Kuhn-Forte, Brigitte "New Insights into the 'Carpio Album' (SAL ms 879): Commissioning, Authorship and Cultural Agenda" AntJ 101 (2021) pp. 333-368

Cooper, John P.D.; Jago, James "Picturing Parliament: The Great Seal of the Commonwealth and the House of Commons" AntJ 101 (2021) pp. 369-389

Smith, John F.H. "William Stukeley's House and Garden in Grantham, 1726--9" AntJ 101 (2021) pp. 390-423

Baratte, Francois; Wataghin, Gisella Cantino; Destefanis, Eleonora "Introduction [Homme et ' nature ' dans l' Antiquite tardive] - Historiographie et methodologie" AntTard 29 (2021) pp. 23

Wataghin, Gisella Cantino "Uomo e 'natura' nella tarda antichita: rappresentazione e percezione" AntTard 29 (2021) pp. 29

Saggioro, Fabio "Archeologia del paesaggio e relazioni uomo-ambiente: risorse, natura e luoghi in Italia settentrionale tra V e X secolo d.C." AntTard 29 (2021) pp. 43

Causevic-Bully, Morana; Massa, Charly; Rousseau, Marine; Bichet, Vincent; Richard, Herve; Novak, Mario "L'homme et son environnement. L'approche interdisciplinaire sur l'evolution des territoires insulaires de l'archipel du Kvarner (Croatie)" AntTard 29 (2021) pp. 57

Dey, Hendrick; Squatriti, Paolo "Late antique 'natural' disasters: de te fabula narratur?" AntTard 29 (2021) pp. 69

Leveau, Philippe "Le climat et l'Antiquite Tardive : ses restitutions par les Modernes et sa perception par les Anciens" AntTard 29 (2021) pp. 81

Maranzana, Paolo "Climate and the end of Antiquity: an answer from western-central Anatolia" AntTard 29 (2021) pp. 95

Destefanis, Eleonora "Il controllo delle acque fluviali nell'Italia settentrionale (IV-VIII secolo). Spunti di riflessione, tra fonti scritte e documentazione archeological" AntTard 29 (2021) pp. 107

Baratte, Francois "Representer le nature : l'exemple des manuscrits" AntTard 29 (2021) pp. 125

Filoramo, Giovanni "Imago naturae. Cristiani e pagani a confronto nello specchio della natura (IV-V secolo)" AntTard 29 (2021) pp. 139

Ripart, Laurent "Le desert des moines latins" AntTard 29 (2021) pp. 149

Inglebert, Herve "Conclusions" AntTard 29 (2021) pp. 159

Caruso, Ada "'Mikra theatra'. Criteri esegetici per l'identificazione dei luoghi dell'insegnamento domestico tra il II e il VI sec. d.C." AntTard 29 (2021) pp. 169

Marchand, Julie "Il ne faut pas mettre toutes les eulogies dans le meme panier ! Eulogies de saint Menas et ceramiques decouvertes a Taposiris Magna (Egypte)" AntTard 29 (2021) pp. 193

Arias, Pablo Poveda "Patrones de relacion entre los reyes merovingios y el episcopado galo (511-561)" AntTard 29 (2021) pp. 211

Stuber, Till "Der heilige Medard und seine Verehrer. Zur koniglichen Patronage von Heiligenkulten im Merowingerreich" AntTard 29 (2021) pp. 225

Morvillez, Eric "Le destin d'une grande demeure d'Aphrodisias : la maison au triconque (A propos du livre de Michelle L. Berenfeld, The Triconch House, Wiesbaden, Reichert (Aphrodisias, IX), 2019)" AntTard 29 (2021) pp. 241

Scardino, Carlo "Zu einem vermeintlichen Historikerfragment in Geoponika 1,14,3" AntTard 29 (2021) pp. 255

Johnson, M.; O'Hearn, L. "Introduction [Issue: Catullus in the 21st century]" Antichthon 55 (2021) pp. 1-5

Johnson, M.; O'Hearn, L. "Introduction" Antichthon 55 (2021) pp. 1-5

Green, A. "Lesbia's Controversial Bird: Testing the Cases for and against Passer as Sparrow" Antichthon 55 (2021) pp. 6-20

Watson, P. "Catullus' Lament for Lesbia's Passer in the Context of Pet-Keeping" Antichthon 55 (2021) pp. 21-34

Watson, L. "Catullus' Priapean Poem (c. 17)" Antichthon 55 (2021) pp. 35-52

Cowan, R. "Dismembering Cominius: Political Violence and Iambic Aggression in Catullus 108" Antichthon 55 (2021) pp. 53-73

Hillard, T. "Reading Catullus 113 as the Vilification of Pompey's Ex-Wife Mucia" Antichthon 55 (2021) pp. 74-93

Uden, J. "Egnatius the Epicurean: The Banalization of Philosophy in Catullus" Antichthon 55 (2021) pp. 94-115

O'Hearn, L. "Conquering Ida: An Ecofeminist Reading of Catullus' Poem 63" Antichthon 55 (2021) pp. 116-135

Johnson, M. "Catullus' Fantastical Memories -- Poem 68 and Writing Trauma" Antichthon 55 (2021) pp. 136-154

Wallis, J. "Masculine Redemption in Carl Orff's Catulli Carmina (1943)" Antichthon 55 (2021) pp. 155-171

Lewis, M.; Robertson, C. "Shameful Kisses: A History of the Reception -- and Rejection -- of Homoeroticism in Catullus" Antichthon 55 (2021) pp. 172-193

Witcher, R. "Editorial" Antiquity 95.379 (2021) pp. 1-12

Zhu, S.; Li, F.; Chen, X.; Fu, X.; Hu, Y. "Subsistence and health in Middle Neolithic (9000--7000 BP) southern China: New evidence from the Dingsishan site" Antiquity 95.379 (2021) pp. 13-26

Darabi, H.; Bangsgaard, P.; Arranz-Otaegui, A.; Ahadi, G.; Olsen, J. "Early Neolithic occupation of the lowlands of south-western Iran: New evidence from Tapeh Mahtaj" Antiquity 95.379 (2021) pp. 27-44

Zhao, C.; Janz, L.; Bukhchuluun, D.; Odsuren, D. "Neolithic pathways in East Asia: Early sedentism on the Mongolian Plateau" Antiquity 95.379 (2021) pp. 45-64

Muller-Scheessel, N.; Hukelova, Z.; Meadows, J.; Cheben, I.; Muller, J.; Furholt, M. "New burial rites at the end of the Linearbandkeramik in south-west Slovakia" Antiquity 95.379 (2021) pp. 65-84

Pearson, M.; Pollard, J.; Richards, C.; Welham, K.; Kinnaird, T.; Shaw, D.; . . . Edinborough, K. "The original Stonehenge? A dismantled stone circle in the Preseli Hills of west Wales" Antiquity 95.379 (2021) pp. 85-103

Frenez, D.; Genchi, F.; David-Cuny, H.; Al-Bakri, S. "The Early Iron Age collective tomb LCG-1 at Dibba al-Bayah, Oman: Long-distance exchange and cross-cultural interaction" Antiquity 95.379 (2021) pp. 104-124

Cakirlar, C.; Koolstra, F.; Ikram, S. "Tracking turtles in the past: Zooarchaeological evidence for human-turtle interactions in the ancient Eastern Mediterranean" Antiquity 95.379 (2021) pp. 125-141

Brownlee, E. "Connectivity and funerary change in early medieval Europe" Antiquity 95.379 (2021) pp. 142-159

Rosenswig, R.; Leiva, R. "Chacmools in Costa Rica: Long-distance interaction between lower Central America and Mesoamerica, c. AD 1000" Antiquity 95.379 (2021) pp. 160-179

Stele, A.; Schwickert, M.; Rass, C. "The battle of Vossenack Ridge: Exploring interdisciplinary approaches for the detection of U.S. Army field positions on a Second World War battlefield" Antiquity 95.379 (2021) pp. 180-197

Mytum, H.; Meek, J. "The Iron Age in the Plastic Age: Anthropocene signatures at Castell Henllys" Antiquity 95.379 (2021) pp. 198-214

Sainsbury, V.; Bray, P.; Gosden, C.; Pollard, A. "Mutable objects, places and chronologies" Antiquity 95.379 (2021) pp. 215-227

Bruck, J. "Ancient DNA, kinship and relational identities in Bronze Age Britain" Antiquity 95.379 (2021) pp. 228-237

Crellin, R. "Making posthumanist kin in the past" Antiquity 95.379 (2021) pp. 238-240

Ensor, B. "Making aDNA useful for kinship analysis" Antiquity 95.379 (2021) pp. 241-243

Furholt, M. "Exploring human possibilities" Antiquity 95.379 (2021) pp. 244-246

Frieman, C. "Emergent or imposed?" Antiquity 95.379 (2021) pp. 247-248

Bruck, J. "Kinship: Politics and practice" Antiquity 95.379 (2021) pp. 249-251

Witcher, R. "Editorial" Antiquity 95.38 (2021) pp. 283-291

Yi, M.; Gao, X.; Chen, F.; Pei, S.; Wang, H. "Combining sedentism and mobility in the Palaeolithic--Neolithic transition of northern China: The site of Shuidonggou locality 12" Antiquity 95.38 (2021) pp. 292-309

Manninen, M.; Damlien, H.; Kleppe, J.; Knutsson, K.; Murashkin, A.; Niemi, A.; . . . Persson, P. "First encounters in the north: Cultural diversity and gene flow in Early Mesolithic Scandinavia" Antiquity 95.38 (2021) pp. 310-328

Lull, V.; Rihuete-Herrada, C.; Risch, R.; Bonora, B.; Celdran-Beltran, E.; Fregeiro, M.; . . . Mico, R. "Emblems and spaces of power during the Argaric Bronze Age at La Almoloya, Murcia" Antiquity 95.38 (2021) pp. 329-348

Wozniak, M.; Harrell, J. "When the well runs dry: Climatic instability and the abandonment of early Hellenistic Berenike" Antiquity 95.38 (2021) pp. 349-366

Pitts, M.; Versluys, M. "Objectscapes: A manifesto for investigating the impacts of object flows on past societies" Antiquity 95.38 (2021) pp. 367-381

Gleeson, P.; McLaughlin, R. "Ways of death: Cremation and belief in first-millennium AD Ireland" Antiquity 95.38 (2021) pp. 382-399

Rosenfeld, S.; Jordan, B.; Street, M. "Beyond exotic goods: Wari elites and regional interaction in the Andes during the Middle Horizon (AD 600--1000)" Antiquity 95.38 (2021) pp. 400-416

Waga, J.; Fajer, M. "The heritage of the Second World War: Bombing in the forests and wetlands of the Kozle Basin" Antiquity 95.38 (2021) pp. 417-434

Schofield, J.; Praet, E.; Townsend, K.; Vince, J. "'COVID waste' and social media as method: An archaeology of personal protective equipment and its contribution to policy" Antiquity 95.38 (2021) pp. 435-449

Insoll, T. "The archaeology of complexity and cosmopolitanism in medieval Ethiopia: An introduction" Antiquity 95.38 (2021) pp. 450-466

Derat, M.; Bosc-Tiesse, C.; Garric, A.; Mensan, R.; Fauvelle, F.; Gleize, Y.; Goujon, A. "The rock-cut churches of Lalibela and the cave church of Washa Mika'el: Troglodytism and the Christianisation of the Ethiopian Highlands" Antiquity 95.38 (2021) pp. 467-486

Insoll, T.; Khalaf, N.; MacLean, R.; Parsons-Morgan, H.; Tait, N.; Gaastra, J.; . . . Dussubieux, L. "Material cosmopolitanism: The entrepot of Harlaa as an Islamic gateway to eastern Ethiopia" Antiquity 95.38 (2021) pp. 487-507

Loiseau, J.; Dorso, S.; Gleize, Y.; Ollivier, D.; Ayenachew, D.; Berhe, H.; . . . Hirsch, B. "Bilet and the wider world: New insights into the archaeology of Islam in Tigray" Antiquity 95.38 (2021) pp. 508-529

Gonzalez-Ruibal, A. "The cosmopolitan borderland: Western Ethiopia c. AD 600--1800" Antiquity 95.38 (2021) pp. 530-548

Wordsworth, P. "To the North and the South, through the Great Caucasus Mountains" Antiquity 95.38 (2021) pp. 549-552

Witcher, R. "Editorial" Antiquity 95.381 (2021) pp. 577-586

Chen, Y.; Hou, G.; Chen, X.; Gao, J.; Jin, S. "New perspectives on the Late Pleistocene peopling of the Tibetan Plateau: The core-and-flake industry from the Tongtian River valley" Antiquity 95.381 (2021) pp. 587-604

Thomas, H.; Kennedy, M.; Dalton, M.; McMahon, J.; Boyer, D.; Repper, R. "The mustatils: Cult and monumentality in Neolithic north-western Arabia" Antiquity 95.381 (2021) pp. 605-626

Grabundzija, A.; Schlichtherle, H.; Leuzinger, U.; Schier, W.; Karg, S. "The interaction of distant technologies: Bridging Central Europe using a techno-typological comparison of spindle whorls" Antiquity 95.381 (2021) pp. 627-647

Sherlock, S. "Early Neolithic salt production at Street House, Loftus, north-east England" Antiquity 95.381 (2021) pp. 648-669

During, B.; De Ceuster, S.; Degryse, P.; Kassianidou, V. "Transformative copper metallurgy in Chalcolithic Cyprus: A reappraisal" Antiquity 95.381 (2021) pp. 670-685

Driessen, J. "Revisiting the Minoan palaces: Ritual commensality at Sissi" Antiquity 95.381 (2021) pp. 686-704

Hoflmayer, F.; Misgav, H.; Webster, L.; Streit, K. "Early alphabetic writing in the ancient Near East: The 'missing link' from Tel Lachish" Antiquity 95.381 (2021) pp. 705-719

Wiseman, R.; Allen, M.; Gibson, C. "The inverted dead of Britain's Bronze Age barrows: A perspective from Conceptual Metaphor Theory" Antiquity 95.381 (2021) pp. 720-734

Rimstad, C.; Mannering, U.; Jorkov, M.; Kanstrup, M. "Lost and found: Viking Age human bones and textiles from Bjerringhoj, Denmark" Antiquity 95.381 (2021) pp. 735-752

Rawat, N.; Brughmans, T.; Nautiyal, V.; Chauniyal, D. "Networked medieval strongholds in Garhwal Himalaya, India" Antiquity 95.381 (2021) pp. 753-772

Turner, S.; Kinnaird, T.; Varinlioglu, G.; Serifoglu, T.; Koparal, E.; Demirciler, V.; . . . Turner, A. "Agricultural terraces in the Mediterranean: Medieval intensification revealed by OSL profiling and dating" Antiquity 95.381 (2021) pp. 773-790

Wright, D.; Samper Carro, S.; Nejman, L.; Van der Kolk, G.; Litster, M.; Langley, M.; . . . Repu, C. "Archaeology of the Waiat mysteries on Woeydhul Island in Western Torres Strait" Antiquity 95.381 (2021) pp. 791-811

Crabtree, S.; Dunne, J.; Wood, S. "Ecological networks and archaeology" Antiquity 95.381 (2021) pp. 812-825

Witcher, R. "Editorial" Antiquity 95.382 (2021) pp. 855-864

Zilhao, J.; Angelucci, D.; Le Bourdonnec, F.; Lucena, A.; Martin-Lerma, I.; Martinez, S.; . . . Zapata, J. "Obsidian in the Upper Palaeolithic of Iberia" Antiquity 95.382 (2021) pp. 865-884

Lernau, O.; Shapiro, J.; Paz, S.; Greenberg, R. "Fishing, fish consumption, urbanism and migrants at Tel Bet Yerah, 3200--2700 BC" Antiquity 95.382 (2021) pp. 885-899

Porter, A.; McClellan, T.; Wilhelm, S.; Weber, J.; Baldwin, A.; Colley, J.; . . . Safi, Z. "'Their corpses will reach the base of heaven': A third-millennium BC war memorial in northern Mesopotamia?" Antiquity 95.382 (2021) pp. 900-918

Charloux, G.; Abady Mahmoud, M.; Elnasseh, A.; Marchand, S. "The shifting Nile and the origins and development of ancient Karnak" Antiquity 95.382 (2021) pp. 919-939

Li, Y.; Zhang, C.; Chen, H.; Wang, Z.; Qian, Y. "Sika deer in Bronze Age Guanzhong: Sustainable wildlife exploitation in ancient China?" Antiquity 95.382 (2021) pp. 940-954

Lu, H.; Chen, X.; Zhang, Z.; Tang, L.; Lemoine, X.; Wangdue, S.; . . . Frachetti, M. "Early agropastoral settlement and cultural change in central Tibet in the first millennium BC: Excavations at Bangga" Antiquity 95.382 (2021) pp. 955-972

Buster, L. "'Problematic stuff': Death, memory and the interpretation of cached objects" Antiquity 95.382 (2021) pp. 973-985

Kassianidou, V.; Agapiou, A.; Manning, S. "Reconstructing an ancient mining landscape: A multidisciplinary approach to copper mining at Skouriotissa, Cyprus" Antiquity 95.382 (2021) pp. 986-1004

Klevnas, A.; Aspock, E.; Noterman, A.; Van Haperen, M.; Zintl, S. "Reopening graves in the early Middle Ages: From local practice to European phenomenon" Antiquity 95.382 (2021) pp. 1005-1026

Delgado, M. "Patterns of dietary diversity in Holocene north-west South America: New insights from Bayesian stable isotope mixing models" Antiquity 95.382 (2021) pp. 1027-1042

Westaway, M.; Williams, D.; Lowe, K.; Wright, N.; Kerkhove, R.; Silcock, J.; . . . Collard, M. "Hidden in plain sight: The archaeological landscape of Mithaka Country, south-west Queensland" Antiquity 95.382 (2021) pp. 1043-1060

Smith, M. "Why archaeology's relevance to global challenges has not been recognised" Antiquity 95.382 (2021) pp. 1061-1069

Morrison, K. "Routes to relevance in archaeology" Antiquity 95.382 (2021) pp. 1070-1072

Chirikure, S. "Making archaeology relevant to global challenges: A Global South perspective" Antiquity 95.382 (2021) pp. 1073-1077

Lane, P. "Enhancing archaeology's role in addressing grand challenges needs more reflection on known unknowns" Antiquity 95.382 (2021) pp. 1078-1080

Croucher, K. "Scales of relevance and the importance of ambiguity" Antiquity 95.382 (2021) pp. 1081-1084

Smith, M. "Archaeology, relevance and science" Antiquity 95.382 (2021) pp. 1085-1087

Tattersall, I. "Evolution of human behaviour and societies" Antiquity 95.382 (2021) pp. 1088-1090

Witcher, R. "Editorial" Antiquity 95.383 (2021) pp. 1117-1128

Rast-Eicher, A.; Karg, S.; Bender Jorgensen, L. "The use of local fibres for textiles at Neolithic Catalhoyuk" Antiquity 95.383 (2021) pp. 1129-1144

Soltysiak, A.; Fernandes, R. "Much ado about nothing: Assessing the impact of the 4.2 kya event on human subsistence patterns in northern Mesopotamia using stable isotope analysis" Antiquity 95.383 (2021) pp. 1145-1160

Zhao, H.; Gao, X.; Jiang, Y.; Lin, Y.; Zhu, J.; Ding, S.; . . . Zhang, J. "Radiocarbon-dating an early minting site: The emergence of standardised coinage in China" Antiquity 95.383 (2021) pp. 1161-1178

Ortoleva, J. "Sounds of Etruria: Aural characteristics of the Tomba dell'Orco, Tarquinia" Antiquity 95.383 (2021) pp. 1179-1194

Nielsen, N.; Henriksen, P.; Mortensen, M.; Enevold, R.; Mortensen, M.; Scavenius, C.; Enghild, J. "The last meal of Tollund Man: New analyses of his gut content" Antiquity 95.383 (2021) pp. 1195-1212

Gutierrez, A.; Gerrard, C.; Zhang, R.; Guangyao, W. "The earliest Chinese ceramics in Europe?" Antiquity 95.383 (2021) pp. 1213-1230

Wordsworth, P.; Haruda, A.; Miller, A.; Brown, S. "The earliest water buffalo in the Caucasus: Shifting animals and people in the medieval Islamic world" Antiquity 95.383 (2021) pp. 1231-1247

Killian Galvan, V.; Grant, J.; Morales y Puente, P.; Cienfuegos Alvarado, E.; Otero, F.; Perez, M.; Olivera, D. "Empire and stable isotopes: Assessing the impact of Inka expansion on local diet in the southern Puna, Argentina" Antiquity 95.383 (2021) pp. 1248-1264

Burger, R.; Salazar, L.; Nesbitt, J.; Washburn, E.; Fehren-Schmitz, L. "New AMS dates for Machu Picchu: Results and implications" Antiquity 95.383 (2021) pp. 1265-1279

Palmer, R. "Slavery, captivity and galley rowing in early modern Malta" Antiquity 95.383 (2021) pp. 1280-1297

May, S.; Tacon, P.; Jalandoni, A.; Goldhahn, J.; Wesley, D.; Tsang, R.; Mangiru, K. "The re-emergence of nganaparru (water buffalo) into the culture, landscape and rock art of western Arnhem Land" Antiquity 95.383 (2021) pp. 1298-1314

Campbell, P. "The Anthropocene, hyperobjects and the archaeology of the future past" Antiquity 95.383 (2021) pp. 1315-1330

Walsh, J.; Gorman, A. "A method for space archaeology research: The International Space Station Archaeological Project" Antiquity 95.383 (2021) pp. 1331-1343

Blue, L. "Underwater Malta: The virtual museum" Antiquity 95.383 (2021) pp. 1344-1347

Witcher, R. "Editorial" Antiquity 95.384 (2021) pp. 1375-1386

Sigari, D.; Mazzini, I.; Conti, J.; Forti, L.; Lembo, G.; Mecozzi, B.; . . . Sardella, R. "Birds and bovids: New parietal engravings at the Romanelli Cave, Apulia" Antiquity 95.384 (2021) pp. 1387-1404

Montt, I.; Fiore, D.; Santoro, C.; Arriaza, B. "Relational bodies: Affordances, substances and embodiment in Chinchorro funerary practices c. 7000--3250 BP" Antiquity 95.384 (2021) pp. 1405-1425

Dunne, J.; Jordeczka, M.; Chlodnicki, M.; Hardy, K.; Kubiak-Martens, L.; Hoyo, M.; . . . Evershed, R. "Holocene resource exploitation along the Nile: Diet and subsistence strategies of Mesolithic and Neolithic societies at Khor Shambat 1, Sudan" Antiquity 95.384 (2021) pp. 1426-1445

Spataro, M.; Oras, E.; Lucquin, A.; Berzins, V. "Hunter-fisher-gatherer pottery production and use at the Neolithic shell-midden of Rinnukalns, Latvia" Antiquity 95.384 (2021) pp. 1446-1463

Armit, I.; Reich, D. "The return of the Beaker folk? Rethinking migration and population change in British prehistory" Antiquity 95.384 (2021) pp. 1464-1477

Taylor, W.; Cao, J.; Fan, W.; Ma, X.; Hou, Y.; Wang, J.; . . . Miller, B. "Understanding early horse transport in eastern Eurasia through analysis of equine dentition" Antiquity 95.384 (2021) pp. 1478-1494

Suarez-Padilla, J.; Jimenez-Jaimez, V.; Caro, J. "The Phoenician diaspora in the westernmost Mediterranean: Recent discoveries" Antiquity 95.384 (2021) pp. 1495-1510

Bennerhag, C.; Grandin, L.; Hjartner-Holdar, E.; Stilborg, O.; Soderholm, K. "Hunter-gatherer metallurgy in the Early Iron Age of Northern Fennoscandia" Antiquity 95.384 (2021) pp. 1511-1526

Conlee, C.; Kellner, C.; Walker, C.; Noriega, A. "Early imperialism in the Andes: Wari colonisation of Nasca" Antiquity 95.384 (2021) pp. 1527-1546

Campbell, S.; Healey, E.; Kuzmin, Y.; Glascock, M. "The mirror, the magus and more: Reflections on John Dee's obsidian mirror" Antiquity 95.384 (2021) pp. 1547-1564

Zalewska, A.; Kiarszys, G. "The forgotten Eastern Front: Dealing with the social and archaeological legacies of the Battle of the Rawka and Bzura Rivers (1914--1915), central Poland" Antiquity 95.384 (2021) pp. 1565-1583

Aycock, J. "The coming tsunami of digital artefacts" Antiquity 95.384 (2021) pp. 1584-1589

Morgan, C. "An archaeology of digital things: Social, political, polemical" Antiquity 95.384 (2021) pp. 1590-1593

Kansa, S.; Kansa, E. "Digital archaeology and 'D' transforms?" Antiquity 95.384 (2021) pp. 1594-1596

Huggett, J. "Archaeologies of the digital" Antiquity 95.384 (2021) pp. 1597-1599

Aycock, J. "The coming tsunami of digital artefacts: Moving forward" Antiquity 95.384 (2021) pp. 1600-1601

Klembara, N. "Diversifying the debate: Increasing the visibility and accessibility of queer heritage" Antiquity 95.384 (2021) pp. 1602-1604

Atanasov, G.+; Madzharov, K. "Thasian Amphora Stamps from a Tumulus near the Village of Ivanski" ArchBulg 25.1 (2021) pp. 1-14

Gavrilovic, D.; Milovanovic, B. "Fragments of Wall Painting from Residential Buildings at the Site of Cair (Viminacium)" ArchBulg 25.1 (2021) pp. 15-25

Vagalinski, L. "A Great Migration Period Spatha with Garnet Decoration from SE Bulgaria" ArchBulg 25.1 (2021) pp. 27-34

Curta, F.; Teodor, E. "'Slavic' Bow Fibulae from the Environs of Bucharest" ArchBulg 25.1 (2021) pp. 35-54

Dzino, D. "Rethinking Periodization in Post-Roman Southeastern Europe: The Case-Study of Dalmatia" ArchBulg 25.1 (2021) pp. 55-76

Ozanic Roguljic, I.; Siljeg, B.; Kalafatic, H. "Eppur si vede: The Results of Remote Sensing and Field Survey of Dragojlov Brijeg (Croatia), Roman Military Site" ArchBulg 25.2 (2021) pp. 1-17

Slavova, M. "Menander's Achaioi in Ulpia Oescus: A New Reading of an Old Mosaic" ArchBulg 25.2 (2021) pp. 19-33

Deac, D. A. "Cease, You Womb! A Uterine Magic Amulet from Durostorum" ArchBulg 25.2 (2021) pp. 35-43

Atanasov, G.; Valeriev, Y. "Basilica #1 with a Newly Discovered Crypt from the Roman/Early Byzantine City of Zaldapa. Addenda et corrigenda" ArchBulg 25.2 (2021) pp. 45-80

Garbov, D.; Georgieva, Z.; Levanic, T.; McIlfatrick, O.; Panayotov, M.; Tsavkov, E.; Tsvetanov, N.; Velkovsky, K. "Unravelling the Saint Nicholas Bay Shipwreck: A Multidisciplinary Approach" ArchBulg 25.2 (2021) pp. 81-104

Sharankov, Nicolay "Five Official Inscriptions from Heraclea Sintica Including a Record of the Complete cursus honorum of D. Terentius Gentianus" ArchBulg 25.3 (2021) pp. 1-43

Vagalinski, Lyudmil "A New Marble Female Statue in Heraclea Sintica" ArchBulg 25.3 (2021) pp. 45-56

Curta, Florin "Critical Remarks on the Sucidava Class" ArchBulg 25.3 (2021) pp. 57-118

Murdzhev, Paul "The Fourteenth-Century Bulgarian Lands and the Intercontinental Trade System" ArchBulg 25.3 (2021) pp. 119-132

Zhang, B.S.; Wu, X.T.; Sun, Y.F.; Ritchey, M.; Fan, A.C.; Zhang, Y.Y.; Yu, G.; Song, Y.B. "Complex raw materials and the supply system: Mineralogical and geochemical study of the jade artefacts of the Longshan Culture (2400--2000 bce) from Sujiacun site in coastal Shandong, China" Archaeometry 63.1 (2021) pp. 1-18

Falkenberg, J.; Mutterlose, J.; Kaplan, U. "Calcareous nannofossils in medieval mortar and mortar-based materials: A powerful tool for provenance analysis" Archaeometry 63.1 (2021) pp. 19-39

Quinn, P.; Yang, Y.; Xia, Y.; Li, X.; Ma, S.; Zhang, S.; Wilke, D. "Geochemical evidence for the manufacture, logistics and supply-chain management of Emperor Qin Shihuang's Terracotta Army, China" Archaeometry 63.1 (2021) pp. 40-52

Ogalde, J.P.; Korpisaari, A.; Riera-Soto, C.; Arriaza, B.; Paipa, C.; Leyton, P.; Campos-Vallette, M.; Lara, N.; Chacama, J. "Archaeometric analysis of ceramic production in Tiwanaku state (c.500--1000 ce): An exploratory study" Archaeometry 63.1 (2021) pp. 53-67

Maeso, C. Vega; Gallello, G.; Palmero, S.; Ferrari, B.; Carro, M.A. Sanchez; Morales, M.R. Gonzalez; Zugasti, I. Gutierrez; Ramacciotti, M.; Pastor, A. "Ceramic productions and human interactions during the Early Bronze Age in northern Iberia" Archaeometry 63.1 (2021) pp. 68-87

Seman, S.; Dussubieux, L.; Cloquet, C.; Pryce, T.O. "Strontium isotope analysis in ancient glass from South Asia using portable laser ablation sampling" Archaeometry 63.1 (2021) pp. 88-104

Wang, Q. "Tin-Rich Surface Decoration of Chinese Bronzes: A Case Study of the British Museum Collection" Archaeometry 63.1 (2021) pp. 105-121

Zhangsun, Y.Z.; Jin, Z.Y.; Feng, F.Z.; Tian, J.H.; Wang, H.G.; Zhao, C.C.; Huang, F.; Wu, X.T. "Revisiting the lead isotopic compositions of the Shang bronzes at Hanzhong and the new hypothesis of Qinling as the source of highly radiogenic lead" Archaeometry 63.1 (2021) pp. 122-141

Albarede, F.; Blichert-Toft, J.; Callatay, F. De; Davis, G.; Debernardi, P.; Gentelli, L.; Gitler, H.; Kemmers, F.; Klein, S.; Malod-Dognin, C.; Milot, J.; Telouk, P.; Vaxevanopoulos, M.; Westner, K. "From commodity to money: The rise of silver coinage around the Ancient Mediterranean (sixth--first centuries BCE)" Archaeometry 63.1 (2021) pp. 142-155

Gentelli, L. "Chronological discrimination of silver coins based on inter-elemental ratios using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS)" Archaeometry 63.1 (2021) pp. 156-172

Velliky, E.C.; Macdonald, B.L.; Porr, M.; Conard, N.J. "First large-scale provenance study of pigments reveals new complex behavioural patterns during the Upper Palaeolithic of south-western Germany" Archaeometry 63.1 (2021) pp. 173-193

Ma, Q.; Pollard, A. Mark; Jiang, J.; Weng, Y. "Evaluation of Quantitative XRF Analysis Applied to Determine Cobalt Sources in Chinese Blue-and-White Porcelain" Archaeometry 63.1 (2021) pp. 194-203

Visser, R.M. "On the similarity of tree-ring patterns: Assessing the influence of semi-synchronous growth changes on the Gleichlaufigkeitskoeffizient for big tree-ring data sets" Archaeometry 63.1 (2021) pp. 204-215

Lukesova, H.; Holst, B. "Is Cross-Section Shape a Distinct Feature in Plant Fibre Identification?" Archaeometry 63.1 (2021) pp. 216-226

Then-Obluska, J.; Gilg, H.A.; Schussler, U.; Wagner, B. "Western Connections of Northeast Africa: The Garnet Evidence from Late Antique Nubia, Sudan" Archaeometry 63.2 (2021) pp. 227-246

De~La~Torre, M. Sanchez; Utrilla, P.; Montes, L.; Domigo, R.; Bourdonnec, F.-X. Le; Gratuze, B. "Characterizing the lithic raw materials from Fuente del Trucho (Asque-Colungo, Huesca): New data about Palaeolithic human mobility in north-east Iberia" Archaeometry 63.2 (2021) pp. 247-265

Adler, Y.; Ayalon, A.; Bar-Matthews, M.; Flesher, R.; Yasur, G.; Zilberman, T. "Geochemical analyses of Jewish chalk vessel remains from Roman-era production and settlement sites in the southern Levant" Archaeometry 63.2 (2021) pp. 266-283

Rodriguez, D.G.; Bastos, R.O.; Ikeoka, R.A.; Appoloni, C.R.; Bandeira, A.M. "Gamma-ray spectrometry in the characterization of diverse-geometry archaeological ceramics" Archaeometry 63.2 (2021) pp. 284-295

Isik, Ilker; Tarhan, Ismail "Investigations of the ancient ceramic sherds excavated from Borukcu site in Mugla, south-western Turkey, by ATR-FTIR spectroscopy and statistical multivariate analysis" Archaeometry 63.2 (2021) pp. 296-311

Golovchak, R.; Kovalskiy, A.; Shpotyuk, Y.; Mahlovanyi, B.; Ploch, D.; Ignatova, T.; Kozdras, A.; Cebulski, J.; Czopek, S. "Remedial insight on ageing of glass through the study of ancient man-made artefacts" Archaeometry 63.2 (2021) pp. 312-326

Dardeniz, G.; Yildirim, T.; Yildirim, C.; Ciftci, E. "Techniques of Blue, Green, and White Faience Bead Production Used at the Early Bronze Age Central Anatolian Site of RESULOGLU (Turkey)" Archaeometry 63.2 (2021) pp. 327-342

Wallace, S.; Smith, N.; Nerantzis, N. "Handheld methods in archaeological research on large copper alloy assemblages: HH-XRF against HH-LIBS" Archaeometry 63.2 (2021) pp. 343-371

Kalaska, M.; Syczewski, M.; Kotowski, J.; Giersz, M. "Chemical composition of small fragments of metals from Castillo de Huarmey (Peru): Chemical analysis in the micro-area using FE-SEM-EDS, FE-EMPA and XRD" Archaeometry 63.2 (2021) pp. 372-397

Wei, G.; Fang, S.; Yao, Z. "Application of mortar to wrap coffins in ancient Chinese tombs: Their properties, compositions and protective effect for the buried objects" Archaeometry 63.2 (2021) pp. 398-417

Qin, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Yuan, M.Y.; Liu, J.S.; Li, H.M. "Analytical Study of the Suspected Wushi Powder Excavated from the Southern Dynasty Tombs in Xiangyang, Hubei, China" Archaeometry 63.2 (2021) pp. 418-427

Tema, E.; Lanos, P. "New Italian directional and intensity archaeomagnetic reference curves for the past 3000 years: Insights on secular variation and implications on dating" Archaeometry 63.2 (2021) pp. 428-445

Key, A.; Pargeter, J.; Schmidt, P. "Heat treatment significantly increases the sharpness of silcrete stone tools" Archaeometry 63.3 (2021) pp. 447-466

Lapuente, P.; Roda, I.; Garcia-M, A. Gutierrez; Brilli, M. "Addressing the controversial origin of the marble source used in the Phoenician anthropoid sarcophagi of Gadir (Cadiz, Spain)" Archaeometry 63.3 (2021) pp. 467-480

Caruana, M.V. "Pilot study comparing the effects of thinning processes on the cross-sectional morphologies of Early and Late Acheulian handaxes" Archaeometry 63.3 (2021) pp. 481-499

Sterba, J.H.; Shinoto, M.; Shinzato, A.; Enomoto, M.; Yomine, Y. "Provenancing of pottery from Kamuiyaki Site in East Asia by neutron activation analysis" Archaeometry 63.3 (2021) pp. 500-515

Zhou, X.; Lv, H.; Yang, Z.; Cui, J.; Li, H.; Hu, J. "The Origins of Slip for High-Fired Chinese Ceramics: Evidence from Jiangdong-Type Calcium-Glaze Wares Unearthed from Two Han Dynasty Cemeteries in Zhejiang, East China" Archaeometry 63.3 (2021) pp. 516-530

Blackmore, H.; Cho, D.; Lee, H.-W. "All for one? The production of black burnished pottery and state formation in the early Korean polity of Baekje" Archaeometry 63.3 (2021) pp. 531-548

Fornacelli, C.; Briano, A.; Chiarantini, L.; Bianchi, G.; Benvenuti, M.; Giamello, M.; Kang, J.S.; Villa, I.M.; Talarico, F.M.; Hodges, R. "Archaeometric Provenance Constraints for Early Medieval Sparse Glazed Pottery from Donoratico (Livorno, Italy)" Archaeometry 63.3 (2021) pp. 549-576

Li, Z.; Zhang, L. "Compositional Characteristics of Proto-Porcelain Production Sites in the Dongtiaoxi River Valley in Southeastern China" Archaeometry 63.3 (2021) pp. 577-593

Bondetti, M.; Scott, E.; Courel, B.; Lucquin, A.; Shoda, S.; Lundy, J.; Labra-Odde, C.; Drieu, L.; Craig, O.E. "Investigating the formation and diagnostic value of [omega]-(o-alkylphenyl)alkanoic acids in ancient pottery" Archaeometry 63.3 (2021) pp. 594-608

Hrnjic, M.; Rohrs, S.; Denker, A.; Weisser, B.; Stoess, C.; Matosz, M.; Hoyo-Melendez, J.M. Del "Multi-technical study of silver denars from medieval Poland for an improved understanding of their archaeological context and provenance" Archaeometry 63.3 (2021) pp. 609-626

Sun, L.; Yang, G.; Liu, R.; Pollard, A.M.; Zhu, T.; Liu, C. "Global circulation of silver between Ming--Qing China and the Americas: Combining historical texts and scientific analyses" Archaeometry 63.3 (2021) pp. 627-640

Mirea, D.A.; Ciulavu, F.; Ilie, M.V.; Iancu, D.A. "PIXE, ED-XRF and optical analysis to authenticate the Garvan gold monetary treasury" Archaeometry 63.3 (2021) pp. 641-650

Perucchetti, L.; Bray, P.; Felicetti, A.; Sainsbury, V.; Howarth, P.; Saunders, M.K.; Hommel, P.; Pollard, M. "FLAME-D Database: An Integrated System for the Study of Archaeometallurgy" Archaeometry 63.3 (2021) pp. 651-667

Krauchi, K. "How has a Christian church been aligned towards the East? Conclusions from statistical analyses of churches built between 300 and 1300" Archaeometry 63.3 (2021) pp. 668-683

Maniatis, Y.; Tambakopoulos, D.; Lazzarini, L.; Sturgeon, M.C. "Provenance Investigation of Three Marble Relief Sculptures from Ancient Corinth: New Evidence for the Circulation of the White Marble from Mani" Archaeometry 63.4 (2021) pp. 685-704

Ben-Shlomo, D.; Mommsen, H.; Sterba, J.H. "Back to Nasbeh: New Compositional Analysis of Philistine Bichrome Pottery from Tell en-Nasbeh" Archaeometry 63.4 (2021) pp. 705-720

Maggetti, M. "SEM study of black, blue, violet and yellow inglaze colours of the oldest Swiss tin-opacified stove tiles (c.1450--c.1512, canton Bern)*" Archaeometry 63.4 (2021) pp. 721-737

Del~Rio, M. Sanchez; Garcia-Rivas, J.; Suarez, M.; Garcia-Romero, E. "Crystal--chemical and diffraction analyses of Maya blue suggesting a different provenance of the palygorskite found in Aztec pigments*" Archaeometry 63.4 (2021) pp. 738-752

Mastrotheodoros, G.P.; Beltsios, K.G.; Bassiakos, Y. "On the Red and Yellow Pigments of Post-Byzantine Greek Icons*" Archaeometry 63.4 (2021) pp. 753-778

Drpic, I.; Jelikic, A. "On large-scale gilding and mosaic simulation in medieval Serbian wall painting" Archaeometry 63.4 (2021) pp. 779-793

Park, J.-S.; Diimaajav, E.; Gelegdorj, E. "The Role of Tin and Arsenic in XIONGNU Bronze Technology and Their Sociopolitical Implications over Time" Archaeometry 63.4 (2021) pp. 794-809

Chen, D.; Qiao, B.T.; Luo, W.G. "Archaeometallurgical research on the manufacture of lead mingqi from Nanyang in Chu state during the Warring States period" Archaeometry 63.4 (2021) pp. 810-825

Tan, P.; Yang, J.; Ji, J.; Jiang, F. "Production Techniques and Microstructures of Copper Granule: Experimental Analysis and Archaeological Case Study" Archaeometry 63.4 (2021) pp. 826-842

Espinosa-Morales, Y.; Alarcon, A.L.; Dominguez-Carrasco, M.D.R.; Martinez-Miranda, V.; Arteaga-Arcos, J.C.; Silva-Leon, I.; Reyes, J. "An Approach to Identify and Understand the Main Processes of Weathering that Affect the Pre-Hispanic STELAE Located in the CALAKMUL Biosphere Reserve in Campeche, Mexico" Archaeometry 63.4 (2021) pp. 843-859

Haase, K.; Olsen, J. "Building a high-resolution chronology of a medieval urban site through Bayesian modelling*" Archaeometry 63.4 (2021) pp. 860-877

Armitage, R.A.; Arrazcaeta, R.; Torres, S.; Baker, S.M.; Fraser, D. "Chemical characterization and radiocarbon dating of the rock art of Las Charcas caves, Cuba" Archaeometry 63.4 (2021) pp. 878-892

Rasmussen, K.L.; Delbey, T.; Skytte, L.; Nasa, J. La; Colombini, M.P.; Ravnsbak, D.B.; Jorgensen, B.; Kjeldsen, F.; Gronnow, B.; Larsen, S. "In the darkest hour: Analyses of a black spot on the last page of the diary of polar explorer Jorgen Bronlund (d. 1907)" Archaeometry 63.4 (2021) pp. 893-905

Vettor, T.; Sautter, V.; Pont, S.; Harivel, C.; Jolivet, L.; Moretti, I.; Moretti, J.C. "Delos Archaeological Marbles: A Preliminary Geochemistry-Based Quarry Provenance Study" Archaeometry 63.5 (2021) pp. 907-922

Orange, M.; Bourdonnec, F.-X. Le; Berthon, R.; Mouralis, D.; Gratuze, B.; Thomalsky, J.; Abedi, A.; Marro, C. "Extending the scale of obsidian studies: Towards a high-resolution investigation of obsidian prehistoric circulation patterns in the southern Caucasus and north-western Iran" Archaeometry 63.5 (2021) pp. 923-940

Beauvoit, Emmie; Amara, Ayed Ben; Tessier-Doyen, Nicolas; Frugier, Camille; Lemasson, Quentin; Moignard, Brice; Pacheco, Claire; Pichon, Laurent; Chapoulie, Remy; Gratuze, Bernard "Chemical and Mechanical Characterisation of White Earthenware Glazes from the Johnston-Vieillard Manufactory (France, 19th Century)" Archaeometry 63.5 (2021) pp. 941-959

Boschetti, C.; Lichtenberger, A.; Raja, R.; Wootton, W.; Schibille, N. "Loose glass tesserae and lost decorations: chronology and production of mosaics from Gerasa's Northwest Quarter*" Archaeometry 63.5 (2021) pp. 960-974

Li, H.; Gong, Y.; Cui, J.; Cai, Y.; Cai, Q.; Jiang, Z.; Zhou, Z.; Fan, J. "Imports or imitations?: Scientific and typological analysis of the bronze artefacts at the Moutuo Archaeological Site, Sichuan, China*" Archaeometry 63.5 (2021) pp. 975-990

Retko, K.; Legan, L.; Kavcic, M.; Ropret, P. "Characterization of painted beehive panels: Slovenian unique folk art creativity*" Archaeometry 63.5 (2021) pp. 991-1008

Mercuri, F.; Ceccarelli, S.; Orazi, N.; Cicero, C.; Paoloni, S.; Felici, A.C.; Matera, F.; Nuzzo, M.; Zammit, U. "Combined use of infrared imaging techniques for the study of underlying features in the Santa Maria in Cosmedin altarpiece" Archaeometry 63.5 (2021) pp. 1009-1023

Beaumont, Julia; Bekvalac, Jelena; Harris, Samuel; Batt, Catherine M. "Identifying Cohorts Using Isotope Mass Spectrometry: The Potential of Temporal Resolution and Dietary Profiles" Archaeometry 63.5 (2021) pp. 1024-1041

Han, B.; Chong, J.; Sun, Z.; Jiang, X.; Xiao, Q.; Zech, J.; Roberts, P.; Rao, H.; Yang, Y. "The rise of the cosmetic industry in ancient China: Insights from a 2700-year-old face cream" Archaeometry 63.5 (2021) pp. 1042-1058

Janowski, Lukasz; Kubacka, Maria; Pydyn, Andrzej; Popek, Mateusz; Gajewski, Lukasz "From acoustics to underwater archaeology: Deep investigation of a shallow lake using high-resolution hydroacoustics--The case of Lake Lednica, Poland" Archaeometry 63.5 (2021) pp. 1059-1080

Macleod, N.; Nash, B. "Ford's Gamma-Gamma Village Simulation Revisited: Highlighting the Need for a New Middle-Range Theory of Archaeological Types1" Archaeometry 63.5 (2021) pp. 1081-1104

Korokhina, A.V.; Grechko, D.S. "Scythian Culture burial complexes of the Dnipro Left-bank forest steppe: A multivariate analysis" Archaeometry 63.5 (2021) pp. 1105-1120

Daugbjerg, T.S.; Lindroos, A.; Heinemeier, J.; Ringbom, A.; Barrett, G.; Michalska, D.; Hajdas, I.; Raja, R.; Olsen, J. "A field guide to mortar sampling for radiocarbon dating*" Archaeometry 63.5 (2021) pp. 1121-1140

Kuzmin, Y.V.; Vorobei, I.E.; Glascock, M.D.; Grebennikov, A.V. "Sourcing of obsidian artefacts from the Omolon River basin and the neighbouring region (north-eastern Siberia): Prehistoric procurement from Kamchatkan and Chukotkan sources" Archaeometry 63.6 (2021) pp. 1141-1156

Beltrame, M.; Sitzia, F.; Arruda, A.M.; Barrulas, P.; Barata, F.T.; Mirao, J. "The Islamic Ceramic of the Santarem Alcacova: Raw Materials, Technology, and Trade" Archaeometry 63.6 (2021) pp. 1157-1177

Ma, D.; Zhao, X.F.; Jiang, X.C. Y.; Wang, C.S.; Luo, W.G. "Study on Cizhou-Style Inlaid Porcelain, the Northern Song Dynasty (960--1,127 AD), China" Archaeometry 63.6 (2021) pp. 1178-1191

Ting, C.; Zralka, J.; Hermes, B. "Maya Pottery Production at Nakum, Guatemala, during the Protoclassic Period (100/50 BC -- AD 300/350)" Archaeometry 63.6 (2021) pp. 1192-1215

Bauerova, P.; STorkanova, M. Kracik; Macova, P.; Pavlikova, M.; Scheinherrova, L.; Keppert, M. "Searching for common technological features of 19th--20th-century mosaic mortars ascribed to the Neuhauser company" Archaeometry 63.6 (2021) pp. 1216-1235

Walder, H.; Petrus, J.A.; Dussubieux, L.; Hancock, R.G. V.; Hawkins, A.L. "Comparing Chemistries: Inter-Laboratory Evaluation of Glass Bead Compositional Research in the Great Lakes Region" Archaeometry 63.6 (2021) pp. 1236-1254

Then-Obluska, J.; Dussubieux, L. "Beads for the nomads of late antiquity: Chemical characterization of glass from the Blemmyan tumuli at Kalabsha, Nubia, of the mid-fourth century CE" Archaeometry 63.6 (2021) pp. 1255-1271

Mecking, Oliver "Determination of PGE and Re in archaeological bronzes: New ways to determine the origin of archaeological copper alloys*" Archaeometry 63.6 (2021) pp. 1272-1289

Chen, D.; Han, Y.; Wang, Z.; Chen, K.; Cai, B.; Liu, S. "The prestigious tin--lead horse fittings in the Warring States Period: Evidence from funerary artefacts of a Warring States Tomb at Shouxian, Anhui" Archaeometry 63.6 (2021) pp. 1290-1305

Ho, J.W.I.; Erb-Satullo, N.L. "Spatial investigation of technological choice and recycling in copper-base metallurgy of the South Caucasus" Archaeometry 63.6 (2021) pp. 1306-1326

Modarresi, P.; Jafari, R.; Noghani, S. "Recognition of vermilion preparation methods in Safavid illustrated manuscripts through colorimetric analysis" Archaeometry 63.6 (2021) pp. 1327-1341

Vykukal, R.; Mavridis, F.; Tankosic, Z. "Lipid Analysis of Pottery from the Early Bronze Age II Burials at Ayia Triada Cave, Southern Euboea, Greece: Evidence for Ritualized Consumption?" Archaeometry 63.6 (2021) pp. 1342-1362

Stark, R.J.; Ciesielska, J.A.; Obluski, A. "An Isotopic Assessment of Makurian Monastic Diet at the Medieval Nubian Monastery of Ghazali, Sudan (Ca. 680--1,275 CE)" Archaeometry 63.6 (2021) pp. 1363-1382

Yoshimura, K.; Doi, N.; Katagiri, C.; Yoneda, M. "Fluorine Content of Fossil Human Bones Excavated from the SHIRAHO-SAONETABARU Cave Site, ISHIGAKI Is., Okinawa, Japan, as a Chronological and Sedimentary Environmental Index" Archaeometry 63.6 (2021) pp. 1383-1404

Osypinski, P.; Burrough, S.; Skinner, A.; Standzikowski, K. "Re-examining the age of the Affad MSA deposits in the Middle Nile Valley" Archaeometry 63.6 (2021) pp. 1405-1420

Raghavan, M.; Maigur, R.K. "Indian Costumes through the Ages: Insights into Sartorial Choices Using Mathematical Biology" Archaeometry 63.6 (2021) pp. 1421-1437

Olive, Peter "Red Herrings and Perceptual Filters: Problems and Opportunities for Aeschylus's Supplices" Arethusa 54.1 (2021) pp. 1-29

Taylor, Rabun "Daughters of Mnemosyne: Architecture, Distributed Cognition, and the Helleno-Roman Theater" Arethusa 54.1 (2021) pp. 31-72

Feltovich, Anne "Controlling Images: Enslaved Women in Greek and Roman Comedy" Arethusa 54.1 (2021) pp. 73-92

Hartman, Joshua "Creative Destruction: Metaliterary Tree Violation in Claudian's De Raptu Proserpinae" Arethusa 54.1 (2021) pp. 93-120

Lesser, Rachel H. "Sappho's Mythic Models for Female Homoeroticism" Arethusa 54.2 (2021) pp. 121-161

Johnson, Marguerite; Kimball, Nicole "Performing Theocritus's Pharmakeutria: Revealing Hellenistic Witchcraft" Arethusa 54.2 (2021) pp. 163-184

Glauthier, Patrick "Homer Redivivus? Rethinking the Transmigration of the Soul in Ennius's Annals" Arethusa 54.2 (2021) pp. 185-220

Haller, Benjamin Stephen "Justice, Revenge, and Unexpected Theodicy in Lars Von Trier's Dogville and Euripides' Medea" Arethusa 54.2 (2021) pp. 221-267

Formisano, Marco; Sogno, Cristiana "Origins and Original Moments in Late Greek and Latin Texts" Arethusa 54.3 (2021) pp. 269-273

Formisano, Marco "The King Listens: Origins, Noises, and Panegyric in Sidonius Apollinaris' Carmen 1" Arethusa 54.3 (2021) pp. 275-290

Hadjittofi, Fotini "'All The Famous Deeds of Achilles Are Yours': Homeric Exemplarity in Late Antique Panegyric" Arethusa 54.3 (2021) pp. 291-320

Lobato, Jesus Hernandez "In the Name-of-the-Father: Rutilius Namatianus and the Collapse of Classical Logocentrism" Arethusa 54.3 (2021) pp. 321-359

Sowers, Brian "Expunging Originality: Alexandrian Critics in Late Antique Gaul" Arethusa 54.3 (2021) pp. 361-378

Greensmith, Emma "Beginning at the End in Imperial Greek Epic" Arethusa 54.3 (2021) pp. 379-397

Maticic, Del A. "Alluvium and Interlude: The Dynamics of Relationality in Ausonius's Mosella" Arethusa 54.3 (2021) pp. 399-423

Heintges, Elizabeth "What is Dead May Never Die: Sicilian Regeneration in Claudian's De Raptu Proserpinae" Arethusa 54.3 (2021) pp. 425-454

Goldhill, Simon "Beginning with God: Theology and Origins in Nonnus" Arethusa 54.3 (2021) pp. 455-471

Burrus, Virginia "The Bible as Writing Machine: Reflections on a Late Ancient Theory of Literature" Arethusa 54.3 (2021) pp. 473-486

Perry, Lincoln "Sculpture: Only Connect" Arion 29.1 (2021) pp. 1-12

Jordan, J.M. "Kore in April" Arion 29.1 (2021) pp. 13-14

Ostrow, Steven F. "Bernini and the Poetics of Sculpture: The Capitoline Medusa" Arion 29.1 (2021) pp. 15-32

Blanchard, Jane "Rendezvous" Arion 29.1 (2021) pp. 33-34

Benson, Richard D. "Homeric Epithets that Seem to Be Humorously Ironic" Arion 29.1 (2021) pp. 35-62

Ganas, Michalis; Sharon, Avi "Ballad" Arion 29.1 (2021) pp. 63-90

Powers, Elizabeth "The End of Epic: Camilla and the Revenge of Dido" Arion 29.1 (2021) pp. 91-112

Leopardi, Giacomo; Willett, Steven J. "La Sera del di di Festa" Arion 29.1 (2021) pp. 113-114

Golder, Herbert "On Reflection: Print in the Digital Age, Where Light Comes to Light" Arion 29.1 (2021) pp. 115-144

Horace; Whalen, Patrick "Ode 1.11" Arion 29.1 (2021) pp. 145

Smith, Helaine L. "Bless thee, Bottom ... Thou art translated" Arion 29.1 (2021) pp. 147-168

Clay, Jenny Strauss "Traversing No-Man's Land" Arion 29.2 (2021) pp. 1-13

West, Michael "Mock Heroic before the Enlightenment--and After" Arion 29.2 (2021) pp. 15-51

Bernstein, Ilya "Michelangelo" Arion 29.2 (2021) pp. 55-56

Weeda, Konrad "Egypt or Maine: Horace and the Sublime in Robert Lowell" Arion 29.2 (2021) pp. 57-80

Barolsky, Paul "Ovid and the Art of Metamorphoses at the Met" Arion 29.2 (2021) pp. 81-94

Dugan, Lawrence "Three Poems" Arion 29.2 (2021) pp. 95-97

Averintsev, Sergej; Maslov, Boris "Toward an Interpretation of the Symbolism of the Oedipus Myth (1972)" Arion 29.2 (2021) pp. 99-123

Simons, Karen "In Praise of Circles: Reading Daniel Mendelsohn's Three Rings" Arion 29.2 (2021) pp. 125-149

Aicher, Peter "Creations of Class: Antiquity in New York City" Arion 29.2 (2021) pp. 151-175

Papadimitropoulos, Loukas "Pindar's Olympian 5. Athletic Victory and Political Power" Athenaeum 109.1 (2021) pp. 5-13

Lambas, Fernando Perez "Enfrentamientos paterno-filiales en la tragedia griega" Athenaeum 109.1 (2021) pp. 14-42

Giunchi, Eleonora "Cinis amoris. La cenere negli epigrammi erotici dell'Antologia Palatina" Athenaeum 109.1 (2021) pp. 43-63

Alexander, M. C. "The Ironic Interprettion of the Commentariolum Petitionis. A response to Prost, Tatum, and Sillett" Athenaeum 109.1 (2021) pp. 64-113

Cairns, F. "Ovid Amores 1.13.31-40. A Presence of Gallus?" Athenaeum 109.1 (2021) pp. 114-125

Gonzalez, Ana M. Rodriguez "Meretrix ab amatore forti caecata. Iniuria, talion y simetria en Ps Quint. decl. min. 297" Athenaeum 109.1 (2021) pp. 126-158

Lampeggi, J. "Il procurator ab ornamentis. Note sul custode dei gioielli imperiali nell'eta del principato" Athenaeum 109.1 (2021) pp. 158-166

Vioque, Guillermo Galan "Jacques Philippe d'Orville's Grand Tour. A European Trip in Search of Libraries. Manuscripts, and Ancient Books" Athenaeum 109.1 (2021) pp. 167-208

Piccioni, Francesca "Per il testo del De magia. Note in margine a una nuova edizione dei rhetorica di Apuleio" Athenaeum 109.1 (2021) pp. 209-222

Graffi, G. "Sintassi latina e grammatica generativa" Athenaeum 109.1 (2021) pp. 223-229

Marcone, A. "Prospettive tardoantiche 2020" Athenaeum 109.1 (2021) pp. 230-238

Beltrametti, A. "Dietro la trama compatta della rivolta ionican L'io di Erodoto e le memoie corali" Athenaeum 109.2 (2021) pp. 357-378

Piedrabuena, Sandra Rodriguez "The Expression of Approval in Euripides amd Aristophanes" Athenaeum 109.2 (2021) pp. 379-403

Charles, Michael B.; Singleton, M. "Am Rlephant Bone from Tamuda, Morocco. Contextual Observations and Historical Impications" Athenaeum 109.2 (2021) pp. 404-416

Acerbo, Stefano "Leggere e scrivere le tradizioni mitiche. Il lavoro del mitografo nella seziome teogonica della Biblioteca di Apollodoro" Athenaeum 109.2 (2021) pp. 417-437

Requena, M.J.; Sempere, A. "Entre la tirania y la hegemonia de masas. Imagenes de la democracia en la Vida de Pericles de Plutarco" Athenaeum 109.2 (2021) pp. 438-490

Reyes, Pedro Redondo "Claudio Ptolomeo y el origen del lenguaje" Athenaeum 109.2 (2021) pp. 491-512

Pellecchi, L. "Retorica di scuola, argomentazione forense e proceso nella declamatio minor 336 dello Ps. Quintiliano" Athenaeum 109.2 (2021) pp. 513-554

Guzman, Joan Oller "La "Pompeya del desierto". 200 anos del redescubrimiento del Mons Smaradus por Frederic Cailliaud" Athenaeum 109.2 (2021) pp. 555-596

Cohen, Susan; Pruzsinszky, Regine; Kilani, Marwan; Mynarova, Jana "From the Editors, Fall 2021" BASO 386 (2021) pp. ii-ii

Ferrara, Silvia; Montecchi, Barbara; Valerio, Miguel "The Making of a Script: Cretan Hieroglyphic and the Quest for Its Origins" BASO 386 (2021) pp. 1-22

Ben-Shlomo, David; Mccormick, Lauren K. "Judean Pillar Figurines and "Bed Models" from Tell en-Nasbeh: Typology and Petrographic Analysis" BASO 386 (2021) pp. 23-46

Genz, Hermann; Ahrens, Alexander "Recent Early Bronze Age Glyptic Finds from Lebanon: The Evidence from Tell Fadous-Kfarabida" BASO 386 (2021) pp. 47-76

Asscher, Yotam; Martin, Mario A.S.; Master, Daniel; Boaretto, Elisabetta "A Radiocarbon Sequence for the Late Bronze to Iron Age Transition at Ashkelon: Timing Early Philistine Pottery" BASO 386 (2021) pp. 77-93

Regine Hunziker-Rodewald, Khaled A. Douglas "Performance Frozen in Time: A New Iron Age II Female Ceramic Figurine from Jneneh, North Central Jordan" BASO 386 (2021) pp. 95-112

Robert Wenning, Megan A. Perry "Cybele, Atargatis, or Allat? A Surprising Tomb Artifact from Petra's North Ridge" BASO 386 (2021) pp. 113-132

Meyer, Carol "Islamic and Pre-Islamic Glass from Nippur" BASO 386 (2021) pp. 133-175

van den Brink, Edwin Cornelis Martinus; Chasan, Rivka; Rosenberg, Danny "Sifting Through: The Characteristics and Significance of Ceramic Strainer-Vessels in the Chalcolithic Period of the Southern Levant" BASO 386 (2021) pp. 177-207

Maeir, Aren M. "Identity Creation and Resource Controlling Strategies: Thoughts on Edomite Ethnogenesis and Development" BASO 386 (2021) pp. 209-220

Sowada, Karin; Ownby, Mary; Barta, Miroslav "The Origin of Imported Jars from 6th Dynasty Abusir: New Light on Early Bronze Age Egyptian-Levantine Relations" BASO 386 (2021) pp. 221-236

Taxel, Itamar; Sasson, Avraham (Avi); Fischer, Moshe; Amitai-Preiss, Nitzan "The Archaeology of Regional Muslim Pilgrimage Reevaluated: The Site of Nabi Rubin (Israel) as a Case Study" BASO 386 (2021) pp. 237-282

Renner, Timothy "John Whitehorne (1944-2020)" BASP 58 (2021) pp. 7-8

Bruce, William "The Ptolemies and the Myth of Andromeda and Perseus. Edition of P.Vinob. G 42484" BASP 58 (2021) pp. 9-22

Zellmann-Rohrer, Michael "'Your City is Memphis'. A Magical Formulary with a Prose Hymn" BASP 58 (2021) pp. 23-31

Morelli, Federico "Tra Archimede e Descartes. Le 24 potenze di P.Vindob. G 27574" BASP 58 (2021) pp. 33-52

Cheung, Caroline "A Ptolemaic Lease (P.Tebt. 1.137 descr.)" BASP 58 (2021) pp. 53-78

Salati, Ornella "Un inedito frammento militare in lingua latina" BASP 58 (2021) pp. 79-85

Mahmoud Masoud, D.; Ast, Rodney; Bagnall, Roger S. "Two Archives of Ostraka from Ain es-Sabil" BASP 58 (2021) pp. 87-134

Micucci, Federica "'I Renounced my Children as Aforesaid'. A Consensual Divorce of 369" BASP 58 (2021) pp. 135-148

Hickey, Todd "An Order from the Late Antique Herakleopolite Nome (P.Lund inv. 41)" BASP 58 (2021) pp. 149-154

Causo, Serena "A Lease of a Room from Oxyrhynchus at Washington University in St. Louis" BASP 58 (2021) pp. 155-164

Monte, Anna "A Land Lease from Oxyrhynchus at Washington University in St. Louis" BASP 58 (2021) pp. 165-171

Gonis, Nikolaos "Three More Hermopolite Samaritans" BASP 58 (2021) pp. 173-175

Wyman, David "A Byzantine Land Lease from Hermopolis" BASP 58 (2021) pp. 177-186

Berkes, Lajos; Haug, Brendan "Two Topographical Tax-Registers in Greek from Eighth-Century Fayyum" BASP 58 (2021) pp. 187-201

Vanthieghem, Naim; Weitz, Lev "A Companion of Muhammad in the Oldest Egyptian Bilingual Entagion" BASP 58 (2021) pp. 203-214

Kamal Mamdouh, Ahmed "A Written Obligation from al-Usmunayn from the Year 339 AH/950 CE" BASP 58 (2021) pp. 215-221

Ioannidou, Kyriaki A. "Menander's Heros. A New Reconstruction of the Smaller Cairo Codex Fragments (dez, gO, eth)" BASP 58 (2021) pp. 223-247

Kaltsas, Demokritos "Textual Remarks on Two Papyri of the Greek Novel" BASP 58 (2021) pp. 249-265

Costanza, Salvatore; Papathomas, Amphilochios "Per una riedizione del trattato di ieroscopia P.Gen. inv. 161" BASP 58 (2021) pp. 267-297

Askeland, Christian "Carbon Dating and the Tchacos Codex" BASP 58 (2021) pp. 299-314

Dogaer, Nico "The Black Market in Oil in Ptolemaic Egypt" BASP 58 (2021) pp. 315-341

Broux, Yanne "SB 10.10527 (TM 14312) and the Scale of Ousiac Land in Egypt" BASP 58 (2021) pp. 343-358

Iovine, Giulio "Some Remarks on P.Carlsberg inv. 555 + PSI inv. D 111" BASP 58 (2021) pp. 359-376

Gonis, Nikolaos "New Readings of Personal Names (2)" BASP 58 (2021) pp. 377-385

Gonis, Nikolaos; Morelli, Federico "Making Sense of the Numbers. Three Money Accounts from Seventh-Century Fayyum" BASP 58 (2021) pp. 387-400

* "Notes on Papyri" BASP 58 (2021) pp. 401-408

Delattre, Alain; Dijkstra, Jitse; van der Vliet, Jacques "Christian Inscriptions from Egypt and Nubia 8 (2020)" BASP 58 (2021) pp. 409-460

Montana, Fausto "Exegetical dialogue through compilation: examples from the h-family of the Iliad scholia" BICS 64.1 (2021) pp. 6-16

Schironi, Francesca "Aristarchus in his own words? What his 'most secure' fragments can tell us about Aristarchus' commentaries and their transmission" BICS 64.1 (2021) pp. 17-34

Nunlist, Rene "Nicanor: more than a punctuator" BICS 64.1 (2021) pp. 35-47

Beck, Bill "Reading for Achilles in the bT-Scholia to the Iliad" BICS 64.1 (2021) pp. 48-58

Hunter, Richard "Some problems in the 'Deception of Zeus'" BICS 64.1 (2021) pp. 59-72

Haubold, Johannes "The scholiast as poet: Tzetzes and his Allegories of the Iliad" BICS 64.1 (2021) pp. 73-80

Perisanidi, Maroula; Thomas, Oliver "Homeric scholarship in the pulpit: the case of Eustathius' sermons" BICS 64.1 (2021) pp. 81-94

Pontani, Filippomaria "Translating Homeric scholia: five case studies from the fourteenth to the eighteenth century" BICS 64.1 (2021) pp. 95-109

Guthenke, Constanze "'The Alexandrian scholar poets are our ancestors': ancient scholarship and modern self-perception" BICS 64.1 (2021) pp. 110-120

Cavarzeran, J. "Alcuni testimoni degli scholia all'Ippolito di epoca umanistica: la famiglia x e 'incunabolo di Scipione Carteromaco" BollClass 42 (2021) pp. na

Consonni, F. "Ancora sulla 'recensione [theta]' dei Moralia di Plutarco: nuove tracce di un'operazione filologica di eta paleologa" BollClass 42 (2021) pp. na

Dimatteo, G. "Iuv. 3, 107-108: l'adulatore e le 'imprese' del patrono" BollClass 42 (2021) pp. na

Giacomelli, C. "Il lungo viaggio di un manoscritto. Il Luciano Vat. Pal. gr. 73, da Bisanzio all'Italia" BollClass 42 (2021) pp. na

Natale, A. "Sull'epodo della parodo nelle Baccanti di Euripide (vv. 135-143) F. PAGANI, Sulla tradizione manoscritta della versione delle Leggi di Platone di Giorgio Trapezunzio" BollClass 42 (2021) pp. na

Sardone, I. "Demostene, De Corona $ 18: un raffronto tra P.Oxy. IV 700 e la tradizione manoscritta medievale" BollClass 42 (2021) pp. na

Vespoli, L. "La paelex e Filomela: Poliziano esegeta di Iuv. 2,54-57" BollClass 42 (2021) pp. na

Galli, L. "Lucrezio VI 762 e la strategia del dubbio ." BollClass 42 (2021) pp. 65-75

Stefani, M. "Per un'edizione critica delle note di Marsilio Ficino all'Etica Nicomachea nel manoscritto Riccardiano 135" BollClass 42 (2021) pp. 173-193

Pitts, Martin "York's 'African-style' Severan Pottery Reconsidered" Britannia 52 (2021) pp. 3-32

Shaffrey, Ruth "Feeding Roman Silchester: Querns and Millstones in and around Roman Towns" Britannia 52 (2021) pp. 33-65

Burnham, Barry C.; Davies, Jeffrey L. "Forts, Vici and Related Extramural Activity in Wales and the Marches: Recent Discoveries at the Roman Fort of Pen y Gaer (Powys) and their Wider Implications" Britannia 52 (2021) pp. 67-95

Hodgson, Nick "The End of the Ninth Legion, War in Britain and the Building of Hadrian's Wall" Britannia 52 (2021) pp. 97-118

Wiseman, Rob; Neil, Benjamin; Mazzilli, Francesca "Extreme Justice: Decapitations and Prone Burials in Three Late Roman Cemeteries at Knobb's Farm, Cambridgeshire" Britannia 52 (2021) pp. 119-173

Chinnock, Chris; Marshall, Michael "An Unusual Roman Fettered Burial from Great Casterton, Rutland" Britannia 52 (2021) pp. 175-206

Fulford, Michael; Machin, Sara "Building Britannia: Pre-Flavian Private and Public Construction across Southern Britain" Britannia 52 (2021) pp. 207-255

Coombe, Penny; Hayward, Kevin; Henig, Martin "The Sculpted and Architectural Stonework from Stanwick Roman Villa, Northamptonshire" Britannia 52 (2021) pp. 227-275

Barker, Simon J.; Hayward, Kevin; Coombe, Penny "Londinium's Landward Wall: Material Acquisition, Supply and Construction" Britannia 52 (2021) pp. 277-326

Pearce, John; Speed, Gavin; Cooper, Nicholas J. "At Death's Door: A Scene of Damnatio ad Bestias on a Key Handle from Leicester" Britannia 52 (2021) pp. 327-342

van der Veen, Vincent "Women in Roman Military Bases: Gendered Brooches from the Augustan Military Base and Flavio-Trajanic Fortress at Nijmegen, the Netherlands" Britannia 52 (2021) pp. 343-363

Hudak, Eniko "A Chi-Rho Graffito from Brandon House, Southwark" Britannia 52 (2021) pp. 364-368

Maw, Eleanor "The Harpham Roman Villa in Context: Insights from an Integrated Remote-Sensing Survey on the Yorkshire Wolds" Britannia 52 (2021) pp. 369-384

Hodgson, Nick "The Plan of the Roman Fort at Dalswinton: A Comment" Britannia 52 (2021) pp. 385-390

Chapman, Evan M. "Roman Britain in 2020: Wales" Britannia 52 (2021) pp. 392

Hunter, Fraser "Roman Britain in 2020: Scotland" Britannia 52 (2021) pp. 392-395

Walas, Anna H. "Roman Britain in 2020: Hadrian's Wall" Britannia 52 (2021) pp. 395-396

Walas, Anna H. "Roman Britain in 2020: Northern England" Britannia 52 (2021) pp. 397-407

Lyons, Alice "Roman Britain in 2020: The Midlands" Britannia 52 (2021) pp. 407-415

Lyons, Alice "Roman Britain in 2020: East Anglia" Britannia 52 (2021) pp. 416-423

Watson, Sadie "Roman Britain in 2020: Greater London" Britannia 52 (2021) pp. 423-424

Salvatore, John P. "Roman Britain in 2020: South-Western Counties" Britannia 52 (2021) pp. 424-428

Salvatore, John P. "Roman Britain in 2020: Southern Counties (West)" Britannia 52 (2021) pp. 428-431

Watson, Sadie "Roman Britain in 2020: Southern Counties (East)" Britannia 52 (2021) pp. 431-434

Pearce, John; Worrell, Sally "Roman Britain in 2020: Finds reported under the Portable Antiquities Scheme" Britannia 52 (2021) pp. 435-463

Tomlin, R.S.O. "Roman Britain in 2020: Inscriptions" Britannia 52 (2021) pp. 465-484

Haughton, M. "Seeing Children in Prehistory: A View from Bronze Age Ireland" CAJ 31.3 (2021) pp. 363-378

Booth, T.; Bruck, J.; Brace, S.; Barnes, I. "Tales from the Supplementary Information: Ancestry Change in Chalcolithic--Early Bronze Age Britain Was Gradual with Varied Kinship Organization" CAJ 31.3 (2021) pp. 379-400

Hogue, T. "Thinking Through Monuments: Levantine Monuments as Technologies of Community-Scale Motivated Social Cognition" CAJ 31.3 (2021) pp. 401-417

Fleming, A. "Soay Sheep: The Back-story" CAJ 31.3 (2021) pp. 419-436

Petek-Sargeant, N.; Lane, P. "Weathering Climate Change in Archaeology: Conceptual Challenges and an East African Case Study" CAJ 31.3 (2021) pp. 437-454

Fernandez-Gotz, M.; Gardner, A.; Diaz de Liano, G.; Harris, O. "Posthumanism in Archaeology: An Introduction" CAJ 31.3 (2021) pp. 455-459

Preucel, R. "The Predicament of Ontology" CAJ 31.3 (2021) pp. 461-467

Crellin, R.; Harris, O. "What Difference Does Posthumanism Make?" CAJ 31.3 (2021) pp. 469-475

Witmore, C. "Finding symmetry? Archaeology, Objects, and Posthumanism" CAJ 31.3 (2021) pp. 477-485

Van Dyke, R. "Ethics, Not Objects" CAJ 31.3 (2021) pp. 487-493

McGuire, R. "A Relational Marxist Critique of Posthumanism in Archaeology" CAJ 31.3 (2021) pp. 495-501

Gardner, A. "Taking the Wrong Turn? Re-examining the Potential for Practice Approaches in Archaeology" CAJ 31.3 (2021) pp. 503-508

Cipolla, C. "Posthuman Potentials: Considering Collaborative Indigenous Archaeology" CAJ 31.3 (2021) pp. 509-514

Marshall, Y. "Indigenous Theory is Theory: Whakapapa for Archaeologists" CAJ 31.3 (2021) pp. 515-524

Fredengren, C. "Bodily Entanglements: Gender, Archaeological Sciences and the More-than-ness of Archaeological Bodies" CAJ 31.3 (2021) pp. 525-531

Ribeiro, A. "Revisiting the Chinese Room: Looking for Agency in a World Packed with Archaeological Things" CAJ 31.3 (2021) pp. 533-541

Diaz de Liano, G.; Fernandez-Gotz, M. "Posthumanism, New Humanism and Beyond" CAJ 31.3 (2021) pp. 543-549

Pellini, Jose Roberto "Dung on the Wall. Ontology and Relationality in Qurna: The Case of TT123" CAJ 31.4 (2021) pp. 551-563

Marin-Aguilera, Beatriz "Subaltern Debris: Archaeology and Marginalized Communities" CAJ 31.4 (2021) pp. 565-580

Rante, Rocco; Trionfetti, Federico "Economic Aspects of Settlement in the Oasis of Bukhara, Uzbekistan: An Archaeo-Economic Approach" CAJ 31.4 (2021) pp. 581-596

Moen, Marianne; Walsh, Matthew J. "Agents of Death: Reassessing Social Agency and Gendered Narratives of Human Sacrifice in the Viking Age" CAJ 31.4 (2021) pp. 597-611

Plaza, Maria Teresa; Martinon-Torres, Marcos "Technology, Use and Reuse of Gold during the Middle Period: The Case of Casa Parroquial, Atacama Desert, Chile" CAJ 31.4 (2021) pp. 613-637

Rainio, Riitta; Gerasimov, Dmitry V.; Girya, Evgeny Yu.; Mannermaa, Kristiina "Prehistoric Pendants as Instigators of Sound and Body Movements: A Traceological Case Study from Northeast Europe, c. 8200 cal. bp" CAJ 31.4 (2021) pp. 639-660

Buster, Lindsey "Iron Age Mnemonics: A Biographical Approach to Dwelling in Later Prehistoric Britain" CAJ 31.4 (2021) pp. 661-674

Hutchence, Laurie; Scott, Christopher "Is Acheulean Handaxe Shape the Result of Imposed 'Mental Templates' or Emergent in Manufacture? Dissolving the Dichotomy through Exploring 'Communities of Practice' at Boxgrove, UK" CAJ 31.4 (2021) pp. 675-686

Cannell, Rebecca J.S. "What Makes a Mound? Earth-Sourced Materials in Late Iron Age Burial Mounds" CAJ 31.4 (2021) pp. 687-703

Vidale, Massimo; Eskandari, Nasir; Shafiee, Mojgan; Caldana, Irene; Desset, Francois "Animal Scavenging as Social Metaphor: A Carved Chlorite Vessel of the Halil Rud Civilization, Kerman, Iran, Mid Third Millennium BC" CAJ 31.4 (2021) pp. 705-722

Carlson, Reed "Provocateurs, Examiners, and Fools: Divine Opponents to the Aqedah in Early Judaism" CBQ 83.3 (2021) pp. 373-389

Ganzel, Tova "First-Month Rituals in Ezekiel's Temple Vision: A Pentateuchal and Babylonian Comparison" CBQ 83.3 (2021) pp. 390-406

Lancaster, Mason "Wounds and Healing, Dew and Lions: Hosea's Development of Divine Metaphors" CBQ 83.3 (2021) pp. 407-424

Lim, Eunyung "Entering the Kingdom of Heaven Not like the Sons of Earthly Kings (Matthew 17: 24--18:5)" CBQ 83.3 (2021) pp. 425-445

Reeder, Caryn A. "Mary's Sword: Women and War in the Gospel of Luke" CBQ 83.3 (2021) pp. 446-465

Morales, Isaac Augustine O.P. "Baptism, Holiness, and Resurrection Hope in Romans 6" CBQ 83.3 (2021) pp. 466-481

Glanville, Mark R. "[---] (herem) as Israelite Identity Formation: Canaanite Destruction and the Stranger ([--], ger)" CBQ 83.3 (2021) pp. 547-570

Glanville, Mark R. "[---] (herem) as Israelite Identity Formation: Canaanite Destruction and the Stranger ([--], ger)" CBQ 83.3 (2021) pp. 547-570

Warnez, Matthew T., B.H. "The Agony at Mahanaim: Jacob--Esau Parallels in the David--Absalom Conflict" CBQ 83.3 (2021) pp. 571-587

Warnez, Matthew T., B.H. "The Agony at Mahanaim: Jacob--Esau Parallels in the David--Absalom Conflict" CBQ 83.3 (2021) pp. 571-587

Stinson, Michelle A. "Turning Tables in Israel's History: Food Language and Reversals in Psalms 105 and 106" CBQ 83.3 (2021) pp. 588-598

Stinson, Michelle A. "Turning Tables in Israel's History: Food Language and Reversals in Psalms 105 and 106" CBQ 83.3 (2021) pp. 588-598

O'Connor, Maurice John-Patrick "Moral Accountability according to Mark" CBQ 83.3 (2021) pp. 599-618

O'Connor, Maurice John-Patrick "Moral Accountability according to Mark" CBQ 83.3 (2021) pp. 599-618

Proctor, Mark A. "'If Christ Has Not Been Raised': 1 Corinthians 15:17 and the Hamartiological Inefficacy of a Compromised Gospel" CBQ 83.3 (2021) pp. 619-637

Dyer, Bryan R. "'All of These Died in Faith': Hebrews 11 and Faith in the Face of Death" CBQ 83.3 (2021) pp. 638-654

Bryan, Jenny "The Role of Lysias' Speech in Plato's Phaedrus" CCJ 67 (2021) pp. 1-24

Case, Zachary "What's Nietzsche to Euripides? The Aesthetics of Suffering in Nietzsche's Birth of Tragedy and Euripides' Trojan Women" CCJ 67 (2021) pp. 25-50

Favi, Federico "The Staging of Menander's Sikyonioi" CCJ 67 (2021) pp. 51-65

Huitink, Luuk; Willi, Andreas "Protagoras and the Beginnings of Grammar" CCJ 67 (2021) pp. 66-92

Lloyd, D.R. "Simplicius on the Filling of Space, In caelo 655.9--656.5: A Deliberate Mistake?" CCJ 67 (2021) pp. 93-118

Tribulato, Olga "Antiatticist E 6 Valente (Esukhios): a proposal for a different textual arrangement" CCJ 67 (2021) pp. 119-134

Whitmarsh, Tim "Less Care, More Stress: A Rhythmic Poem from the Roman Empire" CCJ 67 (2021) pp. 135-163

Woodman, A.J. "Horace's Monument" CCJ 67 (2021) pp. 164-169

* "Less Care, More Stress: A Rhythmic Poem from the Roman Empire -- Corrigendum" CCJ 67 (2021) pp. 170

Bojowald, Stefan "Einige zusatzliche Bemerkungen zum agyptischen Wort "isk" im Amduat, 7. Stunde/oberes Register" CE 96.191 (2021) pp. 5-9

Birk, Ralph "Der Rand des Rosettasteins. Eine Neulesung von Z. 1 des hieroglyphischen Texts" CE 96.191 (2021) pp. 10-22

Madkour, Haitham "An Approach to Sound Devices Used in Ptolemaic Hieroglyphic Texts: Types, Styles and Functions" CE 96.191 (2021) pp. 23-38

Dalino, Edwin "Un ou deux vizirs (Pa)Rahotep sous Ramses II ? Tentative de resolution d'un probleme centenaire" CE 96.191 (2021) pp. 39-59

Taterka, Filip "Hidden in Plain Sight, or Where to Look for the Mysterious Land of Bia-Punt" CE 96.191 (2021) pp. 60-75

Cannuyer, Christian "Le pretendu monotheisme d'Akhenaton : une question de definition" CE 96.191 (2021) pp. 76-81

Lenaerts, Jean "Fragment sur le travail des artisans : P. Aberd. 123" CE 96.191 (2021) pp. 93-101

Pintaudi, Rosario; Martin, Alain "Narmouthis 2001. Documents decouverts a Medinet Madi en 2001 (I)" CE 96.191 (2021) pp. 102-113

Gonis, Nikolaos "P.Athen. 48: Tax registers from Karanis" CE 96.191 (2021) pp. 114-120

Colella, Lucia C. "Sulla emancipatio puellae preservata in P.Lips. inv. 136 = ChLA XII 521" CE 96.191 (2021) pp. 121-128

Chapinal-Heras, Diego; Espana-Chamorro, Sergio "A new Graeco-Egyptian magical amulet of Anguipes with an apotropaic inscription" CE 96.191 (2021) pp. 129-136

Di Giglio, Anna "Il satiro Skirtos del mosaico di Ismailia e le calzature a percussione" CE 96.191 (2021) pp. 137-142

Amory, Yasmine; Stolk, Joanne Vera "A Coptic letter to Dioscorus of Aphrodite from the collection of the Ghent University Library" CE 96.191 (2021) pp. 147-153

Delattre, Alain "Trois recus de taxe de Leipzig" CE 96.191 (2021) pp. 154-163

Berkes, Lajos; Delattre, Alain; Vanthieghem, Naim "A Ninth-century Coptic Tax Refund Document. Reedition of CPR IV 197" CE 96.191 (2021) pp. 164-172

Benjamins, Joshua "Slavery, Redemption, and Manumission as Structural Metaphors in Augustine's Theology" CJ 40.2 (2021) pp. 195--220

Edwards, Catharine "Visualizing Pain: Psychotherapy, Emotion, and Embodied Cognition in Seneca's Letter" CJ 40.2 (2021) pp. 221--248

Millar, Jane "Roman Climate Awareness in Pliny the Elder's Natural History" CJ 40.2 (2021) pp. 249--282

Park, Monica "Textualization and Archive in Callimachus' Hymn to Delos" CJ 40.2 (2021) pp. 283--315

Piros, Elliott "The Materiality of Monetary Value in Martial's Epigrams" CJ 40.2 (2021) pp. 316--342

Oliver, Ian "Plataea Performed: The Impact of Audience on Herodotus's Histories" CJ 117.1 (2021) pp. 1-31

Galfre, Edoardo "Tristia 1 and the Incompleteness of Ovid's Exile Poetry" CJ 117.1 (2021) pp. 32-66

Tuck, Steven L. "Terrae Motu Conlapsum: A Post-Earthquake Rebuilding Inscription at Pompeii in Imperial and Local Contexts" CJ 117.1 (2021) pp. 67-90

Spinelli, Tommaso "Crudelis Vincit Pater: Oedipal Paternities in Statius' Thebaid" CJ 117.1 (2021) pp. 91-119

Spelman, Henry "Staging Literary History in Old Comedy" CPh 116.3 (2021) pp. 305-335

Folch, Marcus "Political Prisoners in Democratic Athens, 490--318 BCE Part I: The Athenian Inmate Population" CPh 116.3 (2021) pp. 336-368

Torre, Chiara "Ekphrastic Games: Ovid, the Gorgoneion, and the Invisible Shield" CPh 116.3 (2021) pp. 369-391

Laszlo, Levente "Revisiting the Authenticity of Porphyry's Introduction to Ptolemy's "Apotelesmatics"" CPh 116.3 (2021) pp. 392-411

Farrington, Scott T. "What a Feeling! Painting and the Origin of "Nothing to do With Dionysus"" CPh 116.3 (2021) pp. 412-424

Youd, David "Getting Bronze in the Sun: Making Sense of the Remains of Plautus' Vidularia" CPh 116.3 (2021) pp. 424-435

Arino, Borja Diaz "Epigraphy and Collective Memory: Cicero and the War Booty Inscriptions" CPh 116.3 (2021) pp. 435-445

Cannizzaro, Francesco "Statius' Silvae 4.8 and 4.9: The Poet's Anger and Patronage" CPh 116.3 (2021) pp. 445-455

Lamont, Jessica L. "Cosmogonies of the Bound: Titans, Giants, and Early Greek Binding Spells" CPh 116.4 (2021) pp. 471-497

Folch, Marcus "Political Prisoners in Democratic Athens, 490--318 BCE Part II: Narrating Incarceration in Athenian Historiography and Oratory" CPh 116.4 (2021) pp. 498-514

O'Connor, Stephen "Sailors, Soldiers, and Market Exchanges in the Classical Greek World: The Constraints on Opportunism" CPh 116.4 (2021) pp. 515-536

Nicolay, Rene De "Licentia: Cicero on the Suicide of Political Communities" CPh 116.4 (2021) pp. 537-562

Gervais, Kyle "No Cock-Up: Sophisticated Classical Allusion in the Medieval Pseudo-Ovidian Metamorphosis Flaminis in Gallum" CPh 116.4 (2021) pp. 563-587

Reitzammer, Laurialan "Ismene's Hat: Sophocles Oedipus at Colonus 313--14" CPh 116.4 (2021) pp. 588-592

Compton-Engle, Gwendolyn "Holding the Baby: A Parody of Euripides' Auge at Philyllius Fragment 4" CPh 116.4 (2021) pp. 592-599

Gruchalski, Jakub "Capitolium Vetus: A New Street in Rome?" CPh 116.4 (2021) pp. 599-603

Brandwood, Steven "Irrumator/Imperator: A Political Joke in Catullus 10?" CPh 116.4 (2021) pp. 603-613

Wassenhove, Bart Van "Moral Sententiae and Progressor Emotions in Seneca's Philosophical Works" CPh 116.4 (2021) pp. 613-623

Keil, Matthew A. "Lactantius' Adaptation and Rejection of Lucretius De rerum natura 1.936--50" CPh 116.4 (2021) pp. 623-634

Ballesteros, Bernardo "On Gilgamesh and Homer: Ishtar, Aphrodite and the Meaning of a Parallel" CQ 71.1 (2021) pp. 1-21 < doi: 10.1017/S0009838821000513 >

Cullhed, Eric "The Dipylon Oinochoe and Ancient Greek Dance Aesthetics" CQ 71.1 (2021) pp. 22-33 < doi: 10.1017/S000983882100046X >

Anderson, Daniel "Semantic Satiation for Poetic Effect" CQ 71.1 (2021) pp. 34-51 < doi: 10.1017/S0009838821000471 >

Gribble, David "Lyric Location and Performance Circumstances in Sappho and Alcaeus: A Cognitive Approach" CQ 71.1 (2021) pp. 52-70 < doi: 10.1017/S0009838821000410 >

Mackenzie, Tom "A Heraclitean Allusion to the Odyssey" CQ 71.1 (2021) pp. 71-76 < doi: 10.1017/S0009838821000458 >

Ellis, Samuel "Greek Conceptualizations of Persian Traditions: Gift-Giving and Friendship in the Persian Empire" CQ 71.1 (2021) pp. 77-88 < doi: 10.1017/S0009838821000525 >

Cowan, Robert "since Orpheus Was in Short Pants: Reassessing Oeagrus at Aristophanes, Wasps 579--80" CQ 71.1 (2021) pp. 89-94 < doi: 10.1017/S0009838821000483 >

SoRensen, Anders Dahl "On the Political Outlook of the 'Anonymus Iamblichi' (Diels--Kranz 89)" CQ 71.1 (2021) pp. 95-107 < doi: 10.1017/S0009838821000288 >

McClay, Mark F. "Becoming kleinos in Crete and Magna Graecia: Dionysiac Mysteries and Maturation Rituals Revisited" CQ 71.1 (2021) pp. 108-118 < doi: 10.1017/S0009838821000434 >

Sing, Robert "The Rates of Jury Pay and Assembly Pay in Fourth-Century Athens" CQ 71.1 (2021) pp. 119-134 < doi: 10.1017/S0009838821000264 >

Gold, Solveig Lucia "The Beautiful Girl: An Erotic Reading of Socrates' First Argument in Plato's Hippias Major" CQ 71.1 (2021) pp. 135-151 < doi: 10.1017/S0009838821000276 >

Fine, Jonathan "Plato and the Dangerous Pleasures of Poikilia" CQ 71.1 (2021) pp. 152-169 < doi: 10.1017/S0009838821000318 >

Illarraga, Rodrigo "what the Rulers Want: Xenophon on Cyrus' Psychology" CQ 71.1 (2021) pp. 170-182 < doi: 10.1017/S0009838821000240 >

Kotwick, Mirjam E. "Aristotle, Metaphysics A 10, 993a13--15: A New Reading and Its Implication for the Unity of Book Alpha" CQ 71.1 (2021) pp. 183-188 < doi: 10.1017/S000983882100032X >

Morelli, Davide "The Family Traditions of the Gens Marcia between the Fourth and Third Centuries B.C." CQ 71.1 (2021) pp. 189-199 < doi: 10.1017/S0009838821000495 >

Nelson, Thomas J.; Molesworth, Katherine "Tragic Noise and Rhetorical Frigidity in Lycophron's Alexandra" CQ 71.1 (2021) pp. 200-215 < doi: 10.1017/S0009838821000409 >

Rallo, G.E. "What Does the Term Togata 'Really' Mean?" CQ 71.1 (2021) pp. 216-229 < doi: 10.1017/S0009838821000355 >

Kozlowski, Jan M. "Attis on Ogygia: Catullus' Carmen 63 and the Odyssey" CQ 71.1 (2021) pp. 230-239 < doi: 10.1017/S0009838821000197 >

Pontani, Filippomaria; Sandri, Maria Giovanna "New Poetic Fragments from a Neglected Witness of Ps.-Trypho's de Tropis: Callimachus, Ps.-Hesiod, Ps.-Simonides" CQ 71.1 (2021) pp. 240-252 < doi: 10.1017/S0009838821000537 >

Geiger, Joseph "Varro and Pompey: Some More (Multiple) Hebdomads?" CQ 71.1 (2021) pp. 253-258 < doi: 10.1017/S0009838821000306 >

Driediger-Murphy, Lindsay G. "Numa and Jupiter: Whose Smiles It, Anyway?" CQ 71.1 (2021) pp. 259-275 < doi: 10.1017/S0009838821000227 >

Cilleruelo, ALvaro Cancela "Seneca, Qvaestiones Naturales 4b.4.2: Aeris or Temporis? Remarks on the Meaning of Tempus" CQ 71.1 (2021) pp. 276-284 < doi: 10.1017/S000983882100029X >

Fitch, John G. "textual Notes on Ps.-Dioscorides, On Simples" CQ 71.1 (2021) pp. 285-291 < doi: 10.1017/S0009838821000574 >

Bennardo, Lorenza "Colour Terms and the Creation of Statius' Ekphrastic Style" CQ 71.1 (2021) pp. 292-307 < doi: 10.1017/S0009838821000185 >

McNamara, James "Pliny, Tacitus and the Monuments of Pallas" CQ 71.1 (2021) pp. 308-329 < doi: 10.1017/S0009838821000203 >

Ash, Rhiannon "A Stylish Exit: Marcus Terentius' Swansong (Tacitus, Annals 6.8), Curtius Rufus and Virgil" CQ 71.1 (2021) pp. 330-346 < doi: 10.1017/S0009838821000239 >

Last, Richard "A Fictive Membership Rush and Curatorial Fraud in the Lex of the Collegium of Ivory and Citrus-Wood Merchants (CIL 6.3885 = ILS 7214)" CQ 71.1 (2021) pp. 347-358 < doi: 10.1017/S0009838821000392 >

Dickey, Eleanor "The History of Bilingual Dictionaries Reconsidered: An Ancient Fragment Related to Ps.-Philoxenus (P.Vars. 6) and its significance" CQ 71.1 (2021) pp. 359-378 < doi: 10.1017/S0009838821000343 >

Roreitner, Robert "Themistius against Porphyry (?) on 'Why We Do Not Remember'" CQ 71.1 (2021) pp. 379-385 < doi: 10.1017/S0009838821000446 >

Clarke, Jacqueline "Female Pain in Prudentius' Peristephanon" CQ 71.1 (2021) pp. 386-401 < doi: 10.1017/S0009838821000252 >

Shedd, Martin "The Historia Augusta Before MS Pal. Lat. 899: Lost Manuscripts and Scribal Mediation" CQ 71.1 (2021) pp. 402-421 < doi: 10.1017/S0009838821000215 >

Welsh, Jarrett T.; Hill, Jesse "A Neglected Manuscript of the Glossary of Placidus and the History of the Text" CQ 71.1 (2021) pp. 422-439 < doi: 10.1017/S0009838821000367 >

Donelan, Jasper F. "A Note on Aristophanes, Knights 295" CQ 71.1 (2021) pp. 440-442 < doi: 10.1017/S0009838821000422 >

Mayhew, Robert "Neglected Evidence for Aristotle, Historia Animalium 7(8) in the Works of Ancient Homeric Scholars" CQ 71.1 (2021) pp. 442-446 < doi: 10.1017/S0009838821000549 >

Salis, Pere FaBregas "Three Greek Proper Names in Ovid, Metamorphoses Book 10" CQ 71.1 (2021) pp. 446-451 < doi: 10.1017/S0009838821000380 >

Ramsey, John T. "Addendum to 'Did Cicero "Proscribe" Marcus Antonius?'" CQ 71.1 (2021) pp. 452-454 < doi: 10.1017/S0009838821000586 >

Diggle, James "Notes on Seven Passages of Plutarch's Lives" CQ 71.1 (2021) pp. 454-458 < doi: 10.1017/S0009838821000501 >

Arehart, Brent "The Dating of Philippos of Amphipolis (BNJ 280 T2)" CQ 71.1 (2021) pp. 459-461 < doi: 10.1017/S0009838821000562 >

Costantini, Leonardo "Pseudo-Apuleius' de Fato" CQ 71.1 (2021) pp. 461-462 < doi: 10.1017/S0009838821000550 >

Xenis, Georgios A. "An Emendation in Hesychius P 196" CQ 71.1 (2021) pp. 462-464 < doi: 10.1017/S0009838821000331 >

Cristini, Marco "Cassiodorus, Institutiones 1.28.3 and Lactantius, Divinae Institutiones 3.28.22" CQ 71.1 (2021) pp. 465-466 < doi: 10.1017/S0009838821000379 >

Napoli, Davide "The Shape of Early Greek Utopia" CQ 71.2 (2021) pp. 467-481

Meusel, Eduard "The Eagle Basking in the Light of Fame: The Indo-European Poetic Background of Pindar, Nemean 3.80--4" CQ 71.2 (2021) pp. 482-499

Barbato, Matteo "'For Themistocles of Phrearrhioi, on Account of Honour': Ostracism, Honour and the Nature of Athenian Politics" CQ 71.2 (2021) pp. 500-519

Nijk, Arjan A. "The 'Polite' Aorist: Tense or Aspect?" CQ 71.2 (2021) pp. 520-537

Martin, Gunther "Nothing but Rhetoric? Rhetoric, Pragmatics and Myth-Making in the agon of Euripides' Alcestis" CQ 71.2 (2021) pp. 538-552

Janse, Mark "'Day Watch' or Baywatch? A Note on emeroskopos (Ar. Lys. 849)" CQ 71.2 (2021) pp. 553-559

Bjelde, Joseph "Xenophon's Socrates on Wisdom and Action" CQ 71.2 (2021) pp. 560-574

Politis, Vasilis "Plato, Statesman 275d8--e1" CQ 71.2 (2021) pp. 575-581

Vinje, Hilde "The Beauty of Failure: hamartia in Aristotle's Poetics" CQ 71.2 (2021) pp. 582-600

Robitzsch, Jan Maximilian "Epibole tes dianoias: Reflections on the Fourth Epicurean Criterion of Truth" CQ 71.2 (2021) pp. 601-616

Iacoviello, Antonio "Exemplarity and Politics of Memory: The Recovery of the Piraeus by Olympiodoros of Athens" CQ 71.2 (2021) pp. 617-623

Goh, Ian "Worms and the Man in Lucilius" CQ 71.2 (2021) pp. 624-631

Short, William Michael "Can Figures Persuade? Zeugma as a Figure of Persuasion in Latin" CQ 71.2 (2021) pp. 632-648

AdorjaNi, Zsolt "Virgil's Callimachean Pindar: Kingship and the Baby Iamus in Eclogue 4.23--5" CQ 71.2 (2021) pp. 649-654

Wozniczka, Piotr "An Unknown Preface from Diodorus' Bibliotheke (Book 34)?" CQ 71.2 (2021) pp. 655-675

Krauss, Katherine "The Late Antique Afterlife of Roman Exemplarity: The Case of Scipio Nasica in Livy, Ab urbe condita Book 29 and Augustine, De civitate dei 1.30--2.5" CQ 71.2 (2021) pp. 676-687

Vecchio, Julene Abad Del "Literal Bodies (somata): A Telestich in Ovid (Metamorphoses 1.406--11)" CQ 71.2 (2021) pp. 688-692

Wyslucha, Kamila "The Return of the Pipers: In Search of Narrative Models for the Aition of the Quinquatrus minusculae" CQ 71.2 (2021) pp. 693-706

Duarte, Ricardo "Blindness as the Threshold between life and Death in Seneca's Oedipvs and Phoenissae" CQ 71.2 (2021) pp. 707-720

Baraz, Y. "Lucan's Cicero: Dismembering a Legend" CQ 71.2 (2021) pp. 721-740

Leventhal, Max "Politics and Play in the laus Pisonis" CQ 71.2 (2021) pp. 741-758

Econimo, Francesca "Epic Voices in Statius' Achilleid: Calchas' Vision and Ulysses' Plan" CQ 71.2 (2021) pp. 759-776

Garrett, Phoebe "Ancestry and Family Identity in Suetonius' Caesars" CQ 71.2 (2021) pp. 777-790

Mcging, Brian "The Beginning and End of Appian's Mithridateios" CQ 71.2 (2021) pp. 791-798

Tagliabue, Aldo "Re-enactments of the Prologue in Cupid's Palace: An Immersive Reading of Apuleius' Story of Cupid and Psyche" CQ 71.2 (2021) pp. 799-818

Nikolaev, Dmitry; Shumilin, Mikhail "Some Considerations on the Attribution of the 'New Apuleius'" CQ 71.2 (2021) pp. 819-848

Johns, Jeffrey M. "Iamblichus apud Simpl. Corollarium de tempore 794.21--7 Diels" CQ 71.2 (2021) pp. 849-855

Okacova, Marie "The Virgilian Cento Progne et Philomela (Anth. Lat. 13 R): Towards a Solution for a Mythological Riddle" CQ 71.2 (2021) pp. 856-865

Lachance, GenevieVe "On Aristotle's Peri hermeneias 16a1--18: The Case of an Anonymous Armenian Commentary" CQ 71.2 (2021) pp. 866-885

Falbo, Roberto "A Misprint in the Oxford Classical Text of Plato's Phaedo" CQ 71.2 (2021) pp. 886-886

Petrucci, Federico M. "Divine Confirmation: Plato, Timaeus 55c7--d6" CQ 71.2 (2021) pp. 886-891

Nethercut, Jason S. "A Note on the Ascription of Ennius, Annales 5 Skutsch" CQ 71.2 (2021) pp. 891-894

Takeshita, Tetsufumi "Retire with Thanks: Rethinking Lucretius 3.962" CQ 71.2 (2021) pp. 895-897

Olszaniec, Wlodzimierz "A Note on Ciris 118" CQ 71.2 (2021) pp. 898-899

Kayachev, Boris "A Green Sky and a Green Sun? (Pliny, HN 17.74 and Manilius 2.941)" CQ 71.2 (2021) pp. 900-902

Ben-Yishai, Steven "'Brigands' and 'Tyrants' in Josephus' Bellum Judaicum" CQ 71.2 (2021) pp. 902-907

Bliquez, Lawrence J. "Martial and the Doctors: Ophthalmology and Uvulectomy in Epigram 10.56" CQ 71.2 (2021) pp. 907-910

Wozniczka, Piotr "An Unknown Preface from Diodorus' Bibliotheke (Book 34)? -- Corrigendum" CQ 71.2 (2021) pp. 911-911

Christensen, Joel "Beautiful Bodies, Beautiful Minds: Some Applications of Disability Studies to Homer" CW 114.4 (2021) pp. 365-393

Kowerski, Lawrence "Catullus as Simonides: An Elegiac Lineage in Catullus 68" CW 114.4 (2021) pp. 395-418

Harvey, Sarah M. "Bread and Bones: Feeding Roman Dogs" CW 114.4 (2021) pp. 419-447

Dixon, Susan M. "Rodolfo Lanciani and America" CW 114.4 (2021) pp. 449-475

Hallett, Judith P. "Maria Marsilio" CW 114.4 (2021) pp. 477-478

Hallett, Judith P. "Nancy Sorkin Rabinowitz" CW 114.4 (2021) pp. 478-479

Tola, Eleonora "Introduction" CW 115.1 (2021) pp. 1-3

Hansen, B. "Bread in the Desert: The Politics and Practicalities of Food in Early Egyptian Monasticism" ChHist 9.2 (2021) pp. 286-303

Pierce, A. "Augustine as an Auctoritas in Juan de Torquemada's Apparatus Super Decretum Florentinum Unionis Graecorum (1441)" ChHist 9.2 (2021) pp. 304-323

Spicer, A. "Anglican Rites of Consecration and the Delineation of Sacred Space, ca. 1689--1735" ChHist 9.2 (2021) pp. 324-347

Douma-Kaelin, K. "Interchangeable Bodies: International Marriage and Migration in the Eighteenth-Century Moravian Church" ChHist 9.2 (2021) pp. 348-366

Best, W. "Battle for the Soul of a City: John Roach Straton, Harry Emerson Fosdick, and the Fundamentalist-Modernist Controversy in New York, 1922--1935" ChHist 9.2 (2021) pp. 367-397

Sterk, A. "Asceticism, Monasticism, and Gender in Early Christianity" ChHist 9.2 (2021) pp. 398-399

Bonura, Christopher "Eusebius of Caesarea, the Roman Empire, and the Fulfillment of Biblical Prophecy: Reassessing Byzantine Imperial Eschatology in the Age of Constantine" ChHist 90.3 (2021) pp. 509-536

Newman, Martha G. "Reformed Monasticism and the Narrative of Cistercian Beginnings" ChHist 90.3 (2021) pp. 537-556

Langley, Chris R. "Parish Politics and Godly Agitation in Late Interregnum Scotland" ChHist 90.3 (2021) pp. 557-578

Williams, Daniel K. "When the Canaanite Conquest Met the Enlightenment: How Christian Apologists of the English Enlightenment Harmonized the Biblical Canaanite Conquest with the Moral Values of the Eighteenth Century" ChHist 90.3 (2021) pp. 579-602

Doherty, Martin "'No Pope Here': Britain, the Vatican, the IRA, and the Papal Visit to Ireland, September 1979" ChHist 90.3 (2021) pp. 603-620

Silliman, Daniel "An Evangelical is Anyone who Likes Billy Graham: Defining Evangelicalism with Carl Henry and Networks of Trust" ChHist 90.3 (2021) pp. 621-643

Lim, Paul C.H. "Learning from Muslims and Jews: In Search of the Identity of Christ from Eighth-century Baghdad to Seventeenth-century Hague" ChHist 90.4 (2021) pp. 753-775

Paiva, Jose Pedro "The First Catholic Diocese in Asia and the Spread of Catholicism: Juan de Albuquerque, Bishop of Goa, 1538--1553" ChHist 90.4 (2021) pp. 776-798

Weinreich, Spencer J. "Sums Theological: Doing Theology with the London Bills of Mortality, 1603--1666" ChHist 90.4 (2021) pp. 799-823

Beales, Kristen "Auditing Revival: George Whitefield and Public Accounting in Colonial America" ChHist 90.4 (2021) pp. 824-846

Holmes, Andrew R.; Mathieson, Stuart "Evangelical "Others" in Ulster, 1859--1912: Social Profile, Unionist Politics, and "Fundamentalism"" ChHist 90.4 (2021) pp. 847-872

Treloar, Geoffrey R. "The First Global Revivalist? Reuben Archer Torrey and the 1902 Evangelistic Campaign in Australia" ChHist 90.4 (2021) pp. 873-899

Thonemann, Peter "Estates and the Land in Hellenistic Asia Minor: An Estate Near Antioch on the Maeander" Chiron 51 (2021) pp. 1-36

Wiemer, Hans-Ulrich "Coinage and Currency in Ostrogothic Italy: Did Theoderic and his successors have an economic or monetary policy?" Chiron 51 (2021) pp. 37-76

Woytek, Bernhard "Die clades Lolliana, eine ubersehene Legendenvariante auf Denaren des Augustus und das Gelubde pro salute et reditu des Jahres 16 v. Chr" Chiron 51 (2021) pp. 77-98

Hallof, Klaus "Alte und neue Inschriften aus Olympia III" Chiron 51 (2021) pp. 99-122

Minon, Sophie "La langue de la sentence des trois juges de Pellana: une koina diplomatique acheenne faiblement eleisee" Chiron 51 (2021) pp. 123-166

Wolters, Reinhard "Gab es eine Finanzkrise in den spaten Jahren des Augustus? : Munzpragung, Soldaten und Finanzstrome im fruhen Prinzipat" Chiron 51 (2021) pp. 167-210

Worrle, Michael "Epigraphische Forschungen zur Geschichte Lykiens XIII: Die Weinbergstiftung eines ptolemaischen Burgkommandanten von Limyra" Chiron 51 (2021) pp. 211-256

Wijnendaele, Jeroen W.P.; Hanaghan, Michael P "Constantius heros (ILCV 66) - An elegiac testimony on the decline of the Late Roman West." Chiron 51 (2021) pp. 257-276

Futas, Nicolai "Eubulos jenseits von Isokrates und Xenophon : Eine Neubewertung im Kontext fiskal- und gesellschaftspolitischer Umbruche im spatklassischen Athen" Chiron 51 (2021) pp. 277-324

Arias de Haro, Francisco; Diaz Arino, Borja; Guzman Almagro, Alejandra "Una nueva defixio latina conservada en el Museo Arqueologico de Linares (Jaen, Espana) y las defixiones con forma de tabula ansata" Chiron 51 (2021) pp. 325-354

Grull, Tibor "'With spiritual writings and Homeric words' : A Hypsistarian soothsayer in fourth-century Phrygia" Chiron 51 (2021) pp. 355-384

Ellis, Richard "Touched by the Past: Trauma, Testament, and Postmemory in Aeschylus' Suppliants" ClAnt 40.1 (2021) pp. 1--44

Gowers, Emily "Lucan's (G)natal Poem: Statius' Silvae 2.7, the Culex, and the Aesthetics of Miniaturization" ClAnt 40.1 (2021) pp. 45--75

Lamont, Jessica "Crafting Curses in Classical Athens: A New Cache of Hexametric Katadesmoi" ClAnt 40.1 (2021) pp. 76--117

Leigh, Matthew "Seneca the Elder, the Controuersia Figurata, and the Political Discourse of the Early Empire" ClAnt 40.1 (2021) pp. 118--150

Mcinerney, Jeremy "Lemnos, Cimon, and the Hephaisteion" ClAnt 40.1 (2021) pp. 151--193

Benjamins, Joshua "Slavery, Redemption, and Manumission as Structural Metaphors in Augustine's Theology" ClAnt 40.2 (2021) pp. 195-220

Edwards, Catharine "Visualizing Pain: Psychotherapy, Emotion, and Embodied Cognition in Seneca's Letters" ClAnt 40.2 (2021) pp. 221-248

Millar, Jane "Roman Climate Awareness in Pliny the Elder's Natural History" ClAnt 40.2 (2021) pp. 249-282

Park, Monica "Textualization and Archive in Callimachus' Hymn to Delos" ClAnt 40.2 (2021) pp. 283-315

Piros, Elliott "The Materiality of Monetary Value in Martial's Epigrams" ClAnt 40.2 (2021) pp. 316-342

Doukellis, Panagiotis "Entre violence et anomie dans le monde antique III : violence, ordre social et societes segmentaires" DHA 47.1 (2021) pp. 9-11

Arnaoutoglou, Ilias "La violence et les associations privees dans l'Antiquite greco-romaine" DHA 47.1 (2021) pp. 13-25

Doukellis, Panagiotis "Violence and the Ascent to the Extraordinary: a Rural Community's Petition to the Emperor Gordian III" DHA 47.1 (2021) pp. 27-42

Bussi, Silvia "Les catoeques dans l'Egypte de Cleopatre VII : quel role jouent-ils dans la vie militaire, economique et sociale a la fin du royaume lagide ?" DHA 47.1 (2021) pp. 43-70

Rey, Fernando Echeverria "Notes on the Conceptualization of Poliorcetics in Archaic and Classical Greek Literature" DHA 47.1 (2021) pp. 71-95

Martin Piantanida, Fernando "La dicotomia ciudadano/esclavo y el comportamiento de los aporoi en las guerras serviles tardorrepublicanas: contradiccion entre ideologia dominante y praxis popular" DHA 47.1 (2021) pp. 97-129

Perrot, Gaelle "Nourris au sein de Roma. De la condition des porteurs des cognomina Threptus et Trophimus sous le Haut Empire" DHA 47.1 (2021) pp. 131-157

Merola, Francesca Reduzzi "De quoi parle-t-on quand on parle d'esclavage volontaire a Rome ?" DHA 47.1 (2021) pp. 159-177

Ben Akacha, Walid "L'evolution urbaine d'Althiburos, de la periode numide a l'epoque imperiale romaine" DHA 47.1 (2021) pp. 179-211

Labrique, Francoise; Terrier, Aurelie "Chronique des travaux en Egypte. Chronique 2021" DHA 47.1 (2021) pp. 213-242

Clavel-Leveque, Monique; Peyras, Jean; Sanchez, Corinne; Maune, Stephane "Paysages et cadastres de l'Antiquite. Chronique 2021" DHA 47.1 (2021) pp. 243-297

Dan, Anca; Rapin, Claude; Gorshenina, Svetlana "Les concepts en sciences de l'Antiquite : mode d'emploi. Chronique 2021 -- Cartographier l'Asie" DHA 47.1 (2021) pp. 299-405

Piguet, Emilie; Sanchez, Manel Garcia; Prieto, Aida Fernandez; Nsiri, Mohamed-Arbi "Actualites" DHA 47.1 (2021) pp. 407-422

* "In Memoriam Pavel Oliva (23. 11. 1923 -- 5. 3. 2021)" Eirene 57 (2021) pp. 9

Bazant, Jan "Pavel Oliva: Greek Tyrannis, Roman Pannonia and Sparta" Eirene 57 (2021) pp. 11

Nyvlt, Pavel "Fifty Years since the Publication of Pavel Oliva's Sparta and Her Social Problems" Eirene 57 (2021) pp. 23

Pigon, Jakub "Hominem pagina nostra sapit: Humans and Monsters in Martial X,4" Eirene 57 (2021) pp. 53

Kepartova, Jana "Der Roman des Leipziger Altertumswissenchaftlers Wilhelm Adolf Becker Gallus oder romische Scenen aus der Zeit Augusts im politischen Kontext seiner Zeit" Eirene 57 (2021) pp. 71

Garcia~Rincon, Diego "Armonia, concordia e politica in Eraclito e nei Pitagorici" Eirene 57 (2021) pp. 93

Peprah, Stephen Oppong "The Epistemic Competence of Plato's Philosopher-Rulers in the Republic" Eirene 57 (2021) pp. 119

Ge, Tianqin "'Another Beginning' and the Explanatory Syllogism in Metaphysics, Z17" Eirene 57 (2021) pp. 149

Liu, Xin "On Division and Definition: Aristotle's Criticism of Dichotomy in Parts of Animals, A2--3" Eirene 57 (2021) pp. 179

Frolov, Roman M. "The privatus Pompeius and Decision-Making in the City of Rome in Early 77 BCE" Eirene 57 (2021) pp. 217

Kaba, Hazar "Re-identifying the Kyme Hydria: New Ideas and Interpretations of Its Typology, Date and Origin" Eirene 57 (2021) pp. 245

Tumova, Helena "Il programma iconografico di un sarcofago tardoantico di 'Pignatta' a Ravenna: concordia apostolorum?" Eirene 57 (2021) pp. 287

Ramelli, Ilaria L.E. "Paul and Philo on Soteriology and Eschatology" Eirene 57 (2021) pp. 317

Yatromanolakes, Demetrios "Archaic Iambus, Elegy, and the Role of the Editor of Fragments" Eirene 57 (2021) pp. 353

Pages, Joan "La mitografia como exegesis homerica: estudio de algunos ejemplos del Mythographus Homericus y los escolios menores a Homero" Emerita 89.1 (2021) pp. 1-26

Libran Moreno, Miriam "Modelos literarios en el episodio de las abejas en Babiloniacas de Jamblico (Phot., Bibl. XCIV 3-4)" Emerita 89.1 (2021) pp. 27-47

Blazquez Noya, Alba "La pia Hypermestra y el impius Aeneas: la deconstruccion de Eneas en las Heroidas de Ovidio (Her. XIV; Aen. VI 687-688, 697-698, 700-701)" Emerita 89.1 (2021) pp. 49-72

Velazquez, Isabel; Madrid, Sonia "Un manuscrito humanista recuperado: el Memorial de cosas antiguas de romanos con inscripciones de Lara de los Infantes" Emerita 89.1 (2021) pp. 73-104

Sanchez Salor, Eustaquio; Esteban Ortega, Julio "Un testimonio del dios "Labbo" en una inscripcion lusitana de Plasencia, Caceres. ?"Labbo" tambien en Cabeco das Fraguas?" Emerita 89.1 (2021) pp. 105-126

Carracedo-Fraga, Jose "La doble redaccion en el Ars grammatica de Julian de Toledo" Emerita 89.1 (2021) pp. 127-148

Aura Jorro, Francisco "El corpus nuevo de los documentos en Lineal B de Pilo" Emerita 89.1 (2021) pp. 149-163

Aguirre De La Luz, Nazyheli "La denominacion como operacion linguistica humana en Parmenides" Emerita 89.2 (2021) pp. 203-226

Acerbo, Stefano "El catalogo de los pretendientes de Penelope (Apollod., Ep. VII 26-30): tradicion literaria y creacion erudita" Emerita 89.2 (2021) pp. 227-249

Orqueda, Veronica; Inostroza, Demian "Del proto-indoeuropeo a ipse e iste en latin arcaico: ?Dos caras de la misma moneda? [in English]" Emerita 89.2 (2021) pp. 251-278

Miguel Banos, Jose "Estudio diacronico de animum inducere e in animum inducere: convergencias y diferencias" Emerita 89.2 (2021) pp. 279-307

Moncunill, Noemi; Velaza, Javier "Tituli loquentes en iberico: una aproximacion desde el analisis interno y la epigrafia comparada" Emerita 89.2 (2021) pp. 309-333

Garcia Ruiz, Maria Pilar "Juliano y el consulado: politica y representacion [in English]" Emerita 89.2 (2021) pp. 335-360

Recchia, Marco "Una musa "Dal nome amabile" (Stes. fr. 327, 1 Finglass)?" ExClass 25 (2021) pp. 13-23

Nicolosi, Anika "Suonatori di Aulos, eccessi nel cibo e musicoterapia: a proposito di Hippon. Frr. 4, *4A, 78, 102, 118, *151A W.2 E FR. 153 DG" ExClass 25 (2021) pp. 25-39

Hernandez Munoz, Felipe G. "La presencia del hiato con el vocativo inicial en los discursos atribuidos a Demostenes y la cuestion de su autenticidad" ExClass 25 (2021) pp. 41-54

Cancela Cilleruelo, Alvaro "Grauatim (Cic. Arch. 10)" ExClass 25 (2021) pp. 55-70

Ullrich, Heiko "Textkritische Bemerkungen zu Lucr. 5.30" ExClass 25 (2021) pp. 71-79

Garcia Armendariz, Jose Ignacio "Algunas enmiendas a Columela, 7.10.6-8" ExClass 25 (2021) pp. 81-95

Marina Castillo, Alberto "Ladon, Laurus... e la nave va. Mart. 10.85-86, en contexto" ExClass 25 (2021) pp. 97-117

Perez Lambas, Fernando "Ateneo como fuente de Sofocles, Syndeipnoi (Fr. 565 Radt)" ExClass 25 (2021) pp. 119-141

Toribio Perez, Pablo "Un nuevo manuscrito de Martin Seidel, Origo et Fundamenta Religionis Christianae (ca. 1590)" ExClass 25 (2021) pp. 143-185

Sanders, Ed "The Emotions of Medea: An Introduction" G&R 68.1 (2021) pp. 1-7

Cairns, Douglas "The Dynamics of Emotion in Euripides' Medea" G&R 68.1 (2021) pp. 8-26

Allan, William "The Virtuous Emotions of Euripides' Medea" G&R 68.1 (2021) pp. 27-44

Sanders, Ed "Love, Grief, Fear, and Shame: Medea's Interconnecting Emotions in Book 3 of Apollonius' Argonautica" G&R 68.1 (2021) pp. 45-60

Michalopoulos, Andreas N. "The Emotions of Medea the Letter-Writer (Ovid, Heroides 12)" G&R 68.1 (2021) pp. 61-75

Lima, Paulo Alexandre "Monstrous Emotions in Seneca's Medea" G&R 68.1 (2021) pp. 76-96

Battistella, Chiara "Medea and the Joy of Killing" G&R 68.1 (2021) pp. 97-113

Barrett, Anthony A. "Fiddling while Rome Burns: The Aetiology of a Familiar English Expression" G&R 68.2 (2021) pp. 173-182

Bassino, Paola "Translating the Poet: Alexander Pope's Engagement with the Homeric Biographical Tradition in his Translations of the Iliad and the Odyssey" G&R 68.2 (2021) pp. 183-207

Carpenter, Thomas H. "The Tyrannicides: A New Approach to Text and Image" G&R 68.2 (2021) pp. 208-221

Imrie, Alex "Caracalla and 'Alexander's Phalanx': Caught at a Crossroads of Evidence" G&R 68.2 (2021) pp. 222-238

Komar, Paulina "Wine Taboo regarding Women in Archaic Rome, Origins of Italian Viticulture, and the Taste of Ancient Wines" G&R 68.2 (2021) pp. 239-254

Porter, Jason Douglas "The Archaic Roots of Paternalism: Continuity in Attitudes towards Slaves and Slavery in the Odyssey, Xenophon's Oeconomicus, and Beyond" G&R 68.2 (2021) pp. 255-277

Sansom, Stephen A. "'Strange' Rhetoric and Homeric Reception in Aelius Aristides' Embassy Speech to Achilles (Or. 52)" G&R 68.2 (2021) pp. 278-293

Van Wijk, Roy "Risky Business: Xenophon's Picture of Thrasybulus in the Theban Embassy of 395 BCE" GRBS 61.1 (2021) pp. 1-25 PDF text

Andolfi, Ilaria "Uncovering Aristotle's Debt to Protagoras (80A30 D.-K./D32 L.-M.)" GRBS 61.1 (2021) pp. 26-33 PDF text

Domaradzki, Mikolaj "Plutarch's Fragment 157 and Epideictic" GRBS 61.1 (2021) pp. 34-61 PDF text

Zellmann-Rohrer, Michael Wesley; MartiNez-Chico, David "A Sicilian Amulet in Madrid and its Tradition" GRBS 61.1 (2021) pp. 62-72 PDF text

Cristini, Marco "Totila and the Lucanian Peasants: Procopius Goth. 3.22.20" GRBS 61.1 (2021) pp. 73-84 PDF text

Iglesias-Zoido, Juan Carlos "Christophoros Kondoleon's Model of Military Oratory and its Tradition" GRBS 61.1 (2021) pp. 85-109 PDF text

Meeusen, Michiel; Oikonomopoulou, Katerina; Silvano, Luigi "The Prefaces to Pseudo-Alexander of Aphrodisias' Medical Puzzles and Natural Problems Books 1 and 2: Greek Text, Translation, and Interpretation. " GRBS 61.2 (2021) pp. 110-140 PDF text

Faraone, Christopher A. "Four Missing Persons, a Misunderstood Mummy, and Further Adventures in Greek Magical Texts" GRBS 61.2 (2021) pp. 141-159 PDF text

Vos, Benjamin De "Achilles as an Allegorical Anti-Adam in the Pseudo-Clementine Homilies" GRBS 61.2 (2021) pp. 160-182 PDF text

Villa, Eugenio "A Note on Digenis Akritas G 5.242 and Z 6.1813" GRBS 61.2 (2021) pp. 183-192 PDF text

Kruse, Marion "Xiphilinos' Agency in the Epitome of Cassius Dio" GRBS 61.2 (2021) pp. 193-223 PDF text

Gibson, Craig A. "New Testament Miracles in the Ethopoeiae of Nikephoros Basilakes" GRBS 61.2 (2021) pp. 224-248 PDF text

Spelman, Henry "Of Armpits and the Origins of Comedy: Aristophanes fr. 264 and 265" GRBS 61.3 (2021) pp. 249-262 PDF full text

Kucharski, Janek "Hyperides and Aristophon: An Uneasy History" GRBS 61.3 (2021) pp. 263-286 PDF full text

Kuhn-Treichel, Thomas "Between Philosophy and Heroism: Gregory of Nazianzus on his Suffering in the Letters and Poems" GRBS 61.3 (2021) pp. 287-314 PDF full text

Ge, Tianqin "How Does Syrianus Conceive of Aristotle's Theory of the Unmoved Mover: Polemical or Reconciliatory?" GRBS 61.3 (2021) pp. 315-343 PDF full text

Haubold, Johannes "Impressive and Obscure: Three Christian Sources in Eustathius' Proem to a Commentary on Pindar" GRBS 61.3 (2021) pp. 344-367 PDF full text

Wu, Gang "How Did Byzantines Weave? A Synthesis of Textual, Pictorial, Ethnographic, and Archaeological Evidence" GRBS 61.3 (2021) pp. 368-395 PDF full text

Mitrea, Mihail "Monasticism and Kinship in Byzantine Hesychastic Hagiography" GRBS 61.3 (2021) pp. 396-422 PDF full text

Fries, Almut "The Mountain in Labour: A Possible Graeco-Anatolian Myth" GRBS 61.4 (2021) pp. 423-445 PDF full text

Horn, Fabian "'On a Razor's Edge' (Il. 10.173): Iliadic Images of Imbalance and Uncertainty" GRBS 61.4 (2021) pp. 446-455 PDF full text

Lenfant, Dominique "Eunuchs as Guardians of Women in Achaemenid Persia: Orientalism and Back Projection in Modern Scholarship" GRBS 61.4 (2021) pp. 456-474 PDF full text

Bardi, Juan Bautista "Escaping the Polis: A Legal Interpretation of Aristippus' Philosophy" GRBS 61.4 (2021) pp. 475-495 PDF full text

Vujcic, Nemanja "The City of Pelion and the Illyrian War of Alexander" GRBS 61.4 (2021) pp. 496-526 PDF full text

Caputo, Roger Bagnall; Clementina "The Great Oasis in the Later Fourth Century" GRBS 61.4 (2021) pp. 527-550 PDF full text

Nassar, Mohammad; Al-Bashaireh, Khaled; Shalabi, Muhammad "The Mosaic Designs of the Kufer-Jayez Church, Jordan" GRBS 61.4 (2021) pp. 551-579 PDF full text

Cole, Juan "Dyed in Virtue: The Qur'an and Plato's Republic" GRBS 61.4 (2021) pp. 580-604 PDF full text

Laferriere, Carolyn M. "Moving to the Music" GRMS 9.1 (2021) pp. 3-12

Briand, Michel "Mouvement, regard et son dans la Newest Sappho" GRMS 9.1 (2021) pp. 13-48

Smith, Tyler Jo "Bodies in Motion" GRMS 9.1 (2021) pp. 49-84

Laferriere, Carolyn M. "Dancing with Greek Vases" GRMS 9.1 (2021) pp. 85-114

Provenza, Antonietta "Singing to the Wind" GRMS 9.1 (2021) pp. 115-156

Pohlmann, Egert "Vitruvius De Architectura V" GRMS 9.1 (2021) pp. 157-174

D'Angour, Armand "Recreating the Music of Euripides' Orestes" GRMS 9.1 (2021) pp. 175-190

Cerqueira, Fabio Vergara; Santos, Amanda Basilio "Melodias Visuais, Poesias Musicais: Antiguidade Sonoras" GRMS 9.1 (2021) pp. 191-206

Chesi, Giulia Maria "Hexametric Poetesses ante Homerum" GRMS 9.2 (2021) pp. 223-240

Semenzato, Camille "Alala ou ololuge" GRMS 9.2 (2021) pp. 241-257

Ercoles, Marco "Ancient Models for the New Musicians" GRMS 9.2 (2021) pp. 258-270

Raffa, Massimo "Ancient Musical Writings as Persuasive Texts" GRMS 9.2 (2021) pp. 271-284

Robinson, Clifford A. "The Teacher of Dance" GRMS 9.2 (2021) pp. 285-319

Koenig, Amy A. "The Pantomimic Voice" GRMS 9.2 (2021) pp. 320-340

Zangrando, Alessia "Epigrafia musicale nel mondo romano" GRMS 9.2 (2021) pp. 341-363

Martin Piantanida, Fernando "Diodoro Siculo como fuente para el estudio de las guerras serviles sicilianas: opheleia, epieikeia y tuche en su narrativa" Gerion 39.1 (2021) pp. 9-40

Sisani, Simone "Il duovirato nei municipia italici: contributo allo studio della fase finale del processo di municipalizzazione nell'Italia centrale e meridionale" Gerion 39.1 (2021) pp. 41-93

Cardiel, Jorge Garcia "Un enclave fronterizo entre las provincias hispanas: la dificil definicion de la Bastetania y la identidad etnica bastetana en el s. II a.C." Gerion 39.1 (2021) pp. 95-124

Rodriguez, Jose Remesal; Lorenzo, Juan Manuel Bermudez "La presencia de sellos sobre anforas Dressel 20 en Londinium--Camulodunum y Mogontiacum: un analisis cuantitativo-comparativo y sus dinamicas comerciales derivadas" Gerion 39.1 (2021) pp. 125-147

Puente, M. Pilar Gonzalez-Conde "Adriano y Gades: una relacion familiar" Gerion 39.1 (2021) pp. 149-165

Cordoba, Jose Ortiz "Alieni in Augusta Emerita: desde la fundacion de la colonia hasta la promulgacion de la Constitutio Antoniniana" Gerion 39.1 (2021) pp. 167-196

Carneiro, Andre "Cambio de protagonistas: la gestion de las actividades economicas en la Lusitania tardoantigua" Gerion 39.1 (2021) pp. 197-220

Ledo Caballero, Antonio Carlos "Aqua mater: a vueltas con el teonimo Betatun" Gerion 39.1 (2021) pp. 221-245

Caballos Rufino, Antonio "Inscripcion del anfiteatro de Italica con la mencion TAVRVS IVPPIT[ER]" Gerion 39.1 (2021) pp. 247-263

Beltran Fortes, Jose "Las inscripciones del 'mausoleo de los Pompeyos' de Torreparedones (Baena, Cordoba). Apuntes sobre las relaciones familiares" Gerion 39.1 (2021) pp. 265-294

Ovadiah, Ruth; Ovadiah, Asher "Una cabeza de marmol de Ares en el Antiguo Museo Arqueologico de Calcis, Eubea (Grecia)" Gerion 39.1 (2021) pp. 295-301

Neira Jimenez, Luz "El programa iconografico de los mosaicos de la villa romana de 'El Alcaparral' (Casariche, Sevilla) en el conventus Astigitanus" Gerion 39.1 (2021) pp. 303-336

Gunther, Sven "Romische Bilderwelt in Edessa? Ma'nu (Mannos) Philorhomaios und die Munzpragung in und um Edessa wahrend des Partherkriegs des Lucius Verus" Gymnasium 128.1 (2021) pp. 1 - 14

Grossardt, Peter "'Das Land der Griechen (auch) mit der Seele suchend.' Zur Pragung von Heinrich Schliemanns offentlichem und privatem Leben durch ,Ilias' und ,Odyssee'" Gymnasium 128.1 (2021) pp. 15 - 47

Schmidt, Ernst A. "Simone Weils 'Ilias'. Gewalt, das Urbose der Menschheit" Gymnasium 128.1 (2021) pp. 49 - 83

Flashar, Hellmut "Geschichten -- Geschichte" Gymnasium 128.2 (2021) pp. 103 - 119

Klingenberg, Andreas "Wohnungsnot und Wuchermieten. Die Wohnungssituation der 'plebs urbana' und ihre politische Relevanz im Rom der spaten Republik und fruhen Kaiserzeit" Gymnasium 128.2 (2021) pp. 121 - 146

Wendler, Michael "Zwischen 'Concordia' und Konkurrenz. Uberlegungen zur sogenannten 'Samtherrschaft' von Marc Aurel und Lucius Verus (161--169 n. Chr.)" Gymnasium 128.2 (2021) pp. 147 - 175

Freund, Stefan "Die Wahrheit im Brunnen. Zur Geschichte einer Metapher von Demokrit bis Jean-Leon Gerome" Gymnasium 128.2 (2021) pp. 177 - 189

Thury, Gunther E. "Im Truben fischen. Juvenal 5,103--106 uber Fischfang in abwasserbelasteten Gewassern" Gymnasium 128.3 (2021) pp. 203 - 209

Wolkenhauer, Anja "Lateinische Merkverse. Zur Definition einer 'kleinen Form' und zu ihrer Nutzung in der romischen Antike" Gymnasium 128.3 (2021) pp. 211 - 234

Luther, Andreas "Manner, Volker, Flusse, Wind' -- zur Geschichte der Merkverse im Lateinunterricht*" Gymnasium 128.3 (2021) pp. 235 - 271

Piepenbrink, Karen "Zur Relation von 'innerer' und 'ausserer' Politik bei Thukydides" Gymnasium 128.4 (2021) pp. 305-326

Pfaffel, Wilhelm "Ein neuer Plautusvers bei Varro?" Gymnasium 128.4 (2021) pp. 327-331

Kostner, Elena "Eine unheilvolle Allianz. Zur Kumulation von Testament und Falschmeldung bei Cicero und Valerius Maximus" Gymnasium 128.4 (2021) pp. 332-354

Thury, Gunther E. "Zu weite Sprunge fur den Konig. Florus 1,38,10 und der Mythos vom 'Konigssprung' der Teutonen" Gymnasium 128.4 (2021) pp. 355-363

Allgaier, Benjamin "Pikante Post. Der Brief des Odysseus in Lukians Wahren Geschichten" Gymnasium 128.4 (2021) pp. 365-382

Schierl, Petra "Konstruktionen von Mannlichkeit in der romischen Literatur. Ein Uberblick uber die altertumswissenschaftliche Forschung" Gymnasium 128.5 (2021) pp. 397-413

Wesselmann, Katharina "'Notha mulier'. Sprechen uber Gender in Catulls Attis-Gedicht" Gymnasium 128.5 (2021) pp. 415-431

Pausch, Dennis "'Indue me Cois, fiam non dura puella'. Kleidung und die Konstruktion von Geschlechterrollen in Properz, Buch 4" Gymnasium 128.5 (2021) pp. 433-451

Schmitz, Christine "'Neue Manner braucht das Land'. Konstruktionen von Mannlichkeit in Juvenals Satiren" Gymnasium 128.5 (2021) pp. 453-477

Freund, Stefan "Priapus -- Ein Konstrukt von Mannlichkeit in klassischer und christlicher lateinischer Literatur" Gymnasium 128.5 (2021) pp. 479-506

Hager, Hans-Joachim "Leidenschaftlich und leidensfahig? Cicero und der jungere Plinius als 'mariti' in ihren Ehebriefen" Gymnasium 128.6 (2021) pp. 507-551

Rottig, Stefan "Philosophische Uberzeugung und romische Identitat. Seneca uber den Weisen und die Tugend der 'pudicitia'" Gymnasium 128.6 (2021) pp. 553-573

Ruhl, Meike "Perlen fur Pompeius. Mannlichkeit und okonomischer Diskurs in der Naturkunde des alteren Plinius" Gymnasium 128.6 (2021) pp. 575-597

Lebovic, Nitzan "Homo Complexus: The 'Historical Future' of Complicity [Iterations: Historical Futures, edited by Zoltan Boldizsar Simon and Marek Tamm]" H&T 60.3 (2021) pp. 409-424

Hartog, Francois "Chronos, Kairos, Krisis: The Genesis of Western Time [The Eighth History and Theory Lecture and Responses]" H&T 60.3 (2021) pp. 425-439

Spiegel, Gabrielle M. "1. A Response to Francois Hartog, 'Chronos, Kairos, Krisis: The Genesis of Western Time'" H&T 60.3 (2021) pp. 440-443

Sajdi, Dana "2. A Response to Francois Hartog, 'Chronos, Kairos, Krisis: The Genesis of Western Time'" H&T 60.3 (2021) pp. 444-448

Lebovic, Nitzan "3. A Response to Francois Hartog, 'Chronos, Kairos, Krisis: The Genesis of Western Time'" H&T 60.3 (2021) pp. 449-453

Kragh, Ulrich Timme "The Possibility of an Outside: Theoretical Preamble" H&T 60.4 (2021) pp. 3-19

Palti, Elias J. "Deleuze's Foucault: On the Possibility of an Outside of Knowledge/Power" H&T 60.4 (2021) pp. 20-35

Ankersmit, Frank R. "Koselleck on "Histories" versus "History"; or, Historical Ontology versus Historical Epistemology" H&T 60.4 (2021) pp. 36-58

Ashar, Meera "Thriving on the Margins of History: Engaging with the Past in the Vernacular" H&T 60.4 (2021) pp. 59-73

Rusen, JORn "The Horizon of History Moved by Modernity: After and beyond Koselleck" H&T 60.4 (2021) pp. 74-81

Kragh, Ulrich Timme "The Refraction of White: The Primary Colors of Hayden White's Tropological Theory of Discourse" H&T 60.4 (2021) pp. 82-99

Jenkins, Fiona "Whoever Are Histories for? Pluralization, Border Thinking, and Potential Histories" H&T 60.4 (2021) pp. 100-117

Lock, Charles "Thinking on Location: An Essay in the Vulnerability of the Subject" H&T 60.4 (2021) pp. 118-140

Domanska, Ewa "Prefigurative Humanities" H&T 60.4 (2021) pp. 141-158

Ray, W. "Calendar and Dates in Jubilees' Garden of Eden Story" HThR 114.3 (2021) pp. 305-327

Li, X. "Ben Sira on the Free Will Problem: A Comparison with Chrysippus" HThR 114.3 (2021) pp. 328-345

Han, J. "Mani's Metivta: Manichaean Pedagogy in its Late Antique Mesopotamian Context" HThR 114.3 (2021) pp. 346-370

Sachs-Shmueli, L. "Maimonides's Rationalization of the Incest Taboo, Its Reception in Thirteenth-Century Kabbalah, and Their Affinity to Aquinas" HThR 114.3 (2021) pp. 371-392

Ben Johanan, K. "Uncensored: Recovering Anti-Christian Animosity in Contemporary Rabbinic Literature" HThR 114.3 (2021) pp. 393-416

Cavadini, J. "Revolution or Rejection?" HThR 114.3 (2021) pp. 417-429

Ben-Dov, Jonathan "A 360-Day Administrative Year in Ancient Israel: Judahite Portable Calendars and the Flood Account" HThR 114.4 (2021) pp. 431-450

Samet, Nili "Qoheleth's Idiolect and Its Cultural Context*" HThR 114.4 (2021) pp. 451-468

Tolan, Daniel J. "The Flight of the All-One to the All-One: The fuge monou pros monon as the Basis of Plotinian Altruism" HThR 114.4 (2021) pp. 469-490

Nutt, Roger W. "Thomas Aquinas on Christ's Unity: Revisiting the De Unione Debate" HThR 114.4 (2021) pp. 491-507

Sacks, Elias "Exegesis and Politics Between East and West: Nachman Krochmal, Moses Mendelssohn, and Modern Jewish Thought" HThR 114.4 (2021) pp. 508-535

Goodman, Daniel Ross "From Confrontation to Cooperation: The Philosophical Foundations of the Joseph B. Soloveitchik-Irving Greenberg Schism on Jewish-Christian Dialogue" HThR 114.4 (2021) pp. 536-560

Franco, Laura "Byzantine Lives: Discussing Nonbinary Sexuality, Gender, and Race in Byzantium" HThR 114.4 (2021) pp. 561-570

Maria Mauro, Chiara "Identificazione e analisi dei contenuti nautici nel Periplo dello Ps.Scilace .." Habis 52 (2021) pp. 9-30

Rossello Calafell, Gabriel "El regalo diplomatico entre Roma y los numidas durante los siglos III y II a. C." Habis 52 (2021) pp. 31-50

Garcia Domingo, Enrique "Sobre el nombre del rio 'Tiberis' (Tiber)" Habis 52 (2021) pp. 51-68

Cases Mora, Noelia "El culto en vida a Augusto en 'Hispania'" Habis 52 (2021) pp. 69-88

Li Causi, Pietro "I leoni provavano gratitudine? La mirabolante storia di Androclo (e di altri) e il dibattito antico sugli animali" Habis 52 (2021) pp. 89-114

Marquez Moreno, Carlos "Nuevo retrato de Caligula procedente de Cordoba" Habis 52 (2021) pp. 115-130

Correa Rodriguez, Jose Antonio "Latin 'lappa', arabe 'labb', espanol 'Lepe' (Huelva).: nota a Mela 3.5 ." Habis 52 (2021) pp. 131-136

Beltran Fortes, Jose; Loza Azuaga, Maria Luisa "Una cabeza romana de Marte en la coleccion arqueologica de la Universidad de Sevilla" Habis 52 (2021) pp. 137-148

Acerbo, Stefano "Eracle a processo: la contesa con Augia nella 'Biblioteca' di Apollodoro ." Habis 52 (2021) pp. 149-168

Garcia Romero, Jose "Bidones de plomo y la necesidad de agua potable en las minas romanas" Habis 52 (2021) pp. 169-180

Ordonez Agulla, Salvador M.; GarciA-Dils De La Vega, Sergio "Un nuevo epitafio astigitano" Habis 52 (2021) pp. 181-190

Jimenez Sanchez, Juan Antonio "El 'Ceruulus' de Paciano de Barcelona: estudio de un tratado desaparecido" Habis 52 (2021) pp. 191-210

Angel y Espinos, Jesus "La enfermedad mental en las 'Homilias sobre el Evangelio de San Juan' de Juan Crisostomo ." Habis 52 (2021) pp. 211-228

Vargas-Machuca, Miguel Davila "Los cartagineses como figuras negativas en el cine italiano: manipulacion y construccion del enemigo africano-oriental" Habis 52 (2021) pp. 249-268

Fulkerson, Laurel; James, Sharon L. "Introduction: Ovid" Helios 48.1 (2021) pp. 1-4

Myers, K. Sara "New Directions in Ovidian Scholarship" Helios 48.1 (2021) pp. 5-20

Newlands, Carole "Actaeon in the Wilderness: Ovid and Christine de Pizan" Helios 48.1 (2021) pp. 21-39

Keith, Alison "Ovid in and after Exile" Helios 48.1 (2021) pp. 41-56

Libatique, Daniel "Ovid in the #MeToo Era" Helios 48.1 (2021) pp. 57-75

Combatti, Maria "Entanglements of the Human and Nonhuman in Euripides' Helen" Helios 48.2 (2021) pp. 79-112 <-- DOI: 10.1353/hel.2021.0006 -->

Schultz, Alexandra Leewon "Language and Agency in Sappho's Brothers Poem" Helios 48.2 (2021) pp. 113-143 <-- DOI: 10.1353/hel.2021.0007 -->

Watson, J.L. "Reframing Iphis and Caeneus: Trans Narratives and Socio-Linguistic Gendering in Ovid's Metamorphoses" Helios 48.2 (2021) pp. 145-174 <-- DOI: 10.1353/hel.2021.0008 -->

Israelowich, Ido "Local production and global trade : Roman means of arbitration in the commerce of wine" Hermes 149.1 (2021) pp. 53-69

Manousakis, Nikos "The Very First Written Word in Literary Greek" Hermes 149.2 (2021) pp. 131-143

Wenskus, Otta "Basic Astronomy" Hermes 149.2 (2021) pp. 144-156

Cartlidge, Benjamin "Witze Edieren" Hermes 149.2 (2021) pp. 157-165

Horn, Fabian "Zur Haufung von Kulttiteln in Lykophrons Alexandra" Hermes 149.2 (2021) pp. 166-176

Pina Polo, Francisco "Sallust's Epistulae ad Caesarem" Hermes 149.2 (2021) pp. 177-205

Berrens, Dominik "Der korykische Greis in der "Anthologia Graeca"" Hermes 149.2 (2021) pp. 206-214

Cioffi, Carmela "Gli excerpta de comoedia attribuiti ad Elio Donato: verso una nuova edizione" Hermes 149.2 (2021) pp. 215-231

Lucarini, Carlo M. "Zu Ps.-Skylax, Periplus 94" Hermes 149.2 (2021) pp. 232-232

Jolowicz, Daniel "Ennius Annales 1 Sk. and Appendix Vergiliana Dirae 48" Hermes 149.2 (2021) pp. 233-238

Tansey, Patrick "Cotta Maximus" Hermes 149.2 (2021) pp. 239-249

Diez, Christopher "Zum Motiv des metus lymphaticus bei Seneca (epist. 13,8 f.) und Lucan (1,466--522)" Hermes 149.2 (2021) pp. 250-256

Danovi, Vittorio Remo "A Carolingian Emendation of Tiberius Claudius Donatus, ad Aen. 3.118" Hermes 149.2 (2021) pp. 257-258

Patay-Horvath, Andras "Descendants of Pelops in the Fifth Century BC" Hermes 149.3 (2021) pp. 260-279

Krewet, Michael "Jungere Textzeugen in der griechischsprachigen Uberlieferung von Aristoteles' "peri ermeneias" und ihre textkritische Bedeutung" Hermes 149.3 (2021) pp. 280-303

Jussen, Dennis "The Marks of a Ruler: The Face of the Roman Emperor in Fourth-Century Imperial Panegyric" Hermes 149.3 (2021) pp. 304-325

Gagliardi, Paola "Ancora su Gallo e Adone" Hermes 149.3 (2021) pp. 326-341

Pieper, Christoph "Bruttedius Niger, Cicero und das Forum: die Konstruktion eines ciceronianischen Erinnerungsortes" Hermes 149.3 (2021) pp. 342-363

Spielhofer, Lukas "(Re/De-)Constructing Identity in Babrius's "Mythiambi"" Hermes 149.3 (2021) pp. 364-381

Kwapisz, Jan "Pseudo-Lycophron, Alexandra 874--6 between Pindar and Horace" Hermes 149.3 (2021) pp. 382-386

Shalev, Donna "Not Yes and Not No: mese apokrisis and Other Forms of "Non-Polar Response" in Ancient Greek Sources: Part I" Hermes 149.4 (2021) pp. 388-409

Fedder, Fabian "Zur Bedeutung des Begriffes vincire in der lex: "Qui parentes non aluerit, vinciatur."" Hermes 149.4 (2021) pp. 410-431

Brillante, Sergio "L'influsso della conoscenza storica e cronologica sulla critica letteraria" Hermes 149.4 (2021) pp. 432-447

van Wijk, Roy "A Lost Local Memory" Hermes 149.4 (2021) pp. 448-473

Zanin, Manfredi "The Last Postumii Albini" Hermes 149.4 (2021) pp. 474-486

Allgaier, Benjamin "Der Sprecher in Philostrats "Eikones" zwischen Distanz und Immersion" Hermes 149.4 (2021) pp. 487-500

Mader, Gottfried "The Spectacle of Inaction (Ag. 1343--71): Aeschylus satiricus?" Hermes 149.4 (2021) pp. 501-510

Lucarini, Carlo M. "Zu Florus" Hermes 149.4 (2021) pp. 511-513

Sapirstein, Philip "The First Doric Temple in Sicily, Its Builder, and IG XIV 1" Hesperia 90.3 (2021) pp. 411-477

McArthur, Mills "Athenian Shipbuilders" Hesperia 90.3 (2021) pp. 479-532

Stewart, Andrew; Lawrence, Erin; Levitan, Rebecca; Turbeville, Kelsey "Classical Sculpture from the Athenian Agora, Part 3: The Pediments, Metopes, and Akroteria of the Temple of Ares (Temple of Athena Pallenis)" Hesperia 90.3 (2021) pp. 533-604

Mazurek, Lindsey A. "Gender and Alterity in Provincial Portraiture: Reconsidering the Isiac Grave Reliefs of Roman Athens" Hesperia 90.3 (2021) pp. 605-640

Pevnick, Seth D. "Lykos Kalos: Beyond Youthful Beauty" Hesperia 90.4 (2021) pp. 641-683

Richardson, M.B. "The Law of Epikrates of 354/3 B.C." Hesperia 90.4 (2021) pp. 685-746

Sneed, Debby "Disability and Infanticide in Ancient Greece" Hesperia 90.4 (2021) pp. 747-772

Pfaff, Christopher A. "Corinth, 2019: Northeast of the Theater" Hesperia 90.4 (2021) pp. 773-818

Smith, Timothy "Elections in the time of Cinna" Historia 70.1 (2021) pp. 29-54

Woodman, A. J. 1945- "Sallust and Catiline : Conspiracy Theories" Historia 70.1 (2021) pp. 55-68

Gauthier, Francois "Did velites really disappear in the Late Roman Republic?" Historia 70.1 (2021) pp. 69-82

Christoforou, Panayiotis "'An Indication of Truly Imperial Manners' : The Roman emperor in Philo's Legatio ad Gaium" Historia 70.1 (2021) pp. 83-115

Blanco Perez, Aitor "Western Asia Minor and its epigraphic sources under the Tetrarchy : the end of a habit?" Historia 70.1 (2021) pp. 116-132

Koiv, Mait "Why Did the Greeks hate the Tyrants ? A Comparative View on Monarchy in Archaic Greece" Historia 70.2 (2021) pp. 134-184

Porter, Jason "The Apophora and the 'Leasing' of Property to Slaves and Manumitted Slaves in Classical Athens" Historia 70.2 (2021) pp. 185-205

Borsch, Jonas, 1984- "Erdbeben im romischen Kleinasien und die Grenzen der Resilienz = Earthquakes in Roman Asia Minor and thelimits of resilience" Historia 70.2 (2021) pp. 206-241

Easton, Jeffrey "Mostly Work and Some Play" Historia 70.2 (2021) pp. 242-266

Mac Sweeney, Naois "Regional Identities in the Greek World : Myth and Koinon in Ionia" Historia 70.3 (2021) pp. 268-314

Boehm, Rya "Ritual and Revolution : Artemis Eukleia and the Union of Corinth and Argos Revisited" Historia 70.3 (2021) pp. 315-350

Olmo Lopez, Ruben "Lepcis Magna and the Roman Proconsuls in the Julio-Claudian Period : Cooperation and Dependence" Historia 70.3 (2021) pp. 351-374

Van Hoof, Lieve "Libanius, Lemmatius and the Location and Career of a Pagan (High?) Priest under and after Julian" Historia 70.3 (2021) pp. 375-393

Thorsen, Thea S. "Oenone (Her. 5), Acontius (Her. 20), and the Ovidian seruitium amoris" ICS 46.1-2 (2021) pp. 11-30

Alekou, Stella "The Art of Death in Ovid's Heroides" ICS 46.1-2 (2021) pp. 31-58

Battistella, Chiara "The "Strangeness" of Hypermestra's Letter to Lynceus (Ov. Her. 14)" ICS 46.1-2 (2021) pp. 59-78

Michalopoulos, Charilaos N. "Statues and the Statuesque in Ovid's Heroides" ICS 46.1-2 (2021) pp. 79-102

Michalopoulos, Andreas N. "Hero Meets Penelope, Leander Meets Odysseus: The Intratextual Dialogue between Ov. Her. 1 and Her. 18--19" ICS 46.1-2 (2021) pp. 103-117

Jolivet, Jean-Christophe "From Socrates to Briseis: Homeric Problems and Epistolary Fiction in Heroides 3" ICS 46.1-2 (2021) pp. 119-137

Desmond, Marilynn "Ovid's Heroides 3 and the inventio of Criseyde in the Medieval Matter of Troy" ICS 46.1-2 (2021) pp. 139-161

Abritta, Alejandro "A Glimpse at the Melody of Ibycus? Accent Distribution in fr. 286 Page" ICS 46.1-2 (2021) pp. 163-175

Gianni, Gaia "Roosters, Cockfighting, and Performing Masculinity in Aristophanes's Plays" ICS 46.1-2 (2021) pp. 177-198

Roy, Sydnor "Suspicious Eyes: Hypopsia and Democracy in Lysias 1 and Pericles's Funeral Oration" ICS 46.1-2 (2021) pp. 199-212

Putnam, Michael "Statius Silvae 2.3: The Garden of Atedius Melior: A Change for the Better" ICS 46.1-2 (2021) pp. 241-285

Eshed, Vered; Bar, Shay "Infant Burial Customs at the Chalcolithic Site of Fazael 2, Israel" IEJ 71.1 (2021) pp. 1-14

Wrathall, Alexandra; Lipschits, Oded; Gadot, Yuval "Beyond the Southern Horizon: The Early Iron IIB Shephelite Ceramic Repertoire" IEJ 71.1 (2021) pp. 15-42

Levin, Yigal "Was Kiriath-jearim in Judah or in Benjamin?" IEJ 71.1 (2021) pp. 43-63

Shivtiel, Yinon; Syon, Danny; Berlin, Andrea M. " A Hellenistic Pottery Assemblage from A Cliff Shelter in Western Upper Galilee" IEJ 71.1 (2021) pp. 64-86

Storchan, Benyamin "A Roman Shoe Brooch from a Beit Nattif Lamp Workshop at Kh. Shumeila" IEJ 71.1 (2021) pp. 87-100

Abudraham, Ohad "Duplicate Jewish Lamellae from Late Antiquity: Wolfe NA 1 and Getty Museum 80.AM.55.2" IEJ 71.1 (2021) pp. 101-109

Cohen, Haim; Artzy, Michal; Katz, Iddo "A Glass Pendant from Tel Kursi" IEJ 71.1 (2021) pp. 109-117

Shalev, Ehud Arkin; Galili, Ehud; Waiman-Barak, Paula; Yasur-Landau, Assaf "Rethinking the Iron Age Carmel Coast: A Coastal and Maritime Perspective" IEJ 71.2 (2021) pp. 129-161

Finkelstein, Israel "The Date and Function of the Samaria Ostraca" IEJ 71.2 (2021) pp. 162-179

Fridman, Sharya "Chalk-Stone Vessels in the Southern Golan: Archaeological, Historical and Cultural Contexts" IEJ 71.2 (2021) pp. 180-203

Raviv, Dvir; Ullman, Micka; Langford, Boaz; Frumkin, Amos; Porat, Roi; Zissu, Boaz "Finds from the Bar-Kokhba Revolt on the Cliffsides of Wadi Chariton (Nahal Teqoa)" IEJ 71.2 (2021) pp. 204-223

Hoyland, Robert G. "The Arabic Papyri from Early Islamic Nessana" IEJ 71.2 (2021) pp. 224-241

Wheeler, Graham John "Towards a Reception History of the Chaldaean Oracles" IJCT 28.3 (2021) pp. 261-284

Villalba, Victoria Pinedajoaquin "Two Humanist Views on the Art of History: Filippo Beroaldo the Elder and Giorgio Valla" IJCT 28.3 (2021) pp. 285-318

Villalba, Victoria Pinedajoaquin "Correction to: Two Humanist Views on the Art of History: Filippo Beroaldo the Elder and Giorgio Valla" IJCT 28.3 (2021) pp. 319-319

Joby, Christopher "The Reception of Classical Authors in Taiwan" IJCT 28.3 (2021) pp. 320-334

Baldwin, Oliver "'A Spaniard in essence: Seneca and the Spanish Volksgeist'" IJCT 28.3 (2021) pp. 335-352

Zhang, Wei "Reading Homer in Contemporary China (From the 1980s Until Today)" IJCT 28.3 (2021) pp. 353-379

Glover, Adam "Sidron De Hossche (1596-1653) and the Poetics of the Passion" IJCT 28.4 (2021) pp. 397-421

Ryan, Cressida "Colonus in England's Green and Pleasant Lands: William Mason's Caractacus and His Use of Sophocles" IJCT 28.4 (2021) pp. 422-445

Marsh, David "Lucian and Flaubert" IJCT 28.4 (2021) pp. 446-501

Santucci, Robert S. "Erysichthon Gets Fed: A Menu in Mary Zimmerman's Metamorphoses" IJCT 28.4 (2021) pp. 502-509

Cole, Emma "Fragments, Immersivity, and Reception: Punchdrunk on Aeschylus' Kabeiroi" IJCT 28.4 (2021) pp. 510-525

Cole, Emma "Correction to: Fragments, Immersivity, and Reception: Punchdrunk on Aeschylus' Kabeiroi" IJCT 28.4 (2021) pp. 526-526

Yang, Xiaoshan "Periodizations of Tang Poetry and Choices of Models in the Late Southern Song" JAOS 141.3 (2021) pp. 505--520

Chu, Ming-Kin "Life of an Exile" JAOS 141.3 (2021) pp. 521--538

Boyd, Samuel L. "The Use of the Relative and Near Demonstrative Pronouns in the Introduction of Phoenician, Old Aramaic, and Sam'alian Dedication Inscriptions" JAOS 141.3 (2021) pp. 539--556

Kloekhorst, Alwin "A New Interpretation of the Old Hittite Zalpa-Text (CTH 3.1)" JAOS 141.3 (2021) pp. 557--575

Khalil, Atif "White Death" JAOS 141.3 (2021) pp. 577--586

Silverstein, A. J. "Daniel 1--6 in Classical Islamic Culture and the Gospel According to Ibn Hisham" JAOS 141.3 (2021) pp. 587--611

Bisschop, Peter C.; Cecil, Elizabeth A. "Jayati Bhagavan Jinendrah!" JAOS 141.3 (2021) pp. 613--635

Mcgrath, William A. "The Princess and the Plague" JAOS 141.3 (2021) pp. 637--660

Samet, Nili "The Morphology of the Biblical Root h- b- q" JAOS 141.3 (2021) pp. 661--667

Burman, Annie; Boyes, Philip J. "When the Phoenicians Were Swedish" JAOS 141.4 (2021) pp. 749--766

Bilgin, Tayfun; Ozciris, Muzaffer "Unpublished Hieroglyphic Luwian Inscriptions from Adiyaman Museum" JAOS 141.4 (2021) pp. 767--777

Sonik, Karen "Minor and Marginal(ized)?" JAOS 141.4 (2021) pp. 779--801

Noy, Avigail "Did the Arabic Lexicographers Invent Majaz?" JAOS 141.4 (2021) pp. 803--822

Soufi, Youcef "The Lost Oral Genesis of Classical Islamic Law" JAOS 141.4 (2021) pp. 823--846

Hellwig, Oliver; Scarlata, Salvatore; Widmer, Paul "Reassessing Rigvedic Strata" JAOS 141.4 (2021) pp. 847--865

Cox, Whitney "Reading Jalhana Reading Bilhana" JAOS 141.4 (2021) pp. 867--894

Yu, Pauline "ACLS and the Promotion of Chinese Studies in the United States, 1928--1958" JAOS 141.4 (2021) pp. 895--910

Hao, Ji "Lust, Caution, and Enlightenment" JAOS 141.4 (2021) pp. 911--930

You, Kun "The Yellow Emperor as Paratext" JAOS 141.4 (2021) pp. 931--940

Lacovara, Peter "In Memoriam Lanny David Bell" JARCE 57 (2021) pp. 5--6

Buturovic, Amila; Hughes, Aaron W. "In Memoriam Th. Emil Homerlin" JARCE 57 (2021) pp. 7--8

Muhs, Brian P. "In Memoriam Robert K. Ritner" JARCE 57 (2021) pp. 9--10

Jasnow, Richard "In Memoriam Karl-Theodor Zauzich" JARCE 57 (2021) pp. 11--12

Aravecchia, Nicola "The Hamlet of 'Ain el-Gedida in Dakhla Oasis" JARCE 57 (2021) pp. 13--32

Brink, Kristian; Ikram, Salima; Barahona-Mendieta, Zulema; Frade, Pia "Mary Had a Little Ram" JARCE 57 (2021) pp. 33--56

El-Din, Dina M. Ezz "Tiger Nuts" JARCE 57 (2021) pp. 57--74

Hartley, Mary; Tristant, Yann "Where Doves Lie" JARCE 57 (2021) pp. 75--82

Hawass, Zahi "Excavations in Western Thebes, 2021" JARCE 57 (2021) pp. 83--110

Hawass, Zahi; Kasem, Maisa; Shehab, Essam "The Burial of Bukhaef" JARCE 57 (2021) pp. 111--122

Ikram, Salima; Warner, Nicholas; Lazaridis, Nikolaos; Warden, Leslie Anne; Cook, Rebecca; Boyer, Craig; Bunbury, Judith "A "Late Antique" Mining Community in the North Kharga Oasis (Egypt)" JARCE 57 (2021) pp. 123--174

Jurjens, Judith "The Educational Context of a Literary Text" JARCE 57 (2021) pp. 175--196

Motte, Aurore "Une paratextualite emergente dans les tombes privees" JARCE 57 (2021) pp. 197--224

Navratilova, Hana "A New Ramesside Copy of the Teaching of Amenemhat" JARCE 57 (2021) pp. 225--234

Smith-Sangster, Emily "Crutched Pharaoh, Seated Hunter" JARCE 57 (2021) pp. 235--252

Thompson, David "The (Sea?) Fortress Commander Huynefer, and His Shabti" JARCE 57 (2021) pp. 253--266

Torres, Ines "A Unique Lassoing Scene from the Mastaba of Akhmerutnisut at Giza (G 2184)" JARCE 57 (2021) pp. 267--286

Wegner, Josef "A Late Middle Kingdom Temple Bakery at South Abydos" JARCE 57 (2021) pp. 287--328

Castaneda, Alejandra; Darras, Veronique; Deodat, Laure "Corrigendum to "Assessing the prehispanic settlement of the Lerma Valley during the first millennium: Survey in the floodplain of Tres Mezquites, Michoacan, Mexico" [J. Anthropol. Archaeol. 58 (2020) 101--168]" JAnthArch 61 (2021) pp. 101234

Forgia, Vincenza; Olle, Andreu; Verges, Josep Maria "Early pastoral communities in the mountains of Sicily. Prehistoric evidence from Vallone Inferno (Scillato) in the palaeoenvironmental framework of the Madonie mountain range" JAnthArch 61 (2021) pp. 101238

Vidal-Cordasco, M.; Nuevo-Lopez, A. "Resilience and vulnerability to climate change in the Greek Dark Ages" JAnthArch 61 (2021) pp. 101239

Tomasso, Antonin; Rots, Veerle "Looking into Upper Paleolithic gear: The potential of an integrated techno-economic approach" JAnthArch 61 (2021) pp. 101240

Tang, Li; Lu, Hongliang; Song, Jixiang; Wangdue, Shargan; Chen, Xinzhou; Zhang, Zhengwei; Liu, Xinyi; Boivin, Nicole; Spengler, Robert N. "The transition to a barley-dominant cultivation system in Tibet: First millennium BC archaeobotanical evidence from Bangga" JAnthArch 61 (2021) pp. 101242

Stemp, W. James; Graham, Elizabeth; Helmke, Christophe; Awe, Jaime J. "Expedient lithic technology in complex sedentary societies: Use-wear, flake size, and edge angle on debitage from two ancient Maya sites" JAnthArch 61 (2021) pp. 101243

Echenique, Ester; Avila, Florencia; Nielsen, Axel E. "Potting practices and social integration in the southern Andes during the late intermediate period: The case of Yavi-Chicha pottery" JAnthArch 61 (2021) pp. 101244

Sallum, Marianne; Noelli, Francisco Silva "'A pleasurable job' ... Communities of women ceramicists and the long path of Paulistaware in Sao Paulo" JAnthArch 61 (2021) pp. 101245

Sassaman, Kenneth E.; Gilmore, Zackary I. "When edges become centered: The ceramic social geography of early pottery communities of the American Southeast" JAnthArch 61 (2021) pp. 101253

Price, T. Douglas; Klassen, Lutz; Sjogren, Karl-Goran "Pitted ware culture: Isotopic evidence for contact between Sweden and Denmark across the Kattegat in the Middle Neolithic, ca. 3000 BC" JAnthArch 61 (2021) pp. 101254

Torre, Ignacio De La; Benito-Calvo, Alfonso; Martin-Ramos, Carmen; Mchenry, Lindsay J.; Mora, Rafael; Njau, Jackson K.; Pante, Michael C.; Stanistreet, Ian G.; Stollhofen, Harald "New excavations in the MNK Skull site, and the last appearance of the Oldowan and Homo habilis at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania" JAnthArch 61 (2021) pp. 101255

Schwartz, Christopher W.; Somerville, Andrew D.; Nelson, Ben A.; Knudson, Kelly J. "Investigating pre-Hispanic scarlet macaw origins through radiogenic strontium isotope analysis at Paquime in Chihuahua, Mexico" JAnthArch 61 (2021) pp. 101256

Sampeck, Kathryn E. "A constitutional approach to cacao money" JAnthArch 61 (2021) pp. 101257

Chechushkov, Igor V.; Valiakhmetov, Iliya A.; Fitzhugh, William W. "From adaptation to niche construction: Weather as a winter site selection factor in northern Mongolia, the Quebec Lower North Shore, and the southern Urals" JAnthArch 61 (2021) pp. 101258

Goldstein, Steven T. "Lithic technological organization of the "Elmenteitan" early herders in southern Kenya: Implications for mobility, exchange, and climatic resilience" JAnthArch 61 (2021) pp. 101259

Juengst, Sara L.; Hutchinson, Dale L.; Chavez, Karen Mohr; Chavez, Sergio J.; Chavez, Stanislava R.; Krigbaum, John; Schober, Theresa; Norr, Lynette "The resiliency of diet on the Copacabana Peninsula, Bolivia" JAnthArch 61 (2021) pp. 101260

Sprajc, Ivan; Dunning, Nicholas P.; Stajdohar, Jasmina; Gomez, Quintin Hernandez; Lopez, Israel Chato; Marsetic, Ales; Ball, Joseph W.; Gongora, Sara Dzul; Olguin, Octavio Q. Esparza; Esquivel, Atasta Flores; Kokalj, Ziga "Ancient Maya water management, agriculture, and society in the area of Chactun, Campeche, Mexico" JAnthArch 61 (2021) pp. 101261

Maher, Lisa A.; Macdonald, Danielle A.; Pomeroy, Emma; Stock, Jay T. "Life, death, and the destruction of architecture: Hunter-gatherer mortuary behaviors in prehistoric Jordan" JAnthArch 61 (2021) pp. 101262

Pacheco-Fores, Sofia I.; Morehart, Christopher T.; Buikstra, Jane E.; Gordon, Gwyneth W.; Knudson, Kelly J. "Migration, violence, and the "other": A biogeochemical approach to identity-based violence in the Epiclassic Basin of Mexico" JAnthArch 61 (2021) pp. 101263

Stoner, Wesley D.; Stark, Barbara L.; Vanderwarker, Amber; Urquhart, Kyle R. "Between land and water: Hydraulic engineering in the Tlalixcoyan basin, Veracruz, Mexico" JAnthArch 61 (2021) pp. 101264

Di Fabio Rocca, Francisco; Russo, Maria Gabriela; Arencibia, Valeria; Seldes, Veronica "Ancient DNA studies: Use of ethnonyms and collaborative research in South America" JAnthArch 61 (2021) pp. 101265

Ferrari, Alejandro A.; Acuto, Felix A.; Leibowicz, Ivan; Izaguirre, Joaquin; Jacob, Cristian "Pilgrimage, mountain worshiping, and human -- Non-human entities' interactions in the South Andes: A case study from the North Calchaqui Valley (Salta, Argentina)" JAnthArch 61 (2021) pp. 101266

Ikehara, Hugo C. "Unfinished monumental projects and institutional crisis in the early pre-Columbian Andes" JAnthArch 61 (2021) pp. 101267

Fladd, Samantha G.; Hedquist, Saul L.; Adams, E. Charles "Trash reconsidered: A relational approach to deposition in the Pueblo Southwest" JAnthArch 61 (2021) pp. 101268

Cochran, Lindsey E. "Rival landscapes of Georgia's coastal plantations" JAnthArch 61 (2021) pp. 101270

Livarda, Alexandra; Orengo, Hector A.; Canellas-Bolta, Nuria; Riera-Mora, Santiago; Picornell-Gelabert, Llorenc; Tzevelekidi, Vasiliki; Veropoulidou, Rena; Martin, Ricard Marlasca; Krahtopoulou, Athanasia "Mediterranean polyculture revisited: Olive, grape and subsistence strategies at Palaikastro, East Crete, between the Late Neolithic and Late Bronze Age" JAnthArch 61 (2021) pp. 101271

Milner, George R.; Howey, Meghan; Katzenberg, M. Anne "Editorial: Journal Editor Transition and COVID-19 pandemic submissions" JAnthArch 61 (2021) pp. 101274

Nicholson, Samuel Luke; Hosfield, Rob; Groucutt, Huw S.; Pike, Alistair W.G.; Fleitmann, Dominik "Beyond arrows on a map: The dynamics of Homo sapiens dispersal and occupation of Arabia during Marine Isotope Stage 5" JAnthArch 62 (2021) pp. 101269

Howey, Meghan C.L.; Burg, Marieka Brouwer "Landscape bundling of ceremonial Earthworks: Incorporating ethnohistoric and contemporary Indigenous ontologies to revive Great Lakes archaeological legacy datasets" JAnthArch 62 (2021) pp. 101272

Lucia, Kristin De "Household lake exploitation and aquatic lifeways in postclassic Xaltocan, Mexico" JAnthArch 62 (2021) pp. 101273

Coloca, Federico I.; Lopez, Gabriel E.J. "Archaeology and pre-Hispanic mining rituals in the south-central Andes (Puna of Salta, Northwestern Argentina)" JAnthArch 62 (2021) pp. 101275

Lemke, Ashley "Literal niche construction: Built environments of hunter-gatherers and hunting architecture" JAnthArch 62 (2021) pp. 101276

Mckillop, Heather "Salt as a commodity or money in the Classic Maya economy" JAnthArch 62 (2021) pp. 101277

Baron, Joanne; Millhauser, John "A place for archaeology in the study of money, finance, and debt" JAnthArch 62 (2021) pp. 101278

Giovannetti, Marco Antonio "Chicha and food for the Inka feasts: Their materiality in state production contexts in southern Tawantinsuyu" JAnthArch 62 (2021) pp. 101279

Dorland, Steven G.H. "Let's start with something Small: An evaluation of social learning and scaling practices in Great Lakes potting communities during the Late Woodland" JAnthArch 62 (2021) pp. 101287

Underhill, Anne P.; Cunnar, Geoffrey E.; Luan, Fengshi; Crawford, Gary; Yu, Haiguang; Fang, Hui; Wang, Fen; Wu, Hao "Urbanization in the eastern seaboard (Haidai) area of northern China: Perspectives from the late Neolithic site of Liangchengzhen" JAnthArch 62 (2021) pp. 101288

Shoaee, Mohammad Javad; Nasab, Hamed Vahdati; Petraglia, Michael D. "The Paleolithic of the Iranian Plateau: Hominin occupation history and implications for human dispersals across southern Asia" JAnthArch 62 (2021) pp. 101292

Matessi, Alvise "The ways of an empire: Continuity and change of route landscapes across the Taurus during the Hittite Period (ca. 1650--1200 BCE)" JAnthArch 62 (2021) pp. 101293

Henry, Edward R.; Mueller, Natalie G.; Jones, Mica B. "Ritual dispositions, enclosures, and the passing of time: A biographical perspective on the Winchester Farm earthwork in Central Kentucky, USA" JAnthArch 62 (2021) pp. 101294

Everhart, Timothy D. "On the monumentality of ditches" JAnthArch 62 (2021) pp. 101295

Reynaga, Diana K. Moreiras; Millaire, Jean-Francois; Balderas, Ximena Chavez; Berrelleza, Juan A. Roman; Lujan, Leonardo Lopez; Longstaffe, Fred J. "Residential patterns of Mexica human sacrifices at Mexico-Tenochtitlan and Mexico-Tlatelolco: Evidence from phosphate oxygen isotopes" JAnthArch 62 (2021) pp. 101296

Patania, Ilaria; Jaffe, Yitzchak "Collaboration, not competition: A geoarchaeological approach to the social context of the earliest pottery" JAnthArch 62 (2021) pp. 101297

Velasco, Matthew C.; Tung, Tiffiny A. "Shaping dietary histories: Exploring the relationship between cranial modification and childhood feeding in a high-altitude Andean population (1100--1450 CE)" JAnthArch 62 (2021) pp. 101298

Fulkerson, Tiffany J.; Tushingham, Shannon "Geophyte field processing, storage, and women's decision-making in hunter-gatherer societies: An archaeological case study from western North America" JAnthArch 62 (2021) pp. 101299

Smith, Craig S. "The bow and arrow, population, environment, and seeds: Intensification in southwest Wyoming" JAnthArch 62 (2021) pp. 101300

Grauer, Kacey C. "Heterarchical political ecology: Commoner and elite (meta)physical access to water at the ancient Maya city of Aventura, Belize" JAnthArch 62 (2021) pp. 101301

Leitao-Barboza, Myrian Sa; Kawa, Nicholas C.; Junqueira, Andre B.; Oyuela-Caycedo, Augusto "Open air laboratories: Amazonian home gardens as sites of experimentation, collaboration, and negotiation across time" JAnthArch 62 (2021) pp. 101302

Salmi, Anna-Kaisa; Berg, Mathilde Van Den; Niinimaki, Sirpa; Pelletier, Maxime "Earliest archaeological evidence for domesticated reindeer economy among the Sami of Northeastern Fennoscandia AD 1300 onwards" JAnthArch 62 (2021) pp. 101303

Gurbuz, Rebecca Biermann; Lycett, Stephen J. "Did the use of bone flakes precede the use of knapped stone flakes in hominin meat processing and could this be detectable archaeologically?" JAnthArch 62 (2021) pp. 101305

Paris, Elizabeth H.; Bishop, Ronald L.; Bravo, Roberto Lopez; Sullivan, Timothy D. "Imitation games: The exchange and emulation of fine orange pottery in central Chiapas, Mexico" JAnthArch 62 (2021) pp. 101306

Finn, Ellen "Losing liminality: Turner's theory of transition in the funerary archaeology of Prepalatial Crete" JAnthArch 63 (2021) pp. 101291

Hayden, Brian "Keeping count: On interpreting record keeping in prehistory" JAnthArch 63 (2021) pp. 101304

Howse, Lesley; Savelle, James M.; Dyke, Arthur S. "Middle Dorset communal living at Alarniq, northern Foxe Basin, Inuit Nunangat (Arctic Canada)" JAnthArch 63 (2021) pp. 101307

Rice, Prudence M.; Pugh, Timothy W. "Middle Preclassic Nixtun-Ch'ich': A lowland Maya primate/ritual city" JAnthArch 63 (2021) pp. 101308

Janzekovic, Izidor "'To hell with everything': Post-war nationalism and the "Old Slavic Sanctuary" at Ptuj Castle, Slovenia" JAnthArch 63 (2021) pp. 101309

Liu, Li "Communal drinking rituals and social formations in the Yellow River valley of Neolithic China" JAnthArch 63 (2021) pp. 101310

Losey, Robert J.; Bazaliiskii, Vladimir I.; Nomokonova, Tatiana "An integrative examination of elk imagery in Middle Holocene Cis-Baikal, Siberia" JAnthArch 63 (2021) pp. 101311

Weiberg, Erika; Bonnier, Anton; Finne, Martin "Land use, climate change and 'boom-bust' sequences in agricultural landscapes: Interdisciplinary perspectives from the Peloponnese (Greece)" JAnthArch 63 (2021) pp. 101319

Pollard, Dominic "All equal in the presence of death? A quantitative analysis of the Early Iron Age cemeteries of Knossos, Crete" JAnthArch 63 (2021) pp. 101320

Freeman, Jacob; Hard, Robert J.; Mauldin, Raymond P.; Anderies, John M. "Radiocarbon data may support a Malthus-Boserup model of hunter-gatherer population expansion" JAnthArch 63 (2021) pp. 101321

Wills, W.H.; Williams, Katharine; Murphy, Beau; Przystupa, Paulina; Dorshow, Wetherbee B. "The Pueblo Bonito mounds: Formation history, architectural context and representational fields" JAnthArch 63 (2021) pp. 101322

Carter, Alison Kyra; Klassen, Sarah; Stark, Miriam T.; Polkinghorne, Martin; Heng, Piphal; Evans, Damian; Chhay, Rachna "The evolution of agro-urbanism: A case study from Angkor, Cambodia" JAnthArch 63 (2021) pp. 101323

Standen, Vivien G.; Santoro, Calogero M.; Arriaza, Bernardo; Verano, John; Monsalve, Susana; Coleman, Drew; Valenzuela, Daniela; Marquet, Pablo A. "Violence among the first horticulturists in the atacama desert (1000 BCE -- 600 CE)" JAnthArch 63 (2021) pp. 101324

Berger, Elizabeth; Brunson, Katherine; Kaufman, Brett; Lee, Gyoung-Ah; Liu, Xinyi; Sebillaud, Pauline; Storozum, Michael; Barton, Loukas; Eng, Jacqueline; Feinman, Gary; Flad, Rowan; Garvie-Lok, Sandra; Hrivnyak, Michelle; Lander, Brian; Merrett, Deborah C.; Ye, Wa "Human adaptation to Holocene environments: Perspectives and promise from China" JAnthArch 63 (2021) pp. 101326

Williams, Patrick Ryan; Nash, Donna J. "Consuming Kero: Molle Beer and Wari social identity in Andean Peru" JAnthArch 63 (2021) pp. 101327

Wilczynski, Jaroslaw; Haynes, Gary; Sobczyk, Lukasz; Roblickova, Martina; Wojtal, Piotr "Response to Germonpre et al. "Some comments on 'Friend or Foe? Large canid remains from Pavlovian sites and their archaeozoological context', a paper by Wilczynski et al. (2020)"" JAnthArch 63 (2021) pp. 101328

Germonpre, Mietje; Laznickova-Galetova, Martina; Sablin, Mikhail V.; Bocherens, Herve; Prassack, Kari "Some comments on "Friend or Foe? Large canid remains from Pavlovian sites and their archaeozoological context", a paper by Wilczynski et al. (2020)" JAnthArch 63 (2021) pp. 101329

Paulette, Tate "Inebriation and the early state: Beer and the politics of affect in Mesopotamia" JAnthArch 63 (2021) pp. 101330

Juarez, Santiago "Connecting households: Ceremonial and domestic settlement patterns at the Preclassic site of Noh K'uh in Chiapas, Mexico" JAnthArch 63 (2021) pp. 101331

Cheung, Christina; Herrscher, Estelle; Andre, Guy; Bedault, Lisandre; Hachem, Lamys; Binois-Roman, Annelise; Simonin, Daniel; Thomas, Aline "The grandeur of death -- Monuments, societies, and diets in middle Neolithic Paris Basin" JAnthArch 63 (2021) pp. 101332

Motta, Ana Paula; Veth, Peter M.; Corporation, Balanggarra Aboriginal "Relational ontologies and performance: Identifying humans and nonhuman animals in the rock art from north-eastern Kimberley, Australia" JAnthArch 63 (2021) pp. 101333

Gandon, Enora; Nonaka, Tetsushi; Coyle, Thelma; Coyle, Erin; Sonabend, Raphael; Ogbonnaya, Chibueze; Endler, John; Roux, Valentine "Cultural transmission and perception of vessel shapes among Hebron potters" JAnthArch 63 (2021) pp. 101334

Coe, Marion M. "Basketry, cordage, and perishable artifact manufacture at Bonneville Estates Rockshelter: Diachronic technological variation" JAnthArch 64 (2021) pp. 101325

Soriano, I.; Herrero-Corral, A.M.; Garrido-Pena, R.; Majo, T. "Sex/gender system and social hierarchization in Bell Beaker burials from Iberia" JAnthArch 64 (2021) pp. 101335

Alunni, Daniela Veronica "Ungulates butchering and transport by hunter gatherers with maritime economic orientation: The case of the south coast of Tierra del Fuego (Argentina)" JAnthArch 64 (2021) pp. 101336

Halperin, Christina T.; Flynn-Arajdal, Yasmine; Wolf, Katherine A. Miller; Freiwald, Carolyn "Terminal Classic residential histories, migration, and foreigners at the Maya site of Ucanal, Peten, Guatemala" JAnthArch 64 (2021) pp. 101337

Schurr, Mark R.; Mcleester, Madeleine; Countryman, Jamie "A new approach to population: Using multiple measures to estimate the population of a protohistoric village in the western Great Lakes region, USA" JAnthArch 64 (2021) pp. 101338

Ceccarelli, A.; Quinn, P.S.; Singh, R.N.; Petrie, C.A. "Setting the wheels in motion: Re-examining ceramic forming techniques in Indus Civilisation villages in northwest India" JAnthArch 64 (2021) pp. 101346

Wang, Jiajing; Friedman, Renee; Baba, Masahiro "Predynastic beer production, distribution, and consumption at Hierakonpolis, Egypt" JAnthArch 64 (2021) pp. 101347

Van Maldegem, Elliot; Vandendriessche, Hans; Verhegge, Jeroen; Sergant, Joris; Meylemans, Erwin; Perdaen, Yves; Lauryssen, Florian; Smolders, Erik; Crombe, Philippe "Population collapse or human resilience in response to the 9.3 and 8.2 ka cooling events: A multi-proxy analysis of Mesolithic occupation in the Scheldt basin (Belgium)" JAnthArch 64 (2021) pp. 101348

Canuto, Marcello A.; Auld-Thomas, Luke "Taking the high ground: A model for lowland Maya settlement patterns" JAnthArch 64 (2021) pp. 101349

Arthur, John W. "Beer, ritual, and identity: Ethnoarchaeological and archaeological study in Konso, southern Ethiopia" JAnthArch 64 (2021) pp. 101350

Jerardino, Antonieta "Coastal foraging and transgressive sea levels during the terminal Pleistocene: Insights from the central west coast of South Africa" JAnthArch 64 (2021) pp. 101351

He, Yahui; Liu, Li; Sun, Zhouyong; Shao, Jing; Di, Nan "'Proposing a toast' from the first urban center in the north Loess Plateau, China: Alcoholic beverages at Shimao" JAnthArch 64 (2021) pp. 101352

Dueppen, Stephen A.; Gallagher, Daphne "Alcohol, ancestors, and the house: Exploring ritual use of beer at Kirikongo, Burkina Faso" JAnthArch 64 (2021) pp. 101353

Schmitt, Aurore; Dederix, Sylviane "Too many secondary burials in Minoan Crete?" JAnthArch 64 (2021) pp. 101354

Hoernes, Matthias; Laimer, Manuele; Heitz, Christian "Being to become? Childhoods, life courses and relational identities in pre-Roman northern Apulia and Basilicata" JAnthArch 64 (2021) pp. 101355

Sanger, Matthew C.; Seeber, Katherine; Bourcy, Samuel; Galdun, Jaclyn; Troutman, Michele; Mahar, Ginessa; Pietras, Jeffrey T.; Kelly, Caleb "Revelatory locales: The ritual reuse of a Late Archaic shell ring in South Carolina" JAnthArch 64 (2021) pp. 101356

Duru, Gunes; Ozbasaran, Mihriban; Yelozer, Sera; Uzdurum, Melis; Kuijt, Ian "Space making and home making in the world's first villages: Reconsidering the circular to rectangular architectural transition in the Central Anatolian Neolithic" JAnthArch 64 (2021) pp. 101357

Shiratori, Karen; Cangussu, Daniel; Furquim, Laura Pereira "Life in three scenarios: Plant controversies between Jamamadi gardens and Hi-Merima pataua palm orchards (Middle Purus River, Amazonas, Brazil)" JAnthArch 64 (2021) pp. 101358

Agnolin, Agustin Mariano "Variability in the use of caves and rockshelters among ethnographic hunter-gatherers and its archaeological implications" JAnthArch 64 (2021) pp. 101359

Loyola, Rodrigo; Rivera, Francisco; Souza, Patricio De; Carrasco, Carlos; Nunez, Lautaro; Glascock, Michael D.; Arecheta, Constanza; Hocsman, Salomon; Torres, Ignacio; Orellana, Cindy; Mendoza, Patricio Lopez "Hunting and feasting in the pre-Columbian Andes: Exploring the nature and scale of early ceremonial aggregations in Tulan Ravine (5300 to 2400 yr cal. BP) through the circulation of obsidian artefacts" JAnthArch 64 (2021) pp. 101360

Rosenberg, Danny; Liu, Li; Levin, Maureece J.; Klimscha, Florian; Shalem, Dina "From Hangovers to Hierarchies: Beer production and use during the Chalcolithic period of the southern Levant -- New evidence from Tel Tsaf and Peqi'in Cave" JAnthArch 64 (2021) pp. 101361

Hutson, Scott R.; Hare, Timothy S.; Stanton, Travis W.; Masson, Marilyn A.; Barth, Nicolas C.; Ardren, Traci; Magnoni, Aline "A space of One's own: Houselot size among the ancient Maya" JAnthArch 64 (2021) pp. 101362

Martin, Juan Guillermo; Aceituno, Francisco Javier; Rivera-Sandoval, Javier; Knipper, Corina; Hernandez, Iosvany; Aram, Bethany "Dietary continuity and change at Panama Viejo from an interdisciplinary perspective, C. 600--1671" JAnthArch 64 (2021) pp. 101363

Feng, Suofei; Liu, Li; Wang, Jiajing; Levin, Maureece J.; Li, Xinwei; Ma, Xiaolin "Red beer consumption and elite utensils: The emergence of competitive feasting in the Yangshao culture, North China" JAnthArch 64 (2021) pp. 101365

Panich, Lee M.; Hylkema, Mark; Schneider, Tsim D. "Points of contention: Tradition, resistance, and arrow points in the California missions" JAnthArch 64 (2021) pp. 101366

Mourad, Anna-Latifa "Strategies of survival? Change, continuity and the adaptive cycle across the middle to early late bronze age at Tell el-Dab'a, Egypt" JAnthArch 64 (2021) pp. 101367

Peresani, Marco; Bertola, Stefano; Caricola, Isabella; Cesaro, Stella Nunziante; Duches, Rossella; Ferretti, Paolo; Margaritora, Davide; Marrocchino, Elena; Eftekhari, Negar; Vaccaro, Carmela; Zupancich, Andrea; Cristiani, Emanuela "A taste for the unusual. Green, flat pebbles used by late Neanderthals" JAnthArch 64 (2021) pp. 101368

Milks, Annemieke; Lew-Levy, Sheina; Lavi, Noa; Friesem, David E.; Reckin, Rachel "Hunter-gatherer children in the past: An archaeological review" JAnthArch 64 (2021) pp. 101369

Seltzer-Rogers, Thatcher A. "Ancestral relations and late prehispanic dynamics between the Mimbres and Casas Grandes cultures of the American Southwest/Mexican Northwest region" JAnthArch 64 (2021) pp. 101371

Zena, Ashenafi G. "The scale of social labor investments and social practices behind the construction of megalithic stele monuments in south Ethiopia" JAnthArch 64 (2021) pp. 101372

Corazza, Michele; Ferrara, Silvia; Montecchi, Barbara; Tamburini, Fabio; Valerio, Miguel "The mathematical values of fraction signs in the Linear A script: A computational, statistical and typological approach" JArchSc 125 (2021) pp. 105214

Pagnoux, Clemence; Bouby, Laurent; Valamoti, Soultana Maria; Bonhomme, Vincent; Ivorra, Sarah; Gkatzogia, Eugenia; Karathanou, Angeliki; Kotsachristou, Dimitra; Kroll, Helmut; Terral, Jean-Frederic "Local domestication or diffusion? Insights into viticulture in Greece from Neolithic to Archaic times, using geometric morphometric analyses of archaeological grape seeds" JArchSc 125 (2021) pp. 105263

Eshel, Tzilla; Gilboa, Ayelet; Yahalom-Mack, Naama; Tirosh, Ofir; Erel, Yigal "Debasement of silver throughout the Late Bronze -- Iron Age transition in the Southern Levant: Analytical and cultural implications" JArchSc 125 (2021) pp. 105268

Cerrillo-Cuenca, Enrique; Sepulveda, Marcela; Guerrero-Bueno, Zaray "Independent component analysis (ICA): A statistical approach to the analysis of superimposed rock paintings" JArchSc 125 (2021) pp. 105269

Grave, Peter; Kealhofer, Lisa; Phon, Kaseka; Heng, Piphal; Stark, Miriam T.; Marsh, Ben; Ea, Darith; Chhay, Rachna; Marriner, Gary P. "Centralized power/decentralized production? Angkorian stoneware and the southern production complex of Cheung Ek, Cambodia" JArchSc 125 (2021) pp. 105270

Intxaurbe, Inaki; Arriolabengoa, Martin; Medina-Alcaide, Ma ANgeles; Rivero, Olivia; Rios-Garaizar, Joseba; Salazar, Sergio; Libano, Inaki; Garate, Diego "Quantifying accessibility to Palaeolithic rock art: Methodological proposal for the study of human transit in Atxurra Cave (Northern Spain)" JArchSc 125 (2021) pp. 105271

Bonilla, M. Diaz-Zorita; Subira, M.E.; Fontanals-Coll, M.; Knudson, K.J.; Alonzi, E.; Bolhofner, K.; Morell, B.; Remolins, G.; Roig, J.; MartiN, A.; Marcen, P. Gonzalez; Plasencia, J.; Coll, J.M.; Gibaja, J.F. "Neolithic networking and mobility during the 5th and 4th millennia BC in north-eastern Iberia" JArchSc 125 (2021) pp. 105272

Hoare, S.; Brink, J.S.; Herries, A.I.R.; Mark, D.F.; Morgan, L.E.; Onjala, I.; Rucina, S.M.; Stanistreet, I.G.; Stollhofen, H.; Gowlett, J.A.J. "Geochronology of a long Pleistocene sequence at Kilombe volcano, Kenya: from the Oldowan to Middle Stone Age" JArchSc 125 (2021) pp. 105273

Jovanovic, Jelena; Power, Robert C.; Becdelievre, Camille De; Goude, Gwenaelle; Stefanovic, Sofija "Microbotanical evidence for the spread of cereal use during the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition in the Southeastern Europe (Danube Gorges): Data from dental calculus analysis" JArchSc 125 (2021) pp. 105288

Ma, Ying; Grimes, Vaughan; Biesen, Geert Van; Shi, Lei; Chen, Kunlong; Mannino, Marcello A.; Fuller, Benjamin T. "Aminoisoscapes and palaeodiet reconstruction: New perspectives on millet-based diets in China using amino acid delta-13C values" JArchSc 125 (2021) pp. 105289

Jones, Glynis; Kluyver, Thomas; Preece, Catherine; Swarbrick, Jennifer; Forster, Emily; Wallace, Michael; Charles, Michael; Rees, Mark; Osborne, Colin P. "The origins of agriculture: Intentions and consequences" JArchSc 125 (2021) pp. 105290

Suryanarayan, Akshyeta; Cubas, Miriam; Craig, Oliver E.; Heron, Carl P.; Shinde, Vasant S.; Singh, Ravindra N.; O'Connell, Tamsin C.; Petrie, Cameron A. "Lipid residues in pottery from the Indus Civilisation in northwest India" JArchSc 125 (2021) pp. 105291

De Souza, Jonas Gregorio; Riris, Philip "Delayed demographic transition following the adoption of cultivated plants in the eastern La Plata Basin and Atlantic coast, South America" JArchSc 125 (2021) pp. 105293

Guiry, Eric; Noel, Stephane; Fowler, Jonathan "Archaeological herbivore delta-13C and delta-34S provide a marker for saltmarsh use and new insights into the process of 15N-enrichment in coastal plants" JArchSc 125 (2021) pp. 105295

Matthiesen, Henning; Eriksen, Anne Marie Hoier; Hollesen, JoRgen; Collins, Matthew "Bone degradation at five Arctic archaeological sites: Quantifying the importance of burial environment and bone characteristics" JArchSc 125 (2021) pp. 105296

Cordes, Adam; Henriksen, Peter Steen; Hald, Mette Marie; Sorensen, Lasse; Nielsen, Poul Otto; Xu, Jinchuan; Lund, JoRgen; MoLler, Niels Algreen; Nielsen, Finn Ole Sonne; Sarauw, Torben; Simonsen, John; Sparrevohn, Lotte Reedtz; Westphal, Jorgen; Blennow, Andreas; Hebelstrup, Kim Henrik "Identification of prehistoric malting and partial grain germination from starch granules in charred barley grains" JArchSc 125 (2021) pp. 105297

Standish, Christopher D.; Merkel, Stephen W.; Hsieh, Yu-Te; Kershaw, Jane "Simultaneous lead isotope ratio and gold-lead-bismuth concentration analysis of silver by laser ablation MC-ICP-MS" JArchSc 125 (2021) pp. 105299

Kuligiewicz, Artur; Derkowski, Arkadiusz "Rehydroxylation of fired clays: Is the time to the quarter (TTTQ) model correct?" JArchSc 125 (2021) pp. 105301

Menager, Matthieu; Tisoc, Emiliano Ricardo Melgar; Cavallini, Carolina; Conejo, Paula Sibaja; Barboza, Nataly; Salgado, Silvia "Combining analytical chemistry and traceology: An innovative approach applied to Mesoamerican mirrors found at the Sojo site (Costa Rica)" JArchSc 125 (2021) pp. 105302

Janssens, Luc A.A.; Boudadi-Maligne, Myriam; Mech, L. David; Lawler, Dennis F. "The enigma of the Predmosti protodogs. A comment on Prassack et al. 2020" JArchSc 126 (2021) pp. 105160

Prassack, Kari A.; Dubois, Josephine; Laznickova-Galetova, Martina; Germonpre, Mietje; Ungar, Peter S. "Of dogs, wolves, and debate: A reply to Janssens et al. (2021)" JArchSc 126 (2021) pp. 105228

Pospieszny, Lukasz; Makarowicz, Przemyslaw; Lewis, Jamie; Gorski, Jacek; Taras, Halina; Wlodarczak, Piotr; Szczepanek, Anita; Ilchyshyn, Vasyl; Jagodinska, Marina O.; Czebreszuk, Janusz; Muzolf, Przemyslaw; Nowak, Marek; Polanska, Marta; Juras, Anna; Chylenski, Maciej; Wojcik, Irena; Lasota-Kus, Anna; Romaniszyn, Jan; Tunia, Krzysztof; Przybyla, Marcin M.; Grygiel, Ryszard; Matoga, Andrzej; Makowiecki, Daniel; Goslar, Tomasz "Isotopic evidence of millet consumption in the Middle Bronze Age of East-Central Europe" JArchSc 126 (2021) pp. 105292

Stantis, Chris; Buckley, Hallie R.; Commendador, Amy; Dudgeon, John V. "Expanding on incremental dentin methodology to investigate childhood and infant feeding practices on Taumako (southeast Solomon Islands)" JArchSc 126 (2021) pp. 105294

Kuna, Martin; Krivanek, Roman; Chvojka, Ondrej; Salkova, Tereza "A quantitative approach to magnetometer survey data: The case of the Late Bronze Age site of Breznice" JArchSc 126 (2021) pp. 105298

Xie, Liye; Wang, Duo; Zhao, Haitao; Gao, Jiangtao; Gallo, Tiziana "Architectural energetics for rammed-earth compaction in the context of Neolithic to early Bronze Age urban sites in Middle Yellow River Valley, China" JArchSc 126 (2021) pp. 105303

Grifa, Celestino; Germinario, Chiara; De Bonis, Alberto; Cavassa, Laetitia; Izzo, Francesco; Mercurio, Mariano; Langella, Alessio; Kakoulli, Ioanna; Fischer, Christian; Barra, Diana; Aiello, Giuseppe; Soricelli, Gianluca; Vyhnal, Christopher R.; Morra, Vincenzo "A pottery workshop in Pompeii unveils new insights on the Roman ceramics crafting tradition and raw materials trade" JArchSc 126 (2021) pp. 105305

Carrer, Francesco; Kossowski, Tomasz M.; Wilk, Justyna; Pietrzak, Michal B.; Bivand, Roger S. "The application of Local Indicators for Categorical Data (LICD) to explore spatial dependence in archaeological spaces" JArchSc 126 (2021) pp. 105306

Renson, Virginie; Neff, Hector; MartiNez-Cortizas, Antonio; Blomster, Jeffrey P.; Cheetham, David; Glascock, Michael D. "Lead and strontium isotopes as tracers for Early Formative pottery exchange in ancient Mexico" JArchSc 126 (2021) pp. 105307

Jones, Daniel S.; Monnier, Gilliane; Cooper, Aspen; Bakovic, Mile; Pajovic, Goran; Borovinic, Nikola; Tostevin, Gilbert "Applying high-throughput rRNA gene sequencing to assess microbial contamination of a 40-year old exposed archaeological profile" JArchSc 126 (2021) pp. 105308

Rageot, Maxime; Lepere, Cedric; Henry, Aureade; Binder, Didier; Davtian, Gourguen; Filippi, Jean-Jacques; Fernandez, Xavier; Guilaine, Jean; Jallet, Frederic; Radi, Giovanna; Thirault, Eric; Terradas, Xavier; Regert, Martine "Management systems of adhesive materials throughout the Neolithic in the North-West Mediterranean" JArchSc 126 (2021) pp. 105309

Li, Li; Lin, Sam C.; Peng, Fei; Patania, Ilaria; Guo, Jialong; Wang, Huimin; Gao, Xing "Simulating the impact of ground surface morphology on archaeological orientation patterning" JArchSc 126 (2021) pp. 105310

Chowdhury, Manasij Pal; Choudhury, Kaustabh Datta; Bouchard, Genevieve Pothier; Riel-Salvatore, Julien; Negrino, Fabio; Benazzi, Stefano; Slimak, Ludovic; Frasier, Brenna; Szabo, Vicki; Harrison, Ramona; Hambrecht, George; Kitchener, Andrew C.; Wogelius, Roy A.; Buckley, Michael "Machine learning ATR-FTIR spectroscopy data for the screening of collagen for ZooMS analysis and mtDNA in archaeological bone" JArchSc 126 (2021) pp. 105311

Steelman, Karen L.; Boyd, Carolyn E.; Allen, Trinidy "Two independent methods for dating rock art: Age determination of paint and oxalate layers at Eagle Cave, TX" JArchSc 126 (2021) pp. 105315

Smith, Kevin P.; OLafsson, GudMundur; Palsdottir, AlbiNa Hulda "Ritual responses to catastrophic volcanism in Viking Age Iceland: Reconsidering Surtshellir Cave through Bayesian analyses of AMS dates, tephrochronology, and texts" JArchSc 126 (2021) pp. 105316

Ferrari, Giada; Cuevas, Angelica; Gondek-Wyrozemska, Agata T.; Ballantyne, Rachel; Kersten, Oliver; Palsdottir, Albina H.; Van der Jagt, Inge; Hufthammer, Anne Karin; Ystgaard, Ingrid; Wickler, Stephen; Bigelow, Gerald F.; Harland, Jennifer; Nicholson, Rebecca; Orton, David; Clavel, Benoit; Boessenkool, Sanne; Barrett, James H.; Star, Bastiaan "The preservation of ancient DNA in archaeological fish bone" JArchSc 126 (2021) pp. 105317

Harvey, Virginia L.; Wogelius, Roy A.; Manning, Phillip L.; Buckley, Michael "Experimental taphonomy of fish bone from warm and cold water species: Testing the effects of amino acid composition on collagen breakdown in modern fish bone using thermal maturation experiments" JArchSc 126 (2021) pp. 105318

Konradsdottir, Hronn; Panagiotakopulu, Eva; Lucas, Gavin "A very curious larder -- Insects from post-medieval Skalholt, Iceland, and their implications for interpreting activity areas" JArchSc 126 (2021) pp. 105319

Pollard, A.M.; Liu, Ruiliang "Bronze Alloying Practice in ancient China - Evidence from Pre-Qin Coin Analyses" JArchSc 126 (2021) pp. 105322

Alipour, Rahil; Rehren, Thilo; Martinon-Torres, Marcos "Chromium crucible steel was first made in Persia" JArchSc 127 (2021) pp. 105224

Levy, Eythan; Geeraerts, Gilles; Pluquet, Frederic; Piasetzky, Eli; Fantalkin, Alexander "Chronological networks in archaeology: A formalised scheme" JArchSc 127 (2021) pp. 105225

Lozano, Marina; Jimenez-Brobeil, Sylvia A.; Willman, John C.; Sanchez-Barba, Lydia P.; Molina, Fernando; Rubio, ANgel "Argaric craftswomen: Sex-based division of labor in the Bronze Age southeastern Iberia" JArchSc 127 (2021) pp. 105239

Danielisova, Alzbeta; Pajdla, Petr; Bursak, Daniel; Strnad, Ladislav; Trubac, Jakub; Kmosek, Jiri "Claiming the land or protecting the goods? The Duchcov hoard in Bohemia as a proxy for 'Celtic migrations' in Europe in the 4th century BCE" JArchSc 127 (2021) pp. 105314

Tarbay, Janos Gabor; Maroti, Boglarka; Kis, Zoltan; Kali, Gyorgy; Szentmiklosi, Laszlo "Non-destructive analysis of a Late Bronze Age hoard from the Velem-Szent Vid hillfort" JArchSc 127 (2021) pp. 105320

Bro-Jorgensen, Maiken Hemme; Keighley, Xenia; Ahlgren, Hans; Scharff-Olsen, Camilla Hjorth; Rosing-Asvid, Aqqalu; Dietz, Rune; Ferguson, Steven H.; Gotfredsen, Anne Birgitte; Jordan, Peter; Glykou, Aikaterini; Liden, Kerstin; Olsen, Morten Tange "Genomic sex identification of ancient pinnipeds using the dog genome" JArchSc 127 (2021) pp. 105321

Salvagno, Lenny; Fraser, Tamsyn; Grau-Sologestoa, Idoia; Albarella, Umberto "A method to assess wear rate in pig teeth from archaeological sites" JArchSc 127 (2021) pp. 105331

Le Fillatre, Virginie; Robert, Eric; Petrognani, Stephane; Lesvignes, Emilie; Cretin, Catherine; Muth, Xavier "Mapping the walls: High-resolution cartography applied to the analysis of prehistoric cave art in the Grotte du Mammouth (Domme, Dordogne, France)" JArchSc 127 (2021) pp. 105332

Machacek, Jiri; Nedoma, Robert; Dresler, Petr; Schulz, Ilektra; Lagonik, Elias; Johnson, Stephen M.; Kanakova, Ludmila; Slamova, Alena; Llamas, Bastien; Wegmann, Daniel; Hofmanova, Zuzana "Runes from Lany (Czech Republic) - The oldest inscription among Slavs. A new standard for multidisciplinary analysis of runic bones" JArchSc 127 (2021) pp. 105333

Stephens, J.A.; Ducea, M.N.; Killick, D.J.; Ruiz, J. "Use of non-traditional heavy stable isotopes in archaeological research" JArchSc 127 (2021) pp. 105334

Barbieri, Alvise; Bachofer, Felix; Schmaltz, Elmar M.; Leven, Carsten; Conard, Nicholas J.; Miller, Christopher E. "Interpreting gaps: A geoarchaeological point of view on the Gravettian record of Ach and Lone valleys (Swabian Jura, SW Germany)" JArchSc 127 (2021) pp. 105335

Grayson, Donald K.; Meltzer, David J.; Breslawski, Ryan P. "Overkill and the North American archaeological record--not guilty by association? A comment on Wolfe and Broughton (2020)" JArchSc 128 (2021) pp. 105312

Wolfe, Allison L.; Broughton, Jack M. "More on overkill, the associational critique, and the North American megafaunal record: A reply to Grayson et al. (2021)" JArchSc 128 (2021) pp. 105313

Lecuyer, Christophe; Goedert, Jean; Klee, Johanne; Clauzel, Thibault; Richardin, Pascale; Fourel, Francois; Delgado-Darias, Teresa; Alberto-Barroso, Veronica; Velasco-Vazquez, Javier; Betancort, Juan Francisco; Amiot, Romain; Marechal, Chloe; Flandrois, Jean-Pierre "Climatic change and diet of the pre-Hispanic population of Gran Canaria (Canary Archipelago, Spain) during the Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age" JArchSc 128 (2021) pp. 105336

King, Charlotte L.; Buckley, Hallie R.; Petchey, Peter; Roberts, Patrick; Zech, Jana; Kinaston, Rebecca; Collins, Catherine; Kardailsky, Olga; Matisoo-Smith, Elizabeth; Nowell, Geoff "An isotopic and genetic study of multi-cultural colonial New Zealand" JArchSc 128 (2021) pp. 105337

Fernee, Christianne L.; Trimmis, Konstantinos P. "Detecting variability: A study on the application of bayesian multilevel modelling to archaeological data. Evidence from the Neolithic Adriatic and the Bronze Age Aegean" JArchSc 128 (2021) pp. 105346

Valamoti, Soultana Maria; Petridou, Chryssa; Berihuete-Azorin, Marian; Stika, Hans-Peter; Papadopoulou, Lambrini; Mimi, Ioanna "Deciphering ancient 'recipes' from charred cereal fragments: An integrated methodological approach using experimental, ethnographic and archaeological evidence" JArchSc 128 (2021) pp. 105347

Abbona, Cinthia Carolina; Neme, Gustavo; Johnson, Jeff; Gil, Adolfo; Villalba, Ricardo; Nagaoka, Lisa; Kim, Tracy; Wolverton, Steve "Sustainable harvest or resource depression? Using ancient DNA to study the population dynamics of guanaco in western Argentina during the Holocene" JArchSc 129 (2021) pp. 105355

Dai, Jinqi; Cai, Xipeng; Jin, Jianhui; Ge, Wei; Huang, Yunming; Wu, Wei; Xia, Taoqin; Li, Fusheng; Zuo, Xinxin "Earliest arrival of millet in the South China coast dating back to 5,500 years ago" JArchSc 129 (2021) pp. 105356

Li, Ye; Lu, Peng; Mao, Longjiang; Chen, Panpan; Yan, Lijie; Guo, Lanbo "Mapping spatiotemporal variations of Neolithic and Bronze Age settlements in the Gansu-Qinghai region, China: Scale grade, chronological development, and social organization" JArchSc 129 (2021) pp. 105357

Maritan, Lara; Ganzarolli, Giovanna; Antonelli, Fabrizio; Rigo, Manuel; Kapatza, Angeliki; Bajnok, Katalin; Coletti, Chiara; Mazzoli, Claudio; Lazzarini, Lorenzo; Vedovetto, Paolo; Arnau, Alexandra Chavarria "What kind of calcite? Disclosing the origin of sparry calcite temper in ancient ceramics" JArchSc 129 (2021) pp. 105358

Barrett, Gerard Thomas; Keaveney, Evelyn; Lindroos, Alf; Donnelly, Colm; Daugbjerg, Thomas Schroder; Ringbom, Asa; Olsen, Jesper; Reimer, Paula J. "Ramped pyroxidation: A new approach for radiocarbon dating of lime mortars" JArchSc 129 (2021) pp. 105366

Mora, Alice; Pacheco, Aryel; Roberts, Charlotte A.; Smith, Colin "Palaeopathology and amino acid delta-13C analysis: Investigating pre-Columbian individuals with tuberculosis at Pica 8, northern Chile (1050-500 BP)" JArchSc 129 (2021) pp. 105367

Gal, David; Saaroni, Hadas; Cvikel, Deborah "A new method for examining maritime mobility of direct crossings with contrary prevailing winds in the Mediterranean during antiquity" JArchSc 129 (2021) pp. 105369

Gomez-Moron, Maria Auxiliadora; Palomar, Teresa; Alves, Luis Cerqueira; Ortiz, Pilar; Vilarigues, Marcia; Schibille, Nadine "Christian-Muslim contacts across the Mediterranean: Byzantine glass mosaics in the Great Umayyad Mosque of Cordoba (Spain)" JArchSc 129 (2021) pp. 105370

Choy, Kyungcheol; Yun, Hee Young; Lee, Jungchul; Fuller, Benjamin T.; Shin, Kyung-Hoon "Direct isotopic evidence for human millet consumption in the Middle Mumun period: Implication and importance of millets in early agriculture on the Korean Peninsula" JArchSc 129 (2021) pp. 105372

Mazuera, Eduardo; Hudson, Roland "Inter-visibility between settlements in pre-Hispanic Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia. The relation between hierarchy and control of distant communications" JArchSc 129 (2021) pp. 105373

Triantafyllou, A.; Mattielli, N.; Clerbois, S.; Silva, A.C. Da; Kaskes, P.; Claeys, Ph; Devleeschouwer, X.; Brkojewitsch, G. "Optimizing multiple non-invasive techniques (PXRF, pMS, IA) to characterize coarse-grained igneous rocks used as building stones" JArchSc 129 (2021) pp. 105376

Suda, Yoshimitsu; Adachi, Tatsuro; Shimada, Kazutaka; Osanai, Yasuhito "Archaeological significance and chemical characterization of the obsidian source in Kirigamine, central Japan: Methodology for provenance analysis of obsidian artefacts using XRF and LA--ICP--MS" JArchSc 129 (2021) pp. 105377

Mehofer, Mathias; Gavranovic, Mario; Kapuran, Aleksandar; Mitrovic, Jovan; Putica, Andelka "Copper production and supra-regional exchange networks -- Cu-matte smelting in the Balkans between 2000 and 1500 BC" JArchSc 129 (2021) pp. 105378

Ialongo, Nicola; Lago, Giancarlo "A small change revolution. Weight systems and the emergence of the first Pan-European money" JArchSc 129 (2021) pp. 105379

Pollath, Nadja; Garcia-Gonzalez, Ricardo; Kevork, Sevag; Mutze, Ursula; Zimmermann, Michaela I.; OZbasaran, Mihriban; Peters, Joris "A non-linear prediction model for ageing foetal and neonatal sheep reveals basic issues in early neolithic husbandry" JArchSc 130 (2021) pp. 105344

STamfelj, Iztok "Sex estimation based on the analysis of enamel peptides: False assignments due to AMELY deletion" JArchSc 130 (2021) pp. 105345

Parker, Glendon J.; Buonasera, Tammy; Yip, Julia M.; Eerkens, Jelmer W.; Salemi, Michelle; Durbin-Johnson, Blythe; Haas, Randall; Buikstra, Jane E.; Klaus, Haagen; Rocke, David M.; Phinney, Brett "AMELY deletion is not detected in systematically sampled reference populations: A Reply to Stamfelj" JArchSc 130 (2021) pp. 105354

Culley, Courtney; Janzen, Anneke; Brown, Samantha; Prendergast, Mary E.; Shipton, Ceri; Ndiema, Emmanuel; Petraglia, Michael D.; Boivin, Nicole; Crowther, Alison "Iron Age hunting and herding in coastal eastern Africa: ZooMS identification of domesticates and wild bovids at Panga ya Saidi, Kenya" JArchSc 130 (2021) pp. 105368

Schlebusch, Carina M.; Loog, Liisa; Groucutt, Huw S.; King, Turi; Rutherford, Adam; Barbieri, Chiara; Barbujani, Guido; Chikhi, Lounes; Stringer, Chris; Jakobsson, Mattias; Eriksson, Anders; Manica, Andrea; Tishkoff, Sarah A.; Scerri, Eleanor Ml.; Scally, Aylwyn; Brierley, Chris; Thomas, Mark G. "Human origins in Southern African palaeo-wetlands? Strong claims from weak evidence" JArchSc 130 (2021) pp. 105374

Pawlowicz, Leszek M.; Downum, Christian E. "Applications of deep learning to decorated ceramic typology and classification: A case study using Tusayan White Ware from Northeast Arizona" JArchSc 130 (2021) pp. 105375

Loughlin, Nicholas J.D.; Mayle, Francis E.; Otano, Noelia B. Nunez; O'Keefe, Jennifer M.K.; Duncan, Neil A.; Walker, John H.; Whitney, Bronwen S. "Insights into past land-use and vegetation change in the Llanos de Moxos (Bolivia) using fungal non-pollen palynomorphs" JArchSc 130 (2021) pp. 105382

Shott, Michael J.; Williams, Justin P.; Slade, Alan M. "Measuring allometry in dimensions of western North American Clovis points" JArchSc 131 (2021) pp. 105359

Frances-Negro, M.; Iriarte, E.; Galindo-Pellicena, M.A.; Gerbault, P.; Carrancho, A.; Perez-Romero, A.; Arsuaga, J.L.; Carretero, J.M.; Roffet-Salque, M. "Neolithic to Bronze Age economy and animal management revealed using analyses lipid residues of pottery vessels and faunal remains at El Portalon de Cueva Mayor (Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain)" JArchSc 131 (2021) pp. 105380

Yaroshevich, Alla; Kaufman, Daniel; Marks, Anthony "Weapons in transition: Reappraisal of the origin of complex projectiles in the Levant based on the Boker Tachtit stratigraphic sequence" JArchSc 131 (2021) pp. 105381

Clavel, Pierre; Dumoncel, Jean; Sarkissian, Clio Der; Seguin-Orlando, Andaine; Calviere-Tonasso, Laure; Schiavinato, Stephanie; Chauvey, Lorelei; Perdereau, Aude; Aury, Jean-Marc; Wincker, Patrick; Onar, Vedat; Clavel, BenoiT; Lepetz, Sebastien; Braga, Jose; Orlando, Ludovic "Assessing the predictive taxonomic power of the bony labyrinth 3D shape in horses, donkeys and their F1-hybrids" JArchSc 131 (2021) pp. 105383

Ma, Hongjiao; Henderson, Julian; Evans, Jane; Ma, Qinglin; Cui, Jianfeng "Searching for the earliest use of limestone as a flux in Chinese high-fired ceramic glazes--evidence from Sr isotopic analysis of Chinese northern porcelain" JArchSc 131 (2021) pp. 105395

Schwarcz, Henry P.; Nahal, Harmeet "Theoretical and observed C/N ratios in human bone collagen" JArchSc 131 (2021) pp. 105396

Benati, Giacomo; Guerriero, Carmine; Zaina, Federico "The economic and institutional determinants of trade expansion in Bronze Age Greater Mesopotamia" JArchSc 131 (2021) pp. 105398

Albarede, Francis; De Callatay, Francois; Debernardi, Pierluigi; Blichert-Toft, Janne "Model for ancient Greek and Roman coinage production" JArchSc 131 (2021) pp. 105406

Pinta, ELie; Pacheco-Fores, Sofia I.; Wallace, Euan P.; Knudson, Kelly J. "Provenancing wood used in the Norse Greenlandic settlements: A biogeochemical study using hydrogen, oxygen, and strontium isotopes" JArchSc 131 (2021) pp. 105407

Lau, Hannah; Gordon, Gwyneth W.; Knudson, Kelly J. "Reconstructing feast provisioning at Halaf Domuztepe: Evidence from radiogenic strontium analyses" JArchSc 131 (2021) pp. 105408

Crombe, Philippe; Boudin, Mathieu; Van Strydonck, Mark "Can calcined bones be used to date Final Palaeolithic and Mesolithic open-air sites? A case-study from the Scheldt basin (NW Belgium)" JArchSc 131 (2021) pp. 105411

Lyman, R. Lee "On the past and future of discussing, teaching, and learning the hows and whys of archaeological systematics" JArchSc 131 (2021) pp. 105412

Karakostis, Fotios Alexandros; Buikstra, Jane E.; Prevedorou, Eleanna; Hannigan, Elizabeth M.; Hotaling, Jessica; Hotz, Gerhard; Liedl, Hannah; Moraitis, Konstantinos; Siek, Thomas J.; Waltenberger, Lukas; Widrick, Kerri J.; Harvati, Katerina "New insights into the manual activities of individuals from the Phaleron cemetery (Archaic Athens, Greece)" JArchSc 131 (2021) pp. 105415

Ejsmond, Wojciech; Ozarek-Szilke, Marzena; Jaworski, Marcin; Szilke, Stanislaw "A pregnant ancient egyptian mummy from the 1st century BC" JArchSc 132 (2021) pp. 105371

Fanta, Vaclav; Zouhar, Jan; Benes, Jaromir; Bumerl, Jiri; Sklenicka, Petr "On the time-lag in the dating of historical settlements: Reply to Kolar and Szabo (2021)" JArchSc 132 (2021) pp. 105391

Kolar, Jan; Szabo, Peter "On interdisciplinarity in the humanities: A comment on Fanta et al. (2020) on the bias in dating obtained from historical sources" JArchSc 132 (2021) pp. 105392

Whelton, Helen L.; Hammann, Simon; Cramp, Lucy J.E.; Dunne, Julie; Roffet-Salque, Melanie; Evershed, Richard P. "A call for caution in the analysis of lipids and other small biomolecules from archaeological contexts" JArchSc 132 (2021) pp. 105397

Reese, Kelsey M. "Deep learning artificial neural networks for non-destructive archaeological site dating" JArchSc 132 (2021) pp. 105413

Chowdhury, Manasij Pal; Campbell, Stuart; Buckley, Michael "Proteomic analysis of archaeological ceramics from Tell Khaiber, southern Iraq" JArchSc 132 (2021) pp. 105414

Guiry, Eric J.; Szpak, Paul "Improved quality control criteria for stable carbon and nitrogen isotope measurements of ancient bone collagen" JArchSc 132 (2021) pp. 105416

Mouchi, Vincent; Godbillot, Camille; Dupont, Catherine; Vella, Marc-Antoine; Forest, Vianney; Ulianov, Alexey; Lartaud, Franck; Rafelis, Marc De; Emmanuel, Laurent; Verrecchia, Eric P. "Provenance study of oyster shells by LA-ICP-MS" JArchSc 132 (2021) pp. 105418

Yamada, Eisuke; Hongo, Hitomi; Endo, Hideki "Analyzing historic human-suid relationships through dental microwear texture and geometric morphometric analyses of archaeological suid teeth in the Ryukyu Islands" JArchSc 132 (2021) pp. 105419

Nakagawa, Tomomi; Tamura, Kohei; Yamaguchi, Yuji; Matsumoto, Naoko; Matsugi, Takehiko; Nakao, Hisashi "Population pressure and prehistoric violence in the Yayoi period of Japan" JArchSc 132 (2021) pp. 105420

Wright, Duncan; Hughes, Philip; Skopal, Nicholas; Kmosek, Matej; Way, Amy; Sullivan, Marjorie; Lisa, Lenka; Ricardi, Pamela; Skrdla, Petr; Nejman, Ladislav; Gadd, Patricia; Fisakova, Miriam Nyvltova; Mlejnek, Ondrej; Kralik, Miroslav "The archaeology of overburden: Method within the madness at Sveduv Stul, Czech Republic" JArchSc 132 (2021) pp. 105429

Gallet, Y.; Fournier, A.; Livermore, P.W. "Tracing the geomagnetic field intensity variations in Upper Mesopotamia during the Pottery Neolithic to improve ceramic-based chronologies" JArchSc 132 (2021) pp. 105430

Bellanger, Lise; Coulon, Arthur; Husi, Philippe "Determination of cultural areas based on medieval pottery using an original divisive hierarchical clustering method with geographical constraint (MapClust)" JArchSc 132 (2021) pp. 105431

Davis, Dylan S.; Caspari, Gino; Lipo, Carl P.; Sanger, Matthew C. "Deep learning reveals extent of Archaic Native American shell-ring building practices" JArchSc 132 (2021) pp. 105433

Kouvari, Miranta; Herrel, Anthony; Cornette, Raphael "Humans and climate as possible drivers of the morphology and function of the mandible of Suncus etruscus in Corsica" JArchSc 132 (2021) pp. 105434

Sabaux, Charlotte; Veselka, Barbara; Capuzzo, Giacomo; Snoeck, Christophe; Sengelov, Amanda; Hlad, Marta; Warmenbol, Eugene; Stamataki, Elisavet; Boudin, Mathieu; Annaert, Rica; Dalle, Sarah; Salesse, Kevin; Debaille, Vinciane; Tys, Dries; Vercauteren, Martine; Mulder, Guy De "Multi-proxy analyses reveal regional cremation practices and social status at the Late Bronze Age site of Herstal, Belgium" JArchSc 132 (2021) pp. 105437

Romanowska, Iza; Bobou, Olympia; Raja, Rubina "Reconstructing the social, economic and demographic trends of Palmyra's elite from funerary data" JArchSc 133 (2021) pp. 105432

Porson, Steven; Falconer, Steven; Birch, Suzanne Pilaar; Ridder, Elizabeth; Fall, Patricia "Crop management and agricultural responses at Early Bronze IV Tell Abu en-Ni'aj, Jordan" JArchSc 133 (2021) pp. 105435

Hein, Anno; Dobosz, Agata; Day, Peter M.; Kilikoglou, Vassilis "Portable ED-XRF as a tool for optimizing sampling strategy: The case study of a Hellenistic amphora assemblage from Paphos (Cyprus)" JArchSc 133 (2021) pp. 105436

Kochergina, Yulia V. Erban; Novak, Martin; Erban, Vojtech; Stepanova, Marketa "87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios in trees as an archaeological tracer: Limitations of linking plant-biomass and bedrock Sr isotope signatures" JArchSc 133 (2021) pp. 105438

Chanca, Ingrid; Borges, Caroline; Colonese, Andre Carlo; Macario, Kita; Toso, Alice; Fontanals-Coll, Maria; Anjos, Roberto Dos; Muniz, Marcelo; Pereira, Renan; Talamo, Sahra; Milheira, Rafael Guedes "Food and diet of the pre-Columbian mound builders of the Patos Lagoon region in southern Brazil with stable isotope analysis" JArchSc 133 (2021) pp. 105439

Mishmastnehi, Moslem; Milke, Ralf; Bernbeck, Reinhard "A forgotten technology: The production of artificial millstones for windmills in Sistan, southeastern Iran" JArchSc 133 (2021) pp. 105440

Thompson, Amy E.; Feinman, Gary M.; Lemly, Marina; Prufer, Keith M. "Inequality, networks, and the financing of Classic Maya political power" JArchSc 133 (2021) pp. 105441

Douglass, Kristina; Bulathsinhala, Priyangi; Feo, Teresa J.; Tighe, Tim; Whittaker, Scott; Brand, Zanell; James, Helen; Rick, Torben "Modeling avian eggshell microstructure to predict ontogenetic age and reveal patterns of human-avifauna interaction" JArchSc 133 (2021) pp. 105442

Seijo, Maria Martin; Berrocal, Maria Cruz; Herrero, Elena Serrano; Tsang, Chenghwa "Wooden material culture and long-term historical processes in Heping Dao (Keelung, Taiwan)" JArchSc 133 (2021) pp. 105443

Fernandez-Crespo, T.; Ordono, J.; Schulting, R.J. "Subsistence shift and socio-economic response to cultural and climate changes among north-central Iberian megalithic groups" JArchSc 133 (2021) pp. 105451

Sedig, Jakob W.; Olalde, Inigo; Patterson, Nick; Harney, EAdaoin; Reich, David "Combining ancient DNA and radiocarbon dating data to increase chronological accuracy" JArchSc 133 (2021) pp. 105452

Miriello, Domenico; Pingarron, Luis Barba; Pingarron, Arturo Barba; Barca, Donatella; Bloise, Andrea; Parra, JesuS Rafael Gonzalez; Crisci, Gino Mirocle; Luca, Raffaella De; Girimonte, Genea; Ruvalcaba-Sil, Jose Luis; Pecci, Alessandra "Hydraulicity of lime plasters from Teotihuacan, Mexico: a microchemical and microphysical approach" JArchSc 133 (2021) pp. 105453

Brown, Samantha; Kozlikin, Maxim; Shunkov, Michael; Derevianko, Anatoly; Higham, Thomas; Douka, Katerina; Richter, Kristine Korzow "Examining collagen preservation through glutamine deamidation at Denisova Cave" JArchSc 133 (2021) pp. 105454

Brandsen, Alex; Lippok, Femke "A burning question -- Using an intelligent grey literature search engine to change our views on early medieval burial practices in the Netherlands" JArchSc 133 (2021) pp. 105456

Edinborough, Marija; Djotunovic, Ilinka; Edinborough, Kevan "Tooth cementum annulation: Confounding difficulties remain when inferring life history parameters from archeological tooth samples" JArchSc 134 (2021) pp. 105417

Powell, Wayne; Johnson, Michael; Pulak, Cemal; Yener, K. Aslihan; Mathur, Ryan; Bankoff, H. Arthur; Godfrey, Linda; Price, Michael; Galili, Ehud "From peaks to ports: Insights into tin provenance, production, and distribution from adapted applications of lead isotopic analysis of the Uluburun tin ingots" JArchSc 134 (2021) pp. 105455

Mise, M.; Quinn, P.S.; Glascock, M.D. "Lost at sea: Identifying the post-depositional alteration of amphorae in ancient shipwrecks" JArchSc 134 (2021) pp. 105463

Penezic, Kristina; Porcic, Marko; Urban, Petra Kathrin; Wittwer-Backofen, Ursula; Stefanovic, Sofija "Stressful times for women - Reply to Edinborough et al. (2021)" JArchSc 134 (2021) pp. 105464

Ramsey, Monica N.; Nadel, Dani "A new archaeobotanical proxy for plant food processing: Archaeological starch spherulites at the submerged 23,000-year-old site of Ohalo II" JArchSc 134 (2021) pp. 105465

Maloney, Tim Ryan; Hiscock, Peter "Lithic utility and risk: Examining mid to late Holocene stone points from Australia with a utility model" JArchSc 134 (2021) pp. 105467

Cank, Kristof B.; Henkin, Joshua M.; Cook, Anita G.; Oberlies, Nicholas H. "Droplet probe: A non-destructive residue analysis of Wari ceramics from the imperial heartland" JArchSc 134 (2021) pp. 105468

Gudmundsdottir, Lisabet "Wood procurement in Norse Greenland (11th to 15th c. AD)" JArchSc 134 (2021) pp. 105469

Green, George Alexander; Ishida, Katsu; Hampshire, Bethany V.; Butcher, Kevin; Pollard, A.Mark; Hillier, Adrian D. "Understanding Roman Gold Coinage Inside Out" JArchSc 134 (2021) pp. 105470

Wang, Li-Ying; Marwick, Ben "A Bayesian networks approach to infer social changes from burials in northeastern Taiwan during the European colonization period" JArchSc 134 (2021) pp. 105471

Gentelli, Liesel; Blichert-Toft, Janne; Davis, Gillan; Gitler, Haim; Albarede, Francis "Metal provenance of Iron Age Hacksilber hoards in the southern Levant" JArchSc 134 (2021) pp. 105472

Knaf, A.C.S.; Habiba, ; Shafie, T.; Koornneef, J.M.; Hertwig, A.; Cardenas-Parraga, J.; Garcia-Casco, A.; Harlow, G.E.; Schertl, H.-P.; Maresch, W.V.; Belando, A.J. Lopez; Hofman, C.L.; Brandes, U.; Davies, G.R. "Trace-elemental and multi-isotopic (Sr-Nd-Pb) discrimination of jade in the circum-Caribbean: Implications for pre-colonial inter-island exchange networks" JArchSc 135 (2021) pp. 105466

Price, Michael Holton; Capriles, Jose M.; Hoggarth, Julie A.; Bocinsky, R. Kyle; Ebert, Claire E.; Jones, James Holland "End-to-end Bayesian analysis for summarizing sets of radiocarbon dates" JArchSc 135 (2021) pp. 105473

Karkanas, Panagiotis "All about wood ash: Long term fire experiments reveal unknown aspects of the formation and preservation of ash with critical implications on the emergence and use of fire in the past" JArchSc 135 (2021) pp. 105476

Caruso, Valentina; Marinoni, Nicoletta; Diella, Valeria; Possenti, Elena; Mancini, Lucia; Cantaluppi, Marco; Berna, Francesco; Cattaneo, Cristina; Pavese, Alessandro "Diagenesis of juvenile skeletal remains: A multimodal and multiscale approach to examine the post-mortem decay of children's bones" JArchSc 135 (2021) pp. 105477

Merkel, Stephen W. "Evidence for the widespread use of dry silver ore in the Early Islamic period and its implications for the history of silver metallurgy" JArchSc 135 (2021) pp. 105478

Key, Alastair; Roberts, David; Jaric, Ivan "Reconstructing the full temporal range of archaeological phenomena from sparse data" JArchSc 135 (2021) pp. 105479

Ramirez, Isaac Ogloblin; Galili, Ehud; Shahack-Gross, Ruth "Locating submerged prehistoric settlements: A new underwater survey method using water-jet coring and micro-geoarchaeological techniques" JArchSc 135 (2021) pp. 105480

Xu, Wenpeng; Yang, Zelin; Chen, Lifang; Cui, Jianfeng; Dussubieux, Laure; Wang, Wenjing "Compositional analysis below the production region level: A case study of porcelain production at Dehua, Fujian, China" JArchSc 135 (2021) pp. 105481

Depaermentier, Margaux L.C.; Kempf, Michael; Banffy, Eszter; Alt, Kurt W. "Modelling a scale-based strontium isotope baseline for Hungary" JArchSc 135 (2021) pp. 105489

Mutze, Ursula R.; Mutze, Ulrich; Jones, Gillian G.; Peters, Joris "Wear of Teeth in Sheep (WoTiS) - A tool for determining the rate of mandibular tooth wear in sheep" JArchSc 136 (2021) pp. 105300

Buckley, Michael; Pinsonneault, Max; Brassey, Charlotte; Rolett, Barry "High-throughput microCT and ZooMS collagen fingerprinting of Scombrid bone from the Marquesas Islands" JArchSc 136 (2021) pp. 105475

Finlayson, Sarah; Bogacz, Bartosz; Mara, Hubert; Panagiotopoulos, Diamantis "Searching for ancient Aegean administrators: Computational experiments on identical seal impressions" JArchSc 136 (2021) pp. 105490

Zhao, Xiaoshuang; Sheisha, Hader; Thomas, Ian; Salem, Alaa; Sun, Qianli; Liu, Yan; Mashaly, Hamdy; Nian, Xiaomei; Chen, Jing; Finlayson, Brian; Chen, Zhongyuan "Climate-driven early agricultural origins and development in the Nile Delta, Egypt" JArchSc 136 (2021) pp. 105498

Wulff, Alexandra; McFadden, Clare "Investigating the implications of localised hypoplasia of the primary canine in the context of the developmental origins of health and disease hypothesis" JArchSc 136 (2021) pp. 105499

Gal, D.; Saaroni, H.; Cvikel, D. "Measuring potential coastal sailing mobility with the loose-footed square sail" JArchSc 136 (2021) pp. 105500

Plutniak, Sebastien "The strength of parthood ties. Modelling spatial units and fragmented objects with the TSAR method -- Topological Study of Archaeological Refitting" JArchSc 136 (2021) pp. 105501

Ibanez-Estevez, Juan J.; Anderson, Patricia C.; Arranz-Otaegui, Amaia; Gonzalez-Urquijo, JesuS E.; Jorgensen-Lindahl, Anne; Mazzucco, Niccolo; Pichon, Fiona; Richter, Tobias "Sickle gloss texture analysis elucidates long-term change in plant harvesting during the transition to agriculture" JArchSc 136 (2021) pp. 105502

Itahashi, Yu; Stiner, Mary C.; Erdal, Omur Dilek; Duru, GuNes; Erdal, Yilmaz Selim; Miyake, Yutaka; GuRal, Demet; Yoneda, Minoru; OZbasAran, Mihriban "The impact of the transition from broad-spectrum hunting to sheep herding on human meat consumption: Multi-isotopic analyses of human bone collagen at Asikli Hoyuk, Turkey" JArchSc 136 (2021) pp. 105505

Stamataki, Elisavet; Kontopoulos, Ioannis; Salesse, Kevin; Mcmillan, Rhy; Veselka, Barbara; Sabaux, Charlotte; Annaert, Rica; Boudin, Mathieu; Capuzzo, Giacomo; Claeys, Philippe; Dalle, Sarah; Hlad, Marta; Sengelov, Amanda; Vercauteren, Martine; Warmenbol, Eugene; Tys, Dries; Mulder, Guy De; Snoeck, Christophe "Is it hot enough? A multi-proxy approach shows variations in cremation conditions during the Metal Ages in Belgium" JArchSc 136 (2021) pp. 105509

Kvamme, Kenneth L. "A filter for characterizing the ridge-drainage continuum in digital elevation models" JArchSc 136 (2021) pp. 105510

Acevedo, Natalia; Weber, Marion; Proenza, Joaquin A.; Garcia-Casco, Antonio; Saenz-Samper, Juanita "Provenance study of the variscite artifacts of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia and approach to routes of pre-Hispanic exchange" JArchSc 136 (2021) pp. 105511

Gomes, Ricardo A.M.P.; Catarino, Lidia; Santos, Ana Luisa "Anemia, cribra cranii and elemental composition using portable X-ray fluorescence: A study in individuals from the Coimbra Identified Osteological Collections" JArchSc 136 (2021) pp. 105514

Clines, David J. A. "Alleged Female Language about the Deity in the Hebrew Bible" JBL 140.2 (2021) pp. 229-249

Carr, David M. "Competing Construals of Human Relations with "Animal" Others in the Primeval History (Genesis 1--11)" JBL 140.2 (2021) pp. 251-269

Andrado, Paba Nidhani De "Hannah's Agency in Catalyzing Change in an Exclusive Hierarchy" JBL 140.2 (2021) pp. 271-289

Kynes, Will "Wrestle On, Jacob: Antebellum Spirituals and the Defiant Faith of the Hebrew Bible" JBL 140.2 (2021) pp. 291-307

Najman, Hindy "Imitatio Dei and the Formation of the Subject in Ancient Judaism" JBL 140.2 (2021) pp. 309-323

Troftgruben, Troy M. "The Ending of Luke Revisited" JBL 140.2 (2021) pp. 325-346

Nasrallah, Laura Salah "Judgment, Justice, and Destruction: Defixiones and 1 Corinthians" JBL 140.2 (2021) pp. 347-367

Hoklotubbe, T. Christopher "Civilized Christ-Followers among Barbaric Cretans and Superstitious Judeans: Negotiating Ethnic Hierarchies in Titus 1:10--14" JBL 140.2 (2021) pp. 369-390

Papaioannou, Kim "The Sin of the Angels in 2 Peter 2:4 and Jude 6" JBL 140.2 (2021) pp. 391-408

Allen, Garrick V. "The Possibilities of a Gospel Codex: GA 2064 (Dublin, CBL W 139), Digital Editing, and Reading in a Manuscript Culture" JBL 140.2 (2021) pp. 409-434

Martin, Michael Wade "Does Ancient Hebrew Poetry Have Meter?" JBL 140.3 (2021) pp. pp. 503-529

Park, Wongi "Multiracial Biblical Studies" JBL 140.3 (2021) pp. 435-459

Schmid, Konrad "The Neo-Documentarian Manifesto: A Critical Reading" JBL 140.3 (2021) pp. 461-479

Mroczek, Eva "Hezekiah the Censor and Ancient Theories of Canon Formation" JBL 140.3 (2021) pp. 481-502

Kim, Chwi-Woon "Psalms of Communal Lament as a Relic of Transgenerational Trauma" JBL 140.3 (2021) pp. 531-556

Berman, Joshua "The Drama of Spiritual Rehabilitation in Lamentations 1" JBL 140.3 (2021) pp. 557-578

Wendt, Heidi "Secrecy as Pauline Influence on the Gospel of Mark" JBL 140.3 (2021) pp. 579-600

Litwa, M. David "Equal to Angels: The Early Reception History of the Lukan isaggeloi (Luke 20:36)" JBL 140.3 (2021) pp. 601-622

Oehler, Markus "The Punishment of Thirty-Nine Lashes (2 Corinthians 11:24) and the Place of Paul in Judaism" JBL 140.3 (2021) pp. 623-640

McKinny, Chris; Tavger, Aharon; Szanton, Nahshon; Uziel, Joe "The Setting of the Assassination of King Joash of Judah: Biblical and Archaeological Evidence for Identifying the House of Millo" JBL 140.4 (2021) pp. 643-662

Cho, Paul K.-K. "A House of Her Own: The Tactical Deployment of Strategy in Esther" JBL 140.4 (2021) pp. 663-682

Linafelt, Tod "Why Is There Poetry in the Book of Job?" JBL 140.4 (2021) pp. 683-701

Irudayaraj, Dominic S. "Mountains in Micah and Coherence: A 'SynDiaTopic' Suggestion" JBL 140.4 (2021) pp. 703-722

Daniel, Andrew Glen "The Translator's Tell: Translation Technique, Verbal Syntax, and the Myth of Old Greek Daniel's Alternate Semitic Vorlage" JBL 140.4 (2021) pp. 723-749

Schrader, Elizabeth; Taylor, Joan E. "The Meaning of 'Magdalene': A Review of Literary Evidence" JBL 140.4 (2021) pp. 751-773

Wilson, Brittany E. "Forming God: Divine Anthropomorphism in Luke-Acts" JBL 140.4 (2021) pp. 775-795

Smith, Abraham "Incarceration on Trial: The Imprisonment of Paul and Silas in Acts 16" JBL 140.4 (2021) pp. 797-817

Brett, Mark G. "Social Inclusion and the Ethics of Citation: Introduction" JBL 140.4 (2021) pp. 819-825

Graybill, Rhiannon "Where Are All the Women?" JBL 140.4 (2021) pp. 826-830

Bejan, Teresa M. "No Respecter of Persons" JBL 140.4 (2021) pp. 831-836

Jennings, Willie James "Renouncing Completeness: The Rich Ruler and the Possibilities of Biblical Scholarship without White Masculine Self-Sufficiency" JBL 140.4 (2021) pp. 837-842

Shoemaker, Stephen J. "Editor's Note: Elizabeth A. Clark (1938--2021)" JECS 29.4 (2021) pp. v

Proctor, Travis W. "A Cartography of Kinship: Domestic Space, Tomb Cult, and the Re-Mapping of Ephesus in the Acts of John" JECS 29.4 (2021) pp. 463-493

Dahm, Karl Heiner "Commotion, Rebellion, and War: Eusebius of Caesarea's Narrative of Jewish Revolts against Roman Rule in His Ecclesiastical History" JECS 29.4 (2021) pp. 495-523

Toom, Tarmo "Ulfila's Creedal Statement and Its Theology" JECS 29.4 (2021) pp. 525-552

Leyerle, Blake "The Voices of Others in Egeria's Pilgrim Narrative" JECS 29.4 (2021) pp. 553-578

Berzon, Todd S. "Between Presence and Perfection: The Protean Creed of Early Christianity" JECS 29.4 (2021) pp. 579-606

Avdokhin, Arkadiy "Singers Silently Speaking: Psalmists in Inscriptions from Late Antique Middle Egypt (Bawit)" JECS 29.4 (2021) pp. 607-636

Burke, Ariane; Alcaraz-Castano, Manuel; Cardineau, Carlos Arteaga; Bisson, Michael; Cuartero, Felipe; Maillo-Fernandez, Jose Manuel; Fuertes-Prieto, Natividad; Terreros, Jose Yravedra Sainz De Los "Archaeological Survey in Guadalajara: Human Occupation in Central Spain during the Late Pleistocene" JFA 46.1 (2021) pp. 1-20

Wynne-Jones, Stephanie; Sulas, Federica; Out, Welmoed A.; Kristiansen, Soren Munch; Fitton, Tom; Ali, Abdallah K.; Olsen, Jesper "Urban Chronology at a Human Scale on the Coast of East Africa in the 1st Millennium a.d." JFA 46.1 (2021) pp. 21-35

Jacobsen, Jan Kindberg; Murro, Giovanni; Presicce, Claudio Parisi; Raja, Rubina; Saxkjaer, Sine Grove "Practicing Urban Archaeology in a Modern City: The Alessandrino Quarter of Rome" JFA 46.1 (2021) pp. 36-51

Weisler, Marshall I.; Rogers, Ashleigh J. "Ritual Use of Limpets in Late Hawaiian Prehistory" JFA 46.1 (2021) pp. 52-61

Boyd, Michael J.; Campbell, Rosie; Doonan, Roger C. P.; Douglas, Catherine; Gavalas, Georgios; Gkouma, Myrsini; Halley, Claire; Hartzler, Bruce; Herbst, James A.; Indgjerd, Hallvard R.; Krijnen, Ayla; Legaki, Irini; Margaritis, Evi; Meyer, Nathan; Moutafi, Ioanna; Iliou, Nefeli Piree; Wylie, David A.; Renfrew, Colin "Open Area, Open Data: Advances in Reflexive Archaeological Practice" JFA 46.2 (2021) pp. 62-80

Price, Max; Meier, Jacqueline; Arbuckle, Benjamin "Canine Economies of the Ancient Near East and Eastern Mediterranean" JFA 46.2 (2021) pp. 81-92

Meyer, Kelton A. "A Multi-Method Approach to Dating: Persistent Occupation of the Alpine Tundra at Rollins Pass, Colorado" JFA 46.2 (2021) pp. 93-107

Keyser, James D.; Lycett, Stephen J. "Stylistic Change and Emic Cultural Continuity in Archaic-Period Anthropomorphs at No Bear, Montana" JFA 46.2 (2021) pp. 108-118

Tacon, Paul S.C.; May, Sally K.; Wesley, Daryl; Jalandoni, Andrea; Tsang, Roxanne; Mangiru, Kenneth "History Disappearing: The Rapid Loss of Australian Contact Period Rock Art" JFA 46.2 (2021) pp. 119-131

Samuels, J. Troy; Naglak, Matthew; Opitz, Rachel; Evans, J. Marilyn; Johnston, Andrew C.; Wright, Parrish; Creola, Alexandra; Prosser, James; Zapelloni-Pavia, Arianna; Farr, Jason; Harder, Matt; Banducci, Laura; D'Acri, Mattia; Tuttle, Darcy; Ion, Sabina; Cha, Christina; Ness, Shannon; Beydler, Katherine; Cohen, Sheira; Moses, Vicki; Motta, Laura; Mogetta, Marcello; Gallone, Anna "A Changing Cityscape in Central Italy: The Gabii Project Excavations, 2012--2018" JFA 46.3 (2021) pp. 132-152

Sconzo, Paola; Simi, Francesca; Ahmadpour, Amir "Social Lives of Monumental Walls: Hunting along the Upper Tigris" JFA 46.3 (2021) pp. 153-171

Seitsonen, Oula; Viljanmaa, Sami "Transnational Landscapes of Sami Reindeer: Domestication and Herding in Northernmost Europe 700--1800 A.D." JFA 46.3 (2021) pp. 172-191

Manning, Sturt W.; Huey, Paul R.; Lucas, Michael T.; Hart, John P. "Radiocarbon and Artifactual Evidence for Early 17th Century A.D. Dutch Activity at the Site of Fort Orange, Albany, New York, USA" JFA 46.3 (2021) pp. 192-209

Gerritsen, Fokke "Voluminous Evidence for an Elusive Period: Storage Pits and Surplus from Middle Chalcolithic Anatolia" JFA 46.4 (2021) pp. 210-222

Hambacher, Michael J.; Schaetzl, Randall J. "A Case Study of Cache Pit Construction, Use, and Abandonment from the Upper Great Lakes, USA" JFA 46.4 (2021) pp. 223-238

Thomas, Hugh; Kennedy, Melissa; Mcmahon, Jane; Strolin, Laura; Franklin, Daniel; Flavel, Ambika; Noble, Jacqueline; Swift, Lauren "Monumentality, Social Memory, and Territoriality in Neolithic--Chalcolithic Northwestern Arabia" JFA 46.4 (2021) pp. 239-259

Wachtel, Ido; Davidovich, Uri "Qedesh in the Galilee: The Emergence of an Early Bronze Age Levantine Megasite" JFA 46.4 (2021) pp. 260-274

Greenfield, Haskel J.; Marciniak, Arkadiusz "The Emergence and Transmission of Metallurgical Technology for Subsistence Activities in Daily Life in Northern Europe: A Microscopic Zooarchaeological Perspective" JFA 46.4 (2021) pp. 275-288

Plets, Gertjan; Huijnen, Pim; van Oeveren, David "Excavating Archaeological Texts: Applying Digital Humanities to the Study of Archaeological Thought and Banal Nationalism" JFA 46.5 (2021) pp. 289-302

Derudas, Paola; Dell'Unto, Nicolo; Callieri, Marco; Apel, Jan "Sharing Archaeological Knowledge: The Interactive Reporting System" JFA 46.5 (2021) pp. 303-315

Alizadeh, Karim; Mohammadi, M. Rouhollah; Maziar, Sepideh; Feizkhah, Mohmmad "The Islamic Conquest or Flooding? Sasanian Settlements and Irrigation Systems Collapse in Mughan, Iranian Azerbaijan" JFA 46.5 (2021) pp. 316-332

Cohen, Anna S. "Urbanization and Imperial Integration at Angamuco, Michoacan, Mexico" JFA 46.5 (2021) pp. 333-348

Dakouri-Hild, Anastasia "The Most Discouraged Mycenaeans: Performing Emotion and Death in Late Bronze Age Tanagra, Greece" JFA 46.6 (2021) pp. 349-381

Skeates, Robin; Beckett, Jessica; Mancini, Daniela; Cavazzuti, Claudio; Silvestri, Letizia; Hamilton, W. Derek; Sayle, Kerry L.; Crowder, Kayla D.; Rolfo, Mario; Angle, Micaela "Rethinking Collective Burial in Mediterranean Caves: Middle Bronze Age Grotta Regina Margherita, Central Italy" JFA 46.6 (2021) pp. 382-398

Torres-Martinez, Jesus F.; Fernandez-Gotz, Manuel; Dominguez-Solera, Santiago; Martinez-Velasco, Antxoka; Vacas-Madrid, David; Serna-Gancedo, Mariano; Torre, Gadea Cabanillas De La; Galeano, Marcos; Fernandes, Ricardo "'Invisible Burials' and Fragmentation Practices in Iron Age Europe: Excavations at the Monte Bernorio Necropolis (Northern Spain)" JFA 46.6 (2021) pp. 399-413

Hayward, John A.; May, Sally K.; Goldhahn, Joakim; Jalandoni, Andrea; Tacon, Paul S. C. "An Analysis of Motif Clusters at the Nanguluwurr Rock Art Site, Kakadu National Park, N. T. Australia" JFA 46.6 (2021) pp. 414-428

Osypinska, Marta; Osypinski, Piotr; Belka, Zdzislaw; Chlodnicki, Marek; Wiktorowicz, Pawel; Ryndziewicz, Robert; Kubiak, Michal "Wild and Domestic Cattle in the Ancient Nile Valley: Marks of Ecological Change" JFA 46.7 (2021) pp. 429-447

Chazin, Hannah "Multi-Season Reproduction and Pastoralist Production Strategies: New Approaches to Birth Seasonality from the South Caucasus Region" JFA 46.7 (2021) pp. 448-460

Kearns, Catherine; Georgiadou, Anna "Rural Complexities: Comparative Investigations at Small Iron Age Sites in South-Central Cyprus" JFA 46.7 (2021) pp. 461-479

Corral, Aurelio Lopez; Castellanos, A. Gabriel Vicencio; Cano, Ramon Santacruz; Gentil, Bianca L.; Arciniega, Armado "Core and Periphery: Obsidian Craft Production in Late Postclassic (a.d. 1250/1300--1519) Tlaxcallan, Mexico" JFA 46.7 (2021) pp. 480-495

Sandoval, Gustavo "Single-Context Recording, Field Interpretation and Reflexivity: An Analysis of Primary Data In Context Sheets" JFA 46.7 (2021) pp. 496-512

Michalec, Grzegorz; Cendrowska, Marzena; Andrieux, Eric; Armitage, Simon J.; Ehlert, Maciej; Kim, Ju Yong; Sohn, Young Kwan; Krupa-Kurzynowska, Joanna; Moska, Piotr; Szmit, Marcin; Masojc, Miroslaw "A Window into the Early--Middle Stone Age Transition in Northeastern Africa--A Marine Isotope Stage 7a/6 Late Acheulean Horizon from the EDAR 135 Site, Eastern Sahara (Sudan)" JFA 46.8 (2021) pp. 513-533

Duru, Gunes; Gural, Demet; OZbasaran, Mihriban "Early Neolithic Innovation: Ventilation Systems and the Built Environment" JFA 46.8 (2021) pp. 534-550

Horowitz, Rachel A.; Clarke, Mary E.; Seligson, Kenneth E. "Querying Quarries: Stone Extraction Practices and Socioeconomic Organization in Three Sub-Regions of the Maya Lowlands" JFA 46.8 (2021) pp. 551-570

Sobotkova, Adela; Ross, Shawn A.; Hermankova, Petra; Lupack, Susan; Nassif-Haynes, Christian; Ballsun-Stanton, Brian; Kasimi, Panagiota "Deploying an Offline, Multi-User, Mobile System for Digital Recording in the Perachora Peninsula, Greece" JFA 46.8 (2021) pp. 571-594

Masson-Maclean, Edouard; O'Driscoll, James; Mciver, Cathy; Noble, Gordon "Digitally Recording Excavations on a Budget: A (Low-Cost) DIY Approach from Scotland" JFA 46.8 (2021) pp. 595-613

Morgan, Colleen; Petrie, Helen; Wright, Holly; Taylor, James Stuart "Drawing and Knowledge Construction in Archaeology: The Aide Memoire Project" JFA 46.8 (2021) pp. 614-628

Streeter, Joseph "Conceptions of Tolerance in Antiquity and Late Antiquity" JHI 82.3 (2021) pp. 357-376

Morsel-Eisenberg, Tamara "Anxieties of Transmission: Rabbinic Responsa and Early Modern "Print Culture"" JHI 82.3 (2021) pp. 377-404

Rapin, Ami-Jacques "The First Conceptualization of Terrorism: Tallien, Roederer, and the "System of Terror" (August 1794)" JHI 82.3 (2021) pp. 405-426

Heron, Nicholas "The Superhuman Origins of Human Dignity: Kantorowicz's Dante" JHI 82.3 (2021) pp. 427-452

Hellman, Lisa; Tremml-Werner, Birgit "Translation in Action: Global Intellectual History and Early Modern Diplomacy" JHI 82.3 (2021) pp. 453-467

Holm, Sophie "Multilingual Foreign Affairs: Translation and Diplomatic Agency in Eighteenth-Century Stockholm" JHI 82.3 (2021) pp. 469-483

Hellman, Lisa "Drawing the Lines: Translation and Diplomacy in the Central Asian Borderlands" JHI 82.3 (2021) pp. 485-501

Tremml-Werner, Birgit "A Question of Political Correctness: Translating Friendship across Time and Space" JHI 82.3 (2021) pp. 503-520

Facius, Michael "Terms of Government: Early Modern Japanese Concepts of Rulership and Political Geography in Translation" JHI 82.3 (2021) pp. 521-537

Niskanen, Samu "Anselm's Predicament: The Proslogion and Anti-intellectual Rhetoric in the Aftermath of the Berengarian Controversy" JHI 82.4 (2021) pp. 547-568

Niggemann, Andrew J. "The Role of Lexical Collocation in Luther's Translation of [....] (`amal) in Eccl. 1:3" JThS 72.1 (2021) pp. 19--43

Perrin, Andrew B. "Redrafting the Architecture of Daniel Traditions in the Hebrew Scriptures and Dead Sea Scrolls" JThS 72.1 (2021) pp. 44--71

Hacham, Noah "How Did Esau Die? On Jewish--Gentile Relations in Pseudepigrapha and Rabbinic Literature" JThS 72.1 (2021) pp. 72--101

Oropeza, B.J. "Justification by Faith in Christ or Faithfulness of Christ? Updating the PISTIS CHRISTOU Debate in Light of Paul's Use of Scripture" JThS 72.1 (2021) pp. 102--124

Holloway, Paul A. "Religious 'Slogans' in 1 Corinthians: Wit, Wisdom, and the Quest for Status in a Roman Colony" JThS 72.1 (2021) pp. 125--154

Knight, Jonathan "The Descent into Hell: Its Origin and First Development" JThS 72.1 (2021) pp. 155--191

Monier, Mina; Taylor, Joan E. "Tatian's Diatessaron: The Arabic Version, the Dura Europos Fragment, and the Women Witnesses" JThS 72.1 (2021) pp. 192--230

Litwa, M. David "Did Marcion Call the Creator 'God'?" JThS 72.1 (2021) pp. 231--246

Ip, Pui Him "'Arianism' Ante Litteram in Origen's Peri Archon 4.4.1" JThS 72.1 (2021) pp. 247--278

Lewis, Simon "'The Faithful Remnant of the True Church of England': Susanna Hopton and the Politico-Theology of the Nonjuring Schism" JThS 72.1 (2021) pp. 279--308

Douglas, Brian "Australian Colonial Anglican Bishops and the Eucharist: Broughton, Perry, and Nixon" JThS 72.1 (2021) pp. 309--336

Teer, Torey J.S. "Inseparable Operations, Trinitarian Missions, and the Necessity of a Christological Pneumatology" JThS 72.1 (2021) pp. 337--361

Kozlova, Ekaterina E "Acedia, 'Bourgeois Ennui', and Kingship in the Hebrew Bible and The Epic of Gilgamesh" JThS 72.2 (2021) pp. 539--579

Viezel, Eran; Avieli, Nir "Why are Jews Forbidden to Eat Meat and Milk Together? the Function of Eating Restrictions in Human Societies" JThS 72.2 (2021) pp. 580--619

Quine, Cat "Victory as Defeat: Narrative Subversion of Omride Strength in 1 Kings 20" JThS 72.2 (2021) pp. 620--633

Clackson, Ben "G. R. Driver's Contribution to Neb's Translation of Psalms 51--100" JThS 72.2 (2021) pp. 634--675

Montgomery, Eric R "'He Gave to Adam Knowledge': A Competing Creation Tradition in Early Judaism and Early Christianity" JThS 72.2 (2021) pp. 676--708

Mackie, Scott D "'God has had Mercy on Me': Theology and Soteriology in Philo of Alexandria's de Sacrificiis Abelis et Caini" JThS 72.2 (2021) pp. 709--737

Smith, David Andrew "The Jewishness of Luke--Acts: Locating Lukan Christianity Amidst the Parting of The Ways" JThS 72.2 (2021) pp. 738--768

Joseph, Simon J "'Blessed is the One who Stands in the Beginning' (L. 18): Revisiting Protological Eschatology in the Gospel of Thomas" JThS 72.2 (2021) pp. 769--794

Pigott, Justin M "'Heaven-Bound Dung Beetles': Gregory of Nazianzus and the Ordination of Slaves in the Early Church" JThS 72.2 (2021) pp. 795--831

Gassman, Mattias "Arnobius' Scythians and the Dating of Adversus Nationes" JThS 72.2 (2021) pp. 832--842

Herskowitz, Daniel M "Karl Barth and Nostra Aetate: New Evidence from the Second Vatican Council" JThS 72.2 (2021) pp. 843--874

Schrire, Ray "Shifting Paradigms: Ideas, Materiality and the Changing Shape of Grammar in the Renaissance" JWI 84.1 (2021) pp. 1--31

Basile, Gaston J. "Translation as Painting: The Ut Pictura Metaphor in Leonardo Bruni's De interpretatione recta" JWI 84.1 (2021) pp. 33--53

Daniels, Tobias "The Humanist Pompeo Pazzaglia: An Unknown Renaissance Poet" JWI 84.1 (2021) pp. 55--95

Rundle, David "God's City: 'Civic Humanism' and the Self-Construction of the Ecclesia in Late Fifteenth- and Early Sixteenth-Century England" JWI 84.1 (2021) pp. 97--121

Matthews-Grieco, Sara F. "A Transalpine Motif in Counter-Reformation Italy: Animal Analogies with the Ages of Man and Cristofano Bertelli's Steps of Life" JWI 84.1 (2021) pp. 123--165

Mills, Simon "Jean Gagnier's De vita, et rebus gestis Mohammedis: Reading and Misreading the History of Islam in the Eighteenth Century" JWI 84.1 (2021) pp. 167--206

Hamilton, Alastair "Henry Sike (1668--1712), a German Orientalist in Holland and England" JWI 84.1 (2021) pp. 207--241

Waldmann, Felix "Giambattista Vico, Eugene of Savoy and Hugo Grotius's De jure belli ac pacis, 1719" JWI 84.1 (2021) pp. 243--284

Remijsen, Sofie "Rituali per i fondatori. Callimaco (fr. 43 Pf. = 50 Mass.) e le norme rituali da Selinunte (CGRN 13 A 9--15)" Klio 103.1 (2021) pp. 1-29

Giangiulio, Maurizio "IG II2 1623, 276--285. Athens versus Pirates: between Recovery, Need and Patriotism" Klio 103.1 (2021) pp. 30-41

Verdejo-Manchado, Javier; Antela-Bernardez, Borja "Salmakis and the Priests of Halikarnassos" Klio 103.1 (2021) pp. 42-58

Mcinerney, Jeremy "The Date of the Athenian-Roman foedus" Klio 103.1 (2021) pp. 59-89

Worthington, Ian "La battaglia di Pidna. Aspetti topografici e strategici" Klio 103.1 (2021) pp. 90-96

Morelli, Davide "The Time of Composition of Cassius Dio's "Roman History": a Reconsideration" Klio 103.1 (2021) pp. 97-132

Lindholmer, Mads Ortving "Laughing in the Face of Death: a Survey of Unconventional Hellenistic and Greek-Roman Funerary Verse-Inscriptions" Klio 103.1 (2021) pp. 133-159

Wypustek, Andrzej "Leichenzuge und Lachen. Humorraume und Lachkultur im antiken Rom" Klio 103.1 (2021) pp. 160-187

Meister, Jan B. "Supplicationes. Dankfeste als Komponente inneraristokratischer Konkurrenz in der romischen Republik" Klio 103.1 (2021) pp. 188-210

Karatas, Sema "'Warlords', Dynastiebildung und Mobilitat. Hypothesen zum Problem der 'Ansiedlung'" Klio 103.1 (2021) pp. 211-237

Meier, Mischa "Diplomacy at the End of the World: Theoderic's Letters to the Warni and Hesti" Klio 103.1 (2021) pp. 238-269

Cristini, Marco "" Klio 103.1 (2021) pp. 270-296

Tufano, Salvatore "The Speech of Pagondas (Thuk. 4.92) and the Sources on the Battle of Delion" Klio 103.2 (2021) pp. 409-435

Piepenbrink, Karen "Die Rhetorica ad Alexandrum und die attischen Redner: Politische Differenzierung und praktische Rhetorik im Griechenland des 4. Jhd. v. Chr." Klio 103.2 (2021) pp. 436-462

Harris, Edward "The Work of Craterus and the Documents in the Attic Orators and in the "Lives of the Ten Orators"" Klio 103.2 (2021) pp. 463-504

Kholod, Maxim M. "The Administration of Syria under Alexander the Great" Klio 103.2 (2021) pp. 505-537

Troncoso, Victor Alonso "Para una zoologia de la realeza: Alejandro Magno y los elefantes" Klio 103.2 (2021) pp. 538-559

Egetenmeier, Philip "Stellvertreter seleukidischer Konige. Eine kritische Analyse zum 'Kanzler' im Seleukidenreich" Klio 103.2 (2021) pp. 560-607

Estrada, Lidia Gonzalez "El contexto mitico de Iuno Sospita en Etruria. Un analisis iconografico" Klio 103.2 (2021) pp. 608-636

Cecconi, Niccolo "Germanico -- Germanikeia -- Germanicus. Elementi per la rilettura di una festa efebica ateniese" Klio 103.2 (2021) pp. 637-657

Harris, W.V. "The German Landscape and Julio-Claudian Imperialism" Klio 103.2 (2021) pp. 658-674

Mouratidis, Georgios E. "Athletes, Citizenships and Hellenic Identity during the Imperial Period" Klio 103.2 (2021) pp. 675-703

Chapot, Frederic; Arbo, Agnes Molinier "Introduction [La communication dans l'Empire romain tardif (IIIe-VIIe siecle). Problemes linguistiques et interpretatifs]" Ktema 46 (2021) pp. 5-8

Freyburger, Gerard "Communication " verticale " et " horizontale " chez Censorinus" Ktema 46 (2021) pp. 9-14

Huntzinger, Herve "L'incomprehension linguistique et le role des interpretes dans les conciles du milieu du Ve siecle" Ktema 46 (2021) pp. 15-34

Vitiello, Massimiliano "Multilingualism and Communication in Sixth-Century Italy" Ktema 46 (2021) pp. 35-52

Fauvinet-Ranson, Valerie "Phenomenes d'acculturation linguistique en Italie ostrogothique (latin et gothique)" Ktema 46 (2021) pp. 53-68

Arbo, Agnes Molinier "Nicomaque Flavien syriacophone dans la Vie d'Aurelien" Ktema 46 (2021) pp. 69-82

Rochette, Bruno "Reading and Copying Latin Texts in a Greek-speaking Area" Ktema 46 (2021) pp. 83-110

Roberto, Umberto "La burocrazia palatina di Costantinopoli, l'uso del latino e le relazioni con l'Occidente" Ktema 46 (2021) pp. 111-126

Galimberti, Alessandro "False notizie e circolazione delle informazioni nella Storia dell'impero dopo Marco di Erodiano" Ktema 46 (2021) pp. 127-138

Mastrorosa, Ida Gilda "Regards gaulois sur la Britannia sous la Tetrarchie" Ktema 46 (2021) pp. 130-156

Melo, Melissa "La communication exilique d'Hilaire de Poitiers (356-360)" Ktema 46 (2021) pp. 157-170

Rey, Sarah "Introduction [Supplier les hommes, supplier les dieux sous le Haut-Empire romain]" Ktema 46 (2021) pp. 171-180

Gangloff, Anne "Le prince face aux supplications (fin des guerres civiles -- Ier siecle ap. J.-C.)" Ktema 46 (2021) pp. 181-196

Galinier, Martin "Trajan clemens ?" Ktema 46 (2021) pp. 197-216

Husquin, Caroline "Attitudes et corporalite du suppliant sous le Haut-Empire" Ktema 46 (2021) pp. 217-232

van Haeperen, Francoise "Supplier les dieux sous le Haut-Empire" Ktema 46 (2021) pp. 233-248

Le Feuvre, Claire "A propos du suppose poi[n]ion " amende " de la loi de Cadys" Ktema 46 (2021) pp. 249-266

Levy, Edmond "Declin et stabilite des regimes dans la Politique d'Aristote" Ktema 46 (2021) pp. 267-274

Belogiannis, Orestis "Les elites des satrapies orientales face a la dissolution de l'empire achemenide" Ktema 46 (2021) pp. 275-296

Brun, Patrice "L'histoire ne se termine pas avec une inscription : les tyrans d'Eresos et leur famille" Ktema 46 (2021) pp. 297-308

Calafell, Gabriel Rossello "Jura conloqui. Mechanisms in Official Interviews with Punic Leaders in the Time of the Roman Republican Expansion" Ktema 46 (2021) pp. 309-322

Muller, Christel "Mort d'une confederation. Qu'est-il (vraiment) arrive au koinon beotien en 172/171 av. J.-C. ?" Ktema 46 (2021) pp. 323-342

Baudry, Robinson "Les pratiques adoptives au dernier siecle de la Republique" Ktema 46 (2021) pp. 343-356

Fournier, Julien "Les theoi epiphaneis a Thasos. Deux nouvelles occurrences epigraphiques" Ktema 46 (2021) pp. 357-?

Cidoncha REDONDO, Francisco "Un concubinato y un matrimonio legitimo en una inscripcion romana de Aquileia (CIL V, 936-937)" Latomus 80.1 (2021) pp. 3-21

Espana-Chamorro, Sergio "The Sarcophagus of Lucius Florius Florentinus" Latomus 80.1 (2021) pp. 22-28

Gregoratti, Leonardo "I Want to See the King! A Note on the Theme of the Access to the Arsacid Monarchs in the Ancient Sources" Latomus 80.1 (2021) pp. 29-40

Harto Trujillo, Maria Luisa "?Por que escribir un 'Juicio contra el Brocense' en el siglo XVIII?" Latomus 80.1 (2021) pp. 41-66

Marinelli, Giulia "Alcune osservazioni sull'actio prima dell'orazione in difesa di M. Fonteio e degli altri processi de repetundis" Latomus 80.1 (2021) pp. 67-81

Romero Vega, Diego "Los foros de Hispania en el siglo II d.C. Intervenciones arquitectonicas, escultoricas y epigraficas" Latomus 80.1 (2021) pp. 82-112

Sacco, Leonardo "Une 'riletture' storico-religiosa di Maurilio Adriani su deuotio e uer sacrum. L'efficacia del ritus nella cultura demitizzata romana" Latomus 80.1 (2021) pp. 113-133

Schaffenrath, Florian "Der Zelus des Nicolaus Avancini SJ. (K)ein Stuck uber Japan und Franz Xaver SJ" Latomus 80.1 (2021) pp. 134-159

Ugolini, Federico "A proposito di un dettaglio dal mosaico dell'Hercules bibax nella domus di Palazzo Diotallevi (Rimini)" Latomus 80.1 (2021) pp. 160-173

Cristini, Marco "Vergilius et duo miracula Leonis IV (Liber Pontificalis 105.19-20)" Latomus 80.1 (2021) pp. 174-176

Calabrese, Matteo "The Sacred Law from Tortora" Latomus 80.2 (2021) pp. 281-339

Diaz Gito, Manuel Antonio "Anacaona, flor de la raza taina, en la Columbeis (Romae, 1589) de Giulio Cesare Stella" Latomus 80.2 (2021) pp. 340-365

Dross, Juliette "La defense des philosophes dans les Lettres a Lucilius de Seneque. Les lettres 73 et 91 comme exemples d'ecriture entre les lignes" Latomus 80.2 (2021) pp. 366-384

Satterthwaite, Peter "A Harpocratic Attis? Thoughts on a New Discovery from Roman Mainz" Latomus 80.2 (2021) pp. 385-396

Scappaticcio, Maria Chiara "Cleopatra ululauit? Appunti sul 'nuovo' Carmen de bello Aegyptiaco (P.Herc. inv. 817 fr. 8 = Kol. -16 Essler / Piano = fr. 12[beta] Garuti)" Latomus 80.2 (2021) pp. 397-416

Steffensen, Nil "Das Laboratorium der Alleinherrschaft. Konfliktkonstellationen in Livius' Narrativ der Konigszeit" Latomus 80.2 (2021) pp. 417-447

Cases, Laurent J. "Tensions and Jurisdictional Accomodations in Africa in the Reign of Gratian. Vicarii, Proconsuls and the Jurisdiction over the Province of Africa Proconsularis" Latomus 80.3 (2021) pp. 513-536

Danza, Juan Manuel, SISUL, Ana Clara "La heroicidad de Pedro. Tres pasajes de Prudencio y dos citas virgilianas" Latomus 80.3 (2021) pp. 537-555

De Carlos Villamarin, Helena "Un comentario alegorico a Excidium Troie en el codice Torino, Biblioteca Reale, Varia 105" Latomus 80.3 (2021) pp. 556-578

Feraco, Fabrizio "Connessioni semantiche e scelte lessicali in Ammiano Marcellino" Latomus 80.3 (2021) pp. 579-603

Galdi, Giovanbattista "Bonum tempus tibi futurum significat. Textual and Linguistic Remarks on the Sortes Sangallenses" Latomus 80.3 (2021) pp. 604-631

Hajdari, Arben; Goddard, Christophe J.; Kabashi, Pleurat "Deux inscriptions romaines inedites decouvertes a Korishe au Kosovo (Mesie superieure)" Latomus 80.3 (2021) pp. 632-662

Martinez-Pinna, Jorge "Nota sobre Mastarna = magister" Latomus 80.3 (2021) pp. 663-676

Wiseman, T.P. "The Temple of Iuppiter Stator" Latomus 80.3 (2021) pp. 677-684

De Melo, Wolfgang "Notes on the Menaechmi" Latomus 80.3 (2021) pp. 685-690

Power, Tristan "The Vines at Pliny's Estate (Letters 2.17.15)" Latomus 80.3 (2021) pp. 691-693

Leitch, V. "Editor's Introduction" LibStud 52 (2021) pp. 5-6

El-Maiar, S. "John Anthony 'Tony' Allan 29 January 1937--15 April 2021" LibStud 52 (2021) pp. 7-8

Bennett, P. "Anthony Thwaite 23 June 1930--22 April 2021" LibStud 52 (2021) pp. 9-10

Mattingly, D. "Mohammed Ibrahim Khalifa al-Mashai 1 January 1957--2 April 2021" LibStud 52 (2021) pp. 11-11

Barton, R., Belhouchet, L., Collcutt, S., Aouadi, N., Albert, P., Douka, K., . . . Smith, V. "New insights into the late Middle Stone Age occupation of Oued el Akarit, southern Tunisia" LibStud 52 (2021) pp. 12-35

Cancellieri, E. "A tentative tale of Stone Age human dynamics in Pleistocene south-western Libya (central Sahara)" LibStud 52 (2021) pp. 36-53

Alshareef, H.; Chevrollier, F.; Dobias-Lalou, C. "New inscriptions from rural Cyrenaica" LibStud 52 (2021) pp. 54-66

Ben Romdhane, H. Aounallah, S. "Saturnus Cryptensis sur une nouvelle inscription des environs de Maxula (Tunisie)" LibStud 52 (2021) pp. 67-70

Mekki, H. "Documentation et gestion du patrimoine archeologique de la chaine montagneuse tuniso-libyenne via l'utilisation des nouvelles technologies : Resultats preliminaires" LibStud 52 (2021) pp. 71-86

Mugnai, N. "A promenade at Lepcis Magna: Experiencing buildings from the Augustan to the Antonine era" LibStud 52 (2021) pp. 87-118

Nsiri, M. "Onomastica episcoporum africae : Observations sur l'onomastique des eveques africains de l'epoque byzantine (533--709)" LibStud 52 (2021) pp. 119-133

Ellefi, M. "Pax et Bellum en Tripolitaine occidentale (partie tunisienne) a l'epoque vandale" LibStud 52 (2021) pp. 134-143

Montel, A. "Scholarship, trade and politics: Andalusian contribution to the Mediterranean standing of Tripoli (3rd/9th--5th/11th centuries)" LibStud 52 (2021) pp. 144-153

Achtnich, M. "Immobility and crisis: Rethinking migrants' journeys through Libya to Europe" LibStud 52 (2021) pp. 154-158

Abdalla, A. "The features of meroitic spread in south-central Sudan: Remains along the White Nile region" LibStud 52 (2021) pp. 159-165

Anastasi, M.; Capelli, C.; Gambin, T.; Sourisseau, J. "The Xlendi Bay shipwreck (Gozo, Malta): A petrographic and typological study of an archaic ceramic cargo" LibStud 52 (2021) pp. 166-172

Chetoui, M. "Amenagement d'ambons dans une eglise rurale recemment decouverte a Koustilya (Sud-ouest de la Tunisie)" LibStud 52 (2021) pp. 173-176

Boshah, M. "Preliminary report on salvage excavation at the southern limit of ancient Balagrae (modern al-Beida)" LibStud 52 (2021) pp. 177-181

El Mayer, A. "Recent mosaic floors restorations in Cyrene" LibStud 52 (2021) pp. 182-187

Gervais, Kyle "The terrible pain of Aeneas: fidus Achates and Achilles' achos in the Aeneid" MD 86 (2021) pp. 9-34

Garcea, Alessandro "Pliny's Dubius sermo and auctoritas: Some notes on the indirect transmission of Latin authors" MD 86 (2021) pp. 35-76

Gaertner, Jan Felix "Der Weinstock und die Eiche (Fronto, De Eloquentia 5): Eine Interpretation auf der Grundlage der antiken Fabelliteratur und der kaiserzeitlichen Rhetorik" MD 86 (2021) pp. 77-129

Conte, Gian Biagio "Amicus Plato. O del perche dissento da Michael Reeve a proposito di Verg. Georg. 3, 159" MD 86 (2021) pp. 133-138

Rambourg, Camille "Volonte et responsabilite dans la Deuxieme Tetralogie d'Antiphon Note sur une 'phrase [ ... ] tant torturee par les editeurs' ([beta], s 6)" MD 86 (2021) pp. 141-164

Galli, Leonardo "Il Citerone di Stazio tra Seneca tragico e Lucano: sui modelli di Theb. 3, 37-38 e 9, 447-449" MD 86 (2021) pp. 165-176

Donninelli, Mirko "Harenam in amphitheatro spargunt. Una nota a Petron. 34, 4" MD 86 (2021) pp. 177-182

D'Antonio, Alessandra "Due note testuali al libro XI delle Metamorfosi di Apuleio" MD 86 (2021) pp. 183-187

D'Andrea, Francesca "Un rilievo da Roma agli Uffizi : vicende collezionistiche e analisi archeologica" MDAI(R) 127 (2021) pp. 1--76

Kaderka, Karolina; Tucci, Pier Luigi "The Capitoline Temple of Jupiter : the Best, the Greatest, but not Colossal" MDAI(R) 127 (2021) pp. 1--40

Fiedler, Manuel; Lahi, Bashkim; Shehi, Eduard; Szilamer-Peter, Panczel; Velo, Klodian; Dohner, Gregor "Ausgrabungen in der Kleinsiedlung Babunje bei Apollonia (Albanien) : Bericht zu den Kampagnen 2018--2019" MDAI(R) 127 (2021) pp. 1--41

Heide, Thomas "Der Brunnen der Republikanischen Thermen in Pompeji : architektonische Analyse und Rekonstruktion des antiken Wasserhebemechanismus" MDAI(R) 127 (2021) pp. 1--61

Egg, Markus "Die Hallstattkulturen und Italien wahrend der alteren Eisenzeit" MDAI(R) 127 (2021) pp. 1--65

Miranda, Pasquale; Esposito, Carmen "Sulla periodizzazione delle necropoli protostoriche di Fermo" MDAI(R) 127 (2021) pp. 1--41

Franceschini, Mariachiara; Pasieka, Paul P. "'da niuna cura accompagnato fuori che quella di scoprire antiche cose' : nuovi dati sugli scavi Campanari a Vulci (Rapporti di scavo inediti, 09.11.1835--28.05.1836)" MDAI(R) 127 (2021) pp. 1--105

Kosmopoulos, Lorenzo "Novae scalpturae. Capitelli a gola dritta nell'area centro-meridionale della penisola italica" MDAI(R) 127 (2021) pp. 1--35

Lipps, Johannes; Flecker, Manuel "Il 'comitium' e il foro di Pompei fra tarda repubblica e eta imperiale : rapporto sugli scavi degli anni 2017--2019" MDAI(R) 127 (2021) pp. 1--48

Dally, Ortwin; Zimmermann, Norbert "Vorwort der Herausgeber" MDAI(R) 127 (2021) pp. 5

Virlouvet, Catherine "Jean-Louis Ferrary et l'Ecole francaise de Rome" MEFRA 133.1 (2021) pp. 5-7 text of article

Belfiore, Valentina "Premessa. Il Cippo di Perugia. Vecchi problemi e nuove letture. Atti dell'incontro di studio, Perugia, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 15 febbraio 2019" MEFRA 133.1 (2021) pp. 9-12 text of article

Benelli, Enrico "Il Cippo di Perugia come documento storico. Stato della conoscenza e problemi connessi" MEFRA 133.1 (2021) pp. 13-21 text of article

Van Heems, Gilles "Per uno studio sintattico del Cippo di Perugia: struttura frastica e fraseologica di un "testo lungo"" MEFRA 133.1 (2021) pp. 23-38 text of article

Rigobianco, Luca "I dimostrativi nell'incipit del testo etrusco del Cippo di Perugia. Considerazioni linguistiche ed ermeneutiche" MEFRA 133.1 (2021) pp. 39-51 text of article

Hadas-Lebel, Jean "La parola tezan sul Cippo di Perugia" MEFRA 133.1 (2021) pp. 53-58 text of article

Massarelli, Riccardo "Tezan tra Cippo e altra documentazione" MEFRA 133.1 (2021) pp. 59-73 text of article

Belfiore, Valentina "Il lessico del Cippo di Perugia. Alcune annotazioni sulle divisioni di proprieta" MEFRA 133.1 (2021) pp. 75-84 text of article

Scandone, Elena Tassi "Il cippo di Perugia e i communalia etruschi. Note sugli statuti legali delle terre comuni nell'Italia antica" MEFRA 133.1 (2021) pp. 85-95 text of article

Demma, Filippo "Vulcano, Ulisse e Demetra. Variazioni latine sul tema delle origini" MEFRA 133.1 (2021) pp. 97-139 text of article

Coarelli, Filippo "Un frammento di tabula frumentaria e la porticus Minucia" MEFRA 133.1 (2021) pp. 141-147 text of article

Lopez Garcia, Antonio "Una corte di giustizia presso il Foro di Traiano? Analisi sulla funzionalita degli auditoria adrianei" MEFRA 133.1 (2021) pp. 149-171 text of article

Capanna, Maria Cristina "Ancora sul complesso templare severiano del Quirinale" MEFRA 133.1 (2021) pp. 173-208 text of article

Battistin, Fabiana "Piranesi e i frammenti della Forma Urbis severiana" MEFRA 133.1 (2021) pp. 209-234 text of article

Porena, Pierfrancesco "L'iscrizione prefettizia di Perinthus - Heraclea di Tracia. Un omaggio a Massimino Daia Cesare durante la crisi della Terza Tetrarchia?" MEFRA 133.1 (2021) pp. 235-248 text of article

Dupuis, Xavier; Kasdi, Zheira "Remarques sur quelques gouverneurs de Mauretanie cesarienne de la periode severienne" MEFRA 133.1 (2021) pp. 249-263 text of article

Pucci, Tommaso "La similitudine di Th. 594--602: le donne-fuco" MH 78.1 (2021) pp. 3-12

Burzacchini, Gabriele "Sappho 'nouvelle' et dernierement 'res nouvelle': quelques observations" MH 78.1 (2021) pp. 13-45

Fetkenheuer, Klaus "'Cena dubia': zur Geschichte eines proverbialen Ausdrucks" MH 78.1 (2021) pp. 46-52

Poulos, Alex "Text Critical Remarks on Several Poems of Gregory of Nazianzus" MH 78.1 (2021) pp. 53-60

Salvatori, Tommaso "Giuliano Imperatore e Diodoro (ep. 90 Bidez)" MH 78.1 (2021) pp. 61-86

Hachler, Nikolas "'Et divites et omnibus bonis ornati sunt': the Depiction of Roman 'civitates' in the 'Expositio totius mundi et gentium' in the Middle of the 4th Century CE" MH 78.1 (2021) pp. 87-113

Kersten, Markus "Parzen oder Musen? Zu Text und Poetik in Auson. "Epist." 6, 45" MH 78.1 (2021) pp. 114-127

Billerbeck, Margarethe "Den Humanisten uber die Schulter geschaut: Ermolao Barbaro, Angelo Poliziano und die "Ethnika" des Stephanos von Byzanz" MH 78.1 (2021) pp. 128-145

Heyman, Avital "Was the East Latin?" MHR 36.1 (2021) pp. ges: 95-151

* "Introduction: Byzantium between East and West SPECIAL ISSUE in homage to the memory of David Jacoby" MHR 36.1 (2021) pp. 1

Durak, Koray "The commercial history of Trebizond and the region of Pontos from the seventh to the eleventh centuries: an international emporium" MHR 36.1 (2021) pp. 3-41

Wu, Gang "The myth of phocaicus: new evidence on the silk industry in Byzantine Central Greece" MHR 36.1 (2021) pp. 43-61

McMahon, Lucas "Logistical modelling of a sea-borne expedition in the Mediterranean: the case of the Byzantine invasion of Crete in AD 960" MHR 36.1 (2021) pp. 63-94

Arcenas, Scott Lawin "Mare ORBIS: a network model for maritime transportation in the Roman world" MHR 36.2 (2021) pp. 169-198

Chipman, Leigh; Avni, Gideon; Ellenblum, Ronnie "Collapse, affluence, and collapse again: contrasting climatic effects in Egypt during the prolonged reign of al-Mustansir (1036--1094)" MHR 36.2 (2021) pp. 199-215

Sadovski-Kornprobst, Lena "Multilingualism in Venetian Dalmatia: studying languages and orality in written administrative documents from Split (fifteenth/sixteenth centuries)" MHR 36.2 (2021) pp. 217-236

Zwierlein, Cornel "Prussia against Rome, 1724--1742: Mathurin Veyssiere La Croze's and Giuseppe Simone Assemani's Mediterraneist views on the Nestorians in India" MHR 36.2 (2021) pp. 237-257

Ben Ze'ev, Na'ama; Amir, Gal "Rural producers in the High Court: the struggle for control of olive oil production in Israel, 1950--1953" MHR 36.2 (2021) pp. 259-277

Horn, Fabian "The Death of Achilles in the Iliad. Motif Transference and Poetic Technique" Mnemosyne 74.1 (2021) pp. 1--28

Thrudjurslev, Author: Christian "Four Beasts and a Baby. The 'Baleful Birth' Omen of Alexander's Death in its Hellenistic Context" Mnemosyne 74.1 (2021) pp. 29--55

Tong, Wu "A Static World. Erythraean Sea Barbarians in Diodorus' Bibliotheca Historica" Mnemosyne 74.1 (2021) pp. 56--75

Cundy, Jody Ellyn "Pausanias' Careful Language of Sexual Violence. Rape, Race, and Agency in the Periegesis Hellados" Mnemosyne 74.1 (2021) pp. 76--98

Panegyres, Konstantine "The Manuscripts of the Scholia to the Hesiodic Aspis. Pediasimus' Scholia Paraphrastica" Mnemosyne 74.1 (2021) pp. 99--110

O'Hearn, Leah "Juventius and the Summer of Youth in Catullus 48" Mnemosyne 74.1 (2021) pp. 111--133

Meister, Felix J. "The Text and Metre of Sapph. fr. 108 V." Mnemosyne 74.1 (2021) pp. 135--138

Henry, John "uph' epar. Deianira's Liver in Sophocles, Trachiniae 931" Mnemosyne 74.1 (2021) pp. 139--143

Gellar-Goad, T.H.M. "Therapontigonus Was on Stage the Whole Time. A Note on Stagecraft in Plautus' Curculio" Mnemosyne 74.1 (2021) pp. 144--151

Eckerman, Chris "Ataraxia Vanquishes Eros. Lucretius' Sappho at De rerum natura 2.1-8" Mnemosyne 74.1 (2021) pp. 152--160

Xian, Ruobing "Blameless Aegisthus Revisited" Mnemosyne 74.2 (2021) pp. 181--199

Mansfeld, Jaap "An Early Greek Epic. Narrative Structures in Parmenides' Poem and the Relation between Its Main Parts" Mnemosyne 74.2 (2021) pp. 200--237

Schiebe, Marianne Wifstrand "Prodikos zur Entstehung des Gotterglaubens" Mnemosyne 74.2 (2021) pp. 238--258

Walker, Guy "Irony and Metapoetics in Theocritus' Idyll 18" Mnemosyne 74.2 (2021) pp. 259--273

Kozak, Daniel "Imperial Art and Power in the Liternum Episode of Silius Italicus' Punica" Mnemosyne 74.2 (2021) pp. 274--298

Koster, Isabel K. "Flamingos and Perverted Sacrifices in Suetonius' Life of Caligula" Mnemosyne 74.2 (2021) pp. 299--317

Potamiti, Anna "The Goods of Killikon and Aristophanes, Pax 363" Mnemosyne 74.2 (2021) pp. 319--328

Zanker, Graham "A Note on Anchises' Romane at Virgil, Aeneid 6.851" Mnemosyne 74.2 (2021) pp. 329--337

Magnavacca, Adalberto "A Storm Chasing Conjecture? An Afterthought on Germ. fr. 4.30 Gain" Mnemosyne 74.2 (2021) pp. 338--339

Almazova, Nina "Artistic Heritage of Polymnestus of Colophon" Mnemosyne 74.3 (2021) pp. 357--370

Ferber, Rafael "Second Sailing towards Immortality and God. On Plato's Phaedo 99e4-100a3, with an Outlook on Descartes' Meditations, AT VII, 67" Mnemosyne 74.3 (2021) pp. 371--400

Hahmann, Andree; Robitzsch, Jan Maximilian "Epicurus' Divine Hedonism" Mnemosyne 74.3 (2021) pp. 401--422

Demerre, Olivier "A Stormy Debate. Issue- and Idea-theory in Longus' Pastoral Trial" Mnemosyne 74.3 (2021) pp. 423--447

Strozynski, Mateusz "The Ascent of the Soul as Spiritual Exercise in Plotinus' Enneads" Mnemosyne 74.3 (2021) pp. 448--477

Welsh, Jarrett T. "Imogontes, Ciriaco d'Ancona, and a Curious Collection of Words" Mnemosyne 74.3 (2021) pp. 478--492

Lane, Nicholas "Pindar, Pythian 10.15-16" Mnemosyne 74.3 (2021) pp. 493--497

Eckerman, Chris "On Praise and Restraint: Pindar's Horai in the Proem of Olympian 13" Mnemosyne 74.3 (2021) pp. 498--504

Dyck, Andrew R. "A Note on Cicero, De officiis 2.71" Mnemosyne 74.3 (2021) pp. 505--507

Power, Tristan "A Textual Note on Catullus 61.169" Mnemosyne 74.3 (2021) pp. 508--511

Pittavino, David A. "Carmina tum melius ... canemus. Further Evidence for and Implications of an 'Iliadic' Bianor in Vergil's Eclogue 9" Mnemosyne 74.3 (2021) pp. 512--522

Tzounakas, Spyridon "Titius in Tibullus' Elegy 1.4" Mnemosyne 74.3 (2021) pp. 523--530

Harriman, Benjamin "A Note on Cleanthes and Early Stoic Cosmogony" Mnemosyne 74.4 (2021) pp. 533--552

Alexandru, Stefan "Critical Remarks on Codices in which Galen Appears as a Member of the gens Claudia" Mnemosyne 74.4 (2021) pp. 553--597

Chrysanthou, Chrysanthos S. "Sex and Power in Cassius Dio's Roman History. The Case of Elagabalus" Mnemosyne 74.4 (2021) pp. 598--625

Wallis, Jonathan "Trojan Restoration and the Aeneid in Horace, Odes 3.3" Mnemosyne 74.4 (2021) pp. 626--647

Jakobi, Rainer "Die Chronik des Marcellinus Comes. Text, Praetext und Intertext" Mnemosyne 74.4 (2021) pp. 648--666

Dosuna, Ajulian V. Mendez "Milesian Wool. A Risque Metaphor in Aristophanes, Lysistrata 728-734" Mnemosyne 74.4 (2021) pp. 667--676

Griffith, R. Drew "Prairie Oysters and Perjured Roisterers. Demosthenes 54.39" Mnemosyne 74.4 (2021) pp. 677--681

Novokhatko, Anna A. "Contemporary Metaphor Studies and Classical Texts" Mnemosyne 74.4 (2021) pp. 682--703

Sluiter, Ineke "In Memoriam Prof. Dirk Marie (Dick) Schenkeveld (1934-2021)" Mnemosyne 74.5 (2021) pp. 707--708

Bilic, Tomislav "Early Identifications of Apollo with the Physical Sun in Ancient Greece. Tradition and Interpretation" Mnemosyne 74.5 (2021) pp. 709--736

Rova, Peter Jackson "The Secret of the Untrembling Heart. A Cryptological Reading of Parmenides' Proem (EGP D4.29/DK B1.29)" Mnemosyne 74.5 (2021) pp. 737--756

Brown, Andrew "Two Notes on the Career of Aeschylus. His First Production and Last Journey" Mnemosyne 74.5 (2021) pp. 757--779

Chiritoiu, Daniel "Arrian's Ektaxis in the Roman Empire. Local Identity, Diversity and the Geography of the Army" Mnemosyne 74.5 (2021) pp. 780--798

Alepidou, Apostolia "Thetis in Identity Crisis. Inversions of the Iliad in Statius' Achilleid" Mnemosyne 74.5 (2021) pp. 799--824

Liubimova, Olga V. "The Mother of Decimus Brutus and the Wife of Gaius Gracchus" Mnemosyne 74.5 (2021) pp. 825--850

Paschalis, Sergios "deus inludens ... flenti similis (Ov. Met. 3.650-652). Catullus' Ariadne and Ovid's Bacchus" Mnemosyne 74.5 (2021) pp. 851--872

Ercoles, Marco "On Aristophanes of Byzantium fr. 360 Slater" Mnemosyne 74.5 (2021) pp. 873--877

Hockings, T.A.J. "A Reward for Your Toil. Textual Notes on 'Sulpicia' (Epigr. Bob. 37)" Mnemosyne 74.5 (2021) pp. 878--887

Camagni, Francesco "The Use of Gamma in Place of Digamma in Ancient Greek" Mnemosyne 74.6 (2021) pp. 891--912

Guia, Miriam Valdes "Pallas and a Female Pyrrhic Dance for Athena in Attica" Mnemosyne 74.6 (2021) pp. 913--934

Saudelli, Lucia "Les maladies de l'ame. Quelques problemes dans le Timee de Platon" Mnemosyne 74.6 (2021) pp. 935--954

Hill, Theodore "Arguments Employed in Favour of Unjust Action in Euripides, Thucydides, and Plato" Mnemosyne 74.6 (2021) pp. 955--977

Ferella, Chiara "The Byzantine Scholia to Aristotle and Empedocles' Cosmic Cycle" Mnemosyne 74.6 (2021) pp. 978--1000

Silva, Author: Gabriel "Magic and Memory. Dido's Ritual for Inducing Forgetfulness in Aeneid 4" Mnemosyne 74.6 (2021) pp. 1001--1014

Turel, Tunc "Decoding a Narrative Allusion. The Death Narratives of Ammianus' Julian and Xenophon's Cyrus" Mnemosyne 74.6 (2021) pp. 1015--1033

Tsartsidis, Thomas "Prudentius' Agnes and the Elegiac puella. Generic Interactions in Late Antique Christian Poetry" Mnemosyne 74.6 (2021) pp. 1034--1054

Coughlan, Taylor S. "Ubi suadebit placidos nox umida somnos (Ov. Fast. 2.635). Vergilian Sleep on a February Evening at the Caristia" Mnemosyne 74.6 (2021) pp. 1055--1064

Burke, Brendan; Burns, Bryan "Introduction: Finding Eleon" Mouseion 18.1 (2021) pp. 1-7

Burke, Brendan; Burns, Bryan; Charami, Alexandra; Mackay, Camilla "Chapter One: Ancient Eleon in Boeotia: An Overview of the Greek--Canadian Excavations" Mouseion 18.1 (2021) pp. 8-30

Bullock, Matthew; Lam, Yin "Chapter Two: Preliminary Findings from the Faunal Assemblage from Eleon" Mouseion 18.1 (2021) pp. 31-47

Lis, Bartlomiej; Damme, Trevor Van "Chapter Three: Preliminary Report on the Late Bronze Age Pottery from Ancient Eleon" Mouseion 18.1 (2021) pp. 48-85

Damme, Trevor Van; Lupack, Susan "Chapter Four: Archaic and Classical Ceramics of Eleon" Mouseion 18.1 (2021) pp. 86-133

Bertram, Haley "Chapter Five: The Archaic and Classical Figurines" Mouseion 18.1 (2021) pp. 134-162

Marsh, Ben; Jones, Janet "Chapter Six: The Arcuate Polygonal-Block Wall at Eleon" Mouseion 18.1 (2021) pp. 163-182

Pollio, David M. "Non-Olympian Gods and Persuasive Speech in the Aeneid" Mouseion 18.2 (2021) pp. 203-214

Fletcher, K.F.B. "Lucius Finally Hits the Anglophone Stage: Robertson Davies' Operatic Golden Ass and the Reunification of Apuleius' Asinus Aureus" Mouseion 18.2 (2021) pp. 215-245

Caron, Beaudoin "Un vase peint conserve au Musee des beaux-arts de Montreal" Mouseion 18.2 (2021) pp. 246-254

Burke, Brendan; Athanasoulis, Dimitris; Bonias, Zisis; Burns, Bryan; Carter, Tristan; Charami, Alexandra; Gallimore, Scott; Haagsma, Margriet J.; James, Sarah; Karapanou, Sophia; Nakassis, Dimitri; Papadimitriou, Alcestis; Perreault, Jacques Y.; Surtees, Laura "Fieldwork of the Canadian Institute in Greece in 2018" Mouseion 18.2 (2021) pp. 255-284

Corral, Marta Fernandez "The Commemoration of Children in the Funerary Epigraphy of the Conventus Cluniensis (Hispania Citerior)" Mouseion 18.2 (2021) pp. 285-299

Singer-Avitz, Lily "Yotvata in the Southern Negev and Its Association with Copper Mining and Trade in the Early Iron Age" NEA 84.2 (2021) pp. 100-109

Sapir-Hen, Lidar; Uziel, Joe; Chalaf, Ortal "Everything But The Oink: On the Discovery of an Articulated Pig in Iron Age Jerusalem and Its Meaning to Judahite Consumption Practices" NEA 84.2 (2021) pp. 110-119

Horwitz, Liora Kolska; Eniukhina, Maria; Kehati, Ron; Groman-Yaroslavski, Iris; Maeir, Aren M. "A Bone Projectile Point and Its Possibly Associated Workshop from the Iron Age IIA of Tell es-Safi/Gath" NEA 84.2 (2021) pp. 120-129

Rey, Sebastien "Divine Cults in the Sacred Precinct of Girsu" NEA 84.2 (2021) pp. 130-139

Greet, Ben "The Spiritual Life of Teleilat Ghassul and Building 78" NEA 84.2 (2021) pp. 140-147

Faigenbaum-Golovin, Shira; Shaus, Arie; Sober, Barak; Gerber, Yana; Turkel, Eli; Piasetzky, Eli; Finkelstein, Israel "Literacy in Judah and Israel: Algorithmic and Forensic Examination of the Arad and Samaria Ostraca" NEA 84.2 (2021) pp. 148-158

Kodas, Ergul "Communal Architecture at Boncuklu Tarla, Mardin Province, Turkey" NEA 84.2 (2021) pp. 159-165

Al-Jahwari, Nasser Said; Douglas, Khaled Ahmed "An Early Bronze Age Incense Burner from Dahwa (DH1), Northern al-Batinah, Oman" NEA 84.3 (2021) pp. 172-181

Stone, Elizabeth; Otto, Adelheid; Charpin, Dominique; Einwag, Berthold; Zimansky, Paul "Two Great Households of Old Babylonian Ur" NEA 84.3 (2021) pp. 182-191

Candelora, Danielle "Grisly Trophies: Severed Hands and the Egyptian Military Reward System" NEA 84.3 (2021) pp. 192-199

Stern, Ian "The Bronze Mouse of Maresha" NEA 84.3 (2021) pp. 200-204

Jacobson, David M.; Hendin, David B. "Pomegranate or Poppy: What Lies between the Cornucopias on Hasmonaean Coins?" NEA 84.3 (2021) pp. 206-215

Littman, Robert J.; Silverstein, Jay; Goldsmith, Dora; Coughlin, Sean; Mashaly, Hamedy "Eau de Cleopatra: Mendesian Perfume and Tell Timai" NEA 84.3 (2021) pp. 216-229

Erlich, Adi; Tsuk, Tsvika; Bordowicz, Iosi; Ben-Yosef, Dror "A Roman Bronze Bull from the Floor of the Mashhad Pool in Sepphoris in the Galilee" NEA 84.3 (2021) pp. 230-237

Bar-Oz, Guy; Tepper, Yotam; Shafir, Roee "Corals in the Desert: Recent Discoveries of Red Sea Corals in Byzantine and Early Islamic Sites in the Negev Desert" NEA 84.3 (2021) pp. 238-245

Roustaei, Kourosh; Rezvani, Hasan "New Evidence of Two Transitions in the Neolithic Sequence of Northeastern Iran" NEA 84.4 (2021) pp. 252-261

Al-Jahwari, Nasser S.; Douglas, Khaled A. "Umm an-Nar Ritual Building in Dahwa 1 (DH1), Northern Al-Batinah, Oman" NEA 84.4 (2021) pp. 262-271

Diamond, Kelly-Anne "Gender, Deities, and the Public Image of Sobekneferu" NEA 84.4 (2021) pp. 272-280

Degrado, Jessie; Richey, Madadh "Discovering Early Syrian Magic: New Aramaic Sources for a Long-Lost Art" NEA 84.4 (2021) pp. 282-292

Piraud-Fournet, Pauline; Green, John D. M.; Doyle, Noreen; Creasman, Pearce Paul "The Temple of the Winged Lions, Petra: Reassessing a Nabataean Ritual Complex" NEA 84.4 (2021) pp. 293-305

Shahmohammadpour, Alireza "A Sasanian Triumphal Arch in Bishapur" NEA 84.4 (2021) pp. 306-315

Dutmer, Evan R.W. "Scipio's Rome and Critias' Athens: Utopian Mythmaking in Cicero's De Republica and Plato's Timaeus" NECJ 48.1 (2021) pp. 1-19

Jansson, Victoria "Towards a 'Political' Tibullus: Ceres and Grain in Elegies Books 1 and 2" NECJ 48.1 (2021) pp. 20-35

Libatique, Daniel; Machado, Dominic "Lector Intende, Laetaberis: A Research-Based Approach to Introductory Latin" NECJ 48.1 (2021) pp. 36-53

Raaflaub, Kurt A. "Caesar and Genocide: Confronting the Dark Side of Caesar's Gallic Wars" NECJ 48.1 (2021) pp. 54-80

Shumate, Nancy "Full Circle: Juvenal's Egyptians and the Return of the "Angry White Man" in Satire 15" NECJ 48.1 (2021) pp. 81-96

Pyne-Jaeger, Kit "'Women Must Weep--Or Unite Against War': Virginia Woolf's Feminist Critique of Classical Epic in To the Lighthouse" NECJ 48.1 (2021) pp. 97-102

Dinkler, Michal Beth "The Narrative Rhetoric of Speech and Silence in the Acts of the Apostles" NTS 67.1 (2021) pp. 1-21

Rastoin, Marc "Cleophas (Lc 24,18) : un indice de la creativite litteraire et theologique de Luc ?" NTS 67.1 (2021) pp. 22-37

Forster, Hans "Su legeis: Philologische Untersuchungen zur semantischen Valenz der Verbindung eines Personalpronomens mit einem verbum dicendi" NTS 67.1 (2021) pp. 38-54

Robinson, Laura "Hidden Transcripts? The Supposedly Self-Censoring Paul and Rome as Surveillance State in Modern Pauline Scholarship" NTS 67.1 (2021) pp. 55-72

Kochenash, Michael "Reframing Julius' Kindness (Acts 27) as an Extension of Luke's Socratic Characterisation of Paul" NTS 67.1 (2021) pp. 73-84

List, Nicholas "Dipsychos: Moving beyond Intertextuality" NTS 67.1 (2021) pp. 85-104

Collman, Ryan D. "Beware the Dogs! The Phallic Epithet in Phil 3.2" NTS 67.1 (2021) pp. 105-120

Cowan, J. Andrew "Paul and Socrates in Dialogue: Points of Contact between the Areopagus Speech and the Apology" NTS 67.1 (2021) pp. 121-133

Koch, Dietrich-Alex "Kritische Exegese. Der 1829 von H. A. W. Meyer begrundete "Kritische und exegetische Kommentar uber das Neue Testament" in forschungsgeschichtlicher Sicht" NTS 67.1 (2021) pp. 134-156

Blumenthal, Christian "Die Raumfrage als Schnittstelle von Theologie, Politik und Sozialgeschichte: Kulturwissenschaftliche Raumwende und neutestamentliche Exegese" NTS 67.4 (2021) pp. 475-495

Hartog, Pieter B. "Noah and Moses in Acts 15: Group Models and the Novelty of the Way" NTS 67.4 (2021) pp. 496-513

Baltes, Guido "Diakrinein als Leseaufgabe: Petrus und Kornelius zwischen ungeschriebenem Gesetz und unzuverlassiger Erzahlung" NTS 67.4 (2021) pp. 514-540

Forness, Philip Michael "The Anonymous Source for Marcion's Gospel in British Library, Add. 17215: An Identification and Analysis" NTS 67.4 (2021) pp. 541-559

Gurry, Peter J. "The Text of Eph 5.22 and the Start of the Ephesian Household Code" NTS 67.4 (2021) pp. 560-581

Longarino, Joseph "Apocalyptic and the Passions: Overcoming a False Dichotomy in Pauline Studies" NTS 67.4 (2021) pp. 582-597

Atkins, Christopher S. "The Justice of the Cosmos: Philosophical Cosmology and Apocalyptic Eschatology in the Wisdom of Solomon" NTS 67.4 (2021) pp. 598-612

Hall, Josiah D. "'With' Not 'for': An Alternative Reading of Paul's Use of Psalm 68.10b OG in Romans 15.3" NTS 67.4 (2021) pp. 613-630

Richter, Tobias; Darabi, Hojjat; Alibaigi, Sajjad; Arranz-Otaegui, Amaia; Bangsgaard, Pernille; Khosravi, Shokouh; Maher, Lisa; Mortensen, Peder; Pedersen, Patrick; Roe, Joe; Yeomans, Lisa "The Formation of Early Neolithic Communities in the Central Zagros: An 11,500 Year-Old Communal Structure at Asiab" OJA 40.1 (2021) pp. 2-22

Karamurat, Cansu; Atakuman, Cigdem; Erdogu, Burcin "Digging Pits and Making Places at Ugurlu during the Sixth Millennium BC" OJA 40.1 (2021) pp. 23-42

Horn, Christian "Trouble in Paradise? -- Violent Conflict in Funnel-Beaker Societies" OJA 40.1 (2021) pp. 43-64

Bechar, Shlomit "Abuse, Reuse, Recycle: The Uses of Basalt Orthostats at Hazor in the Bronze and Iron Ages" OJA 40.1 (2021) pp. 65-86

Farley, Julia "The Hallaton Ingot: Silver in Iron Age Britain" OJA 40.1 (2021) pp. 87-104

Hoffelinck, Adeline; Vermeulen, Frank "Ubi sunt macella? The Contribution of Non-Invasive Archaeological Survey to the Identification and Study of Roman Food Markets" OJA 40.1 (2021) pp. 105-133

Gjerde, Jan Magne "The Earliest Boat Depiction in Northern Europe: Newly Discovered Early Mesolithic Rock Art at Valle, Northern Norway" OJA 40.2 (2021) pp. 136-152

Nielsen, Svein Vatsvag "A Late Mesolithic Forager Dispersal Caused Pre-Agricultural Demographic Transition in Norway" OJA 40.2 (2021) pp. 153-175

Terpstra, Taco T. "mediterranean Silver Production and the Site of Antas, Sardinia" OJA 40.2 (2021) pp. 176-190

Meunier, Emmanuelle; Luaces, Max "Mining in South-West Gaul at the Crossroads of the Celtic and Mediterranean Worlds. The Case of the Mining Area of the Arize Mountains (Central Pyrenees) during the Fourth and Third Centuries BC" OJA 40.2 (2021) pp. 191-210

Marechal, Sadi "By Invitation Only. Accessibility of Villa Baths in the Roman North-West" OJA 40.2 (2021) pp. 211-230

Teather, Anne; SoRensen, Lasse "Neolithic Art at European Flint Extraction Sites" OJA 40.3 (2021) pp. 232-249

Cardiel, Jorge GarciA; Romera, Ricardo Olmos "The Pozo Moro Reliefs (Chinchilla, Spain): A Mediterranean Hero between East and West" OJA 40.3 (2021) pp. 250-267

Shiner, Marion R. "Burial in Early Medieval Wales: Identifying Multifunctional Cemeteries" OJA 40.3 (2021) pp. 268-285

Stratigos, Michael J. "Island Dwellings at 60o North: New Evidence for Crannogs in Iron Age Shetland" OJA 40.3 (2021) pp. 286-308

Garcia-Diez, Marcos; Smith, Peter; Munoz, Emilio; Garrido, Daniel; Ibero, Alvaro; Lopez-Calle, Paula; Ochoa, Blanca "Visiting Palaeolithic Art -- Explorations and Archaeological Implications in Cueva de las Monedas, Spain" OJA 40.3 (2021) pp. 309-322

Calvo, Aitor; Arrizabalaga, Alvaro "Lost in the Quest for Flint: A Gravettian Hunting Camp (Usategi, Basque Country)" OJA 40.4 (2021) pp. 325-341

Rosa, Neemias Santos Da; Fernandez-MaciAs, Laura; Mattioli, Tommaso; DiAz-Andreu, Margarita "Dance Scenes in Levantine Rock Art (Spain): A Critical Review" OJA 40.4 (2021) pp. 342-366

Nicolas, Clement; Pailler, Yvan; Stephan, Pierre; Pierson, Julie; Aubry, Laurent; Gall, Bernard Le; Lacombe, Vincent; Rolet, JoeL "An Early 3d-Map of a Territory? The Bronze Age Carved Slab from Saint-Belec, Leuhan (Brittany, France)" OJA 40.4 (2021) pp. 367-390

Wallace, Saro "Socioeconomic Crisis and Cultural Innovation: The LBA-EIA East Mediterranean via a Case Study of Lasithi, Crete" OJA 40.4 (2021) pp. 391-416

Garfinkel, Yosef; Carroll, Jon W.; Pytlik, Michael; Mumcuoglu, Madeleine "Constructing the Assyrian Siege Ramp at Lachish: Texts, Iconography, Archaeology and Photogrammetry" OJA 40.4 (2021) pp. 417-439

De Ridder, Jacob Jan; Zomer, Elyze "Omen est nomen? The nominal pattern PaRIS> PiRIS" Orientalia 90.1 (2021) pp. 1-20

Karlsson, Mattias "Hero and villain: portrayals of Marduk-apla-iddina II" Orientalia 90.1 (2021) pp. 21-51

D'Orazio, Claudia "Late Bronze II sealing practices in the Northern Levant in light of new evidence from Karkemish" Orientalia 90.1 (2021) pp. 52-76

Maidman, M.P. "The peculiar dossier of Sukr-apu son to Eteya" Orientalia 90.1 (2021) pp. 77-91

Nagel, Peter "Die Bibel der Manichaer: Umfang und Inhalt" Orientalia 90.1 (2021) pp. 92-106

Bauer, Josef "Zum Bruchstuck einer Personennamenliste aus Nippur" Orientalia 90.1 (2021) pp. 107-112

Renzi-Sepe, Maria Teresa "A note on the series "Summa Sin ina tamartisu"" Orientalia 90.1 (2021) pp. 113-117

Scurlock, Joann "Fixed on death: the Susa funerary texts revisited" Orientalia 90.1 (2021) pp. 118-123

Luisier, Philippe "L'emergence de la langue copte: une nouvelle hypothese" Orientalia 90.1 (2021) pp. 124-132

Degrado, Jessie "Excavating the myth of sacred prostitution" Orientalia 90.1 (2021) pp. 133-138

Slavin, Philip "Out of the West: Formation of a Permanent Plague Reservoir in South-Central Germany (1349--1356) and its Implications" P&P 252.1 (2021) pp. 3-51

Martoccio, Michael "The Art of Mercato: Buying City-States in Renaissance Tuscany" P&P 252.1 (2021) pp. 53-99

Greig, Hannah; Vickery, Amanda "The Political Day in London, c.1697--1834" P&P 252.1 (2021) pp. 101-137

La Hausse de Lalouviere, Joseph "A Business Archive of the French Illegal Slave Trade in the Nineteenth Century" P&P 252.1 (2021) pp. 139-177

Cheta, Omar Youssef; Schwartz, Kathryn A "A Printer's Odd Plea to Reform Legal Pluralism in Khedival Egypt" P&P 252.1 (2021) pp. 179-211

Vernon, James "Heathrow and the Making of Neoliberal Britain" P&P 252.1 (2021) pp. 213-247

Doyle, Shane "Chronology and Causality in Africa's HIV Pandemic: The Production of History Between the Laboratory and the Archive" P&P 252.1 (2021) pp. 249-290

Weisweiler, John "Capital Accumulation, Supply Networks and the Composition of the Roman Senate, 14--235 CE" P&P 253.1 (2021) pp. 3--44

Dorin, Rowan "The Bishop as Lawmaker in Late Medieval Europe" P&P 253.1 (2021) pp. 45--82

Sennefelt, Karin "A Pathology of Sacral Kingship: Putrefaction in the Body of Charles XI of Sweden" P&P 253.1 (2021) pp. 83--117

Maglaque, Erin "Care Work and the Family in Catholic Reformation Tuscany" P&P 253.1 (2021) pp. 119--150

Waddell, Brodie "The Rise of the Parish Welfare State in England, c.1600--1800*" P&P 253.1 (2021) pp. 151--194

Behrendt, Stephen D; Morgan, Philip D; Radburn, Nicholas "African Cultures and Creolization on an Eighteenth-Century St Kitts Sugar Plantation" P&P 253.1 (2021) pp. 195--234

Hamed-Troyansky, Vladimir "Ottoman and Egyptian Quarantines and European Debates on Plague in the 1830s--1840s" P&P 253.1 (2021) pp. 235--270

Dolan, Anne "Death in the Archives: Witnessing War in Ireland, 1919--1921" P&P 253.1 (2021) pp. 271--300

Moskowitz, Kara "Sons and Daughters of the Soil: Politics and Protest of Kenyan Resettlement to Tanzania, 1961--1968" P&P 253.1 (2021) pp. 301--337

Millett, Martin "Simon Keay (1954--2021)" PBSR 89 (2021) pp. 1-8

Wiseman, T.P. "Walls, Gates and Stories: Detecting Rome's Riverside Defences" PBSR 89 (2021) pp. 9-40

Kim, Yeong-Chei "Centuriated Luceria: A Latin Colony and Its Territory" PBSR 89 (2021) pp. 41-100

Lazer, Estelle; Welch, Kathryn; Vu, Dzung; Vu, Manh; Middleton, Alain; Canigliula, Roberto; Luyck, Stijn; Babino, Giovanni; Osanna, Massimo "Inside the Casts of the Pompeian Victims: Results from the First Season of the Pompeii Cast Project in 2015" PBSR 89 (2021) pp. 101-136

Osborne, John "The Dower Charter of Otto II and Theophanu, and the Roman Scriptorium at Santi Apostoli" PBSR 89 (2021) pp. 137-157

Brunetti, Marco "Philip II of Spain and Trajan: History of a Special Undelivered Gift and of the Reception of Trajan's Column" PBSR 89 (2021) pp. 159-209

Cecalupo, Chiara "Sulla nascita dell'archeologia cristiana: il cantiere della basilica vaticana nova" PBSR 89 (2021) pp. 211-231

Sommaini, Fabrizio "Il lavoro e l'organizzazione del cantiere nella Roma papale e imperiale. La basilica di San Pietro e il complesso di Domiziano: fonti moderne per ricostruire progetti antichi" PBSR 89 (2021) pp. 233-278

Clegg, Jeanne "From Dead End to Central City of the World: (Re)Locating Rome on Ruskin's Map of Europe" PBSR 89 (2021) pp. 279-317

Delmedico, Sara "'He Saw What He Wanted to See': Reputation, Jealousy, and the Law. The Uxoricide of Giselda Zanolo" PBSR 89 (2021) pp. 319-333

Coates-Stephens, Robert "Notes from Rome 2020--21" PBSR 89 (2021) pp. 335-340

Kay, Stephen "Archaeological Fieldwork Reports" PBSR 89 (2021) pp. 341-341

Haynes, Ian; Liverani, Paolo; Carboni, Francesca; Ravasi, Thea; Kay, Stephen; Piro, Salvatore; Morelli, Gianfrano "Rome Transformed: Interdisciplinary Analysis of the Eastern Caelian (Rome)" PBSR 89 (2021) pp. 342-346

Keay, Simon; Kay, Stephen; Pomar, Elena "The Roman Ports Project Fieldwork at Portus (Comune di Fiumicino, Provincia di Roma, Regione Lazio)" PBSR 89 (2021) pp. 346-349

Kay, Stephen; Pomar, Elena; Mccallum, Myles; Beckmann, Martin "Geophysical Survey Projects 2020--2021: Investigations in the Sabina" PBSR 89 (2021) pp. 350-352

Sabatini, Serena; Kay, Stephen; Pomar, Elena; GoRansson, Kristian "Geophysical Survey at Vulci (Comune di Montalto di Castro, Provincia di Viterbo, Regione Lazio)" PBSR 89 (2021) pp. 353-357

Schadee, Hester "Balsdon Fellowship: Roman relics and Renaissance collectors 1350--1550" PBSR 89 (2021) pp. 359-360

Burridge, Claire "Rome Scholarship and Residential Research Fellowship: The movement of early medieval medical knowledge: exchange in the Italian peninsula" PBSR 89 (2021) pp. 360-361

Harvey, Maria "Rome Fellowships: Latin signori in a diverse land: del Balzo Orsini art and architecture in late medieval southern Italy (c. 1350--1450)" PBSR 89 (2021) pp. 361-362

Markou, Georgios "Rome Fellowships: Between empire and exile: Cypriot nobles between the Regno di Cipro and Venice" PBSR 89 (2021) pp. 362-364

Schultz, Karie "Rome Fellowships: British and Italian intellectual networks: the Scots and English Colleges in Rome, c. 1603--1745" PBSR 89 (2021) pp. 364-365

Gentili, Barbara "Rome Award: The 'modern' soprano: performing the donna nova in early twentieth-century Italy" PBSR 89 (2021) pp. 365-366

Beaufay, Konogan "Hugh Last Rome Award: Heating systems in Imperial-period Roman baths in central Italy: Aquinum and beyond" PBSR 89 (2021) pp. 366-367

Aslet, William "Ralegh Radford Rome Award: James Gibbs's training in Rome" PBSR 89 (2021) pp. 368-368

Taylor, M. "Indigenous Interruptions in the Anthropocene" PMLA 136.1 (2021) pp. 9-16

Chin, T. "The Afro-Asian Silk Road: Chinese Experiments in Postcolonial Premodernity" PMLA 136.1 (2021) pp. 17-38

Kuhn, M. "Chesnutt, Turpentine, and the Political Ecology of White Supremacy" PMLA 136.1 (2021) pp. 39-54

Calcaterra, A. "Edgar Huntly's Gun Violence and Indigenous Mechanisms of Peace" PMLA 136.1 (2021) pp. 55-71

Strand, E. "Du Bois's Dark Princess, Kautilya's Arthashastra, and the Welfare State" PMLA 136.1 (2021) pp. 72-87

Faiz, F., Zaitseva, L.; Anjum, U. "Excerpts from Months and Years of Friendship: Recollections" PMLA 136.1 (2021) pp. 88-101

LeMenager, S. "Love and Theft; or, Provincializing the Anthropocene" PMLA 136.1 (2021) pp. 102-109

Arias, A. "Indigenous Literatures? The Anthropocene? Theoretical Equivocations and Conceptual Tangles" PMLA 136.1 (2021) pp. 110-117

Balthaser, B. "New Deal Settler Colonialism, Indigeneity, and the 1930s Literary Left" PMLA 136.1 (2021) pp. 118-124

Day, I. "Ruin Porn and the Colonial Imaginary" PMLA 136.1 (2021) pp. 125-131

Hooley, M. "Still Thinking" PMLA 136.1 (2021) pp. 132-138

Cheyfitz, E. "Resisting the Anthropocene: Linda Hogan's Dwellings: A Spiritual History of the Living World" PMLA 136.1 (2021) pp. 139-145

Anderson, E. "Big Indigeneity" PMLA 136.1 (2021) pp. 146-153

Dimock, W. "Gaming the Pandemic" PMLA 136.2 (2021) pp. 163-170

Salmi, C. "The Global Graphic Protest Narrative: India and Iran" PMLA 136.2 (2021) pp. 171-189

Stroebel, W. "Longhand Lines of Flight: Cataloging Displacement in a Karamanli Refugee's Commonplace Book" PMLA 136.2 (2021) pp. 190-212

Martin, T. "War-on-Crime Fiction" PMLA 136.2 (2021) pp. 213-228

Magarik, R. "Simile for the Devil: Paradise Regained and the Secularization of Satan" PMLA 136.2 (2021) pp. 229-245

Wilder, T.; Cermatori, J. "The Barock; or, How to Recognize a Miracle in the Daily Life" PMLA 136.2 (2021) pp. 246-253

Spahr, J. "Hearing the Pandemic in Claude McKay's "If We Must Die"" PMLA 136.2 (2021) pp. 254-257

Elam, M. "'One week later in the strange': A Pandemic in the Time of Black Poetry" PMLA 136.2 (2021) pp. 258-268

Garcia, E. "Birds and the Crisis of People in the Popol Vuh" PMLA 136.2 (2021) pp. 269-275

Jaji, T. "Which Pandemic?" PMLA 136.2 (2021) pp. 276-282

Sandler, S. "Poems, Pandemic: Early Thoughts" PMLA 136.2 (2021) pp. 283-289

Heng, G. "On Not Reading, Writing, or Listening to Poetry in a Pandemic: A Critical Reflection" PMLA 136.2 (2021) pp. 290-296

Perry, I. "Hibernation without Rest" PMLA 136.2 (2021) pp. 297-299

Elhariry, Y. "Soft and Sick, Lautreamont" PMLA 136.2 (2021) pp. 300-309

Kassell, L. "Going Nowhere: Routines in a Pandemic" PMLA 136.2 (2021) pp. 310-316

Goodlad, L.; Dimock, W. "AI and the Human" PMLA 136.2 (2021) pp. 317-319

Lazere, D.; Dabashi, P. "What Ever Happened to the Study of Political Argument?" PMLA 136.2 (2021) pp. 320-323

Dimock, W. "Refusing Extinction" PMLA 136.3 (2021) pp. 333-339

Lorden, J. "Tale and Parable: Theorizing Fictions in the Old English Boethius" PMLA 136.3 (2021) pp. 340-355

Selimovic, E. "Weltliteratur and Its Others: The Serbian Poem in Eckermann's Conversations with Goethe" PMLA 136.3 (2021) pp. 356-369

Steer, P. "The Climates of the Victorian Novel: Seasonality, Weather, and Regional Fiction in Britain and Australia" PMLA 136.3 (2021) pp. 370-385

Zapkin, P. "Ubuntu Theater: Building a Human World in Yael Farber's Molora" PMLA 136.3 (2021) pp. 386-400

Valle-Inclan, R.; Drumm, E. "Midnight: Astral Vision of a Moment of War" PMLA 136.3 (2021) pp. 401-416

Tompkins, K. "The Shush" PMLA 136.3 (2021) pp. 417-423

Taylor, J. "A Great Fire Somewhere? Synchronous Living in Epochal Times" PMLA 136.3 (2021) pp. 424-431

Whitaker, C. "'We Were outside History': The Middle Ages in Invisible Man and the Struggle for Black Lives in 2020" PMLA 136.3 (2021) pp. 432-440

Coronado, J. "On Entrenched Inequalities in the Research University: Activism and Teaching for Tenured Faculty Members" PMLA 136.3 (2021) pp. 441-446

Nishikawa, K. "Black Pagecraft" PMLA 136.3 (2021) pp. 447-454

Vadde, A. "Platform or Publisher" PMLA 136.3 (2021) pp. 455-462

Wong, E. "Black Lives Matter, W. E. B. Du Bois's World Color Line, and the Question of Relation" PMLA 136.3 (2021) pp. 463-469

Aleman, J. "The End of English" PMLA 136.3 (2021) pp. 470-474

Mak, C. "Pandemic Epistemology: Neoliberalism, Fascism, and Modernist Studies" PMLA 136.3 (2021) pp. 475-482

Edwards, B. "Unsettled Legacies" PMLA 136.5 (2021) pp. 681-695

Singer, J. "Fetal Personhood and Voice in Medieval French Literature" PMLA 136.5 (2021) pp. 696-710

Bradway, T. "Queer Narrative Theory and the Relationality of Form" PMLA 136.5 (2021) pp. 711-727

Greenberg, J. "Springtime for Ulysses" PMLA 136.5 (2021) pp. 728-745

Freer, A. "Romantic Microethics" PMLA 136.5 (2021) pp. 746-761

Schwarcz, L.; Nielson, R. "Racism in Brazil: When Inclusion Combines with Exclusion" PMLA 136.5 (2021) pp. 762-769

Ho, J. "Afropolitanism and Social Class" PMLA 136.5 (2021) pp. 770-777

Goyal, Y. "When Was the Afropolitan? Thinking Literary Genealogy" PMLA 136.5 (2021) pp. 778-784

Ibironke, O. "Afropolitanism from Below" PMLA 136.5 (2021) pp. 785-791

Yoon, D. "Afropolitanism and Afro-Chinese Worlds" PMLA 136.5 (2021) pp. 792-799

Popescu, M. "Afro-Asian Internationalism: Leftist Solidarities during the Cold War" PMLA 136.5 (2021) pp. 800-808

Chapnick, M.; Dabashi, P. "To Save the Profession: Unionize!" PMLA 136.5 (2021) pp. 809-812

Adorjani, Zsolt "Bemerkungen zur Ektheosis Arsinoes des Kallimachos: Gattung, Struktur und Inhalt" Philologus 165.1 (2021) pp. 2-24

Trachsel, Alexandra "Genizah Ms. 17: an Extract from an Early Version of the Passio of St Plato of Ancyra, Part 2" Philologus 165.1 (2021) pp. 25-36

Kramer, Benedikt "'Alles ist in Gott' -- Uberlegungen zur bestimmenden theologischen Denkform des Corpus Hermeticum" Philologus 165.1 (2021) pp. 37-57

Cerroni, Enrico "I "mali futuri" e non solo: possibili riprese tucididee in Dexippo e Eliodoro" Philologus 165.1 (2021) pp. 58-67

Diemke, Justine "Das Motiv der Schlaftotung in der antiken Literatur und Ikonographie" Philologus 165.1 (2021) pp. 68-89

Pasquali, Luciano "La Theoxenia Eleusina di Fasti 4.503-62: Alcune considerazioni sulle fonti e sui caratteri distintivi del testo ovidiano" Philologus 165.1 (2021) pp. 90-113

Kersten, Markus "Q Ciceronis hi uersus? Zur Verfasserfrage des Tierkreisgedichts bei Ausonius (App. A 8 Green)" Philologus 165.1 (2021) pp. 114-139

Magnani, Massimo "Momeuein in Il. 24.436 e Hes. Op. 756" Philologus 165.1 (2021) pp. 140-146

Anderson, Daniel "An Unnoticed Pun in Hipponax fr. 3 a W. = 2 D." Philologus 165.1 (2021) pp. 147-152

Demulder, Bram "Plutarch's Use of Anecdotes and the Date of De Tranquillitate Animi" Philologus 165.1 (2021) pp. 153-158

Villa, Eugenio "Sull'unita dei trattati de barbarismo, de soloecismo e de acyrologia di Polibio di Sardi" Philologus 165.1 (2021) pp. 159-163

Casapulla, Vincenzo "Su una crux liviana (Liv. 22.13.6)" Philologus 165.1 (2021) pp. 164-168

Leonardis, Irene "La veglia e il ruminare: nota testuale a Plin. HN praef. 18" Philologus 165.1 (2021) pp. 169-174

Lucarini, Carlo M. "Zu Ampelius" Philologus 165.1 (2021) pp. 175-178

Solitario, Michele "Solons Fr. 12 G.-P.2 (= 9 W.2): ein Textvorschlag" Philologus 165.2 (2021) pp. 179-188

Clark, James T. "Penthemimeral Elision in Tragic Trimeters" Philologus 165.2 (2021) pp. 189-204

Winter, Kathrin "Nicht Wissen ist auch Macht. Zur Gesprachsdynamik der Eingangsszene in Platons Kratylos" Philologus 165.2 (2021) pp. 205-224

Chernyakhovskaya, Olga "Why Humans Do Not Cast Off Old Skin Like Snakes. Knowledge and Eternal Youth in Nicander's Theriaca" Philologus 165.2 (2021) pp. 225-240

Pieper, Christoph "Tiberius aequatus Augusto. Augustan Intertexts for Tiberius' moderatio in Velleius Paterculus 2.94.1 and 2.122.1" Philologus 165.2 (2021) pp. 241-259

Fascione, Sara "Letture e lezioni frontoniane nell'epistolario di Simmaco" Philologus 165.2 (2021) pp. 260-272

Sanchez-Ostiz, Alvaro "The New Consul and the Eagles of Jupiter: Poetics and Propaganda in Claudian's Preface to the Panegyric for Mallius Theodorus" Philologus 165.2 (2021) pp. 273-294

Moreno Soldevila, Rosario "Love Motifs in Prudentius" Philologus 165.2 (2021) pp. 295-312

Sironi, Francesco "Hecale maia: a Note on Callim. Hec. fr. 80 Hollis" Philologus 165.2 (2021) pp. 313-316

Palermo, Gabriele "A Conjecture on Lucian, Tragodopodagra 34" Philologus 165.2 (2021) pp. 317-319

Krewet, Michael "Zum Text des logos-Syllogismus in Stephanus' Kommentar zu Aristoteles' Peri ermeneias (15,29--30 Hayduck)" Philologus 165.2 (2021) pp. 320-325

Del Vecchio, Julene Abad "On the Use of carcer at Stat. Achil. 1.625" Philologus 165.2 (2021) pp. 326-330

Davidi, Einat "Prisoners of Hope: On a Hebrew Baroque Drama" Prooftexts 38.3 (2021) pp. 479-509

Olidort, Shoshana "Proverbial Language and Literary Truth in the Work of Isaac Bashevis Singer" Prooftexts 38.3 (2021) pp. 510-531

Lustig, Kfir Cohen "Uri Kahana's Impossible Autonomy: Moshe Shamir's He Walked in the Fields and the Question of Social Freedom in 1950s Israel" Prooftexts 38.3 (2021) pp. 532-556

Holley, Roy "Multiple Identity Politics: Dahn Ben-Amotz and the Biased Readings of Hebrew Literature" Prooftexts 38.3 (2021) pp. 557-583

Sicher, Efraim "Daughter of Germany: Desire and Power Relations in the Post-Holocaust Jewish Imaginary" Prooftexts 38.3 (2021) pp. 584-622

Talpaz, Sheera "Yehuda Amichai, the Unlikely National Poet" Prooftexts 38.3 (2021) pp. 623-647

Torres, Anna Elena "Jewishness, Animality and Identity: Review Essay" Prooftexts 38.3 (2021) pp. 648-659

Ronis, Sara "Imagining the Other: The Magical Arab in Rabbinic Literature" Prooftexts 39.1 (2021) pp. 1-28

Zinder, Ariel "Poem, Prayer, Supplement: The Destabilizing Logic of Piyyut" Prooftexts 39.1 (2021) pp. 29-57

Katz, Stephen "When Worlds Collide: Ya'aqov Hurgin's Tales of the Great War" Prooftexts 39.1 (2021) pp. 58-77

Nevo, Gideon "Was Alterman an Orientalist?" Prooftexts 39.1 (2021) pp. 78-113

Maoz, Adia Mendelson "Fragments from the Past: Kaniuk's Witnessing and the Poetics of Displacement" Prooftexts 39.1 (2021) pp. 114-143

Pridan, Ariel "Judas Iscariot, Between Betrayer and Betrayed: The Critique of Israeli Sovereignty in Yigal Mossinsohn's Novel Judas" Prooftexts 39.1 (2021) pp. 144-169

Anghelina, Catalin "The Literate Io" QUCC 127 (2021) pp. 11-28 < DOI: 10.19272/202106401001 >

Beriotto, Maria Pia "Argia, figlia di Adrasto e moglie di Polinice: gli antefatti della saga dei Sette" QUCC 127 (2021) pp. 29-48 < DOI: 10.19272/202106401002 >

Berardi, Francesco "Su un inedito testimone indiretto di Ar. Nub. 178-179" QUCC 127 (2021) pp. 51-59 < DOI: 10.19272/202106401003 >

Cesca, Ombretta "Problemi di comunicazione a distanza. Messaggeri, ambasciatori e il potere della parola negli Uccelli di Aristofane" QUCC 127 (2021) pp. 61-96 < DOI: 10.19272/202106401004 >

Bieda, Esteban "Aristoteles frente al examen platonico de la voluntariedad practica en Leyes" QUCC 127 (2021) pp. 99-123 < DOI: 10.19272/202106401005 >

Roscalla, Fabio "Elio Aristide esegeta: procedure argomentative dei Discorsi Platonici" QUCC 127 (2021) pp. 125-161 < DOI: 10.19272/202106401006 >

Mohay, Gergely "Griechische Theologie im Scipionenkreis" QUCC 127 (2021) pp. 165-184 < DOI: 10.19272/202106401007 >

Smith, Alden "Dido's Already Enflamed Love: The Manuscripts and the Servian Tradition ad Aen. 4, 54 185" QUCC 127 (2021) pp. 185-191 < DOI: 10.19272/202106401008 >

Tomassi, Gianluigi "Un nuovo contributo su Luciano" QUCC 127 (2021) pp. 195-202 < DOI: 10.19272/202106401009 >

Radatti, Saba "Tucidide nella storia degli studi classici" QUCC 127 (2021) pp. 203-207 < DOI: 10.19272/202106401010 >

Ronchini, Lorenzo "I Paignia pseudo-democritei di un papiro londinese" QUCC 127 (2021) pp. 209-211 < DOI: 10.19272/202106401011 >

Febbraro, Paolo "Allegrie dalla sera del tempo" QUCC 127 (2021) pp. 215-220 < DOI: 10.19272/202106401012 >

Massetti, Laura "Argeiphontes pyr amarysson. A Poetic Etymology?" QUCC 128 (2021) pp. 11-27

Ornaghi, Massimiliano "Archiloco, 'la cicala'" QUCC 128 (2021) pp. 29-53

Manieri, Alessandra "Cibo e bevanda nel lessico metaforico pindarico" QUCC 128 (2021) pp. 55-69

Catenacci, Carmine "Antimaco critico omerico e gli amori di Ares e Afrodite (Antipatro Sidonio, Anth. Pal. 7, 409)" QUCC 128 (2021) pp. 71-82

Scicolone, Federica "Riddle Contest in Epigraphic Form and the Tradition of Hellenistic 'Riddle' Epitaphs" QUCC 128 (2021) pp. 83-101

Ferrante, Deborah "Questioni metriche e poematiche nella Pace di Aristofane (vv. 337-345, 346-360 = 385-399, 571-600)" QUCC 128 (2021) pp. 105-153

Marcucci, Andrea "Omero 'sofista' negli Archilochoi di Cratino?" QUCC 128 (2021) pp. 155-172

Conti, Luz "Sincronia y diacronia de los adverbios de aproximacion en griego antiguo" QUCC 128 (2021) pp. 175-190

Bernardini, Paola Angeli "Eracle e l'epos greco. Un eroe e una figura letteraria" QUCC 128 (2021) pp. 193-199

Piovan, Dino "La vita della democrazia secondo Paul Cartledge" QUCC 128 (2021) pp. 201-207

Berardi, Francesco "La Rhetorica ad Herennium di G. Calboli: proposte per una nuova filologia" QUCC 128 (2021) pp. 209-219

Recchia, Marco "Michelangelo il Giovane traduttore (e interprete) dell'Ecuba di Euripide: considerazioni intorno a una recente edizione critica" QUCC 128 (2021) pp. 221-226

Gostoli, Antonietta "Ricordo di Giovanni Cerri" QUCC 129 (2021) pp. 11-18

Rozokoki, Alexandra "The Helen Logos in Herodotus: A Philological Approach" QUCC 129 (2021) pp. 21-52

Nobili, Cecilia "Bacchilide e la poetica del simposio (Bacch. Pae. 4, 21-25 e 61-78)" QUCC 129 (2021) pp. 53-65

Giannuzzi, Alessandra "Il giuramento del poeta: invocazione alla musa e liberta poetica in Pindaro" QUCC 129 (2021) pp. 67-81

Fries, Almut "The Mountain Feet of the Ship. An Indo-European Poetic Image?" QUCC 129 (2021) pp. 83-89

Hosle, Paul K. "Sinis Split Into Two: A New Proposal Concerning Propertius 3, 22, 37-38 93" QUCC 129 (2021) pp. 93-102

Iacomini, Ferdinando "Terrarum dominum pone supercilium: riscritture di un topos nell'Epigr. 1, 4 di Marziale" QUCC 129 (2021) pp. 103-121

Romualdo, Fabrizio Di "Decoctae nobile frigus aquae: il vino marsico fra fonti scritte e acquisizioni archeologiche" QUCC 129 (2021) pp. 123-135

Napoleone, Serena "Marziano Capella, De nupt. 9, 926: una nuova testimonianza su Senocrito di Locri?" QUCC 129 (2021) pp. 139-149

Recchia, Marco "Schol. Pind. Isthm. 1, 21 (III 201, 3-5 Drachm.): una proposta di correzione" QUCC 129 (2021) pp. 151-157

Scavello, Giacomo "Spettatori impotenti delle conseguenze del proprio agire: la condizione umana in Omero e nei tragici" QUCC 129 (2021) pp. 159-170

Graziosi, Barbara "Classics and the Limits of Autobiography" QUCC 129 (2021) pp. 175-190

Canevaro, Mirko "Learning the Classical Languages: Elitism and Inclusion" QUCC 129 (2021) pp. 191-200

Gardini, Nicola "Task 1 and Task 2.What we do when we study Latin and Greek" QUCC 129 (2021) pp. 201-206

Catenacci, Carmine "What we talk about when we talk about Classics. A Few Considerations from Italy" QUCC 129 (2021) pp. 207-218

Gros, Pierre; Massa-Pairault, Francoise-Helene "Hommage a Mario Torelli" RA 71 (2021) pp. 3-7

Hermary, Antoine "Une enigme delienne sans cesse renouvelee : le Colosse des Naxiens" RA 71 (2021) pp. 9-67

Chandezon, Christophe "Le coq et la poule en Grece ancienne : mutations d'un rapport de domestication" RA 71 (2021) pp. 69-104

Gros, Pierre "La signification des " survivances " vitruviennes dans la pratique architecturale de l'Empire" RA 71 (2021) pp. 105-127

Boetto, Giulia; Tchernia, Andre "Hommage a Patrice Pomey" RA 72.2 (2021) pp. 219-223

Jacquemin, Anne; Laroche, Didier "A propos d'acroteres delphiques" RA 72.2 (2021) pp. 225-258

Colas-Rannou, Fabienne "Des Nereides aux Eliyana entre reception et elaboration des statues d'entrecolonnement du tombeau d'Arbinas de Xanthos (Lycie)" RA 72.2 (2021) pp. 259-291

Bernini, Julie "Les prytanees hellenistiques et le politique. Les cas de Priene et de Magnesie du Meandre" RA 72.2 (2021) pp. 293-326

Marcattili, Francesco "L'Aedes herculis musarum, l'"armonia delle sfere", il calendario" RA 72.2 (2021) pp. 327-348

Fellague, Djamila; Houal, Jean-Baptiste; Olivero, Davide; Papadopoulou, Anna; Mignon, Jean-Marc "La rue bordee de boutiques au-dessus de l'Odeon de Lyon (Haut-Empire)" RA 72.2 (2021) pp. 349-389

Baker, Patrick; Chamberland, Guy; Theriault, Gaetan "Le dipylon de xanthos et la commemoration des Quindecennalia de Valens (378 p.C.)" REA 123.1 (2021) pp. 5-29

Bouillot, Kevin "Comparer " l'oracle d'Oenoanda " : retour sur un scenario philologique complexe" REA 123.1 (2021) pp. 35-54

Gonzalez-Conde, Pilar "Homenajes epigraficos con diversidad de intereses entre las elites locales de Hispania" REA 123.1 (2021) pp. 55-80

Boumlik, Yacine Nardin "De Callisthene pseudo-secretaire d'Alexandre au Roman d'Alexandre du Pseudo-Callisthene : quand l'epigraphie rencontre la philologie" REA 123.1 (2021) pp. 81-96

Ventos, Gerard R. "Mercenarios italicos y la moneda en Cerdena durante la "guerra inexpiable" (241-237 a.c.)" REA 123.1 (2021) pp. 97-114

Lucas, Thierry "Thucydide poliorcete : siege, assaut et guerre urbaine au V e siecle" REA 123.1 (2021) pp. 115-138

Espana Chamorro, Sergio "Los esquivos oppida de Brutobriga y Turobriga: una propuesta sobre su ubicacion y su relacion con las deportaciones celticas" REA 123.1 (2021) pp. 139-172

Jeusset, Erwan "Le forum de Trajan et sa representation du XVII e au XX e siecle" REA 123.1 (2021) pp. 173-192

Beghini, Andrea "No Country for Old Men (Hom. o[micron] 409-411)" REA 123.1 (2021) pp. 193-200

Germain, Cedric "Espace sacre, espace scenique et espace comique dans les Thesmophories d'Aristophane" REA 123.1 (2021) pp. 201-220

Scappaticcio, Maria Chiara "Dalla calligrafia alla letteratura: schegge di esametri latini in un'esercitazione scrittoria d'Egitto" REA 123.1 (2021) pp. 221-234

Vendries, Christophe "Le carnyx celtique dans tous ses etats" REA 123.1 (2021) pp. 235-256

Cuny Le Callet, Blandine "A la recherche des monstres antiques dans la culture populaire" REA 123.1 (2021) pp. 257-264

Ackermann, Delphine; Ackermann, Guy "Contribution a l'histoire du gymnase d'Eretrie: un nouveau decret pour un gymnasiarque du debut du IIIe siecle av. J.-C." REA 123.2 (2021) pp. 411-470

Guicharrousse, Romain "Pratiques de denomination dans les listes de souscriptions publiques a Athenes au III e et au II e siecles avant notre ere (IG II/III.3 1.1011 et IG II.2 233)" REA 123.2 (2021) pp. 471-488

Saou, Remi "La terminologie du bouclier hoplitique" REA 123.2 (2021) pp. 489-506

Chausserie-LapreE, Hugo "Le roi en son choeur : un autre regard sur les monarchies hellenistiques" REA 123.2 (2021) pp. 507-540

Robiano, Patrick "La representation de Grecs d'Egypte a l'epoque imperiale : les Naucratites au miroir de Philostrate et d'Heliodore d'Emese" REA 123.2 (2021) pp. 541-572

Aparaschivei, Dan "Lupa Romana en Mesie inferieure. Images, discutions et hypotheses" REA 123.2 (2021) pp. 573-596

Christol, Michel "Entre Nimes et Rome : sur les traces d'une famille nimoise, les Sammii" REA 123.2 (2021) pp. 597-614

Ripoll, Francois "Le bouclier d'Enee : unite thematique et coherence structurelle" REA 123.2 (2021) pp. 615-638

Mathieu, Nicolas et al. "Chronique Gallo-Romaine" REA 123.2 (2021) pp. 639-642

Juhel, Pierre O. "L'Histoire des Argeades. De nouveaux axes de recherches" REA 123.2 (2021) pp. 643-666

Krafft, Marion "Andre Tubeuf et Platon" REA 123.2 (2021) pp. 667-676

Fernandez Zambudio, Josefa "'Tejes la muerte, el canto': palimpsestos homericos en Ida Vitale" REC 50 (2021) pp. 15-29

Manrique, Fernando Sebastian "Aristotelis Protrepticus (parte I): Estudio preliminar del Protreptico de Jamblico, hacia una nueva reorganizacion de los fragmentos y traduccion de la homonima obra de Aristoteles" REC 50 (2021) pp. 31-75

Sierra, Ligia Ochoa; Yaosca, Bautista "Legitimacion linguistica y de genero en la Carta XVI de las Heroidas" REC 50 (2021) pp. 77-104

Zallo, Julen Andres "Un nuevo enfoque sobre la Teogonia de Hesiodo" REC 50 (2021) pp. 105-146

Montanari, Franco "Dedicato a Scevola Mariotti" RFIC 149 (2021) pp. 5

Neri, Camillo "Noterelle al prologo e alla parodo dell'Agamennone" RFIC 149 (2021) pp. 7

Delle Donne, Carlo "Note sul significato di notitia/notities in Lucrezio" RFIC 149 (2021) pp. 26

Agosti, Marco "Gli exempla storici in rep 1, 1: Cicerone tra riferimenti autobiografici e polemica antiepicurea (con una nota a fin 2, 67)" RFIC 149 (2021) pp. 46

Berti, Emanuele "Una nota sul dativo di vis (a proposito di Cic Arat 70)" RFIC 149 (2021) pp. 65

Magnaldi, Giuseppina "Integrazioni e varianti nel testo tradito di Sen dial 10, 11, 12" RFIC 149 (2021) pp. 76

Berardi, Francesco "Quintiliano, Teone e l'epifonema: breve nota intorno alla corruzione dell'eloquenza" RFIC 149 (2021) pp. 82

Santorelli, Biagio "Contro i padri troppo pronti a credere. Per la datazione di [Quint.] decl. mai. 8 (Gemini languentes) e 10 (Sepulcrum incantatum)" RFIC 149 (2021) pp. 97

Sandri, Maria Giovanna "Cocondrius, immo Concordius" RFIC 149 (2021) pp. 114

Maccio, Matteo "Ermione, Siracusa e le Ermionidi (Hsch E 5957 Latte-Cunningham)" RFIC 149 (2021) pp. 134

Bona, Edoardo "La contrapposizione fra uerba e sensus in Gerolamo: un falso problema?" RFIC 149 (2021) pp. 143

Tadajczyk, Konrad; Witczak, Krzysztof T. "Marine lobsters in ancient Greek and Latin" RFIC 149 (2021) pp. 174

Notti, Erica "'L'archivio di Nestore'. Riflessioni sulla recente pubblicazione del corpus miceneo di Pilo" RFIC 149 (2021) pp. 185

Matijasic, Ivan "Da Alicarnasso a Roma: Dionigi tra retorica e storiografia" RFIC 149 (2021) pp. 199

Muratore, Davide "Liddell & Scott e oltre: bilanci e prospettive sulla lessicografia greca" RFIC 149 (2021) pp. 218

Gemin, Marco "Un'integrazione nell'Epitafio di Gorgia" RFIC 149 (2021) pp. 273

Bravo, Benedetto "Eros, Afrodite e il desiderio di potere politico nell'Antigone di Sofocle" RFIC 149 (2021) pp. 278

Falco, Giacinto "La banca ateniese tra (neo)sostantivismo, new institutional economics e gift-giving" RFIC 149 (2021) pp. 318

Autino, Paolo "La sventura di innamorarsi: pensieri impliciti di Virgilio e ideologia dell'amore nel IV libro dell'Eneide" RFIC 149 (2021) pp. 378

Miguet, Thibault "Deux nouveaux fragments grecs du Commentaire de Jean d'Alexandrie a Epidemies VI d'Hippocrate" RFIC 149 (2021) pp. 412

Fantasia, Ugo "L'invenzione dell''Archeologia' di Tucidide" RFIC 149 (2021) pp. 449

De Martini, Alessandro "Appunti propedeutici a un'edizione del cosiddetto Paradoxographus Palatinus Parte seconda: i toponimi 'problematici'" RFIC 149 (2021) pp. 463

Yuyukin, Maxim Anatolyevich "The etymology of the Latin theonym Lares" RFIC 149 (2021) pp. 512

Manzella, Simona Manuela "Su una recente edizione dell'Odusia di Livio Andronico e del Bellum Poenicum di Nevio" RFIC 149 (2021) pp. 520

Osanna, Massimo "In ricordo di Vincenzo Sicignano" RSP 32 (2021) pp. 8

Sampaolo, Valeria "Francesco Morelli a Pompei: la copia degli aff reschi dell'Anfi teatro e di un quadro della Regio III" RSP 32 (2021) pp. 9-38

Del Mastro, Gianluca "Corinna e Pindaro in un aff resco della Casa del Bracciale d'oro a Pompei" RSP 32 (2021) pp. 39-42

Gallo, Alessandro "Due erme marmoree inedite dalla Regio I di Pompei" RSP 32 (2021) pp. 43-52

Berg, Ria "Una nuova "questione conviviale". Il vaso e il suo doppio" RSP 32 (2021) pp. 53-66

Rescigno, Carlo "Aulo Clodio Flacco, duoviro pompeiano" RSP 32 (2021) pp. 67-76

Stefanile, Michele "Caius Cuspius Pansa, dignus rei publicae" RSP 32 (2021) pp. 77-86

Pecci, A.; Contino, A.; Mileto, S.; Capelli, C.; Toniolo, L.; Reynolds, P. "Anfore africane antiche a Pompei. Uso e riuso in base alla analisi dei contenuti" RSP 32 (2021) pp. 87-102

Amato, V.; Aniello, G.; Barra, D.; Infante, A.; Di~Vito, M. "Nuovi dati geologici per la ricostruzione degli ambienti marini-costieri del 79 d.C. a Pompei" RSP 32 (2021) pp. 103-114

Stefani, G. "Uffi cio Scavi di Pompei Attivita 2020" RSP 32 (2021) pp. 115

Stefani, G. "Su un nuovo cippo con la sigla L.P.P rinvenuto a Pompei" RSP 32 (2021) pp. 116-118

Bartolini, M.; Mighetto, P. "Rifl essioni e proposte per la gestione del patrimonio verde archeologico di Pompei" RSP 32 (2021) pp. 119-122

Toniolo, L.; Amoretti, V.; Gravina, E.; Martinelli, R.; Scala, S.; Sparice, D. "Da Mvmia alle ultime vittime di Pompei: nuove ricerche nella villa di Civita Giuliana" RSP 32 (2021) pp. 123-129

D'Auria, D.; Ballet, P. "'Modi di abitare a Pompei in eta sannitica'. Campagna 2020" RSP 32 (2021) pp. 130-133

Comegna, C.; Corbino, C.; Martellone, A. "Le strade di Pompei. Le indagini archeologiche condotte nel Vicolo di Cecilio Giocondo nel 2018" RSP 32 (2021) pp. 134-144

Alessi, D.; De Candia, R. "Nuove ricerche nel Foro Triangolare di Pompei: i materiali restituiti dalle grotte" RSP 32 (2021) pp. 145-149

Bonetto, J.; Busana, M.S.; Berardi, L. "Le indagini dell'Universita di Padova presso le Terme del Sarno a Pompei (VIII 2 17-21)" RSP 32 (2021) pp. 150-154

Calio, L.M.; Cozzolino, M.; Gentile, V.; Gerogiannis, G.M.; Fino, A. "Nuove indagini presso il Capitolium di Pompei: risultati della campagna di scavo 2020" RSP 32 (2021) pp. 155-163

Anguissola, A.; Olivito, R. "Il Progetto Praedia: indagini nei Praedia di Iulia Felix" RSP 32 (2021) pp. 164-166

Toniolo, L. "Da Marcus Tullius ad Alleius Nigidius Maius: gli ultimi scavi nella necropoli di Porta Stabia" RSP 32 (2021) pp. 167-169

Toniolo, L. "La long duree dell'Antiquarium pompeiano dal piccolo museo ad oggi" RSP 32 (2021) pp. 170-181

Virtuoso, T. "Indagini stratigrafi che nel settore orientale di Via dell'Abbondanza (GPP)" RSP 32 (2021) pp. 182-183

Russo, A. "Rapporto preliminare sulle indagini archeologiche del GPP nelle Regiones III e IX" RSP 32 (2021) pp. 184-187

Bertesago, S.M. "Attivita Uffi cio Mostre" RSP 32 (2021) pp. 188

Mauro, A. "Mostra "Venustas. Grazia e bellezza a Pompei". Pompei Palestra grande 30 luglio 2020- 31 luglio 2021" RSP 32 (2021) pp. 188-189

Rispoli, M. "Attivita Uffi cio UNESCO del sito 829 (Aree archeologiche di Pompei Ercolano e Torre Annunziata" RSP 32 (2021) pp. 190

Elia, D.; Meirano, V.; Cardinali, M. "Pompei. Attivita di formazione e ricerca dell'Universita di Torino e del Centro di conservazione e restauro "La venaria reale"" RSP 32 (2021) pp. 191-193

Bergamasco, I.; Scarpati, G.; Spinosa, A. "Attivita Uffi cio Scavi di Oplontis 2020" RSP 32 (2021) pp. 194

Sodo, A.M. "Uffi cio Scavi di Boscoreale" RSP 32 (2021) pp. 195

Alessi, L. "L'intervento di manutenzione dei reperti esposti nell'Antiquarium" RSP 32 (2021) pp. 195

Gravina, E. "L'attivita di manutenzione programmata nel sito di Villa Regina di Boscoreale" RSP 32 (2021) pp. 196

* "Area archeologica di Stabia - Attivita" RSP 32 (2021) pp. 196

Argento, T.; Giordano, L.; Muscolino, F. "Castellammare di Stabia. Villa San Marco reinserimento di tre elementi decorativi staccati dal registro mediano di una parete ... ambiente 25" RSP 32 (2021) pp. 197-198

Mauro, A.; Muscolino, F.; Iovino, G. "Castellammare di Stabia. Villa Arianna. Interventi di manutenzione straordinaria sulla copertura del Peristilio" RSP 32 (2021) pp. 199-200

Rispoli, M. "Il complesso monumentale della Reggia di Quisisana. Nuove progettualita" RSP 32 (2021) pp. 201

Sirano, F. et al. "Le Attivita del Parco Archeologico di Ercolano e dell'Herculaneum Conservation Project nel periodo 2020-2021" RSP 32 (2021) pp. 201-210

Sirano, F.; Camardo, D.; Notomista, M.; Sirleto, R. "Ercolano. Saggio stratigrafi co nell'impluvio della Casa della Gemma (Ins. Or. I 1)" RSP 32 (2021) pp. 211-216

Stefani, G. "Il mosaico pompeiano con scena di caccia dalla cosiddetta Casa dei Fiori (VI 5 9)" RSP 32 (2021) pp. 217-222

Hanink, J.; Kasimis, D. "Introduction: In Terms of Athens" Ramus 50.1-2 (2021) pp. 1-8

Kasimis, D. "Electra Lost in Transit" Ramus 50.1-2 (2021) pp. 11-24

Lape, S. "Mobility and Sexual Laborers in Menander's Dis Exapaton and Plautus' Bacchides" Ramus 50.1-2 (2021) pp. 25-42

Folch, M. "Is Red Figure the New Black? The Imprisonment of Women in Classical Athens" Ramus 50.1-2 (2021) pp. 45-67

Abolafia, J. "Plato's Theory of Incarceration" Ramus 50.1-2 (2021) pp. 68-86

Coo, L. "Shifting Sisterhood: Electra and Chrysothemis in Sophocles' Electra" Ramus 50.1-2 (2021) pp. 89-108

Moro, V. "Sailing Together: The Agonistic Construction of Sisterhood in Sophocles' Antigone" Ramus 50.1-2 (2021) pp. 109-126

Simonton, M. "Representing the Demos: Adapting Insights from the Constructivist Turn in Political Representation" Ramus 50.1-2 (2021) pp. 129-144

Hanink, J. "Was the Polis a Person in Classical Athens? Civic Bodies and Choral Politics in the Theater" Ramus 50.1-2 (2021) pp. 145-166

Fisher, M. "Heroic Democracy in High Relief: Political Legitimacy and Monumental Imagery in Fifth-Century Athens" Ramus 50.1-2 (2021) pp. 169-188

Clements, J. "The Gift of Identity: (Re)Presenting Autochthony in Classical Athens" Ramus 50.1-2 (2021) pp. 189-209

Bednarek, Bartlomiej "Bipedes volucres in Naevius' Lycurgus" RhM 164 (2021) pp. 1

Hosle, Paul K. "The Composition of Aeneid 2 and 3: A New Analysis" RhM 164 (2021) pp. 9

Orth, Christian "Zum Anfang von Properz' Tarpeia-Elegie (4,4,1--22)" RhM 164 (2021) pp. 34

Schwitter, Raphael "Genealogische Unstimmigkeiten in Properz 4,11" RhM 164 (2021) pp. 56

Murray, Jeffrey "Catilina redivivus: Valerius Maximus on Sejanus (9.11.ext.4)" RhM 164 (2021) pp. 78

Degelmann, Christopher "Zur feierlichen Erstrasur von Sklaven bei Juvenal und Petron" RhM 164 (2021) pp. 87

Favi, Federico "A Note on Aelian, Epicharmus, and Mnesimachus" RhM 164 (2021) pp. 100

Chandler, Clive "Ammianus' Underground Pipes at 17.7.11" RhM 164 (2021) pp. 105

Panegyres, Konstantinos "Ps.-Zonaras and a Scholion to Athanasius" RhM 164 (2021) pp. 109

Beghini, Andrea "Leon of Salamis' Exile. A Textual Note on Pl. Ep. 7.325c4 (with an Appendix on Xen. Hell. 2.3.39)" RhM 164 (2021) pp. 113

Scappaticcio, Maria Chiara "Un testimone, due recensioni e un 'singolare' Typhon. Appunti su un frammento senecano dall'Egitto tardoantico e sulle sue lectiones (P.Mich. inv. 4969 fr. 36 -- Sen. Med. 663--704)" RhM 164 (2021) pp. 124

Rossetti, Matteo "Implenda est mundi facies. Nota esegetica a Manilio, Astronomica 1.805--808" RhM 164 (2021) pp. 145

Tansey, Patrick "Suetonius and the honores of the Patrician Claudii" RhM 164 (2021) pp. 172

Denecker, Tim; Swiggers, Pierre "Motus in the Ars Aspri (GL 5, 547--554). Contextualizing a Grammarian's 'Mathematical' Approach to Number and Reference in Possessive Pronouns" RhM 164 (2021) pp. 198

Gnilka, Christian "Saxa cavata. Zur sepulkralen Terminologie bei Prudentius" RhM 164 (2021) pp. 217

Moseley, Geoffrey "Socrates the Septuagenarian: Pl. Apol. Socr. 17d1--2 in an Arabic Version" RhM 164 (2021) pp. 225

Weeda, Konrad C. "Horace, Ars Poetica 254: A Coniecture" RhM 164 (2021) pp. 230

Lorusso, Vito "Eine mogliche Reminiszenz an Kleomedes bei Galilei" RhM 164 (2021) pp. 234

Schmeling, Gareth "A Brief Note on Euergetism, the Historia Apollonii Regis Tyri, and a New Inscription from Pompeii" RhM 164 (2021) pp. 237

Cody, Adam "The Porous Polis: A Critique of Democracy in Old Comedy" Rhetorica 39.1 (2021) pp. 9--35

Serrano, Eduardo "Estudio de la Summa dictaminis composita iuxta doctrinam Tullii de Lorenzo de Aquileya" Rhetorica 39.1 (2021) pp. 36--66

Swardh, Anna "Utter Confusion on Every Side? Helena Northampton's Supplicatory Letter to the Earl of Sussex" Rhetorica 39.1 (2021) pp. 67--90

Terzi, Federico "Bach e Quintiliano: la Dispositio del Preludio BWV 552/1" Rhetorica 39.1 (2021) pp. 91--113

Guez, Jean-Philippe "Ecrire l'improvisation ? L'impulsion et le regard chez les sophistes de Philostrate" Rhetorica 39.2 (2021) pp. 127--149

Mader, Gottfried "Authorizing Authority: Constitutive Rhetoric and the Poetics of Re-enactment in Cicero's Pro Lege Manilia" Rhetorica 39.2 (2021) pp. 150--173

Pernot, Laurent "The Third Sophistic" Rhetorica 39.2 (2021) pp. 174--176

Pernot, Laurent "The Concept of a Third Sophistic: Definitional and Methodological Issues" Rhetorica 39.2 (2021) pp. 177--187

Puertas, Alberto J. Quiroga "There is no Blood Thicker than Ink: Familial and Cultural Metaphors among Late Antique Pepaideumenoi*" Rhetorica 39.2 (2021) pp. 188--208

Niccolai, Lea "Synesius of Cyrene, Sophist-Bishop: Rhetoric and Religion in the Greek East at the Turn of the Fifth Century CE" Rhetorica 39.2 (2021) pp. 209--233

Hessler, Jan Erik "Rhetoric, Trickery, and Tyranny: Testimonies on Sophists of the Hellenistic period" Rhetorica 39.3 (2021) pp. 247--272

Margiotta, Giovanni "Rhetoric between historical fiction and reality: the controversia in Fronto's correspondence" Rhetorica 39.3 (2021) pp. 273--296

Beltran, Joaquin Rodriguez "El 'entimema' del Peri eureseow del corpus hermogenico como un antecedente de la teorizacion sobre la agudeza del siglo XVII" Rhetorica 39.3 (2021) pp. 297--321

Zenios, Simos "'The Force and Energy that Lie in the Several Words': Joseph Addison's Defense of Metaphor" Rhetorica 39.3 (2021) pp. 322--339

Schirren, Thomas "Isokrates als Publizist" Rhetorica 39.4 (2021) pp. 357--386

Brunello, Claudia "Dal ragionamento alla persuasione: retorica dell'esempio e modelli argomentativi nel Filippo di Isocrate" Rhetorica 39.4 (2021) pp. 387--409

Gotteland, Sophie "Le Contre Timarque d'Eschine : prolegomenes a un Art rhetorique ?" Rhetorica 39.4 (2021) pp. 410--431

Brod, Artemis "Embodying Kairos in Philostratus' Lives of the Sophists" Rhetorica 39.4 (2021) pp. 432--463

Redfield, James M. "Briseis: The Woman as a Speaking Sign" SCI 40 (2021) pp. 1-13

Delle Donne, Carlo "Tackling conventions: Plato's Barbarians between Language and Ontology" SCI 40 (2021) pp. 15-30

Price, Jonathan J. "The Originality of Appian of Alexandria" SCI 40 (2021) pp. 31-47

Isaac, Benjamin "Caesarea: before and after the Corpus of Inscriptions (CIIP)" SCI 40 (2021) pp. 49-56

Andrason, Alexander; Manas, Monica Duran "The syntax of interjections: Evidence from New Testament Greek" SCI 40 (2021) pp. 57-93

Petit, Caroline "Greek Practice in Galen's Oeuvre: Some Case Studies" SCI 40 (2021) pp. 95-123

Dror, Roee "Renderings of Idiomatic Topographical Terms in the Septuagint" SCI 40 (2021) pp. 125-143

Eck, Werner; Tepper, Yotam "A Stamp with Latin inscription from Sobata/Shivta in the Negev" SCI 40 (2021) pp. 141-150

Gersht, Rivka; Gendelman, Peter "Marble Cubid Weight Carved with Eros from Khirbet Ibtin" SCI 40 (2021) pp. 151-168

Shaick, Ronit Palistrant "The "Marsyas of the Forum" image on Roman city coins of the Southern Levant" SCI 40 (2021) pp. 169-202

Geiger, Joseph "GLAJJ: Two More Addenda" SCI 40 (2021) pp. 203-4

Peleg-Barkat, Orit "Gideon Foerster 1935-2020" SCI 40 (2021) pp. 219-223

Rodriguez Cidre, Elsa "Introduccion: Ritualidad en Euripides" Synthesis 28.1 (2021) pp. e095 full text

Christodoulou, Georgios; Delattre, Charles "Cris rituels, auloi et tambourins. Paysage sonore et identites dans les Bacchantes d'Euripide" Synthesis 28.1 (2021) pp. e096 full text

Gambon, Lidia "Heroes, rituales y culto: la tragedia y el caso de Hipolito" Synthesis 28.1 (2021) pp. e097 full text

Medda, Enrico; Taddei, Andrea "Quando il rito inganna: azioni rituali e mechanai in Euripide (El., IT., Hel.)" Synthesis 28.1 (2021) pp. e098 full text

Morenilla, Carmen; Llaguerri, Nuria "De suplica a pseudo-debate: Helena 894 ss." Synthesis 28.1 (2021) pp. e099 full text

Napoli, Juan Tobias "Himeneos pasados y futuros: Ifigenia en Tauride y Troyanas de Euripides" Synthesis 28.1 (2021) pp. e100 full text

Cottone, Rossella Saetta "'Dionysos entre Bacchantes et Grenouilles': petite histoire d'une dispute philologique, avec une proposition pour aller au-dela" Synthesis 28.1 (2021) pp. e101 full text

Stripeikis, Caterina Anush "Amphoteron mantin te agathon kai dori machestai: reelaboraciones poeticas y (re)performance en O. 6. 12-18 y CEG 519" Synthesis 28.2 (2021) pp. e103 full text

Barciela, Aida Miguez "Precisiones sobre la Medea de Euripides" Synthesis 28.2 (2021) pp. e104 full text

San Roman, Mariana Franco "La voz y el silencio: la hegemonia en la representacion de Cleon en las Historiae de Tucidides" Synthesis 28.2 (2021) pp. e105 full text

Petraki, Zacharoula "Hero-cult in Plato's Phaedo, Republic and the Laws" Synthesis 28.2 (2021) pp. e106 full text

Lancheros Conde, Cindy Paola "Aristoteles y el principio de individuacion" Synthesis 28.2 (2021) pp. e107 full text

De Blassi, Fernando MartiN "Aristoteles y Heidegger en torno a la funcion apofantica del logos" Synthesis 28.2 (2021) pp. e108 full text

Karanika, Andromache "Editor's Note" TAPhA 151.2 (2021) pp. ix-x

Murnaghan, Sheila "Old News" TAPhA 151.2 (2021) pp. 239-246

Faraone, Christopher A. "Oracular Commands and Avuncular Advice in the Hesiodic Calendars for Farming and Sailing (Works and Days 383--694)" TAPhA 151.2 (2021) pp. 247-263

Radding, Jonah Flanagan "Communal Voices and Communal Bonds in Pindar's Paeans" TAPhA 151.2 (2021) pp. 265-293

Ingleheart, Jennifer "The Ovidian Bedroom (Ars amatoria 2.703-34): The Place of Sex in Ovidian Erotic Elegy and Erotodidactic Verse*" TAPhA 151.2 (2021) pp. 295-333

Scholtz, Andrew "The Unwelcome Guest: Envy and Shame Materialized in a Roman Villa" TAPhA 151.2 (2021) pp. 335-361

Domaradzki, Mikolaj "The Lotus and the Boat: Plutarch and Iamblichus on Egyptian Symbols" TAPhA 151.2 (2021) pp. 363-394

Hilton, John "Was the Emperor Julian a Reader of the Aethiopica of Heliodorus?*" TAPhA 151.2 (2021) pp. 395-417

Haubold, Johannes; HernaNdez-VaSquez, Jael; Churik, Nikolas; Lee, Sherry (Chiayi); Emrys, River; Winzenrieth, Justin; Fassberg, Teddy; Graziosi, Barbara "New Perspectives on the Text of the Exegetical Scholia to the Iliad" TAPhA 151.2 (2021) pp. 419-437

Sansom, Stephen A. "Sedes as Style in Greek Hexameter: A Computational Approach" TAPhA 151.2 (2021) pp. 439-467

Conway-Jones, Ann "Exegetical Puzzles and the Mystical Theologies of Gregory of Nyssa and Dionysius the Areopagite" VChr 75.1 (2021) pp. 1--21

Hanaghan, Michael P. "Rufinus' Bloody Pagan Tyrants" VChr 75.1 (2021) pp. 22--42

Logan, Alastair "Who Built Old St Peter's? The Evidence of the Inscriptions and Mosaics" VChr 75.1 (2021) pp. 43--69

Johnsen, Henrik Rydell "Reading kephalaia: The Composition of Evagrius Ponticus' Ad monachos Reconsidered" VChr 75.1 (2021) pp. 70--93

Bradshaw, Paul F. "The Ordination Prayers in the So-Called Apostolic Tradition" VChr 75.2 (2021) pp. 119--129

Winnebeck, Julia "Slaves and Slavery in the Late Antique and Early Medieval Penitentials" VChr 75.2 (2021) pp. 130--154

Knight, Amanda "Physical Pleasure and Moral Action: An Analogy in Augustine's Thought" VChr 75.2 (2021) pp. 155--184

Mihai, Constantin-Ionut "Gregory Thaumaturgus and Early Christian Apologetics" VChr 75.2 (2021) pp. 185--204

Kozlowski, Jan M. "The Dating of the Acta Carpi" VChr 75.2 (2021) pp. 205--216

Uljas, Sami; Landborg, Anne; MuLler, Matthias "Between the Superpowers. Some Remarks on the Role of Demons in Early Coptic Christianity" VChr 75.3 (2021) pp. 237--252

Matitashvili, Shota "Female Asceticism in Late Antique Georgian Literature. The Origins of the Vita of St. Nino" VChr 75.3 (2021) pp. 253--277

Miller, Micah M. "The Unity and Multiplicity of the Holy Spirit in Origen of Alexandria" VChr 75.3 (2021) pp. 278--302

Pragt, Marion "Tu, felix Salomon, nube: Solomon's Marriages in Early Christian and East Syrian Biblical Interpretation" VChr 75.3 (2021) pp. 303--326

Dunkle, Brian, S.J. "'The Twofold Affection': The Background to John Chrysostom's Use of Phusis and Kharis" VChr 75.4 (2021) pp. 355--374

Malevez, Marc "Le jeune chez l'ancien: les privations volontaires de nourriture chez les moines coptes de l'Antiquite tardive" VChr 75.4 (2021) pp. 375--388

Feichtinger, Barbara "Quid facit cum psalterio Horatius? (Hier. ep. 22,29,7). Untersuchung zu Hieronymus' Umgang mit klassischen und biblischen Referenzen am Beispiel von Epistula 3 ad Rufinum" VChr 75.4 (2021) pp. 389--454

Linderborg, Otto; Johansson, Viktor "The Odd Future Participle at Pol. Phil. XIII: Reassessing the Authenticity and Unity of Polycarp's Letter to the Philippians" VChr 75.5 (2021) pp. 469--482

Pirtea, Adrian C. "Astral Ensoulment and Astral Signifiers in Sixth-Century Readings of Origen and Evagrius: Justinian's Anathemas, Sergius of Res`ayna, John Philoponus" VChr 75.5 (2021) pp. 483--523

Castelnuovo, Elena "Across the Red Sea to the Paradise Regained: Easter Vigil and Baptism in Prudentius, Cathemerinon 5" VChr 75.5 (2021) pp. 524--547

Gassman, Mattias "On an Alleged Senatus Consultum against the Christians" VChr 75.5 (2021) pp. 548--555

Ployd, Adam "Sir 34:30 and Forensic Rhetoric in Augustine's Conflict with the Donatists" VChr 75.5 (2021) pp. 556--571

Safronov, Alexander V. "The Unnoticed Iconography of the Sea Peoples' Tribe Weshesh" VDI 81.1 (2021) pp. 5-22

Kazansky, Nikolai N. "Sanctuaries of Boeotia in the Mycenaean Period (Interpreting the Text TH Av 104 +191)" VDI 81.1 (2021) pp. 23-51

Vertiienko, Anna V. "'Silver' in the Texts of Avesta" VDI 81.1 (2021) pp. 52-61

Aleksandrova, Natalia V.; Rusanov, Maksim A. "City and Monastery: Stories of Food Donation from Vinaya-Pitaka (Suttavibhanga and Mahavagga)" VDI 81.1 (2021) pp. 62-79

Shelov,-Kovedyayev Fyodor V. "De titulis bosporanis et viciniisII. 10. An Astragalus from Phanagoria" VDI 81.1 (2021) pp. 80-85

Zelinskyi, Andrii L. "Ptolemy III and the Mythologem of the Phoenix in Egypt: Returning to the Classic Dating" VDI 81.1 (2021) pp. 86-96

Khrustalev, Vyacheslav K. "The Corona in Trials in the Late Roman Republic " VDI 81.1 (2021) pp. 99-115

Frolov, Roman M. "The Plebeian Tribune P. Sulpicius Rufus Against the Consul Q. Pompeius Rufus in 88 BC (Plut. Sull. 8. 8)" VDI 81.1 (2021) pp. 116-134

Voytenko, Anton A. "Our Great Fathers: A Probable History of One Monastic Litany in Late Antique Egypt" VDI 81.1 (2021) pp. 135-148

Kuznetsova, Ekaterina V.; Limberis, Natalya Yu.; Marchenko, Ivan I., Monakhov, Sergei Yu. "Chronology of the 'Fat Boy Group' Skyphoi and Amphorae from the Prikubanskiy Burial Ground" VDI 81.1 (2021) pp. 149-165

Vasilyeva, O A.; Malykh, Svetlana E. "Aspects of Religious Syncretism of the Goddess Isis in Graeco-Roman Egypt: A Case-Study of the Terracotta Figurines from the Collection of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts" VDI 81.1 (2021) pp. 166-197

Kuzmin, Yuri N., Smykov, Evgeniy V. "In memoriam: Arthur Keaveney (1951-2020)" VDI 81.1 (2021) pp. 241-242

Bogdanov, Ivan V. "Dating the Tomb G 1111 at Giza" VDI 81.2 (2021) pp. 269-297

Alexandrov, Boris E. "'Dead or Alive': Towards a Formula in Legal Texts from Emar" VDI 81.2 (2021) pp. 298-315

Nikolsky, Boris M. "Oedipus' Edict and Curse (Sophocles' Oedipus Tyrannus,236-243)" VDI 81.2 (2021) pp. 316-330

Vinogradov, Yuri A.; Schaub, Igor Yu. "On One Forgotten Olbian Relief" VDI 81.2 (2021) pp. 331-339

Treister, Mikhail Yu. "Coral Jewellery and Decoration Elements Among Items of Jewellery and Toreutics from the Burials of Nomads of Asian Sarmatia in the Context of Trade in Exotic Materials in Europe" VDI 81.2 (2021) pp. 340-393

Braund, D. "On the Camels of the Aorsi: Dioscorides and the Medicine Trade of the Bosporan Kingdom. Part I. The 'Soldier's Life' of Dioscorides" VDI 81.2 (2021) pp. 394-407

Kostromichyov, Daniil A. "Was Aurelius Viator a Soldier?" VDI 81.2 (2021) pp. 408-422

Baryshnikov, Anton Ye.; Danilochkina, Kseniya S. "Recent Research of Hadrian's Wall: Problems and Studies" VDI 81.2 (2021) pp. 423-438

Zavadskaya, Irina A. "On the Origin of the Early Christian Paintings in Chersonesos Tombs" VDI 81.2 (2021) pp. 439-462

Krol, Alexey A.; Tolmacheva, E. G. "The Coffin of Tamin from the Collection of the Research Institute and Museum of Anthropology of the Lomonosov Moscow State University" VDI 81.2 (2021) pp. 463-490

Grintser, Nikolay P. "Politics of Myth in Euripides' Iphigenia in Aulis and Bacchae" VDI 81.3 (2021) pp. 577-589

Orlov, Vasiliy P.; Rung, Eduard V. "'The Mighty, Quasi-Sovereign': Eunuch Bagoas in the History of the Achaemenid Empire" VDI 81.3 (2021) pp. 590-614

Braund, D. "On the Camels of the Aorsi: Dioscorides and the Medicine Trade of the Bosporan Kingdom. Part II. Dioscorides on the Bosporan Kingdom: Beavers, Rhubarb and Indian Trade" VDI 81.3 (2021) pp. 615-634

Durnovo, Maksim V. "Slaves' Families and the Senatus consultum Claudianum (AD 52)" VDI 81.3 (2021) pp. 635-648

Nikolsky, Ivan M. "Christian Apologist or Roman Patriot? Dracontius and the Exempla Virorumin His De Laudibus Dei (LD III. 250-467)" VDI 81.3 (2021) pp. 649-658

Editorial Board "In memoriam: Yu. G. Vinogradov (13.VI.1946 - 29.V.2000 [2020?])" VDI 81.3 (2021) pp. 659-659

Shelov-Kovedyayev, Fyodor V. "Lessons of Yu. G. Vinogradov" VDI 81.3 (2021) pp. 660-662

Bresson, Alain "Rhodes Before the Synoecism and the Cult of Zeus Atabyrios" VDI 81.3 (2021) pp. 663-672

Buyskikh, Alla V. "City Plan of Olbia Pontica" VDI 81.3 (2021) pp. 673-698

Podossinov, Alexandr V. "On Boreas, Pontos and the Ancient Garden of Phoibos: Some Remarks on the Sophoclean Geography of the European North" VDI 81.3 (2021) pp. 699-712

Dana, Dan; Dana, Madalina "Graffites grecs sur un groupe statuaire en plomb et defixiosur plomb (Olbia du Pont): reedition et commentaires onomastiques" VDI 81.3 (2021) pp. 713-724

Ivantchik, Askold I. "Doctors of the Roman Garrison of Tyras: New Readings of Known Inscriptions" VDI 81.3 (2021) pp. 725-736

Makarov, Igor A. "Notes on an Ostracon from Northwestern Crimea" VDI 81.3 (2021) pp. 737-754

Shelov-Kovedyayev, Fyodor V. "De titulis bosporanis et viciniis II. 11. Bosporus and Rome at the Beginning of the Third Century A. D." VDI 81.3 (2021) pp. 755-766

Vinogradov, Yuri A. "On Poetic Fiction and Historical Truth: Concerning a Song Composed by Yu. G. Vinogradov" VDI 81.3 (2021) pp. 767-773

Editorial Board "The Anniversary of Alexei A. Vigasin" VDI 81.3 (2021) pp. 795-796

Surikov, Igor E. "Towards the Chronology of the Life and Work of the Historian Hellanicus" VDI 81.4 (2021) pp. 837-862

Porucznik, Joanna "Golden Face Covers from the North Pontic Region: Analysis of the Archaeological Material" VDI 81.4 (2021) pp. 863-889

Vedeshkin, Mikhail A. "Julian and the Apostasy of the Roman Empire" VDI 81.4 (2021) pp. 890-913

Kalchenko, Evgenia S. "'Mysteries of John, the Apostle and Holy Virgin': Reflection of Ancient Traditions in the Coptic Narrative" VDI 81.4 (2021) pp. 914-921

Bekhter, Anastasia P.; Chkhaidze, Viktor N. "New Evidence for 'Godfearers' in Asian Bosporos" VDI 81.4 (2021) pp. 922-937

Mordvintseva, Valentina I.; Lysenko, Alexandr V. "Second Aequipondium from Roman Balance Scales from Eklizi-Burun Sanctuary (Mountain Crimea)" VDI 81.4 (2021) pp. 938-959

Anokhina, Evgeniia A.; Malykh, Svetlana E. "'Soul House' from the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow" VDI 81.4 (2021) pp. 960-980

Zakharov, Evgeniy V.; Smirnov, Svyatoslav V. "New Seleukid Bronzes from the Collection of the State Historical Museum" VDI 81.4 (2021) pp. 981-1014

Vasilyeva, O.A.; Ladynin, Ivan A. "On the Eve of the Great War: Correspondence Between Alan H. Gardiner and Vladimir Golenishchev, 29th-30th July 1914" VDI 81.4 (2021) pp. 1015-1029

Kirillova, Maria N.; Korolenkov, Anton V. "Sulla: Self-Representation and Reception (Recent Approaches)" VDI 81.4 (2021) pp. 1030-1044

Editorial Board "The 60th Anniversary of Prof. Alexander V. Makhlayuk" VDI 81.4 (2021) pp. 1051-1053

Editorial Board "Dmitry E. Afinogenov (1965-2021)" VDI 81.4 (2021) pp. 1071-1072

Giusti, Elena; Rimell, Victoria "Vergil and the Feminine: Introduction" Vergilius 67 (2021) pp. 3-24

Geue, Tom "Power of Deduction, Labor of Reproduction: Vergil's Sixth Eclogue and the Exploitation of Women" Vergilius 67 (2021) pp. 25-46

Pandey, Nandini B. "Engendering Aeneas's Shield: The Union of Venus and Vulcan at Aeneid 8.370--453" Vergilius 67 (2021) pp. 47-68

Dressler, Alex "Vergil's Queer Art of Personification: Gender, Pleasure, and Aesthetics in Aeneid 8" Vergilius 67 (2021) pp. 69-96

Sharrock, Alison "Intersectional Femininity in Vergil's Aeneid: Juno to Barce" Vergilius 67 (2021) pp. 97-116

Perkell, Christine "Creusa and Dido Revisited" Vergilius 67 (2021) pp. 117-138

Ulrich, Jeffrey P. "Vox Omnibus Una: A Reassessment of the Feminine Voice in Aeneid 5" Vergilius 67 (2021) pp. 139-160

Aresi, Laura "The Hidden Seduction: Circe and the Sirens in the Aeneid" Vergilius 67 (2021) pp. 161-182

Cowan, Robert "Mothers in Arms: Toward an Ecofeminist Reading of Vergil's Georgics" Vergilius 67 (2021) pp. 183-206

Hanses, Erin M. "Embodying Nature: Vergil's Defeminization of Lucretian Natura in the Georgics" Vergilius 67 (2021) pp. 207-224

Starnone, Viola "Vergil and the Matrix of Love" Vergilius 67 (2021) pp. 225-238

Mcauley, MaireAd "Dextrae Iungere Dextram: The Affective Dynamics of Touch in the Aeneid" Vergilius 67 (2021) pp. 239-274

Spence, Sarah "Afterword: And in the enD: Employing Plural Agency in the Reading of the Aeneid" Vergilius 67 (2021) pp. 275-284

Poirel, Dominique "La raison chez Hugues de Saint-Victor: du feuillete des acceptions a la coherence d'un sens, d'une pensee, d'un programme educatif" Vivarium 59.3 (2021) pp. 143--185

Mantovani, Mattia "The First of All Natural Sciences: Roger Bacon on Perspectiva and Human Knowledge" Vivarium 59.3 (2021) pp. 186--214

Hartman, Peter John "Durand of St.-Pourcain on Reflex Acts and State Consciousness" Vivarium 59.3 (2021) pp. 215--240

Nothaft, C. Philipp E. "A Fourteenth-Century Scholastic Dispute on Astrological Interrogations" Vivarium 59.3 (2021) pp. 241--285

Dinkova-Bruun, Greti; Panti, Cecilia "The Tractatus de iride "Inter omnes impressiones" Formerly Attributed to Oresme and Its Grossetestian Milieu: Introduction and Edition" Vivarium 59.4 (2021) pp. 287--323

Hanke, Miroslav "The Logic of Impossible Scenarios in Hurtado de Mendoza's Tractatus de Trinitate" Vivarium 59.4 (2021) pp. 324--359

Lowe, Can Laurens "Introduction: Special Issue on Powers and Essences" Vivarium 59.1-2 (2021) pp. 1--9

Lowe, Can Laurens "Bonaventure on the Soul and Its Powers" Vivarium 59.1-2 (2021) pp. 10--32

Frost, Gloria "Aquinas on Passive Powers" Vivarium 59.1-2 (2021) pp. 33--51

Gossiaux, Mark "James of Viterbo on Seminal Reasons as inchoationes formarum" Vivarium 59.1-2 (2021) pp. 52--78

Toth, Zita V. "Perfect Subjects, Shields, and Retractions: Three Models of Impassibility" Vivarium 59.1-2 (2021) pp. 79--101

Simpson, Daniel J. "Potens per accidens sine accidentibus: Ockham on Material Substances and Their Essential Powers" Vivarium 59.1-2 (2021) pp. 102--122

Friedman, Russell L. "Is Matter the Same as Its Potency? Some Fourteenth-Century Answers" Vivarium 59.1-2 (2021) pp. 123--142

Wenskus, Otta "Mehr zur Astronomie in den homerischen Epen" WS 134 (2021) pp. 7

Vitek, Tomas "Heraclitus' Eschatology: Was There One, or Not?" WS 134 (2021) pp. 27

Marinatos, Nanno "Nicias and Pericles: Parallel Lives in Thucydides' Narrative" WS 134 (2021) pp. 51

De Stefani, Claudio "Die Cynegetica des Ps.-Oppian. Moglichkeiten einer Neuedition" WS 134 (2021) pp. 73

Beltramini, Luca "Montagne di nuvole: su un'immagine lucreziana" WS 134 (2021) pp. 95

Gagliardi, Paola "Immortalis ego? Il lamento di Giuturna tra compianti reali e rielaborazione letteraria" WS 134 (2021) pp. 109

Heil, Andreas "Der Totengeist des Laius in Statius' Thebais" WS 134 (2021) pp. 139

Colombo, Maurizio "Note esegetiche a quattro passi di Ammiano Marcellino" WS 134 (2021) pp. 163

Weidmann, Clemens "Die erste Fassung von Gregors Moralia in Iob -- ein verschollener Text. Mit einer textkritischen Appendix zu Greg. M. epist. 1" WS 134 (2021) pp. 223

Malafouris, Lambros; Gosden, Chris; Bogaard, Amy "Process archaeology" WorldArch 53.1 (2021) pp. 1-14

Gallagher, Shaun "Digging up concrescences: a hermeneutics for process archaeology" WorldArch 53.1 (2021) pp. 15-25

Sheets-Johnstone, Maxine "Kinetic creativity" WorldArch 53.1 (2021) pp. 26-37

Malafouris, Lambros "Making hands and tools: steps to a process archaeology of mind" WorldArch 53.1 (2021) pp. 38-55

Bogaard, Amy; Allaby, Robin; Arbuckle, Benjamin S.; Bendrey, Robin; Crowley, Sarah; Cucchi, Thomas; Denham, Tim; Frantz, Laurent; Fuller, Dorian; Gilbert, Tom; Karlsson, Elinor; Manin, Aurelie; Marshall, Fiona; Mueller, Natalie; Peters, Joris; Stepanoff, Charles; Weide, Alexander; Larson, Greger "Reconsidering Domestication From A Process Archaeology Perspective" WorldArch 53.1 (2021) pp. 56-77

Knappett, Carl "The emergence of infrastructure in later prehistory: technique, wonder, and convergence" WorldArch 53.1 (2021) pp. 78-93

Joyce, Rosemary A. "Flows of clay and site ontologies: towards a realist archaeology of congealment and emergence" WorldArch 53.1 (2021) pp. 94-103

Harris, Oliver J.T. "Archaeology, process and time: beyond history versus memory" WorldArch 53.1 (2021) pp. 104-121

Smith, Monica L. "The process of complex societies: dynamic models beyond site-size hierarchies" WorldArch 53.1 (2021) pp. 122-136

Leadbetter, Michael Paul "The fluid city, urbanism as process" WorldArch 53.1 (2021) pp. 137-157

Aston, Alexander "You can't perform the same ritual twice: minds, materials, automobiles, and the emergence of form" WorldArch 53.1 (2021) pp. 158-172

Muscianisi, D.G.; Rocca, G. "La lamina aurea Schoyen MS 5236" ZPE 217 (2021) pp. 1--16

Rocca, G.; Muscianisi, D.G. "La lamina aurea Schoyen MS 5236" ZPE 217 (2021) pp. 1--16

Favi, F. "Reading Epicharmus in Roman Egypt: POxy 2427 between Scribal Practices, Grammatical Erudition, and the Influence of Atticism" ZPE 217 (2021) pp. 17--26

Sardone, L. "P.Gent inv. 132, Soph. Ajax 445--454" ZPE 217 (2021) pp. 27--30

Staab, G.; Tentori Montalto, M. "Die Stele des Deinosthenes (I.Olympia 171), Sieger im Stadionlauf bei den 116. Olympischen Spielen (316 v. Chr.); eine 'pierre errante'?" ZPE 217 (2021) pp. 31--35

Fontanella, V. "Neuedition von P.Oslo II 12: onomastikon Omherou?" ZPE 217 (2021) pp. 37--52

Scappaticcio, M.C. "Brandelli di letteratura latina o un nuovo Comicus? Un frammento, due testi, e la pericolosa oscillazione tra il nulla e l'eccezionale" ZPE 217 (2021) pp. 53--57

Danielewicz, J. "Some Remarks on the Jerusalem Hymn to the Moon Goddess" ZPE 217 (2021) pp. 60--61

Panegyres, K. "The Jerusalem Hymn to the Moon Goddess" ZPE 217 (2021) pp. 62--65

Gonzalez Berdus, V. "Et rogo te: Concerning the Religious Purpose of an Inscribed Terracotta from Augusta Treverorum" ZPE 217 (2021) pp. 66--70

Gonzalez Berdus, V.; Kruschwitz, P. "From Vienna with Love: Revisiting CIL III 6016.3 = CLE 1812 adn" ZPE 217 (2021) pp. 71--74

Ruggeri, L. "Due epigrammi onorari greci" ZPE 217 (2021) pp. 75--78

Colombo, M. "La datazione di Palladas e il Sauromaths" ZPE 217 (2021) pp. 79--88

Judge-Mulhall, J. "A New Interpretation of a Graffito from the Late Antique Prison at Corinth (= IG IV 3, 1271)" ZPE 217 (2021) pp. 89--94

Schlimbach, F.; Stylow, A. "Eine singulare westgotenzeitliche Grabinschrift aus den Pedroches (Prov. Cordoba)" ZPE 217 (2021) pp. 95--104

Sizov, S.K. "Federal Citizenship and the Right of egktesis in the Achaian Koinon" ZPE 217 (2021) pp. 105--118

Sizov, S.K. "Federal Citizenship and the Right of egktesis in the Aitolian Koinon" ZPE 217 (2021) pp. 119--127

Friend, J. "An Epigraphical Note on the Athenian Ephebeia: A Decree Reconsidered" ZPE 217 (2021) pp. 128--130

Psoma, S.E. "IG II 44 ll. 22--23: au[topolita]s vel au[todiko]s" ZPE 217 (2021) pp. 131--134

Panegyres, K. "A Dedication to Hesperos (SEG 64.1277)" ZPE 217 (2021) pp. 135--136

Fasolini, D. "Epigrafi inedite di area isernina" ZPE 217 (2021) pp. 137--140

Daris, S. "Spigolature documentarie 44--54" ZPE 217 (2021) pp. 141--150

Chaufray, M.-P. "Witnesses in the Surety Contracts of the Jouguet Collection" ZPE 217 (2021) pp. 151--157

Claytor, W.G.; van Minnen, P. "An Antichretic Loan from Early Roman Alexandria" ZPE 217 (2021) pp. 158--164

Minis, J.; Schorn, St. "A Fragmentary Military Diploma from the Thermenmuseum in Heerlen. 204 (2017) 299--302 van MINNEN, P.; CLAYTOR, W. G., An Antichretic Loan from Early Roman Alexandria" ZPE 217 (2021) pp. 158--164

Panegyres, K. "Two Private Letters on Papyri in the Bodleian Library" ZPE 217 (2021) pp. 165--170

Micucci, F. "Three Summonses from the British Library" ZPE 217 (2021) pp. 171--177

Ast, R. "khmg = Rafagel in an Apotropaic Amulet" ZPE 217 (2021) pp. 178

Kayachev, B. "A Note on the Curse Tablet against Artemidorus the Physician (SEG 14.615)" ZPE 217 (2021) pp. 179--180

Kayachev, B. "The Royal Mail of the Underworld: Notes on Two Curse Tablets from Aquincum" ZPE 217 (2021) pp. 181--184

Blansdorf, J. "Ein spatantiker Wetterzauber" ZPE 217 (2021) pp. 185--191

Dana, D. "Diplome militaire non reconnu de septembre-octobre 142 (CIL III 12546) avec la formule speciale praeterea praestitit (Dacie Superieure ou Porolissensis?)" ZPE 217 (2021) pp. 192--194

Eck, W.; Pangerl, A. "Die 12. Kopie einer Konstitution fur die Truppen von Mauretania Tingitana aus dem Jahr 153" ZPE 217 (2021) pp. 195--200

Eck, W.; Heil, M. "Eine angebliche zweite Frau Kaiser Valerians; die nie gelebt hat" ZPE 217 (2021) pp. 212--216

Bazovsky, I.; Mrav, Zs.; Budaj, M.; Cambal, R.; Vida, I.A. "M. Fabius Iulianus Heracleo Optatianus as Suffect Consul in a New Military Diploma from Gbely (Slovakia)" ZPE 217 (2021) pp. 217--221

Crawford, M.H. "A Rediscovered Clusium Fragment (Roman Statues, 9)" ZPE 217 (2021) pp. 222

Sassu, A. "Honouring Sulla in Sikyon: the Dedication to Mars Revised" ZPE 217 (2021) pp. 223--228

Giovagnoli, M. "Due 'nuove' iscrizioni di scribae provenienti da Roma: CIL VI 10337 e 33421" ZPE 217 (2021) pp. 229--234

Soldovieri, U. "Un inedito cinerario plumbeo e Q. Marcius Rufus, cos. suff. 36 a.C" ZPE 217 (2021) pp. 235--237

Kolb, A.; Speidel, M.A. "Eine Ritzinschrift vom Septimerpass aus der Zeit des Alpenfeldzugs unter Augustus" ZPE 217 (2021) pp. 238--246

Sisani, S. "Una ignorata dedica a Ottaviano triumviro da Fanum Fortunae" ZPE 217 (2021) pp. 247--252

Faoro, D. "De statione augusta Mediolani: su una tessera bronzea d'epoca giulio-claudia menzionante un libertus Aug. a rationibus" ZPE 217 (2021) pp. 253--260

Camodeca, G. "Il senator Q. Cassius Gratus e un suo affare a Puteoli. Ricomposizione di una Tabula Herculanensis del gennaio 53 (TH A 32)" ZPE 217 (2021) pp. 261--265

Groff, Th. "Eine Grabinschrift eines Soldaten der 22. Legion aus Aypten" ZPE 217 (2021) pp. 266--270

Ganga, S.; Ibba, A. "La Sardinia sotto Marco Aurelio: nuova lettura di AE 2001 1112 = EDR153329 da Forum Traiani" ZPE 217 (2021) pp. 271--278

Mcardle, B. "A Latin Inscription in the Chazen Museum of Art, Madison, Wisconsin" ZPE 217 (2021) pp. 279--280

Stefan, A. "Scribatus - l'activite de scriba magistratus comme une fonction remuneree et comme un munus ciuile" ZPE 217 (2021) pp. 281--292

Bid, M.; Klodzinski, K. "Fulvius Paternus: a New [pr(imi)p(ilaris)] e(gregius) v(ir) from Mustis/Musti (Tunisia)" ZPE 217 (2021) pp. 293--298

Abad Casal, L.; Prados Martinez, F.; Jimenez Vialas, H. "Nueva inscripcion con litterae aureae de la necropolis de Baelo Claudia (Cadiz, Espana)" ZPE 217 (2021) pp. 299--302

Christol, M. "Grands travaux a Pupput au Bas-Empire: uictor ac triumfator semper Augustus" ZPE 217 (2021) pp. 303--306

Roscini, E. "Sui cosiddetti Fasti imperiali e una lastra con titolature da Carsulae" ZPE 217 (2021) pp. 307--315

Suerbaum, W. "Zur Herkunft der lateinischen Inschriften in Mantegnas 'Triumph Caesars'" ZPE 217 (2021) pp. 316--329

Lougovaya, J. "Reedition of a Division Table Preserved on Tableware (correction of ZPE 216 (2020) 240--242)" ZPE 217 (2021) pp. 330--332

Hyland, B.D. "A Note on the Provenance of the Sappho Fragments P.GC. inv. 105." ZPE 218 (2021) pp. 1--16

Heyne, M. "Sappho's Gloom in Horace's Ship Ode. Hor. carm. 1.14.17--20 and Sappho's Brothers Poem." ZPE 218 (2021) pp. 17--22

Coen, S. "More on Alcaeus and Amardis in P.Oxy. XXIX 2506." ZPE 218 (2021) pp. 23--25

Nova, I. "Il nome di Odysseus." ZPE 218 (2021) pp. 26--41

Hulse, P. "Medea's Passion and Rhetoric: Two Notes on P.Oxy. 5428." ZPE 218 (2021) pp. 42--44

Lauri, G. "Apion o Pleistonikes. l'attivita di Apione in Italia tra testimonianze e documenti." ZPE 218 (2021) pp. 45--53

Brillante, S. "Fra etnografia e potere. Le epigrafi in Arriano." ZPE 218 (2021) pp. 54--75

Merisio, E.N. "Astrologia e linguaggio poetico nella Frigia di III--IV secolo d.C.: l'epigramma funerario per Epitynchanos." ZPE 218 (2021) pp. 76--86

Ficulle, L. "eute botrys aorios: nota a SEG 58.1777." ZPE 218 (2021) pp. 87--90

Battistella, F. "Wie der Vater so der Sohn? Eine prosopographische Notiz zu Geiseln aus der edessenischen Oberschicht." ZPE 218 (2021) pp. 91--92

Marginesu, G. "Costruire un tetto a Corcira. Una nota a IG IX I 4 874 (SEG 48, 604)." ZPE 218 (2021) pp. 93-- 98

Borker, Chr. "Eine Mosaikinschrift in Olynth und zwei klassische rotfigurige Vasenbilder." ZPE 218 (2021) pp. 99--105

Martinez-Chico, D. "Epitafio griego de Kyris. Nueva estela romana." ZPE 218 (2021) pp. 106

Criscuolo, L. "Considerazioni su I.Egypte Nubie Louvre 4 e la riforma costituzionale di Ptolemais." ZPE 218 (2021) pp. 107--118

Caneva, St.G. "A Twice-inscribed Altar of Arsinoe Philadelphis from Paphos: Addendum to Cayla, I.Paphos 9." ZPE 218 (2021) pp. 119--122

Lukaszewicz, A. "Fragment of Pottery from the Table of a Prefect of Egypt." ZPE 218 (2021) pp. 123--126

Opreanu, C.H.; Ruscu, L. "A Greek Inscription from the Forum's Basilica at Porolissum (Dacia)." ZPE 218 (2021) pp. 127--132

Delattre, A. "A propos de la date de quelques inscriptions du monastere de Jeremie a Saqqara." ZPE 218 (2021) pp. 133--138

Martinez Garcia, J.J.; Mascia, L. "A New Christian Epitaph from Oxyrhynchos." ZPE 218 (2021) pp. 139--141

Zellmann-Rohrer, M. "A Greek Exorcistic Amulet against Epilepsy and Other Ills (with an Appendix in the Early Greek Exorcism Formulary of P.Fouad 203)." ZPE 218 (2021) pp. 143--157

Gonis, N. "Notes on Miscellaneous Documents VII." ZPE 218 (2021) pp. 158--162

Vaneerdewegh, N. "Running a Boat in Ptolemaic Egypt. P. Cairo Zen. 4 59649, a Reassessment." ZPE 218 (2021) pp. 163--180

Armoni, Ch. "Das Dossier des Demetrios: Ein ptolemaisches Zeugnis zur diairesis staatlichen Bodens?" ZPE 218 (2021) pp. 181--199

Reggiani, N. "Tradurre, mediare, misurare: qualche nuova riflessione su ermeneus e ermeneia nei papiri (e una rivisitazione di P.Monts.Roca IV 71)." ZPE 218 (2021) pp. 200--208

Blasco Torres, A.I. "Some Greek and Greek-Demotic Mummy Labels in the Royal Museums of Art and History, Brussels." ZPE 218 (2021) pp. 209--216

Borrelli, B. "P.Oxy. XLVII 3348 riconsiderato: un altro papiro della famiglia di Aurelius Sarapion alias Dionysotheon." ZPE 218 (2021) pp. 217--221

Funes Jimenez, J.; Nodar, A. "Petition to a defensor?" ZPE 218 (2021) pp. 222--226

Claytor, W.G. "Notes on the Archive of Hol, Son of Koueies." ZPE 218 (2021) pp. 227--232

Claytor, W.G. "Sarapammon, Village Secretary of Philadelphia." ZPE 218 (2021) pp. 233--236

Blasco Torres, A.I. "Dialectal Features in Personal Names and the Delta Provenance of Greek Texts." ZPE 218 (2021) pp. 237--242

Adams, J.N.; Ast, R. "The Latin of the Thracian Soldier Cutus." ZPE 218 (2021) pp. 243--264

Bernini, A. "Due bozze di una reprimenda latina a un funzionario: P.Lips.Inv. 270 B e Inv. 2632 S." ZPE 218 (2021) pp. 265--281

Eck, W. "Zu einem ritterlichen Cursus aus der colonia Iulia Equestris." ZPE 218 (2021) pp. 282--284

Cockings, St.; Eck, W. "Two Fragmentary Diplomas, Issued under Vespasian and Antoninus Pius." ZPE 218 (2021) pp. 285--288

Casey, J.; Eck, W. "Ein Flottendiplom von 160 n. Chr. Aus dem Nachlass von John Casey." ZPE 218 (2021) pp. 289--294

Eck, W.; Serrano, D. "The portorium in Hispania Tarraconensis: From Companies of Leaseholders to the Direct Collection by Freedmen and Slaves of the Imperial Administration." ZPE 218 (2021) pp. 295--298

Camodeca, G. "Cura secunda del trittico CIL IV 3340, 43 con data consolare del 4 feb. 55." ZPE 218 (2021) pp. 299--301

Porena, P. "Sulla nuova iscrizione ostiense del cavaliere Manilius Rusticianus in onore di Galerio Cesare." ZPE 218 (2021) pp. 302--306

Allen, R.M.; Wallace, R. "Two Etruscan Scarab Rings Engraved with Old Latin Inscriptions." ZPE 218 (2021) pp. 307--314

Faoro, D. "Diuus Vespasianus: nota sulla cronologia della consecratio del primo dei Flavi." ZPE 218 (2021) pp. 315--316

Panegyres, K. "Das Juwel der Vibia Modesta." ZPE 218 (2021) pp. 317--318

Garcia-Dils de la Vega, S.; Ordonez Agulla, S. "Dos hermae de los Fabii Polliones de la Domus II de la Plaza de Armas del Alcazar Real de Ecija (Sevilla)." ZPE 218 (2021) pp. 319--325

Eckhardt, B. "Ein s(enatus) c(onsultum) in Ulpiana?" ZPE 218 (2021) pp. 326--328

Donevski, P.; Matei-Popescu, F. "Der duumviralis primus des neuen Munizipiums Durostorum von Untermosien." ZPE 218 (2021) pp. 329--332

Giuseppetti, M. "A Note on the 'New Archilochus' (POxy LXIX 4708 fr. 1.12 = Archil. fr. 17j.12 Swift)" ZPE 219 (2021) pp. 1-3

Nelson, Th.J. "Archilochus' Cologne Epode and Homer's Quivering Spear (fr. 196A.52 IEG2)" ZPE 219 (2021) pp. 4-7

Ford, Th. "P. Mich. inv. 3498 + 3250b recto, cols. ii. 6 and iv. 6, Sappho, and Alcaeus" ZPE 219 (2021) pp. 8-15

Yiftach, U. "Experimenting Security: P. Col. inv. 497 and the Mortgage Regime in early Second Century Oxyrhynchos" ZPE 219 (2021) pp. 16-31

Guasti, D. "Nota critica a Fenice, fr. 1.3 D.3" ZPE 219 (2021) pp. 32-33

Rossetto, G. "Fragments from the Orphic Rhapsodies? Hitherto Unknown Hexameters in the Palimpsest Sin. ar. NF 66" ZPE 219 (2021) pp. 34-60

D'Alessio, G.B. "Interpretative and Textual Notes on the New 'Isis Romance' (P.Oxy. LXXXV 5481)" ZPE 219 (2021) pp. 61-64

Staab, G. "Neue iambische Trimeter, bewusst gewahlt fur ein Grabepigramm aus Thyateira (*04/05/09): Der Knabe Artemon, zugrundegerichtet durch Kinderarbeit?" ZPE 219 (2021) pp. 65-72

Agosti, G.; Fournet, J.-L.; Saad, H. "Une nouvelle epitaphe grecque de Damas" ZPE 219 (2021) pp. 73-79

Hernandez Perez, R. "El nacimiento de Dionisio / Liber Pater (deus in deo) y la alegria de Harmonia (Semeleia mater) en una inscripcion votiva del Africa romana (AE 1948, 129 = Zarker 34)" ZPE 219 (2021) pp. 80-84

Sardone, L. "P.Bonn inv. 296: ein neues Ilias-Fragment" ZPE 219 (2021) pp. 85-87

Mitropoulos, G. "Some Notes on Gytheion's 'lex sacra' and Germanicus' Nike" ZPE 219 (2021) pp. 88-94

Jim, Th.S.F. "Becoming a Goddess: Hellenistic Queens as Protective Goddesses" ZPE 219 (2021) pp. 95-110

Bernini, J. "Archontes, prytanes et prostatai. Observations sur la presidence du Conseil et de l'Assemblee en Carie a l'epoque Hellenistique" ZPE 219 (2021) pp. 111-120

Eckhardt, B. "An Inscribed Jar from Tel Kedesh" ZPE 219 (2021) pp. 121-124

Liddel, P.; Low, P. "A Greek Funerary Stele in Newcastle upon Tyne (UK): Great North Museum, Shefton Collection 827" ZPE 219 (2021) pp. 125-129

Papathomas, A. "Literarischer Stil und rhetorische Gestaltung als Hochzeitsgeschenk: Der kaiserzeitliche Privatbrief BGU IV 1080" ZPE 219 (2021) pp. 130-134

Mirizio, G. "Two Ptolemaic Papyri from the Fordham Collection" ZPE 219 (2021) pp. 135-148

Aly, Sh. A. "Receipts for Various Taxes from Elephantine" ZPE 219 (2021) pp. 149-156

Gonis, N. "The Other Sheep Declaration from Hawara" ZPE 219 (2021) pp. 157-160

Wedgwood, J. "P.CtYBR inv. 708: A Letter from the Prefect and a Court Summons" ZPE 219 (2021) pp. 161-182

Benaissa, A. "Late Antique Papyri from Hermopolis in the British Library II" ZPE 219 (2021) pp. 183-201

Berkes, L. "'I Ask You, Therefore, Master, Do Not Let My House Be Tormented This Way!' A 6th-century Letter Divided between Heidelberg and Oxford" ZPE 219 (2021) pp. 202-206

Skarsouli, E. "Neue Fragmente des euripideischen Telephos: P.Lips.Inv. 1304 R, 157 R und 163 R 10 - Farbbezeichnungen in romischen und fruhbyzantinischen Papyri" ZPE 219 (2021) pp. 207-236

Eck, W.; Pangerl, A. "Eine Konstitution Vespasians fur das Heer Syriens vom 9. April 79 n.Chr." ZPE 219 (2021) pp. 237-247

Eck, W.; Gradel, I. "Eine Konstitution fur das Heer von Mauretania Tingitana vom 20. September 104 n.Chr." ZPE 219 (2021) pp. 248-255

Laes, Chr. "Two Tile Stamps and a Military Cohort in Roman Antwerp" ZPE 219 (2021) pp. 256-262

Khasdi, Zh. "La cohors I Pannoniorum et le camp de Lucu a la lumiere d'une decouverte epigraphique recente" ZPE 219 (2021) pp. 263-268

Karasiewicz-Szczypiorski, R.; Mamuladze, Sh.; Speidel, M. A. "New and Revised Tile Stamps from the Roman Fort of Apsaros (Gionio, Giorgia)" ZPE 219 (2021) pp. 269-280

Di Stefano Manzella, I. "Un graffi to di offi cina su tegola da Balaca in Pannonia con l'indicazione del dies operis" ZPE 219 (2021) pp. 281-282

Hanel, N. "'Amtshilfe' der classis Germanica fur die classis Britannica? - Zu einem Ziegelstempel der niedergermanischen Flotte in Dubris (Dover)" ZPE 219 (2021) pp. 283-285

Rocchi, St. "Accursiana II. Un'iscrizione di Alba Fucens 'ritrovata' (CIL IX 3934 [cf. p. 1897])" ZPE 219 (2021) pp. 286-288

Grassl, H. "Romische Bleietiketten aus Trier: Neue Lesungen und Interpretationen" ZPE 219 (2021) pp. 289-298

Guidetti, F. "Nota al testo della tavola latina di Eraclea: regolamentazione del traffi co e indicazioni temporali" ZPE 219 (2021) pp. 299-301

Cases Mora, N. "Inschrift mit der Formel in memoriam aus Canales de la Sierra (La Rioja, Hispania Citerior). Addenda zu ZPE 51, 1983, 199--203" ZPE 219 (2021) pp. 302-304

Caballos Rufino, A. "Un senadoconsulto del ano 14 d. C. en un epigrafe betico" ZPE 219 (2021) pp. 305-326

Andreu Pintado, J. "Una nueva inscripcion funeraria de la ciudad de los Carenses (Santacara, Navarra, Espana)" ZPE 219 (2021) pp. 327-329

Muraca, F. "Una inscriptio falsa di epoca moderna da Aquinum: CIL X 5394" ZPE 219 (2021) pp. 330-

Furley, W. "'Whom Should I Persuade ...?' Another Look at an Old Problem in Sappho fr. 1 (P.Oxy. XXI 2288)" ZPE 220 (2021) pp. 1-7

Caspers, C.L.; Lesmeister, M. "Pindar, Paean 7b (= fr. 52h Maehler) 19--20: an Unpublished Supplement by B. A. van Groningen" ZPE 220 (2021) pp. 7-9

Renberg, G.H. "The New Croesus Epigram (SEG 64, 405) and the Early Cult of Amphiaraos" ZPE 220 (2021) pp. 9-18

Boggio, T. "Una nota su mimoumenos in Timoteo, Persiani 70--71" ZPE 220 (2021) pp. 18-22

Bernini, R. "Note critiche all'Ettore di Astidamante" ZPE 220 (2021) pp. 22-33

Iacoviello, A. "The Honours for Hyperides" ZPE 220 (2021) pp. 33-40

Schroder, St. "Nochmals zur Stele des Isyllos in Epidauros" ZPE 220 (2021) pp. 40-46

Vairo, V. "On Theocritus 16, 16" ZPE 220 (2021) pp. 46-50

Angio, F. "Atena Probaia nell'epigramma 31 Austin--Bastianini di Posidippo?" ZPE 220 (2021) pp. 50-54

Carlesimo, R. "A proposito di due rotoli delle Argonautiche di Apollonio Rodio" ZPE 220 (2021) pp. 54-59

D'Angelo, M. "Gaius Bruttius Dedicatee of Philodemus in a Herculaneum Papyrus" ZPE 220 (2021) pp. 59-64

Lucarini, C.M. "Uber die Abfassungszeit und die Interpretation des Carmen de bello Actiaco (PHerc 817)" ZPE 220 (2021) pp. 64-74

Piotrkowski, M.M.; Szanto, Zs. "'Fragment F' of the "History of Joseph": Paris, Louvre E 7738a" ZPE 220 (2021) pp. 74-84

Perrone, S. "P.Mich. inv. 5760d e i titoli di passaggio tra canti nei rotoli omerici" ZPE 220 (2021) pp. 84-87

Soldati, A. "Frammento di un codice della Collezione Martin Schoyen (MS 2651/1): Sus. theta' [number] 18--29" ZPE 220 (2021) pp. 87-94

Romer, C.E. "Die Datierung des Kolner Mani-Kodex" ZPE 220 (2021) pp. 94-97

Isepy, P. "A Preliminary Text of Photius' Bibliotheca c. 278 [279]; the Chrestomatheiai of Helladius of Antinoupolis" ZPE 220 (2021) pp. 97-118

Garcia-Bellido, P. "Ambiguedades en los negocios del senor Heronoiyos. Metrologia gala en el plomo de Pech-Maho" ZPE 220 (2021) pp. 118-127

Zimny, K. "IG IV 752 and Reprisals apo ta choras" ZPE 220 (2021) pp. 127-137

Marohnic, J.; Potrebica, H.; Vukovic, M. "A New Fragment of the Greek Land Division Decree from Lumbarda on the Island of Korcula" ZPE 220 (2021) pp. 137-144

Ersoy, A.; Petzl, G.; Tanriver, C. "Two New Inscriptions from Izmir (Smyrna)" ZPE 220 (2021) pp. 144-151

Petzl, G. "Epigraphische Randnotizen (III)" ZPE 220 (2021) pp. 151-157

Ozturk, B. "An Honorary Inscription from Tios for Caecilius Aristo, Governor of Pontus et Bithynia" ZPE 220 (2021) pp. 157-160

Barthel, Chr. "All in the Family? A Prosopographical Note on Marinus of Apamea and the Administration of Roman Libya" ZPE 220 (2021) pp. 160-163

del Barrio Vega, M.L. "The Dative Plural -essi in the Saronic Dialects and Their Colonies: a New Analysis of the Epigraphical Data" ZPE 220 (2021) pp. 163-173

Vecchiato, R. "Fragmente testamentarischer Verfugungen mit Erwahnung eines Kleros als Erbschaft (P.Koln Inv. 21980, 21981a und 21982)" ZPE 220 (2021) pp. 173-186

Gonis, N. "Notes on Miscellaneous Documents VIII" ZPE 220 (2021) pp. 186-193

Bauschatz, J. "Eleven Ptolemaic Documents from the Duke University Papyrus Archive" ZPE 220 (2021) pp. 193-207

Arpaia, A. "Osservazioni di carattere giuridico su BGU IV 1158: antiparachoresis e antichresis" ZPE 220 (2021) pp. 207-214

Gonis, N. "A Lease of a Palm Grove in Duplicate" ZPE 220 (2021) pp. 214-219

Colella, L.C. "Notes on Some Roman Wills of the 2nd Century from Egypt" ZPE 220 (2021) pp. 219-226

Soraci, C. "Contrapposizione tra potestates in materia di allattamento: la testimonianza del P. Lond. III 951 verso" ZPE 220 (2021) pp. 226-233

Avdokhin, A. "Offering Wreaths, Hybridizing Genres: An Unusual Third-Century Mummy Label (P. Ross. Georg. 1, 14)" ZPE 220 (2021) pp. 233-240

Panegyres, K. "The Fate of Theon's Acacia Tree (P.Oxy. XIV 1674)" ZPE 220 (2021) pp. 240-241

Bagnall, R. S.; Bransbourg, G.; Soto Marin, I. "State Collection of Bronze in Early Fourth-Century Egypt" ZPE 220 (2021) pp. 241-249

Papaioannou, G. "SB X 10732: Previously Overlooked Bilingual Court Proceedings" ZPE 220 (2021) pp. 249-251

Di Giglio, A. "Frammento inedito di codice adespoto (PL III/1028)" ZPE 220 (2021) pp. 251-254

Lougovaya, J. "A Statue's Weight Problem. Reedition of P.Rain.Unterricht 179" ZPE 220 (2021) pp. 254-259

Hickey, T.M. "Accounting for Debt in the Late Antique Oxyrhynchite (Cairo SR 3049/94)" ZPE 220 (2021) pp. 259-263

Marazzi, D. "P.Koln XI 461 + P.Mil.Vogl. inv. 1270: ricevuta d'affitto di terra" ZPE 220 (2021) pp. 263-267

Gonis, N. "A Loan of Money with Interest in Kind from Sixth-Century Fayum" ZPE 220 (2021) pp. 267-270

Buonocore, M.; Eck, W. "Senatorische Familien aus Alba Fucens und Corfinium, bezeugt in neuen fistulae aquariae" ZPE 220 (2021) pp. 270-277

Eck, W. "Ein Gewicht aus Tiberias mit der Nennung eines Agoranomen C. Iulius Italicus (?)" ZPE 220 (2021) pp. 277-281

Kokkinia, Chr. "On the Inscribing in Stone of Augustus' Res Gestae" ZPE 220 (2021) pp. 281-290

Stanco, E.A. "Nuove iscrizioni augustee da Lucus Feroniae" ZPE 220 (2021) pp. 290-297

Tomlin, R.S.O. "A Gold Arm-band to Mark the Decennalia of the Emperor Maximinus Daia" ZPE 220 (2021) pp. 297-303

Muccigrosso, J.D. "A New Dedication to Mercury at S. Martino ai Monti (Rome)" ZPE 220 (2021) pp. 303-306

Letteney, M.; Shaw, B.D. "Iunius Saturninus: a New African Centenarian" ZPE 220 (2021) pp. 306-311

Bruun, Chr. "The Case for Antoninus Pius and His Caesar M. Aurelius as Honorary duoviri at Roman Ostia in 141 CE" ZPE 220 (2021) pp. 311-317

Parenti, A. "Sul testo di Edictum Diocletiani 15.56a" ZPE 220 (2021) pp. 317-319

Vilella, A. "Una nota su ICVR V 13150" ZPE 220 (2021) pp. 319-321

Deac, D.; Timoc, C. "A Commercial Lead tessera from Roman Siscia" ZPE 220 (2021) pp. 321-325

Cristini, M. "Rex magnus: Theodebert I, Justinian, and the Title of 'Great King' in the Sixth Century" ZPE 220 (2021) pp. 325-

Scheibelreiter, Philipp; Rafetseder, Niklas "Neue Uberlegungen zu Rechtsquellender Provinz Noricum: Eine rechtshistorische Perspektive auf die Gesetzesfragmente aus Lauriacum" ZRG 138.1 (2021) pp. 1-82

Pool, Eric H. "Causa und titulus" ZRG 138.1 (2021) pp. 83-179

Peppe, Leo "Nota in materia di deontologia professionale e onorari nella pratica giuridica romana: giuristi, oratori, avvocati" ZRG 138.1 (2021) pp. 180-218

Meissel, Franz-Stefan "Totenfursorge als Geschaftsfuhrung ohne Auftrag? Actio funeraria und postmortaler Personlichkeitsschutz" ZRG 138.1 (2021) pp. 219-244

Laffi, Umberto "II principio dell'irretroattivita della legge nell'esperienza giuridica romana dell'eta repubblicana" ZRG 138.1 (2021) pp. 245-273

Harke, Jan Dirk "Tryphonin, Papinian und die Rucksicht auf immaterielle Nachteile im Schuldrecht" ZRG 138.1 (2021) pp. 274-309

Candy, Peter "'Judging beyond the sandal': Law and rhetoric in D. 19,2,31 (Alf. 5 dig. a Paulo epit.)" ZRG 138.1 (2021) pp. 310-337

Jakab, Eva "Parakatatheke und letztwillige Verfugungen: Zum Hintergrund von D. 32,37,5" ZRG 138.1 (2021) pp. 338-378

Pennitz, Martin "Zu Ursprung und Zweck der sog. laesio enormis" ZRG 138.1 (2021) pp. 379-445

Atzeri, Lorena "Roman Law from the Desert: A.S. Hunt, F. de Zulueta, E. Levy, V. Arangio-Ruiz and the Editing of Legal Papyri" ZRG 138.1 (2021) pp. 446-506

Harke, Jan Dirk "Cautio de rato und naturale debitum bei Venuleius D.46,8,8,1" ZRG 138.1 (2021) pp. 507-522

Kaiser, Wolfgang "Zur Bedeutung von sugktesis in Inschriften" ZRG 138.1 (2021) pp. 523-539

Kaiser, Wolfgang "Zur Bedeutung von sugktesis bei byzantinischen Geschichtsschreibern" ZRG 138.1 (2021) pp. 540-542

Nowak, Maria "Will of Apollos Daughter of Paesis from Oxyrhynchos*)" ZRG 138.1 (2021) pp. 543-554

Sirks, A.J.B. "Could after the division of administration in 364 an emperor issue a law for the entire empire?" ZRG 138.1 (2021) pp. 555-567

Stagl, Jakob Fortunat "Scriptores Iuris Romani1): Zu Schiavones Edition der romischen Rechtsschriftsteller und ihrem ersten Band Quintus Mucius Scaevola2)" ZRG 138.1 (2021) pp. 568-594

ThuR, Gerhard "Wer liess in der Grabinschrift I.Milet VI 2,570 sieben Zeilen eradieren?" ZRG 138.1 (2021) pp. 595-606

Trump, Dominik "Rezeptionsspuren in der Handschrift Paris, Bibliotheque nationale de France, lat. 4419 (Epitome monachi)" ZRG 138.1 (2021) pp. 607-615

Willems, Constantin "Zwischen Infektionsschutz und Schutz des Erblasserwillens: Das sogenannte testamentum tempore pestis conditum in C.6,23,8 (290)" ZRG 138.1 (2021) pp. 616-634

Wardle, David "John Edward Atkinson (1938-2022)" AClass 65 (2022) pp. 1-7

Claassen, Jo-Marie "Pieter Jacobus Conradie (1931--2021)" AClass 65 (2022) pp. 7-11

Lachapelle, Guillaume Flamerie De "Ciceron, Tite-Live et Tacite temoins de la Revolution francaise dans un centon de l'an VIII (1800)" AClass 65 (2022) pp. 12-40

Haskins, Susan L. "Male perpetrators of violence against women in Achilles Tatius' Leucippe and Clitophon" AClass 65 (2022) pp. 41-64

Hockings, T.A.J. "Conjectures on Ovid's love poems" AClass 65 (2022) pp. 65-94

Kallergi, Anthofili "Larger than life: Intertextuality between the poetry of Callimachus and the second book of Horace's Epistles" AClass 65 (2022) pp. 95-112

Meyer, John Clifford "Arcessite divum matrem: The homecoming of the Great Mother to Rome" AClass 65 (2022) pp. 113-140

Nijs, Wim "The Heights of Philosophy: Some Thoughts on Lucretius 2.7--13" AClass 65 (2022) pp. 141-156

Pappa, Eleftheria "Herakles and the gorgon in Athenian Black-Figure vase-painting: Burlesque or Civic Theology?" AClass 65 (2022) pp. 157-194

Schmidt, Pedro Baroni "Ovidianism and the end of elegy in Maximianus 5" AClass 65 (2022) pp. 195-207

Vocaturo, Luca "Orfeo maschera di Apollo: Verso una nuova concezione di poesia epica" AClass 65 (2022) pp. 208-221

Wolny, Miron "Basileius comme equivalent de spt puniques? Probleme du statut d'Hannibal apres 201 av. J.-C." AClass 65 (2022) pp. 222-237

Iriarte, Unai "Peisistratus on Salamis: Who captured the island?" AClass 65 (2022) pp. 238-245

Leary, T.J. "Two notes on Martial" AClass 65 (2022) pp. 246-249

Rajola, Matteo "A further usage of the word homousios in Latin: Lexicographical Observations" AClass 65 (2022) pp. 250-259

Ullrich, Heiko "Eine Konjektur zur Lucr. 4.545" AClass 65 (2022) pp. 260-267

Roth, Roman "Clans of Roman Italy" AClass 65 (2022) pp. 268-282

Jones, Jacqueline "Historians and Their Publics, Then and Now" AHR 127.1 (2022) pp. 1--30

Jones, Jacqueline "Historians and Their Publics, Then and Now" AHR 127.1 (2022) pp. 1--30

Kinzley, Judd "Wartime Dollars and the Crowning of China's Hog Bristle King: The Dubious Legacies of American Aid, 1938--1949" AHR 127.1 (2022) pp. 31--61

Kinzley, Judd "Wartime Dollars and the Crowning of China's Hog Bristle King: The Dubious Legacies of American Aid, 1938--1949" AHR 127.1 (2022) pp. 31--61

Degroot, Dagomar "Blood and Bone, Tears and Oil: Climate Change, Whaling, and Conflict in the Seventeenth-Century Arctic" AHR 127.1 (2022) pp. 62--99

Degroot, Dagomar "Blood and Bone, Tears and Oil: Climate Change, Whaling, and Conflict in the Seventeenth-Century Arctic" AHR 127.1 (2022) pp. 62--99

Mcmahon, Cian T "'That City Afloat': Maritime Dimensions of Ireland's Great Famine Migration" AHR 127.1 (2022) pp. 100--128

Mcmahon, Cian T "'That City Afloat': Maritime Dimensions of Ireland's Great Famine Migration" AHR 127.1 (2022) pp. 100--128

Dolbee, Samuel "Empire on the Edge: Desert, Nomads, and the Making of an Ottoman Provincial Border" AHR 127.1 (2022) pp. 129--158

Dolbee, Samuel "Empire on the Edge: Desert, Nomads, and the Making of an Ottoman Provincial Border" AHR 127.1 (2022) pp. 129--158

Klausen, Susanne M "'Do You Call Yourself a White Man?': Nationalism, Criminalization of Interracial Sex, and the Policing of White Male (Hetero)sexuality in South Africa during Apartheid" AHR 127.1 (2022) pp. 159--193

Herzig, Tamar "Slavery and Interethnic Sexual Violence: A Multiple Perpetrator Rape in Seventeenth-Century Livorno" AHR 127.1 (2022) pp. 194--222

Connolly, Emilie "Fiduciary Colonialism: Annuities and Native Dispossession in the Early United States" AHR 127.1 (2022) pp. 223--253

Bradley, Mark Philip "Inside the History Lab" AHR 127.1 (2022) pp. 255--259

Tullett, William; Leemans, Inger; Hsu, Hsuan; Weismann, Stephanie; ..., Cecilia Bembibre "Smell, History, and Heritage" AHR 127.1 (2022) pp. 261--309

Aydin, Cemil; Ballor, Grace; Conrad, Sebastian; Cooper, Frederick; ..., Nicole Cuunjieng Aboitiz "Rethinking Nationalism" AHR 127.1 (2022) pp. 311--371

Hidalgo, Alex "The Book as Archive" AHR 127.1 (2022) pp. 373--384

Lambe, Jennifer "Christine Jorgensen in Cuba: On Dormant Leads and Archival Dead Ends" AHR 127.1 (2022) pp. 387--398

Wang, Fei-Hsien "Reviewing History: A Note from the AHR Associate Editor" AHR 127.1 (2022) pp. 401--402

Sears, Clare "Transing Husbands, Transing Histories" AHR 127.1 (2022) pp. 426--428

Garrett-Scott, Shennette "The Promises and Perils of Black Capitalism" AHR 127.1 (2022) pp. 429--432

Kennedy, Dane "Slavery, Settlers, and the Anglo-American Nexus" AHR 127.1 (2022) pp. 433--435

Schaefer, Timo "Latin America's Intellectual Independence" AHR 127.1 (2022) pp. 436--438

Schneider, Robert A "A Storied History" AHR 127.1 (2022) pp. 439--441

Ruggiero, Guido "Looking for Virtue in the Italian Renaissance" AHR 127.1 (2022) pp. 442--444

Scott, James C "The 'Business Plan' of Hunter-Gatherers" AHR 127.1 (2022) pp. 445--447

Wildenthal, Lora "The History of Nation-States as the History of Human Rights?" AHR 127.1 (2022) pp. 448--450

Satia, Priya "How Memory of Empire Drove the Postwar Resurrection of Empire" AHR 127.1 (2022) pp. 451--454

Thurman, Kira "Afro-Germans and the Remaking of Twentieth-Century German History" AHR 127.1 (2022) pp. 455--458

Milligan, Ian "Taking Quantitative Social Science History Out of the Silo" AHR 127.1 (2022) pp. 459--461

Blake, Emma; Schon, Robert "A Letter from the Editors-in-Chief" AJA 126.1 (2022) pp. 1--3

Avramidou, Amalia "Theater and Dionysiac Cult on Samothrace and Its Peraia" AJA 126.1 (2022) pp. 5--29

Brennan, Brian "The Boxing Writer Paul Gallico on the Terme Boxer" AJA 126.1 (2022) pp. 31--51

Oyen, Astrid Van; Tol, Gijs W.; Vennarucci, Rhodora G.; Agostini, Alexander; Serneels, Vincent; Mercuri, Anna Maria; Rattighieri, Eleonora; Benatti, Alessandra "Forging the Roman Rural Economy: A Blacksmithing Workshop and Its Tool Set at Marzuolo (Tuscany)" AJA 126.1 (2022) pp. 53--77

Greene, Elizabeth S.; Leidwanger, Justin; Repola, Leopoldo "Ephemeral Heritage: Boats, Migration, and the Central Mediterranean Passage" AJA 126.1 (2022) pp. 79--102

Gonzalez-Ruibal, Alfredo; De Torres, Jorge; Barrio, Candela Martinez; Fernandez, Manuel Antonio Franco; Fernandez~Fernandez, Adolfo; Juberias, Pablo Gutierrez De~Leon; De~Los~Terreros, Jose Yravedra Sainz; Gaudiello, Michela; Dualeh, Ahmed Jama "Nomads Trading with Empires: Intercultural Trade in Ancient Somaliland in the First to Seventh Centuries CE" AJA 126.1 (2022) pp. 103--138

Clements, Jacquelyn H. "The Empire's Physician: Galen and Medicine in the Roman World and Reflections on Digital Exhibitions" AJA 126.1 (2022) pp. 139--150

Bartman, Elizabeth "The Torlonia Marbles: Rescue, Restoration, Rehabilitation" AJA 126.1 (2022) pp. 151--159

Shelton, Kim "Elizabeth B. French, 1931--2021" AJA 126.1 (2022) pp. 161--164

Johnson, Matthew H. "English Landscapes" AJA 126.2 (2022) pp. E35-E38

Kotsonas, Antonis "Early Greek Alphabetic Writing: Text, Context, Material Properties, and Socialization" AJA 126.2 (2022) pp. 167-200

Dundar, Erkan; Lenger, Dincer Savas "A Ptolemaic Hoard from Patara" AJA 126.2 (2022) pp. 201-217

Wilson, Jordan A. "Negotiating Infant Personhood in Death: Interpreting Atypical Burials in the Late Roman Infant and Child Cemetery at Poggio Gramignano (Italy)" AJA 126.2 (2022) pp. 219-241

Cecalupo, Chiara "The Collecting History of an Early Christian Lead Vessel: From Carthage to the 1867 Paris Universal Exhibition" AJA 126.2 (2022) pp. 243-259

Lindsay, Ian; Greene, Alan F.; Marshall, Maureen E.; Badalyan, Ruben; Cromartie, Amy; Azatyan, Karen; Aghikyan, Levon; Khatchadourian, Lori; Mkrtchyan, Arshaluys; Smith, Adam T. "The Project ArAGATS Kasakh Valley Archaeological Survey, Armenia: Report of the 2014--2017 Seasons" AJA 126.2 (2022) pp. 261-303

Yegul, Fikret "All's Well That Ends Well: Sardis at the Victoria and Albert Museum" AJA 126.2 (2022) pp. 305-316

Kersels, Morag M. "The Gallery Enhancements Project at the Oriental Institute Museum of the University of Chicago: Everything Old Is New Again" AJA 126.2 (2022) pp. 317-326

Macaulay, Elizabeth R. "A Letter from the Museum Reviews Editor" AJA 126.3 (2022) pp. 329-330

O'Donoghue, Eoin "Defying Death: A New Interpretation of the Tomb of the Bulls, Tarquinia" AJA 126.3 (2022) pp. 331-353

Herring, Amanda "Depicting Amazons as Local Heroes in Hellenized Anatolia" AJA 126.3 (2022) pp. 355-383

Dibiasie-Sammons, Jacqueline F. "Qui carbone rudi putrique creta scribit: The Charcoal Graffiti of Herculaneum" AJA 126.3 (2022) pp. 385-410

Lapp, Eric C. "A Curious Artifact: The Changing Meaning of the Roman Oil Lamp from 17th-Century Jamestown, Virginia" AJA 126.3 (2022) pp. 411-423

Palermo, Rocco; Jong, Lidewijde De; Ur, Jason A. "Hellenistic Landscapes and Seleucid Control in Mesopotamia: The View from the Erbil Plain in Northern Iraq" AJA 126.3 (2022) pp. 425-442

Dodd, Emlyn "The Archaeology of Wine Production in Roman and Pre-Roman Italy" AJA 126.3 (2022) pp. 443-480

Hadjimichael, Theodora A. "Literary Reflections on the Dithyrambic Genre" AJPh 143.1 (2022) pp. 1-34

Bouchard, Elsa "Victim of Eros: The Poetics of Sex in Theocritus' First Idyll" AJPh 143.1 (2022) pp. 35-74

Giusti, Elena "Horace's Ode 1.12: Subterranean Lyrics" AJPh 143.1 (2022) pp. 75-107

Doroszewska, Julia "Going Through the Mill: Sites of Passage in Apuleius' Metamorphoses" AJPh 143.1 (2022) pp. 109-143

Hoschele, Regina "The Wondrous Journey of Cicero's Head to Sardis: Hellenic Identity and Biculturalism in a Greek Imperial Epigram" AJPh 143.1 (2022) pp. 145-168

Bartsch, Shadi "The Metamorphosis of an Ass" AJPh 143.1 (2022) pp. 169-179

Coningham, R.; Witcher, R. "Editorial" Antiquity 96.385 (2022) pp. 1-14

Mazzucco, N.; Sabanov, A.; Antolin, F.; Naumov, G.; Fidanoski, L.; Gibaja, J. "The spread of agriculture in south-eastern Europe: New data from North Macedonia" Antiquity 96.385 (2022) pp. 15-33

Tarasov, A.; Nordqvist, K. "Made for exchange: The Russian Karelian lithic industry and hunter-fisher-gatherer exchange networks in prehistoric north-eastern Europe" Antiquity 96.385 (2022) pp. 34-50

Andonova, M.; Nikolov, V. "Pots on mats: Mat-impressed salt-extraction pottery at Chalcolithic Provadia-Solnitsata, Bulgaria" Antiquity 96.385 (2022) pp. 51-66

Trifonov, V.; Petrov, D.; Savelieva, L. "Party like a Sumerian: Reinterpreting the 'sceptres' from the Maikop kurgan" Antiquity 96.385 (2022) pp. 67-84

Stupko-Lubczynska, A. "Masters and apprentices at the Chapel of Hatshepsut: Towards an archaeology of ancient Egyptian reliefs" Antiquity 96.385 (2022) pp. 85-102

Samuels, J.; Cohen, S.; Johnson, T.; Moses, V.; Naglak, M.; Opitz, R.; . . . Stewart, E. "Reimagining urban success: Rhythms of activity at Gabii, 800 BC--AD 600" Antiquity 96.385 (2022) pp. 103-122

Sinensky, R.; Schachner, G.; Wilshusen, R.; Damiata, B. "Volcanic climate forcing, extreme cold and the Neolithic Transition in the northern US Southwest" Antiquity 96.385 (2022) pp. 123-141

Biwer, M.; Alvarez, W.; Bautista, S.; Jennings, J. "Hallucinogens, alcohol and shifting leadership strategies in the ancient Peruvian Andes" Antiquity 96.385 (2022) pp. 142-158

Bemmann, J.; Linzen, S.; Reichert, S.; Munkhbayar, L. "Mapping Karakorum, the capital of the Mongol Empire" Antiquity 96.385 (2022) pp. 159-178

Vaquer, J.; Pey, L. "Towards a dialogical archaeology: An Andean perspective on hermeneutics, interpretation and political praxis" Antiquity 96.385 (2022) pp. 179-193

Milevski, I.; Czarnowicz, M.; Yegorov, D.; Karmowski, J.; Gamrat, M.; Cohen-Sasson, E.; Yekutieli, Y. "New excavations at Tel Erani: The Early Bronze Age I fortification walls and early urbanisation in the Southern Levant" Antiquity 96.385 (2022) pp. 194-200

Vidale, M.; Berlioz, S.; Mohammed, R. "Iconographic evidence of hybridisation between Camelus bactrianus and Camelus dromedarius at second-century AD Hatra, Iraq" Antiquity 96.385 (2022) pp. 201-207

Kolltveit, G. "The Sutton Hoo lyre and the music of the Silk Road: A new find of the fourth century AD reveals the Germanic lyre's missing eastern connections" Antiquity 96.385 (2022) pp. 208-212

Drzewiecki, M.; Ryndziewicz, R.; Ciesielska, J.; Kurcz, M.; Michalik, T.; Czyzewska-Zalewska, E. "The spatial organisation of Soba: A medieval capital on the Blue Nile" Antiquity 96.385 (2022) pp. 213-220

Brandt, L.; Lillemark, M.; Rytter, M.; Collins, M.; Tottrup, A. "Next Generation Lab puts Denmark's past in the hands of its future" Antiquity 96.385 (2022) pp. 221-228

Miranda, A.; Raja, R. "Archive Archaeology: Preserving and Sharing Palmyra's Cultural Heritage through Harald Ingholt's Digital Archives. A case study in the accessibility and potential of archives" Antiquity 96.385 (2022) pp. 229-237

Sahle, Y. "The Origins of Early Sapiens Behaviour: Origins Centre, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg" Antiquity 96.385 (2022) pp. 238-241

Livarda, A. "Food and culture: Stories of the past" Antiquity 96.385 (2022) pp. 242-244

Popova, M. "Late Eneolithic Zoomorphic Vessel from the Tell near the Village of Poroy, Burgas Province" ArchBulg 26.1 (2022) pp. 1-24

Margarit, M.; Andreescu, R.-R.; Moldoveanu, K.; Mirea, P.; Torcica, I. "Assembling raw materials, techniques and artifacts: antler industry from the Chalcolithic settlement of Vitanesti-Magurice (Romania)" ArchBulg 26.1 (2022) pp. 25-56

Raycheva, M. "Minerva Deultensis and the Gigantomachy on Her Shield" ArchBulg 26.1 (2022) pp. 57-81

Markov, N. "Two Amulets with Isis and Harpocrates from the Roman Imperial Period Found in Bulgaria" ArchBulg 26.1 (2022) pp. 83-92

Vyazov, L.A.; Salova, J.A. "On the Origins of Tilling Tools of the Migration Period in the Middle Volga Region" ArchBulg 26.1 (2022) pp. 93-108

Stankov, A. "New Data About the "Last" Uncovered Imperial Mosaic in Hagia Sophia" ArchBulg 26.1 (2022) pp. 109-120

Taelman, Devi; Antonelli, Fabrizio "Provenance of the white and polychrome marbles used for the architecture and sculpture of roman Sentinum (Sassoferrato, Marche, Italy)" Archaeometry 64.1 (2022) pp. 1-24

Gluhak, Tatjana M.; Ebeling, Jennie; Rosenberg, Danny "Geochemical provenance studies of basalt vessel preforms from the Iron Age workshop at Tel Hazor, Israel, and potential geological sources" Archaeometry 64.1 (2022) pp. 25-38

Bachellerie, Julie; Schmidt, Patrick "Recognizing heat-treated chert: A comparison between infrared spectroscopy and fracture surface analysis" Archaeometry 64.1 (2022) pp. 39-58

Hou, Jia Yu; Li, He; Kang, Bao Qiang; Wood, Nigel; Wang, Guang Yao; Jiang, Jian Xin; Wang, Zhe Yu; Zou, Fu An "The origins of imperial yellow glazed porcelain in the Ming Dynasty (1,368 to 1,644) China: Technical comparison to low-fired tile with yellow glaze" Archaeometry 64.1 (2022) pp. 59-70

Yang, Guimei; Wang, Zhi; Yao, Zhengquan; Yang, Yuzhang; Wei, Guofeng "Provenance study of the glazed tiles body in the Mingzhongdu site" Archaeometry 64.1 (2022) pp. 71-83

Coli, V.L.; Gomart, L.; Pisani, D.F.; Cohen, S.; Blanc-Feraud, L.; Leblond, J.; Binder, D. "Microcomputed tomography for discriminating between different forming techniques in ancient pottery: New segmentation method and pore distribution recognition" Archaeometry 64.1 (2022) pp. 84-99

De~Groot, Beatrijs G.; Gonzalez-ALvarez, David "Autonomous but not isolated: A petrographic study of Iron Age ceramics from a 'deep-rural' community in Asturias (NW Iberia)" Archaeometry 64.1 (2022) pp. 100-117

Fugazzotto, Maura; Stroscio, Antonio; Mazzoleni, Paolo; Panella, Clementina; Russo, Alfonsina; Raneri, Simona; Barone, Germana "Ceramic technology and paintings of archaic architectural slabs, louteria and antefixes from the Palatine Hill in Rome (Italy)" Archaeometry 64.1 (2022) pp. 118-133

Lapp, Eric C. "A mean weight analysis of Classic Nabatean lamp sherds from Roman Aila (Aqaba, Jordan)" Archaeometry 64.1 (2022) pp. 134-146

Kemp, Victoria; Brownscombe, Will; Shortland, Andrew "The investigation and provenance of glass vessel fragments attributed to the Tomb of Amenhotep II, KV35, Valley of the Kings" Archaeometry 64.1 (2022) pp. 147-160

Doonan, Roger C.P.; Marks, Yvette A. "Blowin' in the wind: The beginning of primary metallurgy in the Early Bronze Age Aegean" Archaeometry 64.1 (2022) pp. 161-176

Andrews, Miriam; Polcar, Tomas; Sofaer, Joanna; Pike, Alistair W.G. "The mechanised testing and sequential wear-analysis of replica Bronze Age palstave blades" Archaeometry 64.1 (2022) pp. 177-192

Mcgrath, James R.; Macdonald, Brandi L.; Stalla, David "Middle Stone Age mineral pigment procurement at Pinnacle Point 5--6 North, Western Cape province, South Africa" Archaeometry 64.1 (2022) pp. 193-217

Zhai, Kuanrong; Sun, Guoping; Zheng, Yunfei; Wu, Meng; Zhang, Bingjian; Zhu, Longguan; Hu, Qi "The earliest lacquerwares of China were discovered at Jingtoushan site in the Yangtze River Delta" Archaeometry 64.1 (2022) pp. 218-226

Chen, Shidong; Vahur, Signe; Teearu, Anu; Juus, Taisi; Zhilin, Mikhail; Savchenko, Svetlana; Oshibkina, Svetlana; Asheichyk, Vitali; Vashanau, Aliaksandr; Lychagina, Evgeniia; Kashina, Ekaterina; German, Konstantin; Dubovtseva, Ekaterina; Kriiska, Aivar; Leito, Ivo; Oras, Ester "Classification of archaeological adhesives from Eastern Europe and Urals by ATR-FT-IR spectroscopy and chemometric analysis" Archaeometry 64.1 (2022) pp. 227-244

Rizzo, Daniela; Casciaro, Raffaele "Analytical investigation of the original painted canvas of Santa Irene, by Giuseppe Verrio (Church of Sant'Irene, Lecce, Italy)*" Archaeometry 64.1 (2022) pp. 245-255

Bernabei, Mauro; Capra, Neva; Giovannini, Lucia; Tomasi, Maria Luisa "Flying on wood and fabric: The tree species used for the construction of the Ansaldo A.1 "Balilla" biplane (1918)" Archaeometry 64.1 (2022) pp. 256-264

Mahler, Robert "A formalized approach to choosing the best methods for reconstructing stature in the case of poorly preserved skeletal series" Archaeometry 64.1 (2022) pp. 265-280

* "CORRIGENDUM to R.J. Stark et al., (2021)" Archaeometry 64.1 (2022) pp. 281

Cohen, Susan; Pruzsinszky, Regine; Kilani, Marwan; Mynarova, Jana "From the Editors, Spring 2022" BASO 387 (2022) pp. ii-ii <-- doi: 10.1086/718924 -->

Levy, Eythan; Finkelstein, Israel; Martin, Mario A. S.; Piasetzky, Eli "The Date of Appearance of Philistine Pottery at Megiddo: A Computational Approach" BASO 387 (2022) pp. 1-30 <-- doi: 10.1086/719048 -->

Gilboa, Ayelet "The Southern Levantine Roots of the Phoenician Mercantile Phenomenon" BASO 387 (2022) pp. 31-53 <-- doi: 10.1086/718892 -->

Sabar, Roi "Horvat Tefen: A Hasmonean Fortress in the Hinterland of 'Akko-Ptolemais" BASO 387 (2022) pp. 55-85 <-- doi: 10.1086/719185 -->

Silverberg, Noam; Garfinkel, Yosef; Hasel, Michael G.; Yahalom-Mack, Naama "Bronze Age Assemblage of Bone Inlays from Lachish. Typological, Technological, and Functional Aspects" BASO 387 (2022) pp. 87-112 <-- doi: 10.1086/718890 -->

Lovejoy, Nathan "Ambiguity of Divine and Royal Portraiture and the Hiyawan Image of Kingship: Political Identity through the Monuments of CINEKOY and KARATEPE" BASO 387 (2022) pp. 113-138 <-- doi: 10.1086/719049 -->

Nol, Hagit "Early Islamic Copper Coins from Excavations in the Central Levant: An Indicator for Ancient Economy" BASO 387 (2022) pp. 139-169 <-- doi: 10.1086/718891 -->

Rafiei-Alavi, Babak; Bahrololoumi, Faranak; Klein, Sabine "Three Women from Elam: A Revision of the Haft Tappeh Metal Plaque" BASO 387 (2022) pp. 171-180 <-- doi: 10.1086/718800 -->

Daems, Dries; Talloen, Peter "Moving in Together? Synoikismos and Polis Formation at Sagalassos and in Southwest Anatolia" BASO 387 (2022) pp. 181-205 <-- doi: 10.1086/719184 -->

Sapir-Hen, Lidar; Fulton, Deirdre N.; Adams, Matthew J.; Finkelstein, Israel "The Temple and the Town at Early Bronze Age I Megiddo: Faunal Evidence for the Emergence of Complexity" BASO 387 (2022) pp. 207-220 <-- doi: 10.1086/718777 -->

Marinatos, Nanno "A Note on the Theiasmos of Nicias in Thucydides" C&M 70 (2022) pp. 1

Vadan, Paul "Foreseeing the Past: Probability and Ancient Greek Decision-Making" C&M 70 (2022) pp. 17

F.Lovato, Valeria "From Cato to Plato and Back Again: Friendship and Patronage in John Tzetzes' Letters and Chiliades" C&M 70 (2022) pp. 59

AndrEE, Alexander "Lucan's Lost Gauls: The Interpolation at De bello civili 1.436-40" C&M 70 (2022) pp. 99

Mayhew, Robert "A Debate About Women in Iliad 20.251-55? The Evidence of Four Scholia" C&M 70 (2022) pp. 125

Hogenmuller, Boris "Heus tu! Promittis ad cenam, nec venis? Dicitur ius! The Relationship Between Pliny Ep. 1.15 and Several carmina Catulli" C&M 70 (2022) pp. 133

Endsjo, Dag Oistein "The Return of Alexander the Great in the Third Century A.D.: A Question of Daimones and Physical Immortality" C&M 70 (2022) pp. 149

S. Chrysanthou, Chrysanthos "Herodian's Septimius Severus: Literary Portrait and Historiography" C&M 70 (2022) pp. 181

Mattson, Hannah V. "Colour and Directional Symbolism in Ancestral Pueblo Radial Offerings from Chaco Canyon" CAJ 32.1 (2022) pp. 1-21

Lucianez-Trivino, Miriam; Sanjuan, Leonardo Garcia; Schuhmacher, Thomas "Crafting Idiosyncrasies. Early Social Complexity, Ivory and Identity-Making in Copper Age Iberia" CAJ 32.1 (2022) pp. 23-60

Taylor, Helen; Fernandes, Brice; Wraight, Sarah "The Evolution of Complementary Cognition: Humans Cooperatively Adapt and Evolve through a System of Collective Cognitive Search" CAJ 32.1 (2022) pp. 61-77

Knapp, A. Bernard; Russell, Anthony; Van Dommelen, Peter "Cyprus, Sardinia and Sicily: A Maritime Perspective on Interaction, Connectivity and Imagination in Mediterranean Prehistory" CAJ 32.1 (2022) pp. 79-97

Brady, Liam M.; McNiven, Ian J. "The Presence of Absence: Why Does the Post-contact Rock Art of Torres Strait (Northeastern Australia) Not Include Paintings of European Ships?" CAJ 32.1 (2022) pp. 99-115

Serafin, Stanley; Masson, Marilyn A.; Lope, Carlos Peraza; Kennett, Douglas J.; George, Richard J. "Social Identity and Dental Modification at the Postclassic Maya Urban Centre of Mayapan" CAJ 32.1 (2022) pp. 117-135

King, Rachel; Bonneau, Adelphine; Pearce, David "'They are all dead that I could ask': Indigenous Innovation and the Micropolitics of the Field in Twentieth-century Southern Africa" CAJ 32.1 (2022) pp. 137-152

Mizoguchi, Koji "Making Sense of the Transformation of Religious Practices: A Critical Long-term Perspective from Pre- and Proto-historic Japan" CAJ 32.1 (2022) pp. 153-172

Hissa, Sarah De~Barros Viana "On Time and Other Things: Some Cartesian Dichotomies in Antarctica" CAJ 32.2 (2022) pp. 173-187

Wolin, Daniela "Decapitated Heads as Elite Visual Culture in Late Shang China" CAJ 32.2 (2022) pp. 189-204

Morell-Hart, Shanti "Everyday Knowledge and Apothecary Craft: Pharmacopoeias of Ancient Northwestern Honduras" CAJ 32.2 (2022) pp. 205-225

Kim, Minkoo "Aggregation, status competition and levelling mechanisms in prehistoric Chulmun, Korea" CAJ 32.2 (2022) pp. 227-243

Lund, Julie "Kerbing Relations through Time: Reuse, Connectivity and Folded Time in the Viking Age" CAJ 32.2 (2022) pp. 245-264

Cobb, Hannah; Crellin, Rachel J. "Affirmation and Action: A Posthumanist Feminist Agenda for Archaeology" CAJ 32.2 (2022) pp. 265-279

Jervis, Ben "Becoming Through Milling: Challenging Linear Economic Narratives in Medieval England" CAJ 32.2 (2022) pp. 281-294

O'Dell, Yvonne; Harris, Oliver J.T. "What Can A [Feminist] Body Do? Immanent and Emergent Capacities of Bodies at Chinchorro and Wor Barrow" CAJ 32.2 (2022) pp. 295-303

Morris, Kate; Bickle, Penny "Finding Difference in Emotional Communities: New Feminisms of Women's Lives in the Nineteenth Century ce and Sixth Millennium bce" CAJ 32.2 (2022) pp. 305-319

Chang, Claudia "Nomadic Subjects: Sexual Difference in Ancient and Ethnographic Studies of Pastoral Mobility" CAJ 32.2 (2022) pp. 321-330

Eriksen, Marianne Hem; Kay, Kevin "Reflections on Posthuman Ethics. Grievability and the More-than-human Worlds of Iron and Viking Age Scandinavia" CAJ 32.2 (2022) pp. 331-343

Wang, Shengyu "Exotica, Fashion and Immortality: The New Use of Gold in Han Dynasty China (206 bce--ce 220)" CAJ 32.3 (2022) pp. 345-360

Huffman, Thomas N.; Main, Mike "Zimbabwe Ruins in Botswana: Settlement Hierarchies, Political Boundaries and Symbolic Statements" CAJ 32.3 (2022) pp. 361-388

Jones, Andrew Meirion; Diaz-Guardamino, Marta "Making a Mark: Process, Pattern and Change in the British and Irish Neolithic" CAJ 32.3 (2022) pp. 389-407

Kiarszys, Grzegorz "A Nuclear Generator of Clouds: Accidents and Radioactive Contamination Identified on Declassified Satellite Photographs in the Mayak Chemical Combine, Southern Urals" CAJ 32.3 (2022) pp. 409-429

Lopez-Calle, Paula; Ibero, Alvaro; Garcia-Diez, Marcos; Ochoa, Blanca; Andres-Herrero, Maria De; Alvarez-Alonso, David; Yravedra, Jose "Turning Art into Hammers: A Complex Biography of Palaeolithic Portable Art from Coimbre Cave (Asturias, Spain)" CAJ 32.3 (2022) pp. 431-444

Amzallag, Nissim "Cultural Metallurgy--A Key Factor in the Transition from the Chalcolithic to Bronze Age in the Southern Levant" CAJ 32.3 (2022) pp. 445-465

Galmes-Alba, Alejandra; Calvo-Trias, Manuel "Connecting Architectures across the Landscape: A Visibility and Network Analysis in the Island of Mallorca during the Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age" CAJ 32.3 (2022) pp. 467-487

Nion-Alvarez, Samuel "The Metalworker as Social Agent: A longue duree Approach from Northwestern Iberia Atlantic Facade (Ninth--First Centuries bce)" CAJ 32.3 (2022) pp. 489-506

Thomas, Julian "Neolithization and Population Replacement in Britain: An Alternative View" CAJ 32.3 (2022) pp. 507-525

Hens-Piazza, Gina "Zion's Destiny as Theological Disclosure: Mapping of a Metaphor across Isaiah" CBQ 84.1 (2022) pp. 1-14

Hiebert, Theodore "Dividing Genesis: The Role of the Flood in Biblical History and the Shape of Israelite Identity" CBQ 84.1 (2022) pp. 15-38

Shalom-Guy, Hava "Undercurrents in Restoration Literature: Abraham and the Promise of the Land in Nehemiah 9:6--37" CBQ 84.1 (2022) pp. 39-60

Smith, David Andrew "Isaac Transfigured: The Aqedah as Mashal in Matthean Midrash" CBQ 84.1 (2022) pp. 61-79

Szkredka, Slawomir "'Father, Forgive Them' (Luke 23:34a): Conflicting Interpretations and the Lucan Territory of Forgiveness" CBQ 84.1 (2022) pp. 80-96

Jutkiewicz, Piotr "Mary as a Disciple: The Reception of the Figure of Mary of Bethany (John 11:1--46) in the Old Syriac Sinaiticus Manuscript" CBQ 84.1 (2022) pp. 97-108

Feldman, Liane M. "Challenging a Priestly Credit Theology: A New Translation of Niphal [xxx]" CBQ 84.2 (2022) pp. 183-201

Wilson, Stephen M. "The Tactical Rationale For The 'Coward's Deferment' of Deuteronomy 20:8" CBQ 84.2 (2022) pp. 202-220

Andrejevs, Olegs "'Major Agreements'? The Synoptic Problem and Mark Goodacre's Redescription of the 'Mark--Q Overlaps'" CBQ 84.2 (2022) pp. 231-251

Fellows, Richard G. "Early Sexist Textual Variants, and Claims That Prisca, Junia, and Julia Were Men" CBQ 84.2 (2022) pp. 252-278

Gillman, Florence Morgan "Paul, His Nurse Metaphor (1 Thessalonians 2:7), and the Thessalonian Women Who Turned against Their Idols" CBQ 84.2 (2022) pp. 279-294

Joyce, Christopher J. "The Solonian Amnesty Law (Plu. Sol. 19.3--4) and the Athenian Law on Homicide" CJ 117.2 (2022) pp. 125-146

Alwine, Andrew T. "Xenophon on the Thirty: Political Philosophy in the Hellenica" CJ 117.2 (2022) pp. 151-175

Meyers, Rachel "Exceptional Female Benefactors in Roman Hispania" CJ 117.2 (2022) pp. 176-204

O'Brien, Carl S. "Introducing Renaissance Philosophy to the Undergraduate (Classics) Curriculum" CJ 117.2 (2022) pp. 205-222

White, David J. "Ovationes Anni Salutis MMXXI" CJ 117.2 (2022) pp. 223-226

Zelnick-Abramovitz, Rachel "The Verb Katalegein in Herodotus: Homeric Influence and the Writing Of History" CPh 117.1 (2022) pp. 1-23

Angelopoulou, Afroditi "Making Sense of Plato's Taste" CPh 117.1 (2022) pp. 24-44

Duke, George "Explanatory Causes in Aristotle's Constitutional Theory" CPh 117.1 (2022) pp. 45-62

Mcinerney, Jeremy "Food, Sex, and Greek Identity in the Hedypatheia of Archestratos" CPh 117.1 (2022) pp. 63-78

Goldberg, Charles "Rome's Best Man: The Vir Optimus Debate of 204 BCE and the Study of Roman Masculinity" CPh 117.1 (2022) pp. 79-98

Flower, Harriet I. "The Most Expensive Slave in Rome: Quintus Lutatius Daphnis" CPh 117.1 (2022) pp. 99-119

Mebane, Julia "Cicero's Ideal Statesman as the Helmsman of the Ship of State" CPh 117.1 (2022) pp. 120-138

Domaradzki, Mikolaj "Stoic Allegoresis: The Problem of Definition and Influence" CPh 117.1 (2022) pp. 139-162

Piperakis, Spyros "Plants Full of Signs: Herbal Lore in the Sacred Book of Hermes to Asclepius I" CPh 117.1 (2022) pp. 163-178

Panegyres, Konstantine "A Fragment of Aristotle in the Hesiodic Scholia" CPh 117.1 (2022) pp. 179-184

Golab, Hanna "The King and the Falcon: Euripides in an Egyptian Ritual" CPh 117.1 (2022) pp. 184-191

Crooks, Stephanie M. "Re-Viewing Ariadne: Catullus' Coverlet in a Single Frame" CPh 117.1 (2022) pp. 191-200

Chaudhuri, Pramit; Dexter, Joseph P. "More Latian Anagrams (Aen. 8.314--36)" CPh 117.1 (2022) pp. 200-209

Mcphee, Brian D. "Orpheus' Head at the Mouth of the Meles: Conon Narratives 45" CPh 117.1 (2022) pp. 209-219

Nooter, Sarah "Tragedy: Reconstruction and Repair" CPh 117.2 (2022) pp. 229-233 <-- doi: 10.1086/718678 -->

Prodi, Enrico Emanuele "Tragic Hexameters and Generic Archaeology: Hera's Hymn to the Nymphs (Aesch. Frags. 168--168b Radt)" CPh 117.2 (2022) pp. 234-258 <-- doi: 10.1086/718801 -->

Iordanoglou, Dimitrios; Tralau, Johan "Murder, Logic, and Embryology: The Beginnings of Political and Moral Philosophy in Aischylos' Oresteia" CPh 117.2 (2022) pp. 259-281 <-- doi: 10.1086/718958 -->

Weiberg, Erika L. "False Reports and Waiting Wives on the Home Front in Aeschylus' Agamemnon and Sophocles' Trachiniae" CPh 117.2 (2022) pp. 282-302 <-- doi: 10.1086/718677 -->

Catrambone, Marco "Sophocles Electra 1050--57 and the Pragmatics of Tragic Exits" CPh 117.2 (2022) pp. 303-323 <-- doi: 10.1086/718802 -->

Starkey, Jennifer S. "'The Famed Child of Menoeceus' (Eur. Phoen. 10)" CPh 117.2 (2022) pp. 324-342 <-- doi: 10.1086/718644 -->

Warwick, Celsiana "To kalliston kleos: Cassandra's Reformulation of Heroic Values in Euripides' Trojan Women" CPh 117.2 (2022) pp. 343-363 <-- doi: 10.1086/718676 -->

Yoon, Florence "Heralds and Messengers: Character Identity and Function in Greek Tragedy" CPh 117.2 (2022) pp. 364-385 <-- doi: 10.1086/718685 -->

Sandri, Maria Giovanna "On Aeschylus' Fragment 429a Radt (= 599a Mette)" CPh 117.2 (2022) pp. 386-389 <-- doi: 10.1086/718646 -->

Medaglia, Ludovica; Most, Glenn W. "Sophocles Trachiniae 1021--22" CPh 117.2 (2022) pp. 389-399 <-- doi: 10.1086/718782 -->

Clark, James T. "Extrametrical NAI and EIEN in Greek Tragedy" CPh 117.2 (2022) pp. 399-410 <-- doi: 10.1086/718780 -->

Ce, Massimo "The Secondary Incipit of the Odyssey (Od. 9.39): Quotation, Translation, and Adaptation in the Ancient Reception of Homer" CPh 117.3 (2022) pp. 411-437

Segev, Mor "Death, Immortality, and the Value of Human Existence in Aristotle's Eudemus Fragment 6 Ross" CPh 117.3 (2022) pp. 438-461

Vaahtera, Jaana "Servius and Virgil: Lessons in Gender Agreement" CPh 117.3 (2022) pp. 462-479

Piperakis, Spyros "Plants Full of Signs: Herbal Lore in the Sacred Book of Hermes to Asclepius II" CPh 117.3 (2022) pp. 480-494

Strozynski, Mateusz "Spiritual Exercise in Plotinus: The Deictic Method" CPh 117.3 (2022) pp. 495-517

Kopp, Hans "Athenian Documentary Language in Aristophanic Comedy: A Note on Lysistrata 528" CPh 117.3 (2022) pp. 518-525

Storey, Damien "The Soul-Turning Metaphor in Plato's Republic Book 7" CPh 117.3 (2022) pp. 525-542

Callon, Callie "Bed Head: A Note on the Durability (and Subsequent Potential 'Reuse') of Women's Hairstyles in Antiquity" CPh 117.3 (2022) pp. 542-553

Bednarek, Bartlomiej "Some Notes and Observations on the Tbilisi Hymn to Dionysus (P. Ross. Georg. 1.11)" CPh 117.3 (2022) pp. 553-563

Starkey, Jennifer "Artemis and the Furies in Euripides' Iphigenia among the Taurians" CW 115.2 (2022) pp. 103-129

Irrera, Elena "Perfect Virtue in Simonides' Ode to Scopas: Exploring Some Philosophical Underpinnings of the Tetragonos Man" CW 115.2 (2022) pp. 131-156

Satterfield, Susan "Tiberius, Asinius Gallus, and the Tiber Floods of 15 CE" CW 115.2 (2022) pp. 157-178

Mcnamara, Charles J. "Fourth-Century Fakes" CW 115.2 (2022) pp. 179-204

Press, Alexander "Broken Horses and Broken Heroes: The Last Word of the Iliad" CW 115.3 (2022) pp. 213-223

Haywood, Jan; Post, Doris "The Downfall of Croesus and Oedipus: Tracing Affinities Between Herodotus' Histories and Sophocles' Oedipus Tyrannus" CW 115.3 (2022) pp. 225-259

Allan, Arlene L. "If I Could Turn Back Time: Further Thoughts on Phaedra's Delirium in Euripides' Hippolytus (208--231)" CW 115.3 (2022) pp. 261-277

Zhang, Xiaoxi "Why Did Cicero Betroth Tullia to Furius Crassipes?" CW 115.3 (2022) pp. 279-290

Americo, Maria "Theory as an Inclusive Pedagogical Tool: Postcolonial Theory and the Greco-Arabic Translation Movement in Today's Ancient History Classrooms" CW 115.3 (2022) pp. 291-318

Randolph, Jacob "Gender, Knighthood, and Spiritual Imagination in Henry Suso's Life of the Servant" ChHist 91.1 (2022) pp. 1-19

Jones, Claire Taylor "Negotiating Liturgical Obligations in Late Medieval Dominican Convents" ChHist 91.1 (2022) pp. 20-40

Lewis, Simon "The Reception of Thomas Delaune's Plea for the Non-Conformists in England and America, 1684--1870" ChHist 91.1 (2022) pp. 41-61

Balik, Shelby M. "Delivery and Deliverance: Religious Experiences of Childbirth in Eighteenth-Century America" ChHist 91.1 (2022) pp. 62-82

Houston, Matthew "Beyond the "Marble Arch"? Archbishop J.A.F. Gregg, the Church of Ireland, and the Second World War, 1935--1945" ChHist 91.1 (2022) pp. 83-99

Streikus, Arunas "Between the Vatican and Moscow: The Lithuanian Imprint on the Death Throes of the Soviet Union (1979--1989)" ChHist 91.1 (2022) pp. 100-115

Fogleman, Alex "Anger, Prayer, and the Transformation of Desire: Augustine's Catechumenate as an Emotion-Shaping Institution" ChHist 91.2 (2022) pp. 227-244

Zoutendam, Erin Risch "The Bride of the Holy Trinity: The Role of Mary in Mechthild of Magdeburg's Mystical Theology" ChHist 91.2 (2022) pp. 245-263

Moore, Peter N. "An Enslaver's Guide to Slavery Reform: William Dunlop's 1690 Proposals to Christianize Slaves in the British Atlantic" ChHist 91.2 (2022) pp. 264-285

Kleber, Michaela "A Tale of Two Missions: Illinois Choices and Conversions at the Turn of the Eighteenth Century" ChHist 91.2 (2022) pp. 286-305

Urich, Joshua D. "'But All Had Great Reason to Dread!': Religion, Affect, and Conspiracy in the Stamp Act Crisis" ChHist 91.2 (2022) pp. 306-331

Andrews, Robert M. "Nicholas Wiseman, The Dublin Review, and the Oxford Movement: A Study with Reference to John Henry Newman, 1836 to 1845" ChHist 91.2 (2022) pp. 332-359

Kahane, Ahuvia "Homer and Ancient Narrative Time" ClAnt 41.1 (2022) pp. 1-50

Miller, Paul Allen "Pardon the Interruption: Khora, Rhetoric, and Cosmological Irony" ClAnt 41.1 (2022) pp. 51-66

Olsen, Sarah "Embracing Thetis in Euripides' Andromache" ClAnt 41.1 (2022) pp. 67-90

Radcliffe, Ben "(Mis)counting Catastrophe in Aeschylus' Persae" ClAnt 41.1 (2022) pp. 91-128

Wietzke, Johannes "Speaking Wit to Power: Reconsidering Royal Patronage through Archimedes' Sand-Reckoner" ClAnt 41.1 (2022) pp. 129-179

Elmer, David F. " Textual Jealousies in Chariton's Callirhoe" ClAnt 41.1 (2022) pp. 180-220

Poetsch, Christoph "Wie nichts sagen. Ein alternativer Vorschlag zu Plat. Soph. 237e4--5 und seine sprachphilosophischen Konsequenzen" Gymnasium 129.1 (2022) pp. 1-15

Sollradl, Bernhard "'satis est meminisse priorum'. Zur Funktion der Totenbeschworung in Stat. Theb. 4,406--645" Gymnasium 129.1 (2022) pp. 17-43

Chrysanthou, Chrysanthos S. "Kaiserliche Erscheinungsbilder in Herodians Geschichte des Kaisertums nach Marc Aurel. Die Kaiser Commodus und Caracalla" Gymnasium 129.1 (2022) pp. 45-74

Nongbri, B. "How the 'Jerusalem Scrolls' Became the Dead Sea Scrolls from Qumran Cave 1: Archaeology, the Antiquities Market, and the Spaces In Between" HThR 115.1 (2022) pp. 1-22

Fredriksen, P. "Philo, Herod, Paul, and the Many Gods of Ancient Jewish 'Monotheism'" HThR 115.1 (2022) pp. 23-45

Rosen-Zvi, I. "Between Wisdom and Apocalypse: Reading Tosefta Sotah Chapters 10--15" HThR 115.1 (2022) pp. 46-68

Proctor, T. "Hospitality, not Honors: Portraits and Patronage in the Acts of John" HThR 115.1 (2022) pp. 69-89

Hadad, E. "From 'God of the World' to 'God of the Heavens': From the Mishneh Torah to The Guide of the Perplexed" HThR 115.1 (2022) pp. 90-109

Petterson, C. "A Sermon to the Choir: Kathryn Tanner's Christianity and the New Spirit of Capitalism" HThR 115.1 (2022) pp. 136-147

Awabdy, Mark A.; Haner, Tobias "Sacrificial Fathers and the Death of Their Children: How the Story of Job Challenges the Priestly Tradition" HThR 115.2 (2022) pp. 149-170

Pioske, Daniel "An Archaeology of Ancient Thought: On the Hebrew Bible and the History of Ancient Israel" HThR 115.2 (2022) pp. 171-196

Staples, Jason A. "Vessels of Wrath and God's Pathos: Potter/Clay Imagery in Rom 9:20--23" HThR 115.2 (2022) pp. 197-218

Afterman, Adam "The Rise of the Holy Spirit in Sixteenth-Century Kabbalah" HThR 115.2 (2022) pp. 219-242

Pannese, Alessia "Epistemic Perspectives on Enthusiasm in Late Seventeenth-Century England" HThR 115.2 (2022) pp. 243-273

Cogley, Richard W. "Millenarianism in Puritan New England, 1630--1730: The Exceptional Case of Samuel Sewall and the Mexican Millennium" HThR 115.2 (2022) pp. 274-293

Rollens, Sarah E. "Abject Objects: The Lives and Times of Early Christian Material Culture" HThR 115.2 (2022) pp. 294-307

Chalmers, Matthew "Past Paul's Jewishness: The Benjaminite Paul in Epiphanius of Cyprus" HThR 115.3 (2022) pp. 309-330

Ben-Sasson, Menahem "'The Vision of Daniel' from the St. Petersburg Genizah" HThR 115.3 (2022) pp. 331-362

Durmaz, Reyhan "Five Hundred Bones from Constantinople: Monks, Manuscripts, and Memory at the Eastern Borders of Byzantium" HThR 115.3 (2022) pp. 363-386

Stern, Josef "Two Moments in the Biography of Qedushah (a.k.a. Holiness)" HThR 115.3 (2022) pp. 387-415

Forness, Philip Michael "Manuscript Discoveries and Debates over Orthodoxy in Early Christian Studies: The Case of the Syriac Poet-Theologian Jacob of Serugh" HThR 115.3 (2022) pp. 416-440

Brown, Benjamin "'The People Do Not Understand': R. Hayim Hirschensohn and Political Elitism in Modern Judaism (The Vilna Gaon, Rabbi N.Ts.Y. Berlin, I. B. Levinsohn, and Herzl)" HThR 115.3 (2022) pp. 441-465

Grasso, Valentina A. "The Qu'ran through the Lens of Late Antiquity, Late Antiquity through the Lens of the Qu'ran: Approaches, Perspectives and Possibilities" HThR 115.3 (2022) pp. 466-476

Rosler, Wolfgang "Ares und Aphrodite -- das Lied des Demodokos und seine Funktion in der "Odyssee"" Hermes 150.1 (2022) pp. 5-19

Wockener-Gade, Eva "Wie Neoptolemos fast zum xunergates wurde" Hermes 150.1 (2022) pp. 20-36

Shalev, Donna "Not Yes and Not No: mese apokrisis and Other Forms of "Non-Polar Response" in Ancient Greek Sources: Part II" Hermes 150.1 (2022) pp. 37-53

Zucchetti, Emilio "Performance, Legal Pronouncements, and Political Communication in the First Roman Civil War" Hermes 150.1 (2022) pp. 54-81

Malloch, S. J. V. "The Return of the King?" Hermes 150.1 (2022) pp. 82-100

Sisul, Ana Clara "The Misleading Historical Roots of an Appeal to Martyrdom in the Virgilian Cento De Ecclesia" Hermes 150.1 (2022) pp. 101-116

Schmidt, Ernst A. "Eutonie" Hermes 150.1 (2022) pp. 117-121

Gnilka, Christian "Kritische Kleinigkeiten zu Prudentius II" Hermes 150.1 (2022) pp. 122-127

Kyriakoy, Poulheria "Reciprocity and gifts in the encounters of Diomedes with Glaucus and Achilles with Priam in the Iliad" Hermes 150.2 (2022) pp. 131-149

Hessler, Jan Erik "A God among humans" Hermes 150.2 (2022) pp. 150-169

Russo, Alessandro "Un problema di attribuzione e l'apposizione parentetica in Ennio: a proposito di Enn. Ann. Dub. fr. V (= Inc. 31 Blansdorf, p. 434 Courtney) e Ann. 22 Skutsch" Hermes 150.2 (2022) pp. 170-189

Frolov, Roman M. "A Proconsul's administration of Rome?" Hermes 150.2 (2022) pp. 190-210

Feddern, Stefan "Zur Darstellung von Stella und Violentilla in Statius' Epithalamium (silv. 1,2) und in Martial-Epigrammen (5,11; 5,12; 6,21)" Hermes 150.2 (2022) pp. 211-231

Mayhew, Robert "Odysseus left sleeping: A note on a possible fragment from Aristotle's Homeric Problems in the Divisiones quae dicuntur Aristoteleae" Hermes 150.2 (2022) pp. 232-236

Hardie, Alex "Lucretius, the Atomists, and the Greek etymology of manare" Hermes 150.2 (2022) pp. 237-245

Panegyres, Konstantine "A Scholion on Pisistratus and Homer (Anecd. Gr. II 767--768 Bekker)" Hermes 150.2 (2022) pp. 246-250

Lubian, Francesco "Anth. Lat. 870 e 871 R." Hermes 150.2 (2022) pp. 251-255

Dimoula, Anastasia; Tsirtsoni, Zoi; Valamoti, Soultana Maria "Ceramic Cooking Dishes in the Prehistoric Aegean: Variability and Uses" Hesperia 91.1 (2022) pp. 1-61

Bennett, Danielle Smotherman "Visualizing the Traumatized: Athenian Images of Philomela and Prokne" Hesperia 91.1 (2022) pp. 63-88

Stewart, Andrew; Lawrence, Erin; Levitan, Rebecca; Turbeville, Kelsey "Classical Sculpture from the Athenian Agora, Part 4: Concluding Remarks on the Sculptures of the Temple of Ares (Athena Pallenis)" Hesperia 91.1 (2022) pp. 89-132

Jordan, David R. "Curse Tablets of the Roman Period from the Athenian Agora" Hesperia 91.1 (2022) pp. 133-210

Stocker, Sharon R.; Mcnamee, Calla; Vitale, Salvatore; Karkanas, Panayiotis; Davis, Jack L. "The Grave of the Griffin Warrior at Pylos: Construction, Burial, and Aftermath" Hesperia 91.2 (2022) pp. 211-250

Gaignerot-Driessen, Florence "Votive Keimelia from Crete: Homeric Perspectives on a 7th-Century Deposit of Curated Objects" Hesperia 91.2 (2022) pp. 251-278

Kardulias, P. Nick; Runnels, Curtis N. "Flaked Stone Tools and Domestic Economy in a Classical Polis: Lithics from the Lower Town at Halieis, Greece" Hesperia 91.2 (2022) pp. 279-309

Stewart, Andrew; Frischer, Bernard; Abdelaziz, Mohamed "Fear and Loathing in the Hellenistic Agora: Antenor's Tyrannicides Return" Hesperia 91.2 (2022) pp. 311-350

Roberts, Hugh "An Exiled Poet adapts Plato: Theophile de Viau's Traite de l'immortalite de l'ame and the Phaedo" IJCT 29.1 (2022) pp. 1-23

Easterbrook, Rhiannon "Shopping Like a Satyr, Styling like a Nymph: Towards a History of Classical Reception in Consumption" IJCT 29.1 (2022) pp. 24-49

Strawson, Harry "Spectres of Euripides: Time, Translation and Modernism in H.D.'s Euripides" IJCT 29.1 (2022) pp. 50-82

Abijuwa Agbamu, Samuel Asad "The Reception of Petrarch's Africa in Fascist Italy" IJCT 29.1 (2022) pp. 83-102

Mcnamara, James David "Portrayal of the Germani in Latin Textbooks in Germany, 1945--1989" IJCT 29.1 (2022) pp. 103-124

Coture, Jo "What About a Flat Earth? Pierre Gassendi's Reconstructions of Epicurus's Atomic Motion and the Shape of the Earth" IJCT 29.2 (2022) pp. 147-167

Dodd, Kirk "Cicero's Topics of Invention in Fielding's Preface to Joseph Andrews" IJCT 29.2 (2022) pp. 168-189

Watson, J.L. "Bodies Out of Time: Sculpting Queer Poetics and Queering Classical Sculpture in the Poetry of C. P. Cavafy" IJCT 29.2 (2022) pp. 190-213

Nogueira, Erico "Geoffrey Hill's Sapphics: A Translator's Perspective" IJCT 29.2 (2022) pp. 214-230

Marquardt, William H.; Walker, Karen J.; Thompson, Victor D.; Savarese, Michael; Thompson, Amanda D. Roberts; Newsom, Lee A. "Episodic complexity and the emergence of a coastal kingdom: Climate, cooperation, and coercion in Southwest Florida" JAnthArch 65 (2022) pp. 101364

Li, Min "Libation ritual and the performance of kingship in early China" JAnthArch 65 (2022) pp. 101370

Chen, Ran; He, Yahui; Li, Xinwei; Ramos, Jorge; Li, Moran; Liu, Li "Fermented maize beverages as ritual offerings: Investigating elite drinking during Classic Maya period at Copan, Honduras" JAnthArch 65 (2022) pp. 101373

Faust, Avraham; Safrai, Ze'ev "Toward a quantitative history of ancient Israel: Burials as a test case" JAnthArch 65 (2022) pp. 101374

Swerida, Jennifer "Revisiting 'Settlement': A case study of terminology and Early Bronze Age southeast Arabia" JAnthArch 65 (2022) pp. 101382

Casale, Simone; Dessel, Kwinten Van; Hoogland, Menno L.P.; Degryse, Patrick; Hofman, Corinne L. "Technological persistence in ceramic production in the southeastern Hispaniola. The case study of El Cabo (600--1502 CE)" JAnthArch 65 (2022) pp. 101387

Prentiss, Anna Marie; Walsh, Matthew J.; Gjesfjeld, Erik; Denis, Megan; Foor, Thomas A. "Cultural macroevolution in the middle to late Holocene Arctic of east Siberia and north America" JAnthArch 65 (2022) pp. 101388

Franchetti, Fernando; Otaola, Clara; Salgan, Laura; Giardina, Miguel; Morgan, Christopher "Obsidian conveyance among hunter-gatherers in northwestern Patagonia" JAnthArch 65 (2022) pp. 101389

Denham, Tim; Donohue, Mark "Mapping the middle ground between foragers and farmers" JAnthArch 65 (2022) pp. 101390

Kot, Malgorzata; Pavlenok, Galina; Krajcarz, Maciej T.; Szymanek, Marcin; Fedorowicz, Stanislaw; Moska, Piotr; Khudjanazarov, Mukhiddin; Szymczak, Karol; Leloch, Michal; Kogai, Sergey; Talamo, Sahra; Fewlass, Helen; Pavlenok, Konstantin "Is there Initial Upper Palaeolithic in Western Tian Shan? Example of an open-air site Katta Sai 2 (Uzbekistan)" JAnthArch 65 (2022) pp. 101391

Connolly, Thomas J.; Ruiz, Christopher L.; Deur, Douglas; Chocktoot, Perry; Kennedy, Jaime L.; Jenkins, Dennis L.; Knowles, Julia A. "Looking back, looking forward: Resilience and persistence in a Klamath tribal community" JAnthArch 65 (2022) pp. 101392

Kodas, Ergul; Yelozer, Sera; Ciftci, Yunus; Baysal, Emma L. "Symbolism in action: Techno-typology, function, and human-artefact dynamics in figured/non-figured bone plaques from Pre-Pottery Neolithic Boncuklu Tarla, Turkey" JAnthArch 65 (2022) pp. 101393

Eberl, Markus; Doonan, William F. "Realizing potentiality. Donut stones in ancient Maya society" JAnthArch 65 (2022) pp. 101394

Jennings, Justin; Biwer, Matthew E.; Conlee, Christina A. "Assembling the early expansionary state: Wari and the southern Peruvian coast" JAnthArch 65 (2022) pp. 101395

Brady, Liam M.; Taylor, Luke; May, Sally K.; Tacon, Paul S.C. "Meaningful choices and relational networks: Analysing western Arnhem Land's Painted Hand rock art style using chaine operatoire" JAnthArch 65 (2022) pp. 101396

Wang, Jiajing; Liu, Li "Introduction: Alcohol, rituals, and politics in the ancient world" JAnthArch 65 (2022) pp. 101397

Cannon, Michael D.; Meltzer, David J. "Forager mobility, landscape learning and the peopling of Late Pleistocene North America" JAnthArch 65 (2022) pp. 101398

Vaxevanopoulos, Markos; Blichert-Toft, Janne; Davis, Gillan; Albarede, Francis "New findings of ancient Greek silver sources" JArchSc 137 (2022) pp. 105474

Ejsmond, Wojciech; Ozarek-Szilke, Marzena A.; Jaworski, Marcin; Szilke, Stanislaw; Jaroszewska, Katarzyna "Further evidence to confirm the 'pregnant mummy': A reply to Saleem (2021)" JArchSc 137 (2022) pp. 105504

Borreggine, Marisa; Powell, Evelyn; Pico, Tamara; Mitrovica, Jerry X.; Meadow, Richard; Tryon, Christian "Not a bathtub: A consideration of sea-level physics for archaeological models of human migration" JArchSc 137 (2022) pp. 105507

Saleem, Sahar N. "A radiological reassessment of the 'pregnant mummy': A comment to Ejsmond et al., 2021" JArchSc 137 (2022) pp. 105508

Dominika, Sieczkowska; Bartlomiej, CMielewski; Krzysztof, Wolski; Dabek, Pawel B.; Bastante, Jose M.; Izabela, Wilczynska "Inca water channel flow analysis based on 3D models from terrestrial and UAV laser scanning at the Chachabamba archaeological site (Machu Picchu National Archaeological Park, Peru)" JArchSc 137 (2022) pp. 105515

Bird, Michael I.; Haig, Jordahna; Ulm, Sean; Wurster, Christopher "A carbon and nitrogen isotope perspective on ancient human diet in the British Isles" JArchSc 137 (2022) pp. 105516

Rannamae, Eve; Saarma, Urmas; Blauer, Auli "Cultural influences on the castration age of cattle in the northern Baltic Sea region during the medieval and post-medieval periods" JArchSc 137 (2022) pp. 105517

James, L. Brock; Joyce, Kaley; Magargal, Kate E.; Codding, Brian F. "A stone in the hand is worth how many in the bush? Applying the marginal value theorem to understand optimal toolstone transportation, processing, and discard decisions" JArchSc 137 (2022) pp. 105518

Mateu, Marta; Fernandez, Hugo; Daneels, Annick; Cabadas, Hector; Pina, Salvador "Earthen architecture in the Mesoamerican classic period: A micromorphological approach to its manufacture process" JArchSc 137 (2022) pp. 105525

Casanova, Emmanuelle; Knowles, Timothy D.J.; Bayliss, Alex; Walton-Doyle, Caitlin; Barclay, Alistair; Evershed, Richard P. "Compound-specific radiocarbon dating of lipid residues in pottery vessels: A new approach for detecting the exploitation of marine resources" JArchSc 137 (2022) pp. 105528

Guder, UMit; Ceken, Muharrem; Yavas, Alptekin; Yalcin, Unsal; Raabe, Dierk "First evidence of crucible steel production in Medieval Anatolia, Kubadabad: A trace for possible technology exchange between Anatolia and Southern Asia" JArchSc 137 (2022) pp. 105529

Popelka-Filcoff, Rachel S.; Zipkin, Andrew M. "The archaeometry of ochre sensu lato: A review" JArchSc 137 (2022) pp. 105530

Bates, Jennifer; Black, Kelly Wilcox; Morrison, Kathleen D. "Millet bread and pulse dough from early Iron Age South India: Charred food lumps as culinary indicators" JArchSc 137 (2022) pp. 105531

Shirazi, Sabrina; Broomandkhoshbacht, Nasreen; Oppenheimer, Jonas; Metcalfe, Jessica Z.; Found, Rob; Ives, John W.; Shapiro, Beth "Ancient DNA-based sex determination of bison hide moccasins indicates Promontory cave occupants selected female hides for footwear" JArchSc 137 (2022) pp. 105533

Vanderkam, James C. "R. H. Charles and Modern Biblical Studies" JBL 141.1 (2022) pp. 6-22

Najman, Hindy; Schmid, Konrad "Reading the Blood Plague (Exodus 7: 14--25): The Hermeneutics of a Composite Text" JBL 141.1 (2022) pp. 23-42

Mandell, Alice "Writing as a Source of Ritual Authority: The High Priest's Body as a Priestly Text in the Tabernacle-Building Story" JBL 141.1 (2022) pp. 43-64

Johnson, Benjamin J. M. "Humor in the Midst of Tragedy: The Comic Vision of 1 Samuel 4--6" JBL 141.1 (2022) pp. 65-82

Gilmour, Rachelle "Sex Scandal and the Politics of David's Throne" JBL 141.1 (2022) pp. 83-104

Cunha, Wilson De Angelo "Isaiah 39 and the Motif of Human Trust in First Isaiah" JBL 141.1 (2022) pp. 105-120

Suchard, Benjamin D. "The Greek in Daniel 3: Code-Switching, Not Loanwords" JBL 141.1 (2022) pp. 121-136

Levinson, Hanne Loland "Still Invisible after All These Years? Female God-Language in the Hebrew Bible: A Response to David J. A. Clines" JBL 141.2 (2022) pp. 199-217

Vandyke, Elizabeth "Designing the Golden Calf: Pens and Presumption in the Production of a "Divine" Image" JBL 141.2 (2022) pp. 219-233

Graybill, Rhiannon "A Child Is Being Eaten: Maternal Cannibalism and the Hebrew Bible in the Company of Fairy Tales" JBL 141.2 (2022) pp. 235-255

Smith, H. Clay "Reconsidering the Composition of Ezra-Nehemiah in Light of 2 Maccabees 1:10--2:18" JBL 141.2 (2022) pp. 257-276

Berges, Ulrich "Isaiah 55--66 and the Psalms: Shared Viewpoints, Literary Similarities, and Neighboring Authors" JBL 141.2 (2022) pp. 277-299

Gallagher, Edmon L. "Daniel and the Diadochi" JBL 141.2 (2022) pp. 301-316

Gordon, Nehemia "Text-Correcting Qere, Scribal Errors, and Textual Variants in Medieval Hebrew Bible Manuscripts" JBL 141.2 (2022) pp. 317-336

Kochenash, Michael "Unbelievable: An Interpretation of Acts 12 That Takes Rhoda's Cassandra Curse Seriously" JBL 141.2 (2022) pp. 337-357

Fredriksen, Paula "What Does It Mean to See Paul "within Judaism"?" JBL 141.2 (2022) pp. 359-380

Wilson, Annalisa Phillips "The Craftsman: Paul's Law of Christ and the Stoic Law of Nature" JBL 141.2 (2022) pp. 381-401

Bhola, Rajiv K. "Like Borrowed Money: Plato and the Theft of Divine Knowledge in Eusebius's Praeparatio Evangelica" JECS 30.1 (2022) pp. 1-29

Dasios, Maria "Revealing from Above What Is Hidden Below: Macrina's Seal and Gregory's Hermeneutics of Optimism" JECS 30.1 (2022) pp. 31-58

Cosgrove, Charles H. "Case-Precedent in John Chrysostom's Interpretation of "Plucking Grain on the Sabbath" (Matt 12.1--8)" JECS 30.1 (2022) pp. 59-88

Kurdybaylo, Dmitry "Baptismal Cosmology in the Teaching of St. Gregory" JECS 30.1 (2022) pp. 89-117

Cohen, Samuel "Spelunca pravitatis hereticae: Gregory I and the Rededication of "Arian" Church Buildings in Late Antique Rome" JECS 30.1 (2022) pp. 119-148

Stevens, Luke J. "Twenty-Four Elders: Revelation and the Old Testament Canon in Victorinus and Melito" JECS 30.2 (2022) pp. 165-192

Messer, Adam G. "Origen of Alexandria and Late Antique Gift-Giving: The Integration of Benefaction with Christian Theology and Experience" JECS 30.2 (2022) pp. 193-221

Przyszychowska, Marta "The Date of the Council of Gangra Reconsidered (358)" JECS 30.2 (2022) pp. 223-243

Boswell, Brad "Moses the Hellenic Sage: Re-reading Julian's Against the Galileans" JECS 30.2 (2022) pp. 245-274

Reidy, Joseph J. "The Works of Gelasius of Caesarea: A Potential Source for Sozomen's Ecclesiastical History?" JECS 30.2 (2022) pp. 275-298

Iozzia, Daniele "A Beginner's Success: The Impact of Plotinus's First Treatise among Christians" JHI 83.1 (2022) pp. 1-16

Edelstein, Dan "A "Revolution" in Political Thought: Translations of Polybius Book 6 and the Conceptual History of Revolution" JHI 83.1 (2022) pp. 17-40

Schultz, Karie "Protestant Intellectual Culture and Political Ideas in the Scottish Universities, ca. 1600--50" JHI 83.1 (2022) pp. 41-62

Nakhimovsky, Isaac "Georg Lukacs and Revolutionary Realpolitik, 1918--19: An Essay on Ethical Action, Historical Judgment, and the History of Political Thought" JHI 83.1 (2022) pp. 63-85

Tadd, Misha "Global Laozegetics: A Study in Globalized Philosophy" JHI 83.1 (2022) pp. 87-109

Wilner, Isaiah Lorado "Body Knowledge, Part I: Dance, Anthropology, and the Erasure of History" JHI 83.1 (2022) pp. 111-142

Johnson, Sarah "Farewell to The German Ideology" JHI 83.1 (2022) pp. 143-170

Valle, Tomas Antonio "Eilhard Lubin, Academic Unorthodoxy, and the Dynamics of Confessional Intellectual Cultures" JHI 83.2 (2022) pp. 181-206

Tutino, Stefania "The Mystery of Mount Vesuvius's Crosses: Belief, Credulity, and Credibility in Post-Reformation Catholicism" JHI 83.2 (2022) pp. 207-227

Wilner, Isaiah Lorado "Body Knowledge, Part II: Motion, Memory, and the Mythology of Modernity" JHI 83.2 (2022) pp. 229-255

Olsen, Niklas; Slobodian, Quinn "Locating Ludwig von Mises: Introduction" JHI 83.2 (2022) pp. 257-267

Callison, William "The Politics of Rationality in Early Neoliberalism: Max Weber, Ludwig von Mises, and the Socialist Calculation Debate" JHI 83.2 (2022) pp. 269-291

Rahtz, Joshua "Two Types of Separation: Ludwig von Mises and German Neoliberalism" JHI 83.2 (2022) pp. 293-313

Jensen, Jacob "Repurposing Mises: Murray Rothbard and the Birth of Anarchocapitalism" JHI 83.2 (2022) pp. 315-332

Weber, Isabella M. "Neoliberal Economic Thinking and the Quest for Rational Socialism in China: Ludwig von Mises and the Market Reform Debate" JHI 83.2 (2022) pp. 333-356

Lizzul, Giorgio "Liberality as a Fiscal Problem in Medieval and Renaissance Thought: A Genealogy from Aristotle's Tyrant to Machiavelli's Prince" JHI 83.3 (2022) pp. 363-385 <-- doi: 10.1353/jhi.2022.0018 -->

Blank, Daniel "Debating Drama in the Early Modern University: John Case, Aristotle's Politics, and a Previously Unknown Oxford Disputation" JHI 83.3 (2022) pp. 387-406 <-- doi: 10.1353/jhi.2022.0019 -->

Skjonsberg, Max "Charles Francis Sheridan on the Feudal Origins and Political Science of the 1772 Revolution in Sweden" JHI 83.3 (2022) pp. 407-430 <-- doi: 10.1353/jhi.2022.0020 -->

Morales, Edgardo Perez "The Neapolitan Enlightenment and the Conceptual Challenges of Antislavery Legislation in Colombia" JHI 83.3 (2022) pp. 431-450 <-- doi: 10.1353/jhi.2022.0021 -->

Mckenzie-Mcharg, Andrew "From Status Politics to the Paranoid Style: Richard Hofstadter and the Pitfalls of Psychologizing History" JHI 83.3 (2022) pp. 451-475 <-- doi: 10.1353/jhi.2022.0022 -->

Shurts, Sarah "Identity, Immigration, and Islam: Neo-reactionary and New-Right Perceptions and Prescriptions" JHI 83.3 (2022) pp. 477-499 <-- doi: 10.1353/jhi.2022.0023 -->

Nadler, Steven "The Many Lives of Rene Descartes" JHI 83.3 (2022) pp. 501-522 <-- doi: 10.1353/jhi.2022.0024 -->

Hoflmayer, Felix; Manning, Sturt W. "A Synchronized Early Middle Bronze Age Chronology for Egypt, the Levant, and Mesopotamia" JNES 81.1 (2022) pp. 1-24 <-- doi: 10.1086/718498 -->

Abaci, Zeynep Dortok; Ergene, Bogac "The Price of Justice: Revenues Generated by Ottoman Courts of Law in the Late Seventeenth and Early Eighteenth Centuries" JNES 81.1 (2022) pp. 25-52 <-- doi: 10.1086/718561 -->

Winkler, Andreas "Magical Obstetrics: Anubis, Bird Blood, and a Black Shrew" JNES 81.1 (2022) pp. 53-70 <-- doi: 10.1086/718783 -->

Kozah, Mario "New Evidence for an Early Islamic Arabic Dialect in Eastern Arabia? The Qatrayith ('in Qatari') Spoken in Beth Qatraye" JNES 81.1 (2022) pp. 71-83 <-- doi: 10.1086/718562 -->

Scalf, Foy "Oriental Institute Museum Notes No. 17: An Abydos Setting for a Stela of Osiris Sety I" JNES 81.1 (2022) pp. 85-98 <-- doi: 10.1086/717786 -->

Carlson, Thomas A. "'The Garden of the Reasonable': Religious Diversity Among Middle Eastern Physicians, ad 1000--1500" JNES 81.1 (2022) pp. 99-118 <-- doi: 10.1086/718476 -->

Goyal, Raashid S. "Rebel's Advocate: How Abu 'Ubayda Ma'mar b. al-Muthanna Came to be Labelled a Kharijite" JNES 81.1 (2022) pp. 119-137 <-- doi: 10.1086/716039 -->

Kahn, Dan'El "The Date of the Arrival of the Judeans at Elephantine and the Foundation of Their Colony" JNES 81.1 (2022) pp. 139-164 <-- doi: 10.1086/718651 -->

Miglio, Adam E. "Soundscapes, Portentous Calls, and Bird Symbolism in the Gilgames Epic" JNES 81.1 (2022) pp. 165-185 <-- doi: 10.1086/718002 -->

Graiver, Inbar "Demonic Machinations and Cognitive Mechanisms: Cognitive Insights into Early Monastic Demonology" JR 102.1 (2022) pp. 1-26

Jordan, Peter N. "Providence and the Affective Benefits of Natural Causality" JR 102.1 (2022) pp. 27-46

Kars, Aydogan "The Early Transmission of al-Suhrawardi's 'Awarif al-Ma'arif" JR 102.1 (2022) pp. 47-92

Walters, Holly "Cornerstones: Shaligrams as Kin" JR 102.1 (2022) pp. 93-119

Gellman, Jerome "Beyond Physicalism to Mystical Spirituality" JR 102.1 (2022) pp. 120-127

Beyond Transcendence and Immanence: The Moral Theology of Mordecai "obert Erlewine" JR 102.2 (2022) pp. 159-183

Green, Alexander "Joseph Ibn Kaspi on Contradictions in the Bible" JR 102.2 (2022) pp. 184-203

Nahme, Paul E. "Ghosted: Jewishness and the Haunted Hegemony of Racial Modernity" JR 102.2 (2022) pp. 204-236

Stewart-Kroeker, Sarah "Sacrifice in Environmental Ethics and Theology" JR 102.2 (2022) pp. 237-261

Religion, the Environment, and Global Modernity in the Land of "ohn E. Cort" JR 102.2 (2022) pp. 262-274

Eikelboom, Lexi "Reading for Form in Doctrine: Literary Approaches to Przywara's Analogia Entis" JR 102.3 (2022) pp. 307--331

Kildoo, Jacob M. "Is Incommensurability Insurmountable? A Modest Response to Some Interpretations of George Lindbeck" JR 102.3 (2022) pp. 332--353

Sadik, Shalom "Natural Law and the Law of Moses in Jewish Averroistic Philosophy" JR 102.3 (2022) pp. 354--375

Susnow, Matthew "Toward a Methodology for Identifying Ritual in the Archaeological Record: A Case Study from the Southern Levant" JR 102.3 (2022) pp. 376--409

Hedrick, Lisa Landoe "Caputo and the Language of Radicality" JR 102.3 (2022) pp. 410--416

Vesely, Patricia "The Physicality of Virtue in Job 31: The Use of Bodily Terms in Job's Depiction of Moral Integrity" JThS 73.1 (2022) pp. 1--21

Grillo, Jennie "Out of Print: Excising and Preserving the Daniel Tradition in Early Printed Greek Bibles" JThS 73.1 (2022) pp. 22--42

Morgan, James M "Proofs of the Divine: Luke's Use of Tekmhpion in Acts 1:3 in Light of Herodotus' Description of the Battle of Mycale (Hist. 9.100.2)" JThS 73.1 (2022) pp. 43--61

Moxon, John R L "'Rise, Kill and Eat!'--A Missing Dionysian Link in the Acts of the Apostles?" JThS 73.1 (2022) pp. 62--91

Wells, Kyle B "The Liberation of the Body of Creation: Towards a Pauline Environmental Ethic" JThS 73.1 (2022) pp. 92--103

Heilmann, Jan "Ancient Literary Culture and Meals in the Greco-Roman World: The Role of Reading During Ancient Symposia and its Relevance for the New Testament" JThS 73.1 (2022) pp. 104--125

Lincicum, David "1 and 2 Clement in the Pandektes of Nikon of the Black Mountain" JThS 73.1 (2022) pp. 126--131

Miller, Micah M "The Auto-X Attributes of the Father and the Son in Origen" JThS 73.1 (2022) pp. 132--166

Doerfler, Maria E "Translating Eve: Death and Female Identity in a Funerary Hymn Ascribed to Ephrem" JThS 73.1 (2022) pp. 167--194

Beckwith, Carl L "Augustine's Mature Understanding of John 5:19 and the Doctrine of Inseparable Operations" JThS 73.1 (2022) pp. 195--232

Atherstone, Andrew "Scripture, Satan, and the Sacrament: The Clifton Excommunication Case of 1874--1876" JThS 73.1 (2022) pp. 233--256

Allan, Rutger; Van Opstall, Emilie "Preface by the Guest Editors" Mnemosyne 75.1 (2022) pp. 1--3

* "Complete List of Publications by Gerard Boter" Mnemosyne 75.1 (2022) pp. 4--9

De Jonge, Casper C. "Greek Migrant Literature in the Early Roman Empire" Mnemosyne 75.1 (2022) pp. 10--36

De~Jong, Irene J.F. "Spectators and Spectacle in Quintus' Posthomerica" Mnemosyne 75.1 (2022) pp. 37--57

Jones, Christopher P. "Grammarians and Emperors" Mnemosyne 75.1 (2022) pp. 58--71

Bowie, Ewen "Greek High Culture in Hellenistic and Early Imperial Bithynia. Towards a Prosopography of Practitioners of Greek Culture in Bithynia Down to the Middle of the Third Century AD" Mnemosyne 75.1 (2022) pp. 73--112

Camerotto, Alberto "Heracles and the Monkey. Paideia and Money in Lucian of Samosata" Mnemosyne 75.1 (2022) pp. 113--144

Martijn, Marije "Colourful Planets. The Reception of an Astronomical Detail in the Myth of Er" Mnemosyne 75.1 (2022) pp. 145--168

Praet, Danny "Death and the Maiden in Philostratus, About Apollonius of Tyana 4.45. Miracle, Mystery or Philosophical Skepticism?" Mnemosyne 75.1 (2022) pp. 169--206

Given, Michael "Flowing Rock, Dancing around Trees: Conviviality and the Landscape of Cyprus" NEA 85.1 (2022) pp. 4-11

Ciftci, Yunus "Cemka Hoyuk, Late Epipaleolithic and PPNA Phase Housing Architecture: Chronological and Typological Change" NEA 85.1 (2022) pp. 12-22

Muti, Giulia "Through the Eye of a Needle: A Textile Perspective on the Chalcolithic--Bronze Age Transition in Cyprus" NEA 85.1 (2022) pp. 24-32

Budin, Stephanie Lynn "Nude Awakenings: Early Dynastic Nude Female Iconography" NEA 85.1 (2022) pp. 34-43

Casagrande-Kim, Roberta; Erduran, Deniz Ucer; Frank, Emily; Gungor, Izel "From Excavation to Vitrine: The Afterlife of Late Hellenistic Bovine Terracottas from Nigde Kinik Hoyuk" NEA 85.1 (2022) pp. 44-53

Mcgeough, Kevin "Progress, Design, and Hyperreal Spectacle: The Ancient Near East in Nineteenth-Century Expos, Fairs, and Geographical Amusements" NEA 85.1 (2022) pp. 54-65

Balandier, Claire; Cipin, Ian; Hartenberger, Britt; Islam, Moni "Archaeology in a Pandemic: Four Stories" NEA 85.1 (2022) pp. 66-73

Ebeling, Jennie; Caraher, William "The Case for Digital Site Reports" NEA 85.1 (2022) pp. 74-77

Mazar, Amihai "Tel Rehov: The Site and Its Excavation: The Site and Its Excavation" NEA 85.2 (2022) pp. 84-89

Zilberman, Uri Davidovich And Ezra "Tectonic Activity and Site-Formation Processes at Tel Rehov" NEA 85.2 (2022) pp. 90-95

Mazar, Amihai; Davidovich, Uri; Panitz-Cohen, Nava; Rotem, Yael; Fink, Amir Sumaka'i "The Canaanite City at Tel Rehov: From the Early Bronze Age to the End of the Iron Age I: From the Early Bronze Age to the End of the Iron Age I" NEA 85.2 (2022) pp. 96-109

Mazar, Amihai "Tel Rehov in the Tenth and Ninth Centuries BCE" NEA 85.2 (2022) pp. 110-125

Mazar, Amihai; Panitz-Cohen, Nava; Bloch, Guy "The Apiary at Tel Rehov: An Updat" NEA 85.2 (2022) pp. 126-131

Panitz-Cohen, Nava; Mazar, Amihai "The Exceptional Ninth-Century BCE Northwestern Quarter at Tel Rehov" NEA 85.2 (2022) pp. 132-145

Mazar, Amihai; Mullins, Robert A. "Facing Assyria: Tel Rehov in the Late Ninth and the Eighth Centuries BCE: Tel Rehov in the Late Ninth and the Eighth Centuries BCE" NEA 85.2 (2022) pp. 146-151

Kletter, Raz; Saarelainen, Katri "The Iron Age II Figurines and Zoomorphic Vessels of Tel Rehov" NEA 85.2 (2022) pp. 152-158

Yahalom-Mack, Naama "Metalworking at Tel Rehov" NEA 85.2 (2022) pp. 159-163

Animal Remains from Tel Rehov: Economy and Culture in the Iron Age "imrod Marom, Karin Tamar, Sierra Harding" NEA 85.2 (2022) pp. 164-169

Lernau, Omri "Fish Imported from a Distance and Consumed at Tel Rehov" NEA 85.2 (2022) pp. 170-171

Bockmuehl, Markus "Being Emmanuel: Matthew's Ever-Present Jesus?" NTS 68.1 (2022) pp. 1-12

Bockmuehl, M. "Being Emmanuel: Matthew's Ever-Present Jesus?" NTS 68.1 (2022) pp. 1-12

Grunstaudl, Wolfgang "Luke's Doublets and the Synoptic Problem" NTS 68.1 (2022) pp. 13-25

Grunstaudl, W. "Luke's Doublets and the Synoptic Problem" NTS 68.1 (2022) pp. 13-25

Guthrie, George H. "The Tree and the Temple: Echoes of a New Ingathering and Renewed Exile (Mark 11.12--21)" NTS 68.1 (2022) pp. 26-37

Guthrie, G. "The Tree and the Temple: Echoes of a New Ingathering and Renewed Exile (Mark 11.12--21)" NTS 68.1 (2022) pp. 26-37

Moore, Nicholas J. "'He Saw Heaven Opened': Heavenly Temple and Universal Mission in Luke-Acts" NTS 68.1 (2022) pp. 38-51

Moore, N. "'He Saw Heaven Opened': Heavenly Temple and Universal Mission in Luke-Acts" NTS 68.1 (2022) pp. 38-51

Roth, Dieter T. "The Testimony for Marcion's Gospel in NA28: Revisiting the Apparatus to Luke in the Light of Recent Research" NTS 68.1 (2022) pp. 52-60

Roth, D. "The Testimony for Marcion's Gospel in NA28: Revisiting the Apparatus to Luke in the Light of Recent Research" NTS 68.1 (2022) pp. 52-60

Malik, Peter "On Citing the Sahidic Version of Hebrews: Theoretical Reflections and Examples from Textual Practice" NTS 68.1 (2022) pp. 61-75

Malik, P. "On Citing the Sahidic Version of Hebrews: Theoretical Reflections and Examples from Textual Practice" NTS 68.1 (2022) pp. 61-75

Archer, Joel "Ancient Bioi and Luke's Modifications of Matthew's Longer Discourses" NTS 68.1 (2022) pp. 76-88

Archer, J. "Ancient Bioi and Luke's Modifications of Matthew's Longer Discourses" NTS 68.1 (2022) pp. 76-88

Miroshnikov, Ivan "A New Witness to the Fayyumic Version of First Corinthians (P.MorganLib. 265). Part I: Notes on Codicology, Language, Provenance and Date" NTS 68.1 (2022) pp. 89-104

Miroshnikov, I. "A New Witness to the Fayyumic Version of First Corinthians (P.MorganLib. 265). Part I: Notes on Codicology, Language, Provenance and Date" NTS 68.1 (2022) pp. 89-104

Mckay, J. Michael "Is Joshua a Type of Christ in Hebrews 4.8? An Assessment of the Referent of Iesous" NTS 68.1 (2022) pp. 105-118

McKay, J. "Is Joshua a Type of Christ in Hebrews 4.8? An Assessment of the Referent of Iesous" NTS 68.1 (2022) pp. 105-118

Mitchell, M. "John Chrysostom and Christian Love Magic: A Spellbinding Moment in the History of Interpretation of 1 Cor 7.2--4" NTS 68.2 (2022) pp. 119-143

Kavin, R. "What if it were True? Why Study the New Testament" NTS 68.2 (2022) pp. 144-155

Allen, G. "Titles in the New Testament Papyri" NTS 68.2 (2022) pp. 156-171

Pawlak, M. "Paul's Escape from Damascus (2 Cor 11.32--3) and the corona muralis" NTS 68.2 (2022) pp. 172-187

Evans, D. "Kollethentes in Acts 17.34 and the Establishment of the Athenian Church" NTS 68.2 (2022) pp. 188-205

Miroshnikov, I. "A New Witness to the Fayyumic Version of First Corinthians (P.MorganLib. 265). Part II: Notes on its Text-Critical Value, with an Edition of the Coptic Text" NTS 68.2 (2022) pp. 206-230

Hewitt, J. Thomas "Pneuma, Genealogical Descent and Things That Do Not Exist according to Paul" NTS 68.3 (2022) pp. 239-252

Marcar, Katie "Following in the Footsteps: Exemplarity, Ethnicity and Ethics in 1 Peter" NTS 68.3 (2022) pp. 253-273

Butticaz, Simon "De la parente d'auteur(s) a la 'memoire generationnelle' (P. Nora): l'oeuvre de Luc et les lettres pastorales en relation" NTS 68.3 (2022) pp. 274-293

Witetschek, Stephan "Wer spricht? Die Redeeinleitungen im Thomasevangelium" NTS 68.3 (2022) pp. 294-309

Last, Richard "Christ Worship in the Neighbourhood: Corinth's ekklesia and its Vicinity (1 Cor 14.22--5)" NTS 68.3 (2022) pp. 310-325

Esler, Philip F. "The Righteousness of Joseph: Interpreting Matt 1.18--25 in Light of Judean Legal Papyri" NTS 68.3 (2022) pp. 326-343

Johnson, David Ray "The Image of the Beast as a Parody of the Two Witnesses" NTS 68.3 (2022) pp. 344-350

Weghe, Luuk Van De "The Beloved Eyewitness" NTS 68.3 (2022) pp. 351-357

Zieminska, Agnieszka "The Origin of the 'Needle's Eye Gate' Myth: Theophylact or Anselm?" NTS 68.3 (2022) pp. 358-361

Lantschner, Patrick "City States in the Later Medieval Mediterranean World" P&P 254 (2022) pp. 3--49

Fradkin, Jeremy "Christian Hospitality and the Case for Religious Refuge in Interregnum England" P&P 254 (2022) pp. 51--85

Jones, Rhys "Time Warps During the French Revolution" P&P 254 (2022) pp. 87--125

Fernando, Tamara "Seeing Like the Sea: A Multispecies History of the Ceylon Pearl Fishery 1800--1925" P&P 254 (2022) pp. 127--160

Asseraf, Arthur "Mass Media and the Colonial Informant: Messaoud Djebari and the French Empire, 1880--1901" P&P 254 (2022) pp. 161--192

Riall, Lucy "Hidden Spaces of Empire: Italian Colonists in Nineteenth-Century Peru" P&P 254 (2022) pp. 193--233

Oliveira, Patrick Luiz Sullivan De "Transforming a Brazilian Aeronaut into a French Hero: Celebrity, Spectacle, and Technological Cosmopolitanism in the Turn-of-the-Century Atlantic" P&P 254 (2022) pp. 235--275

Sutcliffe-Braithwaite, Florence; Thomlinson, Natalie "Vernacular Discourses Of Gender Equality In The Post-War British Working Class" P&P 254 (2022) pp. 277--313

Sarris, Peter "Viewpoint New Approaches to the 'Plague of Justinian'" P&P 254 (2022) pp. 315--346

* "Clare Morton" P&P 255.1 (2022) pp. 3--4

* "Clare Morton" P&P 255.1 (2022) pp. 3--4

Portass, Robert "Peasants, Market Exchange and Economic Agency in North-Western Iberia, c.850--c.1050" P&P 255.1 (2022) pp. 5--37

Portass, Robert "Peasants, Market Exchange and Economic Agency in North-Western Iberia, c.850--c.1050" P&P 255.1 (2022) pp. 5--37

Yasuhira, Genji "Transforming the Urban Space: Catholic Survival Through Spatial Practices in Post-Reformation Utrecht" P&P 255.1 (2022) pp. 39--86

Yasuhira, Genji "Transforming the Urban Space: Catholic Survival Through Spatial Practices in Post-Reformation Utrecht" P&P 255.1 (2022) pp. 39--86

Riello, Giorgio "Cotton Textiles and the Industrial Revolution in a Global Context" P&P 255.1 (2022) pp. 87--139

Riello, Giorgio "Cotton Textiles and the Industrial Revolution in a Global Context" P&P 255.1 (2022) pp. 87--139

Sinha, Nitin "Domestic Servants and Master--Servant Regulations in Colonial Calcutta, 1750s--1810s" P&P 255.1 (2022) pp. 141--188

Sinha, Nitin "Domestic Servants and Master--Servant Regulations in Colonial Calcutta, 1750s--1810s" P&P 255.1 (2022) pp. 141--188

Jansen, Jan C "Aliens in a Revolutionary World: Refugees, Migration Control and Subjecthood in the British Atlantic, 1790S--1820S" P&P 255.1 (2022) pp. 189--231

Jansen, Jan C "Aliens in a Revolutionary World: Refugees, Migration Control and Subjecthood in the British Atlantic, 1790S--1820S" P&P 255.1 (2022) pp. 189--231

Gibson, Catherine; Paert, Irina "Apostasy in the Baltic Provinces: Religious and National Indifference in Imperial Russia" P&P 255.1 (2022) pp. 233--278

Gibson, Catherine; Paert, Irina "Apostasy in the Baltic Provinces: Religious and National Indifference in Imperial Russia" P&P 255.1 (2022) pp. 233--278

Wu, Albert "Superstition and Statecraft in Late Qing China: Towards a Global History" P&P 255.1 (2022) pp. 279--316

Wu, Albert "Superstition and Statecraft in Late Qing China: Towards a Global History" P&P 255.1 (2022) pp. 279--316

Wright, Stephanie "Of Maiming and Privilege: Rethinking War Disability through the Case of Francoist Spain, 1936--1989" P&P 255.1 (2022) pp. 317--350

Wright, Stephanie "Of Maiming and Privilege: Rethinking War Disability through the Case of Francoist Spain, 1936--1989" P&P 255.1 (2022) pp. 317--350

Muscolino, Micah S "'Water Has Aroused the Girls' Hearts': Gendering Water and Soil Conservation in 1950s China" P&P 255.1 (2022) pp. 351--387

Muscolino, Micah S "'Water Has Aroused the Girls' Hearts': Gendering Water and Soil Conservation in 1950s China" P&P 255.1 (2022) pp. 351--387

Carocci, Sandro "The Pervasiveness of Lordship (Italy, 1050--1500)" P&P 256.1 (2022) pp. 3--47

Oates, Rosamund "Speaking in Hands: Early Modern Preaching and Signed Languages for the Deaf" P&P 256.1 (2022) pp. 49--85

Van der Steen, Jasper "Dynastic Scenario Thinking in the Holy Roman Empire" P&P 256.1 (2022) pp. 87--128

Corens, Liesbeth "Seasonable Coexistence: Temporality, Health Care and Confessional Relations in Spa, c.1648--1740" P&P 256.1 (2022) pp. 129--164

Rivera, Jose Antonio Aguilar; Posada-Carbo, Eduardo; Zimmermann, Eduardo "Democracy in Spanish America: The Early Adoption of Universal Male Suffrage, 1810--1853" P&P 256.1 (2022) pp. 165--202

Gill, Navyug "Accumulation by Attachment: Colonial Benevolence and the Rule of Capital in Nineteenth-Century Panjab" P&P 256.1 (2022) pp. 203--238

Di-Capua, Yoav "Revolutionary Decolonization and the Formation of the Sacred: The Case of Egypt" P&P 256.1 (2022) pp. 239--281

Green, Monica H "Out of the East (or North or South): A Response to Philip Slavin" P&P 256.1 (2022) pp. 283--323

Slavin, Philip "Reply: Out of the West -- and neither East, nor North, nor South" P&P 256.1 (2022) pp. 325--360

Kronfeld, Chana "The Land as Woman: Esther Raab and the Afterlife of a Metaphorical System" Prooftexts 39.2 (2022) pp. 171-207

Herskovitz, Yaakov "Before the Beginning: Specters of Monolingualism in Opatoshu and Brenner" Prooftexts 39.2 (2022) pp. 208-233

Engel, Amir "The Affirmation of Exile in Contemporary German-Jewish Literature: A Reading of Maxim Biller, Olga Grjasnowa, and Mati Shemoelof" Prooftexts 39.2 (2022) pp. 234-256

Horowitz, Ariel "Broken Messianism, Nihilism, and Secularism in Yaakov Shabtai's Reading of Gershom Scholem" Prooftexts 39.2 (2022) pp. 257-276

Reingold, Matt "Unpacking the Past in Wordless and Braided Comics: Contemporary Mizrahi Graphic Novelists and Traumatic Historical Memories" Prooftexts 39.2 (2022) pp. 277-305

Iglesias-Crespo, Carlos "La metarretorica cognitiva aristotelica y su relacion con el tratamiento de la memoria en la Rhetorica ad Herennium" Rhetorica 40.1 (2022) pp. 1--22 <-- doi: 10.1525/rh.2022.40.1.1 -->

Kearney, Michael R. "Melanchthon's Didactic Genre and the Rhetoric of Reformation" Rhetorica 40.1 (2022) pp. 23--42 <-- doi: 10.1525/rh.2022.40.1.23 -->

Simonson, Peter "Peirce, Nietzsche, and the Modernist Reinvention of Rhetoric" Rhetorica 40.1 (2022) pp. 43--68 <-- doi: 10.1525/rh.2022.40.1.43 -->

Reames, Robin "The Apostrophic Subject" Rhetorica 40.1 (2022) pp. 69--87 <-- doi: 10.1525/rh.2022.40.1.69 -->

Murphy, Luke John; Fuller, Heidi R.; Willan, Peter L. T.; Gates, Monte A. "An Anatomy of the Blood Eagle: The Practicalities of Viking Torture" Speculum 97.1 (2022) pp. 1-39

Franklin-Lyons, Adam; Kelleher, Marie A. " Framing Mediterranean Famine: Food Crisis in Fourteenth-Century Barcelona" Speculum 97.1 (2022) pp. 40-76

Marmursztejn, Elsa "Olivi on the Hebrew Bible and the Jews: Scholastic Texts from Languedoc in the 1290s" Speculum 97.1 (2022) pp. 77-111

Moran, Padraic; Whitman, John "Glossing and Reading in Western Europe and East Asia: A Comparative Case Study" Speculum 97.1 (2022) pp. 112-139

Leach, Elizabeth Eva "The Provenance, Date, and Patron of Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Douce 308" Speculum 97.2 (2022) pp. 283-321 <-- doi: 10.1086/718760 -->

Moore, Andrew; Bednarski, Steven "Draining the Swamp: National and Local Regulation of Drainage in a 1396 English Sewer Commission Report" Speculum 97.2 (2022) pp. 322-348 <-- doi: 10.1086/718759 -->

Hayden, Deborah "Old English in the Irish Charms" Speculum 97.2 (2022) pp. 349-376 <-- doi: 10.1086/718761 -->

Buck, Andrew D. "Remembering Outremer in the West: The Secunda pars historiae Iherosolimitane and the Crisis of Crusading in Mid-twelfth-century France" Speculum 97.2 (2022) pp. 377-414 <-- doi: 10.1086/718762 -->

Drimmer, Sonja "Connoisseurship, Art History, and the Paleographical Impasse in Middle English Studies" Speculum 97.2 (2022) pp. 415-468 <-- doi: 10.1086/718763 -->

Yisraeli, Yosi; Israeli, Yanay "Defining 'Conversos' in Fifteenth-Century Castile: The Making of a Controversial Category" Speculum 97.3 (2022) pp. 609-648

Patton, Pamela A. "What Did Medieval Slavery Look Like? Color, Race, and Unfreedom in Later Medieval Iberia" Speculum 97.3 (2022) pp. 649-697

Torrens-Alvarez, Maria Jesus; Tuten, Donald N. "From 'Latin' to the Vernacular: Latin-Romance Hybridity, Scribal Competence, and Social Transformation in Medieval Castile" Speculum 97.3 (2022) pp. 698-736

Jones, Linda G. "Representations of Hegemonic Masculinities in Medieval Leonese-Castilian and Almohad Chronicles" Speculum 97.3 (2022) pp. 737-774

Billings, Joshua; Garrison, Irene Peirano "Introduction: Classics after COVID" TAPhA 152.1 (2022) pp. 1-6 <-- doi: 10.1353/apa.2022.0004 -->

Sulprizio, Chiara; Rader, Ric "Classics and the Precariat" TAPhA 152.1 (2022) pp. 7-14 <-- doi: 10.1353/apa.2022.0003 -->

Connolly, Joy "Let's Open Our Eyes and Leap" TAPhA 152.1 (2022) pp. 15-23 <-- doi: 10.1353/apa.2022.0000 -->

Umachandran, Mathura "Disciplinecraft: Towards an Anti-racist Classics" TAPhA 152.1 (2022) pp. 25-31 <-- doi: 10.1353/apa.2022.0001 -->

Bartsch, Shadi "Global Classics" TAPhA 152.1 (2022) pp. 33-42 <-- doi: 10.1353/apa.2022.0002 -->

Christensen, Joel P. "Digital Classics" TAPhA 152.1 (2022) pp. 43-54 <-- doi: 10.1353/apa.2022.0005 -->

Nelson, Thomas J. "Iphigenia in the Iliad and the Architecture of Homeric Allusion" TAPhA 152.1 (2022) pp. 55-101 <-- doi: 10.1353/apa.2022.0007 -->

Tennant, John R. "'If the Wolf Sees You First, You Lose Your Voice': Proverbs and the Agon over Definitions of Justice in Book 1 of Plato's Republic" TAPhA 152.1 (2022) pp. 103-136 <-- doi: 10.1353/apa.2022.0008 -->

Kurpios, Marcin "Free Will, Moral Character, and Ethical Action: The Meaning of proairesis in Polybius" TAPhA 152.1 (2022) pp. 137-182 <-- doi: 10.1353/apa.2022.0009 -->

Culik-Baird, Hannah "The Portrait of the Actor in Cicero's Pro Roscio comoedo" TAPhA 152.1 (2022) pp. 183-209

Friel, Rev. David M. STL "Chrysostom's Homily on the Word Koimeterion and on the Cross: A Translation and Commentary" VChr 76.1 (2022) pp. 1--36

Freeman, Michelle "Antithesis and Paradox in the Epistle to Diognetus" VChr 76.1 (2022) pp. 37--59

Soon, Isaac T. "Satan and Circumcision: The Devil as the aggelos poneros in Barn 9:4" VChr 76.1 (2022) pp. 60--72

Litwa, M. David "The So-Called Stratiotics and Phibionites. Three Notes on the "Gnostics" of Epiphanius, Panarion 26" VChr 76.1 (2022) pp. 73--93

Moore, Nicholas J. "Preserving Scriptural Harmony. Origen on Jude 3 and sumphonia in the Commentary on John" VChr 76.1 (2022) pp. 94--106

Nawar, Tamer "The Roots of Occasionalism? Causation, Metaphysical Dependence, and Soul-Body Relations in Augustine" Vivarium 60.1 (2022) pp. 1--27

Roudaut, Sylvain "Dietrich of Freiberg's Theory of Perfectional Forms" Vivarium 60.1 (2022) pp. 28--62

Amerini, Fabrizio "Ockham and Chatton on Intellective Intuition" Vivarium 60.1 (2022) pp. 63--92

Mantovani, Mattia "Il De luce di Bartolomeo da Bologna. Studio e edizione, by Francesca Galli" Vivarium 60.1 (2022) pp. 93--104

Lambertini, Roberto "The Political Animal in Medieval Philosophy. A Philosophical Study of the Commentary Tradition c. 1260--c. 1410, by Juhana Toivanen" Vivarium 60.1 (2022) pp. 105--112