[||] ╔══════════╗ ( ) ║ AMPHORAS ║ Project \/ ╚══════════╝
The translations offered here are part of a working collection of translations used by the AMPHORAS Project over a number of years. Many are partial -- only the passages of particular interest for the dating and classification of Greek amphoras are given. Most have erred on the side of literalness at the expense of style. In some, where a "social science" style of reference has been used, links to the Bibliography have been added to identify works cited, rather than reproducing the References list in the original. Some do not include illustrations, and are best used with the original publication. |
We are grateful to S.Iu. Monakhov and I.V. Kats for permission to present our translations of works originally published by them, and to Saratov University Press for permission to include translations of articles which have appeared in the journal Antichnyi mir and arkheologiia, or in the collection Grecheskie amphory (Saratov 1992). These translations are not to be used in any kind of publication without the permission of the copyright holder and of the translator(s). |
Brashinskii, I.B. | Greek Ceramic Import on the Lower Don in V--III Centuries BC [Grecheskii keramicheskii import na Nizhnem Donu v V-III vv. do n.e.] (AN SSSR Leningrad 1980). |
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Monakhov, S.Iu.; Rogov, E.Ia. |
"Amphoras of the Panskoe I Necropolis [Amfory nekropolia Panskoe I]" Antichnye Mir i Arkheologiia 7 (1990) 128--153. |
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V.I. Tsekhmistrenko | "On the Question of the Periodization of Sinopean Ceramic Stamps [K voprosu o periodizatsii sinopskikh keramicheskikh kleim]" SA 1958.1, (1958) 56--70 |
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N.V. Efremov | "On the History of Trade Relations of Knidos with the North Black Sea Area (According to the Materials of Ceramic Stamps) [K istorii torgovykh sviazei Knida s severnym Prichernomor'em (Po materialam keramicheskikh kleim] Greek Amphoras [Grecheskie amfory] (Saratov University Press, 1992 Saratov) 254-265 |
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C.G. Koehler | "A Brief Typology and Chronology of Corinthian Transport Amphoras [Obshchaia tipologiia i khronologia korinfskikh transportnykh amfor] Greek Amphoras [Grecheskie amfory] (Saratov University Press, 1992 Saratov) 265-279 |
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V.I. Kats | "Typology and Chronological Classification of Khersonesan Magistrate Stamps [Tipologiia i khronologicheskaia klassifikatsiia Khersonesskikh magistratskikh kleim]" VDI 1985.1 87--113. |
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S.Iu. Monakhov | "Towards a typology of Knidian amphoras of 4th-2nd c BC [K tipologii knidskikh amfor IV-II vv. do n.e.]" The Bosporan phenomenon: Greek culture on the periphery of the ancient world [Bosporskii fenomenon: grecheskaia kul'tura na periferii antichnogo mira]. (St Petersburg, 1999) pp 161-172. [Also in PDF for downloading and printing.] |